HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Agenda - 4-19-2022Washington County Prison Board Agenda Wednesday, April 20, 2022 I. Invocation II. Approval of Minutes 01-19-22 dated January 19, 2022, 02-16-22 dated February 16, 2022 and 03-16-22 dated March 16, 2022 III. Public Comment IV. Warden's Report V. Bills VI. Old Business VII. New Business VIII. Adjourn Meeting D. Vaughn M. Namie N. Sherman J. Grimm L. Maggi C. Griffin President Judge DiSalle S. Arnold A. Andronas J. Hatfield J. Walsh J. Fewell A. Sloane J. Thornburg P. Jansante Minute No. PB 1-19-22 January 19, 2022 The meeting of the Washington County Prison Board was held in the 7th floor conference room of Courthouse Square,100 West Beau Street, Washington, Pennsylvania, with the following members being present: Commissioners Diana Irey Vaughan, Nick Sherman and Larry Maggi; President Judge John DiSalle; Controller April Sloane; District Attorney Jason Walsh; and Sheriff Tony Andronas. Also present were County Solicitor Jana Grimm; Warden Jeffrey Fewell; Deputy Warden Chris Cain; Finance Director Josh Hatfield; Chief of Staff Mike Namie; Human Resources Director Shelli Arnold; Chief Clerk Cindy Griffin; Chaplain Mike Pierson; Secretary Paula Jansante; Human Services Director Kim Rogers; and Solicitor Associate Lauren Matthew. Mrs. Vaughan called the meeting to order at approximately 11 a.m., and Chaplain Pierson led the meeting with the invocation. Mrs. Vaughan asked if there were any corrections, additions or omissions to Minute No. PB 12-15-21 dated December 15, 2021, each member having received a copy. It was moved by Mr. Sherman and seconded by Mr. Maggi that Minute No. PB 12-15-21 be approved. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". Moving on, Mrs. Vaughan entertained nominations for the position of Secretary since former Controller Michael Namie had been the Prison Board. Mr. Sherman nominated current Controller April Sloane, and it was seconded by Mr. Maggi. Ms. Sloane accepted the nomination, and the motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". PUBLIC COMMENTS None. WARDEN'S REPORT Income from Other Units for the Maintenance of Inmates for December 2021 Administrative Fee $11,132.42 Social Security $1,200.00 Tylenol $17.25 Monthly sub -total $12,349.67 Year-to-date grand total $12,349.67 Program Fees and Room and Board Income for December 2021 Bill Collected Work Release Inmates -0- -0- Weekend Inmates -0- -0- Monthly sub -total -0- -0- Year-to-date grand total -0- -0- Status of Inmates Confined at the End of December 2021 Male Female Total Full-time Inmates 61 16 77 Work Release Inmates 0 0 0 Weekend Inmates 0 0 0 Male Female Total Inmates Awaiting Trial and/or Sentencing 186 57 243 Total Inmates 247 73 320 Examinations Performed by the Physician 311 New Commitments gg Dental Extractions 16 Medical Transports Performed by the Sheriff 10 Contracted Housing Fee/Month $0.00 Warden Fewell started off his report stating that current population was at 317. Mr. Fewell announced that the facility is currently on lockdown due to COVID. There were 26 inmates and 25 staff that tested positive, which initiated this lockdown ten days ago. The lockdown will be lifted tomorrow. General population inmates will resume normal operations tomorrow. Mrs. Vaughan stated that this was the highest count of inmates and employees. Warden Fewell stated that over 25% of their staff tested positive within the last three weeks. Mrs. Vaughan asked of the inmates who have had COVID, what is the percentage of those who were vaccinated. Warden Fewell noted that the inmates are at 55% vaccination in total, and that none of the inmates or staff had been severely ill due to COVID. Aside from one inmate needing hospitalization for breathing, we have thankfully been able to get through this. Of the 25 staff that tested positive, well over half of them have returned to work. Warden Fewell respectfully requested the Prison Board to consider entering into a Renewal agreement with the PA District Attorneys Institute (PDAI) for the maintenance and continuance of the PA Statewide Automated Victim Information & Notification (SAVIN) program. The program is provided to the Correctional Facility through PCCD (PA Commission on Crime & Delinquency) grant funds for the purposes of victim notification. The SAVIN program automatically notifies a victim 24/7 of an offender's escape, subsequent apprehension, date of release, work release, etc. PCCD will pay 100% of the maintenance and service fees for 2022 with no cost incurred for Washington County. Washington County will pay 0% of the maintenance fees. If approved, this agreement will be effective January 1, 2022 through December 31, 2022. Moving forward, Warden Fewell noted that we are down to a two month supply of COVID tests. PrimeCare has given Warden Fewell unofficial notice that once these tests run out, more will not be provided. Warden Fewell noted that the jail tests 60 employees per week. We are able to receive four free tests per inmate, but they wouldn't arrive until July. After some brainstorming amongst department heads, Chief of Staff Mike Namie stated that he can take quotes to Purchasing Director, Randy Vankirk for COVID tests. Mrs. Vaughan noted that this does not need to be voted on, and that the Board will move on. Finally, Warden Fewell stated that he received an email from Mr. Richardson regarding the Jail Needs Study. Mr. Richardson wanted clarification on the language in the RFP that talks about current marketing efforts and current correctional trends pertinent to enhance the facility's ability to remain viable. Mr. Richardson just wanted to make sure that the data will be in his deliverables. Mrs. Vaughan stated that if it was included in the cost that we already agreed to pay, the data should be provided. It was moved by Mr. Sherman and seconded by Mr. Maggi to accept the Warden's Report. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". Ms. Sloane presented to the Board for their consideration and approval of the bills dated January 19, 2022, in the amount of $267,309.45. It was moved by Ms. Sloane and seconded by Mr. Sherman, approving the bills dated January 19, 2022. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". (See list of bills attached hereto and made a part hereof.) OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS Commissioner Vaughan briefly thanked everyone for their help during the pandemic. There being no further business, Mrs. Vaughan declared the meeting adjourned at approximately 11:19 a.m. THE FOREGOING MINUTES SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL: ATTEST: SECRETARY 2022 Minute No. PB 2-16-22 February 16, 2022 The meeting of the Washington County Prison Board was held in the 7th floor conference room of Courthouse Square,100 West Beau Street, Washington, Pennsylvania, with the following members being present: Commissioners Diana Irey Vaughan, Nick Sherman and Larry Maggi; President Judge John DiSalle; Controller April Sloane; District Attorney Jason Walsh; and Chief Deputy Tony Mosco. Also present were County Solicitor Jana Grimm; Warden Jeffrey Fewell; Captain David Codington; Captain Mark Stewart; Assistant District Attorney Megan Faust; Finance Director Josh Hatfield; Chief of Staff Mike Namie; Human Resources Director Shelli Arnold; Court Administrator Pat Grimm; Chief Clerk Cindy Griffin; Secretary Paula Jansante; Chief of Juvenile Probation Amanda Gallagher; and PrimeCare representative, Susan Woznichak. Mrs. Vaughan called the meeting to order at approximately 11:00a.m., and Warden Jeffrey Fewell led the meeting with the invocation. Mrs. Vaughan asked if there were any corrections, additions or omissions to Minute No. PB 1-19-22 dated January 19, 2022, each member having received a copy. It was moved by Mr. Sherman and seconded by Mr. Maggi that Minute No. PB 1-19-22 be held in abeyance. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating „Aye„ PUBLIC COMMENTS None. WARDEN'S REPOR Income from Other Units for the Maintenance of Inmates for January 2022 Administrative Fee $10,169.53 Social Security $1,200.00 Tylenol $1.50 Monthly sub -total $11,371.03 Year-to-date grand total $23,720.70 Program Fees and Room and Board Income for January 2022 Work Release Inmates Weekend Inmates Monthly sub -total Year-to-date grand total Status of Inmates Confined at the End of January 2022 Full-time Inmates Work Release Inmates Weekend Inmates Inmates Awaiting Trial and/or Sentencing Total Inmates Examinations Performed by the Physician New Commitments Dental Extractions Medical Transports Performed by the Sheriff Contracted Housing Fee/Month Billed Collected -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Male Female Total 59 11 70 0 0 0 0 0 0 Male Female Total 197 48 245 256 59 315 260 110 22 17 $0.00 Warden Fewell started off his report stating that current population was at 348, which is 24% higher than where we were at this time last year. The Warden then acknowledged that 325 is the maximum number of inmates that the WCCF can hold. Warden Fewell pointed out that 19 inmates were being farmed out to neighboring jails, nine of which we are paying for. Also, there is a need to farm out an additional 10 inmates. Warden Fewell stated that there are also three juveniles farmed out to Allegheny County Jail at $110/day, but the county has not yet been billed. Next, Warden Fewell began speaking of COVID testing inside the jail. There are inmate tests and there are staff tests. The inmate rapid tests are provided by PrimeCare at a cost of $20.00 per test. The staff tests are being provided by Josh [the County] at a cost of $15.50 per test. Depending on movement inside the jail, 60-100 inmates are tested per week, and 60 staff members are tested per week. There are currently about 20 weeks' worth of tests. Warden Fewell stated that the tests were previously provided by PrimeCare using federal funds, however, the County is now responsible for the costs. The Purchasing Department, on behalf of Warden Fewell, Correctional Facility, respectfully requests the Board of County Commissioners approve an agreement with National Institute for Jail Operations for the purpose of access to a variety of online jail training resources for an annual cost of $9,900 based upon 100 annual users at $99 per person. Funding will be from our Operating Budget. If approved, this agreement will be in effect for a one year period beginning June 1, 2022 through May 31, 2023 with options for renewal. Warden Fewell stated effective December 21, 202, all juveniles charged as an adult cannot be housed with adults or juveniles. We have three in custody at Alleghany County jail with no bill yet, estimated at $110 per day. Warden Fewell invited Ms. Faust to speak on the topic. Ms. Faust stated that as of December 21st, any juvenile that is charged directly as an adult, and there is a statute that determines under what circumstances a juvenile can be charged as an adult, cannot be housed in an adult facility unless they are out of sight and sound. Ms. Faust continued that there have been meetings to discuss to have a process in place with these circumstances. Mr. Walsh clarified that Ms. Faust handles all of their juvenile cases. Mr. Walsh further clarified that the statute allows the District Attorney to decide on whether a juvenile is charged as an adult, and they review them on a case -by -case basis. Warden Fewell stated that they have contacted Jefferson County Detention Center in Steubenville, Ohio. Jefferson County has juvenile -charged -as -an -adult housing and have beds available. Jefferson County wishes to enter a contract with us with two options 1) standard rate $200 per day. No minimum beds needed to order or 2) $160 a day with a set number of beds held, estimated at 5. Warden Fewell continued that they have three at Allegheny County Jail presently and that we have not been billed as we are holding some of their inmates. Warden Fewell stated that they could look at housing juveniles within the facility, however, there would need to be specialized training, licenses, and a number of regulations to follow. In addition, there will be other costs involved. Mrs. Vaughan requested that the Warden look at whether it makes better financial sense to outsource juveniles or to house them in our facility, following regulations. Mrs. Vaughan entertained for a motion to separately approve a contract with Jefferson County Detention Center to hold 5 beds at $160 a day for 30 days while we review options. Mrs. Gallagher stated that Juvenile Probation recoup education fees for the juveniles as long as they are enrolled at a district at $40 per day and further stated that these monies go directly into the general fund. Mrs. Vaughan entertained for a motion to approve a 30-day contract with Jefferson County Detention Center as previously discussed at a rate of $160 per day for 5 beds. It was moved by Mr. Sherman and seconded by Mr. Maggi to approve the contract. Mr. Walsh abstained due to a conflict. The motion was carried with a majority of the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". Warden Fewell stated that Captain Jamie Restanio was hired with the Pennsylvania State Police and resigned with the agency on February 12, 2022. The chain of command published her position inside and outside the organization, accepted applications, reviewed records and conducted formal interviews of selected, qualified personnel. The final two candidates were re -interviewed by a panel which consisted of senior personnel in the facility. Officer Daniel Oldland, seven-year veteran of the department, was selected and recommended for promotion to Captain. Warden Fewell respectfully requested the Prison Board to consider the promotion of Officer Daniel Oldland to Captain, effective next available payroll date. It was moved by Mr. Sherman and seconded by Mr. Maggi to accept the Warden's Report. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". At Warden Fewell's request, Mrs. Vaughan called an executive session at 11:21 a.m. to discuss personnel and public safety matters. Mrs. Vaughan reconvened the meeting following executive session at approximatelt 11:35 a.m. Ms. Sloane presented to the Board for their consideration and approval of the bills dated February 16, 2022, in the amount of $200,292.32. It was moved by Ms. Sloane and seconded by Mr. Sherman, approving the bills dated February 16, 2022. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". (See list of bills attached hereto and made a part hereof.) OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS None There being no further business, Mrs. Vaughan declared the meeting adjourned at approximately 11:36 a.m. THE FOREGOING MINUTES SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL: ATTEST: SECRETARY 2022 Minute No. PB 3-16-22 March 16, 2022 The meeting of the Washington County Prison Board was held in the 7th floor conference room of Courthouse Square,100 West Beau Street, Washington, Pennsylvania, with the following members being present: Commissioners Diana Irey Vaughan, Nick Sherman and Larry Maggi; President Judge John DiSalle; Controller April Sloane; District Attorney Jason Walsh; and Sheriff Tony Andronas. Also present were County Solicitor Jana Grimm; Warden Jeffrey Fewell; Deputy Warden Chris Cain; Finance Director Josh Hatfield; Chief of Staff Mike Namie; Human Resources Director Shelli Arnold; Chief Clerk Cindy Griffin; Chaplain Mike Pierson; Secretary Paula Jansante; Chief of Juvenile Probation Amanda Gallagher via telephone; Human Services Director Kim Rogers; and Solicitor Associate Lauren Matthew. Mrs. Vaughan called the meeting to order at approximately 11:00a.m., and Chaplain Pierson led the meeting with the invocation. Mrs. Vaughan noted that there were a few corrections needed to be made on January and February Prison Board Minutes. Subsequently, they will be held in abeyance. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. WARDEN'S REPORT Income from Other Units for the Maintenance of Inmates for March 2022 Administrative Fee $9,672.90 Social Security $600.00 Tylenol $26.04 Monthly sub -total $10,298.94 Year-to-date grand total $34,019.64 Program Fees and Room and Board Income for March 2022 Work Release Inmates Weekend Inmates Monthly sub -total Year-to-date grand total Status of Inmates Confined at the End of March 2022 Full-time Inmates Work Release Inmates Weekend Inmates Inmates Awaiting Trial and/or Sentencing Total Inmates Examinations Performed by the Physician New Commitments Dental Extractions Medical Transports Performed by the Sheriff Contracted Housing Fee/Month Billed Collected -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Male Female Total 60 9 69 0 0 0 0 0 0 Male Female Total 204 48 252 264 57 321 219 118 4 21 $0.00 Warden Fewell started that today's population is currently 350: 326 currently in custody, and 24 being farmed out to multiple neighboring counties. Furthermore, there are four additional juveniles at ACJ that will need to be addressed. Purchasing and the WCCF respectfully requested the Board of County Commissioners extend the bid contract for Kitchen & Laundry Equipment Repair for the WCCF to the following vendors: ❖ AIS Commercial Parts & Service, Pittsburgh PA — 8-5, M-F - $94.50/hr; 5-8, M-F — WE - $141-.75 ❖ Hobart Service, Troy, OH — 8-5, M-F - $127.00/hr; 5-8, M-F — WE - $191.00 All work will be done on a time and material basis as needed. If approved, this extension will be effective May 1, 2022 through April 30, 2023, with option to extend for 1 additional year. NOTE: THIS AWARD IS CONTINGENT UPON PRISON BOARD APPROVAL Next, Warden Fewell stated that Pennsylvania County Corrections Association will be meeting soon. Therefore, the Prison Board meeting on April 6th will need to be canceled. Additionally, on October 19 through 21st, the Pennsylvania Prison Warden's Association will be staying at the Double Tree Hotel in Washington on Racetrack Road. Warden Fewell invited the Prison Board to attend and meet all the wardens, as well as the Secretary of Corrections, of the Commonwealth. Next, Warden Fewell began speaking of overpopulation in the jail. Currently, there are four juveniles in our custody that are being housed at Alleghany County Jail. The Jefferson County contract has expired. Also, Jefferson County is unable to house any more individuals. After a lengthy discussion amongst department heads pertaining to the growing number of inmates that need placement, Commissioner Dianna Irey Vaughan asked if there was a motion to create a new contract for Jefferson County that would allow up to five beds, as they become available, for a one year term. It moved by Mr. Sherman and seconded by Mr. Maggi. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". Additionally, Mrs. Vaughan asked if there was a motion to cancel April sixth's Prison Board meeting. It moved by Mr. Sherman and seconded by Mr. Maggi. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". Finally, Mrs. Vaughan asked if there was a motion to approve of the requested bid contract extension for kitchen repair equipment. It moved by Mr. Sherman and seconded by Mr. Maggi. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". Ms. Sloane presented to the Board for their consideration and approval of the bills dated In March 16, 2022, in the amount of $306,841.31. It was moved by Ms. Sloane and seconded by Mr. Sherman, approving the bills dated March 16, 2022. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". (See list of bills attached hereto and made a part hereof.) OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS None There being no further business, Mrs. Vaughan declared the meeting adjourned at approximately 11:26 a.m. THE FOREGOING MINUTES SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL: ATTEST: SECRETARY 2022 Washington County Correctional Facility Invoices - April 20, 2022 A Z Janitorial Services LLC Housekeeping Supplies Bid $ 3,520.29 Albano's Produce Bid $ 2,463.54 *Big's Sanitation Waste Removal - 3/1-4/30/22 $ 2,460.00 Bimbo Bakeries USA Bread Bid $ 2,037.70 *Buckholt, Jack Employee Travel $ 359.62 *CDW-G PO# 44185 - Computer Equipment $ 2,110.64 *Chipps, Eli Employee Travel $ 50.90 *Colt Plumbing Company Plumbing Supplies Bid $ 257.41 *Columbia Gas of PA Inc. Energy Utility Services - Feb/22 $ 5,678.21 *Cook's Correctional Kitchen Equip PO# 44326 - Kitchen Equipment $ 1,317.02 *Cornerstone Detention Products Security System Contract $ 1,405.00 County of Greene Inmate Exchange $ 13,500.00 *Craftmaster Hardware PO# 44593 - Hardware $ 133.56 *Fred Pryor Seminars Training $ 6,400.00 Grainger W W Inc. Industrial Commodities Bid $ 497.13 *J.D. Marra Hotel and Restaurant SVC Coffee Bid $ 1,052.46 *Jack Frye Sales and Service Housekeeping Bid $ 1,567.50 Janitor's Supply Housekeeping Bid $ 578.87 Johnson Controls Inc. Fire Alarms Bid $ 275.00 Justice Planners Needs Assessment Contract $ 5,270.00 *Lexis Nexus Law Library $ 2,314.00 *McDonough, Jonathan Employee Travel $ 195.29 MSC Industrial Supply Co. Industrial Commodities $ 2,180.89 *National Elevator Inspection Svcs. PO# 44507 - Elevator Inspection $ 275.55 *Otis Elevator Company Scheduled Maintenance $ 146.08 *PA State Police Employment Screenings $ 22.00 *Pennsylvania American Water Co. Water Utility - 02/01-3/30/22 $ 17,873.37 *Pennsylvania Prison Wardens Association Training $ 400.00 Primecare Medical Inc. Contracted Medical Services $ 1,695.14 *Ricoh USA Inc. Scalise Industries Corporation Schneider's Dairy Inc. *Schrock Fence Company *Sprague Operating Resources *Super Laundry Equip Corp. *Sysco Pittsburgh LLC *Tri-Community South EMS United Parcel Service *Verizon Wireless *W B Mason Co. Inc. *Washington E Washington Joint Authority *West Penn Power *Paid as required by due date Cost Per Copy Bid $ 712.35 Contracted Repairs $ 812.53 Milk Bid $ 2,862.81 PO# 44655 - Gate Repair $ 250.00 Liquid Fuels Utility Service - 02/01-02/28/22 $ 3,353.57 PO# 44591 - Repairs $ 769.11 COSTARS Food Contract $ 9,440.28 PO# 44558 - Heart Saver Cards $ 95.00 Package Delivery $ 7.88 Telecom Service - 2/17-3/16/22 $ 160.04 Office Supplies Bid $ 357.85 Sewage Utility Service - 1/31-2/28/22 $ 10,788.00 Power Utility - 2/18-3/21/22 $ 9,815.01 Total 04/20/22 Meeting $ 115,461.60 Warden's Prison Board Agenda- April 20, 2022 Stats PROPOSAL #1. Prime Care Medical — Addendum - Correctional Facility The Purchasing Department, on behalf of Warden Fewell, Correctional Facility, respectfully requests the Board of County Commissioners approve an addendum to our agreement with Prime Care Medical, Harrisburg, PA, for the purpose of providing a full-time (40/hrs./wk./$85,500.00/yr.) Director of Nursing and full-time (40/hrs./wk./$70,000.00/yr.) Licensed Mental Health Professional at the Correctional Facility. Variable costs for Health Care Benefits/Professional Liability & Malpractice Insurance/Workers Compensation Insurance $31,440.00. Total per Year $186,536.00. If approved, this contract will be effective April 5, 2022 under the same terms and conditions as the original contract. NOTE: THIS ADDENDUM FOR THE CORRECTIONAL FACILITY IS CONTINGENT UPON BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS APPROVAL. PROPOSAL #2. WCCF Facility Needs Assessment Addendum— Contract #092221- Assessment The Purchasing Department, on behalf of Warden Fewell, Correctional Facility, respectfully requests Board of County Commissioners approve an addendum to our Facility Needs Assessment agreement with Justice Planners, Columbia, SC, to include a Juvenile Study at a total cost of $10,000.00. Total cost will be funded from the American Rescue Plan Act Fund. NOTE: THIS ADDENDUM FOR THE CORRECTIONAL FACILITY IS CONTINGENT UPON BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS APPROVAL. PROPOSAL #3. Washington County Correctional Facility -County of Allegheny Agreement Purchasing, on behalf of Jeff Fewell, Warden, respectfully requests the Board of County Commissioners enter into an agreement with the County of Allegheny for the provision of housing each other's Adult offenders on an as needed basis as per the contract conditions including, $116.87 per inmate, per day, plus medical expenses to be paid from their Operating budget. NOTE: THIS SERVICE FOR THE CORRECTIONAL FACILITY IS CONTINGENT UPON BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS APPROVAL. PROPOSAL #4 Washington County Correctional Facility — Lawrence County Agreement Purchasing, on behalf of Jeff Fewell, Warden, respectfully requests the Board of County Commissioners enter into an agreement with the Lawrence County for the provision of housing each other's Adult offenders on an as needed basis as per the contract conditions including, $50.00 per inmate, per day, plus medical expenses to be paid from their Operating budget. NOTE: THIS SERVICE FOR THE CORRECTIONAL FACILITY IS CONTINGENT UPON BOARD OF COMISSIONERS APPROVAL. PROPOSAL #5-Reauest to Replace lost inmate property The WCCF respectfully requests the Prison Board to replace property lost by the facility during inmate routine inmate movement. Inmate Tommie Holmes was booked into our facility on September 23, 2020. During routine inmate movement his size 12 Nike Air Force 1, white in color, tennis shoes were misplaced and lost. Request replacement or refund estimated at $100.00. NOTE: THIS AWARD IS CONTINGENT UPON BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS APPROVAL. OF EPORT//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////