HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 751 - 9-2-2004 - COMMISSIONERMINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Minute No. 751 Washington County Commissioners Washington, PA, September 2, 2004 The Washington County Board of Commissioners met in regular session in the Public Meeting Room, Courthouse Square, Washington, Pennsylvania, with the following members being present: Commissioners Larry Maggi, J. Bracken Burns, Sr. and Diana L. Irey. Also being present: Lynn DeHaven, Solicitor; Mary Helicke, Chief Clerk; Linda Belcher, Administrative Assistant; Scott Fergus, Director of Administration; Joann Metz and Joy Sprowls, Commissioner's Office; Sheriff John Rheel and Captain Todd Hammond; George Hutchko, Mid Mon Valley Shipmates; Eric Large and Jeff Leithauser, Planning Commission; Tim Kimmell, Director of Human Services; Bill McGowen, Executive Director Redevelopment Authority; Elaine Thomas, Lorna Amorose and Debbie Medina, Tax Assessment Office; Ed Kovacik, Canonsburg Renaissance Group; Bob Irey, Dave Metz, Linda DeHaven, Mary Jean Maggi, Paulie Chappel, Samantha Mayfield and a group from Wash -Greene ARS; A. J. Sorenson, Phil Ames, Peter West, Marcella Delverny, John Adams, Harry Sabatasse, Jerry Seaman, and Todd Ashmore, interested citizens; Jim Jefferson, WJPA; Linda Metz, Observer -Reporter; Stacey Wolford, Valley Independent; and Casey Gelder, Pa Focus. Co -Chairman Maggi called the meeting to order at approximately 10:00a.m. Mrs. Sprowls led the meeting with a prayer. Mr. Hutchko led the Pledge of Allegiance. Co -Chairman Maggi noted Minute No. 750 would be held in abeyance. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Burns, that Minute No. 750 be held in abeyance. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey — Yes; Mr. Burns — Yes; Mr. Maggi- Yes. Motion carried unanimously. SPEICAL ORDER OF BUSINESS The Commissioners presented a plaque of congratulations to Elaine Thomas, of the Tax Assessment Office, for her retirement from the Tax Assessment Office with twenty nine years of service. Ms. Thomas thanked the Board for the plaque and commented that she will miss working for the county Kathy Sabol and Mary Ann Hathaway of the Washington County Bar Association officially gave notice to the Board of Commissioners and the employees of Washington County for the Annual Blood Drive Challenge. The Commissioners accepted the challenge. (RECESS FOR PHOTOS) PUBLIC COMMENTS Ed Kovacik of the Canonsburg Renaissance Group thanked the Board for their letter of commendation regarding the support of Canonsburg Borough's grant application, which was awarded, in the amount of $25,000 for the Elm Street Component of the State's New Communities Program. Mr. Kovacik stated the borough appreciates the Board's commitment to their community. Phil Ames of Scenery Hill expressed his concerns regarding satellites near his property. Samantha Mayfield, an employee of Washington/Greene ARS and a union member, stated the union's position regarding the strike at their place of employment and requested the Board's assistance in resolving this issue. MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Co -Chairman Maggi suggested Ms. Mayfield speak to Scott Fergus, Director of Administration, for assistance in this matter. Peter West of the City of Washington again expressed his concerns regarding the seizure of his property for the Millcraft Project. He thanked Commissioner Irey for the information she has provided to him and her moral support in this matter. Mr. West stated he would not lose his property for Mr. Piatt's gain. Harry Sabatasse of Burgettstown commented he is dissatisfied with the way tax dollars are spent in Washington County. He noted the county should not rehire someone who has been fired and has sued the county. He questioned what action is being taken to hire someone to work in the Veterans Office. Co -Chairman Maggi informed Mr. Sabatasse his three minutes were up and asked him to take his seat. OLD BUSINESS Solicitor DeHaven recommended the Board award the bid for the repaving of the Health Center driveway and parking lot and the repaving of the parking lot for the building currently being used by Whales Tales to Del -Sir Supply, Meadowlands, Pennsylvania for the total amount of $64,413. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Burns, awarding the bid for the repaving project at the Washington County Health Center as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor DeHaven recommended the Board award the bid for the autocad software to Sterling Systems, Broadview Heights, Ohio in the amount of $16,816.65. There will also be an additional charge of $1255.50 per day for training, plus $110 for expenses. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Burns, awarding the bid for the autocad software as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor DeHaven recommended the Board award the bid for the Kitchen & Housekeeping Supplies rebid to Janitors Supply, Smock, PA for the "per unit" cost submitted in their bid proposal. The total yearly cost for these items (trash can liners) is $5,000. above. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Burns, awarding the bid for the Kitchen and Housekeeping Supplies as per Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor DeHaven recommended the Board award the bid for the Printing Services to Office Max Document Services, Shaker Heights, Ohio for the per unit costs submitted in their bid proposal. It is also requested that the Board authorize the rebidding of a certain portion of this contract as pricing received was too high and we need to adjust our bidding requirements to receive more competitive pricing. MINUTE BOOK L F BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Burns, awarding the bid for Printing Services and authorizing the rebidding of a certain portion of the contract as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey — Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval the following Child Care Provider Agreements. These agreements will be automatically renewed until either party to the Agreement notifies the other party in writing of their intent not to renew under the current terms of the provider agreements. YMCA of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh Kevin Hines, Canonsburg Patricia E. Crow, Bulger Misty Nolder, Washington Caroleen L. Saulsberry, Houston Deborah McPherson, California Holly Fedoris, Monongahela Tyrone Watson, Washington Lillian G. Zimmerman, Washington Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Burns, approving the foregoing Child Care Information Services agreements. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey — Yes; Mr. Burns — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval an agreement with Try Again Homes, Inc. for the period of July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005 in the amount of $40,000 to serve mental health supportive housing consumers. No County funds are required. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Burns, approving the agreement with Try Again Homes, Inc. for Mental Health/Mental Retardation Program. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval a contract with Keystone Community Services for the period of July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005 in the amount of $141,083 to provide mental retardation services. No additional County funds are required. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Burns, adopting the foregoing contract with Keystone Community Services. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval a two percent increase to the County Maximum Salary Reimbursement Level for Mental Health/Mental Retardation Contracted Provider Agencies, effective July 1, 2004. No County funds are required. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Burns, adopting the two percent increase in the Reimbursement 454 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Compensation Schedule. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey — Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval the following Purchase of Service Contracts for provider services for Children and Youth Services for the period of July 1, 2004 through June 30, 2005. No additional County funds are required. Tresslercare $25,000 Community Alternatives $35,000 Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Burns, approving the Purchase of Service Contracts for Children and Youth Services Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval of the final change order with Carmen Paliotta Contracting, Inc. for a net deduction of $4,854.76 to construct the Chartiers #59, West Maiden Street bridge. The final contract amount is $483,132.84. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Burns, approving the final change order with Carmen Paliotta Contracting, Inc. as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey — Yes; Mr. Burns — Yes; Mr. Maggi — Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval a grant application and proposal for funding for the Washington County Regional Highway Safety Program in the amount of $122,700. This grant application was approved on July 1, 2004 in the amount of $146,000 and is being resubmitted for approval at the corrected amount. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Burns, approving the foregoing grant application for the Washington County Regional Highway Safety Program with the corrected amount. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval a grant extension for the Washington County Child Passenger Safety Protection grant to September 30, 2005. All other terms and conditions of the Grant Agreement remain in effect. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Burns, approving the extension to the Washington County Child Passenger Safety Protection grant as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes. MINUTE BOOK 455 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval a travel request for Colleen Lantz to attend the National Safe Kids Leadership Conference in Washington D.C. The estimated costs are $635.00 for travel from October 20, 2004 through October 23, 2004. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Burns, approving the foregoing travel request for Colleen Lantz. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval the adoption of a Resolution authorizing individuals to make personal service required by said provisions of the Real Estate Tax Sales Law for the collection of unpaid real estate taxes and the sale of real estate. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Burns, adopting the foregoing Resolution. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval the adoption of a Resolution agreeing to participate in the City of Washington TIF District and to allocate to financing of the redevelopment thereof, 80% of the County's share of the tax increment, as defined in the Tax Increment Financing Act. Moved by Mr. Burns, seconded by Mrs. Irey, approving the Resolution for the Tax Increment Financing for the City of Washington. Roll call vote taken: COMENTS: Before voting, Commissioner Irey stated for the record she supports the development of the City of Washington and NASCO being encouraged to locate in the city. She noted, however, that she requested information regarding this TIF from the Director of Administration, Scott Fergus. Commissioner Irey stated she received the information and had time to review it but had many questions. She noted that yesterday she was able to ask some questions that she had during the presentation at the agenda meeting with the Board although she did not receive all the information by the end of the day. In reviewing all the requested information this morning, Commissioner Irey stated she still had a number of questions that needed to be answered. Commissioner Irey requested her questions be included for the record and as part of the minutes. They are as follows: 1. Why do we need the TIF to be done now if the building upon which this whole project hinges has not been started, and we are missing information as to the financing or construction schedule of this building? 2. Page 1: The TIF debt is to be paid by the tax increment proceeds generated by the new development. It will take approximately 3 years to build. • Who will make the interest payments on the bonds until the time sufficient revenues are generated? • Until the buildings are complete, will there be a guarantee required on the bonds and taxes? Who will be asked to do the guarantee for the duration of the TIF? • If Redevelopment is going to make the payments, will they capitalize the interest? 3. Page 8: Are the buildings fronting North Main Street, which are to be demolished, going to be acquired by eminent domain for a private developer? MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 4. Page 12: An additional borrowing of $350,000 must occur to fund the debt reserve fund. 5. The timetable on the additional buildings in this project is undetermined at this point. 6. The amphitheatre mentioned Wednesday, September 1 is not included in the current project documents (Reference Map #3). Where is it to be located and how will the land be acquired (eminent domain, etc.)? 7. Page 15: It is stated the $350,000,000 of the first TIF loan funds will either be used for the parking facility or tenant moving costs estimated at $1,780,000. This same amount was approved as a forgivable loan for referenced moving costs by the Redevelopment Authority on June 23, 2004. • Is the TIF being used to pay the 1.78M forgivable loan off? 8. You have acknowledged that a small part of the TIF could be taxable, which could carry a higher interest rate. This has not been planned for in current financial structure. The financial commitment from the State has not yet been allocated. 9. We do not yet have a commitment document from the developer. 10. For additional/increased tax revenue estimated at $726,854, is a public investment of $22,650,000 justified? 11. Since this TIF will benefit a private developer, is that developer willing to guarantee the bonds? 12. What precedent are we setting for blight designations a TIF? Mrs. Irey - No; Mr. Burns - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes. Motion carried. Co -Chairman Burns noted that for the record he believes Mr. McGowen responded in a fairly comprehensive fashion to all the questions that were asked by Commissioner Irey. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval a Recognition and Non -Disturbance Agreement with Community Bank, N.A. in regard to a mortgage leasehold loan to RSB Investments, Inc. doing business as Skyward Aviation in reference to a hangar located at the Washington County Airport upon approval of said agreement by the solicitor. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Burns, approving the foregoing Recognition and Non -Disturbance Agreement. Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes; Mr. Maggi - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. SOLICITOR Solicitor DeHaven presented to the Board for their consideration and approval the following tax refunds. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Burns, that the Tax Assessment Office be authorized to prepare the following tax refunds due to either duplication or overpayment of real estate or personal property tax: John Z. Wilson, Jr. 215 Hemlock Drive McMurray, PA 15317 District: Peters Parcel: 540-011-11-00-0003-00 Total: $62.83 John & Margaret M. Christ 64 Edgewood Drive Washington, PA 15301 District: Amwell Parcel: 020-013-00-00-0005-28 Total: $4.22 2004 County Tax 2004 County Tax I J 0 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA John L. & Margaret M. Christ 2004 County Tax 64 Edgewood Drive Washington, PA 15301 District: Amwell Parcel: 020-013-00-00-0005-13 Total: $32.22 Timothy & Tammy Checca 170 N. Depaoli Road McDonald, PA 15057 District: Cecil Parcel: 140-005-00-00-0060-20 Total: $176.52 Thomas J. Shanahan 54 Ciaffoni Road Canonsburg, PA 15317 District: Cecil Parcel: 140-008-00-00-0008-01 Total: $66.82 Lereta Corp. for Prether Les & Latresa Land America 491 Rivergrade Road #301 Irwindale, CA 91706 District: East Washington Parcel: 290-009-00-04-0006-01 Total: $66.77 Diane Wittgartner 1497 Yorktown Drive Lawrence, PA 15055 District: Cecil Parcel: 140-012-18-00-0013-OOA Total: $49.64 William A. Bernardi 9 Bernardi Lane McDonald, PA 15057 District: Cecil Parcel: 140-006-00-00-0070-00 Total: $24.16 Carl & Ellen Donahoo 80 Kusch Road Scenery Hill, PA 15360 District: North Bethlehem Parcel: 490-016-00-00-0006-00 Total: $51.79 Brian McDade 190 Galley Road Canonsburg, PA 15317 District: North Strabane Parcel: 520-001-15-00-0006-00 Total: $123.64 Gail & Victoria Furmanek 1412 Templeton Run Road Claysville, PA 15323 District: Chartiers Parcel: 170-018-00-00-0022-02 Total: $20.49 Ronald & Janet Mellott 473 West Finley Road West Finley, PA 15377 District: West Finley Parcel: 680-018-01-00-0021-00 Total amount: $89.07 2004 County Tax 2001 County Tax 2004 County Tax 2004 County Tax 2004 County Tax 2004 County Tax 2004 County Tax 2004 County Tax 2004 County Tax MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Roll call vote taken: Mrs. Irey - Yes; Mr. Burns - Yes; Mr. Maggi Motion carried unanimously. ANNOUNCEMENTS The County Offices will be closed on September G, 2004 in observance of the Labor Day holiday. An executive session was held September 1, 2004 immediately following the Agenda Meeting as an information session related to personnel and labor relations issues, litigation styled Mindek v. Washington County and the United States of America, filed in the Unites States District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania at No. CA 04-1245 and potential litigation involving Columbia Gas. There being no further business, Co -Chairman Maggi declared the meeting adjourned at approximately 10:45 a.m. THE FOREGOI G MINUTES SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL I.3 , 2004 ATTEST: EF CLERK LJ