HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 95 - 12-3-1981 - COMMISSIONERMINUTE BOOK SS3 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, DAVID L. GILMORE. EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS :(inute No. 95 T ,lashington County Conmissioners I'lashington, PA, December 3, 1981 The 3oar,,.i of County Commissioners net in regular session with the following members being present: Commissioners Paluso, (7ilmore and IMascara. Also being present: Chief Clerk- Dallatore, Ad-ministrative Assistant Davis, Solid for Bassi, Charles Gillespie, Budget Director, Farrell Jackson, Coroner; Roland BourIze of the Redevelopment Authority; Henry Fiumelli, Human Services Director. Linda Hands, Secretary; A"Joh Sabot, T7KEG7 Jim Jefferson, TIJPA,- Jon Stevens, Observer -Reporter; Linda biller, TATESA; Joann Sarl:ett, Brownsville Telegraph; Helen miller, League of Uomen Voters; Lucy Rea, Girl Scouts and a representative from Touche Ross & Company. Chairman called the meeting to order at approximately 10:')) a.m. and asked if there were anv corrections, additions or omissions to `Minute No. 94 each i�iember having received a copy. -Loved !3y Mr. Gilmore, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that Minute No. 94, be approved as read. Roll call vote taken: 11r. Paluso - Yes; :Sr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. 11ascara - Yes. Notion carried unanimously. Special Order of Business: Roland Bourke, Executive Director of the Redevelopment Authority, present'--et4, to the Poard a Resolution authorizing the execution of a Dee,� of Dedication transferring ownership of an access road in the InOustrail Park in Iort-,,l Strabane Township to the Townsi,ij). Mr. Bourke briefly outlined the pro- ject. 'JoVeC I 1,3V "Sr.,L(7,ilifiore, seconded by !r. Paluso, approving the foregoing Resolution. Roll call vote tal:en: T'Ir. Paluso - Yes; ;Irr. rilmore - Yes,- 'Sr. 11rascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Old Business: Chief Clcrl; reco, mende-! to the Poarcl that the bids f_or the install - at -ion of a gasline continue to be tabled until next week. Moved by Mr. Gilmore, seconded by 'Ir. Paluso, that the bids be tabled as per above. Roll call vote tali -en: 71"r. Paluso - Yes; 1-7r. Gilmore - -Y'es; Tlr. Yes. 'lotion carrie,l unanimously. MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, DAVID L. GILMORE, EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Corresp onrlence : Chief Clem: inforraerl the Board of the receipt of the following chebks : 1. U , S . Treasury -- ° `i 3 , �'� . �}!? - Employment & Training Program 2. U . S . Treasury s5o,ono.no - ^rnnloyment & Training Program 3. Co:,=onwealth of Pa. - $1,P,2r7.(97 - Tledlical Assistance Payment 4. Co-Luonwealth of Pa. - 1'erlical .'assistance Payment Cheef Clerk T-a..e available to the ner«7s meclia conies of News Releases in reference ,to the following, projects: 1. Frest r?i,ldletown Recreation Park Project 2. Peters Township Street Trinrovem¢nts Project 3. '9est Finley Township Project T7e,I^T r'llsinE?Ss Chief Cl er'; requested authorization to advertise for bids for an aia,)ulance for t'ie Avella area. :loved by �lr. Gilmore, seconded by °"r. Paluso, authorizing the Chief Clers-. to advertise for bi0s as per above. Roll call vote taken: "r . Paluso - Yes ; � lr . Gilrlore •- Yes- ^"r . T�ascara - Yes. 770tion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approva:; an Agreement G7ith Cross Creel: ToNanship. The term of this agreement would he from December 1, 19111 thru 'larch 31, 19,92 at a rate of 830.()() per hour for the e juiriaent operator. -4over ')y T'r_ . Gilmore, -econr eO ny TRr . Paluso, approving the agreement with Cross Cree'z Township as per above. Roll call vote ta'aen : rlr. Paluso - Yes; :tr. Gilmore - Yes, r"r_. Tlascara - Yes. ?lotion carrie unanimously. Chic'- Cler'll- presented to the Board a Contract for technical and pro- fessional services ;aetween SPIZPC and the County of Washington in reference to Project ivo, CPi%-PA-03-23--1135. tactual project -related costs incurred during this contract period shall not exceeO $12,579.00. as compensation for performance of this Contract, SPRPC agrees to pay the County the lessor of: Two-thirds (2/3) of the Contractor's actual project -related costs or $R,3Rn,9n Contract. dove-, ?)y J r. Gilrlore, seconr?ed by ;"r. Paluso, approving the foregoing Roll call vote taken: °ir. Paluso - Yes; dir. Gilt,lore - Yes; ',Ir.Tiascara - Yes. motion carried unanimously. 1 1 1 B® O K 1.-�rr 1 1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA. DAVID L. GILMORE. EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS IChief Clerk presented to the Board for their consideration and approval a Purchase of Service Agreement with Catholic Social Service with regard to the Youth -in -Crisis Program. The term of this agreement is July_ 1, 1021 thr_u June 30, 1092 at a per diem rate of $10.2r. This Agreement has been reviewer' '�y I:�, 1ry r iumelli, Human Service Director. I -loved by Mr. Gilmore, seconded by 11r. Paluso, approving the Agreement with Catholic Social Service as per alcove. Roll call vote taken: ylr. Paluso -- Yes; 11r. Gilmore - Yes; Ilr. 71ascara - Yes. :lotion carried unanimously. Chief_ Clerk informed the Board that Dr. Roilney Dorinson has been re - (of Tic`-Iurray) co!_L­enc'ed for appoin_'i:ent to the Human Service Advisory Commission for a two- year term beginning December 17, 1031. "Moved by 11r. Gilmore, seconded by Nr. Paluso, approving the appointment of Dr. Rodney Dorinson as per above. Roll call vote taken: I'Tir. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Alr. I'ascara - Yes. Lotion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented to the Board the following Supplemental Budget Appropriations for their consideration and approval: 1. Request from the Personnel Office for the transfer of $300.00 from Account No. 01-11-424--00 (Employee :Reimburses' Expenses) to Account 11o. 01-11-455-07 (Equipment) . 2. Request from the Sheriff's Office for the transfer of 5400.00 from Account No. 05-03-A05-00 (T7ages - Regular) into Account No. I15-03-,1A7-0l (Miscellaneous) 3. Request from the Parks and Recreation Department for the transfer of $1,400.00 to Account ]"To. 0156)-A53-00 (T1inor Maintenance and Repairs) from Account No. 0155-496-00 (Tempory wages) A. Request from the Commissioner's Office for the transfer of 51'�1111.10 from Account No. 0101-404-11) (Salaries of Other Staff) and $1,001.00 from Account No. 0101-452-01 (Automative Operation .Expenses) to the following accounts: 01-01-422-el) 510,100 11-11-423--11 500 11-71-4 7.-01 1,'lnn 01-01-n51-00 ? 50'1 L1OTAL 7��7n `-56 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, DAVID L. GILMORE. EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Re aucst froi.l tiie Property Supplies Office to increase Account '- o. 1127-131-on , �� the amount of $1,3'7, , ic.� is eguca.l to the a»iount received from t?ie sale of the eroslin heaters. ReQu£�st from the Property 3 .7ud,plies Office for the trans- fer of v7,rr,) froivi 7,ccount No. 112r�-e'121-01 (Salaries of Other Staff) into the following accounts: ?1' )-4n51-k;1 V ,77`1 730 112r)-A51 351) 112r•-n.a7-1? 3nn TOTIJ, F7,rr,n 7. 1'egnest frorl the Property & Supplies Office. to increase the ')udgeted azlount for Account T;o. `1127-42r-11) "(electric) which is tne amount received from Legal Aid for Court Square Arca�,e ?. Request frog-1 the Court Administrator's Office for the transfer of 5:?,2(111 front Account '..o. 37101-454-T) (Other Supplies) into Account iyo. 1717-451-01 (Office Supplies) for five °Fagistrates. 1loveJ '3y "r. Gilmore; seconded by Mr. Paluso, annroving the foregoing Suppler.iental 1iuJget Apl:roPriation requests. 'Roll call vote taker_: _"r . Paluso - Yes-, d'Ir . Gilmore - Yes; .1r. Mascara -- Yes. Iiotion carried unanimously. C;iief rler'. requested authori2ation from the Poarcl to advertise for bids -for delivery and pickup of laundry items at the tbC1I :love(:-)y 71r. rilmore, seconder, by r"r. Paluso, authorizing the Chief Clerk to advertise for bids as per above. Roll call vote taken: :,Ir. Paluso - Yes; ."Ir. Gilmore - Yes! TRr. . �Tascara - Yes. 'lotion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk infori.led the Board of the recommendation for tine reappoint- ment of Albert r'iller of Avella and Commissioner Gilmore to a 4-year and 1-year term respectively and the appointment of Daniel I7rrett of llicr.ory to a A -year term to t_ie County Conservari c-)n Z?isr-rict. `These ter,ls Will I)e effective January 1, 10"? . 1'Tovecd rjy 71r . rilmore, seconded. by '"r. Paluso, approving the foregoing appointments as per above. Roll call vote zar�en: s,r. i'aluso - Yea, ,.r. GiLiore - Yes; Er. Mascara - Yes. -oti.on carried' unanimously. MINUTE BOOK S501 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, DAVID L. GILMORE. EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Citief Clerk announced to all those present that the 1992 Budget will be posted for inspection beginning December A, 19'11. Solicitor: Solicitor Bassi presented to the Board for their consideration an,' approval the following tax refunds. 11-loved by 11r. Gilmore, seconder! by Mr. Paluso, that the Tax Assessment Office Abe authorized to prepare the following tax refunds due to either duplica- tion or overpayment of real estate or personal property tax: 1. Reliable Sav & Ln Assn of Bridgeville (10P1 County Tax) for James 11. & Roberta L. Zajac P.O. Box 12q')5 Pittsburgh, PA 15241 District: Cecil District J..o: 140 - Section No: 7-14 Parcel ?To: 000 1 - r) total amount: $20.63 4. Reliable Sav & Ln Assn of Bridgeville (19R1 County Tax) for Richard & Nancy 11. Kovach P.O. Box 12265 Pittsburgh, PA 15241 District: Cecil District No: 140 - Section No: 7 - Parcel No: 0053-00 Total amount: $10.39 I 3. Reliable Sav & Ln Assn of Bridgeville (1091 County Tax) for Richard H. & Rim DiBiase P.O. Box 12865 Pittsburgh, PA 152A1 District: Peters District No: 940 - Section Njo: 7-10-3 - Parcel No: r-5 To tal amount: -$22,.19 4. Reliable Sav & Ln Assn of Bridgeville (19PI County Tax) I F. Ux for Richard F 111 T'ar mman, t E P.O. Box 12965 Pittsburgh, PA 15241 District: Peters District No: 540 - Section ,,To: 107-03-03 - Parcel "To: 0119-10 Total amount: tA3.29 5. Reliable Sav & Ln Assn of Bridgeville (1991 County Tax) for John J. Jr. & Anne 11. Marsolino P.O. Box 12255 Pittsburgh, PA 15241 District: Peters 70 District 14 941) - Section TTo: 7-10-02 - Parcel No: r;-7 To tal arqaunt: 5152.73 6. Reliable Sav & Ln Assn of Br-i-Jqeville (19031 County Tax) for Francis D. & Ruth E. Welty P.O. Box 12n65 Pittsburgh, PA 152AI District: Peters District ;To: 540 - Section �,To: 7-2 - Parcel No: 52-00 Total amount: $79.10 7. F-i---st Federal Savings & Loan Assn for (11PI County Tax) Carl Loren 77 S. "'Lain Street Washington, PA 15301 District: Washington 7th Ward District No: 710 - Section "To: 2-2 - Parcel No: 23-011 Total amount: $132.30 P. Camp!)ell Stainless Products Co. (19R1 County Tax) 19r-,0 IT. "lain Street T7ashington, PA 15301 District: South Stral--)ane District !To: 1,00 - 'Section No: r1nA - Parcel !To: OrI62-11 Total amount: $P,8.20 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, DAVID L. GILMORE, EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS )war,l F. & viva Fisher R.D. 1, 73ox 551) ,7ashington, PA 15311 District: South Franklin District 'To: 591 170 -- Section JA Total amount: $166.21 10. James R. & Irene Rensha,,,T R.J. Eij',i-1L-_-1,;, Four, PA 15330 District: 'Somerset District 77n: 5P,1 - Section ilo: Total aiqount: $Ac).rA 11. 113<21le _7'unaai R T . D. 4,11 Hic7-:orv, PP. 153AI Distr 4 �Lct; Smith District ­o: - 7 I -- section YTo: 71 ?l. 17 otal arount: "0 (19R1 County 'Lax) r)15, -- Parcel 170 : (In9l County Tax) 7 Parcel T70- (1991 County Tax) 031 - Parcel 17o: 1129-11 12. George r. Rr.pimert (1991 County Tax) Dulger, PP. 15019 District: Sj- ji District No: 7,71) - Section TTn: 011 - Parcel '17o: n () 2 6 -f) ()A Total amciint: C"') 10 1 ",1 13. Cl_-iarles F. & Karen A. Doerfler (lq9l County Tax) 13P, Druid Drive 'Ic - l"Lirray, PA 15317 District: Peters District --o: 5,11 Section 17o: P,-r, - Parcel ',Io: C)_11) District Total amount: �,3,P.44 (discount and penalty) !A. Lee R. Clay -,-on (lnRl County Tax) R.D. 4�1, Clayton Court 7'.'asbington, PA 15301 District: 11t. Pleasant District 117o: Ar­) - Section Tio: 102 - Parcel TTo: 1)1)14-0() Total amount: S93.99 15. Ro7)ert A. Jankowski 552r, Florida Avenue Bethel Park, PA 15102 District: [4-t. Pleasant District 17o: A60 -- Section 17o: "otal amount: �r2.23 15. Ilach & Clare 1% Paul 1 . D . 1' 3 ",lashington, PA 15301 District: J1t. Pleasant District '10: 460 - Section No: Total amount: $35.95 17. Hancock Fed. S. & L. Assn for John 7. & Catherine- E. Wojcik P.O. 73o-1 ?45 Chester, WV 26134 District: Jefferson District 'To: 380 - Section No: do tal amount: $03.84 (lq8l County Tax) 016 - Parcel T"To: 0131-0r) (11R1 County Tax) 2 - Parcel 11o: 1-()') (1981 County Tax) 4 - Parcel '111o: 47-5 19. Lloyd C. & Darlene Roach (lq8l County Tax) R.D. �1, Box �l A Burgettstown, PA 15021 District: Hanover District ',To: 340 - Section No: n19 - Parcel 'No: 0110-n1 tot al amount: $25.19 19. John Jr. & "Iuriel E. Latchem (19,01 County Tax) 2 Reservoir Avenue Charleroi-, PA 15022 District: Fallowfi -eld District -,70 : 320 - Section No: 7-5-12 - Parcel No: r,-,),) Total amount: $1.55 discount and penalty I E E I E MINUTE BOOK S6-? BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA - FRANK R. MASCARA, DAVID L. GILMORE. EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS 20. Estate of 11elzia Clutter % Anthony H. Goldfarb 50 Te7est Wheeling Street 11ashington, PA 15301 District: East Finley District No: 270 - Section TTo: Total amount: $333.02 "l. Anthony & Cat'_ierine 27�. Ruscitto R.D. 4i2, Box A() Scenery Hill, PA 1536n District: Deemston District No: 220 - Section 171o: Total amount: $119.80 (19R1 County Tax) 33 - Parcel No: 2-nn (1981 County Tax) 2 - Parcel 'No: 3-10 22. 71ayne A. Valdiserri & Linda L. Hol7,aneel (lqPl County Tax) 135 Johnston Avenue N. Belle Vernon, PA 15012 District: Carroll District !'To: 130 - Section No: '))A - Parcel :To: 10lr__n2 Total ar-,'tount: $14.90 23. Reliable Sav & Ln Assn for Michael J. & Betty Sue Dorman P.O. Box 12865 Pittsburgh, PA 15241 District: Cecil District No: 140 -- Section No: To tal amount: $21.36 24. George & Elizabeth 'Elicha 225 Pheasant Cove Canonsburg, PA 15317 District: North Strabane District No: 520 - Section 17o: Total amount: $3.23 25. C. A. Chambers Est. % Jane _11c"ludy R.D. 42, Box 143 Canonsburg, PA 15317 District: North Strabane District TTO: 132 - M - Section 'To: To tal amount: $91.75 2r,. Robert J. Johnson R.D. i'l, Box 2C 111"ighty Four, PA 1-5330 District: North Strabane District 11o: 520 - Section I7o: Total amount: $95.92 27. Howard R.Edcrar, 17"t Al 9i Raymond K. Edgar 130 Edgar Lane Venetia, PA 15367 District: Peters District No: 540 - Section No: Total amount: $70.37 20. Reliable S & L Assn for Josenh A. & Sylvia Carey 3400 South Park Road Bethel Park, PA 15112 District: Peters District No: 540 - Section '.To: To tal amount: $11.61", 29. j-)rentwood Federal S & L Assn for Robert G. & Patricia Cries 131 Clara Lane Library, PA 15219 District: Peters District 'To: 5,11 - Section T7o: Total amount: $r5.17 30. Anna Belle Gilk-eson 237 '�rool„Iood Road Venetia, PA 153t')7 District: Peters T District "No: 540 - Section No: total amount: $12.59 (19R1 County Tax) 7-12 - Parcel ',To- 0015-11 (1921 County Tax) 001-07-01 - Parcel !To: (19q1 County Tax) 113-In - Parcel 7o: n124-on (1921 County Tax) Parcel No: n113-nll (1901 County Tax) 002 - Parcel No: 1155-n0 (19R1 County Tax) 010 - Parcel 111o: 11)17-01) (1991 County Tax) 002 - Parcel No: 0020-"3 (1991 County Tax) 002-0r-01 - Parcel 'To: 01)()_10 060 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, DAVID L. GILMORE. EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS 31. Bernard G. Roth (1981 County Tax) 408 Franklin Avenue Carnegie, PA 15106 District: Peters District No: 540 - Section No: 011-02-01 - Parcel No: 0017-00 Amount: $204.13 32. Glenn B. Shaffer (1981 County Tax) 107 Canterbury Lane McMurray, PA 15317 District: Peters District No: 540 - Section No: 010 - Parcel No: 0001-03 Amount: $43.05 33. Margaret Vulcan (1981 County Tax) Box 235 Library, PA 15129 District: Peters District No: 540 - Section No: 0006-02 - Parcel No: 006-00 Amount: $73.24 34. Thomas N. Ulrich (1981 County Tax) R. D. 1 Bulger, PA 15019 District: Robinson District No: 550 - Section No: 004 - Parcel No: 0008-00 Amount: $44.54 35. Andrew & Winifred Rommes (1981 County Tax) R. D. 1 Bulger, PA 15019 District: Smith District No: 570 - Section No: 011 - Parcel No: 0022-02 Amount: $36.87 36. Charles Jr. & Michele Pappas (1981 County Tax) Box 190, R. D. 3 Burgettstown, PA 15021 District: Smith District No: 570 - Section No: 022 - Parcel No: 0029-00 Amount: $167.27 37. Boyd Sr. & Patricia Miller (1981 County Tax) 135 Laurie Lane, R. D. 4 Washington, PA 15301 District: Amwell District No: 020 - Section No: 007-09-99 - Parcel No: 0018-0077 Amount: $3.27 38. lst Federal S & L Ass'n. for (1981 County Tax) Dennis & Marcia Deeb 77 S. Main Street Washington, PA 15301 District: Amwell District No: 020 - Section No: 001 - Parcel No: 0017-00 Amount: $.70 (Penalty) 39. Roy E. & Stephanie McCarty (1981 County Tax) R. D. 8, Box 319 Washington, PA 15301 District: Amwell District No: 020 - Section No: 010 - Parcel No: 0014-00 Amount: $7.74 + $65.85 = $73.59 40. Roy & Stephanie McCarty (1981 County Tax) R. D. 8, Box 319 Washington, PA 15301 District: Amwell District No: 020 - Section No: 010 - Parcel No: 0012-00 Amount: $5.11 + $56.53 = $61.64 41. Louis E. & Cecilia J. Damich (1981 County Tax) 501 Beallsville Road Bentleyville, PA 15314 District: Bentleyville District No: 040 - Section No: 007 - Parcel No: 0002-00 Amount: $29.62 MINUTE BOOK -�561 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, DAVID L. GILMORE, EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS 42. Garrett E. & Pauline A. Smith 950 Cross Street California, PA 15419 District: California, District No: 080 r Section No: Amount: $236.96 43. Raymo & Betty J, Parry 135 Spence Avenue Canon burg, PA 15317 District: Canonsburg lst Ward District No: 090 - Section No: Amount: $92.58 44. Leo Hellmann & Agnes 2040 Arlington Avenue Washington, PA 15301 District: Canton District No: 120 - Section No: Amount: $4,36 45. Lew R. & Betty J. Hellmann 2048 Arlington Avenue Washington, PA 15301 District: Canton District No: 120 - Section No: Amount: $29.43 46. Thomas R. & Sondra Greer R. D. 5, Sunnycrest Drive McDonald, PA 15057 District: Cecil District No: 140 - Section No: Amount: $21.80 47. Raymond & Elsie L. Pataski 151 Binns Road Brownsville, PA 15417 District: Centerville lst Ward District No: 151 - Section No: Amount: $14.96 48. Clifford B. Diethorn R. D. 2, Box 327B Charleroi, PA 15022 District: Centerville lst Ward District No: 151 - Section No: Amount: $5.90 49. Harry Franks Denbo, PA 15429 District: Centerville 3rd Ward District No: 153 - Section No: Amount: $25,94 50. John & Stella Helon 1209 Lower Crest Avenue Charleroi, PA 15022 District: Charleroi District No: 160 - Section No: Amount: $38.35 51. Walter E. Klett R. D. 2, Box 83 Monongahela, PA 15063 District: Charleroi District No: 160 - Section No: Amount: $59.07 52. Smiths Headacres, Inc. R. D. 1, Box 131 Washington, PA 15301 District: Chartiers District No: 170 - Section No: Amount: $89.59 (1981 County Tax) 017--00-02 - Parcel No: 0010-03 (1981 County Tax) 017 - Parcel No: 0004-00 (1981 County Tax) 009 - Parcel No: 0007-00 (1981 County Tax) 009 - Parcel No: 0007-01 (1981 County Tax) 007 - Parcel No: 0030-00 (1981 County Tax) 046 - Parcel No: 0002-00 (1981 County Tax) 047 - Parcel No: 0001-03 (1981 County Tax) 032-01-01 - Parcel No: 0107-00 (1981 County Tax) 002 - Parcel No: 0059-00 (1981 County Tax) 029-00-04 - Parcel No: 0030-00 (1981 County Tax) 014 - Parcel No: 0009-00 014 0011-000 018 0001-011 N . 105'"6d-,P MINUTE ■■ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA. DAVID L. GILMORE. EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS 53. Anthony & Mabel Wilhelm R. D. 1 West Alexander, PA 15376 District: Donegal (Two parcels) District No: 230 - Section No: 230 Amount: $244.75 54. Augustine John & Arline Mecannie R. D. 1, Box 29C Burgettstown, PA 15021 District: Hanover District No: 340 - Section No: Amount: $19.68 55. William & Margaret Taczak R. D. 3 Avella, PA 15312 District: Independence District No: 370 - Section No: Amount: $39.98 56. Donald H. & Patricia Rouch R. D. 1, Box 353 Boyertown, PA 19512 District: Jefferson District No: 380 - Section No: Amount: $3.75 57. Emerson E. & Mary Klingensmith R. D. 1 Coal Center, PA 15423 District: Long Branch District No: 390 - Section No: Amount: $64.51 58. Edward S. & Eileen Musial 506 Jackson Street Monongahela, PA 15063 District: Monongahela 2nd Ward District No: 430 - Section No: Amount: $4.48 59. Robert & Margaret Wagner 1340 Royal Drive Library, PA 15324 District: Morris District No: 450 - Section No: Amount: $10.00 60. Lon A. Libert R. D. 3, Box 414 McDonald, PA 15057 District: Mt. Pleasant District No: 460 - Section No: Amount: $10.34 61. Sigmund A. & Mary E. Bugay 106 S. McDonald Street McDonald, PA 15057 District: McDonald District No: 470 - Section No: Amount: $15.40 62. Michael A. & Jean B. Bodnar R. D. 1, Box 182 Scenery Hill, PA 15360 District: North Bethlehem District No: 490 - Section No: Amount: $3.96 (1981 County Tax) 004 - Parcel No: 0036 0042 (1981 County Tax) 023 - Parcel No: 0008-01 (1981 County Tax) 005 - Parcel No: 0007-12 (1981 County Tax) 007 - Parcel No: 0028-00 (1981 County Tax) 011 - Parcel No: 0007 (1981 County Tax) 013-00-01 - Parcel No: 0006-01 (1981 County Tax) 003 - Parcel No: 0013-06 (1981 County Tax) 020 - Parcel No: 0001-00 (1981 County Tax) 021 - Parcel No: 0002-00 (1981 County Tax) 0014 - Parcel No: 0017-01 63. Paul Ciaffoni Estate 617 Washington Trust Building Washington, PA 15301 District: Various District No: Various - Section No: Amount: $3,560.57 (1979 County Tax) Various - Parcel No: Various 11 [I MINUTE BOOK S63 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA. DAVID L. GILMORE, EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS 64. Raymond A. Wright R. D. 1, Box 242A Bentleyville, PA 15314 District: Somerset District No: 580 - Section No: Amount: $19.80 65. Glenn & Helen Weigle Box 62 Eighty Four, PA 15330 District: Somerset District No; 580 - Section No: Amount: $25.25 66. Christman Corporation Box 127, R. D. 2 Washington, PA 15301 District: South Strabane District No: 600 - Section No: Amount: $648.40 67. Mary Rita Reabe Box 148 Perryopolis, PA 15473 District: Twilight (4 parcels) District No: 630 - Section No: Amount: $65.01 68. Clerence E. & Viola Trinder R. D. 2, Box 629B Charleroi, PA 15022 District: Twilight District No: 630 - Section No: Amount: $17,35 69. Elizabeth Duffy 539 Main Street West Brownsville, PA 15417 District: West Brownsville District No: 670 - Section No: Amount: $216.43 70. Jules M. & Ninfa J. Massey 121 Lee Drive, Box 81 Belle Vernon, PA 15012 District: West Finley District No: 680 - Section No: Amount: $9.44 71. Joseph & Jean Piktel Box 74 Daisytown, PA 15427 District: West Pike Run District No: 700 - Section No: Amount: $8.39 72. Nimrod & Sherlene Johnson 133 E. Walnut Street Washington, PA 15301 District: Washington 3rd Ward (1981 County Tax) 008 - Parcel No: 0015-01 (1981 County Tax) 001 - Parcel No: 0008-00 (1981 County Tax) 001-01-02 - Parcel No: 0004-01 (1981 County Tax) 9i & 8 - Parcel No: 29, 1, 2 and 3 (1981 County Tax) O10 - Parcel No: 0004-01 (1981 County Tax) O106 - Parcel No: 0017 (1981 County Tax) 021-01-03 - Parcel No: 0028-00 (1981 County Tax) 013 - Parcel No: 0009 District No: 730 - Section No: 0,023-00 - Parcel No: 730 Amount: $4.73 Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor Bassi informed the Board that an Order has been signed by the Court certifying the elections to the various School Districts in the uncontested cases. I MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYL.VANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, DAVID L. GILMORE, EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Solicitor Bassi recommended that an Election Board meeting be held after this meeting in order to approve a refund of the money that was posted for the challenged ballots in North Franklin Township. (Meeting recessed at approximately 10:10 a.m.) (Meeting reconvened at 10:30 a,m. for the opening of bids.) (Various bidders entered the meeting. Richard Glance, Architect, also entered the meeting.) 10:30 A.M. - OPENING OF BIDS - (1) Interior Courthouse Restoration (2) Revenue Sharing Audit Roger Metcalfe of the Controller's Office opened and read the following bids. (Interior Courthouse Restoration) 1. Liokareas Construction Company 351 Hazel Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15228 Total Amount of Bid: $11,500.00 A bid bond in the amount of ten percent accompanied the bid. 2. Donald Lutch, Inc. 1380 Stoltz Road Bethel Park, PA 15102 Total Amount of Bid: $21,184.00 Bid bond in the amount of ten percent accompanied the bid. 3. Clark Industries, Inc. P. 0. Box 540 Belle Vernon, PA 15012 Total Amount of Bid: $29,985.00 Bid bond in the amount of ten percent accompanied the bid. 4. Clifton Construction Company 591 Clifton Road Bethel Park, PA 15102 Total Amount of Bid: $21,300.00 Bid bond in the amount of ten percent accompanied the bid. 5. Nello Construction Company 3 Glass Street Carnegie, PA 15106 Total Amount of Bid: $22,950.00 Bid bond in the amount of ten percent accompanied the bid. 6. F.J. Busse Company, Inc. 1575 Noblestown Road Pittsburgh, PA 15220 Total Amount of Bid: $17,900.00 Bid bond in the amount of ten percent accompanied the bid. 7. Joseph E. Short & Sons, Inc. P. 0. Box 142, Eldora Road Donora, PA 15033 Total Amount of Bid: $20,854.00 A cashier's check in the amount of $2,100.00 accompanied the bid. -1 n MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, DAVID L. GILMORE. EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS L u 1 x--wi 8. C. Kosey Contractor 1165 N. Main Street Washington, PA 15301 Total Amount of Bid: $20,533,00 Bid bond in the amount of ten percent accompanied the bid. Moved by Mr. Gilmore, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the foregoing bids be tabled for further review. Roll call vote taken; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. (Revenue Sharing Audit) (NOTE: Specifications did not require 10% check or bid bond.) 1. Main Hurdman Four Gateway Center Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Total Amount of Bid: $29,700.00 A certified check in the amount of 10% accompanied the bid. 2. Touche Ross & Co. 3000 Two Oliver Plaza Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Total Amount of Bid: $48,700.00 plus out-of-pocket expenses 3. Coopers & Lybrand 3500-600 Grant Street Pittsburgh, PA 15219 Total Amount of Bid: $71,000.00 Moved by Mr, Gilmore, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the foregoing bids be tabled for further review. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned at approximately 10:45 a.m. THE FOREGOING MINUTES READ AND APPROVED: �r .6/Z4� P , 1981 ATTEST: CHIEF CLERK