HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 93 - 11-12-1981 - COMMISSIONERMINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, DAVID L. GILMORrm. EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS 'linute `.To. 9 3 r. Nashington County Commissioners Tqashinqton, PA, November 114, 19n1 Tlie Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with I the following members being present: Commissioners Paluso, Gilmore and 17ascara. Also being present: Chief Clerk Dallatore, Administrative Assis- tant Davis, Solicitor Bassi, Charles Gillespie, Budget Director, Henry Fiumelli, Director of Human Services, Lou Lignelli, CT7,TA Director, Linda HT ands, Secretary; Jon Stevens, Observer -Reporter; Linda 'liller, T,7ESA; Jim Jefferson, '-vJPA,- Bob Sabot, T,,11\'EG, a representative of The Brownsville Te legraph; Helen Miller, League of 1-iomen Voters; Lucy Rea, Girl Scouts and Roland Bourke, of the Redevelopment Authority. Chairman called the meeting to order at--ai)proximately 10:15 a.m. and asked if there were any corrections, additions or omissions to !1inute 30. 92, each member having received a copy. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. rilriore, that 71inute I -To. 92 I)e approved as read. Roll call vote taken: "Ir. Paluso - Yes; 1 "'Ir. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Lotion carried unanimously. Old Business: Invoice from Richard Sprague In reference to the invoices of Richard Sprague, Special Prose- cutor for �7ashington County in the case of Commonwealth v. W. A. "Tony" Boyle, oyle, 1,711iC11 Was presented at -1--lie meeting of August 6, 1931, Chairman 11ascara stated that Controller Stache has reviewed a log of the chargeable time slips and expenses incurreO by Mr. Sprague and his staff in connection with the Boyle case and that Nr. Stache has found these expenses to be in order. Mr. Mascara suggested that the Boarl approve payment of 77r. Sprague's invoices which total $19,A71.9A. Mr. Gilmore questioned whether or not approval should be given at this time since there is still no budget appro- priation in the County's budget for these expenses. A brief discussion followed. Chairman ',-Iascara directec7, the Chief Clerk to notify Mr. Sprague that the County will process his invoices once the Commissioners have made a supplemental budget appropriation for such expenses. Special Order of Business: Roland Bourke, Executive Director of the Redevelopment Authority, presented to the Board for their consideration and approval the following IResolutions: MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, DAVID L. GILMORE. EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 1. Resolution authorizing the Board of County Corimmissioners of Wash- inton County to execute a Cooperation Agreement bet��,leen the City of Washington and the County of T7ashington to engage in Urban County and Community Development Iiousincr Activities. 2. Resolution authorizing the Board of County Com�rnissioners of Tlash- ington County to execute a Cooperation Agreement between the City of .-onongahela and the County of Tlashington to engage in Urban County and Community Development housing Activities. 3. Resolution authorizing the exe ation of a Cooperation Agreement between Willegheny County and, F`lashi.ngton County for the purpose of computing r3asliington County's Grant as an Urban County pursuant to Section 570.105 of the Community Development Bloc!, grant Pro- gram regulations. 4. resolution Oesignating the Redevelopment Authority to administer the residential Revenue ilortgage Bond Program if PIiFA desires to uae a County public agency to administer its program. ilovec: �jy ITr. . Paluso, seconded by ITr . Gilmore, approving the foregoing Resolutions. Roll call vote taken: it . Paluso - Yes 7 Iir . Gilmore - Yes; "Ir. "Iascara - Yes. `lotion carrier unanimously. Correspondence: C'Zief Clerh in -Formed the Boarccl of the receipt of the following checks: 1. U. ;". Treasury - $35,Onn.00 - Employment and Training Program 2. Comrriontaealth of PA - $30,770.1,10 - Day Care Contract 9Fr 30 :Iont:i of Eepterdber, 1981 3. Conirionwealth of PA -- $4,566.7P and $1 ,157.01 - Nedical Assistance Payments Chief ClerT: made available to the news media copies of News, Releases in reference to Cle following projects: 1. Donora Street Reconstruction Project 2. 'Iest Maiden Street Parking Facility Project - City of Washington +e,a Dusiness xaresente:71 to the Doan. a Chief Clerk/ recTuest to approve a month -to -month Lease Agreement with "v�asaington-Greene CAC for space provided at the former Old Men's home for the sum of $1.7(),;7ith CAC being responsible for paying its own utilities. hove(.Icy Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. . Gilmore, approving the month -to - month Lease Agreement with tv'as'Iington-Greene CAC as per above. E 1 1 4-141 MINUTE BOOK %OF f BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, DAVID L. GILMORE, EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS b*kd*h*_44__ Roll call vote taken: !Jr. Paluso - Yes! "r. Cilmore -Yes; Mr. rla9cara - Yes. ,lotion carrie(i unanimously. Chief Clerk nresented to the Board for their consideration and approval a Resolution adopting a revised Position Classification Plan which leas been submitted by the Personnel Director and which repeals any existing personnel Position Classification Plans that are in Co.-Fli.Ct T,it tl-- plan. loved by 11r. Gilmore, seconded by PI-r. Paluso, approving the Resolu- tion as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. "Iascara - Yes. 1dotion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk requested authorization to advertise for bids for the Federal Sharing Audit. Moved by 111r. Gilmore, seconded by Mr. Paluso, authorizing the Chief Clerk to advertise for 'bids as per above. Roll call vote taken: I I 1r. Paluso - Yes; 111r. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. 11ascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk informed the Board that Kenneth J. Yablonski has been recommended for appointment to the Human Service Advisory Commission filling the uneicpired term of David Adamson. 'loved by Tir. Gilmore, seconded by Mr. Paluso, approving the appoint- ment of Kenneth J. Yablonski to the lTuman Service Advisory Commission - Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Gilmore - Yes; 71r. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Regarding the Children & Youth Program, Chief Clerk presented to the Board Purchase of Service Agr eements with Parents Anonymous, VIP, and South- western Pennsylvania Youth Alternatives (SPYA). "loved by 1.r. Gilmore, seconded by 1.1r. Paluso, approving the foregoing Purchase of Service Agreements. Roll call vote taken: .:,Ir. Paluso - Yes; Tir. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. !lotion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board a request from the In-lustrial Development Agency to recover from the County Industrial Development Revolving Fund the sum of $24,6R9.09 which represents early development costs in connec- -t'-ion with the North Strabane In.-lustrial Park Project. ' L, -1 by "-T the foregoing loved by 11r. Gilmore, seconde( 7�1r. Paluso, approving request. Roll call vote taken: 11r. Paluso - Yes; Plr. Gilmore - Yes, =­Tascara - Yes. lotion carried un getnimously, S-/-/Z BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, DAVID L. GILMORE, EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS C.1air,man ,.ascara stateA that the Board would like to recognize the following schools wl-io will be participating in the 77PIAL lligl, School Foot -ball 7 1 Pla,,or-F-, an tli-at the Conytissioners intend to issue a Proclamation to eacl-, of t'ie scliools at a later .date in recognition of t:ie.ir achievements in the athletic Solicitor: C j:.,7\jTZ7 I', " ? S__j�0jjST 0' .7 TjjG-j SCI:00'r - T-7 e7t 11illS Conference r"ON 17A-1jLEY CA11 TT OLIC i1IC-,1i P I h Conference1� _)CTTOOL - Tri Connty South -1-TARLI]ROI --AR,7,A I-I(7,IT NOOL - Century Conference �-11 SCT Solicitor nassi presenter l to the ,oar(' for their consiryeration an,' a-pproval the following tax refunds. --oveJ by £jr. Gilmore, seconde(I I-)y Mr. Paluso, that the Ta.-: Assessment Office 'Dr: authori�(---dl to prepare t1--e, following tax refunrls (Iue to either r1unlica- tion or overpayment of real estate or personal property tax: 1. Paul Ciaffoni 7'state (19ql County Tax) '17 77ashington Trust lluil(2ing ill!ashington, PA 151111 Districts. rlaIn. 4- e, Cross Creek, Donegal, JTOpe�7pll, I indepen0ence, Jefferson, 11orris, Plount Pleasant , IN.& S. Franklin, T7es-t- Tlid(Iletown Total amtoun-kt-: 2,599.78 2. 1 Paul Ciaffoni ' state (lqqn County Tax) (')17 Washington Trust Bu-3frying T,7ashing-1--on, PA 15301 Districts: ?,,la-;ne, Cross Creel-,, Donegal, Hopewell, In,ryenenlence, Jefferson, "10-rris, 11ount Pleasant, 7-7.orth Franklin, South Franklin, jest ",id-dletown Total amount: $3,913.no 3. Stephen A. Davis (1991 County Tax) R.D. J,l ') , 113 0 x 9 r Fighty Four, PA 15330 District: Somerset District No: 5110 - Section No: 2 Parcel No: 1 A -) 0 Total amount: $ 5 9. 210 A. Jose-pli & Dorotliy Terpnsi,y (lq01 County Tax) R. D. 4.3 Claysville, PA 15323 District: East Finley District No: ''7-1 - Section I -To: 18 Parcel 1,7o: 4-r)1 Total amount: Fr Fea S & L Assn for (19R1 County Tax) Joseph C. & Dorothy S. London 25 7,,ast High Street Waynesl)urg, PA 15370 District: Amwell (2 parcels) 30 3 istrict 1-10 020 - Section '11o: District 21 Parcel No: 11; Total ar.ount: �137.64 Gallatin :Tatl Dank for (19P1 County Tax) Charles & T',arjorie Domske P.O. Box 759 Uniontown, PA 15�01 District: 'Amwell (2 parcels) 15-09 District No: 020 - Section 11o: 17 Parcel TTOS. 10-00 Total amount: $230J.95 E I 1 MINUTE eO 0 K SZ13 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA. DAVID L. GILMORE. EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS I 1 7. Fr Natl Bank & Tr Co for (1981 County 'Lax) John & Ann Kowcheck 21)1) It'll. Beau Street Washington, PA 15311 District: Washington 6th Ward District !To: 76�0 - Section T41o: 22-'11 - Parcel No: 14-11 Total amount: $9.35 8. Ilike Sustrik, Jr. & Irene (1981 County Tax) R.D. �El, Tlox 327 Daisytown, PA 15427 District: t1est Pike Run District No: 700 - Section No: 2 - Parcel No: A-1 Total amount: $13.01 9. Robert & Priscella J. S"ustrik. (11`Pl County Tax) R.D.,-111, Dais-vtown, PA 15427 1 District: West Pike Run District No: 711 - Section !To: 9-2 - Parcel No: 01 Total amount: $2).4r, 10. Edward & Violet Kudyba (1991 County Tax) 418 Plain Street West Brownsville, PA 15417 District: West Brownsville District 111o: 6,71 - Section ?70 0--3 - Parcel No: 31-111 Total amount: $7.1?7 11. Po,-)ert S. :t -'argaret L. Stopko (1991 County 'Lax) R.D. "'l, Box 160 Marianna, PA 15345 District: West Bethlehem District '70: 660 - Section !To: 14 - Parcel r70: '-11) Total amount: $34.,-)(1 12. Claribel McConaughey (19R1 Countv Tax) 790 Locust Avenue Washington, PA 15301 District: South Strabane District No: 600 - Section No: 3-2 Parcel 17o: 24-00 Total amount: $54.71 13. Home Equity, Inc. (19pl county Tax) % Alexander R. Dunson for R. Hack (now Ball) 1,915 Washington Road Pittsburgh, PA 15241 District: Peters District 1,1o: 1;40 - Section No: 11-7-2 - Parcel No: 09-00 ri iotal amount: $271.50 14. Ryan Financial Ser. Inc. for (19P1 County Tax) Cary H. & Luana 11. Scott 547 Union Trust Building Pittsburgh, PA 15219 District: Peters District ITo: 94I - Section 'To: Parcel 'To: 4 1 - 1) 311 Total amount: $14.75 15. Ryan Financial Services, Inc. (19q1 Countv Tax) for Victor Rropf 947 Union Trust Building Pittsburgh, PA 15219 District: Peters District Tao: Section `11o: 2 - Parcel 110 7 r Iotal ainount: $9.4(; 16. Juanita Graysay Un0l County Tax) 539 Circle Drive Bridgeville, PA 15017 District: Peters District No: 540 - Section '.To: 3-2-5 - Parcel No: 10 --- 01 Total amount: $�95.5q MINUTE BoOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA. DAVID L. GILMORE. EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS 17. ilarion & PaymonJ Crowley (IqPl Countv Tax) 21327 1"cAnuity Road Pittsl)urgh, PA 152Y- District . 17ottinghar. District 111o: 530 Section No: Parcel TTo: 4 -0 Total amount: 13 n 12. Rissel for (19f0l County Tax) Walter 1 Sandra T1. & L. Turner 1 0 Ij 31 Warder. Street SpringfieldOTT , JL_ 45501 District: North StraT-)ane District 'TO 5)r) - Section No: 12 Parcel To: 39-4 "Total amount$02.q1 19. 1,issel C0mT)any for (1991 County Tax) Picharr! E. Sollon 30 War(ler Street Springfield, Oil 45501 District: North Stra,-)ane District '-To: 52f1 - Section ',To: 15 Parcel No: 1) - 19 '2otal amount: $-41.A-) 20. Fr Natl Bank & Tr Co. (lqPl County Tax) 200 T. Beau Street ,.ashinoton, PA 15301 District: North Franklin District Njo: 510 - Section ITo: 3--lr, Parcel No: r-00 Total amount: $14.21 21. Jacl-- & Veronica Cusumano (Iqql Countv Tax) 216 '-'hir,:l Street 'IcDonald', Pj'l. 15057 District: 1,TcDorald District 14o: 470 - Section 171o: r-,-3 Parcel Tjo: 2 -() 0 Total amount: $14.GO 22. Orville -,I. & Helen G. Cooke (lQ91 Countv Tax) R.D. )-'l TTiCl-o= I PA 153A0 _� District: ?fount Pleasant District TTo: 4r)O - Section No: 0 - Parcel '17o: 3-1r) Total amount: $21.30 73. Robert D. & Verna C. !lain 13ox 1'9A, R.D. i'A 11cDonald, PA 15157 District: mount Pleasant District No: 460 - Section 11o: Total amount: $112.89 24. James Jr. & Barbara Lorch R.D. 41, Box 270 Avella, PA 15312 District: Hopewell District No. 350 - Section 'To: ,otal amount: $7.00 25. Fr J;atl Bank & Tr Co for Ronald Rossi 200 W. Beau Street 11ashington, PA 15301 District: Canton District No: 120 - Section No: Total amount: $29.15 2G. Fr T'atl 3ank & Tr. Co for ,'"ugene & Connie Cursi 200 W. Beau Street 77ashinuton, PA 15301 District: Cokehurg District No: 200 - Section 11o: Total amount: $37.34 (lq9l County Tax) 14 - Parcel No: 13-1 (1191 County Tax) r, - Parcel No: 14 (11)81 County Tax) 10 - Parcel T70: 4 28-5 (1`1 "ounty Tax) 9-2 - Parcel No: 23-r)() I MINUTE BOOK'` BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, DAVID L. GILMORE. EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Fi J 27. Nicholas & rsary Moreschi (19R1 County Tax) RR 105 1st Street Donora, PA 15033 Districts: Carroll (2 parcels) and Donora (1 parcel) District Nos; 130 - Section TTos : 9-5-2 - Parcel _';os : 12-10 241 23-5 r-0n .L otal amount: $ 2') .13 29. Fr `'latl Bank & Tr Co, for (1921 County max) Pasquale Charmley 200 &7. Beau Street 1ashington, PA 15301 District: Canton District No: 120 - Section No; 1?-5-2 - Parcel TTo: 33-0n Total amount: $13.06) 29. Fr T3atl Bank & Trust Co. for (1991 County Tax) John D. & Linda C. Ligget 200 T,T. Beau Street :7ashingtbn, PA 15301 District: Buffalo District No: 060 - Section No: 2 - Parcel No: 29-3 Total amount: $12.91 30. Anna Maude Ankrom (1981 County Tax) R,D. #3, Box 44Z Glouchester, VA 23061 District: Amwell District No: 020 - Section No: 11-1 - Parcel No: 5-00 Total amount: 814.29 31. Our Lady of Lourdes Church (1nS1 County Tax) lain Street Burgettstown, PA 15021 District: Durgettstown District No: 070 - Section No: lr-1 - Parcel No: '-nn Total amount: $104.93 32. Frank O. .Tiller (1921 County Tax) 3 `:' 5 Duncan Avenue 17ashington, PA 15301 District: East Finley District No; 2-70 - Section No: - Parcel No; 3-91) Total amount: $51.40 33. Mrs. Samuel Gallo (19`il County Tax) 1TidWay, PA 15050 District: Miic'way District TIo: 410 - Section TTo: 2-1 - Parcel No; 3-1 Total amount: Y1.33 34. Fr Fed S L Assn for (1991 County Tax) T7illiam & Patricia Trenel 501 Liberty Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15222 District: Somerset District No: -5 , - Section A- 4 - Parcel "o : 2-00 Total amount: $2r'8.59 35. Fr Fed S & L Assn for (19R1 County Tax) George & Geraldine 'I'l-c >.11ister 501 Liberty Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 19222 District: East Finley District -No: 27n - Section TTo: 3 - Parcel No: 25-1)? Total amount: $43.59 35. Fr Fey. S & L Assn for (19ql County Tax) Patricia A. Stevens 501 Liberty Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15222 District: Peters District TIo: 5A0 - Section 71o: ? - Parcel No: 4n-')r'3 Total amount: $12.53 0-441- MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, DAVID L. GILMORE. EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS 37. Gallatin 17atl Bank for_ I (ln11 County Tax) James J. Caslow P.O. Box 75q Uniont(DWn, PA 15401 Districz_: West Alexander District Tjo: r.50 - Section ­Ao: 5-2 - Parcel '117o: 9-0f) Total artioul'it: �75.7,1, 1 3�1. Peter F. "' Sylvia 1 -,-,CI-T ale (1081 County Tax) 21-1 J'arian i)rive 11cl'urray, PA 15317 District: Peters District 7-1o: 540 - Section '-To: Parcel No r1--3 total amount: $11.60 Roll call vote taken; TIr. Paluso - Yes; Gilr-iore - Yes: 1"r. Ilascara - Yes. "lotion carrieJ unanifi.iously. 71eeting arljourne-_'. at approximately 11:30 a.m. T.1-7. FOR75,70IT7- 1111II"UTLS RAJ IY�TD APPROVTD: _ZZ 7-1-TTE-13T C17JEF CLE TZTI I 0 V