HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 429 - 4-11-1993 - COMMISSIONERMINUTE BOOK 49 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, METRO PETROSKY, JR , JOSEPH A. FORD, COMMISSIONERS Di Nm S E 0 tL ar G5 E 0 2 P 11 L] Wa nin y, r2 County Aoti'nii.s aio;ia«.7 Washington, n, PA, March i 1 , i 99? he ,Eoard of IVi a,..h4 _; '3`onl _cunt iC o v_miinner s'= It'r 't in r gus. .ter=ess,'on ir. 7,.1 Pal._Me El_ i;g Room, ' ur Cs _E' CLa r e, Wa2il g t1; , Pe ; :; ylV a 1 1cfi with the f 7 l_ : Tin g :i,'•_'dlirij.-"'_r._ tc:,nq prezent= Commi ci[:ners Mascara, i'e}ions"y and Ford. Also 1._'SeI::g present; IT .. i. 3 t u , : ef z I-il s ` ! -` i ;._ _ t `_.: i , Centrollar B ct 1 ..: zri a' t r _, , Rl J s. a i E d Bourke, Executive Director of Red&,/eiopment Authority; Millis Cook, Job Developer, Senior :ate i vic e �' r.J gi cat :t:, <W' A Area Agency on Aging; Linda Hands, Clerk -Steno IT; Floyd La un!' arn, Pl nninq t`_'o;i'Zti. r_-sion; Jon Stevens, r%bserve -:SC-porT_eL , Chris Enzerrc_ 7 C f ,'1a caid tip'R..andarF.'�it and'F:athy `�`hs+nin.�.,, 7-1 R= ✓ei i�iF.-_'w WF=+r=�t;_.ir. Chairman Mascara the mee..in';i To Order at a'_•p2oxima*e7y 9_0-1C' n.n. an---! noted approval of minute No. f,�e rvoul_-I be held in a eya! e. S EC Al ORDER OF BUSINESS P`_,DlanL Bourke, Executive _'i e'L_ar of 4_-,e Re'..ieve-lopTrient Authority, presented to i`:t,aT_'r:_r f_r T:ie.it" 'rrtn,.-:fJf;=?T"kl'�_�L!IS .Viii�� :li=rs�YOGT = a Re �,: ?uticn c"3�;�1"siitvinsa '}Iip CtPuni.y's FY/9,3 HOME TnveNtment Partnership Prearam ApTyw.'.l _i.ation .:and authorizing 51.1bX`ti -sl non of the a n p _ -a -�ii ic n tto 11UD Mi . rurke es p1 a_nFed' that the a.pI-1 icat i on is f or a i!'t`?9, C)3() car sn aji:1 t`t i .'t I ? 11 e J7" the E �icii]1 s+clt i on of an N iS i] �'* r 1r�tLir e for s l der ll y L_uu�i mg and _he r eh_eb 1 i ta -t- on o- an e n i ti.no str'ucturs, f or u :e as� a z.Yran2 1 t i o n a 1 nc-,,,E-: g fac- I i t y wih_--fk will Le u­ p e r a t e d by a nonprof--' e or^ani _.ation. 1 .'nvE2 M; v--nd ,? M,I . x' w w r, os^? y , jec—,n2 _? icy Mr . Ford, a dcpt2.nq t he RF sJIuY = 0"1 -1s P,;°r call vote ?token Mr . ?{€Jrd - Ye2; Mr. Pe.tr F: c2zky - Yes; Mr . -Mas. ara - Yes . M 1-10 , e;;c:tr ied tla& -ara a4nt-erT_a 11 ned a .:+c}t_ n to &I'lopt a Rroc—' :.:aiat ion 6-2s c F4.:.l;itif t_hr? week of- March a 4-2C1, ? 99-1 , a-- "Enip f oy T e 01 rye: Worker Week" . ,Qve.s ,' Mr. p-ros-ky, seconded 4,=7 Mr. Fo-rd, adopting the foeq,0 ng P L `'t`, .e `.,{i;ia t1 ,)xi . Roll call vote taken Mr. EGrd - Yes; Mr. !=etro kly _ Yes; Mr. Maccara - Yes. M'-otic ; arried uI3ai2!.7ll_:usiy. The CoL,mi !�.'ionre'rs presented the Rr'CrclamZtlot! to Willis Cook, Job Developer, >` er"' _"i_ Fzi',^l! oy:'oent v`er Y ice Progr ar,,I, .S.rWPA Area Agency on Aging. lkji . jeffe.: icn of WJPA e_icered the mee.L inrl. ? Ra.--zo-n,-i ent-ereti the meE'.t inn, I 50 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, METRO PETROSKY, JR., JOSEPH A FORD, COMMISSIONERS it Chief Clef'T`_ r.,,ade avaflab-le tc, the news media Newc Releas=:-i; t-elative to the 0 w p r o E, ­-, -,I s 1. M,_-­ong1-.he1a S'r eet TT �proVanjejjlE Pro�ect R ' 'dt - 1 1 Via:rift I qc= A%cnue I - ; un Pr o 1 f=ct - City of Wash irigtori 1-h 1. ef C-1 e rk rf esenteid to the Boatel for the 1' _- cons 1, dier at --cn and _appc ova' Ai, reentent with the IL -_ 11 Dw ' nq provic`er far the LMA Eay ;are Program for FY92 /9-0 : Cecei_-a M. W:ley WaF.hinq-tc.n, OA Mo-ed ny Mr. Petrosky, --econ&?d by Mr. Fcrd, approving the Agreenent as per -i L,:) V L Roll call vote taken: Mr. For�ff - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Maicara - Yes. Mot_u,ri carried un.--.n_4..m_-,us2y. 21erk r�rese_nted tc, the 2o.-Ard for their consi-aleration -and alpl-nroval CIangcOr c,-z!t -A t,D the cc,ntract wit', Dicl-Ente—prisps of P11--tg;burgh, Fenns;ylvania, relal�ive tc the A'Lf-.,--,crt Project No. ATP 03-42-0101-12-92. Thic Change Order 4s f;:)r and, in�,reas-esthe to+_�11 contract arciount- by $3 26D.04 of which the Z_GUn'!!V'2 share woold amount to $1,718.00. The Change Order also provides for a 21-day L_ 2 time extenslzn. M. ved b7 Mr. Pettosky, aeconde-3 by Mr. Ford, approving -he 0-riange Order a2 a_'-ove, pe.—ing FAA and al. thorizIng the Cl-airwan of the Board to so ,- - e c u t e . Rcll call vote taken: Mr . Ford - Ye-2; Mr . Pratt osky - Yes; Mr . Maccar a - Yes. r i fz 1-1 u n a n i me to s _1 y . -ed to the 'or the-' r con�_�iuderaqti-_-,;, and arproval h e f C e rk p r 9 2 ei n4 �L L � an 11 cc at 1 c-,a, r) F Caur. ty La :-u id Fuel T a,. 1-Fund s in th e a wc,unt of 0 0 . 'C, f r "r, a z t o 1 '10 o w n -j h 19 f o r ge n e r a 1 t o -a d ic a i n t e n -a nc e ;:11 0 V I--- . Mol-c-,d 'yIr . Pe'k-.r'7,z-ky , _-eccnoed h�y Mr . Fot,d, approvii ng the Ap-pl _` catl on as per 1 . Ford Mir . Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion unanimcu!�Iy. Clem preLe­1T_ed to the Bcsrd for their con2iderat.-Ion and an Aqrte,-'pnen,t the Vlazhinac_on Regional H_-qhway 3"afat-v Prrjgra.­.6 the Wash,,ngtun- ,ZfeeZ"p- Drug a.---.rl Alcohoi 1_:Ilanning- Commission in the a-wount of $1,500.00 which provilul-es SL_Ietv Prcqra.n t,:) con't-Atnue the Deslicfnate,2 1--iriver Campaign in X c,%;, kL- a M r r 1) E, c o -, I d �_- d b y Mr . " o f d , a p p - o v _` n a t Aa r e e mts n t us- r- e MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R MASCARA, METRO PETROSKY, JR , JOSEPH A. FORD, COMMISSIONERS �a D. at r m C 11 E E M f . f-un -f d - 17 a -, ; M r . FE, � -- f cs'-- Y - Y a F-z ; 11-1 f � v`c, a r a - Y as . 'Me,t 41 --n car r -1 ed unan im--)u2 1 y . Cn:.ef C`lefz-_ prese-ntp--' to the Bc:,ar;:2 f or their consideration and approval the ow nc; teros, rc—' at.41 Kye to the JTPA `roarrim; TA T 7 T 7 ^^ -5 0 0 n a n t y v,7, r, -ion -- -a 1� I �L. S 1 ab ni i s, s cj-1 P-'-!.2 and mod'r-cstons for the Job Training Part nF.-r slht lip Act P-rogram, a!:: folli:.ws: Program Year Type- of Change 1993, Modification a W New N a w IN e w Contract Total $1,934,4712 $ 285,470 $ SG9,2S6 The ---l+-Ie T TA M!:.difi ,-lrovide2 carryover funds for en . o y m a n t a n d t r a i n - n - c e r v i c --- 2 -k- o ez!D n o, ro, i c -a 1, 1 y d z -d v L, n t- a g e0 adul+,,i and youth. The Title T11 gra-+s� are new orkers. T- e i r r E:x year providing ser-i ces to dizloc3t;�1-,d w 11 SPOC grant i s new L.-: -T- ug r asi, year -f -and ss t at getedt to .serve i unq tF' rm melt a r e and AFDC -- -1 i cnt-; The incentive Gran-L wi-1-1 pfovide the funds awarded to NSCUITA for its exceptional performance in Pfogr-m�rii Year 911. An Aareement with Tar back Secur-4-ty Acadaaiy for the pro�,-Jsion o f- I ciassto-Orl., tr,,a--he area of armed &,ecuritv. T- t 11 s -,-ijncf In T-itle I T A Contract wil' training slots the t o t a I ant o In t of $1E,640.00. The contLact term will be from March 1.5, 1992 to June 20, !99-3. Moved bul Mr. sec -ended by Mr. Fe-t!:i, apprcv2-ng the -TTPA ite�ms a� Pe-r Roll call vote M Mr. Mascar- a Yes. 11,. T-'o---,:3 - Ye!-!; MI-. Patro2ky - Yes; Mor-i6n car::,-1sc! Chlef "lark presented to the 3-oard for their consideration and approval a recnn.mmondat-lon +-- rp:`:ew --'--e C'o--2n--,?4s cTrsner----.1 -':zb:1ity in--Larance package policy through McMahun, 1`1enneLh and Associates, inc., from Travelers 71n---uran-----e Company for al one--ycaf perked -�!ffective, Var-1t of '?'35,,52�0cue-- --ar9h inld per �:lairm deductil-le. Moved by Mr. PEtros-ky, seconded ty Mr. EFord, approvir.�g the Insuiranc-a Rene - wall a� per abcve. FI�D-1 -' call vote taken: Mr. Ford - Ye�:; Mr. Petra-L-Ky - Phis,;' Mr. Ha:3cara - Ye--. ,1ie` -'eik presented to `e Board for the'f con"ideray.ion and ajL+proval the (o 1 . Deput-7 TreaLurer Claud 4 a Hargrove and Shirley C-oleman of the C o u r. t y T r ea---isle::'""f-:j, A s, s- c) c i a T- --- c. n r a a L� u r e r F, 01 f, f e 1- o a r- t a n d the Selit inar ii-. :--!1dqaw.as yPa., on April 13, -gt:4-t Df. Barry Aft,inlf�r!jrator j, HezIT-h n t. a z , a -L n rf a s exf, i ila f o n a -t a cf i c a n n 21 in g 2. n d t h L- N e w C N in V-,arre-n6ale, PLL-, or! !10arch 1 f3 , 21 1 S, -1 52 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R MASCARA, METRO PETROSKY, JR , JOSEPH A FORD, COMMISSIONERS 'sM`Z Forte ai-:1 Ka#h1e'=diZ T ,e dH 1 u.tr.-,e`. of Chi I:ii en and s *F-' jr, 11.;:..._ ._,ajD '_ th t ci a t_twi;,d -he Fenn,2y.11 van: -- Ch3 dr en and You-11-h J'Idr.l12Z1w` i i`'......Y.A I M'rch carte, 1.Y lM.eet.rtq .;.n ,:a?ma—e Co11eg,e, pa � s_'i; - P 4. T'-ak-,y i o1Z—£ Op-p 1.e of LMA Day Car e to attend - :'per 1r.-g C'e_„f's.rence C t E? F> r,_la -_he F-_'-L 2,L—targh A-_2,�cilatien for he F-duc ation of Young Children __- I'i`t_ 'aittc �, z �., s?.t Ayer 24, = 3 _iJ_t FliE'.Zrt , Andy Papach, ei.sZ Scagline Mia1S and John Paul M�zl1a:f, i,aw Clerks, to attend a FBA Seminar on #e.Etiei._: for .sL4.dlcicf',' S-, ;&c`f" in E11`"tcburgh, Pa., on April u?, 1 Vie. -Mudge ✓elm—lbr.e O'Dell :aeneca to atw.encd a thfee-:s7eex General j,ir ir;:dictI,.n euYieuL,se ;'t... the National ai..lt=C1cia *_o iege '_iI i:s-?rlo, Nevada, on At_p".i la Through May 7, 19 .3. f The FerinsyivaiZi.a Cori r rend-, of State Trial judge:-, will provide a, 5 `}ran 0,21 a- �_ 4 .and the Courtty will cover the reritainlnq expen1_,etz Ctl_ apprCsximate?s 11a-ri-,is {t{.- l ter.r and. Randy Jack,. -.on of EAi+.`lu t -Probation toattend all t t': of tiie Hio ._a C`-F._".'1e Co:itrn1_iiiity Anti -Cr ime C'`c,,:li 1t1 C,n to be heILl at ?a_ -.'iol' Ic.cafiion s , the i1'_`s t :-e1isg in W u!�:1-�ing—to.Z, EP& on } F *'s_!ved` sm,+}7 Mr. Ford, ,._.-'g-.:onded ..v Mr.. Perr &.-:y, af-'p o inq the -f_T+r-'-o ng travel _ Ii . _. !: aat iit s _ <1.� 1' } :1 1 u t £_ _-.� = t j et1 = I 43 ;. * ?1 E': ;D . Roli cali vote taken: IM:. .'o, r �11 - YEaw; Mr . F o:zk y - -Nre s,? Mr. *Ma-`cF,'a - Yen So I i rF2ass,1 tite `ei tefi Lc. the Boas. fC,r t zf=iC cons- isd,_--_.as..1 on and zopr ,i `r ia� e s s ti .r: ow 1 I s 'i l.. �. �. r e L' €.i r_'a '..:..> . !.i _t . - ae d, r' r . s' s? t - -1.- s e " o ;`i t,,,a d .-� . s� r yl -!` i" t t }` ea T u ,. + i- yr, . . v t�a�' ._ _} ��,__�, _ _ � `L'-;-' tam _ t� , _ r,� t__ ��,cE=::`i[E° � ? _ -i T",.1 :. dye7aW r,e Bu-i_ .,..'ai_nf btu a !..o r.. :a ecl +_3o Z ,hcr_the iv, 1,a �ws na La 't:�ur7s =L e h 7 r1 a. ? :--al ,, c n or over -payment of _ is i e_-ta->_e o—r personal E'roiperty tax . 501C Creen Street D_1 2_.r _ c t 1.1Q _20 - c u,ti n Nth Amount,- !3,425.47 Su_-- ,e t.staw.., PA 151021 Dls r..ct Nio: 570 - Sectior. No: zi3 t 1k. 4'jb $ .2 8 9. 8 0 as --geld wl.- �i7yhYiay View Drive r,'. C1 :? t o 1. ,� J 9). i t sc,n Jibn c..e Ait, nunr ^f and 1992 County `Ca-, 022-0-1-02-0021-00 r !, ev? -:j r_ C' =' i � o :', a_ r [v i i d ;� t 3T T a Mr. For_? - Yeas; Mr. Pe!' :':a z`kly - Z es; Mf . Mas a a - Ye2. C f11� JJ, � J n MINUTE BOOK 53 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, METRO PETROSKY, JR., JOSEPH A. FORD, COMMISSIONERS D. 08 h E 0 iL 7. ffi 4 C �7 L r C t .i e i:- v .= i '_.." <'3 L� 2 €=r G p F' n C= a _i 3? a ' c r7 Cs y }"_ 'f o 11, J W = ; ! :t !`.5 1 F:: `-• , -�tt a -. .i£1 ie i(.4 i4 T+' Ai.3TLr is ?'4.Li MFi Y z.. Da f Bo- 202 �i:1V5L,7� saf ?A 1 ---? ( b a vc':`_" --0n e�-timU?.-e,2 quan-i ti e5t; i .&iii,a a ii14 a n- o f I.'7 I r_ -�l dial%submitted 6 *3 �n a per unitcyst basis) A bid 12on. ; : <. i, ,e aiti' un11_ c7i !0!�---cc,iriPact-1.e-`r'+ the b a ,Ludt. For_,,:' ,'_,ervice 'F- aedoxct, FA :S042 (based on es- imam—ed quantities; iverris Jt .i .3T c-unt of b--" : $i91405.06 submi*tea on a per unit cost basis) A bid, ;-,,ond in tie a m o u nt of j�2,500a0( accvfibpa- n1ed thiF bid. ._. a }�v-' !atom:o Mee f_' a 0. B r; V a CJ Ileni?mi"i �-'t31_L �t2 T PA _ (based on e,s'tlTfir_1C.ed quc` nt..,t.,.e?-:; 1tF?ias� iotaL aie'ioiin.} of h4di: `i '`.J.'Ct submitted on a per LIT:1t coct ba.si. ll A _e fiF-d -__-ec,'-''_ in }h..te r. c,-ln t. Of :y_pt12. C_ a c cmpaY:_eCf wIee !'-id. -3 a 1. ii River a ofir'dE snc a 1 12: Li ll z:=s"'.L r-. B a:a=cVa r'i B,e h a I Parris 7A 1.510-11 :JL, uYt's;ii t�S '1u, Nz, C c-,--unt given unit cost basics A c.,n. k:- -- �. 1, .r_'k _n tF,e a.it, oL nt C,f $'1a.-,'!i1..00 a cr_.Frf,,Pa:i ='d t''_? bd MC eft 1! _ Mr. `ird-coi:de-d Li' M6 . Pa ri `'ky forequincl h' F' be c-a 7 �C VL rtiisr i E_W. Mr. FsL-d - Yez. y Mr. LP'etr.7akjr - ieEs Mr. Mac, aia Yet. �. E ;_ _i i 1 -.i T ,.., ,•" n, FOR R S H ""7' COUNTY r 7 i T T ,jl]'£ S.. ( %1i-{A( _ �}�.1,i��i3iC;� (_t"1%�i�iY T�,k;.. . = Aare ic'an Monitoring Salem 4ad Year - r r' 'i.:, Yeas" Contract; TOTAL- Q-4 d 4 3 715 A certi—f i j crieck ifs the a.i;ount ,s_ r9,.4z?4.38 _^.c orr.a3,::anied, trC, ;t-r -. IY'a,-1%1 <tvf af'#�tGYh�' CC'i�aGfL=t uY; P2` F `-ri11-111e ?'Coa Mi'c-hani cu {1...!3. q, F-7' 170SE l is Yea =for r act . a , 2 2 8 5 ."iceCl Y ea 12o y its ,c4--' 2 L,2S i}.i ».1 _. •...1 s ! aj i n ._.'. i i _ "� '.' � a, ff. o y. �, dui t u�- tom? a r n a _ � c, .._ 2 '� e �' d �2 9 F b,5 �•"'.. . 0f✓ i Ci ��. L..: 3 iii �' Ci i y rt F'; %-'y t h e b 4 a 54 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R MASCARA, METRO PETROSKY, JR , JOSEPH A FORD, COMMISSIONERS M':,v- c, by 1 -f . Ford, .s r='f_3'naied by Mr. Pe -Y'osky r thaT- +fee foregoing i0 t s hie M—c i _ cn ` eE-.; M- . Petrros;zy - YeE—; Mr. Mas =ac a - Yes. ;e93 0 n