HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 455 - 7-1-1993 - COMMISSIONERMINUTE BOOK 161 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, METRO PETROSKY, JR., JOSEPH A. FORD, COMMISSIONERS Minute No. 455 Washington County Commissioners Washington, PA, July 1, 1993 E 0 LL The Board of Washington County Commissioners met in regular session in the Public Meeting Room, Courthouse Square, Washington, Pennsylvania, with the following 4) members being present: Commissioners Mascara, Petrosky and Ford. Also being present: Cc E 0 Tina Dallatore, Chief Clerk; Kathy Emery, Assistant Solicitor/Personnel Director; Linda Hands, Clerk -Steno II; Floyd Laubham, Planning Commission; Brian Bark, 911 Coordinator; a_ Bracken Burns, EMS Director; Ernie Pusateri and Lyman Belaire, representatives of the McDonald VFD; Jim Jefferson, WJPA; Linda Ritzer, Observer -Reporter; Chris Enzerra, is Herald Standard; Dave Templeton, Pittsburgh Press; Kris Schiffbauer, Herald -Standard; and Kathy Thomas, Riverview Weekly. IChairman Mascara called the meeting to order at approximately 10:05 a.m. and entertained a motion to approve Minute No. 454. written. Moved by Mr. Petrosky, seconded by Mr. Ford, approving Minute No. 454 as Roll call vote taken: Mr. Ford - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS Commissioner Mascara entertained a motion to adopt a Proclamation declaring the week of July 3-10, 1993, as "McDonald Volunteer Fire Department Centennial Week". Moved by Mr. Ford, seconded by Mr. Petrosky, adopting the foregoing Proclamation. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Ford - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. The Commissioners presented the Proclamation to Ernie Pusateri and Lyman 0 Belaire, representatives of the McDonald VFD. The following Ordinance No. 1993-2 was presented to the Board for their consideration and approval: AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROVISIONS OF THE "PUBLIC SAFETY EMERGENCY TELEPHONE ACT OF 1990" PROVIDING FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A COUNTY PLAN; ESTABLISHING AN ASSESSMENT FOR TELEPHONE SUBSCRIBERS; PROVIDING FOR COLLECTING AND DISBURSEMENT BY TELEPHONE COMPANIES OF THE ASSESSMENT; PROVIDING FOR THE MAINTENANCE OF RECORDS AND AUDITS; WAIVING CERTAIN PRIVACY REGULATIONS; ESTABLISHING A RESTRICTED ACCOUNT; AUTHORIZING 0 EXPENDITURES AND PROVIDING FOR THE COLLECTION OF UNPAID ASSESSMENTS AND PROVIDING FOR PENALTIES FOR VIOLATIONS. E a 162 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, METRO PETROSKY, JR , JOSEPH A. FORD, COMMISSIONERS REMARKS: Commissioner Mascara noted that the Board of Commissioners decided last year to delay the implementation of the surcharge for some eight months given the discussions that were ongoing at that time about the propriety of implementing a surcharge a year in advance of the implementation of 911, and it was the Board's decision at that time to defer the implementation of the 911 surcharge. And in the deliberations of the 1993 budget it was the decision of the Board of Commissioners to implement the surcharge effective September 1st. Brian Bark, 911 Coordinator, noted that the County's 911 Plan was filed last year with and approved by the three State regulatory agencies consisting of the PUC, DCA and PEMA. He noted that over the last year and a half, the County has spent about $1.2 million in preparing for the 911 System which will be implemented early next year. He also noted that over the next eight months, the County will be spending probably another $1.2 million which is subject to fluctuate a little bit because of the bid process. Mr. Bark stated that he feels Washington County will have a state-of-the-art system. He explained that Act 78, The Pennsylvania Emergency Telephone Act, allows the County to recover revenue to fund this service through $1.25 surcharge on the monthly phone bill, and that the money can only be spent for 911 services. Chairman Mascara complimented Mr. Bark on a job well done and thanked him for his hard work and concerns in implementing this new system. Commissioner Ford asked Mr. Bark when the system is expected to be activated. Mr. Bark stated that it is planned to be activated in the first quarter of 1994. per above. Moved by Mr. Ford, seconded by Mr. Petrosky, adopting Ordinance No. 1993-2 as Roll call vote taken: Mr. Ford - No; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried. CITIZENS' COMMENTS There were no citizens' comments. OLD BUSINESS Assistant Solicitor Emery recommended that the bids for Three (3) Used Duplicators be awarded to Comdoc Office Systems of Bridgeville, Pennsylvania, as follows: Machine #I - Harris/3M DP1 - 6242 RADF/Sorter for JTPA Office - Ser. #021478 Purchase Price - $1126.32 Maintenance - $1800.00 - Eff. 7/1/93 to 6/30/94 Machine #II - Harris/3M DP1 - 6242 RADF/Sorter for Court Administrator Machine Price - $708.85 Auditron - $800.00 Total Purchase - $1508.85 Maintenance - $2160.00 - Eff. 7/1/93 to 6/30/94 Machine #III - Harris/3M DP1 - 6260 System for Domestic Relations Purchase Price - $1269.15 Maintenance - $3600.00 - Eff. 7/1/93 to 6/30/94 Moved by Mr. Ford, seconded by Mr. Petrosky, awarding the bids as per above; these being the lowest responsible bids received in accordance with specifications. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Ford - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Assistant Solicitor Emery recommended that the bids for the Washington County Health Center East Wing and South Wing Roof Replacement continue to be tabled for review. MINUTE BOOK 163 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, METRO PETROSKY, JR., JOSEPH A FORD, COMMISSIONERS Moved by Mr. Petrosky, Ieconded by Mr. Ford, to continue to tab'_e the bids as per above. v o� Roll call vote taken: E ,0 Mr. Ford - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. I Motion carried unanimously. c m 8 NEW BUSINESS a� o Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval cc Agreements with the following providers for the LMA Day Care Program for F93/94: Sandra Boyd Coal Center, PA Kimberly Kon is Finleyville, PA Moved by Mr. Ford, seconded by Mr. Petrosky, approving the Agreements as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Ford - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval renewal of a Maintenance Agreement with Comdoc Office Systems of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, for a duplicating machine in the Law Library. The Agreement reflects an increase from $57.92 to $60.83 per month for the period of June 28, 1993 through June 27, 1994. Moved by Mr. Petrosky, seconded by Mr. Ford, approving the Maintenance Agreement as per above and authorizing the Chairman of the Board to so execute. Roil call vote taken: Mr. Ford - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval an extension of the current agreement with Health Care Concepts, Inc., of Greensburg, Pennsylvania, for the Health Center Tube Feeding Supply Program. The extension is for a two -month period beginning July 1, 1993, and expiring on August 31, 1993. Moved by Mr. Ford, seconded by Mr. Petrosky, approving the Contract Extension as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Ford - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval a request to authorize a lease renewal with W. Bryan Pizzi, II, Sue K. Pizzi, Charles Bell and Linda Bell for the Highway Safety Program office space located at 11 E. Beau Street, Washington, Pennsylvania. This lease renewal would be from October 1, 1993 through September 30, 1994, with the option to renew on a year-to-year basis for an additional two years. The current monthly rent of $775.00 per month will remain the same for the first year of the lease renewal. 164 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, METRO PETROSKY, .JR., .JOSEPH A FORD, COMMISSIONERS per above. Moved by Mr. Petrosky, seconded by Mr. Ford, approving the Lease Renewal as Roll call vote taken: Mr. Ford - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk requested authorization to advertise for bids for a PC/DOS Based Election Tabulation System. Moved by Mr. Petrosky, seconded by Mr. Ford, authorizing the Chief Clerk to advertise for bids as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Ford - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval a request from the District Attorney to authorize submission of a Subgrant Application to the Pennsylvania State Police for the third year funding for the Drug/Narcotic Task Force for the period of October 1, 1993 through September 30, 1994. The total project amount is $66,504.50 with the County's share being $49,878.38 (75%) and the State's share being $16,626.12 (25%). Moved by Mr. Petrosky, seconded by Mr. Ford, approving submission of the Subgrant Application as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Ford - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval the following travel requests: (0) 1. Bonita Levine, Assistant Administrator of the Washington County (Reimbursable) Health Center, to attend a seminar on "Clinical Depression" sponsored by The National Institute for Health and Human Services in Mars, Pa., on July 30, 1993 (R) 2. Cindy Zubchevich and Donna Matthews of the Health Center to attend (Reimbursable) a workshop entitled "Care Plans That Survive Surveys" sponsored by Success Therapy, Inc., in Pittsburgh, Pa., on July 30, 1993 (0) 3. Teresa Crawford, Sally Schultz and Sandy Pirillo of the Health (Reimbursable) Center to attend a workshop entitled "Dermal Wound Management In Long Term Care Setting" in Pittsburgh, Pa., on July 27, 1993 (0) 4. Gregg Carey of the Health Center to attend the Stationary Engineer (Reimbursable) Exam in Pittsburgh, Pa., on July 14, 1993 (0) S. Duane Kavka, Director of Human Services, to attend a conference on (Reimbursable) "Building Communities: Together" in Baltimore, Maryland, on July 8-9, 1993 (0) 6. Jack Welty of Data Processing to attend a CAD Equipment Training in Marlboro, Massachusetts, on September 19-24, 1993 (0) 7. Jody Johnson of Data Processing to attend the 1993 Pentamation GSD Client Conference in Bethlehem, Pa., on September 12-15, 1993 (0) 8.. Brian Bark, 911 Coordinator, to attend the 59th Annual APCO Conference & Exposition in New Orleans, Louisiana, on August 8-12, 1993 E E MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R MASCARA, METRO PETROSKY, JR , JOSEPH A FORD, COMMISSIONERS 0, rn n E 0 u 0 a`a E 0 cc ,as 0 D E (0) 9. Judge Gladden, Judge Bell and Judge Terputac to attend the Pennsylvania Conference of State Trial Judges 1993 Annual Meeting in Hershey, Pa., on July 28, 1993 - August 1, 1993 (R) Required (0) Optional Moved by Mr. Ford, seconded by Mr. Petrosky, approving the foregoing travel requests and authorizing payment of all necessary expenses related thereto. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Ford - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. ANNOUNCEMENTS Chief Clerk announced that the County Offices would be closed on Monday, July 5th, due to the Fourth of July holiday. There being no further business, Chairman Mascara declared the meeting adjourned at approximately 10:20 a.m. THE FO EGOING MINUTES SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL: 1993 ATTEST: CHIEF CLERK