HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 20 - 5-3-1984 - COMMISSIONERMINUTE i ■ ■ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION ERSMetro Petrosky, Jr. WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS nute No. 20 Washington County Commissioners Washington, PA, May 3, 1984 The Board of Washington County Commissioners met in regular session wi he following members being present: Commissioners Mascara, Petrosky and Paluso. .lso being present: Chief Clerk Dallatore, Solicitor Bassi, Earl Bugaile, Public .elations; Debbie DeStefano, Adult Services; Administrative Assistant Davis; Lind .ands, Clerk -Steno II; Jon Stevens, Observer -Reporter; Jim Jefferson, WJPA: Scott [yers, WKEG; Jim Provance, Herald -Standard; Joann Sarkett, Brownsville Telegraph; ,ucy Rea, interested citizen and a group of senior citizens. Chairman Mascara called the meeting to order at approximately 10:10 a.m. and asked if there were any corrections, additions or omissions to Minute No. 19, each member having received a copy. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Petrosky, that Minute No. 19 be approved as read. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Special Order of Business: Chairman Mascara read the following Proclamation: WHEREAS, older persons represent an ever-growing segment of our population who have contributed significantly to our cultural development and social reform during this century; and WHEREAS, the economic and social needs of our older popu- lation constitutes one of our highest national, state and local priorities, and that this County has continued to provide the highest possibl� standard of living for all senior citizens through rendering the fin st human services possible on their behalf; and WHEREAS, the month of May has been designated for two decades as the time for formal recognition of the contributions made by our senior citizens to all levels of society. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that we, the Board of Washington County Commissioners, proclaim the month of May, nineteen hundred and eighty-four as OLDER AMERICANS MONTH in Washington County, and reaffirm our commitment to programs and services designed to meet the needs of the one in every five Washington County residents over the age of sixty years, and that we further take this opportunity to express our appreciation to the senior citizens of this county and urge all citizens to join us in this endeavor. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Petrosky, adopting the foregoing Proclamation. Roll call vote taken: Mr, Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chairman Mascara then presented the Proclamation to Wilma Toth, Chair- person for the Washington County Advisory Council on Aging, who, in turn, present d each Commissioner with a small gift of appreciation. MINUTE BOOK 32'7 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERSMetroPetrosky, Jr. WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA � FRANK R. MASCARA. EDWARD M, RALUSO. COMMISSIONERS J 'J Correspondence: Chief Clerk informed the Board of the receipt of the following check: 1. Commonwealth of Pa. - $244,300.47 - Medical.A.ssistance Chief Clerk made available to the news media News Releases in reference to the following projects 1. Independence Township Underground Utility Project New Business: Chief Clerk presented to the Board a request to renew the following insurance policies through McMahon, Kenneth, Bailey and Associates, Inc., for the period of March 1, 1984 to March 1, 1985. 1. Property Policy #TR-127Ell62IN84 Total Premium $33,626 2. Liability and Automobile Policy #TR-127EO964IN84 Total Premium $72,444 Moved by Mr. Petrosky, seconded by Mr. Paluso, authorizing the renewal of the foregoing insurance policies. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr, Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval a request for payment of $300.00 to Louis N. Sollon Funeral Home,,-Ltd.,.of Canons- burg, for the burial of Theodore Crowe. Moved by NIr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Petrosky, authorizing the payment to Louis N. Sollon Funeral Home, Ltd.; this being in accordance with Section 2166 of the County Code. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval a request to renew the agreement with the Underwater Search & Rescue of Washingt County, Inc., for the provision of underwater searches, recovery and scuba servic�s in connection with the Coroner's Office. The term of the agreement is for one year from January 1, 1984 to December 31, 1984 at an annual sum of $2,000.00. Moved by Mr. Petrosky, seconded by Mr. Paluso, approving the foregoing renewal agreement with the Underwater Search & Rescue of Washington County, Inc. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr, Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chiefs Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval an applicationlfor County Liquid Fuels Tax funds in the amount of $722.50 from Mt. Pleasant Township for the purpose of installing an advance warning sign with flashing beacons at the intersection of Routes50 and 18. Move. by Mr. Petrosky, seconded by Mr. Paluso, approving the foregoing Liquid Fuels Application from Mt. Pleasant Township. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Metro Petrosky, Jr. WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, _ EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Chief Clerk requested authorization to advertise for bids/proposals for following: 1. Bids for a 6-month supply of housekeeping supplies 2. Bids for a 3-month supply of groceries and staples for the Health Center and Jail 3. Bids for the toad relocation project at Cross Creek Park 4. Proposals for engineering services for the design of the Van Eman Bridge 5. Proposals for the provision of social services to status offen youth and their families. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Petrosky, authorizing the Chief Clerk to advertise for bids/proposals as per above, Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval the following travel requests: 1. Request for Linda Babko of Magistrate Quail's Office to attend a Secretaries. Seminar in Chambersburg on May 2-3, 1984 sponsored by the Administrative Office of Pennsylvania Courts. 2. Request for Angela Alampi of the Washington County Health Center to attend a seminar on Tools for Food Service Management on May 23-24, 1984, at Seven. Springs. 3. Request for John Pettit, District Attorney, to attend a District Attorneys meeting on May 9, 1984, in Harrisburg. 4. Request for William A. Johnson, First Assistant District Attorney, to attend a Criminal Law Symposium in Harrisburg on April 6-7, 1984. 5. Request for John F. Yoney, Treasurer, and Alice Syrek, Deputy Treasurer, to attend the State County Treasurer's Convention at State College, Pa., during the week of June 11, 1984. 6. Request for Richard Brady, Director of Domestic Relations, to attend a DRAP Board Meeting in Harrisburg on May 17-18, 1984. Moved by Mr. Petrosky, seconded by Mr. Paluso, approving the foregoing travel requests and authorizing the payment of all necessary expenses incident thereto as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes, Motion carried unanimously. **NOTE: This motion is deemed necessary because of the position taken by the County Controller and is pending resolution of the Court case involving travel expenses. Chief Clerk announced to all those present that the Prison Board Meeting has been re -scheduled from May 9th to May 16th and that the Commissioners' Meeting on May loth has been cancelled due to the Commissioners attending a PSACC Seminar in Harrisburg. MINUTE :■■ 329 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERSMetrolPetrosky, Jr. WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA. _ EDWARD M PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS u 1 ISnlicitnr- Solicitor Bassi presented to the Board for their consideration and lapproval invoices from Mayview State Hospital totaling $7,440.00 for Robert Lewis (Adams ($3,720.00) and Joseph Rosman ($3,720.00). Moved by Mr. Petrosky, seconded by Mr. Mascara, approving the payment (the foregoing invoices from Mayview State Hospital. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - No; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried., 11 Solicitor Bassi reported to the Board on the successful outcome of a case against the County filed by Jerry Lee Warner, an inmate at the County Jail who claimed mistreatment. Mr. Bassi noted that a hearing was held and after a number of pleadings, the Court dismissed his claim and allegations. A brief dis- cussion followed concerning the large amount of suits filed against the County. Mr. Paluso noted that allegations have been made that the County doesn't need three attorneys in the Solicitor's Office, but he pointed out that they not only have to defend all of the County departments and programs but also the large number of suits filed by prisoners at the jail, etc. Mr. Petrosky noted that in addition to defending the cases Mr. Paluso pointed out, the Solicitors' duties also include the contractual developments of the various programs and the researc and consultation that occurs during normal day-to-day operations. He stated tha when you're talking in terms of Washington County government with the number of departments, agencies and employees, it's a very complex organization and it take a lot of legal, technical and professional expertise to run it. He further state that he has no qualms or reservations that the number of individuals that the Commissioners have in terms of legal staff is absolutely necessary and, in fact, mandated by the day-to-day operations. There being no further business, Chairman Mascara declared the meeting adjourned at approximately 10:25 a.m. THE FOREGOING MINUTES READ AND APPROVED: 1984 ATTEST: _ � _ CHIEF CLERK