HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Agenda - 5-4-2022rll julujawwwalm wo D1i i 1 11 i i 4 r" 1 COMMISSIONERS' FACEBOOK PAGE. FF YOU HAVE NOTSIGNED IN AND ARE PRESENT AT TIIISA1 1 PLEASE 141110 S09 SO THAT! " 1 AGENDA 1. Omnine of Meeting a. Prayer b. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes Special Order of Business Proclamation — Corrections Employee Week Proclamation — Older Americans Month (RECESS FOR PHOTOS) 3. Public Comments 4. The Board of Commissioners' Response 5. Old Business Bid Contract Extension a. Linen Supplies Bid Contract Purchases a. Badge System Change Order a. Washington County Fairgrounds Hall 3 THURSDAY. MAY 5.2022 The Rev. Jason Freyer Laboratory Presbyterian Church John Sopiak Veteran's Affairs Minute No. 1150, April 21, 2022 Jeff Fewell, Warden Washington County Leslie Grenfell, Exec. Director SWPA Area Agency on Aging 6. New Business a. Board Appointments — Chief Clerk b. Grant Agreement — Planning c. Contract Extension — Planning d. Authorization — Planning e. Contract — Planning f. Renewal Application— Finance g. Project Modification — Finance h. Amendment — Finance i. Agreement — Finance j. Grant Agreement — Finance k. Resolution — Finance I. Agreement — Behavioral Health & Developmental Services m. Agreements — Children & Youth Services n. Agreement — Children & Youth Services o. Addendums — Human Services p. Addendum — Purchasing q. Addendum — Purchasing r. Renewal Agreement — Purchasing s. Addendum — Purchasing t. Addendum — Purchasing u. State Contract — Purchasing v. State Contract — Purchasing w. Resolution — Redevelopment Authority 7. Announcements An Executive Session was held at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, May 4, 2022, following the agenda meeting to discuss personnel. The regularly scheduled Salary Board meeting has been canceled. 8. Solicitor Tax refunds in the amount of $90,380.86 9. Adiournment Minute No. 1150 April 21, 2022 The Washington County Commissioners met in regular session in the Public Meeting Room, Courthouse Square, Washington, Pa., with the following members being present: Commissioners Diana Irey Vaughan, Larry Maggi, and Nick Sherman. Also present are Solicitor Jana Grimm; Director of Administration; Finance Director Josh Hatfield; Treasurer Tom Flickinger; Register of Wills James Roman and employee Dheaven Kelley; Controller April Sloane; Recorder of Deeds Carrie Per -tell and employee Paula Macik; Prothonotary Laura Hough; Sheriff deputy Brandon Frankie; Register of Wills Jim Roman; Chief Clerk Cynthia B. Griffin; Executive Secretaries Marie Trossman and Randi Marodi; Administrative Assistant Joyce Thornburg; Planning representative Kalie Chasko; Behavioral Health and Development Services representatives Jennifer Scott and Beth Phillips; Bill West; veteran representative Jose Vazquez and Debbie Vazquez; WJPA representative Joe Jasek; Observer -Reporter representative Mike Jones; Vietnam Veterans in attendance are Frank Habor; Darrell Molinari; Albert S. Pavelko; Charles Wyandt; Thomas Wheeler; William Vester; Tom Rizor; Lear Carpenter; Bob Staranko; Joe Trifaro; Philip A. Fiumara Jr.; and Charlie Baker. Also in attendance are concerned citizens Jim Piper; Bill and Betsy West; Joe Jefferys; Fern Sibert; Keith Lester; Mary Lorenz; Ashley Duff; Kerry Gallick; Liz Molinaro; Justin Coppoly; Washington County Bar Association representatives Kathy Sabol and Rachel Lozosky; Frank Byrd; Judy Edwards; Sean Garin; Deb Coury; Bruce Bandel; Bonnie Rankin; Corey McConn; Becky Reid; Camille Papia; Leigh Mawhinney; Amy Miller; Teresa and Amelia Coppola; Washington Sentinel representative Nick Morris; Directory of Huma ices Kim Rogers; Fred Bender; Annie Shaner; Susan Bender; and Kristin Vanderman. Mrs. Vaughan called the meeting to order at approx��y 2 p A _� d announced this meeting is video and audio live streamed via Facebook. Bill West led the meeting with a prayer. Jose' Vazquez led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mrs. Vaughan entertained a motions '.1'.v Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded b Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. MV gi — Yes;1V s Motion carried una 1� ; SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSS SS Mr. Sherman read the pr a ui Day. j y Jennifer Scott, Adri accepted the proclamation. their learning. Beth Phillips Washington County. dated March 1 No. 1148 as written. 21, 2022, as Early Child Development Awareness the proclamation. behavioral Health and Developmental Services and Beth Phillips xed early intervention is crucial we all start engaging children early in Commissioners for recognizing the youngest and their families in Mr. Maggi read the proclamation announcing April 21, 2022, as Vietnam Veterans Day. Moved by Mr. Maggi, seconded by Mr. Sherman, approving the proclamation. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Maggi stated this was a generation that was forgotten. He also stated the Commissioners are trying to make up for this today, even though it would never be enough. Mr. Maggi noted that 67 men were lost from Washington County. There are a number of Vietnam Veterans in the audience, including Frank Habor, who will accept the proclamation. Mr. Habor, a service officer, and honor guard out of Post 10, thanked the veterans for their service and saluted the Vietnam Veterans. He stated there have been several veterans buried within the last year. He also stated that he is very proud to give back. Mr. Habor noted that Angie Mattes was a tremendous help in pushing him on, and it paid off. He is especially grateful to the VA. Mr. Habor thanked the Commissioners on behalf of all of the veterans. Mr. Maggi read the proclamation announcing May 1, 2022, as Law Day. Moved by Mr. Maggi, seconded by Mr. Sherman, approving the proclamation. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Accepting the proclamation is Rachel Lozosky, Chair of the Bar Association's Public Relations and Education Committee, and Cathy Sabol, Executive Director. Ms. Lozosky thanked the Commissioners. She stated that as attorneys and members of the bar, it is a great privilege and responsibility to uphold the rule of law. This is attempted in everyday practice and daily lives as well. Law Day celebration is to be held in the Courthouse on May 10, 2022. Cathy Sabol also thanked the Commissioners. RECESS FOR PHOTOS PUBLIC COMMENT The following Washington County residents addressed the Fern Sibert spoke about the Clean & Tidy Our C tomorrow, April 22, 2022, is Earth Day. She encouraged bags of trash from the highways. She also encouraged y Mary Lorenz stated the 2020 Presidential reminded the Commissioners that they work for the Ashley Duff said the county does no instead there is a paper trail with barcodes that if we are prohibited from looking at it. She said the issue placed on the ballot 11 tens d also wants ballots counted- orec-, for Frank Byrd said the pris and ping pong,t4 the jail sioners during public comment: mat she started eight years ago. She said at the Ring to pick up a minimum of three .e to cuA*Vieighbor's grass, free of charge. as a fraud and the ad ij gration is illegitimate. She i b ` d ened them to r e right thing. 10 ballots s commissioner Sherman maintains, but 'f read. Sh a $1 million paper trail isn't any good arked.127_ r ballots, not machines. She wants ,ontin u a use of voter machines. She Ito the ty on election night. 't have luxuries like health insurance, televisions, street and pick up trash. Justus _aolla said the ffey'geN691 District listed a Washington County Tax Collection Committee on its agenda for 0 hool board MMO *g Heed a right -to -know request asking for information about this committee and was -that it didn't' He suggested that people be permitted to comment at the Commissioners meeting Zoom. -_ Deb Court' said her co ere censored at the last meeting. She talked about voter fraud at the polls that include the use of muleZuckerbucks and she questioned mail -in ballots and the need for signature checks, affidavits, and canvassing result discrepancies. She supports the veterans who died in the name of freedom and she wants a free and fair election. She wants a full forensic audit and the question on the ballot. Carrie Perrell, the Recorder of Deeds, gave an update on her office. She has opened her office during the noon hour and she is doing test runs for direct deposit of transfer taxes for school districts and municipalities, which will allow for cleaner bookkeeping and cost savings. She said her office is conducting business in a timely fashion, despite many unnecessary challenges that occurred with computers, furniture, equipment, staffing, and bank access. She wants the commissioners to follow up on these issues and she encouraged them to work on their communication with the row officers. Camille Papia said surveys, straw polls, and door knocking do not accurately reflect statistics and she does not like the heckling at the meetings. She does not think the three -minute speaking allotment needs to be increased. She pointed out that PennDOT spends $13 million a year to clean up trash. She pointed out that the question on the ballot was about a Government Study, not a Home Rule. Jim Roman discussed his educational background and explained how he performed a random sampling of the election records of 100 people and found a 25 percent error rate. He said there is no consistency in the election office, there are discrepancies between the county and state election records, and he said we need an audit. Dheaven Kelly said he wants to make sure the people have a voice and a platform of transparency, so he created The Washington Sentinel to fight against censorship and dishonesty. Teresa Capolla said she does not think the founding fathers intended for our government to be run by career politicians. She said Commissioners Irey Vaughan and Maggi are in favor of term limits and she listed several negative issues that have occurred in the past 28 years in Washington County during their tenure. Fred Bender spoke about the need to move on from the 2020 election audit crusade because the acceptance of the big he is a fool's errand. He discussed paper ballots in elections past and how that process was not without fraud. Annie Shaner believes everyone is wasting a lot of time repeatedly discussing election fraud at these meetings. She does wonder if this group would be requesting an audwom e voting machines if former President Trump had won the election? She is willing to forma �o study the election process to make them equal and fair. THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONER'S RESPONSE q Commissioner Chair Diana Irey Vaughan ad Justin Capolla re '­61, his public comment referring to a tax committee. There is no committee 13 name of Washingto _V ty Tax Collection Committee. This could possibly be the Tax Assessment further explanation, he could see her after ,x_=_ 4 Feting. BID AWARD Solicitor Grimm recommended the Municipal Purchasing Pr( cost as submitted in their • Hanson AggregCol • Coolsptings, IJnio • Culvert oraop • C carp., All itliave been ac specifications. contract wi approximately $1 0 All bid Purchasing Departxi BID AWARD PA PA to Mrs. VauA'`'Atated if he would like d the bid for the Joint ed on their delivered per unit rMNY ;'.J9west mos� i.oponsive and responsible bidders meeting ffecti 213 2022, through May 31, 2023, at a total yearly cost of s wet iewed and recommended for award by the Planning and Solicitor Grimm reco ``' e Board, on behalf of Building & Grounds, respectfully award the vehicle repairs & maintenance bia"10`section on a time and material basis to the following vendors and authorize re -bidding for Sections I., II., & III. General Mechanical Repairs Fox Ford Inc., Waynesburg, PA Time and material basis $119.00 hourly rate Percentage discount from list price on replacement parts 20% • Air conditioning repair Fox Ford Inc., Waynesburg, PA Time and material basis $119.00 hourly rate Percentage discount from list price on replacement parts 20% Tom Pancake Towing Service $75.00 base rate — light -duty cars & trucks $100.00 base rate — medium duty vehicle -up to 14.500 GVW $N/A base rate — heavy duty vehicles -sub. contracted out $4.00 Per Mile $100.00 sinching fee — per hour note: one hour minimum $75.00 service call -flat rate (example: keys locked in car) This contract will be effective April 21, 2022, through April 30, 2023, with the option to renew for one additional year. All items have been awarded to the lowest most responsive and responsible bidders meeting the specifications. NO BID Solicitor Grimm recommended the Board, o behalf of Purchasing, approve the County to make a direct purchase for landscaping supplies and service items. These items have been advertised twice and no bids were received. Therefore, in accordance with 73 P.S. Section 1641, the County may make a direct purchase for these items and services. Moved by Mr. Sherman, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the direct purchase of landscaping supplies and service items. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS AR Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their considera d roval, on behalf of Finance, the Court of Common Pleas, and Washington Drug and Alcoholnmtssi- f the renewal memorandum of understanding for the Saturday Teen Education Programs P), in the aaof $25,000. This will be for the period of May 1, 2022, through April 30, 20233 a be funded by Act ubstance Abuse and Demand Reduction Fund monies. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, apvin renewal mem� dum of understanding. _ 4 j� Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — YeNXI s, Motion carried unanimous Chief Clerk presen'; ' the Boor their tion an roval, on behalf of Finance and Public Safety, of a recertifica t Pg licatiS. ;and agrt with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Emerenc Manag t _ 'EMA) e hazardous materials response program. Moved `'� sec by 1t, aving this recertification application. l x_ Roll F to taken:-' Mr. Sh in Yes., Mr wrs. Vaughan —Yes. "= Motion cal unanimoush x U Chief Clerk pre to the B6— for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Finance, to enact an ordinance authorizing th �urrenl6f indebtedness in the maximum principal amount of $36,705,000 for the purposes of refinancing, fa A, ice savings, all or portions of the County's General Obligation Bonds, Series B of 2012, General Obltgattonds, Series of 2016 and General Obligation Bonds, Series of 2017 as presented by Bond Counsel. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving this ordinance. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman - Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on half of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, of a provider agreement with the Center for Community Resources, Inc. to serve as our base service unit for the period of January 1, 2022, through June 30, 2022. The contract authorization amount is $465,000 and no county funds are required. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving this provider with the Center for Community Resources, Inc. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for the consideration and approval, on behalf of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, of a provider agreement addendum with SPHS Southwest Behavioral Care, Inc. to add Mobile Psychiatric Rehabilitation Housing Support services. The contract authorization amount remains the same and no county funds are required. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving this provider agreement addendum with SPHS Southwest Behavioral Care, Inc. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for the consideration and approval, on behalf of Behavioral Health and Developmental Seances, of provider agreement addendums for the period of July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022, with the list of previously approved providers. The contract authorization amount will increase by $24,000 and no county funds are required. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving this provider agreement addendum. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for the consic Services, of a provider agreement with Valley Youth Hot period of April 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023. The cog funds are required. " :Y Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Mag =' House. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Ye s ug Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to e, Board for ,com Elections/Voter Registrations payment f sc our 2022 Primary Election �_ ort of ee e Decem � amount is $44,055 and will be d from r `" operatml Moved by Mr. Sherman. -,- Ma 991 Roll call Mr. SOWm — Yes; � it aggi es; Mrs. V 1, on behalf of Children and Youth of placement services for the �' ` unt is $150,000 and no county provider ` ment with Valley Youth and apoval, on behalf of Purchasing and smg lection Systems & Software for r6beWovember 30, 2022. The total Yes. the payment for software licensing. Chief Clerk to the d for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing, approval of the tennina upon a 3 #K written notice, of our agreement with Laurel Food Systems for the � Crossroads Building vendurochin request approval to add new machines under our current agreement with AVI Food Systems, Inc Moved by Mr. Sherman, sended by Mr. Maggi, approving the termination of the agreement with Laurel Food Systems and adding new machines under the current agreement with AVI Food Systems, Inc. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing, to approve the addendums with Buchart Horn and Justice Planner to include the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) language. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the addendums with Buchart Horn and Justice Planner. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing and Building and Grounds, of a professional service agreement with Intelligent Electronic Systems, LLC for an annual functional test and inspection of the fire alarm system in the Crossroads Building. This agreement will be effective April 21, 2022, and will continue for a one-year term. The cost of the inspection is $1,370 and a $129/hour service fee for the year for any additional work. Costs will be paid from their operating budget. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the agreement with Intelligent Electronic Systems, LLC. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing and the Correctional Facility, of an addendum to our agreement with PrimeCare Medical for the purpose of providing a full-time Director of Nursing, a full-time Licensed Mental Health Professional, including variable costs for health care benefits and insurances at the Correctional Facility. The total annual cost of the agreement is $186,536 and will be effective April 5, 2022, under the same terms and conditions as the original contract. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the addendum to the agreement with PrimeCare Medical Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their the Correction facility, to approve the addendum to Planners to include a juvenile study at a total cost of Plan Act fund. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yer Vaug: Motion carried unanimously. r Chief Clerk preser. the Correctional Facility, t other's adult offenders on day, plus medical Moved b County. OUMOM r� Roll c Mr. Sheri Motion c, taken: Yes; Mr. 46and a val, on behalf of Purchasing and 7 needs asses _G' ' t agreement with Justice Costs will be 0! from the American Rescue Planners. and for the onsid r appr al, on behalf of Purchasing and into aeement 3'Egheny sty for the provision of housing each eeded li� as per the tract conditions including $116.87 per inmate/per # bperating budget. i from their e66y , a Y ving to enter into an agreement with Allegheny 1 4,, Yes, , Vaughan — Yes. Chief Clerk presenii,` the fi for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing and the Correctional Facility, to ingment with Lawrence County for the provision of housing each other's U" adult offenders on an as -needed leis' as per the contract conditions including $50 per inmate/per day, plus medical expenses. Costs will be paid from their operating budget. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving to enter into an agreement with Lawrence County. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval on behalf of Purchasing and the JPO Leader Program, of an agreement with the Carnegie Science Center to bring their Mobile Fab Lab for their LEADER/Jobs kids to participate in. The total cost is $2,170 and will be paid from their operating budget. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving to enter into an agreement with Carnegie Science Center. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing to approve a general release agreement with Romesburg Physical Therapy & Sports Fitness, LLC based on the general release conditions. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the general release agreement with Romesburg Physical therapy & Sports Fitness, LLC. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing and Adult Probation, of the purchase of two 2022 Ford Interceptor Utility vehicles at a cost of $75,720 from Tri State Ford, Inc. The total cost will be paid from Act 35 funds. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the purchase of two Ford Interceptor Utility vehicles. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for the consideration Information and Technology, approving the payment to the amount of $30,660 for software maintenance and to Assessment, and Planning. The cost will be charged to T departments. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Mag Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yv4rswm�l . Vaughan Motion carried unanimously. ANNOUNCEMENTS An Executive Sessio discuss personnel and litig The SOLICITOR Solicito� T dented amount of $.63. WASHINGTON F11W;NCIAl AMANDA ALTON 77 SOUTH MAIN ST WASHINGTON PA 15301 ' District: FALLOWFIELD Parcel: 320-012-00-00-0012-03 Amount: $686.08 GOGARTY KATELYN E 68 WALNUT RIDGE RD CHARLEROI PA 15022 District: FALLOWFIELD Parcel: 320-006-02-03-0001-00 Amount: 46.91 CORELOGIC KIMBERLY MIRAGE PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: HANOVER Parcel: 340-030-00-00-0013-01 Amount: 290.77 i"roval, on behalf of Purchasing and q- stems Research Institute (ESRI) in GI � are utilized by Public Safety, Tax Taxment, and the Planning payment `f a,.ftware maintenance. 10 a.m. nes A�O, 20Mfollowing the agenda meeting to rlv sche �Boat-etm2 has been canceled. and approval of a tax refund in the CtGI r CORELOGIC BRER ERIC GEHO K 9202 PO BOX 9202 LL TX 75019 COPPELL TX 75019 FALLOWFIELD District: FALLOWFIELD 320-008-01-01-0012-00 Parcel: 320-007-00-00-0004-02 :: 250.05 Amount: 189.33 CORELOGIC LERETA, CENTRAL REFUNDS THOMAS & TERRY HOSKINS 901 CORPORATE CENTER DR PO BOX 9202 SHERRY FISHER COPPELL TX 75019 POMONA CA 91768 District: FALLOWFIELD District: HANOVER Parcel: 320-007-05-01-0006-00 Parcel: 340-002-00-00-0006-03 Amount: 130.98 Amount: 193.37 CORELOGIC CORELOGIC RICHARD & LESLIE THAMES FURMANGEORGE & MARLENE PO BOX 9202 & TAMMY COPPELL TX 75019 PO BOX 9202 District: HOPEWELL COPPELL TX 75019 Parcel: 350-008-00-00-0008-01 District: HOUSTON Amount: 77.16 Parcel: 360-007-00-03-0001-01 Amount: 226.71 CORELOGIC LIGGETT JOHN E & CARMEN R STEELE TROY L & KIMBERLEE F CHRIS MYERS 357 WASHINGTON PIKE 221 BELMONT AVE PO BOX 9202 AVELLA PA 15312 CANONSBURG PA 15317 COPPELL TX 75019 District: INDEPENDENCE District: INDEPENDENCE District: HOUSTON Parcel: 370-005-00-00-0007-16 Parcel: 370-003-04-00-0011-01 Parcel: 360-014-00-02-0015-00 Amount: 564.39 Amount: 4.05 Amount: 129.79 CORELOGIC CORELOGIC WEBSTER DANIELLE R PETRIE CHRISTINA WATERS DANIEL G & EMILY L 47 TOWNSHIP RD #335 PO BOX 9202 PO BOX 9202 BURGETTSTOWN PA 15021 COPPELL TX 75019 COPPELL TX 75019 District: JEFFERSON District: JEFFERSON District: JEFFERSON Parcel: 380-006-00-00-0011-00 Parcel: 380-001-09-99-0042-01 Parcel: 380-016-00-00-0010-01 Amount: 6.19 Amount: 13.57 Amount: 281.72 CORELOGIC CORELOGIC CORELOGIC WAREHAM ALAN MICHAEL II PINE HOLLOW REAL EST LLC COLE RICKY II & COURTNEY PO BOX 9202 PO BOX 9202 PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 COPPELL TX 75019 COPPELL TX 75019 District: MONONGAHELA 2ND W District: MONONGAHELA 2ND W District: MONONGAHELA 3RD W Parcel: 430-026-00-01-0012-00 Parcel: 430-011-00-02-0011-00 Parcel: 440-027-00-00-0007-00 Amount: 232.9 Amount: 154.08 Amount: 261.24 CORELOGIC CORELOGIC AMATO JACK F & LISA G DOTSON JAMES GUY BELLUSO ROBERT L & 119 SUMMER LANE PO BOX 9202 PO BOX 9202 ' ay MCDONALD PA 15057 COPPELL TX 75019 COPPELL TX 75019 �_ District: MT PLEASANT District: MONONGAHELA 3RD W District: MONONGA 3RD W arcel: 460-015-05-00-0017-02 Parcel: 440-015-00-02-0013-00 Parcel: 440-029-00- fZ A--00 ount: 737.75 Amount: 158.84 Amount: 600.35, WASHINGTON FINANCIAL FIRST FEDERAL ': LERE7 CENTRAL REFUNDS 77 SOUTH MAIN ST 25 E HIGH STREET 901 CORPTE CENTER DR BONAL T BEYAN J & KELLY R COL ENN A JONES L S LIVING TRUST WASHINGTON PA 15301 PO 1305� POMONA CA 91768 District: MT PLEASANT WAk 15370 District: MT PLEASANT Parcel: 460-008-07-00-0021-00 District 1"L?L E Parcel: 460-006-00-00-0018-00 Amount: 298.16 Parcel. 460- 00-00 Amount: 557.73 ount: 316 4� g CORELOGIC W CO - OGIC CORELOGIC ULIZZI KEVIN A & ASHLEY SU b Y EUGEN ` PAMELA WANG TANIA & STEPHENS PO BOX 9202 01 9202 JAMES COPPELL TX 7501� 4, v�� 75019� �r� PO BOX 9202 District: MT PL -' ct. MIfi� N '" COPPELL TX 75019 Parcel: 460 01 0024 01 460-011 09-00 District: MCDONALD Amount: 487 AmV l 338.64 Parcel: 470-021-00-00-0002-00 `- Amount: 261.72 LERETA, CENTRAL 'UN DS Cb ELOG G-" BLANK RICHARD J 901 CORPORATE CE ,DR DU BIN DAVID WALTER II & SUSAN FOSTER BARKEY COREY ANDR PGOX 9202 1008 DANIELS RUN RD POMONA CA 91768 TELL TX 75019 SCENERY HILL PA 15360 District: NEW EAGLE Arcel: trict: NEW EAGLE District: NORTH BETHLEHEM Parcel: 480-018-00-04-0007-00 480-019-00-03-0006-00 Parcel: 490-024-00-00-0009-00 Amount: 147.88Amount: 351.02 Amount: 612.97 GARDNER WILLIAM S CORELOGIC CMS 1343 BRUSH RUN RD WESLAGER JASON & LACEY MACE MEGHAN & RUSH CHAZ WASHINGTON PA 15301 PO BOX 9202 PO BOX 9233 District: NORTH BETHLEHEM COPPELL TX 75019 COPPELL TX 75019 Parcel: 490-010-00-00-0004-00 District: NORTH CHARLEROI District: NORTH FRANKLIN Amount: 57.15 Parcel: 500-001-00-05-0022-00 Parcel: 510-002-13-02-0013-00 Amount: 122.4 Amount: 408.89 LERETA, CENTRAL REFUNDS WASHINGTON FINANCIAL CORELOGIC 901 CORPORATE CENTER DR 77 SOUTH MAIN ST JOHNSON BENJAMIN R BURY CHRISTOPHER M & HEIDI S GORE RANDALL W & KRISTEN ANN PO BOX 9202 POMONA CA 91768 WASHINGTON PA 15301 COPPELL TX 75019 District: NORTH FRANKLIN District: NORTH FRANKLIN District: NORTH FRANKLIN Parcel: 510-002-15-00-0016-00 Parcel: 510-002-14-02-0002-01 Parcel: 510-004-00-00-0001-10 Amount: 405.07 Amount: 277.91 Amount: 768.96 CORELOGIC CHIOCCA CORY JOHN & CHRISTINA M WHE PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: NORTH FRANKLIN Parcel: 510-003-14-00-0011-01 Amount: 508.67 CORELOGIC BURKE TODD & CHELSEA PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: NORTH STRABANE Parcel: 520-001-20-00-0022-00 Amount: 590.11 CORELOGIC DUDEK ANTHONY PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: NORTH STRABANE Parcel: 520-013-00-99-0022-01 K Amount: 315.06 CORELOGIC CENTRALIZED REFUNDS LEWIS DAVID JAMES & DEBRA J PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: NORTH STRABANE Parcel: 520-014-07-00-0003-03 Amount: 103.12 CORELOGIC TSENG SHIAW CHUNG & PEGGY P PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: NORTH STRABAI, Parcel: 520-015-11-00-0010-0 Amount: 174.32 CORELOGIC MOSESSO VINC & JANET PO BOX 9202,E �r COPPELL TX 7 District: NORTI- Parcel: 520-001-3 Amount: 241 CORELOGIC LAYTON CHRISTOPHER A & ANGELA T PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: NORTH STRABANE Parcel: 520-002-12-00-0030-00 Amount: 153.12 CORELOGIC HAWN BRADLEY W & DANIELLE M PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: NORTH STRABANE Parcel: 520-014-07-00-0007-02 Amount: 70.26 CORELOGIC TOOLE JENSEN MICHAEL PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: NORTH STRABANE Parcel: 520-014-07-00-0003-02 Amount: 82.4 CAPITAL REAT ESTATE SERVICES 1300 COMBERMERE DRIVE SOUTHERLY PATRICIA A & MICHAEL C TROY MI 48083 District: NORTH FRANKLIN Parcel: 510-005-06-00-0001-00 Amount: 766.1 CROSSMAN NICK C 227 LINDEN CREEK RD CANONSBURG PA 15317 District: NORTH STRABANE Parcel: 520-002-00-00-0020-02 Amount: 17.15 CORELOGIC GRAMLING JOSEPH JOEL & KELLY NICOLE PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: NORTH STRABANE Parcel: 520-002-12-00-0033-00 Amount: 1,024.72Aw LININGER JESSE J & 6 WELBY AVE EIGHTY FOUR PA 15 District: NORTH S Parcel: 520-005 01 s, Amount: 47.63 z S FARGO tCOX JONATHAN C & MELISSA B O BOX 14056 DES MOINES IA 50328 District: NORTH STRABANE Parcel: 520-005-06-00-0015-00 Amount: 155.27 CORELOGIC KRANZ ROYCE MONTGOMERY III & KATHER PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: NORTH STRABANE Parcel: 520-014-07-00-0007-03 Amount: 77.64 CORELOGIC TUCKER RACHEL E & BRODA JESSE A PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: NORTH STRABANE Parcel: 520-013-02-01-0014-00 Amount: 267.67 WASHINGTON FINANCIAL 77 SOUTH MAIN ST WARD ANDREW WASHINGTON PA 15301 District: NORTH FRANKLIN Parcel: 510-002-01-00-0008-00 Amount: 329.58 CORELOGIC DAVIS SHAWN R PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: NORTH STRABANE Parcel: 520-013-26-00-0023-00 Amount: 1,129.98 HOBAN PAIGE MARIE & BROSNAN CONNOR 102 MULTIFORA DR CANONSBURG PA 15317 District: NORTH STRABANE Parcel: 520-015-10-00-0017-00 Amount: 125.74 CORELOGIC HOBAN NICHOLAS BROSNAN & EMILY MARG BOX 9202 TELL TX 75019 Di-Q4, NORTH STRABANE Parce-015-11-00-0001-00 CORELOGIC MATTHIS CHRISTOPHER S & CAITLIN C PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: NORTH STRABANE Parcel: 520-001-18-00-0004-00 Amount: 610.59 CORELOGIC MCGROARTY MICHAEL FRANCIS SR & KARE PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: NORTH STRABANE Parcel: 520-001-30-00-0011-00 Amount: 241 CORELOGIC CORRY JOCELYN NICOLE & ALEX MICHAEL PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: NORTH STRABANE Parcel: 520-005-06-00-0032-00 Amount: 139.32 CORELOGIC SIMS EDWARD III PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: NORTH STRABANE Parcel: 520-015-03-00-0014-00 Amount: 180.99 CORELOGIC YOUNG JOSEPH HARATON JR PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: NORTH STRABANE Parcel: 520-014-07-00-0006-01 Amount: 713.94 LERETA, CENTRAL REFUNDS 901 CORPORATE CENTER DR ZAIMES GEORGE T & DENISE N POMONA CA 91768 District: NORTH STRABANE Parcel: 520-011-01-02-0004-00 Amount: 360.07 LERETA, CENTRAL REFUNDS 901 CORPORATE CENTER DR BACHMAN JOHN A & MELISSA POMONA CA 91768 District: PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel: 540-001-00-00-0068-05 Amount: 1,199.75 WELLS FARGO BRIGHT SHAWN P & HOLLY A PO BOX 14056 DES MOINES IA 50328 District: PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel: 540-005-23-00-0035-00 Amount: 987.8 CORELOGIC CHALOVICH MICHAEL J & KAMI M PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel: 540-005-28-00-0039-00 Amount: 1,028.76 CORELOGIC GLANBY LOIS & BRETT STERNBERGER PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel: 540-010-13-01-0020-00 Amount: 484.85 WELLS FARGO HUTTON SCOTT J PO BOX 14056 DES MOINES;8 District: PEI'OWNSHI Parcel: 540-007 � 4-0013-00 Amount: 572.02 DOLLAR BANK SERVICO CENTER _ OHAIR SCOTT T & JILL M PO BOX 8469 CANTON OH 44711 District: PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel: 540-006-25-00-0013-00 Amount: 231.95 LERETA, CENTRAL REFUNDS 901 CORPORATE CENTER DR KING WILLIAM M III & MINCIN NICOLE POMONA CA 91768 District: PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel: 540-009-04-01-0010-00 Amount: 456.99 CORELOGIC MILLER MICHAEL B & MARILYN S PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel: 540-006-24-00-0005-00 Amount: 1,553.15 CORELOGIC FEHL JUSTIN ROBERT & KAYLA PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: NOTTINGHAM Parcel: 530-001-10-00-0020-00 Amount: 1,240.94 LERETA, CENTRAL REFUNDS 901 CORPORATE CENTER DR BIRD GERARD KELLY POMONA CA 91768 District: PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel: 540-022-29-00-0002-00 Amount: 1,227.62 CORELOGIC BROWN SHANE B & JENNIFER ANN PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel: 540-003-12-00-0013-00 Amount: 1,402.41 A CORELOGIC ECKER HENRY J & PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: PETERS I Parcel: 540-002 2 Amount: 1,49219 GRE W &JESSII & LINE 315 SUTltodD DRIVE VENET � 1 ` District: P . S TOWII FARGO UNWO TTR&A LYA )INES8 PETERS SHIP 0-005-16-00-0023-00 CORELOGIC KOLAJA SHAWN A & REBECCA R MUZIKA PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: NOTTINGHAM Parcel: 530-012-00-00-0015-00 Amount: 224.8 CORELOGIC MCCUE MICHAEL P & ELAINE C PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel: 540-010-00-00-0060-01 N Amount: 1,222.14 WELLS FARGO CAREY THOMAS A & JOYCE E PO BOX 14056 DES MOINES IA 50328 District: PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel: 540-006-00-00-0002-02 Amount: 18.57 CORELOGIC FLEMING JAMES C PO BOX 9202 ,COPPELL TX 75019 Mtrict: PETERS TOWNSHIP 540-005-00-00-0030-12 Am ` `.:. 903.75 HENNEY PAUL L III PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel: 540-007-14-01-0023-00 Amount: 484.62 WELLS FARGO JOZWIAK THOMAS B & MARY BETH PO BOX 14056 DES MOINES IA 50328 District: PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel: 540-006-01-02-0011-00 Amount: 651.07 CRELOGIC LERETA, CENTRAL REFUNDS NY PATRICK & BETH M 901 CORPORATE CENTER DR OX 9202 KING WILLIAM M III & MINCIN --- -9 PPELL TX 75019 NICOLE District: PETERS TOWNSHIP POMONA CA 91768 Parcel: 540-004-10-00-0009-00 District: PETERS TOWNSHIP Amount: 802.3 Parcel: 540-009-04-01-0009-00 Amount: 86.68 CORELOGIC CORELOGIC MASSART CHARLES MAY JEFFREY L & CLAIRE E PO BOX 9202 PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 COPPELL TX 75019 District: PETERS TOWNSHIP District: PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel: 540-007-17-00-0004-00 Parcel: 540-002-21-00-0016-00 Amount: 1,346.69 Amount: 1,314.53 DOLLAR BANK SERVICING CENTER CASCIATO SCOTT ANTHONY PO BOX 8469 CANTON OH 44711 District: PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel: 540-003-12-00-0002-00 Amount: 263.86 CORELOGIC PAGANO NICOLE MARIE & CHRISTOPHER L PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel: 540-003-12-00-0047-00 Amount: 272.43 CORELOGIC BREHM CHRISTOPHER JOHN PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel: 540-003-12-00-0049-00 Amount: 274.34 WELLS FARGO RIZZA NINO & STEPHANIE PO BOX 14056 DES MOINES IA 50328 District: PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel: 540-007-10-04-0017-00 Amount: 514.38 LERETA, CENTRAL REFUNDS 901 CORPORATE CENTER DR STRENNEN LORIE SIMKO POMONA CA 91768 District: PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel: 540-003-02-01-0044-00 Amount: 1,538.86 CORELOGIC VAN VOORHIS DEVT LLC PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: ROSCOE Parcel: 560-007-00-02-0010-00 Amount: 114.79 CORELOGIC DHANS DYLAN J & SHERGI KATIE PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: SMITH Parcel: 570-008-00-00-0026-00 Amount: 272.68 1 CORELOGIC SCHULER TI PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX District: SMIT- Parcel: 570-02 Amount: 1.2 DOLLAR BANK SERV _ CENTER DURITZA ROBERT J JR & DONNAJ PO BOX 8469 CANTON OH 44711 District: SOUTH FRANKLIN Parcel: 590-002-00-00-0007-00 Amount: 5 CORELOGIC BEERS MICHAEL J & JENNIFER L PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: SOUTH STRABANE Parcel: 600-007-09-00-0032-01 Amount: 5 WELLS FARGO EDWARD V HELD & PEGGY A HELD PO BOX 14056 DES MOINES IA 50328 District: SOUTH STRABANE Parcel: 600-007-04-01-0029-00 Amount: 396.51 CORELOGIC RESCHENTHALER GUY L RECKER RONALD R & KELLY TRI BORO FCU PO BOX 9202 600 E EIGHTH AVE COPPELL TX 75019 MUNHALL PA 15120 District: PETERS TOWNSHIP District: PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel: 540-006-20-00-0013-00 Parcel: 540-011-00-00-0014-11 G Amount: 1,054.48 Amount: 429.37 LERETA, CENTRAL REFUNDS WELLS FARGO 901 CORPORATE CENTER DR STOCZYNSKI NOAH E & ELARD AARON N & KAITLYN R KRISTIN A POMONA CA 91768 PO BOX 14056 District: PETERS TOWNSHIP DES MOINES IA 50328 Parcel: 540-003-01-01-0045-00 District: PETERS TOWNSHIP Amount: 589.87 Parcel: 540-001-02-00-0016-00 Amount: 1,249.75 CORELOGIC CORELOGIC WARD KARYN L & DAVID G WILE COREY L & DENAE A PO BOX 9202 PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 COPPELL TX 75019 District: PETERS TOWNSHIP District: PETERS TOWNSHIP Parcel: 540-011-08-02-0017-00 Parcel: 540-007-07-01-0003-02 Amount: 381.26 ' Amount: 1,018.76 CORELOGIC `_ CORELOGIC MARTIN SHIRLENE A� �. HENRY BRIAN & HEATHER PO BOX 9202 PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019, OPPELL TX 75019 IM District: SMITH s r irict: SMITH Parcel: 570-011 01.1002-00 Afto 570-013-00-00-0011-00 Amount: 343.63 143.E CO GIC DOLLAR WK SERVICING KRIZ DON L & C TINA CENTER PO BO - ro MAHONEY CHARLES & DEBBIE COPPEL 75M PO BOX 8469 District: S - CANTON OH 44711 Parcel: 570-02 4-00 000 District: SMITH unt: 628.6 Parcel: 570-022-01-03-0021-00 Amount: 29.53 EZ BANK Si ACING CENTER CNX LAND LLC AINE L 100 CONSOL ENERGY DR, SUITE 400 N OH440 CANONSBURG PA 15317 SOMERS � District: SOUTH FRANKLIN 002-00-00-0030-06 Parcel: 590-011-00-00-0011-19 Amount: 398.64 RELOGIC 4JHEN SUSAN M & PATRICK D AW—��OX 9202 = PELL TX 75019 ;Yistrict: SOUTH FRANK-LIN Parcel: 590-001-00-00-0007-37 Amount: 1,010.91 CORELOGIC BITZ DANIEL ANDY PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: SOUTH STRABANE Parcel: 600-011-00-00-0003-00 Amount: 407.7 CORELOGIC GIORGI MARC A & JOMARIE S PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: SOUTH STRABANE Parcel: 600-012-00-00-0016-09 Amount: 175.04 CORELOGIC WOODRIDGE CORPORATION PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: SOUTH FRANKLIN Parcel: 590-010-00-00-0029-00 Amount: 281.49 WELLS FARGO DUTTON JESSE N & ORNDOFF OLIVIA J PO BOX 14056 DES MOINES IA 50328 District: SOUTH STRABANE Parcel: 600-004-13-01-0005-00 Amount: 386.74 CORELOGIC GRAYSON GEOFFREY H & JODY L PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: SOUTH STRABANE Parcel: 600-005-19-00-0003-00 Amount: 776.1 WELLS FARGO HALLIGAN STEPHEN J &KAREN E PO BOX 14056 DES MOINES IA 50328 District: SOUTH STRABANE Parcel: 600-004-01-01-0001-00 Amount: 401.98 CORELOGIC HOLLIDAY ALFRED JAMES & MADISON LEE PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: SOUTH STRABANE Parcel: 600-003-02-00-0019-00 Amount: 283.87 CORELOGIC CORELOGIC TOMASITS ANDREW &JENNIFER MILAZOVA ALBINA & MILAZOV PO BOX 9202 ODEL COPPELL TX 75019 PO BOX 9202 District: SOUTH STRABANE COPPELL TX 75019 Parcel: 600-006-00-00-0037-00 District: SOUTH STRABANE Amount: 237.42 Parcel: 600-001-06-00-0016-05 Amount: 574.15 CORELOGIC WEAKLAND JENNIFER &LANCE PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: SOUTH STRABANE Parcel: 600-003-01-03-0013-00 Amount: 331.01 WELLS FARGO BRISCOE HELEN M & JANICE PO BOX 14056 DES MOINES IA 50328 District: UNION Parcel: 640-004-00-00-0011-00 Amount: 235.04 CORELOGIC HOUSE LEAH M &TYLER PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: SPEERS Parcel: 610-002-00-01-0008-00 Amount: 254.81 CORELOGIC, DANKO MICHAEL C A PO BOX 9202 lkall COPPELL TX 7501 District: UNION Parcel: 640-011 00 -T 026-00 Amount: 551.77 MILLER RENEE & CHRISTOPHER CORETVE 54 NASAL LANE THOMA FINLEYVILLE PA 15332 PO BOX District: UNION —COPPEL Parcel: 640-012-00-00-0012-00 0 - strict: Amount: 135.03 ACT 6 CORELOGIC WOODRUFFL ilea PO BOX 920 COPPELL TX` j�9 District: UNION Parcel: 640-003-00 0057-00 -y Amount: 44.53 MANTICI DONALD E & THELMA M� 716 MONROE AVE BROWNSVILLE PA 15417 District: WEST BROWNSVILLE ANNEX Parcel: 675-021-00-04-0009-03 Amount: 320.77 INTERSTATE BLDG & CONSTRUCTION PO BOX 751 WASHINGTON PA 15301 District: WEST FINLEY Parcel: 680-021-03-03-0002-00 Amount: 1.2 LERETA, CENTRAL REFUNDS 901 CORPORATE CENTER DR SPUR DEVT POMONA CA 91768 District: WEST PIKE RUN Parcel: 700-012-04-00-0021-02 Amount: 94.07 490.57 CORELOGIC MORRELL CHERYL A PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: SOUTH STRABANE Parcel: 600-004-06-04-0015-00 Amount: 326.73 CORELOGIC SHOOK KEITH & MELISSA PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: SOUTH STRABANE Parcel: 600-004-10-02-0020-00 Amount: 239.57 CORELOGIC WISYANSKI PAT & LEONARD W PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: TWILIGHT Parcel: 630-018-00-00-0018-03 Amount: 269.1 WELLS FARGO KRAPP DONALD & DOERR l�RGARET BOX 14056 DtlAOINES IA 50328 Amount: CORELOGIC SPIEGEL GREGORY C PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: UNION Parcel: 640-005-06-00-0007-00 Amount: 542.48 : CORELOGIC UFF'MOL EL -LISA BATTAFARANO GRETCHEN 9202 PO BOX 9202 TX 75019 COPPELL TX 75019 ON District: WEST BETHLEHEM 00-00-0058-00 Parcel: 660-001-00-04-0009-00 33. Amount: 248.86 GTON FINANCIAL H MAIN ST DAVID & MARIANNE A WASHINGTON PA 15301 District: WEST FINLEY Parcel: 680-011-00-00-0008-06 Amount: 554.63 LERETA, CENTRAL REFUNDS 901 CORPORATE CENTER DR MACFANN WALTER D POMONA CA 91768 District: WEST PIKE RUN Parcel: 700-012-01-03-0028-00 Amount: 115.26 WASHINGTON & JEFFERSON COLLEGE 60 S LINCOLN ST WASHINGTON PA 15301 District: WASHINGTON 4TH W Parcel: 740-009-00-02-0015-00 Amount: 62.4 INTERSTATE BLDG & CONSTRUCTION PO BOX 751 WASHINGTON PA 15301 District: WEST FINLEY Parcel: 680-021-03-02-0003-00 Amount: 1.2 LERETA, CENTRAL REFUNDS 901 CORPORATE CENTER DR SPUR DEVT POMONA CA 91768 District: WEST PIKE RUN Parcel: 700-012-01-03-0029-00 Amount: 105.02 LERETA, CENTRAL REFUNDS 901 CORPORATE CENTER DR THINKNGROW PART LLC POMONA CA 91768 District: WASHINGTON 5TH W Parcel: 750-03 8-00-01-0014-00 Amount: 315.54 CAVANAUGH KEVIN J 47 LAUREL AVE WASHINGTON PA 15301 District: WASHINGTON 6TH W Parcel: 760-011-00-03-0010-00 Amount: 276.01 WASHINGTON HOSPITAL 155 WILSON AVE WASHINGTON PA 15301 District: WASHINGTON 6TH W Parcel: 760-011-00-01-0002-00 Amount: 7.38 LERETA, CENTRAL REFUNDS 901 CORPORATE CENTER DR OLIVERIO CATHERINE H POMONA CA 91768 District: WASHINGTON 7TH W Parcel: 770-019-00-02-0010-00 Amount: 238.86 CORELOGIC THOMAS SEAN W PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: WASHINGTON 7TH W Parcel: 770-024-00-02-0002-00 Amount: 209.56 WASHINGTON FINANCIAL 77 SOUTH MAIN STREET GIBSON ANDREW T & AMBER N WASHINGTON PA 15301 District: AMWELL Parcel: 020-014-00-00-0022-06 Amount: 659.88 LERETA LLC, CENTRAL REFL 901 CORPORATE CFNR DR HUDOCK DAN *r,. POMONA CA District: BEr'VILLE �w Parcel: 040-060' . 0013-00 Amount: 160.5 CORELOGIC MAYES HANNAH E & RED PERRI PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: BUFFALO Parcel: 060-003-00-00-0002-00 Amount: 321.49 CORELOGIC ADOMAITIS JOHN J & MORAVEC TAYLOR PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CALIFORNIA Parcel: 080-019-00-06-0021-00 Amount: 303.87 CORELOGIC COCCO MADELINE CAROLE PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CANONSBURG 1ST W Parcel: 090-007-00-02-0017-00 Amount: 187.9 LERETA, CENTRAL REFUNDS 901 CORPORATE CENTER DR FINDLING ANITA M & M P MELLISH POMONA CA 91768 District: WASHINGTON 6TH W Parcel: 760-017-00-04-0004-00 Amount: 195.75 CORELOGIC KB PART LLC PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: WASHINGTON 7TH W Parcel: 770-037-00-03-0015-00 Amount: 156.46 CORELOGIC QUALLICH STEPHEN PAUL PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: WASHINGTON 7TH W Parcel: 770-033-00-02-0011-00 Amount: 28.58 LERETA, CENTRAL REFUND 901 CORPORATE CENTE*a HOWELL RICHARD POMONA CA 91768-O District: WASHIN�: 8TH W Parcel: 780-015 0 029-00 Amount: 112.41. CORELOGIC WALTHER JEFFREY J & BRENDA L COPPELL TX 75019 District: WASHINGTON 6TH W Parcel: 760-020-00-01-0014-00 Amount: 171.46 CORELOGIC MEGYESY CHARLES RJR & SEVERANCE PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: WASHINGTON 7TH W Parcel: 770-025-00-01-0007-00 Amount: 175.04 CORELOGIC QUALLICH STEPHEN PAUL PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: WASHINGTON 7TH W Parcel: 770-033-00-02-0012-00 Amount: 277.44 WELLS FARGO RE TAX SVCS GRECO VALERIE E PO BOX 14506 ES MOINES IA 50328 10trict: ALLENPORT 1 f010-021-00-04-0008-00 Amo 11.91 901 C TE CENTER D HARMON ANTHONY MICHALE SPRO C� ' & GINGE & BETH ANN PO 9 PO BOX 9202 District: A LL COPPELL TX 75019 'arcel: 020-0 1 00 001 t District: BENTLEYVILLE s . t: 231. Parcel: 040-016-00-01-0002-02 ;..�� Amount: 4.76 IC FME EL 9-00-02-0002-00 CPR ELOGIC WTE ALAN R li OX 9202 PELL TX 75019 trict: BUFFALO Parcel: 060-012-00-00-0037-03 Amount: 321.72 CORELOGIC FULLER BRADLEY WAYNE PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CALIFORNIA Parcel: 080-018-00-07-0007-00 Amount: 452.7 CORELOGIC BOROSKY JESSICA MICHELLE PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CANONSBURG 1ST W Parcel: 090-007-00-01-0010-00 Amount: 12.39 CORELOGIC WISE ROY R & DONNA L PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: BLAINE Parcel: 050-005-00-00-0026-01 Amount: 478.18 WELLS FARGO RE TAX SVCS ALLISON WILLARD D & SANDRA PO BOX 14506 DES MOINES IA 50328 District: BURGETTSTOWN Parcel: 070-005-00-00-0011-01 Amount: 373.16 CORELOGIC MARK S&SUSAN OMALLEY STEPHEN TRUST PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CALIFORNIA Parcel: 080-009-00-02-0008-00 Amount: 172.89 CORELOGIC BOROSKY JESSICA MICHELLE PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CANONSBURG 1ST W Parcel: 090-007-00-01-0011-00 Amount: 142.4 j LERETA LLC, CENTRAL REFUNDS 901 CORPORATE CENTER DR CIPRIANI PAIGE D POMONA CA 91768 District: CANONSBURG 1ST W Parcel: 090-011-00-00-0015-00 Amount: 174.32 LERETA LLC, CENTRAL, REFUNDS 901 CORPORATE CENTER DR JCAR PROP LLC POMONA CA 91768 District: CANONSBURG 1ST W Parcel: 090-016-00-01-0001-01 Amount: 113.59 CORELOGIC STAUDT BENJAMIN PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CANONSBURG 1ST W Parcel: 090-015-00-03-0014-00 Amount: 10.24 CORELOGIC MOORE LISA G PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CANONSBURG 1ST W ANNEX Parcel: 095-001-12-00-0021-00 Amount: 482.94 CORELOGIC BELL ERIN W PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 0 District: CANONSBURG 2ND Parcel: 100-015-00-00-0001-05 Amount: CORELOGIC CIMERA JAN PO BOX 920 COPPELL J District: CAN' Parcel: 120-00 Amount: 183.( CORELOGIC AREVALO DIMAS C ALCAB CLAUDIA M PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CANTON Parcel: 120-012-05-04-0023-00 Amount: 308.63 CORELOGIC KISKO TROY A PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CANTON Parcel: 120-012-02-01-0013-00 Amount: 1.2 CORELOGIC PLISKA JEFFREY P & JODI D PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CANTON Parcel: 120-009-06-00-0007-00 Amount: 2.15 CORELOGIC DELOOF DANIEL A & SHANNON L PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CANONSBURG 1ST W Parcel: 090-001-00-00-0021-00 Amount: 267.67 LERETA LLC, CENTRAL REFUNDS 901 CORPORATE CENTER DR LIPPERT CHARLES J POMONA CA 91768 District: CANONSBURG 1ST W Parcel: 090-004-00-00-0018-00 Amount: 239.34 CORELOGIC STAUDT BENJAMIN PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CANONSBURG 1ST W Parcel: 090-015-00-03-0015-00 Amount: 263.62 CORELOGIC r l HALL KELLY L PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 0' R District: CANON -i G 2ND W Parcel: 100-038 00- 7-00 Amount: 386.02 `,%� @"TA LLC, CENTRAL REFUNDS W CORPORATE CENTER DR IECKMAN RANDY L & DONNA D POMONA CA 91768 District: CANTON Parcel: 120-010-09-99-0325-01 T Amount: 70.01 CORELOGIC MILLER MERRANDA L PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CANTON Parcel: 120-006-01-02-0006-01 Amount: 26.43 WELLS FARGO RE TAX SVCS RONAN EMILY B PO BOX 14506 DES MOINES IA 50328 District: CANTON Parcel: 120-012-05-04-0057-00 Amount: 197.66 WASHINGTON FINANCIAL 77 SOUTH MAIN STREET GREEN MOUNTAIN LP WASHINGTON PA 15301 District: CANONSBURG 1ST W Parcel: 090-015-00-03-0011-00 Amount: 219.09 LERETA LLC, CENTRAL REFUNDS 901 CORPORATE CENTER DR LIPPERT CHARLES J POMONA CA 91768 District: CANONSBURG 1ST W Parcel: 090-004-00-00-0019-00 Amount: 5.71 WELLS FARGO RE TAX SVCS CRISS JAMIE E & LEAH M PO BOX 14506 DES MOINES IA 50328 District: CANONSBURG 1ST W ANNEX Parcel: 095-001-03-02-0004-01 Amount: 345.3 LERETA LLC, CENTRAL REFUNDS 01 CORPORATE CENTER DR PROP LLC DNA CA 91768 Disf t CANONSBURG 2ND W Parcel 020-00-01-0010-00 Amount ' 61 LERETA LLC, CENTRAL REFUNDS 901 CORPORATE CENTER DR ZIEMIANSKI MICHAEL E POMONA CA 91768 District: CANONSBURG 3RD W Parcel: 110-016-00-00-0006-00 Amount: 30.01 CORELOGIC GOLNA DEREK J & DAWN M BAL.ACH PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CANTON Parcel: 120-012-08-00-0006-00 Amount: 480.09 CORELOGIC VIETMEIER HOPE STEINMETZ & DANIEL A PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CANTON Parcel: 120-010-02-02-0006-00 Amount: 341.02 WELLS FARGO RE TAX SVCS PECHATSKO AMANDA J PO BOX 14506 DES MOINES IA 50328 District: CANTON Parcel: 120-009-08-00-0022-00 Amount: 493.67 COLD RIVER LAND LLC PO BOX 2249 CUMMING GA 30028 District: CANTON Parcel: 120-007-00-00-0019-03 Amount: 269.81 CORELOGIC BENTZ BRITTA PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 0 District: CANTON Parcel: 120-011-12-01-0004-00 Amount: 233.61 DOLLAR BANK SERVICING CENTER PO BOX 8469 HUEBNER CLAIRE ANN & LOGAN HUNTER CANTON OH 44711 District: CARROLL Parcel: 130-006-09-01-0017-00 Amount: 326.49 WELLS FARGO RE TAX SVCS SMITH ROBERT III & DANIELLE L PO BOX 14506 DES MOINES IA 50328 District: CARROLL Parcel: 130-011-02-01-0023-00 Amount: 315.3 CORELOGIC BITTNER JOHN ADAM III PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CECIL Parcel: 140-006-23-00-0005-03 Amount: 127.65 CORELOGIC DALESSANDRO DALE N &DONNA A PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CECIL Parcel: 140-006-22 Oaf Q7 Amount: 128.6 CORELOGIC","_ FIGGINS LA U PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CECIL Parcel: 140-006-23-OC Amount: 716.32 CORELOGIC KLINGER ELIZABETH A PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CECIL Parcel: 140-009-02-10-0018-00 Amount: 158.84 CORELOGIC ALLEN PAUL JOSEPH & HANNAH AUDREY PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CECIL Parcel: 140-006-23-00-0005-04 Amount: 148.6 WELLS FARGO RE TAX SVCS CARDEN BILLY & PAULA KAY PO BOX 14506 DES MOINES IA 50328 District: CARROLL Parcel: 130-002-00-00-0007-07 Amount: 325.77 CORELOGIC MUCCI MADISON R PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CARROLL Parcel: 130-006-05-03-0007-00 Amount: 304.34 CORELOGIC TOTH JESSE C & JACOB M PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CARROLL Parcel: 130-011-02-01-0014-00 Amount: 230.52 CORELOGIC MATKHALIKOV v SHOD & ERGASHEVA DILV PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 -00-0027 LERETA LLC, CENTRAL REFUNDS 901 CORPORATE CENTER DR CICHON NICHOLAS P & CHRISTINA L POMONA CA 91768 District: CARROLL Parcel: 130-011-01-05-0022-00 Amount: 256.48 CORELOGIC MANNA STEVEN A&BARBARA SOWDEN MANNA PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CARROLL Parcel: 130-007-03-05-0008-00 Amount: 256.48 CORELOGIC VARLEY SEAN WILLIAM & WIBERG BRIDGE PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CECIL Parcel: 140-009-11-00-0004-00 Amount: 536.05 BANK SERVICING 8469 1LEY JR & JAMIE D 44711 District: CMIL Parcel: 140-009-03-02-0011-01 Amount: 712.04 I GTAWELLS FARGO RE TAX SVCS SKA CHE _ LEY DRESHMAN LEE & TRISHA PO BOX 14506 9202 x Y DES MOINES IA 50328 L TX 7501 District: CECIL --ECIL %k--Parcel: 140-010-12-00-0057-00 bQ2-22-00 00 Amount: 1,215.46 GIC URA LL T -75019 CECIL 140-010-09-00-0013-00 :: 1,069.01 ORELOGIC COLEMAN CORNELIUS & ERICA COOLEY PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CECIL Parcel: 140-006-22-00-0017-00 Amount: 148.36 CORELOGIC REAMES RYAN & KUTY LINDSAY PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CECIL Parcel: 140-006-23-00-0004-03 Amount: 126.45 CORELOGIC KELLEY HEIKE PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CECIL Parcel: 140-006-21-00-0002-04 Amount: 702.75 CORELOGIC MASLONEK MATTHEW FRANCIS PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CECIL Parcel: 140-007-04-03-0017-00 Amount: 402.22 CORELOGIC REED TIMOTHY E & JIAMIN QIAN PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CECIL Parcel: 140-010-12-00-0009-00 Amount: 1,344.78 CORELOGIC CORELOGIC RILEY AARON LEE & DAWN BOGOS RYAN M &ERIN M MICHELLE KED PO BOX 9202 PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CECIL District: CECIL Parcel: 140-009-21-00-0025-00 Parcel: 140-007-10-00-0014-04 Amount: 193.84 Amount: 547.96 CORELOGIC CORELOGIC DAI FEIHENG GIBSON VIRGINIA LYNN & PO BOX 9202 WILLIAM M COPPELL TX 75019 PO BOX 9202 District: CECIL COPPELL TX 75019 Parcel: 140-010-10-00-0038-02 District: CECIL Amount: 683.7 Parcel: 140-012-16-00-0059-OOC Amount: 349.83 LERETA LLC, CENTRAL REFUNDS THE MERITAGE GROUP 901 CORPORATE CENTER DR 783 PINE VALLEY DRIVE TOA CECIL LLC C/O PITTSBURGH PA 15239 TRADITIONS OF AM District: CECIL POMONA CA 91768 Parcel: 140-006-20-00-0022-00 District: CECIL Amount: 18.57 Parcel: 140-014-00-00-0009-00 Amount: 809.44 CORELOGIC 3001 HACKBERRY ROAD PANENKA PROP LLC IRVING TX 75063 District: CECIL Parcel: 140-009-02-06-0004-00 Amount: 4.05 CORELOGIC GREEN BRIANNA PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CHARLEROI Parcel: 160-017-00-03-0029-05 Amount: 159.79 CORELOGIC SOPCAK CR11 & FISHER x PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CHARLEROI Parcel: 160-027-00-02-001 Amount: 156.22 ARABIAN MEADOWS PART LLC 127 ADAMS AVE CANONSBURG PA 15317 District: CHARTIERS Parcel: 170-017-10-00-0045-00 Amount: 1.2 CORELOGIC CONGIE WILLIAM P JR PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CHARTIERS Parcel: 170-019-01-01-0007-00 Amount: 263.86 CORELOGIC 3001 HACKBERRY R PANENKA PROP IRVING TX 7506 u District: CECIL Parcel: 140-009-02-0 -00 160-023-00-02-0023-00 210.76 HOMES 127 ADAMS AVE CANONSBURG PA 15317 District: CHARTIERS Parcel: 170-018-06-00-0012-00 Amount: 528.19 CORELOGIC FALCONI ANGELO F & PHILLIP D PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CHARTIERS Parcel: 170-019-00-00-0009-00 Amount: 186.7 LERETA LLC, CENTRAL. REFUNDS 901 CORPORATE CENTER DR SAUSSOL ALBERT J POMONA CA 91768 District: CECIL Parcel: 140-007-01-01-0016-00 Amount: 519.38 CORELOGIC SARDELIS PHILIP EMANUEL PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CECIL Parcel: 140-007-12-00-0021-00 Amount: 496.76 THE MERITAGE GROUP 783 PINE VALLEY DRIVE PITTSBURGH PA 15239 District: CECIL Parcel: 140-006-22-00-0047-00 Amount: 121.45 LERETA LLC, CENTRAL 9 CORPORATE CENTER DR G WILLIAM & AN ETTE POMP MCA 91768 District. TERVILLE 2ND W Parcel: 152- 00-00-0027-00 Amount: 22.15 CORELOGIC GARMAN PATRICK PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CHARLEROI Parcel: 160-028-00-02-0004-01 Amount: 214.09 ARABIAN MEADOWS PART LLC 127 ADAMS AVE CANONSBURG PA 15317 District: CHARTIERS Parcel: 170-017-10-00-0044-00 Amount: 3.34 BAUER BETTE JOY 235 MEDDINGS RD CANONSBURG PA 15317 District: CHARTIERS Parcel: 170-008-00-00-0010-08 Amount: 236.95 CORELOGIC HERMIDA LEANDRO CRUZ & AVIEL YONA S PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CHARTIERS Parcel: 170-016-19-00-0018-00 Amount: 134.07 DOLLAR BANK SERVICING CENTER PO BOX 8469 LHEUREAU JODI L CANTON OH 44711 District: CHARTIERS Parcel: 170-006-04-15-0006-00 Amount: 294.58 CORELOGIC NEWELL CLIFFORD & FRANKIE SUE PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CHARTIERS Parcel: 170-005-04-00-0001-00 Amount: 806.34 WELLS FARGO RE TAX SVCS ROSS AUTUMN M PO BOX 14506 DES MOINES IA 50328 District: CHARTIERS Parcel: 170-006-01-00-0050-00 Amount: 4.28 CORELOGIC SCOTT KRISTIN L & JOHNSTON KYLE PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CHARTIERS Parcel: 170-016-08-03-0012-00 Amount: 46.2 CORELOGIC TARDIVO RONALD LEE PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: COKEBURG Parcel: 200-001-00-00-0001- Amount: 204.09 CORELOGIC 1 STATHERS JO - a. PO BOX 9202j' COPPELL TX 9 District: DEEMSTry Parcel: 220-007-00 03-02 Amount: 266.72 CORELOGIC LUTZ KARA L PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: DONEGAL Parcel: 230-032-00-00-0003-01 Amount: 16.43 CORELOGIC GARDNER MARIE A PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: DONORA Parcel: 240-030-00-01-0010-00 Amount: 76.92 WELLS FARGO RE TAX SVCS LOHRER SEAN P & EMILY A PO BOX 14506 DES MOINES LA 50328 District: CHARTIERS Parcel: 170-017-06-04-0015-00 Amount: 1.67 CORELOGIC FORDANICH LISA MARIE & RUBIN WENDE PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CHARTIERS Parcel: 170-016-19-00-0040-00 Amount: 118.59 WELLS FARGO RE TAX SVCS RUPP ISAIAH GERIG & SARAH DEANNE PO BOX 14506 DES MOINES IA 50328 District: CHARTIERS Parcel: 170-017-08-00-0126-00 Amount: 940.65 CORELOGIC MAZZA ADAM PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CHARTIERS Parcel: 170-016-01-01-0045-00 Amount: 266.72 CORELOGIC NOVOTNY DUANE MICHAEL & DEBRA A PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CHARTIERS Parcel: 170-016-19-00-0042-00 Amount: 121.22 CORELOGIC SCOTT KRISTIN & JOHNSTON KYLE PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: CHARTIERS Parcel: 170-016-08-03-0011-00 Amount: 399.36 CORELOGIC r CORELOGIC GALLAGHER JA' �GIACOMANTONIO DEAN M PO BOX 9202 - BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75 ELL TX 75019 District: CLAYSVI Dis' COKEBURG Parcel:180-008-00-02 -00 Parcel 005-00-03-0001-00 Amount: 3.81 145, ' Amount WELLSG�AX SVCS CHROME FED CREDIT UNION HAMMON1�TER !IF KERUSKIN PAUL T PO BOX 14� - PO BOX 658 S MOINES 50328 CANONSBURG PA 15317 t: CROS District: DEEMSTON APa' `22 Parcel: 220-007-00-00-0012-03 - Amount: 46.91 ( K SERV�NG CENTER CORELOGIC �ELOGIC LERETA LLC, CENTRAL M. LAND ADAM W REFUNDS PO BOX 9202 901 CORPORATE CENTER DR COPPELL TX 75019 COOK SHELIA D District: DONEGAL POMONA CA 91768 Parcel: 230-030-00-00-0004-00 District: DONORA Amount: 209.56 Parcel: 240-016-00-03-0019-00 Amount: 87.4 OX 84b WILLIAMS JAME H JEFFREY =�� S H & ALBOLINO KANDI S PO ��469 PO BOX 9202 ANTO 44711 COPPELL TX 75019 trict: STON District: DONEGAL Le l: 220-Of1 00-00-0043-00 Parcel: 230-007-00-00-0015-00 � Aix nt: 185.98 Amount: 30.01 CORELOGIC LERETA LLC, CENTRAL HUFF JONATHON T REFUNDS PO BOX 9202 901 CORPORATE CENTER DR COPPELL TX 75019 KARABIN JOSEPH D District: DONORA POMONA CA 91768 Parcel: 240-017-00-03-0001-00 District: DONORA Amount: 69.54 Parcel: 240-016-00-03-0008-00 Amount: 82.87 CORELOGIC LENNEX RICHARD PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: DONORA Parcel: 240-026-00-02-0005-00 Amount: 89.06 CORELOGIC RITZER CATHERINE LEE PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: DONORA Parcel: 240-031-00-05-0002-00 Amount: 8.58 LERETA LLC, CENTRAL REFUNDS 901 CORPORATE CENTER DR BOWER W SCOTT IV POMONA CA 91768 District: EAST BETHLEHEM Parcel: 260-013-00-01-0015-00 Amount: 176.22 WASHINGTON FINANCIAL 77 SOUTH MAIN STREET LINGIS MICHAEL & KADY M WASHINGTON PA 15301 District: EAST BETHLEHEM Parcel: 260-003-01-03-0001-00 Amount: 10.48 WASHINGTON FINANCIAL 77 SOUTH MAIN STREET CHRISTENSON CORY W WASHINGTON PA 15301 District: EAST WASHINGTON Parcel: 290-005-00-04-0003-00 Amount: 229.81 CORELOGIC PERL HOWARD MADELEINE R,, PO BOX 9202 COPPELL T y District: EAST` Parcel: 290-011-0� Amount: 458.18 CORELOGIC OLSZEWSKI TYLER L PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: DONORA Parcel: 240-005-00-03-0013-00 Amount: 3.09 LERETA LLC, CENTRAL REFUNDS 901 CORPORATE CENTER DR ASHCRAFT STEPHEN G & SHERRI A POMONA CA 91768 District: EAST BETHLEHEM Parcel: 260-003-01-02-0008-00 Amount: 153.84 CORELOGIC GREENLEE JOHN B & MARY J PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: EAST BETHLEHEM Parcel: 260-004-00-00-0004-02 Amount: 486.04 CORELOGIC BERDAR JOHN A & L PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 A District: EAST BFF Parcel: 260-002 0( Amount: 116.92...,' NAV BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: ELLSWORTH Parcel: 310-014-00-00-0003-00 Amount: 2.86 CORELOGIC REPASKY JOHN J PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: DONORA Parcel: 240-014-00-01-0013-00 Amount: 89.54 CORELOGIC BELMONT SHANE R PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: EAST BETHLEHEM Parcel: 260-012-00-04-0001-00 Amount: 320.54 LERETA LLC, CENTRAL REFUNDS 901 CORPORATE CENTER DR JOHNSON DENNIS A POMONA CA 91768 District: EAST BETHLEHEM Parcel: 260-004-02-07-0009-00 Amount: 4.53 CORELOGIC CANTRELL RONALD ALLEN JR PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 ct: EAST WASHINGTON P'a I,290-011-00-02-0011-00 Amriunt _;- 427.7 FITZHARRIS RICHARD J & LISA LYNN PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: EAST WASHINGTON Parcel: 290-006-00-01-0022-00 Amount: 548.2 CORELOGIC SLEPECKI WILLIAM PAUL PO BOX 9202 COPPELL TX 75019 District: EAST WASHINGTON Parcel: 290-001-00-01-0011-00 Amount: 18.57 Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the following tax refunds. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further business, Chairman Vaughan declared the meeting adjourned at approximately 3:24 p.m. THE FOREGOING MINUTES SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL: ATTEST: CHIEF CLERK , 2022 OLD BUSINESS May 5, 2022 A. BID CONTRACT EXTENSION Purchasing respectfully requests the Commissioners extend the bid contract for linen supplies for the Correctional Facility to the listed vendors based on their per -unit costs as submitted in their bid proposals: • Anchor Wiping Cloth, Detroit, MI • Phoenix Textile Corporation, O'Fallon, MO The contract extensions will be effective from May 5, 2022, through December 31, 2022, under the same contract terms and conditions. This extension is contingent upon Prison Board approval. B. BID CONTRACT PURCHASES Purchasing, on behalf of Information Technology, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve the purchase of a badge system for the Caldwell building from Information Technologies Services, Carnegie PA, our contract of record. The total cost for the equipment and labor is $5,231 and will be paid from their operating budget. C. CHANGE ORDER Purchasing, on behalf of the Planning Commission, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve the following change order with UHL Construction Company, Inc., Allison Park, PA, for Hall 3 at the Fairgrounds. • Change Order #1 - $6,864 — Double up roof rafters to meet code. This change order will increase the amount of their current contract to $645,484. NEW BUSINESS May 5, 2022 A. BOARD APPOINTMENTS — CHIEF CLERK Chief Clerk respectfully requests the Commissioners approve the appointments of the following individuals to the Canvass Board for the 2022 Primary Election: David Kresh, Cathi Kresh, Charlie Watts, Mary Lea Dutton, Kevin Hill, and Krys Soukup. B. GRANT AGREEMENT — PLANNING Planning respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a grant agreement with the PA Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) in the amount of $19,824 to complete an update of the Solid Waste Management Plan. The total cost of the project is $24,780 which includes a match of in-house personnel expenses and in -kind services of $4,956. C. CONTRACT EXTENSION — PLANNING Planning respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a one-year extension to the contract with Colin E. Fitch, Esq. to complete the necessary title work and closing of the Cowden Farm slated to be added to the State Board for approval in June. All rates and terms of the current contract remain in place to complete the Cowden Easement. D. AUTHORIZATION — PLANNING Planning respectfully requests the Commissioner's authorization to solicit proposals from qualified title agents to complete the necessary title services for the Farmland Preservation Program. E. CONTRACT — PLANNING Planning respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a contract with Gannett Fleming Engineers in the amount of $6,000 to complete required inspections and DEP reports for the ten (10) flood control dams in 2022. F. RENEWAL APPLICATION — FINANCE Finance, on behalf of Adult Probation, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a renewal application with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) for the intermediate punishment treatment program. The application is in the amount of $285,732 and will be for the period of July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023. G. PROJECT MODIFICATION — FINANCE Finance, on behalf of Adult Probation, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a project modification request with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) for the intermediate punishment treatment program. The project modification request decreases the grant budget by $47,523 and is for the period of July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022. H. AMENDMENT — FINANCE Finance, on behalf of the Redevelopment Authority of the County of Washington as agent for the Washington County Airport, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a first amendment to the mitigation credit supply agreement with First Pennsylvania Resource, LLC for the southside access road project. The amendment is in the amount of $163,200 and will be funded by a combination of Bureau of Aviation and airport gas lease monies. I. AGREEMENT — FINANCE Finance, on behalf of the Redevelopment Authority of the County of Washington, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a cooperation agreement with the Redevelopment Authority of the County of Washington for a Redevelopment Assistance Capital Program funded project at Mon Valley Hospital. J. GRANT AGREEMENT — FINANCE Finance, on behalf of Public Safety, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a grant agreement with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (PEMA) for the radiation emergency response fund program. The grant agreement is in the amount of $10,329 and will be for the period of July 1, 2022, through July 30, 2023. K. RESOLUTION — FINANCE Finance respectfully requests the Commissioners adopt a resolution certifying the provision of local match for state operation financial assistance for the Washington County Transportation Authority. The resolution obligates $166,974 in County match for the period of July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023. L. AGREEMENT — BEHAVIORAL HEALTH & DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES Behavioral Health and Developmental Services respectfully request the Commissioners approve a provider agreement with Positive Steps Therapy, LLC to provide multi -disciplinary evaluations for Early Intervention for the period of July 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023. The contract authorization amount is $25,000 and no county funds are required. M. AGREEMENTS — CHILDREN & YOUTH SERVICES Children and Youth Services respectfully request the Commissioners approve provider agreements in the amount of $450,000 for the period of April 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023, with the list of previously approved providers. No county funds are required. N. AGREEMENT — CHILDREN & YOUTH SERVICES Children and Youth Services respectfully request the Commissioners approve a provider agreement with PA Parent and Family Alliance, AFN for the provision of peer support for parents and caregivers for the period of May 1, 2022, through June 30, 2023. The contract authorization amount is $375,000 and no county funds are required. p. ADDENDUMS— HUMAN SERVICES Human Services respectfully request the Commissioners approve agreement addendums with the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to provide housing and homeless services to individuals and families. The addendums are for budget revisions that reflect the service needs of the providers. The contract authorization amounts will remain the same and no county funds are required. P. ADDENDUM — PURCHASING Purchasing respectfully requests the Commissioners approve an addendum with Scantek, Inc. to include the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) language. Q. ADDENDUM — PURCHASING Purchasing, on behalf of Information Technology, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve an addendum with Full Service Network LP for our cloud phone hosted system to move all users to eFax at a total cost of $698/month and $3.49/month for each additional FSNCloud fax over and above two hundred. Costs will be paid from their operating budget. R. RENEWAL AGREEMENT— PURCHASING Purchasing, on behalf of Information Technology, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a renewal agreement with Superion in the amount of $64,357.93 for software support and maintenance for our entire financial system, including our Fund Accounting System. This agreement will be effective June 1, 2022, through May 31, 2023, and costs will be paid from their operating budget. S. ADDENDUM — PURCHASING Purchasing, on behalf of Aging Services, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve an addendum to our lease agreement with The Roman Catholic Diocese of Pittsburgh for the Bentleyville Senior Center to increase their monthly rent by $75. This addendum will be effective July 1, 2022, bringing the total monthly rent to $575, plus $175 for cleaning. T. ADDENDUM — PURCHASING Purchasing respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a cost increase, for the previously approved janitorial supply vendors, from our contracted vendor, A-Z Janitorial, effective through July 31, 2022. • Kimberly Clark Products • Georgia Pacific U. STATE CONTRACT — PURCHASING Purchasing, on behalf of Human Services, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve the purchase of one wireless hotspot through AT&T. The hotspot will be used by the three (3) clinicians that work in the jail as they are not permitted to have their cell phones. The cost of the hotspot will be $39.99/month with equipment being free with activation. This purchase will be paid from the department's operating fund. V. STATE CONTRACT — PURCHASING Purchasing, on behalf of the Correctional Facility, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve the purchase of a new gas deep flyer from Great Lakes Hotel Supply, in the amount of $26,057. This purchase is contingent upon Prison Board approval and will be paid from PA State Contract. Therefore, it does not require bidding. W. RESOLUTION — REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY The Redevelopment Authority of the County of Washington (RACW) respectfully requests the Commissioners adopt a resolution approving the amendments and revisions to the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), which is part of the Countv's consolidated and annual action plans.