HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Agenda - 11-30-2021PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THIS PUBLIC MEETING OF THE WASHINGTON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IS VIDEO AND AUDIO LIVE STREAMED ON THE COMMISSIONERS' FACEBOOK PAGE. AS AGREED UPON UNANIMOUSLY BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS' PUBLIC COMMENT POLICY, IN THE EVENT THAT A LARGE NUMBER OF RESIDENTS ATTEND IN CONCERT TO COMMENT ON A PARTICULAR MATTER, THE CHAIR OF THE MEETING SHALL DETERMINE IF THE RESIDENTS HAVE A COMMON SPOKESPERSON TO COMMENT ON THEIR BEHALF. THE DESIGNATED SPOKESPERSON WILL BE AFFORDED FIVE (5) MINUTES TO SPEAK ON BEHALF OF THE GROUP. AGENDA WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 2021 1. Opening of Meeting a. Prayer Commissioner Diana Irey Vaughan b. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes Special Order of Business Plaque — Blueprints (RECESS FOR PHOTOS) 3. Public Comments 4. The Board of Commissioners' Response S. Old Business Bid Contract Extensions a. Diagnostics & Repairs - Dams b. Temporary Staffing Services Donation Resolution a. Metal Shelving 6. New Business a. Memorandum of Understanding —Chief Clerk b. Deed of Easement — Planning c. Memorandum of Understanding Renewal — Finance d. Renewal Agreement — Human Resources e. Renewal Agreement — Human Resources Steven Adams Director, Crabtree-Kovacicek House for Veterans Minute No. 1140, November 18, 2021 Jeff Fondelier Vice President of Operations f. Renewal Contract — Human Resources g. Renewal Contract — Human Resources h. Agreements - Children & Youth Services L Agreement —Children & Youth Services j. Agreement — Behavioral Health & Developmental Services k. Agreement — Human Services I. Grant Application —Veterans Affairs m. Authorization to Bid — Purchasing n. Addendum — Purchasing o. Addendum — Purchasing 7. Announcements An Executive Session was held at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, November 30, 2021, following the Agenda meeting to discuss personnel. The regularly scheduled Salary Board meeting and Retirement Board meeting will be immediately following today's meeting. 8. Solicitor No Refunds 9. Adjournment Minute No. 1140 November 18, 2021 The Washington County Commissioners met in regular session in the Public Meeting Room, Courthouse Square, Washington, Pa., with the following members being present: Commissioners Diana Irey Vaughan, Larry Maggi and Nick Sherman. Also present are Solicitor Jana Grimm; Chief of Staff John Haynes; Finance Director Josh Hatfield; Human Resources Director Shelli Arnold; Recorder of Deeds Debbie Bardella; Elections Director Melanie Ostrander; Veterans representative Leigh Mawhinney; Clerk of Courts Brenda Davis; Prothonotary Laura Hough and employee Tina Whited; Planning representatives Gracie Abel and Kalie Chasko; Executive Secretaries Marie Trossman and Patrick Geho; Chief Clerk Cynthia B. Griffin; Secretary Paula Jansante; The Rev. Mike Bowen of Washington Presbyterian Church; Marine Corps League Post # 113 8 representative Sandra Young; Observer -Reporter representative Brad Hundt; WJPA representative Joe Jasek and concerned citizens Jim Piper, Mary Gordon, Anne Charles, Ann Shaner, Sue Brine, Kim Oyler, Ashley Duff, Danielle Sherman, Camille Papia, John Hudock; Kerry Gallick, John Gallick, Mary Lorenz, Christina Proctor, Melanie Patterson, Denise Stusko, Don Fitch, Liz Molinaro, April Sloane, Betsy West, Bill West, Joe Jefferys, Becky Reid, Matt Mascara, Claudia Wagner, Rick Hodge, Bruce Bandel, Corey McConn, Bonnie Rankiri, Sam Yareck, Joyce Mayton, Jeff Dell, Jeananne Clements, Shiela Sten and Stephanie Rossi. Mrs. Vaughan called the meeting to order at approximately 2:00 p.m., and announced this meeting is video and audio live streamed via Facebook. The Rev. Mike Bowen led the meeting with a prayer. Ms. Young led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mrs. Vaughan entertained a motion approving Minute No. 1139 dated November 4, 2021. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving Minute No. 1139, as written. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS None. PUBLIC COMMENT Washington County resident Mary Gordon spoke about a mindset shift in Washington County and the entire country. She stated there are so many secrets hidden in our government and questioned why we haven't audited the vote. Ms. Gordon also questions why employees are being moved from the Clerk of Courts, Controllers and the Recorder of Deeds offices. She believes the Commissioners shouldn't try to sneak Home Rule in the back door. Washington County resident Anne Charles questioned the qualifications of the Controller who may be appointed as the new Chief of Staff. Ms. Charles is also requesting a forensic audit. Washington County resident Danielle Sherman expressed her concerns that the Board of Commissioners are not working for the people. She stated that Washington County residents want an audit and questioned how a price tag can be placed on integrity. Washington County resident Ashley Duff stated that the Board has not responded to her email. Ms. Duff asks why the Commissioners have not provided answers to the election issues. She wants a forensic audit and she offered to bring in national experts to meet with the board and election director, at no cost to the county. Washington County tax payer Melanie Patterson spoke regarding extensive voter fraud in the 2020 election and demands transparency and a full audit of the paper trail including the mail in ballots and those produced by the machines. She believes this will restore voter confidence. Washington County resident Ann Shaner stated there was no fraud in the election and requested a group of people form a committee to determine whether there has been fraud in the election process. She believes the intent of the audit group is to dismantle the integrity of our election process. After repeated disruptions by the audience, Commissioner Vaughan asked the audience to be respectful of those who are speaking, thus allowing them to conduct a civil meeting. Prothonotary Laura Hough commented that every person has the right of freedom of speech in their community and she thanked those who have stepped up to speak. Washington County resident Camille Papia stated that residents voted down the opportunity to investigate the government integrity on both sides of the aisle. She also explained the provisional ballot process. Washington County resident Kim Oyler spoke about election fraud in our state and county and demanded truth from our elected officials. She also discussed the government's use of propaganda to change the narrative. Washington County resident John Hudock spoke about LSA or county funding for animal control. Mr. Hudock questioned why the Commissioners would take the Tax Claim office from the Recorder of Deeds office and create a new position when the newly elected official is willing to do the job at no cost to the county. He also asked why the Commissioners are attempting to take employees from the office of the newly elected Controller. Mr. Hudock supports the audit and believes mail -in ballots are a big problem. Washington County resident Sam Yareck questioned why the Board of Commissioners tried to abolish two payroll positions in the Controller's office and put those positions under the Finance Department. He questioned the real reason for taking employees away from the Clerk of Courts, Controller's Office, and the Recorder of Deeds. Mr. Yareck supports a full forensic audit. Washington County resident Don Fitch said he is in favor of allowing the Commissioners to conduct the business of the county, rather than re -litigating things that have already been adjudicated throughout the country. He stated the last election was not fraudulent. United States Air Force Veteran Mary Lorenz stated that the 2020 presidential election was fraudulent and questioned why the Board of Commissioners do not do what is right and restore trust in the elections. THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESPONSE; Commissioner Vaughan spoke to clarify the following misconceptions: • There are no positions being taken from the Recorder of Deeds office and the statement made to this effect is inaccurate. • It was stated that Controller Mike Namie was defeated, however he didn't run for reelection. Therefore, the statement to that effect was inaccurate. • Ms. Duff stated that the Commissioners did not respond to her. Commissioner Vaughan has responded to her emails numerous times, and she and staff members met with Ms. Duff. • The Elections Review Committee, which was given the task of making a recommendation, voted not to move forward with the election audit. • Ms. Patterson stated that the Commissioners were not paying attention. Commissioner Vaughan assured her that she is paying attention and taking notes so that she can respond and address the issues. • In response to the individual who is disappointed that the Commissioners are not responding to the public comments, Commissioner Vaughn said they are responding and gathering information to address any issues. • In response to the issue about the Tax Office, Section 202 of the County Code, which refers to the Appointment and Compensation of Personnel, the County Commissioners have direct supervision and control of the Bureau and have the power to appoint a Director and such employees as may be necessary to properly administer the affairs of the Bureau. This is a responsibility of the County Commissioners as set forth by the Pennsylvania County Code. • In response to concerns about moving payroll personnel. This is also under the direction of the Commissioners. Only seven counties in Pennsylvania perform payroll duties under the office of the Controller. The Board has been discussing this change for over a year and had agreed, up until the day that it was tabled, to return the duties to the Finance Department. The issue was tabled and has not be changed. • In response to questions about animal control services, the county has a contract with Kim Secreet for animal control services. All three Commissioners have raised money for local animal shelters and local share monies have been used for animal control. • Director of Elections Melanie Ostrander gave a response to an issue that was addressed at the last Commissioner meeting regarding human error on the mail in ballot for the Cannon -McMillan School District where a candidate's party was listed on the mail -in ballot as Democratic as opposed to Democratic/Republican. Ms. Ostrander stated that they have a proof reading plan in place but they will extend that proof reading plan to include three steps to the process. The elections staff, the Assistant Director and Director will do the final check to eliminate any errors in the future. • Ms. Ostrander also explained that according to the Election Code, in the recent election in the race for the office of the Commonwealth Judge, the entire county there was a half percent of total votes cast and the margin between the second and third candidates were less than that and now we are conducting a mandatory state wide recount. We are only counting that race, as required by the state, and those results will be released by the state on November 24, 2021. OLD BUSINESS BID CONTRACT EXTENSION Solicitor Grimm recommended the Board, on behalf of Purchasing and Information Technology, of the extension of our current wiring services contract with the listed vendors. All time and material repairs are to be done on an as needed basis per their submitted hourly rates. The contract extensions will be effective January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022, with the option to extend for two additional one-year periods. • Computec Technical Solutions Inc., Eighty Four PA • Information Technologies Services, Carnegie PA • North Star Communications Inc., Pittsburgh PA Moved by Mr. Sherman, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the contract extension with the listed vendors. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. BID CONTRACT PURCHASES Solicitor Grimm recommended the Board, on behalf of Purchasing and Building and Grounds, of a purchase from Johnson Controls, our contract of record, Pittsburgh Pa., for a fire alarm control panel upgrade at the Washington County 911 Facility. The total cost is $7,900 and will be paid from their operating budget. Note: Johnson Controls will provide a fire alarm panel upgrade to the existing Simplex 4002 panel. No replacement field devices are included in the quote and the existing notification devices will remain and be tied into the new panel. Moved by Mr. Sherman, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the purchase from Johnson Controls. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor Grimm recommended the Board, on behalf of Purchasing and Information Technology, of the following wiring services purchases from Information Technologies Services, Carnegie, Pa., our contract of record. The total cost will be paid from their respective operating budgets. • Badge Security System $12,000 • Domestic Relations $6,828 • Courthouse $1,548 • Crossroads 5th Floor Phase 1 cabling $15,006 • Crossroads 6th Floor Phase 1 cabling $14,095 • Crossroads Building $10,340 and $11,095 time and material included 28 camera cables. • Human Resources -CCTV NVR Cams/hard drive and licenses $19,378.50 and $21,107 (Grant funding) • Judge's Chambers $3,320 • Juvenile Courtroom Upgrades $18,642 • Public Defenders Office $8,975 and $23,981 • Treasurer's Office $12,060 and $14,984 Moved by Mr. Sherman, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the purchases from Information Technologies Services. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, of the following board appointments: Washington County Conservation District Board: Michael Lusk as Farmer Director; Larry Maggi as County Commissioner Director appointee; and the reappointment of Jan Marchezak as Public Director; First Responders/Public Safety Board: John Yancosek and Mike McLaughlin and the reappointments of Anthony Andronas and Shawn Bukovinsky; SPC Commission: John Timney. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the board appointments. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, to adopt a resolution appointing the Washington County Director of Revenue, Chief Assessor, and the Director of the Tax Claim Bureau. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the resolution. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mrs. Vaughan explained that Washington County merged the county Tax Claim Bureau and the Tax Assessment Bureau several years ago. Today's resolution allows the Chief County Assessor to perform all three responsibilities, due to the fact that he has worked with all of these offices for many years. This was originally placed under the direction of a former elected official due to a retirement without a clear plan of succession and there was a need to maintain continuity within the office. These duties were performed at no additional cost to the county. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of the Planning Commission, of a non -surface oil and gas lease with Range Resources for 67.684 acres in Hanover and Smith Townships associated with PA-481 flood control dam. Range Resources will pay $3,000 per acre and 18% royalty for this lease. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the non -surface oil and gas lease with Range Resources. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of the Planning Commission, of a deed of easement with Russell and Dian Yost for construction of the Chartiers #30, Hess Bridge in Cecil Township. The total payment of $20,000 includes 0.131 acres of permanent easement and 0.081 acres of temporary easement to be paid 80% state and 20% county liquid fuels. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the deed of easement with Russell and Dian Yost. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Finance, of a budget modification with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Transportation for the District 12-0 Community Traffic Safety Grant. The modification transfers unused funds from FFY 20-21 to FFY 21-22 in the amount of $24,719.60. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the budget modification with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Transportation for the District 12-0 Community Traffic Safety Grant. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Finance and Adult Probation, of a renewal grant agreement with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency for the County Adult Probation Grant -in -Aid. The agreement is in the amount of $152,568 and will be for the period of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving a renewal grant agreement with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency for the County Adult Probation Grant -in -Aid. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Human Resources, of the renewal of the current Employee Assistance Program (EAP) agreement with the Washington Health System for services to all full-time employees and eligible family members. This agreement will be effective January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022. The annual contract authorization amount $16,143 and the monthly fee for employees remains the same at $1.69. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the agreement with Washington Health System. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Children and Youth Services, of the following provider agreements for the period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. No additional county funds are required. PROVIDER AMOUNT Adoption Connection - Placement 350,000 American Expediting Company 100,000 Children's Institute of Pittsburgh — Care Coordination 150,000 Children's Institute of Pittsburgh — In -Home Family Services 400,000 Children's Institute of Pittsburgh — d/b/a Project Star — Foster Care 300,000 City Mission — Living Stones 100,000 Harborcreek Youth Services 200,000 Keystone Adolescent Center 600,000 King and Associates 100,000 TOTAL Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the provider agreements listed. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Children and Youth Services, of a purchase of service agreement with Avanco International, Inc. for the Version 17 mandatory update on the Child Accounting and Profile System (CAPS). This agreement will be effective July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 for a sum not to exceed $9,553.11. No additional county funds are required. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the purchase of service agreement with Avanco International, Inc. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing, and the Law Library/Records Center, of authorization to advertise for bids for storage space. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving authorization to bid for storage space. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing and Human Resources of the extension of our current agreement with Time Savers, Inc., Waynesburg Pa., for the purpose of providing after hours drug and alcohol screening of employees on an as needed basis. This agreement will be effective January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the agreement with Time Savers, Inc. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing and Public Safety, of the software license/maintenance/call center support renewal agreements for the NG 9-1-1 Ready Hardware and Software, with Motorola Solutions, Linthieum, MD, in the amount of $77,677.12. This agreement will be effective for the period of January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022. The total cost of this contract will be funded from the 9-1-1 Fund. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the renewal agreement with Motorola Solutions. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing and Public Safety, of the purchase of licensing and conversion from a yearly maintenance to a subscription -based model of the VPN that connects mobile units to the CAD System in the Public Safety department. The initial cost for software is $13,194 and will be paid from Public Safety's operating budget. Note: With the change from maintenance to SaaS, looking forward, at the end of 2022, we will either be dropping Net motion or moving these costs to the shared Beaver/Washington CAD system. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the purchase of licensing and conversion from a yearly maintenance to a subscription -based model of the VPN that connects mobile units to the CAD System in the Public Safety department. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing and Information Technology, of a one-year virus protection subscription for software and support with AEC Group, LLC, Oakdale, Pa. The total cost is $39,838.24 and will be paid from their operating budget. Note: This is the antivirus protection for all County/Courts computer systems. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the virus protection subscription for software and support with AEC Group, LLC. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. ANNOUNCEMENTS An Executive Session was held at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, November 17, 2021, following the Agenda meeting to discuss personnel and litigation. The regularly scheduled Salary Board meeting will immediately follow today's meeting. All county offices will be closed on Thursday and Friday, November 25 and 26, 2021, in observance of Thanksgiving. SOLICITOR Solicitor Grimm presented to the Board for their consideration and approval of a tax refund in the amount of $5,231.75. SCHENLEY CENTER ASSOC II LP 11 PARKWAY CENTER STE 300 PITTSBURGH, PA 15220 Tax Year: 2021 District CECIL Parcel 140-010-00-00-0008-50 Amount $2,905.31 WILLIAMSON JACOB I. & MARIA 158 E. HIGHLAND DRIVE MCMURRAY, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel 540-010-13-01-022-00 Amount $39.05 BEINHAUER RICHARD C. & REGINA M. 2820 WASHINGTON ROAD MCMURRAY, PA 15317 Tax Year: 2021 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel 540-006-00-00-0052-00 Amount $20.25 TRINITY POINT HOTEL LP P.O. BOX 847 CARLSBAD, CA 92018 Tax Year: 2021 District SOUTH STRABANE Parcel 600-005-13-00-0003-00 Amount $2,093.26 OPFERMANN ROBERT & ROBERTA 9448 RUBY FALLS COURT WEEKI WACHEE, FL 34613 Tax Year: 2021 District PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel 540-005-00-00-0025-03 Amount $165.97 VAUGHAN LEVI J. 1832 JEFFERSON AVENUE WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2021 District CANTON Parcel 120-009-03-02-0022-00 Amount $7.91 Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the above tax refund. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further business, Chairman Vaughan declared the meeting adjourned at approximately 2:55 p.m. THE FOREGOING MINUTES SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL: ATTEST: CHIEF CLERK 2021 OLD BUSINESS December 1, 2021 A. BID CONTRACT EXTENSION Purchasing, on behalf of the Planning Commission, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve the extension of our current contract with EnviroScience, Inc., Stow Ohio for diagnostics and repairs of county owned dams on a time and material basis. The contract extension will be effective through April 30, 2023. This extension is in accordance with the original bid documents. B. BID CONTRACT EXTENSION Purchasing respectfully requests the Commissioners approve the extension of our current contract with Express Employment Professionals, Washington, PA, for temporary staffing services at a percentage mark up from the current Washington County employee rate. The contract will be effective December 1, 2021 through January 31, 2023. This extension is in accordance with the original bid documents. C. DONATION RESOLUTION Purchasing respectfully requests the Commissioners adopt a resolution, in compliance of Section 1805 of the county code governing the sale or disposition of personal property for the donation of old metal shelving to the Washington County Historical Society, who have formerly requested the donation and have completed the application for donated equipment and have met all required criteria. Note: The shelving is for the purpose of housing 57 Veteran Discharge Dockets that currently have a zero value on our books. NEW BUSINESS December 1, 2021 A. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING — CHIEF CLERK Chief Clerk respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to provide for the cooperation and assistance by the Washington County Authority to the County of Washington with respect to the review, evaluation, and recommendation for selection, by the County, of a consultant to provide broadband consulting services. B. DEED OF EASEMENT — PLANNING Planning respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a deed of easement with Chellise Gray and Carol Lee Gray for construction of the Chartiers #30 Hess Bridge in Cecil Township. The total payment of $2,400 includes 2,532 square feet of permanent easement to be paid 80% state and 20% county liquid fuels. C. MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING RENEWAL — FINANCE Finance, on behalf of the Court of Common Pleas and Children and Youth Services, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve the renewal Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the Court of Common Pleas and Children and Youth Services for the 2021-2022 Needs Based Budget allocation. The allocation is in the amount of $306,100. D. RENEWAL AGREEMENT — HUMAN RESOURCES Human Resources respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a renewal of the current general services agreement with the Washington Health System Occupational Medicine Center d/b/a Washington Physicians Group for pre -employment exams and related testing for all county employees in job categories subject to Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) regulations. The rates of the contract will increase, at the previously approved rates, and will be effective January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022. • Preplacement exam increase from $70 to $80 • Annual Physical exam — increase from $70 to $80 • Respirator Fitness exam - increase from $70 to $80 • RTW exam — increase price range from $70-$200 to $754205 (charge depends on complexity) • DOT exam with whisper test — increase from. $85 to $90 • DOT exam with Audiogram — increase from $117 to $120 • Hepatitis B Vaccine — increase from $78 to $80 E. RENEWAL AGREEMENT — HUMAN RESOURCES Human Resources respectfully requests the Commissioners approve the renewal of our current agreement with the Washington Health System Occupational Medicine Center for general drug and alcohol testing services for all county employees in job categories subject to Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) regulations. The rates will increase, at the previously approved rates, and will be effective January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022. • On -site hourly fee for the first hour for specimen collection urine drug screen — increase from $50 to $100 • On -site urine drug screen collection fee for each additional half hour — increase from $25 to $50 F. RENEWAL CONTRACT —HUMAN RESOURCES Human Resources respectfully requests the Commissioners approve the renewal of the DOT Drug and Alcohol Testing Consortium with the Washington Hospital Occupational Medicine Center for drug and alcohol testing services for DOT -regulated random lottery draws. This contract will be effective January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022 and the rates will remain the same. G. RENEWAL CONTRACT — HUMAN RESOURCES Human Resources respectfully requests the Commissioners approve the renewal of the Share and Ride Program Consortium with the Washington Hospital Occupational Medicine Center for drug and alcohol testing services for non -regulated random lottery draws. This contract will be effective January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022 and the rates will remain the same. H. AGREEMENTS — CHILDREN & YOUTH SERVICES Children and Youth Services respectfully requests the Commissioners approve provider agreements in the amount of $1,620,000 for the period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022, with the list of previously approved providers. No county funds are required. I. AGREEMENT — CHILDREN & YOUTH SERVICES Children and Youth Services respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a purchase of service agreement with Avanco International, Inc. to provide access to the Child Accounting and Profile System (CAPS). This agreement will be effective July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 for a sum not to exceed $44,081.28. No county funds are required. J. AGREEMENT — BEHAVIORAL HEALTH & DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES Behavioral Health and. Developmental Services respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a purchase of service agreement with Beacon Health Options of Pennsylvania to provide a fully integrated information reporting system in compliance of the Commonwealth's Consolidated Consumer Reporting Initiative (CCRI). This agreement will be effective July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022 for a sum not to exceed $43,260. No county funds are required. K. AGREEMENT — HUMAN SERVICES Human Services respectfully requests the Commissioners' approval to enter into an agreement with Southwest Behavioral Health Management, Inc. for the implementation of a Community Based Care Management program for the period of July 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021. The contract authorization amount is $119,865 and no county funds are required. L. GRANT APPLICATION — VETERANS AFFAIRS Veterans Affairs respectfully requests the Commissioners' approval to submit a grant application to the Pennsylvania Department of Military and Veterans Affairs fora Veteran's Trust Fund grant focused on outreach throughout Washington County. The one-year grant application is for $20,000, there is no match requirement, and no county funds are required. M. AUTHORIZATION TO BID — PURCHASING Purchasing, on behalf of the Planning Commission, respectfully requests the Commissioners authorize the advertising for bids for dam inspections. N. ADDENDUM — PURCHASING Purchasing, on behalf of Human Resources, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve an addendum to our current agreement with Express Employment Professionals to include temporary staffing services for Human Resources and other County Departments at a percentage mark up from the current Washington County employee rate effective November 22, 2021 through January 31, 2023. This addition is under the same terms and conditions as the original contract. O. ADDENDUM - PURCHASING Purchasing respectfully requests the Commissioners approve an addendum to our current agreement for fleet management services with BBL Fleet to reduce the requirement for auto liability from $3,000,000 to $2,000,000 for the County. This agreement will be effective December 1, 2021.