HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Agenda - 10-5-2022PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THIS PUBLIC MEETING OF THE WASHINGTON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IS VIDEO AND AUDIO LIVE -STREAMED ON THE COMMISSIONERS' FACEBOOK PAGE. IF YOU HAVE NOT SIGNED IN AND ARE PRESENT AT THIS MEETING, PLEASE DO SO, SO THAT WE HAVE ACCURATE RECORDS. AGENDA 1. Opening of Meeting a. Prayer b. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes Special Order of Business Proclamation — Domestic Violence Awareness Month (RECESS FOR PHOTOS) 3. Public Comments THURSDAY. OCTOBER 6.2022 The Rev. Dr. Scott Shetter The Church of the Covenant Don Bailey Young Marines Minute No. 1157 September 15, 2022 Alexandra Brooks, Director of Prevention Domestic Violence Services of SWPA THE VIEWS AND OPINIONS EXPRESSED BY THE SPEAKERS DURING PUBLIC COMMENT ARE EXCLUSIVELY THOSE OF THE SPEAKERS AND DO NOT REFLECT OR REPRESENT THOSE OF THE WASHINGTON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AND HAVE NOT BEEN VERIFIED. 4. The Board of Commissioners' Response 5. Old Business Bid Award a. Joint Municipal Purchasing Program Bid Contract Extension a. Plumbing Services b. Floor Mats & Uniforms Bid Reiection a. Cross Creek Fence Project 6. New Business a. Approval —Chief Clerk b. Agreement —Chief Clerk c. Supplement — Planning d. Agreement — Planning e. Matching Funds — Finance f. Agreement — Finance g. Application — Finance h. Resolution — Finance i. Agreements — Children & Youth Services j. Agreement — Children & Youth Services k. Addendum — Children & Youth Services I. Addendum — Human Services m. Authorization to Advertise — Purchasing n. Authorization to Advertise — Purchasing o. Authorization to Advertise — Purchasing p. Authorization to Advertise — Purchasing q. Authorization to Pay - Purchasing r. Agreement — Purchasing s. Addendum — Purchasing t. Addendum — Purchasing u. Addendum — Purchasing 7. Announcements An Executive Session was held at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, October 5, 2022, following the agenda meeting to discuss personnel and litigation. The regularly scheduled Salary Board meeting has been canceled. All county offices will be closed on Monday, October 10, 2022, in observance of Columbus Day. 8. Solicitor Tax refunds in the amount of $1,243.14. 9. Adiournment Minute No. 1157 September 15, 2022 The Washington County Commissioners met in regular session in the Public Meeting Room, Courthouse Square, Washington, Pa., with the following members being present: Commissioners Diana Irey Vaughan, Larry Maggi, and Nick Sherman. Also present are Solicitor Jana Grimm; Chief of Staff Mike Namie; Finance Director Josh Hatfield; BHDS Director Jennifer Scott and employees Mary Jo Patrick - Hatfield and Theresa Frisco; Prothonotary Laura Hough and employee Tina Whited; Sheriff representatives Ron Aiello and Ryan McWreath; SWPA Area Agency on Aging representatives Matt Uram and Kathy Constantino; Executive Secretaries Randi Marodi and Patrick Geho; Chief Clerk Cynthia B. Griffin; Administrative Assistant Joyce Thornburg; Planning representative Kalie Chasko; The Rev. Dr. Ann Schmid of Our Redeemer Lutheran Church; American Legion Post #639 representative Pete Zayas; WJPA representative Joe Jasek and concerned citizens Leo Trich, Dominik Wrobel, Fern Sibert, Jim Piper, Fred Bender, Susan Bender, Bruce Bandel, Mary Lorenz, Mary Gordon, Liz Molinaro, Ben Bright, Shawn Ranieri, Sam Yareck, Antoinette Fitch, Donald Fitch, Carolyn Snyder, Ronald Snyder, John Hudock, Phyllis Waller, Ardella Bryant, Andrew Goudy, Ann Shaner and Thomas O. Vreeland of Bassi Vreeland & Associates. Mrs. Vaughan called the meeting to order at approximate Win. and announced this meeting is video and audio live -streamed via Facebook. The Rev. Dr. Ann Schmid led the meeting with a Ka` Mr. Zayas led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mrs. Vaughan entertained a motion approvmlliute No. 1156 dated t 18, 2022. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Mag �, z rovin �� ute No. 11 written. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi —vsk Vaughan Motion carried unanimously. y��, 5 SPECIAL ORDER OF B Mr. Sherman read darn declaring ___. - of S ber 2022, as "Suicide Awareness and Prevention" month. Moved by Mr. Sherma�cond 4, Mr Mag� proving the proclamation. Roll ca r� Mr. an — Magg='es; Mrs liarf —Yes. Mo married unammaw. Behaviora r th and Deve ental ices Director, Jennifer Scott, accepted the proclamation, along with Mary Jo d, Lisa M11 Viand Theresa Frisco. Ms. Scott thanked the Commissioners for their ongoing support. Suici 61 s not dz ate and our office takes this very passionately. A crisis r� r intervention text line was irisr3-0i e younger population who will use that line of communication rather ,than calling in. BHDS has alered with an organization called Peyton's Heart. Peyton was a young child who was a victim of bullying that took his own life. This is a nationwide group across the country that places crocheted hearts amongst rocks for people to find. Attached to the hearts are inspirational notes i.e., kind words cost nothing, and your life matters. Mary Jo Hatfield also announced her office will be participating in a suicide walk and that they received a small mini -grant for an event next May in regard to mental health and suicide awareness. Washington Drug and Alcohol was also asked to share in this endeavor to help plan and participate. Mr. Maggi read a proclamation declaring the week of September 18 through September 24, 2022 as "Employ the Older Workers" week. Moved by Mr. Maggi; seconded by Mr. Sherman, approving the proclamation. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Accepting this proclamation was Job Developer for SW PA Area Agency on Aging Matt Uram, Title V Job Developer and Kathy Constantino, the Administrator at SWPA Area Agency on Aging. Mr. Uram addressed the audience and announced the problem in Washington County is workforce participation. The 18 to 45-year-old identities are changing. He stated we need to identify ourselves in a profession. He mentioned our seniors are the matriarchs and patriarchs and carry the demographic. If people are not working, there's despair if we do not have a purpose in our life. Mr. Uram concluded that he appreciates the relationship that we have with Area Agency on Aging and we cannot do it alone. There is despair if we do not have a purpose in our lives. We need the relationships in our county, and in our agency and will get the job done for seniors. However, the seniors are getting the job done for us. Mrs. Vaughan introduced our former state representative Leo Trich along with a German student Dominik Wrobel. Mr. Trich is working as a volunteer with the World Affairs Council in Pittsburgh, and they in turn have been working with a counterpart of theirs in Europe. Mr. Trich stated we are trying to get young people from our country to have a better understanding of young pe from other countries. Mx. Wrobel has helped us with student forums and meeting virtually with hig �ol students. He has been here for about ten weeks from Bonn, Germany, visiting the different le Pvernment. Mr. Wrobel has already graduated with an economics degree, and he will be will be studying economics and public policy. Mr. Wrobel thanked everyone for having great experience so far. He a] his visit. RECESS FOR PHOTOS PUBLIC COMMENT The following WAtO;. Fern Sibert of Clean' highways in Wasl#n pCou: also in favor x to � Fred Wider spoke a Shawn ri, a corn during the past two tions. Ethics Board consistiri tw Mary Gordon said l about the voting machines be allowing him to sp program in three weeks. He stated this has been a o learn a lot during during public comment: flyers about cleaning up litter along the :ase the littering fine from $250 to $2,500. She is the need for the separation of church and state. :)n t ,lhe Democratic party, criticized both parties for their failures °ryone -needs to work together and he asked the Board to create an ts, two Republicans, and two Independents. altered over the years and asked that the referendum question Sam Yarek, who volunteered to collect signatures for an election referendum, stated this is not a party issue, but an issue of transparency versus honesty. He said a lot of people want the referendum added to the ballot. Don Fitch explained that many people lack knowledge of basic civics and discussed lies about election fraud. Antionette Fitch spoke about the negative effect conservative grassroots groups have had on Pennsylvania. THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONER'S RESPONSE Commissioner Irey Vaughan addressed the issue raised by Fern Sibert and said the Board does not have the authority to increase littering fines, because this is a state legislative responsibility. THE SOLICITOR'S RESPONSE Solicitor Grimm addressed the legality of the question to eliminate electronic voting machines on the November ballot as follows: First, the law clearly prohibits referenda regarding whether to use electronic voting systems. The Pennsylvania Supreme Court in the case of Ku�Znik v. 1rIestmoreland County Board of Commissioners held that conditioning the use of electronic voting systems on the result of a referendum was barred by the federal law known as the Help America Vote Act (HAVA), which requires the adoption of electronic voting systems. Specifically, the Pennsylvania Supreme Court determined that holding such a referendum "would directly impede the goals of the HAVA legislation, including and most importantly accessibility for disabled voters." Accordingly, the Court held that HAVA preempts the referendum requirements of Article XI -A of the PA election code. The Court also concluded that two separate systems of voting — with a HAVA- compliant system for federal elections and a separate mechanical lever system for municipal elections — violates the unitary voting requirements of Pennsylvania law and under xuned the improved voter access requirements found in HAVA. In essence, counties are required to same system for both general and municipal elections. Because the referendum provision of 25 P.S. § 30 'has been mpted by federal law, any TWftnl referendum conducted under this provision would se egal purposeuld therefore be nonbinding r and advisory only. The Commonwealth Court of Plvania has held that btx ` of election lack the legal authority to place nonbinding referendum questions on ots. In the of He School District P. MM- " F_r. Election Board of Lancaster County. Thus, the KuZnzk and He c�: ake clear that and of Elections, should reject any petition requesting placA-1, f a re en re that petition reli on the statutory authority for referenda found at 25 P.S. 5 3.'� Even if such a referendu were to be peitted b� wand petition sheets submitted on September 9, 2022 were in in, they- urn��er of signatures required. Pursuant to PS 25 3031.4 (e), the " ' on mustYA igned b ;_ ed regist"electors of the county equal in number to at least 10% of th dal num `i of elector` _ o voted in the said county at the last preceding general or mumci a � crion 5, _ re req based on the 2021 election votes cast. The 4 petitions sub - 4,03tures;� s 1,� less than the required number. �. It has als� n requested =i e peg sheets submitted on July 21, 2022 and September 9, 2022 be Mt combined in or achieve the re6 ed nu of signatures. However, the petition sheets from July 21, 2022 were submrtte= „t not accepte s the sheets contained material defects to include the following: • City, borough, or cluded for signer 1 under 25 PS 2868 • Date of signing not in 1il'under 25 PS 2868 • Circulator's statement not +included 2 under 25 PS 2869 Based on all of the above, this question will not appear on the November 8, 2022 ballot in Washington County. OLD BUSINESS BID AWARD Solicitor Grimm recommended to the Board, on behalf of Purchasing, that the request for bids for lumber supplies and service items has been advertised twice and no bids were received. Therefore, in accordance with 73 P.S. Section 1641, the county may make a direct purchase of these items and services. Moved by Mr. Sherman, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving that the county may make a direct purchase for lumber supplies and services. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. BID CONTRACT EXTENSION Solicitor Grimm recommended the Board, on behalf of Purchasing and the Correctional Facility, approve the extension of our bid contract for bread products and new pricing list with Bimbo Bakeries USA, Inc., Albany, NY effective October 1, 2022 through September 30, 2024. All other terms and conditions of the current agreement remain in full force. This service for the Correctional Facility was approved at the Prison Board meeting held on September 14, 2022, Minute No. PB 9-14-22. Moved by Mr. Sherman, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the extension of the bid contract with Bimbo Bakeries USA, Inc. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. BID REJECTION Solicitor Grimm recommended the Board, on beha f arch , to reject all bids for the Courthouse, Courtrooms #6 and #7 renovations, and a fh" ize rebiddinjMere were errors in the submitted bid prices. h' am g# Moved by Mr. Sherman, seconded by Mr. Ma pproving the bid rejefor the Courthouse, Courtrooms #6 and #7 renovations. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Y� r Vaughan Motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS Mi, Chief Clerk prese the cl for thei a do proval, of the Washington County -_, �" L<, Emergency Operations P1a�OP), w is design e�comply with all applicable state and county regulations and provides the pies an oedures to x followed in dealing with emergencies, disasters, and terroristic eve v terroristic Mo � DIY Sie second by Mr �p oving the Washington County Emergency , Operations Roll ca�e taken: Mr. ShermW Yes; Mr. Maw Yes, Vaughan — Yes. Motionimously. f Chief Clerk presente and for their consideration and approval, on behalf of the Planning Commission, of authorization to 40irtise for qualified engineering firms to design the following three bridge projects: ! ■ Cross Creek 33, Cross Creek Township (replacement) ■ Raccoon 23, Burgettstown Borough (replacement) ■ Pike 1, Coal Center Borough (rehabilitation historic truss) Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the authorization to advertise. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of the Planning Commission, of a change order in the amount of $27,939.17 with UHL Construction for additional work items (electrical, plumbing, column repair, and concrete) on the rehabilitation of Hall 3. The revised contract amount of $673,423.17 will be paid with LSA grant funds and Fair Gas Lease and Greenways funds. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the change order with UHL Construction. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of the Planning Commission, of authorization to submit a grant to DCNR in the amount of $1,108,997 for shelters and water lines at Thompson Hill in Cross Creek Park. The resolution authorizes the grant submission, as well as the Chair of the Board, Diana Irey Vaughan, to sign relative documents for the 50% match of 1,108,997. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving to submit a grant to DCNR for shelters and water lines at Thompson Hillin Cross Creek Park. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their considers Court Administration, of an amendment with nCourt, LLC_ tip end amendment is at no cost to the County and benefits m of the pu Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. M approving the Roll call vote taken: w __ Mr. Sherman —Yes; Mr. Maggi —Yes; Mrs. Vaug� Yes Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board Voter Registration/Elections, of an applica Department of State for the amount of $17,881.31 and Commonwealth of Redevelopment AuthbW and memorandum of tI change of the tenant to on behalf of Finance and thresholds for fees. The ing filings. tent with nCourt, LLC. on behalf of Finance and of Pennsylvania, awcation and agreement are in the September 30, 2023. application and agreement with the 2022 Election Security grant program. consideration and approval, on behalf of Finance and the ashington County Airport, of an addendum to the lease agreement and Aviation for hangar #1. The addendum recognizes a legal name , LLC d/b/a Skyward Aviation as well as better defines the leased property description with all o ms and conditions remaining the same. This approval also covers all other related documents to be executed related to the above -mentioned matter. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the addendum to the lease agreement and memorandum of the lease with Skyward Aviation for hangar #1. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Finance and the Redevelopment Authority as agent for Washington County Airport, of an addendum to the lease agreement and memorandum of the lease with Skyward Aviation for hangar #3. The addendum recognizes a legal name change of the tenant to RSB Investments, LLC d/b/a Skyward Aviation as well as better defines the leased property description with all other terms and conditions remaining the same. This approval also covers all other related documents to be executed related to the above -mentioned matter. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the addendum to the lease agreement and memorandum of the lease with Skyward Aviation for hangar #3. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Finance and the Redevelopment Authority as agent for Washington County Airport, of a landlord's agreement, consent, and subordination with Meridian Bank for hangar #1. The agreement is related to a transaction between Meridian Bank and RSB Investments, LLC, a tenant of the Washington County Airport. This approval also covers all other related documents to be executed related to the above -mentioned matter. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the landlord's agreement, consent, and subordination with Meridian Bank for hangar #1. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their co the Redevelopment Authority as agent for Washington and subordination with Meridian Bank for hangar #3 Meridian Bank and RSB Investments, LLC, a tenant m covers all other related documents to be executed relate Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded subordination with Meridian Bank for han�� Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Motion carried unan� Chief Clerk presen t the Bo fc the Redevelopment Authority— f �, Meridian Bank t al b Meridian Bad RSB rents, a covers all o belated docum to be - _ & Move Mir. Sherman; sded b Meridian Bank fo erminal bull and It. Maggi, E' Va their xx hington The .7 �1 ed relater on behalf of Finance and Oty Airport, agreement is rela Washington Cou ab . j mentioned _" ie landlord's Yes. )rd's agreement, consent, a transaction between port. This approval also consent, and ration and approval, on behalf of Finance and ity Airport, of a landlord waiver and consent with ment is related to a transaction between Oashington County Airport. This approval also the above -mentioned matter. Maggi, approving the landlord wavier and consent with Roll call voter: Mr. Sherman r. Ma ZA Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unA�. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Finance and the Redevelopment Authority as agent for Washington County Airport, of a landlord waiver and consent with Meridian Bank for the fuel farm. The agreement is related to a transaction between Meridian Bank and RSB Investments, LLC, a tenant of the Washington County Airport. This approval also covers all other related documents to be executed related to the above -mentioned matter. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the landlord wavier and consent with Meridian Bank for the fuel farm. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Finance and the Redevelopment Authority as agent for Washington County Airport, of a landlord waiver and consent with Meridian Bank for the ABC hangar. The agreement is related to a transaction between Meridian Bank and RSB Investments, LLC, a tenant of the Washington County Airport. This approval also covers all other related documents to be executed related to the above -mentioned matter. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the landlord wavier and consent with Meridian Bank for the ABC hangar. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Finance, of an addendum to the revised engagement letter with Maher Duessel to reflect updated agreed -upon procedures as required by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Human Services. The examination period and professional fees remain unchanged from the existing revised engagement letter. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the addendum to the revised engagement letter with Maher Duessel. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Y Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their Health and Developmental Services, of the followin through June 30, 2023. No additional county funds PROVIDER Arc Human Services, Inc. The CARE Center, Inc. dba SPHS Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Y ,r Motion carried unat Chief C s4 Health and ipmenta period of J�r 2021 throw $24,072 and nMi" 4itional c Moved by�,Sheri The CARE Center_ Roll call vote take Mr. Sherman — Yes; Motion carried unar der agreements uired. on behalf of Behavioral of July 1, 2022 AMOUNT $ 91,617 24,072 S115.689 agreements listed. ,ation and approval, on behalf of Behavioral it addendum with The CARE Center for the authorization amount will decrease by $20,000 to approving the provider agreement addendum with Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Children and Youth Services, of the following provider agreements for the period of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023. No additional county funds are required. PROVIDER UPMC — Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh Washington Drug and Alcohol Commission Wesley Family Services AMOUNT $100,000 249,600 140,000 TOTAL $489.600 Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the provider agreements listed. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Children and Youth Services, of a provider agreement with Familylinks for the provision of trauma -informed care and residential services for the period of October 1, 2022 through June 30, 2024. The contract authorization amount is $380,258 and no additional county funds are required. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the provider agreement with Familylinks. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Children and Youth Services, of the following provider agreement addendums for a total increase of $235,000 for the period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. No additional county funds are required. PROVIDER Adelphoi Placement Justice Works UPMC Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. addendums. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board Youth Services, to submit a gr '° PtioN: 1 the amount of $1,300 to a 'ith cos application does not have aFxh requirf Moved by Mr. Adoption and Chief Clerk Services, of an emergency housinim g to victim' contract authorization amount required. ORIGINAL ADJUSTED AMC +TT AMOUNT $0 $2,250,000 475,000 22,000 $2,747,000 r agreement on behalf of Children and Network (SWAN) in The one-time grant .nty funds are required. the grant application to the Statewide d for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Human Violence Services of Southwestern Pennsylvania to provide violence for the period of July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2022. ;e by $10,000 to $52,000 and no additional county funds are The Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the addendum with Domestic Violence Services of Southwestern Pennsylvania. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Human Services, to enter into a provider agreement with Blueprints for the administration of the Pennsylvania State Emergency Rental Assistance Program COVID-19 grant to provide rental and utility assistance for the period of July 1, 2022 through September 30, 2025. The contract authorization amount is $6,464,909.05 and no additional county funds are required. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the provider agreement with Blueprints. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Human Services, of an addendum with Connect, Inc. to provide emergency housing for the period of January 29, 2020 through September 30, 2022. The contract authorization amount will increase by $25,000 to $300,000 and no additional county funds are required. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the addendum with Connect, Inc. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration an ftproval, on behalf of Aging Services, of a memorandum of understanding with the Southwestern Penny a Area Agency on Aging for COVID- 19 vaccine education as well as vaccines for homebound senio Via-mount eriod of July 1, 2022 through September 30, 2022. The memorandum of understandin izais $31,500 and no additional county funds are required. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. '�� approving the me dum of understanding with the Southwestern Pennsylvania Area Agency on Agi4, ,,, Roll call vote taken:��. Mr. Sherman —Yes; Mr. MaggiMrs. Vaugha& 4 Motion carried unanimously.Mt �,r Chief Clerk presented to the Board for : igir con motion anda-roval, on behalf of the Purchasing, of the new price list for prints and p��forms nc P g Company, Bridgeville, PA for the period of September 1 throb u ust 3 p p - g Moved by Mr. She t4_ second y Mr. Mai pproving the new price list for printing services and printed forms with Blanc g Gx ny. Roll ca] au G All Mr. an Magma es, Mrs 4�harm— Yes. Mo" carried unanin" Chief Cler _sented to thrd fore consideration and approval, on behalf of the Purchasing and the Correctional :ty, to enter an agreement with Ideal Investigations & Security Group, LLC., White Oak, PA. for the se of p ding canine narcotic searches on various days/times of the month with 1-2 sweeps planned. tlot is $200 per sweep and will be paid from inmate welfare funds. This service for the Correctional Faci{as approved at the Prison Board meeting held on August 30, 2022, Minute No. PB 8-30-22. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mx. Maggi, approving the agreement with Ideal Investigations & Security Group, LLC. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of the Purchasing and Public Safety, of an agreement with Security Systems of America, Pittsburgh, PA. for the purpose of a necessary upgrade for our 3G Starlink fire communicator on the fire alarm panel at 150 Airport Road which is scheduled to reach end -of -life late this year. This will be a 36-month agreement effective September 15, 2022, and shall automatically renew on a month -to -month basis unless written notice is provided 30 days prior to the expiration of any term. The total cost of the upgrade is $270 with a $10 fuel surcharge being added to each service call and $36.40/month for monitoring services. Costs will be paid from their operating budget. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the agreement with Security Systems of America. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing and Information Technology, of the purchase of one smartphone with activation from AT&T to be utilized by Ryan Anderson. The smartphone will be 99.99 and the monthly cost of service is $40.00, including unlimited talk, text, data, and mobile hot spot. Costs will be paid from their operating budget. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the purchase of a smartphone from AT&T. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Y Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their conflation and ap Court Administration, of the purchase of one 2023 Ft r' ansit 14-passeng, Ford, Inc. Heidelberg, PA for the purpose of inmate—"-- is $55,00, including a discount, and will be paid from Act TT PA State Contract/COSTARS 13 and therexe does not r k�„ Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded"aggi, a 14-passenger vehicle from Woltz & Wind F Roll call vote taken: , Mr. Sherman — Yes; Motion carried un Chief Clerk pre Information Tec maintenanc :- or the softwa A y Public Safety, assessment, ash of the computer dispatch sys funded by PEMA Sta `=ems e Interc, System project. The pro therefore does not require b Moved by Mr. Shermar Systems Research Institute. Roll call vote taken: Yes; )ortadon and jury on behalf of Purchasing and hicle from Woltz & Wind "Tts. The total cost is bi�Aase would be made via the purchase of a 2023 Ford Transit their co�deration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing, 5wvment G ftware maintenance and licenses from (ESRI), an Calif., in the amount of $67,014. This sand update"-- e GIS software utilized by Information Technology, irig *e maps developed through this software are the foundation undinor this support will be paid from the 911 account and ivity Funding from the 2019-66 Beaver Washington Shared CAD in accordance with the pricing on the PA State Contract and by Mr. Maggi, approving the purchase from Environmental Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. ANNOUNCEMENTS An Executive Session was held at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, September 14, 2022, following the agenda meeting to discuss personnel and litigation. The regularly scheduled Salary Board meeting will be immediately following today's meeting. SOLICITOR None. There being no further business, Chairman Vaughan declared the meeting adjourned at approximately 3:06 p.m. THE FOREGOING MINUTES WERE SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL: ATTEST: CHIEF CLERK 2022 OLD BUSINESS October 6, 2022 A. BID AWARD Purchasing respectfully requests the Commissioners award the bid for products under the "Joint Municipal Purchasing Program" for Washington County to the following vendors based on their per unit cost as submitted in their bid proposals: • Compass Minerals America Inc., Overland Park, KS • Laural Aggregates, Morgantown, WV • Hei-Way LLC., Sarver, PA • Reed Oil, New Castle PA These contracts will be effective from October 6, 2022 through September 30, 2023, at an approximate cost of $10,000/year. All items have been awarded to the lowest most responsive and responsible bidders meeting specifications. B. BID CONTRACT EXTENSION Purchasing, on behalf of Building and Grounds, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve an extension of our current bid contract for plumbing services with McVehil Plumbing, Heating & Supply Co., Inc., Washington, PA. effective November 1, 2022 through October 31, 2023. All work will be done on a "Time and Material" basis and all material is at a 15% discount from the list price. C. BID CONTRACT EXTENSION Purchasing, on behalf of Building and Grounds, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve an extension of our current service agreement for the rental of floor mats and uniforms with Cintas Corporation, Bridgeville, PA. at their submitted 2022 "per unit" costs. This extension will continue through December 31, 2023, with the option to extend year to year unless canceled by providing a 30-day written notice. The cost is approximately $4,500/year. D. BID REJECTION Purchasing, on behalf of the Planning Commission, respectfully requests the Commissioners reject all bids for the Cross Creek fence project and authorize rebidding. Bids came in over budget. NEW BUSINESS October 6, 2022 A. APPROVAL — CHIEF CLERK Chief Clerk, on behalf of the Coroner, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve the cost of training for three deputy coroners (Billy Jack McKay, Aubrey Onorato, and Rodney Bush) to attend Allegheny County's Office of the Medical Examiner's 2022 Continuing Education Event. The cost will be $100/per person, plus mileage, and will be paid from their operating budget. B. AGREEMENT — CHIEF CLERK Chief Clerk, on behalf of the Controller, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve an agreement with Michael Clarke, Esq. to provide solicitor services for the Controller's office. The agreement is in the amount of $300/month, is effective October 6, 2022, and shall be continuous until terminated by either parry. C. SUPPLEMENT — PLANNING Planning respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a cost supplement in the amount of $25,435.42 to Gibson Thomas Engineering for construction consultation services on the Chartiers #30, Hess bridge in Cecil Township. Costs will be paid 100% federal funds. D. AGREEMENT — PLANNING Planning respectfully requests the Commissioners approve an agreement with the Southwestern Pennsylvania Commission (SPC) for the 2022-2024 Unified Work Program reimbursement in the total amount of $35,568. The fiscal year 2022-2023 and fiscal year 2023-2024 invoicing will reflect $17,784 and $4,446 in -kind match respectively. E. MATCHING FUNDS — FINANCE Finance, on behalf of Aging Services, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a local match in the amount of $4,752 for a local share account (LSA) funded project at Cross Creek Senior Center. The local match will be funded by the 2022-23 capital assistance grant. F. AGREEMENT — FINANCE Finance, on behalf of the Redevelopment Authority of the County of Washington as agent for the Washington County Airport, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a line extension agreement with Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania, Inc. and approve a resolution permitting the Finance Director Joshua Hatfield to electronically sign the agreement on behalf of the County. The agreement is in the amount of $5,296.87 and will be funded by a combination of a Bureau of Aviation capital grant and Act 13 monies. G. APPLICATION — FINANCE Finance respectfully requests the Commissioners approve an application with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) for the local law enforcement support grant program. The application is in development and will not exceed the allowable maximum award amount set by the funding source. H. RESOLUTION — FINANCE Finance respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a resolution to supplement program guidelines for the Washington County C-PACE Program in accordance with amended Title 12 of the Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes. I. AGREEMENTS — CHILDREN & YOUTH SERVICES Children and Youth Services respectfully requests the Commissioners approve provider agreements in the amount of $425,000 for the period of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023, with the list of previously approved providers. No County funds are required. AGREEMENT — CHILDREN & YOUTH SERVICES Children and Youth Services respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a provider agreement with UPMC Western Behavioral Health for the provision of foster care placement services for the period of September 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023. The contract authorization amount is $100,000 and no county funds are required. K. ADDENDUM — CHILDREN & YOUTH SERVICES Children and Youth Services respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a provider agreement addendum with Washington Hospital Teen Outreach to add reimbursable mileage for youths placed outside of the county for the period of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023. The contract authorization amount will remain the same and no County funds are required. L. ADDENDUM — HUMAN SERVICES Human Services respectfully requests the Commissioners approve an addendum with the Washington County Transportation Authority to administer the Medical Assistance Transportation Program for the period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2022. The contract authorization amount will increase by $113,534 to $1,925,000 and no county funds are required. M. AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE — PURCHASING Purchasing respectfully requests the Commissioners authorize the advertising for bids for electrical work for Washington County. N. AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE — PURCHASING Purchasing respectfully requests the Commissioners authorize the advertising for bids for kitchen and housekeeping supplies for Washington County. O. AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE — PURCHASING Purchasing respectfully requests the Commissioners authorize the advertising for bids for promotional items for Washington County. P. AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE — PURCHASING Purchasing, on behalf of Court Administration, respectfully requests the Commissioners authorize the advertising for requests for proposals (RFPs) for office space for MDJ Manfredi (27-3-05). Q. AUTHORIZATION TO PAY — PURCHASING Purchasing, on behalf of Elections/Voter Registration, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve payments to ES&S in the amount of $42,260 for support for our November 8, 2022 election. Costs will be paid from their operating budget. • Logic and Accuracy Testing of Voting Equipment - $1,795 a day per technician — quoted for the quantity of 17 days for a total of $30,515. • Public Testing of Voting Equipment - $1,795 a day per technician — quoted for the quantity of one day for a total of $1,795. • Election Day Site Support — $4,975 per technician — quoted for two technicians for a total of $9,950. R. AGREEMENT — PURCHASING Purchasing, on behalf of Information Technology, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve the renewal agreement with Brian Norris Consulting Services to provide the Courts with web services, as well as maintenance and support for the Electronic Retrieval System (ERS). This agreement will be effective through December 31, 2023, with a not to exceed amount of $25,000. S. ADDENDUM — PURCHASING Purchasing, on behalf of the Courts, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve addendum #2 to our current lease agreement with Mountain Capital Partners, LLC for MDJ Melograne (27-3-01) to eliminate the additional weekly cleaning and disinfecting services to two times per week. This agreement is effective November 1, 2022 through March 31, 2024 under the same terms and conditions. T. ADDENDUM — PURCHASING Purchasing, on behalf of the Courts, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve addendum #2 to our current lease agreement with ABC&D Properties #28, LLC for MDJ Havelka (27-3-07) to eliminate the additional weekly cleaning and disinfecting services to two times per week. This agreement is effective from November 1, 2022 through December 31, 2024 under the same terms and conditions. U. ADDENDUM — PURCHASING Purchasing, on behalf of the Courts, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve addendum #4 to our current lease agreement with Gross Industrial Construction Co., Inc. for MDJ Bruner (27-3-10) to eliminate the additional weekly cleaning and disinfecting services to two times per week. This agreement is effective November 1, 2022 through February 28, 2026 under the same terms and conditions.