HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Agenda - 10-6-2021CONMUSSIONERW FACEBOOKPAGE. II I IN I of as 1-MI. a, JA, kt• y rI Do DMA DION WIN 1: ON 111114NIF410Z AGENDA THURSDAY. OCTOBER 7.2021 1. Openine of Meeting a. Prayer Commissioner Diana Irey Vaughan b. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Approval of Meetine Minutes Special Order of Business Proclamation — Domestic Violence Awareness Month (RECESS FOR PHOTOS) 3. Public Comments 4. The Board of Commissioners' Response 5. Old Business Bid Award a. Correctional Facility Needs Assessment b. Joint Municipal Purchasing Program c. Psychologists Omar Brooks PA VetPets Minute No. 1136, September 16, 2021 Alexandra Brooks Domestic Violence Services of SWPA Bid Contract Purchases a. Correctional Facility Roof 6. New Business a. Division Order Amendment — Planning b. Contract — Planning c. Grant Application — Finance d. Policy Revision — Human Resources e. Addendums — Behavioral Health & Developmental Services f. Letter of Agreement Addendum — Behavioral Health & Developmental Services g. Agreements — Children & Youth Services h. Authorization to Advertise — Purchasing i. Agreement — Purchasing j. Agreement — Purchasing k. Agreement — Purchasing I. Agreement— Purchasing m. State Contract — Purchasing 7. Announcements An Executive Session was held at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, October 6, 2021, following the Agenda meeting to discuss personnel and litigation. The regularly scheduled Salary Board meeting will be immediately following today's meeting. All county offices will be closed on Monday, October 11, 2021, in observance of Columbus Day. 8. Solicitor Tax Refunds in the amount of $10,893.77. 9. Adiournment Minute No. 1136 September 16, 2021 The Washington County Commissioners met in regular session in the Public Meeting Room, Courthouse Square, Washington, Pa., with the following members being present: Commissioners Diana Irey Vaughan, Larry Maggi, and Nick Sherman. Also present are Rep. Bud Cook; Solicitor Jana Grimm; Chief of Staff John Haynes; Controller Mike Namie; Finance Director Josh Hatfield; Human Resources representative Carrie Taylor; Building and Grounds Director Justin Welsh; Recorder of Deeds Debbie Bardella; Commissioner Secretaries Marie Trossman and Pat Geho; Director of Elections Melanie Ostrander; Director of Behavior Health and Developmental Services Jennifer Scott, Mary Jo Hatfield and Sara Sichi; Veterans Affairs Department Angie Mattes; Veterans Affairs employees Leigh Mawhinney and Patti Ashcom; Prothonotary Laura Hough and Tina Whited; Sheriff representatives Anthony Interval, Jason Luci, Brandy Paskow and Jason Luci; Adult Probation representative Patty Pryor; Planning representative Gracie Abel; Minister Tom Ravasio; Treasurer Tom Flickinger; Clerk of Courts Brenda Davis; Southwestern Western PA AAA Matt Uram and Kathy Costantino; Observer -Reporter representative Mike Jones; AuditVotePA representative Marlena Ewing; citizens Jim Piper, Gary Lenik, Cathy Avolio, Margaret L. Wheat, Deborah Coury, L. Molinaro, Denise Stasko, Annette Leach, Alicia Kesneck; Nathan Kesneck, Mary Gordon; Anne Charles; Ashley Duff; Victoria Duff; Bridget Loutzenhiser; Helene Brand; Thomas Scheider; Bill Nutt; John Lunt; Pete Vidonish; Rose Bigley; Patricia Luksik, Bill Luksik, Christina Proctor, John Gallick, Kerry Gallick, Tammy Post, Tracey Hapchuk, Heather Hudock, Melissa Karwowski, Natalie Karwowski, Fern Sibert, Joe Gasbag, Melinda Smith, Bracken Burns, Sam Yareck, Willard Rockwell, Michael Jacob, Kevin Songer and Allegheny County resident Willard Rockwell. Mrs. Vaughan called the meeting to order at approximately 2 p.m., and announced this meeting is video and audio live streamed via Facebook. The Rev. Benjamin Libert led the meeting with a prayer. Director of Veterans Affairs Angie Mattes led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mrs. Vaughan entertained a motion approving Minute No. 1135 dated August 19, 2021. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving Minute No. 1135, as written. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS Mr. Maggi read a proclamation for Employ the Older Workers Week. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mr. Sherman, approving the proclamation. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Job Developer for SW PA Area Agency on Aging Matt Uram, and he thanked the Commissioners for this recognition. Also, after 30 years of service, with him is Kathy Costantino. Mr. Uram stated that senior citizens were all present and accounted for stepping up to the plate and helping out. He stated they were not at home waiting for a check. He stated they are working and they are adding to the economy to Washington County. Mr. Uram stated they are making a decent income from the Title V program, and they spend it here in Washington County. Mr. Sherman read a proclamation for Suicide Awareness and Prevention Month. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the proclamation. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Director of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services Jennifer Scott, and Mary Jo Hatfield, are both in attendance. Ms. Scott thanked the Commissioners for this recognition. She stated they have started working with aging, veterans, and not just with mental health services. She also said let us work with the community to better the mental services. Ms. Scott also stated they have recently joined a suicide task force. Mary Jo Hatfield stated the key and the link is between suicide prevention and mental health awareness. Ms. Hatfield stated the people they serve in their system, the rates of suicide are very low. She also stated the rates of suicide are still due to a lack of awareness. PUBLIC COMMENT Rep. Bud Cook of the 49`' District spoke about district activities, assets, and attractions. He stated there are nine school districts and a trout stream runs through. Rep. Cook suggested to go to budcook.com support Come Home ... Go Big, or www.RepBudCook.com. The following spoke in favor of an audit and election integrity: Cathy Avolio, Mary Gordon, Anne Charles, Ashley Duff, Deb Courie, Bridget Loutzenhiser, Helene Brand, John Lunt, Heather Hudock, Melinda Smith, Ann Thomas, and Kerry Gallick. Prothonotary Laura Hough stated, after reviewing the minutes, her office was not consulted in what software to purchase, and she also asked that the Commissioners amend Minute No. 1136, dated August 16, 2021, to reflect the comments that were made in this meeting. She also stated that there are several irregularities. Ms. Hough suggested to open a few machines. She wants her vote to count and supports a full audit. Ms. Hough is in favor of paper ballots. She stated there is no election confidence anymore. RESPONSE FROM THE CHAIR OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Mary Gordon and Ann Thomas were both questioning the software for the courts system. There have been allocations that the courts were not consulted. Commissioner Irey Vaughn read the following email that was received from the Register of Wills/Clerk of Orphans Court James Roman, dated April 4, 2021, and addressed to President Judge DiSalle and Judge Lucas: Judge DiSalle dam' Judge Lucas `2 would like to apologise for the lack ofprogre s inyesterday's meeting. Honestly, I was embarrassedfor Laura and the lack of consensus building. This meeting felt like it wasted everyone's time. I greatly appreciate the opportunity to discuss my needs and desire to have Landex for my ofce. I am in complete agreement with everyone that Thomas Reuters is the choice and a united front needs to be presented to the Commissioners. We have a unique opportunity with the additional Coronavirus funds coming to the County and this should be spent wisely. As such, I will attempt to work with Laura over the next week or two and attempt to get her to unite with everyone else so we can quickly move this forward Now is the time to get this done. Thank you for being respectful and offering this platform of unity! Thanks, Jim James Roman Register of Dills/Clerk of Orphans Court Mrs. Vaughan announced there were meetings and consultations with the row offices and I wanted to set the record straight with some of their concerns. She replied that Ms. Loutzenhiser had a number of figures that were on the back of the audit report she gave out. Also, Mrs. Vaughan stated they have no control over the citizenship. She suggested, in response to the 9,000 voters being removed from the voter rolls and citizenship, to contact Rep. Guy Reschenthaler's office or state Sen Camera Bartolotta's office, this is not at the County level. Mrs. Vaughan remarked regarding the decertification of the voting machines and the same as with Doug Mastriano being removed from the board he was on, and we have no control over this and is at the State level. She remarked Rep. Cook was here and maybe he can help. The administrative reviews are ongoing and have been ongoing for quite some time. Observer - Reporter journalist Mike Jones had an article in the paper stating the intent to do administrative reviews of everything going at the County and agents of the county. An agent of the county is defined as an entity that is providing a service that has been funded with taxpayer dollars. Melinda Smith is concerned about election assistance and was asked by Mrs. Vaughan to provide this information to us, this was the first Mrs. Vaughan has heard of this. Mrs. Vaughan had asked Melanie Ostrander to review all the concerns that were presented to us, including the report that was submitted by Ashley Duff. Mrs. Vaughan stated everyone is entitled to a response. Ms. Ostrander presented a 32-page Power Point presentation in response to Ms. Duff's integrity report, dated July 2021, debunking Ms. Duff's claims. Please see attached report. OLD BUSINESS BID AWARDS Solicitor Grimm recommended the Board, on behalf of Purchasing and Voter Registration/Elections, award the request for proposal contract to SOE Software/dba Scytl US, Tampa, Fla. for the purpose of providing election night reporting at the listed costs: • Section I — Reporting System - $4,957 • Section II — Yearly Maintenance/Licensing Fee - $7,690 This contract will be for one year with automatic yearly renewals unless terminated by either party with a 30-day written notice. Initial charges and yearly fees will be paid by Elections operating budget. Moved by Mr. Sherman, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the request for proposal contract with SOE Software/dba Scvtl US. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. BID CONTRACT PURCHASES Solicitor Grimm recommended the Board, on behalf of Purchasing and Building and Grounds, to authorize McVehil Plumbing, Heating & Supply Co., Inc., Washington Pa, our contract of record, to perform work installing new water and drain lines on the sixth floor of the Crossroads Building. The total cost is estimated at $24,841.54, including labor, equipment and material. Act 13 has been recommended. Moved by Mr. Sherman, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving McVehil Plumbing, Heating & Supply Co., Inc., to install new water and drain lines on the sixth floor of the Crossroads Building. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. CHANGE ORDERS Solicitor Grimm recommended the Board, on behalf of Purchasing and Building and Grounds, approve the following change order with Bryn Enterprises, LLC, Pittsburgh, Pa. This change order will increase the amount of their current contract from $396,358 to $403,941.06. • Change Order #2 - add in the amount of $7,583.06 to provide wood blocking, polyisocyanurate insulation and wood deck per unit costs and quantities. Moved by Mr. Sherman, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the change order with Bryn Enterprises, LLC. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor Grimm recommended the Board, on behalf of Purchasing and Building and Grounds, approve the following change order, #4, with Allegheny Restoration Inc., Pittsburgh, PA at a total cost of $82,250.00. This Change Order will increase the amount of their current contract to $1,648,250.00. Note: Allegheny Restoration Inc. shall provide all Labor, Material and Equipment to complete the following scope of work: Stone Repair 1. Patching of all damaged and deteriorating decorative stone. 2. Patching of all damaged and deteriorating columns 3. Patching of all damaged and deteriorated flat stone Total Cost: $75,000.00 Spot Caulking 1. Remove all split or deteriorating caulking from window perimeter. 2. Install new backer rod and caulking (Sika 15LM) tooled a neat and uniform finish. Color to match existing caulking. Total Cost: $7,250.00 (500 LF @$14.50) Moved by Mr. Sherman, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the change order with Allegheny Restoration. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, of an ordinance of the County of Washington, Pennsylvania, by the Board of Commissioners of Washington County, Pennsylvania, as such, may abandon or vacate county bridges including other bridges that may from time -to -time, need to be abandoned or vacated, as per Section 2634 of the County Code. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the ordinance to abandon or vacate county bridges. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of the Planning Commission, of an amended division order with Range Resources for the Galaran B Unit in Jefferson Township as associated with the Panhandle Trail. The amendment revises the unit acreage from 640 acres to 633.0625 acres and maintains the decimal interest of 0.00074689. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the amended division order with Range Resources for the Galaran B Unit. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of the Planning Commission, of a second amendment to the right-of-way agreement with Mark West for an additional pipeline under the Panhandle Trail within the same footprint of the original right-of-way. The terms of construction and trail protection remain the same. Mark West will pay Washington County $8,000 for this additional pipeline. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the amendment to the right-of-way agreement with Mark West. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Finance and Juvenile Probation, of a renewal grant agreement and plan with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Juvenile Court Judges' Commission for the Juvenile Probation Services grant. The agreement and plan are in the amount of"$250,889 and will be for the period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the renewal grant agreement and plan with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Juvenile Court Judges' Commission for the Juvenile Probation Services grant. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Finance of a engagement letter with the County's independent auditing firm Maher Duessel for the provision of supplemental auditing services on an as -needed basis. The engagement covers years ending December 31, 2020 through December 31, 2023 at the hourly rates listed in the engagement letter. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the engagement letter with Maher Duessel for supplemental auditing services. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Finance to adopt a resolution relating to Section 147(o of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, approving the issuance by the Hospital Authority of the City of DuBois of hospital revenue notes in the aggregate of $50,000,000. The proceeds will be used to refinance all or a portion of certain interim debt of Penn Highlands undertaken to pay all or a portion of the costs of acquiring Mon Valley Hospital, including the refunding of prior obligations of Mon Valley Hospital, the costs of terminating one or more interest rate swaps entered into connection with one or more of prior obligations of Mon Valley Hospital, capital improvement projects, funding any necessary reserves for the issue, the costs of credit enhancements, as necessary or desirable and, the cost of the issuance. The issuance of these bonds by the Hospital Authority of the City of DuBois does not pledge the faith and credit or taxing power of the County of Washington and the documents have been reviewed by the county solicitor. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the resolution. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Finance and Adult Probation, of a personal services agreement with Michelle Africa for the provision of court reporting network evaluation services. The contract is in the amount of $30 per evaluation and will be for the period of September 16, 2021 until terminated by either party with a 30-day notice. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the personal services agreement with Michelle Africa. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Finance and the Redevelopment Authority of County of Washington as agent for Washington County Airport, of a grant offer from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Bureau of Aviation for construction of the Northside access road and infrastructure project. The grant is in the amount of $1,500,000 and requires a $500,000 local match which will be funded by Act 13 funds. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving a grant offer from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Bureau of Aviation for construction of the Northside access road and infrastructure project. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Finance, of the advertising of Requests for Proposals for general banking services. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the authorization to advertise. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Human Resources, of a Donated Sick Time Policy for Teamster Local 249 — PD & DA (Public Defenders and District Attorneys) that will allow employees to voluntarily donate accrued sick time to employees within the PD & DA bargaining unit who meet certain criteria. This policy mirrors the Donated Sick Time Policies for SEIU contracts. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving Donated Sick Time Policy for Teamster Local 249. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, of the following provider agreements for the period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. No additional county funds are required. PROVIDER AMOUNT AMI, Inc. 452,000 Allegheny HealthChoices, Inc. 5,000 Blueprints 168,000 The CARE Center, Inc. dba SPHS CARE Center 1,348,000 Medical Decision Logic, Inc. (mdlogix) 3,500 SPHS Southwest Behavioral Care, Inc. 480,588 Transitional Employment Consultants $161,643 TOTAL $2.618.731 Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the provider agreements listed. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, of the following provider agreement addendums for the period July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. No additional county funds are required. ORIGINAL ADJUSTED PROVIDER AMOUNT AMOUNT accessAbilities, Inc. JG Early Intervention Services, Inc. Specialized Therapy and Related Services Therapeutic Early Intervention Service Provider TOTAL $168,996 $190,690 185,427 188,639 4,111 6,635 67,465 82,183 425,999 468,147 Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the above provider agreement addendums. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Human Services, to enter into agreements with the following providers to provide HSDF services for the period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. No additional county funds are required. PROVIDER AMOUNT Catholic Charities 25,000 Washington County Transportation Authority 29,800 TOTAL $63.800 Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the provider agreements listed. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Children and Youth Services, of a provider agreement addendum with Harborcreek Youth Services for the period of July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. The contract authorization amount willincrease by $40,000 and no additional county funds are required. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the provider agreement addendum with Harborcreek Youth Services. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Children and Youth Services, of the following provider agreements for the period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. No additional county funds are required. PROVIDER AMOUNT Erie County 50,000 Pressley Ridge — Family Behavior Therapy 221,000 Pressley Ridge - Homebuilders 450,000 SPHS, Connect, Inc. 120,000 TOTAL $841,000 Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the provider agreements listed. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Human Services, of a purchase of service agreement with Aunt Bertha for the provision of their Enterprise Platform that provides a comprehensive network of community resources and a referral and tracking system for the period of September 17, 2021 through September 16, 2022. The contract authorization amount is $50,000 and no additional county funds are required. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the purchase of service agreement with Aunt Bertha. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing and Elections/Voter Registration, of payment to Election Systems & Software, Chicago, IL for the 2021 Primary Election Support in the amount of $53,550. Costs will be paid from their operating budget. Note: Election Systems & Software will provide support services for the November 2021 election. It includes logic and accuracy testing for the voting machines and electronic poll books and site support for Election Day. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving payment to Election Systems & Software. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing, of authorization to advertise for bids for repair or replacement of flooring for all County facilities on a time and material basis. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving authorization to bid for flooring. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing, Of a Surplus Auction for the purpose of advertising and selling the listed items to the highest bidder. • Cars 2008 Dodge Ram, stripped spark plugs holes 2009 Crown Vic, engine blown 2009 Crown Vic, Body Holes, will not pass inspection 2005 Ford Explorer, Drug Task Force seize from 2008 • From the Crossroad purchase In total over 200 cubicle sections 4 fire safes from Crossroad Building, no keys one is locked About 75 light fixtures (large, about 5 feet in diameter) Doors and Doorframes, approximately 30 or so in total • Tractors/tractor parts (Parks) Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the surplus auction. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing and the Redevelopment Authority, to accept the offer made by RSB Investments, Inc. dba Skyward Aviation for the purchase of Airport Hangar #24 in the amount of $111,500. This sale will be contingent on the approval of a Land/Commercial lease agreement. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the offer from RSB Investments, Inc. dba Skyward Aviation for the purchase of Airport Hangar #24. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing and the Coroner, of an agreement with Dr. Todd Luckasevic, Bridgeville, Pa. for forensic pathologist services. This agreement will be effective through August 31, 2024, with an option to extend for two three-year periods unless otherwise terminated pursuant to the terms of this agreement at the following rates and all services will be charged to the Coroner's budget. • $1,150 for each autopsy and protocol • 1,500 for each court appearance • Mileage at stated IRS rate Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the agreement with Dr. Todd Luckasevic. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing and Human Resources, of an addendum to our agreement with The Archer Company, LLC, Dublin, Ohio to conduct additional salary study services for Washington County at a total cost of $5,000. Costs will be paid from their operating budget. Moved by Mr. Sherman, seconded by Mr. Magg4approving the addendum with The Archer Company, LLC. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing and Information Technology, of an agreement with Status Solutions to transition from our SMARRT Plan to the Innovation Program with unlimited software applications on the listed solutions, including cellular enabled panic buttons. This agreement will be effective September 16, 2021 for a 12-month period at a total project cost of $18,000 (panic buttons at an additional fee) and will be paid from their operating budget. Note: The site license approach includes what we are using currently, the traditional support plan, plus a site license to all of Status Solutions software. The mass notification module in particular is something that could be leveraged immediately. Moved by Mr. Sherman, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the agreement with Status Solutions. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing, of an addendum to our professional services request for proposal for radio communications consulting and engineering services with Mission Critical Partners, Wexford, Pa. This addendum is for the purpose of providing a facility programming study to identify the space and technology requirements for a Primary Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) Center. The total cost is $22,500 and will be paid from the American Rescue Plan Act Fund Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the addendum with Mission Critical Partners. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing and Court Administration, to enter into a 24-month agreement with Comcast for the following MDJ offices to replace their Verizon DSL with a Comcast Business Internet (Static IP). The static IP would be more stable than the DSL for the existing polycom system. The monthly cost for the Comcast service will be $118.39 plus a $99.95 installation charge. This agreement will continue year-to-year unless cancelled by providing a 30-day written notice. • MDJ Redlinger (27-1-01), Washington PA • MDJ Saieva (27-2-01), Canonsburg PA • MDJ Wilson (27-1-02), Monongahela PA Note: IT will work with Comcast to schedule installation. After installation, we will request the termination of the Verizon circuit. To avoid an outage we will have a one -month overlap in service. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the agreement with Comcast. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing and the District Attorney, to enter into a monthly subscription with Thomson Reuters, Minnesota for the purposes of providing an on-line investigative tool to assist in locating suspects/victim's addresses, telephone numbers, along with relatives of household members. Also to assist in locating vehicles or potential vehicles involved in criminal activity. The monthly subscription will cost $180 and will be paid by their operating budget. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the monthly subscription with Thomson Reuters. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing and the District Attorney, respectfully requests the Commissioners enter into a 24-month agreement with Comcast for internet services (Static IP) for three cameras located at three different intersections. The monthly cost for the Comcast service will be $138.39 plus a $69.95 installation charge. The three agreements will replace existing agreements that have been utilized for crime investigations. This agreement shall continue year-to-year unless cancelled by providing a 30-day written notice. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the agreement with Comcast. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing and Human Resources, of an amendment to our current agreement with Walsh, Barnes & Zumpella to include travel charges based on the current hourly rates as noted in original agreement. Current rates - $155.00/hour for work performed by Attorney Robert J. Grimm or other partner attorney, $140.00/hour by an associate attorney, and $90.00/hour for paralegal work related to consultation services. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the amendment with Walsh, Barnes & Zumpella to include travel charges. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing, of a General Release agreement with Frick Financial Federal Credit Union based upon the General Release Conditions. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the agreement with Frick Financial Federal Credit Union. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing, of an ATM space lease agreement with Frick Financial Federal Credit Union for the sole purpose of operating an automated teller machine (ATM). This agreement shall continue for three years from September 16, 2021 at a rate of $250 per month. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the lease agreement with Frick Financial Federal Credit Union. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. ANNOUNCEMENTS An Executive Session was held at 10 a.m. Wednesday, September 15, 2021, following the agenda meeting to discuss personnel and litigation. The regularly scheduled Salary Board and Retirement Board meetings will be immediately following today's meeting. SOLICITOR Solicitor Grimm presented to the Board for their consideration and approval of a tax refund in the amount of $82,716.77. WASHINGTON HOSPITAL 155 WILSON AVENUE WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2018 District SOUTH STRABANE Parcel 600-001-00-00-0033-00 Amount $20,843.85 WASHINGTON HOSPITAL 155 WILSON AVENUE WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2020 District SOUTH STRABANE Parcel 600-001-00-00-0033-00 Amount $20,843.84 DERRICO JEFFREY P. & CYNTHIA A. 429 WOODLAND ROAD CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District CANONSBURG 2ND W Parcel 100-012-00-00-0013-01 Amount $302.2 DEL VECCHIO MARCELLO & EVA 222 FRANCES LANE MCDONALD, PA 15057 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-006-21-00-0022-00 Amount $58.23 SOUTHPOINTE TOWN CENTER LP 375 SOUTHPOINTE BLVD. STE. 410 CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-015-00-00-0011-39 Amount $1,829.63 WASHINGTON HOSPITAL 155 WILSON AVENUE WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2019 District SOUTH STRABANE Parcel 600-001-00-00-0033-00 Amount $20,843.84 NEWMAN CHAD J. & JACQUELINE E. 968 WEIRICH AVENUE WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2020 District WASHINGTON 1ST W Parcel 710-004-00-00-0002-01 Amount $107.17 MILLER JEFF A. SR. & ROBIN M. 3194 JEFFERSON AVENUE WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District CANTON Parcel 120-004-00-00-0016-10 Amount $318.57 FLEEHER JOHN J. & ROSEMAIRE 733 MISSION HILL DRIVE CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-003-09-99-0010-01 Amount $9.05 SOUTHPOINTE TOWN CENTER LP 375 SOUTHPOINTE BLVD. STE. 410 CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-015-00-00-0011-40 Amount $1,897.49 BROWNLEE BAUM E. & KIMBERLY W. 50 PINE ROAD CLAYSVILLE, PA 15323 Tax Year: 2020 District EAST FINLEY Parcel 270-013-00-00-0003-00 Amount $8.75 R A. BENTLEYVILLE LLC LRF SLATER CO. 600 SOUTH LIVINGSTON AVE. LIVINGSTON, NJ 07039 Tax Year: 2021 District BENTLEYVILLE Parcel 040-031-00-00-0004-03 Amount $660.86 ASMO PITTSBURGH SOUTHPOINTE LP C/O 300 HORIZON VUE DRIVE CANONSBURG, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-015-00-00-0011-20 Amount $3,122.50 AIRHART ZACHARY W. & MELANIE 416 DOGWOOD LANE MCDONALD, PA 15057 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-006-23-00-0033-00 Amount $41.62 OLIVERIO CATHERINE MARGARET & GARRY 159 BLACK OAK LANE MCDONALD, PA 15057 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-006-21-00-0007-03 Amount $42.85 SCOTT JULIA & ELI J. DANIEL G KAMIN CHARLEROI LLC KARELLI JASON A. 413 DOGWOOD LANE P.O. BOX 10234 802 SECOND STREET MCDONALD, PA 15057 PITTSBURGH, PA 15232 CHARLEROI, PA 15022 Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL District CHARLEROI District CHARLEROI Parcel 140-006-23-00-0042-00 Parcel 160-019-00-01-0014-00 Parcel 160-027-00-03-0018-00 Amount $14.37 Amount $48.58 Amount $36.2 WISE CARL & KIMBERLY CULLEY ROBERT J. & BARBARA E. GARNER BRANDY P. & 1307 N.W. 3RD STREET 45 EALY ROAD DANIEL J. JASPER, FL 32052 W. ALEXANDER, PA 15376 14 SHEPERD ROAD Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 W. ALEXANDER, PA 15376 District CHARLEROI District DONEGAL Tax Year: 2021 Parcel 160-017-00-02-0018-00 Parcel 230-014-01-00-0019-00 District DONEGAL Amount $106.93 Amount $25.45 Parcel 230-006-00-00-0015-07 Amount $6.43 HOFFMAN RICHARD W. JR. & WHEAT ROBERT C. JR. & LILLEY JOHN W. & KAREN S. PATRICIA J. MARGARET L. 76 POGUE ROAD 1777 BEHAM RIDGE ROAD 44 HIGHLAND AVENUE W. ALEXANDER, PA 15376 CLAYSVILLE, PA 15323 W. ALEXANDER, PA 15376 Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 District DONEGAL District DONEGAL District DONEGAL Parcel 230-015-00-00-0004-02 Parcel 230-002-00-00-0022-00 Parcel 230-007-00-00-0054-00 Amount $2.38 Amount $205.75 Amount $1.46 BROWNLEE BAUM E. & COOPER GORDON L. MASON LARRY M. & PATRICIA L KIMBERLY W. 607 OLD 71 227 GALBREATH ROAD 50 PINE ROAD CHARLEROI, PA 15022 MONONGAHELA, PA 15063 CLAYSVILLE, PA 15323 Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 District FALLOWFIELD District FALLOWFIELD District EAST FINLEY Parcel 320-008-06-01-0002-00 Parcel 320-006-03-02-0019-00 Parcel 270-013-00-00-0003-00 Amount $4.37 Amount $184.32 Amount $8.02 PRESUTTI ANTHONY & FIVE THOUSAND THREE ASMO PGH MEADOWLANDS LP KATHERINE HUNDRED FIFTY 475 JOHNSON ROAD 570 BARTLEYVILLE ROAD C/O BRUCE LIVINGOOD WASHINGTON, PA 15301 BURGETTSTOWN, PA 15021 5355 PROSPERITY PARK Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 PROSPERITY, PA 15329 District NORTH STRABANE District HANOVER Tax Year: 2021 Parcel 520-011-05-00-0067-00 Parcel 340-004-00-00-0012-03 District MORRIS Amount $2,500.47 Amount $380.54 Parcel 450-010-00-00-0005-02 Amount $1,907.99 STREET AT MEADOWS LP COLELLA BECKY D. OPFERMANN ROBERT & 375 SOUTHPOINTE BLVD STE 410 186 HAMTOM ROAD ROBERTA CANONSBURG, PA 15317 EIGHTY FOUR, PA 15330 9448 RUBY FALLS COURT Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 WEEKI WACHEE, FL 34613 District NORTH STRABANE District NOTTINGHAM Tax Year: 2021 Parcel 520-010-00-00-0019-02 Parcel 530-008-00-00-0003-01 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Amount $1,905.18 Amount $279.11 Parcel 540-005-00-00-0025-03 Amount $32.56 FAIR RICHARD MCMASTERS MARLENE & FLOWERS HAROLD ST INTERESTS LLC 101 ORCHARD STREET MARLENE 2133 HARBOR HEIGHTS ROAD MCDONALD, PA 15057 285 JOLLY SCHOOL ROAD SAN DIEGO, CA 92109 Tax Year: 2021 WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District ROBINSON Tax Year: 2021 District SOUTH STRABANE Parcel 550-020-05-03-0019-00 District SOUTH FRANKLIN Parcel 600-003-00-00-0028-00 Amount $85.73 Parcel 590-013-01-06-0002-00 Amount $2,921.50 Amount $5.71 MUR ROSE LLC CANESTRALE ENVIRONMENTAL HANCHER JENNIFER M. & 25 CARSON STREET CONTROL COMPANY KEVIN G. BELLE VERNON, PA 15012 P.O. BOX 234 20 MOORE ROAD Tax Year: 2021 BELLE VERNON, PA 15012 WEST ALEXANDER, PA 15376 District STOCKDALE Tax Year: 2021 Tax Year: 2021 Parcel 620-002-00-02-0013-00 District UNION District WEST FINLEY Amount $96.97 Parcel 640-014-00-00-0023-03 Parcel 680-004-00-00-0001-02 Amount $420.33 Amount $65.61 RITSKO EDWARD J. & LINDA L. 80 BURNSVILLE RIDGE ROAD WEST FINLEY, PA 15377 Tax Year: 2021 District WEST FINLEY Parcel 680-018-00-00-0020-01 Amount $2.86 KISTLER EMMA L. & JAMES H. JR. 180 S. CALIFORNIA DRIVE COAL, CENTER, PA 15423 Tax Year: 2021 District WEST PIKE RUN Parcel 700-004-00-00-0030-03 Amount $5.96 MYTY LLC 87 PARK TERRACE WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District WASHINGTON 8TH W Parcel 780-015-00-02-0004-00 Amount $424.37 NEWMAN CHAD J. & JACQUELINE E. 968 WEIRICH AVENUE WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District WASHINGTON 1ST W Parcel 710-004-00-00-0002-01 Amount $107.17 Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the above tax refund. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further business, Chairman Vaughan declared the meeting adjourned at approximately 3:45 p.m. THE FOREGOING MINUTES SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL: ATTEST: CHIEF CLERK 2021 This page is blank. Wasiington County 3oard of = ections Response to Election Integrity Report ��l JULY 2021 WASHINGTON COUNTY k A y, i' _ b 5 •t § E=d` t s R y 7 wl , 4 ry k 7 (-2) ELECTION INTEGRITY PAGE 2 I WHY DOES IT MATTER? AS CONCERNED AMERICANS WE MUST BE VILIGENT TO NEVER ALLOW ELECTION INTERFERENCE IN ANY SHAPE OR FORM. EVERY ELECTION WHETHER IT IS ON A COUNTY, STATE OR NATIONAL LEVEL SHOULD BE FREE, FAIR AND COMPLETELY TRANSPARENT. ELECTION INTEGRITY PAGE 3 WHY IS THERE A DIFFERENCE OF 1,039 VOTES BETWEEN WHAT WAS CERTIFIED AT THE COUNTY LEVEL VS. WHAT WAS CERTIFIED AT THE STATE LEVEL? PA DeVM* cmw.ft" -.scam Imm R - 7, � 'Ropubbomi 00.41% 71375 Llb J& JORGENSEN mwwwaon) 1290 (4) j 7 Official Results certified on November 23, 2020 Summary Results Report OFFICIAL RESULTS Election Day 2020 Presidential General November 3, 2020 Washington PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS Vote For 1 DEM JOSEPH R BIDEN 45,088 19,409 25,266 413 REP DONALD J TRUMP 72,080 60,042 11,194 854 LIB J 1310 896 401 13 Wrheln Totals 278 163 115 0 TQti1kld (sl ELECTION INTEGRITY // PAGE 4 There Is a group of data scientists known as the Dab Integrity Group. It is comprised of such individuals as: • Justin Mealey- a 9-year veteran of the U.S. Navy, where he worked as an Elemonic Warfare Technician, Cryptologic Technician, and Arabic Linguist He worked art the NSA as mission manager for Levant/North Africa, and later worked as a CIA contractor at the National Counter -terrorism Center. • Dave Lobue- he has 12 years experience in data science and anatydcs. He received his BA In Philosophy from the College of the Holy Cross, graduate study In Mathematics at the University of Tuebingen in Germany, Masters in Business/Marketing from Grenoble Ecole de Management in France, and currently pursuing a Masters In Data Science frool'NgrOrteftem University specializing in Artificial Intelligence. ' Iiet1 Scientist 6 Meteorologist and Machine Leaming Expert He 1s also a skilled software developer b le`both cloud iL machine Learning based solutions He continues to extend his skill set and Is machine teaming based algorithms for use with the Numerical Weather Prediction. He Is m the US Army after serving primarily as a Combat Medic 8 then in a non MOS role as an OSINT "IftiletiAtt'scientists have ralevred Washington County and found 3,331 votes which were switched: =AE OF IM NBDATME VMS MR TR W M MMi4LYANIA EtrBCTMN DAY ABL3OM war . r •rr�Atlr«wao�war �a"Ar ALLEGtBHEiNOY Nano" •wCEev ca"Wo uAst C�-' awaaar •wa.� KBOMWMAL M,7ff ABO MIE TDTAL -M%4W c Here is their report where you can watch an 8 minufe presentation where they explain their work: hrWsJ/wwnvtheepochtimes.comJexc/u$Neover-432000-votes- removed-hom-nump-in-pennsylvania-date-scientists- "" say_3642202.hbni Also here is then full interview with the Epoch Times if you wish to dig in deeper lo their work.• hftps:/ANww.meepochfimes.com/exc/usrve•wiM date-sc entists- public-data-shows-432000-trump-votes4emoved-in- pennsylvani&-3645160. htmt 6 (p) Result files from Election Night with time stamped upload v 2020 File Watcher Home Share Viers 2020 File Watcher Date modified Desktop WasMngton wo.110320 2 11/3/2020 8:49 PM .F Downloads j Washingtonxero.110320 3 11/3/2020 9.03 PM l � " Washingtonxero.110320 4 1113/2020 9:15 PM Pictures + I Washingtonxero.110320 5 11/3./2020 9:35 PM 2021 Poll Worker Training Ha Washingtonxero.110320 8 11 /312020 9:51 PM Election Review Committee Washingtonxero.110320 7 1113/ 22010;Z9 PM Election Review Committee ! W�ngton. o.110320 8 1113/20,7010:57 PM Washmgtonxero.1103M 9 11141ZO20 2:57 PM Government Study Commission S OneDrive TyPe Size Tit ooctument 21103 t Document 21 KB Document 21 K8 Tex Document 21 K8 Tex ocument 21 KB Tex Document 22 K8 Document 22 KB ext Document 22 KE Text Document 21 KB 7 C "l 1st upload 11/3/2020 at 8:13 pm Biden: 7,689 Trump: 3,288 -.1,, Washirigsmmo.110320-Notepad Fik EdR Ftnmrt Kew w 000000801:,to 4t ttt t t c 4 tm'a at ai& tt: a, a t; I: a a t to 4 tm t t c, a:j B800BBB11::c 4i 44et4tt:n t t;: t¢ 4; : It 4 t it t e t..7 ECINCTS COUNTED - TOTAL 0801001018801S23S9080B8800MMt ....... :teett:4c:attt;tcttIEtito4itiEmtcttaitt:I; It it:t:c;att44m;4:trot:t;ue4ttttIt:t30BB68001760153978 REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL 0002001016000111638B60BB00011163e4e4tt4tce44:cc:t4cct4en co4te4tte:c4ect4cc:tet:tt4 n LtIt4:{{t:LLELt4iLt44{{{ttlL4ttt41760BB0BB BALLOTS CAST - TOTAL 000380101--00B00BBtttettttttctltaa u.ttet¢41911Et11ctttt:cc44::t4:t{4::tIt:t:t{Ott{:{ettc{c:ett:tott:,.76BBB0B0 BALLOTS CAST - BLANK 00@481 I 768 7 .uttc:ur.tt4ct:.:atct:t ttc:e t it c t:ttt ttt4t{:tc cm tc:; c t: t 4; t: tc: t t c: t t I..76000M DEN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS 000400202 326E 32886000eOOOBBBB.Ect44at:4::4300BBBBBOBBBBBB.;4t;t,c4;tocc444c:4c30000000BBB4t4;{c;cEi.;tti0176968690 REP PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS 000400301 1240080808000::;.t to tc44ctac ti:ttoa a a tc:4 c cttt t tt t ttIa{ L t t t t t 4 t t t t t L t t 44 t tc t t 4 eo 44 c t t u t,..76000800 LIB PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS 00048040188800003200000800000032080.tct4e:tcn:tact¢.ttcc:t:tttccttt:tt{c::4cttttect a e:cccct;ect;:tt:tt:at:ecc:300B000176080000 LIB PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS 2nd upload 11/3/2020 at 8:49 pm Biden: 19,992 Trump: 12,967 J Washingtonae0103202-No1ew Hk EcFK feni View HWP t30000000180080000:ec c tt t c c to ttc Ott to to :3000.cccc Etctct4ccct:ct:c4e w tee c:cEttt:cc:t tcttc 44 tt ct4tct4 cccc44{t:t{eetttce t.. 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I W"hington.uro.110320 5 - Neteped Fik Edit Femut View Help t3000B0001at a tt—:ee,,:t ec et3000B00B.t c c t e: c t e:It g eteetetee :tt: t: t: I t 311e it e: a It eeeettc30BPRECINCTS COUNTED - TOTAL 00810010180015397a... a tce.tt:mt¢,et n ectveeeLit LI,tIv:q tceLLit t.tLit eetit ttocItteeteeceeLit ttLit ttLit t3B09000000B01890153978 REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL 000200101800M697850834168083561709mc te:c tc ee: c e ee u e t et t e:ee t e; a ceec. a nc t: a cet:te a t;;ectt eeeeee:eeteet:te;:ee ttte:e"eoe 00BB BALLOTS CAST - TOTAL 000300OI1- It .i it�i;ect.eeeee3�cee:ectet::eeceetce1, 1,L:teetacticteeet.cec:tteeetecectctecteenetIc:tect:teteeetet.80000800 BALLOTS CAST — BLMN BBB400101 3297 70024463Metteeeete::otter.:teeteectt::tee:::ete::eeee n e:ct;eeceeetct3B000B0B1B00BB8BB DEN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS 000 M201 35623002 7001057 eece tie c: em e_ a e: it It t tee:tec 11 ::ecteu ire.tee Ietceee t:etteteteee e..8000B0B0 REP PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS 008400301 1BBB037180000000B0.ne;eeeeeccee:tteee:c:e:ceect:et:ececee:eeeeet:eettet:t:etctt:eee:cet;ettecc..880BBB08 LIB PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS 000400401BB0000192000088300081090B.ceec:: a ::ec3B0Beaee:eeceeecee:tie u;it: eeetetc:teeteatme:eece:ee:ee:tetet::tett:e::.80000800 LIB PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS 61h upload 11/3/2020 at 9:51 pm Biden: 35,291 Trump: 43,327 1. WVNngtmn .1103206-Ne4eped Fik E& Format Wow H4 �00B0BB0180000000B0.cetcmcceeccc.e:ee:eeaeeee�tc:eeeetete:anee:emeeteeettettoIccteee:t1tcetneett;eeeeeee930000000000090011B8.tt;e:titeetiteteeet XCINCTS COUNTED - TOTAL 000100101800153978.a tcte eeeeeec::eeec:te::eccee::e ee:e to eete a ee;t a ee tl t:t:tt tt tLit t: t... c i t t t:t4:: r; e;::: 30000000 MIOMS3978 REGISTERED VOTERS — TOTAL 0002001018080800010044384003561t eeeec:eeeeeeee ct:eect tteeeet:eeete:e::tteee;etet:ee:te;t eee t:tt1B8B0B000 BALLOTS CAST — TOTAL 000300101:�e ilt i;l ctci0000082B0B000000B0BBBB.eee::tit:ette;tcttee:<tttetctec:eetctcc,tcet:tit:t:ttccttttet;tee9BB8B18BB0B008 BALLOTS CAST - BLANK 008400101 3529100 2800244G3te:eeeteteetceea ceentte;eeteee eeeeeee ttttee:e:e:eeeeeeee;etc:............eee::e:ee tot t..B00BBBBB DEN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS 000480201 3327003 51001057fieeeec:eeeeet a .:e r.entcett;t:e;etttteeeee iieee:;t:tt:1tt:;etteteet:.8008BBBB REP PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS 080400301 371 etmee::9tcctetecttceettteetnot IL eteeettett a eee300B00B0BBB18000000B LIS PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS 0004004018B00B0286000009900801 c:eee:ceeeecttet:eeeeceeet a cteeeeuu e 1800000B0 LIB PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS PRECINCTS COUNTED - TOTAL REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL BALLOTS CAST - TOTAL BALLOTS CAST - BLANK DEM IOSEPH R BIDEN REP DONALD I TRUMP LIB 30 JORGENSEN Write-in PRECINCTS COUNTED - TOTAL REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL BALLOTS CAST - TOTAL BALLOTS CAST - BLANK OEM 30SEPH R SIDEN REP DONALD I TRUMP LIB 30 JORGENSEN write-in — 0 X — 0 X 7tn upload 11/3/2020 at 10:29 pm Biden: 43,610 Trump: 69,796 WesNngton.zero.110347. Notepad Ne Edit Format View Help 09998MI&eettt ed:te et a e-0 f e t e ee, , f e e t 41114.See;::le16:1t,141l5Ee: eti:t,eteett t t t t e, L t e t e L:: 111 1c ;ettlt,:t:tlLet 4tEEL e:.B2 EtLtE:te,EEO�L EEEE•',ECINCTS COUNTED — TOTAL 00W100101896153979neeIeeceeeeeceeeeceeeeeeeo-ereeeteecceeeteeeceeee6t6e30000I:te:e::teeeeete:ece;eeetet:;t;t,en.tvtvt:,SM53978 REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL 0002001018001153868079689003561... te,ecte „ tetetote et:::e tt:e:,e308808BBe tttte:ta ttte:e,etettce:::teee n :ee:::Lt :cev..88B0B0BB BALLOTS CAST - TOTAL ON300101 7000080 :. r. eeette e,it eceLt:e:et,eceee :e n .:eettet to n ete:etttttt L. B0800008 BALLOTS CAST —BLANK 000400191 361800 1470024463E00B000aeeeee:eeeeeeeeetettet:eeeteette,eetet;: n t,a ,tee:te�eee:::..ttettete30B000BB280000000 DEN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS 000400201 979600 220BB10S76008B,:.t te:e eetu :: :,:te u u :ee:: et teeelee.,ete:,et; et te.:e::.e eeett:t:, ✓,t!e;f:te::::t:: BBB00B88 REP PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS 880488301 850B0B3710000000000e;e::t:,,eeeet3BBe,eeee,e:e n :Lc,eeette:tee::tee::eetete;eteteJiet,re aI,Ic,80008080 LIB PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS 0004B04B1BOOM 70088016100081090008eeeeeettteeeeteeeee:eee;eeel0BB809.t:t:eteceeee:;ttttee otteLte:tteeeet:tteettee;D8180000088 LIB PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS 81" upload 11/3/2020 at 10:29 pm Biden: 43,949 Trump: 70,760 TI Wmhingtensero.1103ZO 8-Notepad File E* Fepmat View Help 0000000B1809000080.ert�;te,ac,eetee,tteee9B00009009D.eeec6:ee::tit IIII ece;a:e,tt:ect:ctI1 0000.et1111611ceeletc::ee:tece:cl&et:::ett:ect:::tt:IRECINCTS CQRITED — TOTAL 00010010180015397c„1tee eeete e, 30000098000cttceete:E111e ett,,,I t to e t e ct:at,e,,,tt tt,ae,ee,feete eceee eee:, L e t{, c e v, a c t e..800153978 REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL 88020810180011662800810110035617 tee :it i t teet:t:et ee it e t it e t t e,,,tee;, eeeettleee; tit :: t t re:, t t e: I :t..80000000 BALLOTS CAST - TOTAL 8B030B101800B000B�:e:eeen eeceei0.eee:tttttett:e;;tecet:t:ecItItell,,eetteti teIII ltII,,t,e:,ttttott:ttcto-t:t.ttet:;I:186B0BB0B BALLOTS CAST - BLANK 0084e919JI�: l 2446:eeetteett::,eeet; n ee;eLte:;eetee;te n tt a ttetee,::tt,eee:ee{:tt:;eete,n Lee „ n tetetiBBOBBBBB OEM PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS 0B0 000400201 707 84001057600000000000.et:eee,teee:e:tee:,eee:,e::,eee:erz:e,etet.e.,::ettt;eett:tevt:....... ;,:.88000008 REP PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS 0B0.e 0B40B3B1 126 9000083710ette:ee,,,t:,ee,ecI „ tt,;,t,:tt:,etecett,eIeeIt,tt,t:ca:1:w,:teee,ut:t:t::::I „ 0BB .t..80800LIB PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS se.e"e 401 16480BB189B0BBB000800000tt:ee:;Bette,e,ee::eieee:.... :1ttttteteceee,eeeeetee:,,o-19eetteeeet,i:t,.8B00B000 LIB PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS PRECINCTS COUNTED — TOTAL REGISTERED VOTERS — TOTAL BALLOTS CAST — TOTAL BALLOTS CAST - BLANK DEN JOSEPH R BIDER REP DONALD J TRl1RP LIB 70 JORGENSEN Write—in PRECINCTS COUNTED - TOTAL REGISTERED VOTERS - TOTAL BALLOTS CAST TOTAL BALLOTS CAST - BLANK DEM JOSEPH R BIDEN REP DONALD J TRUMP LIB 70 JORGENSEN Write—in i - o x — ® X ELECTION INTEGRITY PAGE S 7 Go to www.lindeittv.com scroll to the bottom and watch the documentary titled Absolute Proof. You'll see Washington County listed near the end of the documentary. This documentary which was seen by over 150 million people, has Washington County listed among the counties which had received attempts of foreign election interference from overseas. Note: The same place that was attempting to interfere In Washington County was also going after Fulton County Georgia which had massive problems. A cyber symposium is being held on August 10.11, and 12 in Sioux Falls where cyber experts from around the word will be able to freely review this data. Elected officials are encouraged to attend, ask questions, and see the data for themselves. httpszt/clarion.causeaction.com/2021/07/06/mike-li ndells-cyber-symposl um- r scheduled -for -august -SO 11-12-in-Sioux-falls/ • Key word is attempt ® Does not state source of information • Washington County Facts • No election equipment in Washington County is connected to the internet No modems in any voting equipment Computer equipment is on separate network from County network ® No internet access in computer equipment room UV ELECTION INTEGRITY PAGE 6 ESSS DS200 � an n ELECTION INTEGRITY // PAGE 7 ANTRIM COUNTY LAWSUIT MATTHEW DEPE https J/www.depernotaw.com/ In Michigan after forensically hCttps-;//A-vww.depernotaw.com/ (which we have the exact identical machines), they discovered Tetit Modems with active Verizon SIM cards Installed on the machines. Although they say they are not present in our machines, we have no way of verifying that without looking into the machines. Remember: They also SAY they aren't connected to the Internet ESS DS200 Motherboard with Teld LE910-SVI Modem Chip s r ; # Oz Wr I 7 (IS) Security Operations Group Antrim Michigan Forensics Report REVISED PRELIMINARY SUMMARY, v2 Report Date 12113/2020 Client: Bill Bailey Attorney: Matthew DePerno A. WHO WE ARE 1. My name is Russell James Ramsland, Jr., and I am a resident of Dallas County, Texas. I hold an MBA from Harvard University, and a political science degree from Duke University. I have worked with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the Massachusetts Institute of Tedvwlogy (MIT), among other organizations, and have nm businesses all over the world, many of which are highly technical in nature. I have served on technical govemment panels. 2. 1 am part of the management team of Allied Security Operations Group, LLC, (ASOG). ASOG is a group of globally engaged professionals who come from various disciplines to include Department of Defense, Secret Service, Department of Homeland Security, and the Central Intelligence Agency. It provides a range of security services, but has a particular emphasis on cybersecurity, open source investigation and penetration testing of networks. We employ a wide variety of cyber and cyber forensic analysts. We have patents pending in a variety of applications from novel network security applications to SCADA (Supervi4siaLa. d safe browsing solution ark and deep web. For this report, I have rek e and resources. B. PURPOSE AND PRELIMINARY CONCLUSIONS 1. The purpose of this forensic audit is to test the integrity of Dominion Voting System in how it performed in Antrim County, Michigan for the 2020 election. 2. We a that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and Ily designed errors to create systemic fraud cs election results. The system inMn high number of ballot errors. The electronic ballots are then transferred for adjudication. The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight, no transparency, and no audit trail. This leads to voter or election fraud. Based on our study, we conclude that The Dominion Voting System should not be used in Michigan. We further conclude that the results of Antrim County should not have been certified. ( W ELECTION INTEGRITY H PAGE 8 Go to: httpsy/www.Lindelltv.com/ Watch Scientific Proof Renowned physicist Dr. Douglas Frank has found a startling algorithm which was in use in Washington County. Here Is his blo: Dr. Douglas G Frank has approximately sixty peer -reviewed scientific publications, Including feature and cover articles in the leading scientific Journals In the world (Science, Nature, Natunvissenschaften). During his graduate and postdoctoral work he discovered and developed a new type of microscopy capable of producing three•dimensionaL Images of molecules resting on metal surfaces. This gave him International credibility In the area of Low Energy Electron Diffraction (LEED) and Auger electron spectroscopy and microscopy, and his work Is prominently featured in college textbooks and handbooks on the subjects. During the 1990s. Dr. Frank helped to establish The Schilling School for Gifted Children in Cincinnati, Ohio. Schilling is a K-12 school for extraordinarily gifted youngsters, and Dr. Frank continues to teach a couple of their most advanced math and science classes each year, and continues to serve as the Math and Science Department chair. He earned a PhD. in Surface ElectroanalyUcat Chemistry from the University of Cincinnati in 1990. Dr. Frank was able to predict an astonishingly perfect Rai correlation using the publicly available voter registration database to show how many votes we would receive In each age group. WashkVwn County's results were completely con&oUed by machines via an algorkhrm I I f iWOshfnMR, PA 0 ,. rr > It. ,.� Mrdkr wren - bau/rsaa aeemnr�ene _ r Do e r ac ro w r �e �b � 1 . • ` �. Vor+nae ��x io 'P� L� b 7 4K, • Dr. Douglas Frank has no experience in election research. • His analysis is not evidence of voter fraud. • Instead of using exact data from the 2010 Census he interprets the data in his own method called interpolation to smooth the data. • The figures he cites as the basis of his analysis are different from those in official records. • Frank offers no evidence for his claim other than a statistical correlation to this key, whose derivation he doesn't explain. • High Correlations Between Predicted and Actual Ballots Do Not Imply Fraud — June 2021 • Justin Grimmer — Democracy and Polarization Lab and Hoover Institution, Stanford University • Matthew Tyler — Democracy and Polarization Lab, • Stanford University • www.iustinizrimmer.org 0 9) ELECTION INTEGRITY H PAGE 9 Washington County results are highly irregular and not as expected. Seth Keshel, a retired Army intelligence captain, statistician and former baseball analyst shows the 2020 election results from numerous counties across Pennsylvania doesn't jive with historical trends. His review highlights Washington County. PA Party Registration Trends with Result Trend 20 County Sample (2004-Present) GO) 2016 Presidential Election 2020 Presidential Election • 138,835 registered voters o 68,026 Democrats o 55,307 Republicans • 103,469 voter turnout o 49,279 Democrats o 43,994 Republicans • Results o Trump 61,386 o Clinton 36,322 • 154,007 registered voters 0 67,037 Democrats 0 68,212 Republicans • 119,139 voter turnout o 50,810 Democrats o 55,888 Republicans • Results o Trump 72,080 o Biden 45,088 From .2016 to 2020 • Registration increased by 15,172 voters o Republicans gained 12,905 registered voters o Democrats lost 989 registered voters • Voter turnout increased by 15,670 voters o Republican turnout increased by 11,894 voters o Democrat turnout increased by 1,531 voters Conclusion: Washington County is gaining Republican voters and the results are reflected by the election of more Republican candidates. (,W 0 • Seth Keshel's report proofs no evidence of fraud. • It is based on: • Registration trends • Assumptions related to voting • Mr. Keshel's report fails to address the following facts: • The 2020 presidential election was an unprecedented election. • The 2020 presidential election occurred during a year with a global pandemic. • Humans often times act in unpredictable ways, which includes how they vote. ELECTION INTEGRITY H In 2016 here is the data from the Washington County website: 102,297 votes total HILLARY CLINTON DEM 36322 35.52% DONALD J.TRUMP REP 61386 60.03% DARRELL L_CASTLE CON 366 0.36% L lot ` � � ' � '•� --.ate 'S � ' �` �... � cx , th� n "dBiV�fL�TR11dP REr+ T1680' $d.�4% JOJORGENSEN LIB 1310 1.10% Write-in Votes 278 0.23% Just looking around Washington County you can see that there is enormous Trump support. But we're Led to believe he increased his support by only less than 1%? C20 PAGE SO 21+ ELECTION INTEGRITY ei �F PAGE 11 ppppr *ashington County 2020 Election Anomalies — Summary • 274 voters backfilled into the SURE system • 1,692 Duplicate Registrations + 19,000 First time voters • 1,462 Inactive voters • 107 Mail -in ballots were recorded but do not have any Voter ID in the SURE system + 241 Mail -in ballots counted that were received after November 3r° • 239 Mail -in ballots recorded that were sent out of state • 9,610 registrations removed from the voter rolls between the week of the election and February 12, 2021 Sourc*s: State department voter registration data — publicly available information RTK Request filled out by a private investigator who is currently working in Arizona. This private investigator worked directly with Pennsylvania House Reps back in November/December of 2020. The backfilied voter issue was addressed, but no answer was ever Riven and no investigation has been done to date. CAS) s 1st Statement: 274 voters backfilled into the SURE System • It is unclear what this data is referring to or what data it is referencing. Without seeing the actual data and the exact date and time it was pulled, a definitive answer is not possible. 2"d Statement: 1,692 duplicate registrations • This statement is misleading and suggests these voters registered and voted twice. • They did not. • The PA SURE system alerts if a registration is a duplicate registration. 3,d Statement: 19,000 first-time voters. • First time voters are voters who are voting for the first time. • It is not unusual to have many first-time voters in a Presidential General Election. 4th Statement: 1,462 inactive voters. • As of August 27, 2021 there are 8,289 inactive voters in Washington County. • Inactive voters: • Have not voted in the past 5 years • Not made any changes to their in the past 5 years • Notified their registered address may not be correct • 5th Statement: 107 mail -in ballots were recorded, but do not have any voter ID in the SURE System. • Voter without ID on record requests an absentee or mail -in ballot: • Sent an ID verify letter separate from their absentee or mail -in ballot • Ballot will not be counted unless ID verify letter is returned separate from voted ballot. • 2020 Presidential Election • Absentee Ballots with Voter ID not verified • 43 sent • 38 counted • Mail in Ballots with Voter ID not verified • 32 sent • 29 counted Cxq? gf 61" Statement: 241 mail -in ballots counted received after November 3. • Military and overseas civilian absentee ballots • Received and accepted until 5:00 pm on November 10 • Accept absentee and mail in ballots received after 8:00 pm on Election Day until Friday, November 6 by 5:00 pm. • PA Supreme Court Order • Postmarked Election Day or contain an illegible postmark • Received 99 ballots in this category • 93 were counted. (.2V J 71h Statement: 239 mail ballots recorded that were sent out of state. • The PA Constitution and the PA Election Code allow for voters who will be out of their municipality on Election Day to request an absentee ballot and request for the ballot to be mailed to another address. • Voters may request their ballot be sent to an address outside of Pennsylvania. • These voters include: • Military or federal worker voters • College students • Voters out of their municipality for leisure or business C- 36) MOW- 81h Statement: 9,610 registrations removed from the voter rolls between the week of the election and February 1, 2021. • During the period of November 2, 2020 to November 22,2020 no voters cancelled. • From November 23, 2020 to February 1, 2021: • 10,301 voters cancelled • 9,296 — inactive 2 federal election cycles • 394 — moved out of county • 12 — moved out of state • 575 — deceased • 14 — voter request • 10 — address invalid, not eligible, etc. Washington County Elections Office 724-228-6750 washcoelect,ions@co.washington.pa.us www.co.washington.pa.us/elections OLD BUSINESS October 7, 2021 A. BID AWARD Purchasing respectfully requests the Commissioners award the request for quote (RFQ) contract for the Facility Needs Assessment for the Correctional Facility to Justice Planners, Columbia, SC, at a total cost of $70,618.00. Costs will be funded from the American Rescue Plan Act Fund. B. BID AWARD Purchasing respectfully requests the Commissioners award the bid for products under the "Joint Municipal Purchasing Program" for Washington County to the following vendors based on their per unit cost as submitted in their bid proposals: • A-Z Janitorial, Washington, PA • Compass Minerals America Inc, Overland Park KS All items have been awarded to the lowest most responsive and responsible bidders meeting specifications. This contract will be effective October 7, 2021 through September 30, 2022, at a total yearly cost of approximately $10,000. C. BID AWARD Purchasing, on behalf of Human Services, Human Resources and Children and Youth Services, respectfully requests the Commissioners award the request for psychological services to the following vendors based on their per hourly rates and expertise: • Michael Crabtree Ph.D., Washington PA • Terry O'Hara Ph.D., Pittsburgh PA • Dr. Eric Berstein, Pittsburgh PA • Dr. Rosenblum, Pittsburgh PA D. BID CONTRACT PURCHASES Purchasing, on behalf of the Correctional Facility, respectfully requests the Commissioners authorize R.A.M.E. Inc., Washington, Pa., our contract of record, to perform work including all labor, material, equipment and supervision to complete the following scope of work at a cost of $66,000.00. Act 13 funding has been recommended. • Remove and dispose existing insulation and membrane. • Supply and install a new mechanically attached layer of 1.5" poly, installations on top and both sides of ductwork. • Supply and install new 060 Johns Manvile black EPDM on top and both sides of ductwork with associated flashings and trims on the Correctional Facility Roof NEW BUSINESS October 7, 2021 A. DIVISION ORDER AMENDMENT — PLANNING Planning respectfully requests the Commissioners approve an amended division order with Range Resources for the Galaran Unit 4H in Jefferson Township as associated with the Panhandle Trail. The amendment revises the unit acreage from 500.1543 acres to 613.1863 acres and the decimal interest rate will remain the same (0.00063603). B CONTRACT — PLANNING Planning respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a contract with Morgan Excavating LP/Pompei, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $22,000 for paving the approach roadway on the Cross Creek #5 bridge in Cross Creek and Independence townships. The paving is the final repair required from flood damage incurred during the September lst flooding event in Avella. Costs will be paid from Act 44 bridge funds. C. GRANT APPLICATION — FINANCE Finance, on behalf of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, respectfully requests the Commissioners ratify a grant application with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency for the Prevention and Diversion Care Manager project. The grant application is in the amount of $145,824 and will be for the period of January, 1, 2022 through December 31, 2023. D. POLICY REVISION — HUMAN RESOURCES Human Resources respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a revision to the Public Comment Policy. The policy will now permit that in the event that a large number of residents attend in concert to comment on a particular matter, a designated spokesperson will be afforded five (5) minutes to speak on behalf of the group. All other provisions of the policy will remain the same. E. ADDENDUMS — BEHAVIORAL HEALTH & DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES Behavioral Health and Developmental Services respectfully requests the Commissioners approve provider agreement addendums for the period of July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021, with the list of previously approved providers. No county funds are required. F. LETTER OF AGREEMENT ADDENDUM — BEHAVIORAL HEALTH & DEV. SERVICES Behavioral Health and Developmental Services respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a letter of agreement addendum with Susquehanna Software, Inc. for the period of July 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021. The quarterly maintenance cost will increase from $700 to $750 and all other provisions will remain the same. No county funds are required. F. AGREEMENTS — CHILDREN & YOUTH SERVICES Children and Youth Services respectfully requests the Commissioners approve provider agreements in the amount of $2,210,000 for the period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022, with the list of previously approved providers. No county funds are required. H. AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE — PURCHASING Purchasing, on behalf of Information 'Technology, respectfully requests the Commissioners authorize the advertising for proposals for a cloud phone system. I. AGREEMENT — PURCHASING Purchasing, on behalf of Recorder of Deeds, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a document scanning services agreement with Reynolds Business Systems to include scanning, indexing, adobe PDF formatting and conversion into the Landex operating system at an estimated cost of $15,508.75. Costs will be paid from the Recorder of Deeds' Records Improvement Fund. AGREEMENT — PURCHASING Purchasing, on behalf of Human Services, respectfully requests the Commissioners authorize a professional services agreement with CBY Systems, Inc., for the purpose of providing pre -employment services for law enforcement employees related to PA Act 57. The membership fee is $45/year, with respective fees at a not to exceed amount of $125 per applicant. K. AGREEMENT — PURCHASING Purchasing, on behalf of Public Safety, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve an annual satellite phone service agreement with SatphoneStore at a cost of $595/year, including 20 free minutes per month. Thereafter, a per minute charge will apply. L. AGREEMENT — PURCHASING Purchasing, on behalf of the Treasurer, respectfully requests the Commissioners enter into an agreement for an on -premises payment processing software/service scanner with Creditron Corporation at the cost of $32,540, including an annual maintenance fee of $8,325 and a hosting fee of $1,200/month. This agreement is effective October 7, 2021 for one year and shall automatically renew yearly thereafter unless terminated by either party with a 90-day written notice prior to the contract renewal date. M. STATE CONTRACT — PURCHASING Purchasing, on behalf of Information Technology, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve the purchase of a Pure Storage Flash Array Extended Service Agreement, including installation, from AEC Group at a total cost of $31,095.52. The cost will be paid from ACT-13 funding.