HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Agenda - 8-29-2022Washington County Prison Board Agenda August 30, 2022 I. Invocation II. Approval of Minutes 05-18-22 dated May 18, 2022, 06-15-22 dated June 15, 2022 and 07-20-22 dated July 20, 2022. III. Public Comment IV. Warden's Report V. Bills VI. Old Business VII. New Business Vill. Adjourn Meeting D. Vaughan M. Namie N. Sherman J. Grimm L. Maggi C. Griffin President Judge DiSalle S. Arnold A. Andronas J. Hatfield J. Walsh J. Fewell A. Sloane J. Thornburg P.Jansante Minute No. PB 5-18-22 May 18, 2022 The meeting of the Washington County Prison Board was held in the 7th floor conference room of Courthouse Square,100 West Beau Street, Washington, Pennsylvania, with the following members being present: Commissioners Diana Irey Vaughan, Nick Sherman, and Larry Maggi; President Judge John DiSalle; Controller April Sloane via telephone; and Sheriff Tony Andronas. Absent from the meeting was District Attorney Jason Walsh. Also present were Deputy Controller Heather Sheatler; County Solicitor Jana Grimm; Warden Jeffrey Fewell; Deputy Warden Chris Cain; Major David Coddington; Finance Director Josh Hatfield; Chief of Staff Mike Namie; Human Resources Director Shelli Arnold; Human Services Director Kim Rogers; Chief Clerk Cindy Griffin; Chaplain Mike Pierson; Chief of Juvenile Probation Amanda Gallagher; Assistant District Attorney Megan Faust; and Secretary Joyce Thornburg. Mrs. Vaughan called the meeting to order at approximately 11:03 a.m., and Chaplain Mike Pierson led the meeting with the invocation. PUBLIC COMMENTS None. WARDEN'S REPORT Administrative Fee. , �=q h .... 035.07 Social Security .00 Tylenol Mon sub -total`"' 12,235.0 Year-t e grand tota 559.84 Billed Collected Work Release Inmates -0- -0- Weekend Inmates -0- -0- Monthly sub -total -0- -0- Year-to-date grand tota -0- -0- Status of Inmates Confined at the End of April 2022 Male Female Total Full-time Inmates 57 12 69 Work Release Inmates 0 0 0 Weekend Inmates 0 0 0 Male Female Total Inmates Awaiting Trial and/or Sentencing 210 63 273 Total Inmates 267 75 342 Examinations Performed by the Physician New Commitments Dental Extractions Medical Transports Performed by the Sheriff Contracted Housing Fee/Month 309 141 27 23 $0.00 Mrs. Vaughan announced that the Warden requested to amend his posted agenda to include some hirings. Mrs. Vaughan asked if there was a motion to approve this amendment. It was moved by Mr. Andronas and seconded by Mr. Sherman. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". Warden Fewell recognized Denice Dupain as employee of the month for April 2022. Moving forward, Warden Fewell stated that the population as of May 18, 2022 was 351, which is down some, however, we are on track for steady increases for the current year. Warden Fewell moved on to preventing COVID status stating that PrimeCare took over administering vaccinations from Central Outreach, and on May 5, 2022, 64 inmates were vaccinated. Moving on to staffing levels, Warden Fewell stated that there is a recruitment class at present with Human Resources, but that recruitment is challenging. He further stated that the facility will be staffed sufficiently with the current recruitment class. Warden Fewell presented to the Board data coordinated with facilities in Butler, Adams, Beaver, Cambria, Centre, Erie, Monroe, Washington, Westmoreland, and Franklin counties. Warden Fewell highlighted that the average daily populations were very similar amongst the counties, but that study shows that the county's facility is lightly staffed in comparison to the other counties. Warden Fewell informed the Board that he would be attending t, ennsylvania Warden's Association training session in Harrisburg with the Secretary, being in attendance. Mrs. Vaughan asked the Warden to provide the a s e " er inmate to compliment the data that has already been compiled from the other c _ acilitie rden Fewell stated that communication is open amongst the other county ns and that ould have no problem obtaining the average cost per inmate to compar Warden Fewell respectfully re the Correctional Facility to the listed If approved, this Anchor Wiping 01 terms and conditions. This s` e for Commissioners meetin held , War well re lly r hotspot thro T&T. The t v not permitted e their cell being free with a` on. This Warden Fewell'A fryer for the Correctional $26,057.00. This will rep the bid contradWr linen supplies for submitted in their bid. , 2022, under the same contract was approved at the Board of No. 51. the and approve the activation of one wireless sed byVtrree clinicians that work in the Jail as they are gf the hotspot will be $39.99 per month with equipment aid from the department's operating fund. sted the Prison Board to approve the purchase of a new gas deep reat Lakes Hotel Supply, Pittsburgh, PA., for the total amount of deep fryer that is 11 years old and cannot be repaired. This purchase has been recommended for Capital funding and is being made from the PA State Contract, therefore it does not require bidding. This purchase for the Correctional Facility was approved at the Board of Commissioners meeting held May 5, 2022, Minute No. 1151. Warden Fewell respectfully requested the Prison Board to approve the following hires at the Correctional Facility. Rodney Croom, Jr. DaQuan Devers Jabar Holyfield Joshua Humphries Maya Jones Achili Minch Julia Policz Mrs. Vaughan asked if there was a motion to approve the Warden's Report. It was moved by Mr. Sherman and seconded by Mr. Maggi. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". Bills On behalf of Controller April Sloane, Ms. Sheatler presented to the Board for their consideration and approval the bills dated May 18, 2022, in the amount of $389,959.86. Mrs. Vaughan asked if there was a motion to approve the Bills. It was moved by Mr. Sherman and seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the bills dated May 18, 2022. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". (See list of bills attached hereto and made a part hereof.) OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS None. There being no further business, Mrs. Vaughan declared the meeting adjourned at approximately 11:15 a.m. THE FOREGOING MINUTES SUBMITTEPAW APPROVAL: 2022 ATTEST: S Minute No. PB 6-15-22 June 15, 2022 The meeting of the Washington County Prison Board was held in the conference room of The Washington County Correctional Facility,100 West Cherry Avenue, Washington, Pennsylvania, with the following members being present: Commissioners Diana Irey Vaughan, Nick Sherman, and Larry Maggi; President Judge John DiSalle via teleconference; District Attorney Jason Walsh; Sheriff Tony Andronas via teleconference; and Controller April Sloane via teleconference. Also present were Warden Jeffrey Fewell; Chaplain Mike Pierson; Deputy Warden Chris Cain; Major David Coddington; Correctional Officer Emilee McClain; Correctional Officer Denise Dupain; Captain Chane Cisko; Intern Gianna Peterson; Administrative and Observer -Reporter representative Mike Jones. Also present via teleconference were Chief of Staff Mike Namie; Solicitor Jana Phillis Grimm, Finance Director Josh Hatfield; Human Resources Director Shelli Arnold; Human Resources Generalist April Jones; Human Services Director Kim Rogers; Chief Clerk Cindy Griffin; Administrative Assistant Joyce Thornburg; and Justice Planners representatives Alan Richardson and Patrick Jablonski. Mrs. Vaughan called the meeting to order at approximately 11 a.m., and Chaplain Mike Pierson led the meeting with the invocation. Mrs. Vaughan stated that there were changes to #be the minutes but that they were not available for the meeting. Mrs. Vaughan asked if there was a motion to holt PB 03-16-22 dated March 16, 2022, Minute No. PB 04-20-22 dated April 20, 2022 a No. 05-18-22 dated May 18, 2022 in abeyance. It was moved by Mr. Sherman, seconded r. Maggi. The molt as carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by statin µ". PUBLIC COMMENTS None. Mrs. Vaughan opene capsule eveal diffetartifacts from the new jail's dedication in March of 19 e artif re n nge jumpsuit, eating utensils, staff patches and badges, dcuff ke nmate oks, ph o , a hymnal, and several programs from the dedication of the ounty on Marc ,1996. WARDEN'S RE Income fro r Units e Ma ance o e for May 2022 Administrat ee 12,222.9 Social Security 400.00 Tylenol $0.00 Monthly sub 1 $14,622.91 Year-to-date g otal $72,182.75 Program Fees and Room oa -ome for May 2022 Billed Collected Work Release Inmates -0- -0- Weekend Inmates -0- -0- Monthly sub -total -0- -0- Year-to-date grand total -0- -0- Status of Inmates Confined at the End of May 2022 Male Female Total Full-time Inmates 56 8 64 Work Release Inmates 0 0 0 Weekend Inmates 0 0 0 Male Female Total Inmates Awaiting Trial and/or Sentencing 222 38 260 Total Inmates 278 46 324 Examinations Performed by the Physician 235 New Commitments 107 Dental Extractions 32 Medical Transports Performed by the Sheriff Contracted Housing Fee/Month 18 $0.00 Warden Fewell stated that the population is currently 334. He then recognized Correctional Officer Denice Dupain as employee of the month for April 2022 andhe recognized Emilee McClain as employee of the month for May 2022. Warden Fewell stated that the facility is currently holding 20 inmates that are incarcerated for homicide: 19 adults and one juvenile. There were 21 inmates that tested positive for COVID on Sunday, June 12th and they are being quarantined and monitored by medical staff. Additionally, 57 inmates were vaccinated by PrimeCare on June 10th. Warden Fewell stated that he spoke with the Warden of Allegheny County Jail and they have zero positive cases at this time and Warden Fewell anticipates the facility's 21 cases to test negative by Sunday. Mrs. Vaughan asked if our cases of COVID have been mild. Warden Fewell responded that the symptoms have been very mild. Warden Fewell spoke of staffing and stated that there are currently 3 are on board with 6 pending for the upcoming recruitment class. That recruitment class is being processed right now with human resources and will greatly help out during the summer. a right on par with The Pennsylvania County Staffing Matrix. Warden Fewell respectfully requested the Prison Boar into an agreement with the County of Allegheny for the provision of housing each other's Adult er contract conditions including, $127.70 per inmate, per lus med Operating budget. This item is to correct the dollar t that was l the Correctional Facility is contingent upon approv the Board of June 16, 2022, Minute No. 1154. as -needed basis as per the enses to be paid from their approved. This service for ni rs meeting to be held on to ratify th` 'ng of the following Correctional acility: Antonio Vallejo Mrs. the s a mo p ove the Warden's Report. It oved by M rona secon y Mr. Maggi. The motion was carried unanimously the Board si ing approval by stating "Aye". BILLS Ms. Sloane presen o the rd for their consideration and approval of the bills dated June 15, 2022, in the amou 21.24. It was moved by Ms. Sl nd seconded by Mr. Sherman, approving the bills dated June 20, 2022. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". (See list of bills attached hereto and made a part hereof.) OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS Warden Fewell introduced Justice Planners representatives Alan Richardson and Patrick Jablonski to discuss the needs assessment for the Correctional Facility. Mr. Richardson stated that the goal of the assessment is to see if the best practices are being utilized to identify the risk and needs for the inmate population so that the Correctional Facility can make informed decisions. Mr. Jablonski stated that there are three stats about the jail's population that need to be understood for them to look at trends. The first two stats are mental health and chemical dependency, and he commended the County for tracking this data so well. Mr. Jablonski stated that 51% of the population has an active mental health issue. Additionally, 46% of inmates have a chemical dependency issue. Conversely, 37% of inmates have neither issue. Mr. Jablonski also noted that they were asked to look at recidivism and stated that the Correctional Facility has a three-year recidivism rate of 53%. The third stat is the level of seriousness of each inmate's crime. Mr. Jablonski stated that they categorize each inmate's offense by the most egregious crime going back to 2017 and found that the most frequent offenses are related to violence, parole violations, and drug charges. Mr. Jablonski stated that most jails across the United States saw significant declines during the first wave of COVID and that there were declines when more strains of the virus were discovered. He further stated that at present, the population at the Correction Facility has plateaued. Mr. Jablonski stated that the average length of stay is a great indicator of future populations and that the average length of stay is significantly higher than it was in 2019. He stated that they compare the data that has been analyzed through the needs assessment to forecast. He further stated that they can predict the population will decrease by 1.8% in the year 2040. Mr. Jablonski stated Correctional Facility's highest population of inmates are males ages 20-50 and that the population of males in that age range is expected to grow by 3.2%. Mr. Jablonski presented four separate forecasts to help predict the population in 2048 With the absolute maximum capacity at the current 400. - Forecast #1 looks at growth if all else remains the same. If this is the case, the population of inmates in 2048 will be 565. - Forecast #2 is a worst -case scenario. It observes o h as if bookings were to increase to rates seen before the pandemic, while avera of stay remains the same. If this were to occur, the population of inmates in 2 0 718. - Forecast #3 is a best -case scenario. It obse ur gro if average length of stay were to increase to rates seen before the pan while booki emain the same. If this were to occur, the population of inmates in would be 261. - Forecast #4 observes our growth as if a e length f stay we increase to rates seen before the pandemic, as well as bookings. we occur, the lation of inmates in 2048 would be 371. In conclusion, Mr. Jablonski state ecast #3 orecast #4 would be the most ideal for the County. He further stated that if pres s of the nal justice system remain as they were in early spring 2022, the required nu r o o ope safe and secure facility will likely eclipse 700 in 25 year o stated I t the ssibi o divert individuals with mental health or chemic issues ce g c nter facility that would get the person into treatment quickly ppose d g house the Correctional Facility. He stated that on an average- basis, projecte facility. rx Mrs. Va lid M s Mr. Th 11:50 a.m. no furth THE Va t there could be 23 people in that type of for their presentation. declared the meeting adjourned at G MINUTES SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL: ATTEST: SECRETARY 2022 Minute No. PB 7-20-22 July 20, 2022 The meeting of the Washington County Prison Board was held in the 7th floor conference room of Courthouse Square,100 West Beau Street, Washington, Pennsylvania, with the following members being present: Commissioners Diana Irey Vaughan, Nick Sherman, and Larry Maggi; President Judge John DiSalle; District Attorney Jason Walsh; Sheriff Tony Andronas; and Controller April Sloane Also present were Warden Jeffrey Fewell; Alternative Sentencing Coordinator Kyrie Kenyon; Chaplain Mike Pierson; Solicitor Jana Phillis Grimm; Finance Director Josh Hatfield; Chief of Staff Mike Namie; Human Resources Director Shelli Arnold; Human Services Director Kim Rogers; Secretary Paula Jansante; Community Service Director Cliff Warnick; Auditor Nico LaBella; Observer - Reporter representative Mike Jones and Pennsylvania Prison Society representative Gregory Dober. Mrs. Vaughan called the meeting to order at approximately 11:01 a.m., and Chaplain Mike Pierson led the meeting with the invocation. Warden Fewell introduced Pennsylvania Prison Society representative Gregory Dober to the members of the Prison Board and county staff in attendance. Mrs. Vaughan provided a few corrections to Minute No. 3-16-22 dated March 16, 2022, as well as Minute No. PB 04-20-22 dated April 20, 2022. After some discussion, Mrs. Vaughan asked if there otion to approve the above two minutes with the sufficient corrections that she had pro t moved by Mr. Sherman and seconded by Ms. Sloane. The motion was carried una sly wit Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye" Mrs. Vaughan asked for a motion to hold to No. PB 05-18-2 ed May 18, 2022 and Minute No. 06-15-22 dated June 15, 2022 in abeya ntil they can be rev d. It was moved by Mr. Sherman and seconded M The motio carried unanimously with the Board signifying approval b Aye" PUBLIC COMMENTS None. WARDEN'S REPORT a Income from Other Units a en n e mates for June 2022 Administrative Feee. 569.6 . u Social Security �` �� .00 Tylenol Mon sub -total v 12,569. Year-t e grand tota 752.40 Program Fees a om and B Inco or June 2022 Billed Collected Work Release Inmatesf -0- -0- Weekend Inmates -0- -0- Monthly sub -total -0- -0- Year-to-date grand tota -0- -0- Status of Inmates Confined at the End of June 2022 Male Female Total Full-time Inmates 52 7 59 Work Release Inmates 0 0 0 Weekend Inmates 0 0 0 Male Female Total Inmates Awaiting Trial and/or Sentencing 214 41 255 Total Inmates 266 48 314 Examinations Performed by the Physician 236 New Commitments 127 Dental Extractions 32 Medical Transports Performed by the Sheriff 16 Contracted Housing Fee/Month $0.00 Warden Fewell recognized Correctional Officer Charles Boyd as the employee of the month for June 2022. Warden stated that the population is currently 319 and that there have been more releases than commitments this month. Warden Fewell stated that there are currently 11 females farmed out at $50.00 per month and that there are 3 juveniles farmed out as well. Female beds are full, and they will be in to the immediate future. Wardem Fewell updated the Prison Board on the Community Services Alternative Sentencing Programs. Currently, there are 4 males enrolled and 2 pending with the intention to include the female population next month. Mrs. Vaughan thanked Mr. Warnick and his staff for their work and acknowledged the value of the program to the county and to the community. Warden Fewell sated that PrimeCare vaccinated 55 inmates on July 19, 2022 and noted that while the Correctional Facility was on lockdown 2 weeks ago, the facility is in the clear at present. He further stated that the facility is at a staffing level of 83% with 5 correctional officers in training. Warden Fewell stated that there is a still a slight turnover and retention issue but that the facility is actively working with Hu esources to minimax turnover and maximize retention rates. ANY Mrs. Vaughan inquired about in -person visits at th Warden Fewell responded that the facility is not having in -person visits at this time as v' i e proving to be much more effective. He continued that video visits eliminate th f smug _ in contraband to the facility. Warden Fewell also stated that virtual visits allJon opposed to a single person for an on -site visit. permanent change moving forward. Warden Fewell updated the Prison Boa Corrections Association meeting in Har on Octo' Association meting in Washington on 0;to-te 2022 that the meetings provide a great place et from the Department of Corrections. Warden Fewell resp request e e Pris rd a the bid for the Elevator Maintenance for all coun Otis El or i - h, A. This is a one- year contract effective July 1, 2022, th h June 023, wi ption t end for (9) additional one-year periods through June 30, This i full-servi aintenance contract which covers elevators at the Courthouse, Co. rthouse a ourt r, Correctional Facility and Crossroads Building. The _ the i is �0.0 is bid has been reviewed by all user departmen _'' ell as psing is bein�� , d to the lowest most responsive and responsibl er. This ser or t rrectiona acility is contingent upon approval at the Board of Commissio eeting to b Id on ,n 21, 2022, Minute No. 1155. Warden 1 respectfu quest he Prison Board enter into an agreement with the County of Lehigh fo provision ousing Washington County's Youthful inmates on an as needed basis as per the contra ndition luding, $150.00 per youthful inmate, per day, plus medical expenses to be paid from 0 ing budget. This service for the Correctional Facility is contingent upon approval a rd of Commissioners meeting to be held on July 21, 2022, Minute No. 1155. Mrs. Vaughan asked if there was a motion to approve the Warden's Report. It was moved by Mr. Sherman and seconded by Mr. Maggi. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". BILLS Ms. Sloane presented to the Board for their consideration and approval of the bills dated in July 20, 2022, in the amount of $315,709.74. It was moved by Ms. Sloane and seconded by Mr. Sherman, approving the bills dated July 20, 2022. The motion was carried unanimously with the Board signifying their approval by stating "Aye". (See list of bills attached hereto and made a part hereof.) OLD BUSINESS None. NEW BUSINESS Ms. Sloane spoke about the hospital bills for inmates. Some members of the Prison Board believe that PrimeCare is overly eager to send individuals to the hospital. Mrs. Vaughan mentioned that we can perhaps adopt a policy that gives PrimeCare a slightly reduced level of authority on hospital recommendations so that money is not wasted on minor injuries. Warden Fewell mentioned that at his previous employer, their affiliates were audited to make sure that the County wasn't being charged for unnecessary hospitalizations. President Judge John DiSalle stated that it would be most beneficial to have someone from the County, PrimeCare, and the Hospital sit down and discuss the matter so that the best possible policy can be adopted. Ms. Sloane stated that she recommends that Prison Board members have regular, unannounced visits at the correctional facility. She further stated that while the statue does not require Prison Board members to, as Mrs. Vaughan pointed out, she thinks that it would be a best practice. Mrs. Vaughan stated if members of the Prison Board would like to, that would be up to each member individually since it is not a requirement. There being no further business, Mrs. Vaughan de$W11Ving adjourned at approximately 11:48 a.m. THE FOREGOING MINUTESSURMITTED ATTEST: A 2022 Warden's Prison Board Agenda- August 30, 2022 PROPOSAL #1---NEW HIRES I respectfully request the Prison Board to approve the following personnel for part-time correctional officers 1 to perform duties within the Washington County Correctional Facility: Asia Borders Daniel Debnar Jarred John Stephanie Madrid Angel Maldonado Shawn Myers Devan Orrell We are looking at a start date of Monday, September 19, 2022. This is also a new hire orientation day; therefore, all will be scheduled for their 1' day in orientation and report to Captain Buckholt on Tuesday, September 20, 2022. PROPOSAL #2---K9 SEARCH I respectfully request the Prison Board to approve a contract with Ideal Investigations & Security Group, LLC for K9 searches within the Washington County Correctional Facility. The cost would be $200 per search (approximately 30-minute search). We anticipate scheduling two searches per month. This contact is contingent on Board of County Commissioners approval. OF EPORT/////////////////////////////////////////////1//////////////////////////// Washington County Correctional Facility Invoices - August 17, 2022 84 Lumber Company Lumber Bid $ 24.14 A Z Janitorial Services LLC Housekeeping Supplies Bid $ 3,870.74 *Access Information Protected Secure Waste Removal $ 50.58 AIS Commercial Parts & Service Kitchen Repairs Bid $ 953.57 Albano's Produce Bid $ 2,003.73 *American Glass and Mirror Glass Repair $ 900.00 *Big's Sanitation Waste Removal $ 820.00 Bimbo Bakeries USA Bread Bid $ 2,656.88 *CDW-G Computer Hardware $ 746.52 *Columbia Gas of PA Inc. Energy Utility Services - Jun/22 $ 3,206.13 *Cornerstone Detention Inc. Electronic Hardware $ 310.00 *Crystal Sound Systems Radio Equipment $ 8,458.00 *Fireman's Friend Fire Safety Bid $ 265.00 Grainger W W Inc. Industrial Commodities Bid $ 1,511.81 Jack Frye Sales and Service Housekeeping Bid $ 918.00 Johnson Controls Fire Alarms Systems Bid $ 7,878.02 Justice Planners Needs Assessment Contract $ 3,370.00 *Lawrence County Inmate Holding $ 29,350.00 *Lexis Nexis Law Library $ 648.46 MSC Industrial Supply Co. Industrial Commodities $ 284.02 *Pennsylvania American Water Water Utility - 6/1-6/29/22 $ 9,389.55 Primecare Medical Inc. Contracted Medical Services $ 152,440.08 *Ricoh USA Inc. Cost Per Copy Bid $ 722.49 Scalise Industries Corporation Contracted Repairs $ 1,024.00 Schneider's Dairy Inc. Milk Bid $ 3,375.08 *Sprague Operating Resources Liquid Fuels Utility Service - 6/1-6/30/22 $ 1,704.94 *Sysco Pittsburgh LLC COSTARS Food Contract $ 4,463.63 Trapuzzano's Uniforms Uniforms Bid $ 226.00 *Verizon Wireless Telecommunication Utility - 6/17-7/16/22 $ 160.04 "W B Mason Co. Inc. Office Supplies Bid $ 19.76 *Washington E Washington Joint Authority Sewage Utility Service - 5/31-6/29/22 11,688.00 *Washington Physician Services Employment Screening $ 1,395.00 *West Penn Power Power Utility - 6/21-7/21/22 $ 13,243.14 Total 08117/22 Meeting $ 268,077.31 *Paid as required by due date