HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 94 - 11-19-1981 - COMMISSIONERMINUTE BOOK '5_11 � BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYr_vAmm- FRANK R. MASCARA, DAVID L. GILMORE. EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS nUtp I i- I T�j-,o. 94 Tlashington County Commissioners 7,7ashington, PA, 73ovember 11), 1q1_1 ri, .Lae 3oard of County CoPrAssioners met in regular session with the following mem3bers being present: Commissioners Paluso, Gilmore and Mascara. Also �)einq present. Chief Clerh Dallatore, Solicitor Rassi, Administrative assistant Davis, C'narles (7-illes-pie, Budget Director; Lou Lignelli, CETA I Director; Lincxa Hands, Secretary; Jon Stevens, Observer -Reporter; Bob Sabot, " :]G; --inda _filler, 17ESA; Jim Jefferson, TIJPA and Helen "liller, League of ,VK U V i,7omen Voters and :,eery lic_TTmbley of the Re(levelopi-flent Authority. Chairman called the meeting to order at approximately ln:00 a.m. and aske,11 if there were any corrections, additions or omissions topT "'Jo. each me -tuber having received a copy. 'loved by 'Ir. Gilmore, seconded by 'Ir. Paluso, that Tlinute "To. 93 he approved as read. Roll call vote tah-en: 71r. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Oilmore - Yes; 1'r. Mascara - Yes. Notion carried unanimously. Correspondence: Chief Clerl: informed the Board of the receipt of the following checks: 1. U. S. Treasury - Employment & Training Program 2. Commonwealth of PA - $21541,950.53 MeOical Assistance Payment 3. Commonwealth of PA - $37,7()9.71) Expend i - tures incurred under OFF Program - East. 9 - Cross Creek, Township :Zew 1usiness; Chief Clerk presented to the Board a renewal of an agreement with Arlene Chodock Adelman, Licensed Physical Therapist for the T,Tashington County Lealth Center, who would perform said services 11 hours per week at the rate of $21.00 per hour. This is an increase from I) hours a week. at $15.09 per hour. "ove -d by 11r. rlili'.iorel, secon(aecl by "Tr. Paluso, approving the foregoing Agreement with Arlene Chodock, Adelman. (r"o be effective November 22, 19,91). Roll call vote taken: 11r. Paluso - Yes; 'Ir. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Plascara - Yes. Ilotion carried unanimously. Regarding the Children & Youth Program, Chief Cler% presented to the 3oard an Agreement with the Specialized Foster Care Services which is located in California Borough at a per diem rate of $27.nO. 1 5qq MINUTE Bo0K E34zrAmL, %.,r- -ZOUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA. DAVID L. GILMORE. EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS 1111oved by 71r. Gilmore, seconded by Mr. Paluso, approving the Agreement with the Specialized Foster Care Services as per above. Roll call vote taken: T'jr. Paluso - Yes,- 1'r. Gilmore - Yes, TIr. Mascara - Yes. notion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and. approval Subleases with the T 7ashington County Conservation District and the Washington County Cooperative :xtension Service for office space located in the Courthouse Square Office Building. The term of said subleases commence on July 1, lc)R1) and end on June 30, 1901,1, for the sum of One Dollar, with the option of renewal for a one-year period. " 1 ove( -1 by !"Ir. Giliiore, seconded by 11r. Paluso, approving the Subleases with tie 1,,7asf-iingtton County Conservation District and the T7ashincrton County Cooperative: ooperat_Lve EXtension Service as per a!-)ovp-. call vote taken: !1r. Paluso - -.Tes; 11r. ":1ilmore - Yes; 11r. Mascara - Yes. "lotion otion carried unani-mously. Chief Cler,L presented to the Board an Agreement i\T-ith. the Private In- dustry Council for tlae T-urpose of conducting a 7)"')l Program. This will nrovi,'e, emplovrien-41-- and traininq services for R1 youths for the contract amount not to exceed $13,), 41 n0r).00. The contract period will be from January 1, 1`192 through September 30, 1902 and Will 1)e funded under CETA Title 11-B - Other. 11OVe;j ';-)-,7 _"_r. (7,il-,-,qore, seconded by 1,1r. Paluso, approving the :foregoing A %­ Agreei.ieent wiz.1i t'__1e Private Industry Council. Roll call vote ta:en: 1,1r. Paluso - Yes; 71r. Gilmore - Yes: :r. _'4ascara ­ Yes. ;lotion carries? unaniTiously. Chief Clerl: informer! the Board that the following individuals "lave -been recommended for appointrtentto the Private Industry Council: 1. ir. Jaraes 171atove, 111ead of 11aintenance Engineering T, T - blycorp, Inc. Cal,,'T7Tei1 & Greene Streets ,!ashington, PA 153()1 2. "r. Lou Fa.13)o, Executive Director Greater Washington Area Chamber of Commerce 7!illcraf-IL-- Center, ()1) West Chestnut Street 17ashir7�ton, PA 15301 3. 1'.r . DaviCl T17e,)T), 11achine Shop Superintenlent , .7ashington T1 Uld, Tlachine & Foundry Company Greene & J'adison Streets 77asllington, PA 153n1 7-.rs. Pamela Toth '!'ot'n-Bennet Real Estate 291 East Beau Street Washington, PA 15391 I I �1 U �J 1 MINUTE BOOK 54? BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, DAVID L. GILMORE, EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Chief Clerk, presented to the Board for their consideration and approval a Proclamation declaring the weelrl-.. of December 1, 1091 as CIVIL AIR PATROL WEER.. hove by "Ir. Gilmore, seconded I by 14r. Paluso, adopting a Proclamation declaring the week of December 1, 1`181, as CIVIL AIR PATROL WEEK. Roll call vote taken: !1r. Paluso - Yes; ^Tr. rilmore - Yes-, !r. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval the following Supplemental Budget Appropriations: 1. Request to appropriate $15,881 to Account No. 0113-422- 01) (Switch])orad - Telephone) due to reimbursements from MH/MR, Drug and Alcohol and the Redevelopment Authority for Central Telephone usage. 2. Request from the Liquid Fuels (Bridge Department) for the transfer of $10,00n.00 to Account 'To. 2310-452-00 (Auto Operation Costs) from Account '11,1o. 2311-425-0n (Fuel - Heating) Noved by Mr. Gilmore, seconded by 11r. Paluso, approving the foregoing Supplemental Budget Appropriation requests. Roll call vote taken: ',Ir. Paluso - Yes; 1-1r. Gilmore - Yes; TTr. 11ascara - Yes. 'lotion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk announced to all those present that the County Offices will be closed on Novert0ber 26th and 27th for the Thanksgiving Holiday and that there will be an Election Board !1eeting immediately following the Commissioners' ,'.Meeting at 10:30 a.m. Special Order of Business: 1:eery lvlclL�tbley, of the Redevelopment Authority, presented to the Board for their consideration and approval a Resolution authorizing conrlein- nation of lands in Sout'i 13tral-ane Tow-,-islii,P1 Washington County, apparently owner', ,)y Ro,,)ert J. Ciaffoni for the purpose of clearing the land and reusing the lanrl, as ad-litional parking area and other pu.'olic facilities in conjunction with the Arden Fairgrounds. Discussion was held. moved by 11r. 17ilmore, seconded. by 111r. Paluso, approving tl-ie Resolution as per a')ov. .Roll call vote ta"1:3111, Paluso - Yes - -1r. r�ilmore - Yes, Irr. Illascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously J,50 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, DAVID L. GILMORE, EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Solicitor: Solicitor Bassi presented to the Board-1 for their consideration and approval the folloN,�ing ta.-.r- refunrls. i"oveld ,by _'Alr. "'Jilmore, seconded Jhy .21r. Paluso, that the Tay Assessment Office be authorized to prepare the following tax refunds due to either (1uplica- tion or overpayment of real estate or personal property tax: 1. -ia Ro7)ert Tart! Terns R.D. -,'Ll "best AleNan(ler, PA 1537r District: 77est Finley ;)istrict '_!o: rPr) - Seciton T'Io: To tal amount $417.17 2 iiilliaii it�. Crowe 522 ;,oraa r+,venue T,e_jle Vcrnon, PA 15')12 District: Donora District llo: 2-10 - Section 170: Total ariount: ly'53.61 3. James !]. Jr. �A Cynthia A. Raineri R.D. 41 Avella, PT,. 15312 District: Independence District 11o: 371 - Section No: Total amount: $134.47 ,11 !Iicnael & 'Helen 'I. Provenzano 1440 Cram,viev7 Avenue PA 15301 District: North Franklin District '.To: 511) - Section No: to tal anount: $31.271 (1991 County Tax) 12 - Parcel 1 T o : In-1 Parcel 'To: 1111-10 (lq"l County Tax) 012 - Parcel No: 0105_01 (19n1 176unty Tax) 2-14-1 - Parcel 11*To-, A-r)(l 5. Victoria 1,1ork (1091 County Tax) 11r1 Re.'.stl_-one RoaC1 TIlashington, PA 15311 District; Canton District T'o: 121 - Section T10: A - Parcel TTo- 11-4 Total amount: 16.07 Charleroi Federal Savings & Loan Assn for (10P1 County Tax) Ant'ionv J. & Ruth A. Dury Di stricts Carroll and Falloi,!fiel(q. District ','os: 131 - Section ',Tos: 0 1) 3 Parcel TTos: no3q-10 320 1) r; 0010 -90 Total amount: $2,9.3r) 7. Jo' -,in R. (,a-;,-)arrini R. D. , ' 3 Canons".)urg, PA 15317 District: Cecil District ',To: 141 - Section !To: riotal ariount: $?-.79- 8. John J. 1�niha 23'1 String Road' .3rownsville, PT,. 15417 District: Centerville 2n? District :io. 152 - Section '.,To: L Total amount: $ r, 7. 20 0. Jo1in J. & ',largaret Garqus Dole, 9 5 Ricileyville, PTA 1535Pt District: Centerville 4tq District T17o: 15-4 - Section: 4 on: 15-4 Total araount: I> 7.0 5 (Inql (ounty Tay) () - Parcel No: 13-14 (1991 County Tax) 42 - Parcel No: 2-n,), (19ql County Tax) 5-3 - Parcel 771o: 1 - 01 5-3 2 - 01 I L'i 1 MINUTE BOOK E30ARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA. DAVID L. GILMORE. EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS I 10. :-'ary I'IcCom,)s ILouttit (IqPl County Tax) R.D. RJ 1 Venetia, PA 153r7 District: Peters District ',-,,o. 5�1) - Section Tio. 5 - Parcel '1Io-: 11 Total amount: '?129.00, 11. Homer Denning (11)131 County Tax) 12, . D. !1' 3 ,ashington, PA 15301 District: Hopewell District 17o, 351 - Section No: 11 - Parcel TTo! 10 -0 1 M I Total amount: )12.17 12. Clarence A. & Dolores J. Soc-ia (1981 Counnty Tax) R. Burgettstown, P. 1"nll District: Jefferson District 141o: 3')Ir) - Section Nqo: 7 -- Parcel 1"jo: 13-00 Total amount: $24.35 13. D. R. Andrews (19P1 County Tax) 120 Woodcliff Drive Washington, PA 15311 District: North Franklin District "To: ')lr) - Section 7-io-, 1-7 - Parcel No: r, 2 o --al a:nount: $?2.47 (penalty) 14. Mart -in W. & Celina: Dowling (1921 County Tax) 114 Ca�-iino Court Clairton, Pk 15n25 District: Union District -To: (-,A) - Section '17o: 5 Parcel No: 31-01) Total amount: $1q3.30 15. 1111ellon Dank NA for WAl County Tax) Dennis D. & Roberta Class 1, ellon Square -' RIiortr jage Section - Area 'Tine Pittsburgh, PA 15230 District: Robinson District .To: 551 -- Section :-"o: 7 Parcel 'No- 5-2 ri total amount: $15"1.45 1r). Andrew & Cornelia Sloan Dox 779 j'ar',zet Street Donora, PA 15033 District: Donora District T-To: 2A0-131 - Section 7To: r7 Total amount: $1.6,4 17. Gladys !]. Horne 317 "Icrovern R-oac! Houston, PA 15342 District: Chartiers District -,To: 170 - Section ',,To: M lotal amount: Roll call vote taken: (1991 County Tax) 03 - Parcel No: 19-11) (1PRl County Tax) lf--,-7 - Parcel ';o- 2-2-011 11r. Paluso - Yes; Tir. Gilmore - Yes, :Sr. Tv'lascara - Yes. :.lotion carrie,", unanimously. Neeting recessed until 10:31 a.m. 10:30 A.,'I. - OPENING, OF '-IDS - I11STALLATIOTT OF GASLITTE Roger-jletcalfe of the Controller's Office opened and read the following 1,)i(!: 1. Donald Lutch, Inc. 1331 Stoltz Road Bet'liel Park, PA 15102 '7otal amount of bid: $17,q11.10 A Bid Donrl in the amount of 10'0 accompanied the bid. MINUTE BoOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA. DAVID L. GILMORE. EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS .'loveCl -'.Dy 11r. (7,ili--iore, seconded by "'r. Paluso, that the bid for the gasline be ta'Dled for further review. Roll call vote taken: '4r. Palus-o - Yes; 'Ir. Gilmore - Yes: !4r. Tlascara - Yes. xo-"ion carried unanimously. - L_ I T eeting adjourned at approximately 10:31) a.m. I FORS, 'j, OI�X T,1I11UT'1,S R'77D PiND APPROVED: ` ATTEST: CHIEF CLERK I 1