HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 241 - 3-2-1989 - COMMISSIONERrt MINUTE BoOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, METRO PETROSKY, JR, EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Mlnut e Nc. 2,x- Washington County Commissioners Washington, PA, March 2, 1989 The Board. of Washington County Commissioners met in regular session in the Flublic, Mctiting Room, Courthouse Square, Washington, Pennsylvania, with the following a-,mberc being preLent: Commissioners Mascara and Petrosky. Absent being: P'lluco. Alz'o be.,,ng present: Chief Clerk Dallatore; Solicitor Parisi; Gary --ld Ed D1,c)rd.j;,, Exe--utlive Assis-tants,; Phil marrow, Publications and Information Cootcl,i.iatcr; Corc,.-,,E-r I'lackson; -'inda Fiands, Clerk -Steno II; Jon Stevens, Observer- pe%)or-er; 71rr, jefferson, WJPA; Victoria Bell, Weirton Daily Times; Debbie D'Andrea, --.-,b-ne 7Rt;.view; Fete S'killrchak, Herald Standazd; Robert Sl�erbetz, Glenn Anc?crcon, D-1-11 Sadocllcy and Elwood Pettit, Bentleyville Fraternal Order of Eagles; and Wi'"Jarri�, i.n-Lerazt-Ed citizen. Chairman Mast-ara called the meeting to order at approximately 0 C -- m. and e-r-ter tta., -�r- d a moti-,- to appt ove Minute No. 240. Moved by Mr. Petro2ky, seconded by Mr. Mascara, that Minute No. 240 be Ro'.1 call vote taken; Mr. Peti:oT,3-y - Ye:,,; Mr. Ma2�carz - Yos. Motic,n carried unaniriuz:usly. CPECIAL ORDER-2F EC'SINESS- Rej,,rese.�.tatives of the Bentleyville Fraternal Order of Eagles presented to 'he -i 1n the artiount of $1,000.000 as a contribution to -tlrie Chil'dret,- -in,f Yo'.at-h prcgram.. OL'--) K'SINFOIS r Sol Bass.` recomn.ended that this bids for printed forms continue to be Moved by Mr. Petro2ky, secn.)nded by Mr. Mascara, to continue to "able the blds Rull cill' vote taken; Mr. '-e-Lrocky - Ye--; Mt. Mascara - Yes. Motion carr-ed unanimously. Chief Cleri. presented to the Board for their consideration and approval a C:"nt �n trie of 127,6572.00 to be submitted to the Pennsylvania "oa,tm— on C*rlme and Delinquency relat-ve: to Probation. The Grant Apj-�1-`catlon is flu� 100%- ztate funding for, the estatlishment of a family inte-.ventiun desig.-ied ta, red ice placeriients" and/or recon.,-rititment-s. Mu ."gad '--,y Mr. Petros,-,", seconcfed by Mr. Mascara, approving cubmission of the Gront Application ac per abov,,-2. I I MINUTE BoOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA FRANK Ft MASCARA, METRO PETROSKY, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 51 Ro 1 1 call vote tauten: Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. C'-.ief Clerk pre-Uented to the Board for their consideration and approval an Agreement with John K. Abraham as Administrator of the Crime Victim/Witness Assistance Prc,,raim, repla-c.,ing Daniel Whalen. The Agreement is effective March 1, 1989, at the rate of ,�.1,200.00 per month ($14,400.00 annually). per above. Moved by Mr. Petrosky, seconded by Mr. Mascara, approving the Agreement as Roll call vote -taken: Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. X-oltion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval a request from the Public Defender's Office to renew the NLADA Lawyers Professional Liability Insurance policy. The term of the policy i2 for one year, effective April 1, 1989, at a cost of $41,252.00. Moved by Mr. Petrosky, seconded by Mr. Mascara, approving the renewal of the inc,iran,:.,e� pc 1 icy as per above R'L-11 cal1 vote taken: Yr. 1letro2lky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval an Agreement with the North Strabane Township Municipal Authority which provides for the County to reimburse the Authority an amount not to exceed $8,000.00 for expenses related to facility modifications in connection with the Western Center Bridge Project. Moved by Mr. Petrosky, seconded by Mr. Mascara, approving the foregoing Agreement. Roll call vote taken; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval an Assignment ofAgreement with HUmbert Lane Pharmacy of Washington, Pennsylvania, and Medical Arts Pharmacy, ink., of G.reencburg, Pennsylvania, relative to the provision of pharmaceutical cervices at the Wa2hing--on County Health Center. Moved by Mr. Petrosky, seconded by Mr. Mascara, approving the Assignment of A�rt.!ement per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. MaSca�ra - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. I in MINUTE BoOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, METRO PETROSKY, JR, EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS -hief ­esented to t-ne Board for. -their con--ideratien and approval an L_ __ A3denidum to thie Agreement with Medic_�l Arts' Pharmacy, inc, relat_lve to the prov.-,:ion cervice2 at the Washingtori County Health Center The Addendum -e.--; pr L ze index f rom, -the Redbook AverL�e Wholesale Pri:!e to Firct Data Bace aL; used by _11�'W and al:3o provides for a nma%imum cost of ,',100,000.00. by Mr . Fletrocky, cc—c-onded 1-by Mr. Ma-&caza-, approving the Addendum as per Roll l l vote taken: Mi.. - Yes; Mr. MaL-,cara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. ,,,, 4 - hief Clark presented', to the Board for their consideration and approval the (0) 1. 7orri Rae Bartoch of Highway Safety Seatbelt Program to at -,end a 1_4fe2avers Nat--.nal r-oriference ;.n Cincinnati, O_io, on A,pr'il 9-12, '0 1 D89 (1) 2. Sally R. and Christina L. Brady of the Court A,-2m-nictrators Offi-_e to attend a joint meeting of the Pennsylval,_& Couricil of District Court Administrators and the Pennsylvania A2soci,,tion of Administrators of Special C�-urts in Har.-_,2-bur-, Pa. on Apr-,1 7, 1989 "R \ 1. Patil---io. Alltetio, Edward NaSer, Craig Many, Robert O'Hare, I ' - Ju.--i Pzin-,uplf and David Te!E-az; of Adult Probation to attend a worr=.-_no, on Psychotherapy in Pittsburgh, Pa., on March 17, .19B9 1ep_L;tie­_ to attend the following training cour:i:e2 ad by the Penn_y _1 van 11 a State Police Academy at Greensburg I y va, a Name Date ( s ) C o u r s a I I, a nlu a c r a a David Garbutt Salyet Don.jld SolDpnon Dor2ey ,tames 2alessandfo March 6, 19109 Hostage Situations I Jerry Jer1chc) Paul Ro�k Da v 10, T, h a r d Jeffrey Bodnar March 7, !989 Dint Light Firing Coury_e Andreas Veneris -tephen Svl-r-l- March 9, to Joh­ D. Smith March 11, 1909 Felony Vehicle Stops (J ) r, . D.2trict Jusmice Head Secretaries to attend a luncheon meeting to di2cuz::_,, --eneral review of current District justice Office procedures, rules and law changes in Charleroi, Pa., on M a : - - h 3 " , 1, 90 9 ,1 ', Mar',.c E. Spossay and Roca Rumberger of DUI to attend the Regional DUI Azn,u,_­a at-- Quarterly MeetincT in Uniontown, Pa., on March 3, 1989 7. Andy Pagac of the Veterans Office to attend a Western Section E,', _-:-at _J' or,.Q 1 C'_)nf a i eance spor,_-o r e d by the Pennsylvania State As2i,::iation of County Dire,_­tcrs of Veterans affairs in "-'alraopoli2, Pa., on Mar--h 22, 9. Four staff members of Children and Youth to attend a seminar ,lon 2or ad ',,-Iy Western t-­2ychi a- tr i c: inst -, tute and Clinic enti tied "'he _ -4 --"d of the impaired or Absent Farent" in Washington, Pa., on I Ma 15, -'9?9 ff 9. David Smith of Emergency Service-- to attend a "Sadioi gi al Officer ec- e r t i c -- -1:� I o n " + - I ra-ning cou'rce in Butler County on March 4, 1989 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, METRO PETROSKY, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS iJ I� I (01 10. One staff member of Planning to attend a DCA Recycling Workshop at Montooville, Pa., c,ri March 16, 1989 0 p t lo n (R) Required Moved by Mr. Petrocky, seconded by Mr. Mascara, approving the foregoing travel requests and authorizing payment of all necessary expenses related thereto. Roll call vote taken; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval a reconatiendat--on to ratify the May 27, 1981 agreement with Selway Exterminating and -authorize E< renewal agreement for services provided at, including but not limited to, th- Wash_incrton County Health Center ($1,860.00 per year), Courthouse ($480.00 per year) and ia.4- ($480.00 per year). Moved by Mr. Petrocky, seconded by Mr. Mascara, ratifying the May 217, 1981, a­,r­,!meat _.—d authorizing a 'renewal agreen,ent with Selway Exterminating as per above. COLIC! TJOR Roll tall vote tal"en. M-. Petrosky - Yc.,s; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor Bassi presented to the Board for their consideration and approval the tax refunds: Moved by Mr. Petrosky, seconded by Mr. Mascara, that the Tax Assessment Office (oL Tam C-1aint Bureau) be authorized to prepare the following tax refunds due to either duplication or overpayment of real estate or personal property tax: 1. jamec and Kathleen Cornwall 106 l Meadowbrook Circle Venetia, PA 153167 District: Peters 'District No: 540 - Section No; Amount: $24.95 S.S. NNO: 206-50-7968 2. Davan industries 500 Crile Road Washington, PA 15301 District: Couth Strabane n ,142trCt N - LD: GOO - Section No: Amount. $116.54 3. ,Sohn H. Friewald 210 Trinity Drive McMurray, PA 15317 District: Peterc District No: 540 - Cect-lon No: Amount: $31.o6 S.S. No; 204-36-6039 4. Fox, French for John et a1 �/o Mellon Dank, N.A. (Attention; Diane T. Gorman) Truct Tax Division One Mellon Bank Center Room 1620 Pittsburgh, PA 15258-0001 Amount: $622.91 Tax S.D. No: 25-6073957 (1988 County Tax) 007-04-05-0005-00 (1988 County Tax) 004-OC-00-0011-03 (1908 County Tax) 010-15-02-0015-00 (1988 Personal Property Tax) 0 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA -R-enc.. fct joh; et a! ,--/o "Icl-lon Bank, N.A. Diane "Attention: Diane T. Gorman) TLurt 'a!Divi'21'on O-ne Me-llon Dank 'Center P-ccyf" 362"r Pittcburgh, PA 15258-0001-11 A m :ju n t : $ 702. -07 Tax 1-D,. INC,; 25-6073956 Roll -,all vote taken, fit . Petra:-ky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Ye---. Mot -Lon carried unanimO,-isly. '0,15 a.m. - Muetl'ng rece--sed. (1988 Personal Property Tax) 10 , a.m. - Me:::t.ing re.:!onvened for the purpose of opening - ng bids. C.DntriDller 3eharry opened and read the following bids; -50IR WASHINGTON COUNTY Calg,Dn. Vestal Laboratories 5035 Mancl-eater Avenue It. Louis, MO 631110 Total am'Lurlt uf hdlid: : 2,796.00 (based on estimated quantities; item,_ submitted on a per unit cost basis) A t,­_'d bond in `.he amount IC% accompanied the bid. 2. Glatti Medical Supply 834 7-11-11adelphia 'Z;f-rce-t in,dliana, PA 1. 5 7 0 .' (items submitted on a per : a' ai)oz nt L -)f bid: No total amount given unit cost basic) _ui A lid h)ond in the �,,nount of 101v accompanied the bid. 3. M I - 4 on Guneral edical Co.-pora�. 344 Old Washington Road McMurray, PA i53.17 (based on estimated quantities; items of -1- $44,201.3�9 submitted on a per unit coct basis) '"�A: A ton-_� in Lhe amount- of 1.0% accompanied the bid. 4. Penn Medical CUpp'y, Inc. 0" Rahway "rive Murray PA 15317 (based on estimated quantities; items of bid. $72,849.70 submitted on a per unit cost basis) A bi,.`. bond in the amount of 1101% a-. ompanied the bid. Medicare E-Equipirent Cotrvpany, 'Lnc. Avenue 7-atrobe, PA i5650 (based on estimated quantities; itezms fo, C '_Jt_ai ___unt. a:-f bid: ',,,324.90 submitted on a per unit cost basis) A cc: tified check in the amount of ,'833.49 accompanied the bid. Move,_'. by Mr. Petfocky, seconded by Mr. Mascara, that the foregoing bids be a e, d L - f a r r e c w vote taken: M--. rettro2ky - yes; M,--. M-,--,:ara - Yes`. .Aoti,Dn. carr.ed unanimously. n _�' _rN70-R"'L-R FIOR THE WASHINGTON COUNTY TREAS13'RPR'S OFFICE RN`._!D_ER AN 1. Gene -_*--_berqe for 0tandard Regi2ter 7 Par'kway Center - Suite 650 _PA S 2 2 10 Total am�-_ur," of bid, $3,890.00 I ow pow MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, METRO PETROSKY, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Cost of Annual Service; Batch Encoder: $270.00 Endorser: $230-00 A bid bond in the amount of $439.00 accompanied the bid. Moved by Mr. Petrosky, seconded by Mr. Mascara, that the foregoing bid be tabled for further review. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. MAINTENANCE ON CT NCINNAT T PARKING CONTROL EQUIPMENT LOCATED AT COURTHOUSE SQUARE PARKING GARAGE 1. CTR Systems 10 Califor.nia Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15202 One (1) Year Contract* $7,322.00 Two (2) Year Contract: ­15,050.00 A certified check in the amount of $1,505.00 accompanied the bid. Moved by Mr. Petrosky, seconded by Mr. Mascara, that the foregoing bid be tabled for further review. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. 1. 0 a, . rt,, M e e t _` n g recessed. 10:45 a.m. - Meeting reconvened. The meeting reconvened for the purpose of conducting a public hearing in _,on -.,ct 'on with the Washington County loIndustrial Development Authority relative to a - i prop�2sed bond -issue requested by Four M Corporation. Members present were Mascara and Petrosky. Absent being: Commissioner Paluso. Others present in--luded; Chief Clerk Dal-latore; Attorney George Retos, Jr., Solicitor for E Development _Uevelop�ment Authority; Lou Fa-lbo, -Executive Director, Industrial Authority; Phil Garrow, PublicationE-. and Information Coordinator; Pete Skirchak, Herald Standatd; --ebb-fe DAridrea, Greensburg Tribune Review; Victoria Bell, Weirton Daily Times; and Dave Haba, interested C4+isen. Attorney Reto_- explained twat the purpose of the bond issue will be to finance the purchase of new and used nachinery for the design, development and manu'actur_nq of corrugated partitions and corrugated containers to be used in a facility to be constructed at Route S.9 and Wilson Road, Eighty -Four, North Strabane Township, Wachinqton Cuunty, rennsylvania. The principal amount of the bonds to be issued will not exceed $5,000,000.00. Ther,e were no c.3mments from the public concerning this project. Moved by Mr. Petrosky, 2econded by Mr. Mascara, acknowledging that a public hearing held for the purpose of accepting comments on the proposed bond issue of Four M Corporation as per above; approving the bond issue and authori--ing the Chairman of the Boifd to execute all necessary documents related thereto. 21 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA , FRANK R. MASCARA, METRO PETROSKY, JR, EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Roll call Mr. Petro -sky - Yes; Mr. Mrs -- cares- YoE. Motion carried unanimou,,-2y. There being nc, further busiriess, Chairman Mascara declared the meeting ad- ,ourned at ap-rc—mate', THE FOREGOING MINUTES SUBMITTED FOR APPROVAL: ATTEST CHIEF CLERF E L 1