HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 32 - 8-16-1984 - COMMISSIONERBOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA Metro Petrosky, Jr. FRANK R. MASCARA, EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Minute No. 32 Washington County Commissioners Washington, PA, August 16, 1984 The Board of Washington County Commissioners met in regular session with the following members being present: Commissioners Mascara, Petrosky and Paluso. Also being present: Chief Clerk Dallatore, Solicitor Bassi, Lou Lignelli, Director of Administration; Ed DuJordan, Executive Assistant; Roland Bourke, Executive Director of the Redevelopment Authority; Judi Lomago, Executive Secretary; George Retos, Attorney for the Industrial Development Authority; Linda Hands, Clerk. - Steno II; Jon Stevens, Observer -Reporter; Natalie Moore, Herald,Standard; Bob Gregg, WJPA; Joe Jordan and Marshall Marra of Monongahela, Administrative Asst. Davis. Chairman Mascara called the meeting to order at approximately 10:00 a.m. and asked if there were any corrections, additions or omissions to Minute No, 31; each member having received a copy. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr, Petrosky, that Minute No, 31 be approved as read. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Special Order of Business: Roland Bourke of the Redevelopment Authority presented to the Board for their consideration and approval a Resolution approving the Redevelopment Proposa:k for the South Street Redevelopment Project in the City of Washington. Mr. Bourke briefly outlined this project. Moved by Mr, Petrosky, seconded by Mr. Paluso, approving the foregoing Resolution. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara Yes. Motion carried unanimously, Attorney Retos, Solicitor for the Washington County Industrial Development Authority, presented to the Board for informational purposes and for the purpose of receiving any public comments, the following IDA Projects: Trilogic Corporation for the acquisition of real estate and the construction of an office/ware- house facility located at R.D, #2, North Strabane Township, Canonsburg, PA in an amount not to exceed $160,000.00. William M. Sulkowski, D,M,D, for the acquisition of real estate and the construction of a building located at 14-A E, Pike Street, Canonsburg, PA in an amount not to exceed $175,000.00. E F, MINUTE :■■ 405 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA Metro Petrosky, Jr. FRANK R. MASCARA, - EDWARD M PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS C 1 Wolfdale Plaza for the construction of a building located at the corner of Jefferson and Hewitt, Canton Township, Washington, PA in an amount not to exceed $260,000,00, Chartiers Valley for the purpose of expansion and construc.- South Hills Eye tion of a building located at the corner Associates of Ashland and Pike Street, Canonsburg, PA in an amount not to exceed $350,000,OC. Attorney Retos gave a verbal itemization of the foregoing projects. There were no comments from the public. Discussion followed between Mr. Retos and the Commissioners concerning the: State ceiling for issuing "private activity bonds" as set forth in the Deficit Reduction Act of 1984. (Lou Lignelli and Ed DuJordan entered the meeting) Old Business: Solicitor Bassi informed the Board that the Agreement with PSSU, Local 66(', covering the employees of the Children & Youth Department has been reviewed and now ready for approval and signature. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Petrosky, approving the foregoing Agreement with PSSU. Roll call vote taken: Mr, Paluso - Yes; Mr, Petrosky -, Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes, Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor Bassi recommended that the bid for the furnishing and delivering of the 1985 Tax Notices be awarded to NCR Corporation, the lowest bidder. Moved by Mr. Petrosky, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the bid for the 1985 Tax Notices be awarded as per above; this being the lowest bid received in accor- dance with the specifications. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr, Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Correspondence: Chief Clerk informed the Board of the receipt of the following checks: 1. Commonwealth of Pa. - $254,603.11 - Medical Assistance 2. Commonwealth of Pa. - $26,473.00 - Day Care Program, Month of July (advance) New Business: Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval the following Proclamation: WHEREAS, Washington County and the City of Washington is the birthplace of Pony Baseball which is played by youths throughout the world; and WHEREAS, Washington County is the headquarters for this organization; and its directors and staff have made it possible for the 1984 Pony League World Series to be played in the home r BE MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER Petrosky, Jr. WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA e FRANK R. MASCARA, " EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS city where youth baseball was founded; and WHEREAS, this County is the host for Pony League players and their families for the duration of the Pony League World Series, allowing this County and its people to be part of the worldwide recognition gained from these games. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of County Commissioners proclaims the week beginning August 19, 1984, as PONY LEAGUE APPRECIATION WEEK and that the LOCAL ORGANIZERS of these events be duly recognized for their untiring efforts and that the PARTICIPANTS in the 1984 Pony League World Series be made HONORARY CITIZENS of Washington County and extending to them all the courtesies thereof. Moved by Mr. Petrosky, seconded by Mr, Paluso, adopting the foregoing Proclamation. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr, Petrosky - Yes; Mr, Mascara - Yes, Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval a Change Order to the contract with Middle States Steel Construction Company in connection with the Rehabilitation and Upgrading of the Pike Run Bridge Project, Chief Clerk noted that this Change Order increases the contract by $4,600.00 and also increases the contracttime from 73 days to 94 days, Moved by Mr. Petrosky, seconded by Mr. Paluso, approving the foregoing Change Order and authorizing the Chairman of the Board to so execute. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr, Mascara - Yes, Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk requested authorization to advertise for bids for Ballot Cards - and Pages for the General Election. Moved by Mr, Paluso, seconded by Mr. Petrosky, authorizing the Chief Clerk to advertise for bids as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr, Mascara - Yes, Motion carried unanimously. Regarding the Washington Greene County Job Training Agency, Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval an Agreement with On The Job Training Service of Washington County, Inc. for the provision of on-the- job training for the dislocated worker for 50 participants, The contract term shall be from August 16, 1984 thru November 30, 1984 and will be funded through Title III. The authorization amount shall not exceed $80,000.00. Moved by Mr. Petrosky, seconded by Mr. Paluso, approving the foregoing Agreement with On The Job Training Service of Washington County, Inc, Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes, Ll 1 Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE BoOK 407 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERMetro Petrosky, Jr, WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, - EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Chiet Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval an Agreement with Shipman's Sanitary Service of Prosperity, PA, for the supplying and maintenance of two portable restroom facilities at Cross Creek County Park at the rate of $60,00 each per month, Moved by Mr. Petrosky, seconded by Mr. Paluso, approving the agreement with Shipman''s Sanitary Service as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso -- Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously, Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval a Budget Request to transfer $15,000 from the Unencumbered Balance to Public WorkE (for Airport Operations) to ensure continued and uninterrupted operation of the Airport. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Petrosky, approving the foregoing Budget Request. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara -- Yes. Motion carried unanimously, Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval the following travel requests: 1. Request for Mark Schmidt, Correctional Officer at the Jail, to attend a training session sponsored by the Bureau of Corrections to be held at Camp Hill, Pa, on September 17 - October 5, 1984. 2. Request for four employees of the Children and Youth Department to attend a workshop sponsored by the Children''s Aid Society of Mercer County to be held in Pittsburgh, Pa., on September 6-7, 1984. 3. Request for the membership fee of $30.00 for James Hanna of the Adult Probation Office to the United States Karate Association as a Police Survival and Defense Instructor, Moved by Mr. Petrosky, seconded by Mr. Paluso, approving the first two travel requests. REMARKS: The Board requested Solicitor Bassi to review the third requeat with Judge Gladden. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara n Yes, Motion carried unanimously. NOTE: This motion is deemed necessary because of the position taken by the Coum,y Controller and is pending resolution of the Court case involving travel expenses. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval the following Resolution: WHEREAS, on February 15, 1984, the County of Washington budgeted $1,087,266.00 of General Revenue Sharing Funds to the budgetary program known as Human Services, consisting primarily IiINUTE Boo6 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Metro Petrosky, Jr. WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS of the following activities: Health Center, Children and Youth Services and Adult Welfare Services; and WHEREAS, the Office of Revenue Sharing requires that the accounting system established must provide an adequate audit trail so the revenue sharing funds can be traced to the specific voucher, payroll, etc., where they were ex- pended. It must also relate to the designated expenditures in the proposed use and budget hearings which the present accounting system does not provide for. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, AND IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED, that the amount of $278,308.55 be transferred to the following departments to reimburse them for payroll expenses for the period of January 1, 1984 through March 31, 1984, as follows: Children & Youth Services Adult Welfare Services Health Center 10.14% or $ 28,220.49 11.28% or $ 31,393.20 78.58% or $218,694.86 Verification of the payment of these funds can be traced to the specific employees by consulting the payroll journal covering the period stated above. Moved by Mr. Petrosky, seconded by Mr. Paluso, adopting the foregoing Resolution. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk announced to all those present that there will be a Salary Board Meeting on August 23rd immediately following the Commissioners' Meeting. Solicitor: Solicitor Bassi informed the Board of an invoice in the amount of $2,144.60 for costs incurred by Centre County in reference to inmate Robert Barry Spriggs. Mr. Bassi noted that payment of this invoice is in accordance with Act 257 approved on October 20, 1972. Some discussion followed, It was decided to table this matter until the next meeting. Solicitor Bassi presented to the Board for their consideration and approval the following tax refunds. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Petrosky, that the Tax Assessment Office be authorized to prepare the following tax refunds due to either duplication or overpayment of real estate or personal property tax: 1, Steve Rychlik R.D. #2 Finleyville, PA 15332 District: Union District No: 640 - Section No: Total amount: $4.37 2. Paul 0. & Alice Hardway R.D, #3, Box 132 Claysville, PA 15323 District: East Finley District No: 270 - Section No: Total amount: $8.67 (1984 County Tax) 011-00-00 - Parcel No: 0029-00 (1984 County Tax) 004-00-00 - Parcel No: 0001-00 F1 1 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER�Ietro Petrosky, Jr, WASHINGTON COUNTY PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, . EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS 1 E 1 3. Thomas S. & Diane C. Nagy Washington Fed S. & L. Assn. 77 S. Main Street Washington, PA 15301 District: West Middleton. District No: 690 - Section No: Total amount: $12.77 S, S. No: 196-36-0345 4, Charles & Betty Sethman R.D, #1, Box 21 Hickory, PA 15340 District: Chartiers District No: 170 - Section No: Total amount: $30.87 S. S. No: 206-22-0105 Roll call vote taken: (1984 County Tax) 005-00-00 - Parcel No: 0003-01 (1984 County Tax) 009-00-00 - Parcel No: 0011-00 Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Petrosky - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes, Motion carried unanimously. There being no further business, Chairman Mascara declared the meeting adjourned at approximately 10:25 a.m, THE FOREGOING MINUTES READ AND APPROVED: ATTEST: CHIEF CLERK