HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 10 - 2-23-1984 - COMMISSIONER917 AW I " BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Metro Petrosky, Jr. WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA. - EDWARD M.. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS 1 L� I® No. 10 Washington County Camni.ssioners Washington, PA, February 23, 1984 The Board of Washington County Commissioners met in regular session with the following being present: Commissioners Mascara, Petrosky and Paluso. Also being present: Chief Clerk Dallatore, Solicitor Bassi, Roland Bourke, Executive Director of the Redevelopment Authorit Attorney George Retos, Solicitor for the Industrial Development Authority; Administrative Assista Davis, Judi Lomago, Executive Secretary; Linda Hands, Clerk -Steno II; Jim Jefferson, WJPA; Jon Stevens, Observer -Reporter; Scott Myers, WKEG; Joann Sarkett, Brownsville Telegraph; Jim Provance Herald -Standard, Lucy Rea, interested citizen and Ferdal Littleton, Chief Deputy Sheriff, who later entered the meeting. Chairman. Mascara called the meeting to order at approximately 10:05 a.m. and asked if there were. any corrections, additions or omissions to Minute Nos. 8 and 9 each member having re- ceived a copy. read. Moved by Mr. Petrosky, seconded by Mr, Paluso, that Minute Nos. 8 and 9 be approved as Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Old Business: Solicitor Bassi recommended to the Board that the bids for the flags fof the -Veterans' Graves be awarded to EMBLEM FLAG COMPANY, this being the lowest responsible bid received in accordance with the specifications. Mr. Bassi also recommended to the Board that the bids for grave markers be awarded to FRANK H. DE'1'W=R & SONS, INC., this being the only bid received in accordance with the specifications, Moved by Mr. Petrosky, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the bids for the flags and markers for Veterans' Graves be awarded as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Correspondence: Chief Clerk informed the Board of the receipt of the following checks: 1. Commonwealth of Pa. - $231,916.08 - medical Assistance 2. Commonwealth of -Pa. - $245,024.00 - Children & Youth First Quarter of 1983/84 and advance othird quarter 3. U. S. Treasury - $268,663.00 - Federal Revenue Sharing Period of 10-1-83 to 9-30-8 New Business: Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval a Patient Transfer Agreement between the Washington County Health Center and the Edgewood Nursing Center located in Youngstown, Pennsylvania, effective March 1, 1984. H 2'74 MINUTE =■■ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Metro Petrosky, Jr. WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA,,_ , EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Moved by Mr. Petrosky, seconded by Mr. Paluso, approving the foregoing Patient Transfer Agreement between the Washington County Health Center and the Edgewood Nursing Center. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. In connection with the Children & Youth/Juvenile Probation Departments, Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval a Purchase of Service Agreement for Placement Services with Vision Quest National, Ltd., effective February 14, 1984 thru June 30, 1984. Moved by Mr. Petrosky, seconded by Mr. Paluso, approving the Purchase of Service with Vision Quest National, Ltd. as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk informed the Board that Gary J. Nowading of North Versailles, Pennsylvania, has been recommended for appointment to the Children & Youth Advisory Committee for a 2-year term effective March 1, 1984. Chief Clerk noted that Mr. Nowading is Director of the Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Southwestern Pennsylvania. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Petrosky, approving the foregoing appointment of Mr. Nowading as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval a Proposal to Provide Social Services to Older Persons through the Southwestern Pa. Area Agency on Aging for Adult Day Care Program at the Washington County Health Center for the period of July 1, 1984 to June 30, 1985. Chief Clerk noted that the amount of AAA funds requested is $60,748. Moved by Mr. Petrosky, seconded by Mr. Paluso, approving the foregoing Proposal to Southwestern Pa. AAA. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval the following travel requests: 1. Request for Myra Bernhart and Linda Bell of the JTPA Office to attend a Youth Seminar in Harrisburg on March 5-6, 1984. 2. Request for Barry Parks, Washington County Health Center Administrator, to attend a Penn State Workshop at Coraopolis (McKeesport Campus) on May 8, 1984. 3. Request for Richard Brady, Director of Domestic Relations, to attend a DRAP meeting in Harrisburg, PA., an March 21-23, 1984. 4. Request for three employees of the Domestic Relations Office to attend a luncheon meeting in Pittsburgh, PA., on February 24, 1984, regarding the Uniform Reciprocal Enforcement Support Act (URESA). t 1 C� MINUTE BOOK 275 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Metro Petrosky, Jr. WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA.- EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS E 1 Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Petrosky, approving the foregoing travel requests authorizing the payment of all necessary expenses incident thereto as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. This motion is deemed necesary because of the position taken by the County Controller and is pending resolution of the Court case involving travel expenses. Chief Clerk requested authorization to advertise for bids for�the renovation of the Center Bridge. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Petrosky, authorizing the Chief Clerk to advertise for bids as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk announced that the re -convening of the Salary Board Reorganization meeting has been rescheduled from February 23rd to March 8th at 10:45 a.m. Solicitor: Solicitor Bassi presented to the Board for their consideration and approval the Tax Refund. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Petrosky, that the Tax Assessment Office be authorized to prepare the following tax refund due to either duplication or overpayment of real estate or personal property tax: 1. Jacqueline Doyle % Ryan Financial Services 547 Union Trust Building Pittsburgh, PA 15219 District: Peters District No: 540 - Section No: Total amount: $22.02 Roll call vote taken: (1983 County Tax) (S.S. #338-22-1306) 002-09 - Parcel No: 0022-00 Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor Bassi presented to the Board for their consideration and approval a request frm E. J. Julian, Attorney for Robert J. and Dorothy M. Cia.ffoni, for payment of $8,000.00 to the Ciaffoni's as consideration for the easement granted by them to Washington County in connectio with Jefferson Township Road No. 392 relative to the Harmon Creek Flood Control Project, Site 480, Solicitor Bassi recommended that said payment be made and noted that the funds should be charged to the 1984 bond issue Moved by Mr. E, J. Julian, Attorney Roll call vo Mr Paluso - ' Motion carri, allocated to the Parks Department. ,seconded by Mr. Petrosky, authorizing payment of $8,000.00 to r Robert J. and Dorothy M. Ciaffoni, as per above. taken: Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara -Yes. unanimously. 2'7f :■■ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Metro Petrosky, Jr. WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, - . EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Special Order of Business: Roland Bourke of the Redevelopment Authority presented to the Board for their and approval a Resolution approving a Proposal for redevelopment disposition Parcel No. 3C-3 in the Canonsburg Curry Field Urban Renewal Project, PA R-165 by Silvers Enterprises, Inc., a West Virginia Corporation, and the form of the Redevelopment Contract with said developer. Commissioner Petrosky questioned Mr. Bourke as to how many fast food places were in the Curry Field area. Mr. Bourke went on to explain the fast food places in the area and explained that some of them are not really considered fast food places. Commissioner Petrosky: It's a personal thing, but I have a real problem with fast food chains in one particular area such as we have on Murtland Avenue and now here in Canonsburg. It's not pleasing to the eye, it may be of service to the people and it may create employment so forth and so on, but I have a real problem with it. I don't think it adds anything to a particular area except a lot of traffic and a lot of headaches. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Petrosky, approving the foregoing Resolution., Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Attorney George Retos, Solicitor for the Washington County Industrial Development Authority, presented the following letter to the Board of Commissioners: I an writing this letter to clarify the purpose and procedures of the Industrial Development Authority Projects that are presented periodically at the Commissioners' Meetings. Effective January 1, 1983, Congress enacted certain legislation through the TEF A. Act which affected the procedure for approval of industrial revenue bonds. The relevant changes that affect this discussion deal with the require- ment that (1) a public hearing be held to receive any comments on the proposed project and (2) an elected public official would be required to certify that a public hearing had been held. The monthly meeting of the Washington County Industrial Development Authority is a public meeting, however out of an abundance of caution I have recommended to the Authority that the public hearing should be held at the County Office Building after publication of the hearing in the local newspaper(s). Since the effective date of this legislation, the Washington County Industrial Development Authority has published the notices for all projects and requested that the invoices be directed to the Authority for payment. In regards to the proceeding before the Commissioners, I wish to make it perfectly clear that the Commissioners are not being asked and have not approved any of the projects. This function is the duty and responsibility of the Industrial Development Authority. It is my recollection that the various projects presented at the Commissioners' Meetings during the year 1983 were "approved' by resolution of the Commissioners. The minutes of those meetings should be corrected to note that the Commissioners have not "approved" any project. Rather, the Commissioners have certified that a public hearing was held. In fact, no vote or resolution whatsoever is re- quired by the Commissioners. The only thing necessary is for the Chairman of the County Board of Commissioners to sign the certificate verifying that E [J 1 the public hearing was held. i 2/( BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Metro Petrosky, Jr. WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, . EDWARD M. PAIUSO, COMMISSIONERS 41 1 1 1 The reason I say that the Chairman of the Board of commissioners mast execute the certification is due to the fact that at the time that the Authority was informed of the legislation, we requested that the County Commiissioners appoint an elected public official to sign this certificate. By resolution, the Board appointed and designated the Chairman of the Board of County Canmissioners as the elected public official authorized to execute the certificates of the Authority. I trust this will clarify any procedural questions you or the Commmissioners may have concerning the Industrial Development Authority Public Hearings. Please contact me if there are any questions. Ve truly Retos, /s/7George , Jr. Attorney Retos gave a verbal explanation of the foregoing letter and noted that he would like to continue the procedure of presenting to the Board of Connnissioners, for informati, purposes only, those projects approved by the IDA. He recommended that these projects continue to be presented to the Board of Commissioners at a public hearing to be held during the weekly Cowd-ssioners' meeings for the purpose of receiving any public comments on the projects. Mr. R also noted that no County monies are involved in these projects and final approval of the proje must come from the Department of Commerce in Harrisburg. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Petrosky, that previous action taken by the Board of Commissioners in the year 1983 be corrected and clarified by noting that all minutes to "approval" of IDA projects should be in the form of "information" to the County Commissioners of all projects in view of the inability of the County Coimu.ssioners to approve such projects. Mr. Petrosky questioned the procedure one should use in order to register opposition to a project, Attorney Retos stated that opposition to a project or projects should be voiced at the public hearing or by submitting a letter to the Industrial Development Authority. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes, Motion carried unanimously. Attorney Retos then presented to the Board, for informational purposes only, the following projects approved by the Industrial Development Authority. 1. Art Brown Enterprises, Inc. - for the purchase of leasehold equipment and remodeling of a commercial building in an amount not to exceed $350,000.00 2. Daniel & Susan Warbutton - for the purchase of land and construction Warbutton's Gymnastics of a commercial building in an amount not Academy to exceed $250,000.00 3, Al Lorenzi Lumber Co., Inc. - for the purchase of land and construction of a commercial and industrial building in an amount not to exceed $400,000.00 4. Blount Inc./Washington - for the construction of an industrial Steel building and purchase of industrial equip- ment in an amount not to exceed $4 million 5. Servsteel, Inc. - for the purchase of industrial equipment * in an amount not to exceed $500,000.00. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Petrosky, acknowledging presentation of the fore- going projects approved by the Industrial Development Authority as informational only to the Board of Commissioners. * There were no comments from the public concerning the above projects. 2'`18 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA Metro Petrosky, Jr. FRANK R. MASCARA., , EDWARD M PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr.--Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Paluso questioned the procedure for monitoring these projects and if a report would be submitted to the Commissioners. Mr. Retos advised the Board that a census report must be sub- mitted to Harrisburg by the end of April. He noted that he would forward to the Commissioners copies of the 1982 and 1983 reports. There being no- further business, Chairman Mascara declared the meeting adjourned at approximately 10:35 a.m. THE FOREMINGa •D AM APPROVED: 1984 ER