HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 533 - 2-22-1996 - COMMISSIONERJoseph A. Ford, Sr. Diana L . Irey i �i °�° �^ __ _ _J. Bracken _Burns, Sr. MINUTE 1 L BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA NE F� Minute No. 533 E Washington County Commissioners 0 Washington, FA, rebruary zz, 199b m The Board of Washington County Commissioners met in regular session in the Public Meeting Room, m ECourthouse Square, Washington, Pennsylvania, with the following members being present: Commissioners ir m Irey and Burns. Absent being: Commissioner Ford, who was on vacation. Also being present: Tina °-Dallatore, Chief Clerk; Linda Hands, Clerk -Steno II; Attorney Jim McCune, Interim County Solicitor; Floyd Laubham, Planning Commission; Francis King, Treasurer; Controller Belcastro; Roger Metcalfe, Budget Director; Tom Cox, Director of Revenue; Duane Kavka, Acting Director of Administration; Joe Pelzer, Warden; Dick Cibella, Director of Employee Relations; David Martino of Commissioner Ford's Office; John Logar, Tax Appeal Board Member; Jeff Yates, Acting Director of Public Safety; Bonnie Pattison of Highway Safety; David Widmer and Doug Patterson of Engelhardt -Power & Associates; Attorney Thomas Lonich; Harry Sabatasse, Anthony Turriziani, Bill Haines, Rose Ann Masters, Hugh Link and Joe Gorby, interested citizens; Fred Fleet, Highland -Erie Committee; Mary Elizabeth Yancosek of Washington; Frank Burnette of RRZ Investment Management; Kathy Thomas, Valley Independent; Chris Haines, Herald Standard; Joe Smydo, Observer Reporter; and Jim Jefferson, WJPA. Vice -Chairwoman Irey called the meeting to order at approximately 10:00 a.m. and entertained a motion to approve Minute No. 531 dated February 8,1996. Moved by Mr. Burns, seconded by Mrs. Irey, that Minute No. 531 dated February 8,1996, be approved as presented. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Burns - Yes; Mrs. Irey - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Vice -Chairwoman Irey submitted an amendment to Minute No. 532 dated February 15, 1996, to include in the attendance the names of Bill Haines and Gordon Hanson. Moved by Mr. Burns, seconded by Mrs. Irey, that Minute No. 532 dated February 15, 1996, be approved as amended. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Burns - Yes; Mrs. Irey - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS The Commissioners presented a Certificate of Appreciation to Jim Henry, Director of Children and Youth, who is resigning effective March 1, 1996. Ile has been employed by the County since May of 1969. The Commissioners presented a Proclamation designating the week of March 10-16,1996, as "Surveyors Week" to David Widmer, President of Engelhardt -Power & Associates, Inc. 270 Joseph A. Ford, Sr. Diana L . Irey �p i J. Bracken _Burns, Sr. MINUTE E BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA PUBLIC COMMENTS Rose Ann Masters, Democrat Committeewoman from Carroll 5, stated that she wanted to clarify a point of public record that was misleading information in the newspaper. She asked Commissioner Irey if she in fact voted against the layoff of Nancy Ellis, counselor at the Jail. Commissioner Irey deferred to Solicitor McCune and asked if she was able to answer that question since it pertains to a personnel matter. Attorney McCune stated that as he recalls, at the last meeting (reference to Salary Board meeting of February 15,1996), the Commissioners voted on these matters and their opinion was made known to the public. He stated that as far as the Commissioners deliberating among themselves is concerned, all of the considerations that they may have discussed privately among themselves are not required to be disclosed. Ms. Masters stated that it is not required but it is permitted and she requested that Commissioner Irey respond. Attorney McCune advised Commissioner Irey that she was permitted to answer, but was not required. Commissioner Irey responded that she did vote against the layoff of Nancy Ellis. Ms. Masters directed the same question to Commissioner Burns. Commissioner Burns answered that it is correct that he voted for the layoff of Nancy Ellis. Ms. Masters further stated that it does not make sense to her that there are numerous employees in an empty jail and the Commissioners have laid off two counselors where there are about 225 inmates., Warden Pelzer explained that the County is gearing up for a new prison and has employees at the new prison for training purposes. The Jail has to live within the budget and the budget included a layoff of two counselors at the prison. He stated that the Pennsylvania Department of Corrections is coming in next week to review this situation and determine if the Jail is in compliance or not. He stated that it is his opinion that the Jail is in compliance at the present time in the old facility. Ms. Masters submitted to Solicitor McCune a copy of the regulations from the Department of Corrections which states that the County must have counselors. Hugh Link, Jefferson Township Committeeman, stated that he is having a problem with the fact that, as a committeeman, he endorsed a candidate and worked hard to put the candidate into office and then within a month or two, the taxes go up and three employees were fired. (He noted that Commissioner Burns was against the firings.) He questioned how can he ask voters to vote for somebody that raises taxes and stated that he is ashamed to ask people to vote, any more. He also made reference to the issue of the use of county vehicles. He also stated that even though the Commissioners may not have anything to do with it, he does not see why the taxpayers have to pay for public swimming pools and parks. He feels that there should be a $2.00 minimum fee and let the participants pay for themselves. Commissioner Irey stated that it is a very difficult decision to raise taxes. She talked with many citizens and listened to their concerns and is very sympathetic to them. She stated that the Commissioners had to raise taxes in order to meet the county`s financial needs for this year, and that the Commissioners are r L. f] taking steps to try to ensure that they can reduce costs now and in the next four years. As far as the county Joseph A. Ford, Sr. Diana L . Irey wg J. Bracken Burns, Sr. All BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA 271 F� vehicles, she stated that this is a matter that is going to be further reviewed. She noted that none of the Commissioners have county vehicles. e Commissioner Burns stated that with all due respect, it is somewhat unrealistic to expect that anyone, 0 LL .be they Democrat or Republican, be they wise or not so wise, could run government without raising taxes mfrom time to time. He stated that if you look at other counties, school districts and local municipalities, you Eare not going to find any of them lowering taxes. He noted, however, that Allegheny County just lowered taxes, but their taxes were astronomically higher than what Washington County's are currently. He E a suggested that if you put it into perspective, that Washington County, after the tax increase, is considerably lower than Greene, Allegheny, Westmoreland and Beaver counties. Fayette County is the only county in this contiguous area that has a lower tax rate than Washington County. He stated that although no one is happy about raising taxes, it is a reality of doing business. The Commissioners did it, but did it very reluctantly and only after taking all of the cost savings that they could realize. Joe Gorby of North Bethlehem Township stated that his concern is with the taxes also and that it is his understanding that there are a lot of properties that are not on the tax rolls and he feels that everyone should carry their load. He does not know whose fault it is, whether the township or the County, for not following up on building permits. He stated that he feels this matter needs to be addressed. Commissioner Irey thanked Mr. Gorby for bringing this matter to the Board's attention and introduced him to the C ounty's Director of Tax Assessment, Tom Cox, who was in attendance at the meeting. She suggested that Mr. Gorby meet with Mr. Cox after this meeting and explain his concerns to him. Anthony Turriziani of Charleroi questioned Solicitor McCune as to whether or not he had reviewed the copy of Title 37 from the State Bureau of Corrections which was provided to him at the Salary Board Meeting on February 15th to determine if the Jail is in compliance relative to the issue of counselors. Solicitor McCune stated that he has not had a chance to look at it and can not answer Mr. Turriziani's question. He explained that the legal work that he does is for the County Commissioners and the Department Heads. He stated that although he would like to be able to do research for everyone that might ask him to do so, he is not able to do that and can only take instructions from the three County Commissioners. If they instruct him to do so, he will. Warden Pelzer stated that in his opinion, the Jail is in compliance with Title 37 at the current time which he noted that he stated at the last meeting. He again stated that the Department of Corrections is coming in during the upcoming week to determine if the County has a sufficient amount of counselors at the old facility and also in the future at the new facility. Mr. Turriziani stated that it is his understanding that Title 37 requires jails with an average daily inmate population of 175 or more to have one qualified counselor for every 75 inmates over the first 75. Commissioner Irey explained that the Commissioners act on the recommendations they are given by their Directors and the recommendation given to the Commissioners by Warden Pelzer that the Jail was in 272 Joseph A. Ford, Sr. Diana L. Irey J. Bracken Burns, Sr. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA compliance was based on the fact that a lot of the inmates are on work release and weekender programs. She stated that hopefully this matter will be resolved next week when the Department of Corrections comes here. (The meeting recessed briefly for the purpose of taking pictures.) OLD BUSINESS Solicitor McCune recommended that the bids for Meat for the months of March, April and May be awarded to the following vendors for the per unit costs submitted in their proposals: 1. Alliant Food Service, Freedom, PA 2. Jarrell & Rea, Pittsburgh, PA 3. Green Valley Packing Co., Claysville, PA 4. Shane Meat Company, Kennett Square, PA Solicitor McCune recommended that the bids for Wheelchairs for the Washington County Health Center be awarded to the following vendors for the per unit costs submitted in their proposals: 1. Randolph Medical, Monroeville, PA 2. Redline Medical, Coraopolis, PA Solicitor McCune recommended that the bid for Laundry Supplies for the new Correctional Facility be awarded to Jack Frye Sales and Service, Clairton, Pa., this being the lowest bid received in total. Solicitor McCune recommended that the bid for Disposable Briefs for the Washington County Health Center be awarded to Randolph Medical, Brooklyn Heights, Ohio, based on the per unit cost of each item. Solicitor McCune recommended that the bid for Delivered Gasoline be awarded to Agway Petroleum Corporation, Syracuse, New York, this being the only bid received; and that the Board authorize the rebidding of Pump Price Gasoline as the bid that was received does not meet the specifications. Moved by Mr. Burns, seconded by Mrs. Irey, awarding the bids as per above and authorizing the Chief Clerk to readvertise for bids for Pump Price gasoline as per above based on the recommendation of the Solicitor. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Burns - Yes; Mrs. Irey - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. NEW BUSINESS Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval a Provider Agreement with Anita Bolin of Fredericktown, Pennsylvania, for the Day Care Program for FY95/96. Moved by Mr. Burns, seconded by Mrs. Irey, approving the Provider Agreement as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Burns - Yes; Mrs. Irey - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval a one -month Bid Award Extension (from February 28 to March 31, 1996) for Pump Price Gasoline for the per gallon cost set forth in E: J the original bid proposal submitted by Guttman Oil Company. The purpose of the extension is to allow Limp fn whid that SPvrmPnf of fhp aacnlinp hid- Joseph A. Ford, Sr. Diana L . Irey MINUTE J . Bracken Burns_, Sr.--- r. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Moved by Mr. Burns, seconded by Mrs. Irey, approving the Bid Award Extension as per above. Roll call vote taken: i E Mr. Burns - Yes; Mrs. Irey - Yes. 12 m Motion carried unanimously. C Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval Agreements with Dr. Samuel m oSwad and Dr. Troy Hutchinson to serve as jail physicians, effective February 9,1996, at the compensation of cc T '0$900.00 each/per month. It was noted that the compensation for the month of February will be prorated in °'order to provide payment to Canonsburg Hospital which provided physician services for the period of February 1 through February 8, 1996. Moved by Mr. Burns, seconded by Mrs. Irey, approving the Agreements with Dr. Samuel Swad and Dr. Troy Hutchinson as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Burns - Yes; Mrs. Irey - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval a Revised Resolution establishing the per diem rate for weekend prisoners at the Jail at a rate of eighteen percent (18%) of the gross wages earned up to the maximum per diem rate which is $29.75. It was noted that the Prison Board also adopted this Revised Resolution at its meeting on February 21, 1996. Moved by Mr. Burns, seconded by Mrs. Irey, approving the Revised Resolution as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Burns - Yes; Mrs. Irey - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval a Supplemental Engineering Agreement in the amount of $1,152.14 with Monaloh Basin Engineers which has been approved by PennDOT which provides for the inspection/inventory of one additional bridge (Speers Bridge) of which the County assumed ownership under a Court proceeding. Moved by Mr. Burns, seconded by Mrs. Irey, approving the Supplemental Engineering Agreement with Monaloh Basin Engineers as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Burns - Yes; Mrs. Irey - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval an Agreement with Brodner Technical Services of Butler, Pennsylvania, for emergency repairs to the runway and taxiway lighting systems at the Airport at a cost of $8,400.00. Moved by Mr. Burns, seconded by Mrs. Irey, approving the Agreement with Brodner Technical 73 Services as per above. 2 7 4 Joseph A. Ford, Sr. Diana L . Irey g Ali i t "�" J. Bracken -Burns -, Sr. 11141 4J 1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bums - Yes; Mrs. Irey - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval a recommendation from Roger Metcalfe, Budget Director, to maintain the current rate of $12.00 per square foot for office space in the Courthouse Square Office Building, effective March 1,1996 to March 1,1997. Moved by Mr. Burns, seconded by Mrs. Irey, to maintain the current rate of $12.00 per square foot for office space in the Courthouse Square Office Building as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Burns - Yes; Mrs. Irey - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval the following Board appointments: Washington Countv Tourism Board of Directors: Appointment of Barbara Armenti of California to fill a vacancy for which the term expires 6/30/98 Appointment of Mary Elizabeth Yancosek of Washington to fill a vacancy for which the term expires 6/30/97 Washington Countv Housing Authority: Appointment of William R. Haynes of Washington to fill the unexpired term of Terry Moyer who resigned (term expires 12/31/98) Moved by Mr. Burns, seconded by Mrs. Irey, approving the foregoing Board appointments. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Burns - Yes; Mrs. Irey - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval the following travel requests: (R) 1. Donna Nickolas of CYS to attend (Reimbursable) a CORE/Competency Based Training Course at the Holiday Inn Meadowlands on March 4, 1996. (R) 2. Cindy Zubchevich and Priscilla Hodgens (Reimbursable) of the Health Center to attend a "Sensory Stimulation Programming" (Part II) session in Canonsburg, Pa., on April 4, 1996. (R) 3. John Penderville of Juvenile Probation to (Reimbursable) attend a JCJC training workshop at State College, Pa., on April 11-12, 1996. (C) 4. Nancy Bielawski, Purchasing Agent, to attend the Cooperative Purchasing Conference on March 28-29, 1996, in Harrisburg, Pa. (C) Committee Member (0) Optional (R) Required LJ Joseph A. Ford, Sr. Diana L. Irey Fp �,� BOOK J. Bracken Burns, Sr. `< V�rE BOARD OF COUNTY' COIVMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Moved by Mr. Burns, seconded by Mrs. Irey, approving the foregoing travel requests and authorizing payment of all necessary expenses related thereto. E Roll call vote taken: 0 LL Mr. Burns - Yes; Mrs. Irey - Yes. co Motion carried unanimously. m ANNOUNCEMENTS M Chief Clerk announced that subsequent to the meeting held on February 8, 1996, relative to the Master "Plan for employment and training services as prepared by the Washington -Greene County Job Training Agency, Inc., which was approved subject to final review by the Solicitor, Solicitor McCune reviewed it and recommended the Board's execution thereof which has been completed and has been submitted to the Department of Labor and Industry. SOLICITOR Solicitor McCune presented to the Board for their consideration and approval the following tax refund. Moved by Mr. Burns, seconded by Mrs. Irey, that the Tax Assessment Office (or Tax Claim Bureau) be authorized to prepare the following tax refund due to either duplication or overpayment of real estate or personal property tax: 1. Susan M. & Mark M. Mason %First Fed. S&L Association of Greene County 25 E. High Street P.O. Box 190 Waynesburg, PA 15370 District: South Franklin Township Parcel ID No: 590-011-00-00-0010-00 Amount: $83.47 SS No: 202-44-7619 Roll call vote taken: Mr. Burns - Yes; Mrs. Irey - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. OPENING OF BIDS: (1995 County Tax) Controller Belcastro opened and read the following bids: FLAGS AND MARKERS FOR VETERANS GRAVES/PROPERTY & SUPPLIES: 1. Valley Forge Flag Co., Inc. 1700 Conrad Weiser Parkway Womelsdorf, PA 19567 $ 1.532.60 Flags for Property & Supplies $12,611.52 Flags for Veterans Graves $No Bid Markers for Veterans Graves $14,144.12 Total Bid A certified check in the amount of $1,428.91 accompanied the bid. 2. Collegeville Flag & Mfg. Company 4th & Walnut Street, P.O. Box 98 Collegeville, PA 19426 276 Joseph A. Ford, Sr. Diana L. Irey I U T E BOOK J. Bracken Burns_, Sr. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA $ 2.177.50 Flags for Property & Supplies $13.996.80 Flags for Veterans Graves No Bid Markers for Veterans Graves $16,174.30 Total Bid A certified check in the amount of $1,617.43 accompanied the bid. 3. Atlas Alloys Company, Inc. P.O. Box 297 Atlasburg, PA 15004 No Bid Flags for Property & Supplies No Bid Flags for Veterans Graves $11,750.00 Markers for Veterans Graves $11,750.00 Total Bid A Bid Bond in the amount of $1,200.00 accompanied the bid. DISPOSABLE LIDS FOR BOWLS & MUGS - HEALTH CENTER: 1. Aladdin Synergetics, Inc. P.O. Box 100888 Nashville, TN 37224 Total amount of bid: $11,137.50 A bid bond in the amount of 10% accompanied the bid. Moved by Mrs. Irey, seconded by Mr. Burns, to table all of the foregoing bids for further review. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Burns - Yes; Mrs. Irey - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. There being no further business, Vice -Chairwoman Irey declared the meeting adjourned at approximately 10:35 a.m. THE FOREGOING MINUTES SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL: 1996 w ATTEST: ' -- CHIEF CLERK