HomeMy WebLinkAbout2023-02-15_Commissioners Agenda_No 1166PLEASE BE ADVISED THAT THIS PUBLIC MEETING OF THE WASHINGTON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS IS VIDEO AND AUDIO LIVE -STREAMED ON THE COMMISSIONERS' FACEBOOK PAGE. IF YOU HAVE NOT SIGNED IN AND ARE PRESENT AT THIS MEETING, PLEASE DO SO, SO THAT WE HAVE ACCURATE RECORDS. AGENDA 1. Opening of Meeting a. Prayer b. Pledge of Allegiance 2. Approval of Meetine Minutes Special Order of Business Proclamation —Teen Violence Awareness and Prevention Month (RECESS FOR PHOTOS) 3. Public Comments THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 16. 2023 The Rev. Edward L. Yuhas St. James Parish Thomas Wheeler United States Navy Minute No. 1165, January 19, 2023 Alexandra Brooks DVSSP's Director of Prevention THE VIEWS AND OPINIONS EXPRESSED BY THE SPEAKERS DURING PUBLIC COMMENT ARE EXCLUSIVELY THOSE OF THE SPEAKERS AND DO NOT REFLECT OR REPRESENT THOSE OF THE WASHINGTON COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AND HAVE NOT BEEN VERIFIED. 4. The Board of Commissioners' Response S. Old Business Bid Award a. Linen Supplies b. Fire Alarm Inspections c. Locksmith Services d. Election Supplies e. Markers f. Radio Equipment g. Landscape Supplies Bid Contract Extensions a. Dams — Diagnostics & Repairs b. Kitchen Equipment Repair Change Order a. Courthouse — Courtroom 7 Renovations Bid Contract Purchases a. Mower b. General Construction Services 6. New Business a. Resolution —Chief Clerk b. Board Reappointments —Chief Clerk c. Board Appointments — Chief Clerk d. Contract — Planning e. Reimbursement Agreement — Planning f. Reimbursement Agreement — Planning g. Agreement — Planning h. Authorization to Bid — Planning i. Revised Letter —Finance j. Agreement — Finance k. Renewal Grant Application — Finance I. Agreement — Finance m. Agreement — Finance n. Agreement — Finance o. Agreement — Finance p. Agreement — Finance q. Renewal Grant Application — Finance r. Contract — Human Resources s. Policy Revision — Human Resources t. Agreement — Children & Youth Services u. Agreements — Children & Youth Services v. Agreement — Children & Youth Services w. Agreement — Children & Youth Services x. Addendum — Children & Youth Services y. Addendum — Children & Youth Services z. Addendum — Children & Youth Services aa. Agreement — Behavioral Health & Developmental Services bb. Agreement — Behavioral Health & Developmental Services cc. Authorization to Advertise — Purchasing dd. Authorization to Advertise — Purchasing ee. Authorization to Advertise — Purchasing ff. Agreement — Purchasing gg. Agreement —Purchasing hh. Amendment — Purchasing ii. State Contract — Purchasing 7. Announcements An Executive Session was held at 10 a.m. on Wednesday, February 15, 2023, following the agenda meeting to discuss personnel and litigation. The regularly scheduled Salary Board and Retirement Board meetings will be immediately following today's meeting. All county offices will be closed on Monday, February 20, 2023, in observance of President's Day. 8. Solicitor Tax refunds in the amount of $10,652.94 9. Adiournment Minute No. 1165 January 19, 2023 The Washington County Commissioners met in regular session in Public Meeting Room G-16, in the Crossroads Center, 95 West Beau Street, Washington, Pa., with the following members being present: Commissioners Diana Irey Vaughan, Larry Maggi, and Nick Sherman. Also present are Solicitor Jana Grimm; Chief of Staff Mike Namie; Finance Director Josh Hatfield; Human Resources Assistant Director Andrea Johnston; President Judge John DiSalle; Court Administrator Patrick Grimm; Building and Grounds Director Justin Welsh; First Assistant District Attorney Leslie Ridge and employee Madison Rush; Deputy Treasurer Lisa Rice and employee Donna Connell; Adult Probation Chief Jon Ridge and Assistant Chief Karen Lebar; Deputy Controller Heather Sheader and employees Brittany Mosco and Joelle McWreath; Veterans Affairs representative Leigh Mawhinney; Sheriff Deputies Wesley Hartman and Jamie Quintero; Executive Secretaries Marie Trossman, Randi Marodi, and Patrick Geho; Chief Clerk Cynthia B. Griffin; Administrative Assistant Joyce Thornburg; Planning representative Kalie Chasko; The Rev. Benjamin Libert of First United Presbyterian Church; Marine Corps League representative Austin J. Murphy; STTARS representatives Joanna Dragan, Kristen Honing, and Briana Bendik; TRIPIL representative Joann Naser; Watchful Shepherd representatives Tracy Walnoha and Jennifer Pierosh; Observer -Reporter representative Mike Jones; WJPA representative Joe Jasek and concerned citizens B r Miller Jim Piper, Colleen Arnowitz, Steve Arnowitz, Michael Anderson, Erin Sinko, Fern' red Bender, Susan Bender, Corey McConn, Bonnie Rankin, Bruce Bandel, Ann Thomas, Max T *d Ann Shaner. Mrs. Vaughan called the meeting to order at a video and audio live -streamed via Facebook. r- The Rev. Benjamin Libert led the meeting Mr. Murphy led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mrs. Vaughan entertained a motio" Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded b Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman Yes; Yes; _tea , Motion carried un ously Mrs. Vaughan entertain emo�prc December 20 ` Mo,yd_$_T' r She ,sec on by Mr. written. 2 p.m this meeting is Minute b163 dated December 15, 2022. Q abUYOvin ute No. 1163 as written. Meeting Minute No. 1164 dated Roll cam taken: Mr. Sherm _Yes; Mr Ma Yes; :Vaughan —Yes. Motion carrie ously SPECIAL ORDER OF Special Meeting Minute No. 1164 as Mr. Maggi read and press '"d a certificate of recognition honoring retired House of Representatives Austin Murphy for his hard work and dedication as a public servant to Washington County, Mr. Sherman read a proclamation to declare January as Human Trafficking Awareness Month. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the proclamation. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. First Assistant District Attorney Leslie Ridge thanked the Commissioners for declaring January 2023 as Human Trafficking Awareness Month. A STOP team has been created to help bring awareness to this critical issue in Washington County. The National Hotline number is 1-888-373-7888. RECESS FOR PHOTOS PUBLIC COMMENT Mrs. Vaughan stated that the views and opinions expressed by the speakers during public comment are exclusively those of the speakers and do not reflect or represent those of the Washington County Board of Commissioners and have not been verified. The following Washington County residents addressed the Commissioners during public comment: Fern Sibert, of Clean & Tidy Our County, said her goal is to make Washington County the cleanest county in the state by 2025. She encouraged those in attendance to form groups to help clean up litter and to participate in the first clean-up day at 7 a.m. on Saturday, March 25, and the planning meeting at 6:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 7, 2023, at the Fourth Presbyterian Church in Washington. Ms. Sibert also mentioned the ABC Promise Partnership, which involves collecting plastic bottle caps and lids to recycle into park benches and picnic tables for the city and county. Annie Shaner reminded everyone of the importance of municipal elections and said the primary election on May 16, is for local positions such as mayors, council members, supervisors, county commissioners, some of the row officers, and some judges at the stat yel. She said these elections are very important and urged them to encourage their neighbors and relatl� -.vote. She mentioned that the last day to register to vote is May 1 and the last day to request a mail in ' May 9. THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONER'S RESPONSE None. ,:_Jl OLD BUSINESS BID AWARD r Solicitor Grimm recommendeditt .*' on behalf o chasing, approve the id award contract >n " for flags to Metro Flag Co., Wharton, NJ ate%= tted unit of $0.83/flag. The contract will be effective January 19, 2023 through December ,� 20 the op tt extend for two additional one-year periods. This bid is being aw the lowes`xost respand r sible bidder meeting the specifications. Moved by Mr. Sheer , secon",by Mr. M proving' id award contract for flags to Metro Flag Co. xm Roll call vt"kn. +s7 3 rr �,_is Mr. S. ri Ma Yes; M ugha t' Yes. Mo i`carried una IT ilk Solicitor recomme the B x =- on behalf of Purchasing, approve the bid award contract for drug test kits to ood Toxic. Laboratory, Inc., Santa Rosa, CA based upon their per unitcosts. The contract will be of January 023 through December 31, 2023, with the option to extend for two additional one-year periods cysts ,�, a paid from their operating budgets. This bid is being awarded to the lowest most responsive and rea bidder meeting the specifications. Moved by Mr. Sherman, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the bid award contract for drug test kits to Redwood Toxicology Laboratory, Inc. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor Grimm recommended the Board, on behalf of Purchasing and the Planning Commission, approve the bid award contract for the Fairgrounds draft horse barn roof design build/rehabilitation to Blair Construction, LLC, Emlenton, PA. The total amount is $186,000 and will be funded from fair local share grant and gas lease funds. This bid is being awarded to the lowest most responsive and responsible bidder meeting the specifications. Moved by Mr. Sherman, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the bid award contract for the Fairgrounds draft horse barn roof design build/rehabilitation to Blair Construction, LLC. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor Grimm recommended the Board, on behalf of Purchasing and the Planning Commission, approve the bid award contract for the Cross Creek Trail construction to Raffle Construction, Ruffs Dale, PA. The total amount is $1,170,370 and will be funded from the DCNR grant and gas lease funds. This bid is being awarded to the lowest most responsive and responsible bidder meeting the specifications. Moved by Mr. Sherman, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the bid award contract for the Cross Creek Trail construction to Raffle Construction. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor Grimm recommended the Board, on behalf of Purchasing and Building and Grounds, approve the bid award contract for the provision of HVAC/boiler ecient and preventative maintenance to Scalise Industries Corporation dba EMCOR Services Scalise I es, Lawrence, PA. The annual total cost is $15,885 for the Washington County Correctional Facili t A er, HVAC, and software maintenance. All time and material repairs are to be (lone n was neebasis at rates between $117/hour and $172.50/hour emergency rate, and for projects over $25,000 at the rate of $115/hour and $166/hour emergency rate. Material is the vendor's cost plus a markup. This away include additional maintenance for the Caldwell building. The contract be effective January 1, through December 31, 2024, with the option to extend for two a finaat periods. -A.! bid is being awarded to the lowest most responsive and respo =bidder mee uirements. This approved in the Prison Board meeting held Wednesday, Jars 023, Min o. PB-1-18-23. Moved by Mr. Sherman, seconded b M approvi i bid award contract to Scalise Industries Corporation dba EMCOR Services Use In �s Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman Yr. Magpies; Mrs. ` :,,,, uh—'— Y Motion carried una usli �r BID CONTRA SION So Grimm re "A r en approve thesion of our cu Washington, Pa ^rate of $165, February 1, 2023 ffi$ h January 3 is under the same term &hd conditi Moved by Mr. Moving. Board, oi�1 of Purchasing and Elections/Voter Registration, )n , for pick-up and delivery services to All Ways Moving, per two movers. This contract extension will be effective )24, wie option to extend for one additional year. This extension s the original contract. Wd by Mr. Maggi, approving the contract extension with All Ways Roll call vote taken: - Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor Grimm recommended the Board, on behalf of Purchasing, approve the extension of the current contract for outdoor equipment, maintenance, and supplies to the listed vendor's effective March 1, 2023 through February 28, 2024. This extension is under the same terms and conditions as the original contract. • Contractors Connection, Washington, PA. • Middletown, Washington, PA. • Murphy Family, Inc., Washington, PA. • Power Pro Equipment, New Holland, PA. Moved by Mr. Sherman, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the contract extension for outdoor equipment, maintenance, and supplies with the above -listed vendors. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor Grimm recommended the Board, on behalf of Purchasing, approve the extension of our current contract for temporary staffing services to Express Employment Professionals, Washington, PA. at a percentage markup from the current Washington County employee rate. This contract extension will be effective January 19, 2023 through January 31, 2024, with the option to extend for one additional year. This extension is under the same terms and conditions as the original contract. Moved by Mr. Sherman, seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the contract extension for temporary staffing services with Express Employment Professionals. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor Grimm recommended the Board, on behalf approve the extension of our current contract for vehicle PA. This extension is under the same terms and conditi"",," Moved by Mr. Sherman, seconded by Mr and maintenance to Fox Ford. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi —Vlrs. V Motion carried unanimously. CHANGE ORDER Solicitor Grimm re c the Boar approve the followin ch��rders Stone: Pp g Courtrooms 6 and 7 renovs The act a $2,614,755.65. • Co �, Ded in ti 9 rmOP • ge Orderer" Aldltion the al Move Mr. Sherman, i nde Inc. for Courth Courtrooms 6-Nififid7 r nl Roll call vo Mr. Sherman - Motion carried NEW BUSINESS ftsing and Building and Grounds, and it"_' enance to Fox Ford, Waynesburg, the origins tract. ,ving the contiftxtension for vehicle repairs hasiignd Building and Grounds, WM asburg, PA. for the Courthouse amount will decrease from $2,616,834 to 46.35 for a material change. ou6W868 for carpet tile. Maggi, approving the change orders with Stonemile Group, Mr. Mag Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, of the appointments of Jamie Colecchi to the SPC Public Participation Panel, and Bill Iams as the Chair of the Farmland Preservation Board. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the board appointments. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of the Recorder of Deeds, of an agreement with David Hvizdos, Esq. to provide solicitor services for the Recorder of Deeds office. The agreement is in the amount of $200/month, is effective January 1, 2023, and shall be continuous until terminated by either party. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the agreement with David Hvizdos, Esq. as the solicitor for the Recorder of Deeds office. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of the Planning Commission, of a contract with Kymberly A. Secreet, for animal control services in Mingo Park, Cross Creek Park, Ten Mile Park, and the Panhandle Trail. This contract will be effective January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023 at a rate of $400 per month. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the contract for animal control services with Kymberly A. Secreet. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their considera Commission, of a contract with the Pennsylvania Trolley Washington County Courthouse during the period of Jan of $4,000/year. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. N Trolley Museum, Inc. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for Commission, of the a Clean and Green rollh purchases. Moved by Mr. Green Commission, of paid with gas lease funds. Moved by Mr. Sherman% various areas in the County Parks. roval, on behalf of the Planning conduct group tours of the ,_gh December 31, 2023, at a cost the Pennsylvania al, on behalf of the Planning the amount of $34,865.35 from id Preservation easement the certification of the 2022 Clean and for their consideration and approval, on behalf of the Planning ving services in various areas in the County Parks. Costs will be by Mr. Maggi, approving authorization to bid for paving services in Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of the Planning Commission, of authorization to bid for Phase I Discovery Cove (docks, boardwalk, and fishing pier) in Cross Creek County Park. Costs will be paid with gas lease funds. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving authorization to bid for the Phase I Discovery Cove. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Finance and the Redevelopment Authority of the County of Washington as agent for Washington County Airport, of a revised grant agreement with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Bureau of Aviation for the block grant funding related to the Airport Master Plan update. The revised grant agreement is in the amount of $401,400 with no local match required and will be electronically signed by the Chair per the previously approved resolution. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the revised grant agreement with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Bureau of Aviation. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Finance and the Redevelopment Authority of the County of Washington as agent for Washington County Airport, of a letter of exclusivity with Skyward Aviation for land leases for sites 3 and 4 on the Northside Hangar Development site plan. The letter of exclusivity grants Skyward Aviation the first rj refusal on these two sites when they are fully ready to be developed or leased.'° Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, Aviation for land leases. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Boardx their Tax Revenue, of the annual renewal for ias, renewal is in the amount of $162 450 and t r �:.� foi Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by 1r�Vl maintenance and support w#,4-, chnologie Roll call vote take Mr. Sherman — Yes'No Maggi s; Mrs. Motion carried unanimQly. Adult Prob evaluation serum January 19, 2023 letter of exclusivity with Skyward — Yes. 4Elif� approval, on be --of Finance andpport with Tyler Technologies. The of'U-xh 1, 2023 through February 28, 2024. ;Tina tNnual renewal for iasWorld — Yes. k presef P the Bb� for theme. " idation and approval, on behalf of Finance and Of a persona ice a ` ent with Cole Wenzel for Court Reporting Network ��The agreeme�?n the � nt of $30 per completed evaluation and will commence on Moved by Nicole Wenzel for tmue Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes, Mr' E Motion carried unanimously. atedeither party. by Mr. Maggi, approving the personal service agreement with evaluation services. — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Finance, to adopt a resolution designating the Redevelopment Authority of the County of Washington as the eligible applicant for the Pennsylvania Whole -Home Repairs Program in the allocated amount of $1,728,746. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the resolution. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Finance, of a renewal agreement with SPHS Connect, Inc., for permanent supportive housing services. The agreement is in the amount of $49,000, will be for the period of January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023, and will be funded by Act 13 funds. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the renewal agreement with SPHS Connect, Inc., for permanent supportive housing services. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Children and Youth Services, of a purchase of service agreement with Joseph Askar, Esquire, and Ronald Rojas, Esquire to represent Children and Youth Services in Juvenile Court for specialized cases for the period of January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2024. Services will be billed at $125 per hour for each attorney and no additional county funds are required. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the purchase of service agreement with Joseph Askar, Esquire, and Ronald Rojas, Esquire. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their Health and Developmental Services, to submit a grant Substance Abuse to ensure critical partners are involvf implementation of crisis services. The term of the g fi $250,000 with no match requirement. No additional Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Mag Mental Health and Substance Abuse. - Roll call vote taken: 171, Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Y Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk prese `"� -°-fo the IV - Building and Grounds, of hl ization Moved by Mr. Sherman cone landscaping su JA_ Vices. Mr.'ftman — Yes; NEW,,aggi Chief Clerk prQ�__ted to the authorization to County. for u Wtiapproval, on behalf of Behavioral to ffice of Mental Health and s e cross ageriG multidisciplinary planning and run until June 3f 5 with awards up to funds are required., kxo grant appM ; to the Office of WA on behalf of Purchasing and for landscaping supplies and services. roving authorization to advertise for bids for — Yes. I for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing, of summer Joint Municipal Purchasing Program for Washington Moved by Mr. Sherman; "-ended by Mr. Maggi, approving authorization to advertise for bids for the summer Joint Municipal Purchasing Program. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing, of authorization to advertise for bids for concrete and concrete products for Washington County. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving authorization to advertise for bids for concrete and concrete products. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing, of authorization to advertise for the provision, installation, and repair of radio equipment and other equipment for law enforcement vehicles. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving authorization to advertise for bids for the provision, installation, and repair of radio equipment and other equipment for law enforcement vehicles. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes; Mrs. Vaughan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing and Building and Grounds, to enter into a water -treatment program agreement with Chem -Aqua Inc., Irving, TX, with local offices, for the Courthouse and Courthouse Square effective March 1, 2023 through February 28, 2024. The total annual cost is $7,132 and will be paid from their operating budget. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the water -treatment program agreement with Chem -Aqua, Inc. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman - Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their Public Safety, of a yearly preventive maintenance se EaW w services related to our generator at 150 Airport Road: effective April 1, 2023 and continue for a period of four paid from the 911 operating budget._. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded E- a 91 with Cummins, Inc. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman - Yes;z_z= ,A Motion carried un o A Chief Clerk presented - Information TQ nv Virginia, InSegra, Mika, is $9,890 an be paid from Moved ,r. Sherman; agreement with Lu Networl Roll call vote=t u Mr. Sherman Yd r. Motion carried unanird on behalf of Purchasing and s Inc., Pittsburgh, PA. for �`N a semi-annual basis, os 1.139.58 and will be preventative maintenance agreement in and approval, on behalf of Purchasing and :�s agreement with Lumos Networks of West (virtual) to Segra's datacenter. The total cost ouaget. r Maggi, approving the addendum to our Internet services iiiia Inc. dba Segra. Yes; Mrs. Vaughan - Yes. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing and Information Technology, of a one-year license renewal agreement with AEC Group, Oakdale, Pa., for firewall software to protect our key operating components. This renewal will be effective February 1, 2023 through January 31, 2024. The total proposed cost is $11,786.94 and will be paid from their operating budget. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the license renewal agreement with AEC Group. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes; Mrs. Vaughan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing and Information Technology, of a Microsoft Enterprise agreement with CDW-G. This is a 36-month agreement at the cost of $202,672.69 each year and will be paid by the General Fund, Courts, Children and Youth Services, Domestic Relations, MH/MR, Adult Probation, Public Safety, Liquid Fuels, Drug Task Force, etc. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the Microsoft Enterprise agreement with CDW-G. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval, on behalf of Purchasing and Information Technology, of an agreement with Scantek Infomanagement Solutions, Willow Grove, PA, for the Laserfiche Document Management licenses including support and maintenance. The total cost is $71,608, which includes both the County and Courts Systems and Project management. This agreement will be a 12-month subscription and will be paid from their operating budget. The proposed agreement has been awarded via CoStars and therefore does not require bidding. Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the agreement with Scantek Infomanagement Solutions for the Laserfiche Document Management licenses. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consii Elections/Voter Registration, of the purchase of poll b�k (including tablets, stands, mobile device managemere extended hardware warranty, software, services, and Omaha, NE. The total amount is $598,235 plus $44,250 and support fees. Costs will be paid with" _3 funding pricing on PA State Contract/CoStars 39 a ore does Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded Software, LLC. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Y Motion carried ur ANNOUNC. An meeting to will be imme( SOLICITOR personnel Solicitor Grimm amount of $696.30 CECIL TWP DELETE 3599 MILLERS RUN ROAD CECIL, PA 15321 Tax Year: 2022 District: CECIL Parcel: 140-010-10-00-0042-00 Amount: $200.72 GREENWOOD VILLAGE HOMEOWNERS ASSN I 375 GOLFSIDE DRIVE WEXFORD, PA 15090 Tax Year: 2022 District: NORTH STRABANE Parcel: 520-014-06-00-0052-00 Amount: $18.57 truware, sorroW, s Poll Software from Election Sys zallv ,,�,nost-wa es; Mrs A?W a " Y , on behalf of Purchasing and and election services purchase is bidding. i, and a five-year Software LLC, nse, maintenance, pe:, cordance with the e from Elections Systems & 0 a.m. 6n!)� dnesday, January 18, 2023, following the agenda y`1 he regular y scheduled Salary Board and Sinking Fund meetings ted to tl Board for their consideration and approval of tax refunds in the MILLER CHARLES W. JR & BRIAN C 2424 MARTINDALE ROAD MARIANNA, PA 15345 Tax Year: 2022 District: DEEMSTON Parcel: 220-004-00-00-0044-00 Amount: $302.92 GREENWOOD VILLAGE HOMEOWNERS ASSN I 375 GOLFSIDE DRIVE WEXFORD, PA 15090 Tax Year: 2022 District: NORTH STRABANE Parcel: 520-014-06-00-0054-00 Amount: $90.97 HAGYARI JAMES M. & BONNIE J. P.O. BOX 805 FREDERICKTOWN, PA 15333 Tax Year: 2022 District: EAST BETHLEHEM Parcel: 260-010-00-01-0014-00 Amount: $4.05 WASHINGTON CHRISTIAN OUTREACH, INC. 119 HIGHLAND AVENUE P.O. BOX 1659 WASHINGTON, PA 15301 Tax Year: 2022 District: WASHINGTON 3M W Parcel: 730-007-00-02-0009-00 Amount: $79.07 Moved by Mr. Sherman; seconded by Mr. Maggi, approving the following tax refunds. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Sherman — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes; Mrs. Vaughan — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further business, Chairman Vaughan declared the meeting adjourned at approximately 2:43 p.m. THE FOREGOING MINUTES WERE SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL: ATTEST: CHIEF CLERK .2023 OLD BUSINESS February 16, 2023 A. BID AWARD Purchasing respectfully requests the Commissioners award the bid for linen supplies for the Correctional Facility to Victor Supply LLC, Mt. Pleasant, TN at their per unit costs submitted in their bid. This contract will be effective February 16, 2023 through December 31, 2023, with the option to renew for two additional one-year periods. This bid is being awarded to the lowest most responsive and responsible bidder meeting specifications. This award was approved at the Prison Board meeting held on February 15, 2023. B. BID AWARD Purchasing respectfully requests the Commissioners award the bid for fire alarm system inspections and repairs to Scalise Industries Corporation dba Emcor Services Scalise Industries, Lawrence, PA at their per unit cost per inspection for County owned buildings. All repairs will be done on an as -needed basis for time and materials. This contract will be effective February 16, 2023 through December 31, 2024, with the option to renew for two additional one-year periods. This bid is being awarded to the lowest most responsive and responsible bidder meeting specifications. This award was approved at the Prison Board meeting held on February 15, 2023. C. BID AWARD Purchasing respectfully requests the Commissioners award the bid for locksmith services to SLS Services, Inc., dba Pop -A -Lock Pittsburgh, Eighty Four, PA, at the rate of $85/hour for regular rates and $125/hour for emergency rates. There will be a 25% markup for invoiced equipment. This contract will be effective February 16, 2023 through December 31, 2023, with the option to renew for two additional one-year periods unless otherwise terminated pursuant to the terms of the agreement. This bid is being awarded to the lowest most responsive and responsible bidder meeting requirements. D. BID AWARD Purchasing, on behalf of Voter Registration/Elections, respectfully requests the Commissioners award the bid contract for election supplies to William Penn Printing, Pittsburgh, PA in the amount of $117,682.60. This contract will be effective February 16, 2023 through December 31, 2023, with the option to renew for two additional one-year periods. This bid is being awarded to the lowest most responsive and responsible bidder meeting specifications. E. BID AWARD Purchasing, on behalf of Veterans Affairs, respectfully requests the Commissioners award the bid for markers for Veterans, to All Quality Memorial Markers, Smoketown PA, at an estimated annual cost of $14,575. This contract will be effective February 16, 2023 through February 28, 2024, with the option to renew for two additional one-year periods. This bid is being awarded to the lowest most responsive and responsible bidders meeting specifications. F. BID AWARD Purchasing respectfully requests the Commissioners award the bid contract for the provision, installation, and repair of law enforcement radio equipment to Crystal Sound Systems, Inc., McMurray, PA. All work will be done on a time and material and as -needed basis at regular rates of $105/hour and $157.50/hour emergency rates including a 20% discount from the manufacturer's price list and a 30% markup on the supplier's costs. This contract will be effective March 1, 2023, through February 28, 2024, with the option to renew for two additional one-year periods. This bid is being awarded to the lowest most responsive and responsible bidder meeting the specifications. G. BID AWARD Purchasing, respectfully requests the Commissioners award the bid for the furnishing, delivering, and/or installation of landscaping supplies for all County buildings to Bell Landscaping dba Cecil Supply LLC, Canonsburg, PA. based on the per unit cost submitted in their bid proposals, including a 5% material increase. This contract will be effective March 1, 2023, through February 28, 2025, with the option to renew for two additional one-year periods. This bid is being awarded to the lowest most responsive and responsible bidder meeting the specifications. H. BID CONTRACT EXTENSION Purchasing, on behalf of the Planning Commission, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve the extension of our current contract with EnviroScience, Inc., Stow OH for diagnostics and repairs of county - owned dams on a time and material basis effective May 1, 2023 through April 30, 2024. This contract is to utilize a contracted vendor for emergency repairs and is in accordance with the original bid documents. I. BID CONTRACT EXTENSION Purchasing respectfully requests the Commissioners approve the extension of our current contract for kitchen and laundry equipment repair for the Correctional Facility to the following vendors effective May 1, 2023, through April 30, 2024. • AIS Commercial Parts & Service, Pittsburgh PA — 8 am -5 pm, M-F - $135/hour; 5 pm -8 am, M-F $236.25/hour. • Hobart Service, Troy, OH — 8 am -5 pm, M-F - $150/hour; 5 pm -8 am, M-F $226/hour, plus 15% OTC parts discount. This extension was approved at the Prison Board meeting held on February 15, 2023. J. CHANGE ORDER Purchasing, on behalf of Building and Grounds, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve change order #3 for Courthouse Courtroom 7 renovations with Stonemile Group, Inc., Canonsburg, PA to include material change/additional breaker in the amount of $3,296. The contract authorization amount will increase from $2,614,755.65 to $2,618,051.65. K. BID CONTRACT PURCHASE Purchasing, on behalf of the Planning Commission, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve the purchase of one Altoz TRX 766iA mower from Contractor's Connection of Washington, PA. The total cost is $22,013 including a $2,445 county discount. Costs will be paid via oil and gas funds. L. BID CONTRACT PURCHASE Purchasing, on behalf of Building and Grounds, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve the design and construction of the first floor of the Caldwell Building to include an HVAC system from MacBracey Corporation, Washington, PA. The total cost is $641,970. NEW BUSINESS February 16, 2023 A. RESOLUTION — CHIEF CLERK Chief Clerk respectfully requests the Commissioners adopt a resolution approving the 2023 Local Share Account (LSA) program as recommended by the LSA Review Committee. B. BOARD REAPPOINTMENTS — CHIEF CLERK Chief Clerk respectfully requests the Commissioners approve the reappointments of Joanna Szalay, Gwen Davis, Donald Martin, Maggie Novotny, Tracy Walnoha, and Gina Zacios to the Children and Youth Services Advisory Board and John Artuso to the Industrial Development Authority Board. C. BOARD APPOINTMENTS — CHIEF CLERK Chief Clerk respectfully requests the Commissioners approve the following individuals to the Washington County Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC): Ron Sicchitano, Jr., Marc Scott, Kim Rogers, Kathleen Fischer, Michael McLaughlin, Jeremy Rice, Max Oravetz, Mike Lauderbaugh, Dale Starr, Gerry Coleman, Dan Harvey, Sandi Ferry, and Larry Maggi. D. CONTRACT — PLANNING Planning respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a contract with Colin E. Fitch, Esq. for title and settlement services on agricultural easements purchased under the Farmland Preservation Program. Costs include title rates set by the Pennsylvania Department of Insurance and other hourly non -title services will be charged a $50 paralegal fee and a $200 attorney fee. E. REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT — PLANNING Planning respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a reimbursement agreement with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PADOT) for the design and construction of the Chartiers #64 bridge in North Franklin Township. The total amount is $1,500,000 and will be paid 100% federal funds. The approval also designates the Chair of the Board as the signature authority for all documents for this project. F. REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT — PLANNING Planning respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a reimbursement agreement with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PADOT) for the design and construction of the Raccoon #23 bridge in Burgettstown Borough. The total amount is $1,000,000 and will be paid 100% federal funds. The approval also designates the Chair of the Board as the signature authority for all documents for this project. G. AGREEMENT — PLANNING Planning respectfully requests the Commissioners approve an agreement with the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PADOT) under the locally owned Historic Truss Project which transfers responsibility to PADOT for design, design development activities, right of way acquisition, utility relocation coordination, contract development, letting and award, construction, construction inspection, and all other activities incidental to the design and construction of the project. Costs will be paid 100% with state funds. H. AUTHORIZATION TO BID — PLANNING Planning respectfully requests the Commissioners approve authorization to bid for the site preparation for two new shelters and a waterline extension at the Thompson Hill recreation area of Cross Creek County Park. Costs will be paid with gas lease funds. I. REVISED LETTER — FINANCE Finance, on behalf of the Redevelopment Authority of the County of Washington as agent for the Washington County Airport, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a revised letter of exclusivity with Skyward Aviation for land leases for sites 1 and 2 on the Northside Hangar Development site plan. The previously approved letter of exclusivity listed sites 3 and 4 in error. J. AGREEMENT — FINANCE Finance, on behalf of the District Attorney, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve the annual Equitable Sharing agreement and certification with the United States Department of Justice and the United States Department of the Treasury for the calendar year ending December 31, 2022. K. RENEWAL GRANT APPLICATION — FINANCE Finance, on behalf of the District Attorney, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a renewal grant application with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) for VOCA grant funds for crime victim services. The total grant application is in the amount of $127,708 and will be for the period of October 1, 2023 through September 30, 2024. L. AGREEMENT — FINANCE Finance, on behalf of the District Attorney, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve an agreement with the Washington Drug and Alcohol Commission, Inc. for the post -booking diversion program. The agreement is in the amount of $255,776, will be effective February 14, 2023 through September 30, 2024, and will be fully funded by the comprehensive opioid, stimulant, and substance abuse site -based program grant through the United States Department of Justice. In the event prior fiscal period grant monies are no longer accessible, this agreement shall not exceed the presently available balance of grant monies. M. AGREEMENT — FINANCE Finance, on behalf of the District Attorney, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve an agreement with the University of Pittsburgh, School of Pharmacy, Program Evaluation and Research Unit for the overdose fatality review team. The agreement will be in the amount of $246,667, will be effective February 14, 2023 through September 30, 2024, and will be fully funded by the comprehensive opioid, stimulant, and substance abuse site -based program grant through the United States Department of Justice. In the event prior fiscal period grant monies are no longer accessible, this agreement shall not exceed the presently available balance of grant monies. N. AGREEMENT — FINANCE Finance, on behalf of the Court Administrator, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve an agreement with John Paul Vensel II, Esquire, to represent the legal interests of parents of children in dependency proceedings if a case has been commenced pursuant to Pennsylvania Rule of Juvenile Procedure 1200. The agreement is in the amount of $20,833.33, to be paid at a rate of $4,166.66 per month and will be for the period of February 1, 2023 through June 30, 2023. O. AGREEMENT — FINANCE Finance, on behalf of the Court Administrator, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve an agreement with Christine Marie Cardinale, Esquire, and Renee Colbert, Esquire, to represent the legal interests of parents of children in dependency proceedings if a case has been commenced pursuant to Pennsylvania Rule of Juvenile Procedure 1200. The agreement is in the amount of $20,833.33, to be paid at a rate of $2,083.33 per month, per contractor, and will be for the period of February 1, 2023 through June 30, 2023. P. AGREEMENT — FINANCE Finance, on behalf of Human Services, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve an agreement with Gateway Rehabilitation Center for the provision of treatment services at Washington County Greenbriar Treatment Center locations. The agreement is in the amount of $666,713.14, will be for the period of February 15, 2023 through February 14, 2024, and will be fully funded by the County's opioid settlement monies. Q. RENEWAL GRANT APPLICATION — FINANCE Finance, on behalf of Adult Probation, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a renewal grant application with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) for Adult Probation grant-in-aid funds. The total grant application is in the amount of $152,580 and will be for the period of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023. R. CONTRACT — HUMAN RESOURCES Human Resources respectfully request the Commissioners approve a contract between the County of Washington and SEIU Local 668 (Court Related and Court Appointed) effective January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2025. S. POLICY REVISION — HUMAN RESOURCES Human Resources respectfully requests the Commissioners approve the revision to the Pennsylvania Commonwealth Child Protective Services Policy which applies to all prospective and current employees holding a paid position as an employee responsible for the welfare of a child or having direct contact with children. The policy has been updated to include the Departments of Human Services, Aging Services, and Veterans Affairs and to remove Child Care Information Services (CCIS), which is no longer a Washington county -provided service. T. AGREEMENT — CHILDREN & YOUTH SERVICES Children and Youth Services respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a provider agreement with Innersight, LLC for the provision of their Bridges Program to bridge the gap between the mental health system and juvenile probation for the period of January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023. The contract authorization amount is $250,720 and no county funds are required. U. AGREEMENTS — CHILDREN & YOUTH SERVICES Children and Youth Services respectfully request the Commissioners approve provider agreements in the amount of $250,000 for the period of January 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024, with the list of previously approved providers. No county funds are required. V. AGREEMENT — CHILDREN & YOUTH SERVICES Children and Youth Services respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a provider agreement with Benchmark Family Services for the provision of therapeutic foster care for the period of February 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024. The contract authorization amount is $250,000 and no county funds are required. W. AGREEMENT — CHILDREN & YOUTH SERVICES Children and Youth Services respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a provider agreement with Dr. Beth Bliss, Psy.D. for the provision of risk of harm assessments for the period of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023. The contract authorization amount is $100,000 and no county funds are required. X. ADDENDUM — CHILDREN & YOUTH SERVICES Children and Youth Services respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a provider agreement addendum with Pathways Adolescent Center to add psychological and psychosexual evaluations for the period of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023. The contract authorization amount will remain the same and no county funds are required. Y. ADDENDUM — CHILDREN & YOUTH SERVICES Children and Youth Services respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a provider agreement addendum with George Junior Republic in Pennsylvania to add secure placement for youth adjudicated delinquent for the period of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023. The contract authorization amount will remain the same and no county funds are required. Z. ADDENDUM — CHILDREN & YOUTH SERVICES Children and Youth Services respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a provider agreement addendum with Adelphoi Village to add juvenile sex offender assessments for the period of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023. The contract authorization amount will remain the same and no county funds are required. AA. AGREEMENT — BEHAVIORAL HEALTH & DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES Behavioral Health and Developmental Services respectfully requests the Commissioners enter into an agreement with Southwest Behavioral Health Management, Inc. for the implementation of a Community Based Care Management program for the period of January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023. The contract authorization amount is $174,735 and no county funds are required. BB. AGREEMENT — BEHAVIORAL HEAI_,TH & DEVELOPMENTAL SERVICES Behavioral Health and Developmental Services respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a provider agreement with AMI, Inc. for the provision of Cognitive Enhancement Therapy to the Independent Monitoring Team to review consumer satisfaction for the period of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023. The contract authorization amount is $31,375 and no county funds are required. CC. AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE — PURCHASING Purchasing, on behalf of Building and Grounds, respectfully requests the Commissioners authorize the advertising for bids for clearing and grubbing services. DD. AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE — PURCHASING Purchasing, on behalf of Building and Grounds, respectfully requests the Commissioners authorize the advertising for bids for plaster repair services and supplies. EE. AUTHORIZATION TO ADVERTISE — PURCHASING Purchasing, on behalf of Building and Grounds, respectfully requests the Commissioners authorize the advertising for bids for general construction services. FF. AGREEMENT — PURCHASING Purchasing, on behalf of Information Technology, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve an agreement with Ideal Integrations for the provision of DUO MFA setup and configuration providing a multifactor for the County's email, VPN, and privileged access for 900 county employees. The one-time setup and configuration costs are $2,480 and the monthly recurring cost is $2,880. Costs will be paid from their operating budget. GG. AGREEMENT — PURCHASING Purchasing, on behalf of Recorder of Deeds, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve a software support and license agreement with Optical Storage Solutions, Inc. in the amount of $16,682 for 21 licenses for the LANDEX system. This agreement will be effective March 1, 2023, through February 28, 2024, and will be billed based on the $106.25 hourly rate. Costs will be paid from their operating budget. HH. AMENDMENT — PURCHASING Purchasing respectfully requests the Commissioners amend the agreement for software and implementation services for a financial services system, including integrated modules for Human Resources with Tyler Technologies, Inc. The one-time service fee is $16,680 with recurring SaaS fees of $6,151. Costs will be paid from the American Rescue Plan Act Funds. II. STATE CONTRACT — PURCHASING Purchasing, on behalf of the Planning Commission, respectfully requests the Commissioners approve the purchase of a new 4WD T4 Super Backhoe Loader from Groff Tractor & Equipment. The total cost is $147,866 and will be paid from gas and oil funds.