HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Agenda - 6-14-2022Washington County Prison Board Agenda Wednesday, June 15, 2022 I. Invocation II. Approval of Minutes 03-16-22 dated March 16, 2022, 04-20-22 dated April 20,2022 and 05-18-22 dated May 18, 2022 III. Public Comment IV. Warden's Report V. Bills VI. Old Business VII. New Business Vill. Adjourn Meeting D. Vaughan M. Namie N. Sherman J. Grimm L. Maggi C. Griffin President Judge DiSalle S. Arnold A. Andronas J. Hatfield J. Walsh J. Fewell A. Sloane J. Thornburg P. Jansante Minute No. PB 3-16-22 March 16, 2022 The meeting of the Washington County Prison Board was held in the Jail Conference Room, 100 West Cherry Avenue, Washington, Pennsylvania, with the following members being present: Commissioners Diana Irey Vaughan, Nick Sherman and Larry Maggi; President Judge John DiSalle; Controller April Sloane; District Attorney Jason Walsh; and Sheriff Tony Andronas. Also present were County Solicitor Jana Grimm; Warden Jeffrey Fewell; Deputy Warden Chris Cain; Finance Director Josh Hatfield; Chief of Staff Mike Namie; Human Resources Director Shelli Arnold; Chief Clerk Cindy Griffin; Chaplain Mike Pierson; Executive Secretaries Marie Trossman, Randi Marodi and Patrick Geho; Administrative Assistant Joyce Thornburg; Chief of Juvenile Probation Amanda Gallagher via telephone; Assistant District Attorney Megan Faust; and Human Services Director Kim Rogers. Mrs. Vaughan called the meeting to order at approximately 11 a.m., with Chaplain Pierson leading the meeting with the invocation. Mrs. Vaughan noted that there were a few corrections needed to be made on the January and February Prison Board Minutes, and not acted on. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. WARDEN'S REPOR Income from Other Units for the Maintenance of Inmates for March 2022 Administrative Fee $9,672.90 Social Security $600.00 Tylenol $26.04 Monthly sub -total $10,298.94 Year-to-date grand total $34,019.64 Program Fees and Room and Board Income for March 2022 Work Release Inmates Weekend Inmates Monthly sub -total Year-to-date grand total Status of Inmates Confined at the End of March 2022 Full-time Inmates Work Release Inmates Weekend Inmates Inmates Awaiting Trial and/or Sentencing Total Inmates Examinations Performed by the Physician New Commitments Dental Extractions Medical Transports Performed by the Sheriff Contracted Housing Fee/Month Billed Collected -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Male Female Total 60 9 69 0 0 0 0 0 0 Male Female Total 204 48 252 264 57 321 219 118 4 21 $0.00 Warden Fewell stated that today's population is currently 350: 326 currently in custody, and 24 being farmed out to multiple neighboring counties. Furthermore, there are four additional juveniles at Allegheny County Jail that will need to be addressed. Purchasing and the WCCF respectfully requested the Board of County Commissioners extend the bid contract for Kitchen & Laundry Equipment Repair for the WCCF to the following vendors: ❖ AIS Commercial Parts & Service, Pittsburgh PA — 8-5, M-F - $94.50/hr; 5-8, M-F — WE - $141.75 ❖ Hobart Service, Troy, OH — 8-5, M-F - $127.00/hr; 5-8, M-F — WE - $191.00 All work will be done on a time and material basis as needed. If approved, this extension will be effective May 1, 2022 through April 30, 2023, with an option to extend the contract for one additional year. NOTE: This award is contingent upon Prison Board approval. Mrs. Vaughan called an executive session at approximately 11:09 to discuss personnel. Mrs. Vaughan reconvened the meeting following the executive session at approximately 11:15 a.m. Warden Fewell stated that Pennsylvania County Corrections Association will be meeting soon. Therefore, the Prison Board meeting on April 6, 2022, will need to be canceled. Additionally, on October 19 through October 21, 2022, the Pennsylvania Prison Warden's Association will be staying at the Double Tree Hotel in Washington on Racetrack Road. Warden Fewell invited the Prison Board to attend and meet all the wardens, as well as the Secretary of Corrections, of the Commonwealth. Warden Fewell began speaking of overpopulation in the jail. Currently, there are four juveniles in our custody that are being housed at Alleghany County Jail. The Jefferson County contract has expired. Also, Jefferson County is unable to house any more individuals. District Attorney Walsh stated this has been problematic for quite some time. He stated we are looking for placement for kids. Mrs. Vaughan asked what happened. Warden Fewell stated the contract fell into expiration. Mrs. Vaughan asked again, how we failed internally. Warden Fewell stated we tried to add an addendum to an expired contract, which had expired in December. Mrs. Vaughan asked the Warden if he had asked Jefferson for beds for juveniles in the future, and the Warden stated they are now full. He did not ask about the future availability of beds. Mrs. Vaughan asked why this wasn't taken care of. Warden Fewell has contacted Westmoreland. ACJ can help us however they are not licensed. Warden Fewell stated there are currently two options. We are currently using ACJ which houses juveniles in a separate wing and provides educational programs, etc., or they can be housed in our facility. Chief of Probation Services Amanda Gallagher remarked via phone that chances are if the facility is full today, it will not be full tomorrow. She remarked these children can only occupy beds for so long. She asked who is responsible for knowing the contract had expired in December? Warden Fewell stated the jail is not responsible for this contract. Mrs. Vaughan stated that two things need to be done: the contract for Jefferson needs to be extended and we need to get on the waiting list. Mrs. Vaughan stated we need emergency authorization for these situations Warden Fewell stated we have Jefferson County in Steubenville; Westmoreland is farming out; and Central County in Erie is at maximum capacity. Ms. Gallagher was asked what needs to be done to possibly extend the contract with Jefferson County. Ms. Gallagher also said if no beds are available, a child will be held as an adult. In this contract, we are trying to hold five beds. The contract needs to reflect that the beds will be held available, when possible. Jefferson is currently working with us to get this contract through. Following a lengthy discussion about the growing number of juvenile inmates that need placement, Commissioner Dianna Irey Vaughan asked for a motion to: ❖ Approve the Warden's agenda which includes the bid contract extension for AIS Commercial Parts & Service and Hobart Service. ❖ Cancel the Prison Board meeting previously scheduled for April 6, 2022. ❖ Put into place a new contract for Jefferson that would allow us to have five beds as they become available if Jefferson is willing to do so for a one-year term, this contract would have to be voted on by the Board of Commissioners tomorrow, March 27, 2022. ❖ The transfer of juveniles, held in Allegheny County Jail, to Jefferson when beds become available. The motion was moved by Mr. Sherman and seconded by Mr. Maggi. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye" approving the Ms. Sloane presented to the Board, for their consideration and approval, the bills dated March 16, 2022, in the amount of $306,841.31. It was moved by Ms. Sloane and seconded by Mr. Sherman, approving the bills dated March 16, 2022. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". (See list of bills attached hereto and made a part hereof.) OLD BUSINESS None NEW BUSINESS None There being no further business, Mrs. Vaughan declared the meeting adjourned at approximately 11:26 a.m. THE FOREGOING MINUTES SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL: ATTEST: SECRETARY 2022 Minute No. PB 4-20-22 April 20, 2022 The meeting of the Washington County Prison Board was held in the 7th floor conference room of Courthouse Square,100 West Beau Street, Washington, Pennsylvania, with the following members being present: Commissioners Diana Irey Vaughan, Nick Sherman, and Larry Maggi; President Judge John DiSalle; Controller April Sloane; District Attorney Jason Walsh; Sheriff Tony Andronas; and Chief Deputy Anthony Mosco. Also present were County Solicitor Jana Grimm; Warden Jeffrey Fewell; Major David Coddington; Captain Shane Cisko; Sargent Richard Earliwine; Finance Director Josh Hatfield; Chief of Staff Mike Namie; Human Resources Director Shelli Arnold; Human Services Director Kim Rogers; Chief Clerk Cindy Griffin; Chief of Juvenile Probation Amanda Gallagher; Chaplain Mike Pierson; Administrative Assistant Joyce Thornburg; PrimeCare Representatives, Susan Woznichak, Dawn Salsberry, and Kasey O'Neal; and Observer Reporter Representative Mike Jones. Mrs. Vaughan called the meeting to order at approximately 11 a.m., and Warden Fewell led the meeting with the invocation. Mrs. Vaughan asked if there were any corrections, additions, or omissions to Minute No. PB 01-19-22 dated January 19, 2022, each member having received a copy. It was moved by Mr. Sherman and seconded by Mr. Maggi that Minute No. PB 01-19-22 be approved. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". Mrs. Vaughan asked if there were any corrections, additions, or omissions to Minute No. PB 02-16-22 dated February 16, 2022, each member having received a copy. It was moved by Mr. Sherman and seconded by Mr. Maggi that Minute No. PB 01-19-22 be approved. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye„ Mrs. Vaughan asked if there were any corrections, additions or omissions to Minute No. PB 03-16-22 dated March 16, 2022, each member having received a copy. It was moved by Mr. Andronas and seconded by Mr. Sherman that Minute No. PB 03-16-22 be held in abeyance. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". Mrs. Vaughan asked if there were any corrections, additions or omissions to Minute No. PB 04-20-22 dated April 20, 2022, each member having received a copy. It was moved by Mr. Andronas and seconded by Mr. Sherman that Minute No. PB 04-20-22 be held in abeyance. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". PUBLIC COMMENTS None. WARDEN'S REPORT Income from Other Units for the Maintenance of Inmates for April 2022 Administrative Fee $9,905.13 Social Security $1,400.00 Tylenol $0.00 Monthly sub -total $11,305.13 Year-to-date grand total $45,324.77 Program Fees and Room and Board Income for April 2022 Billed Work Release Inmates -0- Weekend Inmates -0- - Monthly sub -total -0- Year-to-date grand total -0- Status of Inmates Confined at the End of April 2022 Full-time Inmates Work Release Inmates Weekend Inmates Inmates Awaiting Trial and/or Sentencing Collected 1 1 1 1 Male Female Total 63 12 75 0 0 0 0 0 0 Male Female Total 208 56 26_4 Total Inmates 271 68 339 Examinations Performed by the Physician 302 New Commitments 165 Dental Extractions 13 Medical Transports Performed by the Sheriff 12 Contracted Housing Fee/Month $0.00 Warden Fewell started off by recognizing Sargent Richard Earliwine as employee of the month for March 2022. He is in charge of all the releases, intakes, and farm -outs. Warden Fewell stated that today's population is currently 364: 341 currently in custody, and 23 are being farmed out to multiple neighboring counties. We have a male individual at Allegheny County Jail with mouth cancer that is due to serve a six to 23-month sentence in Washington. He is being fed solely through a feeding tube, which would prove difficult to house him here in Washington. Allegheny is willing to keep this inmate, provided that there is a contract for $116 per day plus medical expense reimbursement. Warden Fewell continued with the increase in the female population and the need for female beds. Next, Warden Fewell moved on to current events. We had 24 inmates vaccinated on Monday, April 11, 2022. Warden Fewell remarked the jail staff is at 84%. There is an upcoming recruitment class, which will hopefully be ready by June. Moving on to training, we currently have some officers out at hostage negotiating training. Upcoming, there is an emotional intelligence and leadership training for our captains. We also have civility training for interaction with the LGBTI community. The Pennsylvania Warden's association is coming up in May, which will be held in Harrisburg. Additionally, they will be coming to Washington in October. The Pennsylvania Prison Society, an auditing body created by Ben Franklin, visited the jail again. They left a great review and have been invited to come back. On April 21, 2022, both Deputy Wardens from Allegheny County will be visiting our facility and having lunch. Chaplain Pearson has a Good News Golf Tournament coming up. Currently, we are accommodating the eight inmates that celebrate Ramadan. Pertaining to the inmate population, the females have been moved from one southeast housing to four southeast housing, which has freed up 50 male minimum custody beds. This allows the males to move in and do community service through the furlough into service program. The program entails mild labor with full supervision. We have around 50 sentenced inmates that are supposed to be working, so this program would be highly beneficial. Warden Fewell briefly spoke of the Jail Needs Study. The study will be published in July, as opposed to May. PROPOSAL #1. Prime Care Medical - Addendum - Correctional FacilitX The Purchasing Department, on behalf of Warden Fewell, Correctional Facility, respectfully requests the Board of County Commissioners approve an addendum to our agreement with Prime Care Medical, Harrisburg, PA, for the purpose of providing a full-time (40/hrs./wk./$85,500.00/yr.) Director of Nursing and full-time (40/hrs./wk./$70,000.00/yr.) Licensed Mental Health Professional at the Correctional Facility. Variable costs for Health Care Benefits/Professional Liability & Malpractice Insurance/Workers Compensation Insurance $31,440.00. Total per Year $186,536.00. If approved, this contract will be effective April 5, 2022, under the same terms and conditions as the original contract. NOTE: THIS ADDENDUM FOR THE CORRECTIONAL FACILITY IS CONTINGENT UPON BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS APPROVAL. PROPOSAL #2. WCCF Facilitv Needs Assessment Addendum- Contract #092221-Assessment The Purchasing Department, on behalf of Warden Fewell, Correctional Facility, respectfully requests the Board of County Commissioners approve an addendum to our Facility Needs Assessment agreement with Justice Planners, Columbia, SC, to include a Juvenile Study at a total cost of $10,000.00 :Total cost will be funded from the American Rescue Plan Act Fund. NOTE: THIS ADDENDUM FOR THE CORRECTIONAL FACILITY IS CONTINGENT UPON BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS APPROVAL. PROPOSAL #3 Washington County Correctional Facility, - County of Allegheny greement Purchasing, on behalf of Jeff Fewell, Warden, respectfully requests the Board of County Commissioners enter into an agreement with the County of Allegheny for the provision of housing each other's Adult offenders on an as -needed basis as per the contract conditions including, $116.87 per inmate, per day, plus medical expenses to be paid from their Operating budget. NOTE: THIS SERVICE FOR THE CORRECTIONAL FACILITY IS CONTINGENT UPON BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS APPROVAL. PROPOSAL #4 Washington County Correctional Facility - Lawrence County Agreement Purchasing, on behalf of Jeff Fewell, Warden, respectfully requests the Board of County Commissioners enter into an agreement with the Lawrence County for the provision of housing each other's adult offenders on an as -needed basis as per the contract conditions including, $50.00 per inmate, per day, plus medical expenses, to be paid from their Operating Budget. Lawrence County will be used as an overflow for females, and Greene County has no mental health services available. Also Washington has plenty of male beds, and no female beds. NOTE: THIS SERVICE FOR THE CORRECTIONAL FACILITY IS CONTINGENT UPON BOARD OF COMISSIONERS APPROVAL. PROPOSAL #5-Request to Replace lost inmate property The WCCF respectfully requests the Prison Board to replace property lost by the facility during inmate routine inmate movement. Inmate Tommie Holmes was booked into our facility on September 23, 2020. During routine inmate movement his size 12 Nike Air Force 1, white in color, tennis shoes were misplaced and lost. Request replacement or refund estimated at $100.00. NOTE: THIS AWARD IS CONTINGENT UPON BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS APPROVAL. Mrs. Vaughan asked if there was a motion to approve the Warden's Report. It was moved by Mr. Sherman and seconded by Mr. Maggi. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". At 11:29 a.m., upon Warden Fewell's request, Mrs. Vaughan declared the meeting adjourned. Mrs. Vaughan reconvened the meeting for an executive session to discuss personnel and public safety matters. Mrs. Vaughan adjourned the meeting following the executive session at approximately 11:47 a.m. Mrs. Vaughan asked if there was a motion to terminate Zachary Fike. It was moved by Mr. Sherman and seconded by Mr. Andronas. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". Ms. Sloane presented to the Board for their consideration and approval of the bills dated April 20, 2022, in the amount of $115,461.60. It was moved by Ms. Sloane and seconded by Mr. Sherman, approving the bills dated April 20, 2022. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". (See list of bills attached hereto and made a part hereof.) OLD BUSINESS Mrs. Vaughan inquired about the juvenile contract with Jefferson County. Chief of Juvenile Probation, Amanda Gallagher, mentioned that there was an approved addendum to house youth offenders at $200 per day as beds are available. Chief Gallagher mentioned that bed availability is sparse, but Jefferson County gives us priority. NEW BUSINESS Sheriff Anthony Andronas thanked Warden Fewell for his availability and willingness to solve issues in a timely fashion. There being no further business, Mrs. Vaughan declared the meeting adjourned at approximately 11:47 a.m. THE FOREGOING MINUTES SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL: ATTEST: SECRETARY 2022 Minute No. PB 5-18-22 May 18, 2022 The meeting of the Washington County Prison Board was held in the 7th floor conference room of Courthouse Square,100 West Beau Street, Washington, Pennsylvania, with the following members being present: Commissioners Diana Irey Vaughan, Nick Sherman, and Larry Maggi; President Judge John DiSalle; Controller April Sloane via telephone; Deputy Controller Heather Sheatler; Sheriff Tony Andronas. Also present were County Solicitor Jana Grimm; Warden Jeffrey Fewell; Deputy Warden Chris Cain; Major David Coddington; Finance Director Josh Hatfield; Chief of Staff Mike Namie; Human Resources Director Shelli Arnold; Human Services Director Kim Rogers; Chief Clerk Cindy Griffin; Chaplain Mike Pierson; and Secretary Joyce Thornburg. Mrs. Vaughan called the meeting to order at approximately 11:03 a.m., and Chaplain Mike Pierson led the meeting with the invocation. Mrs. Vaughan asked if there were any corrections, additions, or omissions to Minute No. PB 03-16-22 dated March 16, 2022. After some discussion, it was decided that Secretary Joyce Thornburg revise Minute No. PB 03-16-22. The approval of these Minutes will be voted on during June's Prison Board Meeting. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. WARDEN'S REPORT Income from Other Units for the Maintenance of Inmates for May 2022 Administrative Fee $10,035.07 Social Security $2,200.00 Tylenol $0.00 Monthly sub -total $12,235.07 Year-to-date grand total $57,559.84 Program Fees and Room and Board Income for May 2022 Work Release Inmates Weekend Inmates Monthly sub -total Year-to-date grand total Status of Inmates Confined at the End of May 2022 Full-time Inmates Work Release Inmates Weekend Inmates Inmates Awaiting Trial and/or Sentencing Total Inmates Examinations Performed by the Physician New Commitments Dental Extractions Medical Transports Performed by the Sheriff Contracted Housing Fee/Month Billed Collected -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Male Female Total 57 12 69 0 0 0 0 0 0 Male Female Total 210 63 273 267 75 342 309 141 27 23 $0.00 Mrs. Vaughan then announced that the Warden was asking to amend his agenda to include some hirings. Mrs. Vaughan asked if there was a motion to approve this amendment. It was moved by Mr. Andronas and seconded by Mr. Sherman. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". Warden Fewell started off by recognizing Denice Dupain as employee of the month for April 2022. She has been working nights and doing a great job. Moving forward, Warden Fewell stated that today's population is currently 351, which is down a little bit. However, we are still booking and releasing more inmates every month. Next, Warden Fewell moved on to COVID-19 status. PrimeCare has begun vaccinations. On May 5th, 64 inmates were vaccinated. Moving forward, Warden Fewell spoke of staffing. There is a recruitment class being recruited right now with human resources. We are losing personnel and having personnel issues, but we are managing. The upcoming recruits will greatly help alleviate the workload. We have coordinated with jails from several neighboring counties to research staffing -to -inmate ratios. With our smaller staff, we are an outlier amongst them. The Pennsylvania Warden's association is tomorrow which will be held in Harrisburg. The Secretary of corrections and most Wardens in Pennsylvania will be in attendance. PROPOSAL #-1 Bid Extension — Linen Supplies — Contract #012721-Linen Purchasing, respectfully requests the Board of County Commissioners extend the bid contract for linen supplies for the Correctional Facility to the listed vendors at their "per unit" costs submitted in their bid. Anchor Wiping Cloth, Detroit MI Phoenix Textile Corporation, O'Fallon MO If approved, this extension will be effective DOA through December 31, 2022 under the same contract terms & conditions. NOTE: THIS EXTENSION IS CONTINGENT UPON PRISON BOARD APPROVAL PROPOSAL #-2 PA STATE CONTRACT/ COSTARS Purchasing respectfully requests the Board of County Commissioners approve the following purchase from the PA State Contract/Costars. State Contract #4400023687 Wireless Communication Exp. 8/11/2024 The Purchasing Department, on behalf of Warden, respectfully requests the Board of County Commissioners approve the activation of 1 wireless hotspot through AT&T. The hotspot will be used by their three clinicians that work in the Jail as they are not permitted to have their cell phones. The cost of the hotspot will be $39.99 per month with equipment being free with activation. This purchase will be paid from the department operating fund. CoStars #036-E22-028 Purchasing, on behalf of Warden Fewell, Correctional Facility, respectfully requests the Board of County Commissioners approve the purchase of a new Gas deep fryer for the Correctional Facility from Great Lakes Hotel Supply, Pittsburgh, PA., for the total amount of $26,057.00. This will replace the current deep fryer that is 11 years old and cannot be repaired. This purchase has been recommended for Capital funding and is being made from the PA State Contract, therefore it does not require bidding. NOTE: THIS PURCHASE IS CONTINGENT UPON PRISON BOARD APPROVAL Additionally, Warden requested to make an addendum for last-minute hires at the Correctional Facility. Seven individuals will attend the next recruit training as Corrections Officer 1 in June. Commissioner Diana Irey Vaughan asked if there was a motion to approve the Warden's Report. It was moved by Mr. Sherman and seconded by Mr. Maggi. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". On behalf of Controller April Sloane, Ms. Sheatler presented to the Board for their consideration and approval of the bills dated in May 18, 2022, in the amount of $389,959.86. It was moved by Mr. Sherman and seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the bills dated May 18, 2022. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". (See list of bills attached hereto and made a part hereof.) OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS None. There being no further business, Mrs. Vaughan declared the meeting adjourned at approximately 11:15 a.m. THE FOREGOING MINUTES SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL: ATTEST: SECRETARY .2022 Warden's Agenda June 14, 2022 PROPOSAL #1: AGREEMENTS & CONTRACTS/ADDENDUM Washington County Correctional Facility — Correction of Allegheny County Agreement I, Warden Fewell, respectfully requests the Board of County Commissioners enter into an agreement with the County of Allegheny for the provision of housing each other's Adult offenders on an as needed basis as per the contract conditions including, $127.70 per inmate, per day, plus medical expenses to be paid from their Operating budget. Note: This item is to correct the dollar amount as presented on MIN#I 150. PROPOSAL #2: RECRUIT PART-TIME CORRECTIONAL OFFICER I I, Warden Fewell, respectfully request the Prison Board and the Board of County Commissioners to authorize the hire of the following personnel as part-time Correctional Officers I in the Washington County Correctional Facility: Jason Bowditch Austin Gray Veronica Kayona Kristian Lee Dominic Petrocco Kelsey Stanford Antonio Vallejo Washington County Correctional Facility Invoices - June 15, 2022 A Z Janitorial Services LLC *Access Information Protected Albano's Belfiore's Coffee & Food Service *Big's Sanitation Bimbo Bakeries USA *CDW-G *Columbia Gas of PA Inc. *Craftmaster Hardware LLC *Druciak, Edward *Fewell, Jeffrey Grainger W W Inc. *Hadfield Elevator LLC *Jack Frye Sales and Service Janitor's Supply Justice Planners MSC Industrial Supply Co. *Oldland, Daniel *PA State Police Primecare Medical Inc. *Ricoh USA Inc. Scalise Industries Corporation Schneider's Dairy Inc. *Sprague Operating Resources *Sysco Pittsburgh LLC *Time Savers Inc. *W B Mason Co. Inc. *Washington E Washington Joint Authority *Washington Physician Services *West Penn Power Housekeeping Supplies Bid $ 6,688.38 Secure Waste Removal $ 74.12 Produce Bid $ 2,646.71 Coffee Bid $ 1,065.86 Waste Removal - 6/1-6/30/22 $ 820.00 Bread Bid $ 2,779.06 PO #44758 - Computer Hardware $ 1,730.20 Energy Utility Services - Apr/22 $ 4,771.03 PO #44778, 44706 - Door Hardware $ 8,074.00 Employee Travel $ 93.84 Employee Travel $ 273.23 Industrial Commodities Bid $ 2,963.51 Elevator Service Bid $ 311.25 Housekeeping Bid $ 485.00 Housekeeping Bid $ 624.59 Needs Assessment Contract $ 13,700.00 Industrial Commodities $ 98.61 Employee Travel $ 388.26 Employment Screening $ 22.00 Contracted Medical Services $ 246,544.57 Cost Per Copy Bid $ 759.96 Contracted Repairs $ 4,663.36 Milk Bid $ 3,740.27 Liquid Fuels Utility Service - 4/1-4/30/22 $ 4,450.80 COSTARS Food Contract $ 12,090.15 Employment Screening $ 204.25 Office Supplies Bid $ 832.18 Sewage Utility Service - 3/30-4/28/22 $ 12,480.00 Employment Screening $ 220.00 Power Utility - 4/21-5/19/22 $ 10,426.05 Total 06/15/22 Meeting $ 344,021.24 *Paid as required by due date