HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 96 - 12-10-1981 - COMMISSIONER6 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, DAVID L. GILMORE, EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS ;inute 0. T1 , 'ashington County Cominissioners Washington, PA, December l), 1911 r-, ae 'oarl of County Coi.uaissioners met in regular session wit'i t1le in lil)ers -eing present: Co-iraissioners Paluso, lilmorearrl "'cascara. 11 J 'lso rein; -resent7 C"_aief Clerk Dallatore, Solicitor Bassi, Budget Director . J P I '7illespie, Administrative Assistant Davis, Farrell Jackson, Coroner; Jack Under- wood of the Inlustrial Dev. AcTercy, Lin(la hands, Secretary-, Jon Stevens, Obser- ver -Reporter; Lin(ia 'Jiller, TZESA- Bob Sabot, Joann Sarkett, Brownsville Telegrap',i an,,"I TT-len 'tiller, League of Tlomen Voters. ,,I Cnairi-.ian callefl. t1ie raeeting to order at approximately 10:10 a.m. and as7:e,7. if V-.ere were any correction, additions or omissions to 'linute 'No. C)9, each merl)er Inaving received- a copy. 14 17oved '!-,)y 'Ir. Gilmore, seconded by _r. Paluso, that 11inute Nlo. 91) 'Je I approved as read. Roll call vote taken: ,1r. Paluso - Yes; _'.r. Gili:iore - Yes; "Ir. 'lascara - Yes. 'Motion carri.e(l, unanimously. 3-pecial Orrler of "lusiness: Jac'- of the -I(llusrria.-L Dev. Aqepc-y,, presente(! to the ?oarcl for their consideration and approval a Resolution authori7in(.T the, execution of an AgreenLent granting '7est Penn Power Company a Right-of-way in the Washington County Intllustrial Parl> (North Stral-)ane Towns'iir.) !1r. Underwood briefly outlineJ tiae project. Moved ",)y 'Ir. Gilmore, seconded ""r. TIZ111,,L - .30, approving the -Foregoing Resolution. Roll call vote taken: , . i Paluso - Yes; TTr. (3ilmore -- Yes; 71r. Mascara - Yes. Tiotion carried unaniraously. Old Business: Awarding of Di(I's - A. Installation of Gasline B. Interior Courthouse Restoration C. Revenue Sharing Au(qit Solicitor Bassi -recorwaendedto the DoarJ that the bid for the installat-on of t'ae gasline be awarde,li to DONALD LUTCF, INC., of Bethel Par%, this being the only skid received. Liover, by TIr. Gilynore, seconded by 11r. Paluso, that the bid for the in- stallation of tlie gasline be awardec'11 to DONP.LD LUTC11, ITTC. as ner ahove. Roll call vote taken: !'r. 'Paluso -- Yes; 71r. Cil.rmore - Yes; Tlr. :Mascara - Yes. Ylo-cion carriec'. unanimously. I 11 E MINUTE BOOK 56*1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, DAVID L. GILMORrm. EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS Solicitor Bassi explained that the lowest hidrier for the interior Courthouse r.estoration, Liokareas Construction Company, had not included all of the required work in its bid price and therefore rp(T,ueste,-1 that its hid he with- drawn. ;1r. Bassi therefore recormiended that the Board award the contract to F. J. BUSSE CONSTRUCTION CO'IPA2-.'Y, of Pittshurah, this being the lowest respon- sible bid received. T, I -)y air. Gilmore, seconded by 'Ir. Paluso, that the bir' for the , ioved I interior Courthouse Restoration be awarOet�' to F. J. PUS)S7 ('OTTSTPT1CTI0N COTTPA7Y, of Pitts')urgh as par above. Roll call vote taken: r1r. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Cilriore - Yes; 11r. 71ascara - Yes. 71oll.--ion carried unanimously. Solicitor Bassi recomnended to the Board that the hid for the Revenue Sharing Audit he awarded to MAIN HUPDMATIT , of Pittsburgh, this loeina the lowest bid received. r!ov,-d. by 1"r. rilmore, seconle-1 by 711r. Paluso, that the bic for the Revenue 13_11ar4ng Audit )e a,,�7arcle-"l to 11LI'T KURDIUM, of PittsI)urgh as per above. Roll call vote taken® Mr. Paluso -- Yes! 1111r. Gilmore - Yes; 14r. 'lascara - Yes. Ill1otion carried unanimously. Correspon('Aence: C'aief Cleri: inforrie(l the Boara of the receipt of the following chec"--s: 1. Common��7ealth of Pa. -- $1P,2n1.0r - Day Care Contract 4�Or3O - Month of October, 19S1 2. CoruionTuealth of Pa. - $21,P31.11 - Expenditures incurred under the OFF Systems Program - "Ist. 9 in Cross Creek Township 3. Coiramonwealth of Pa. Children and Youth Program - 1-uarterlv report of ex­�enrlitures for period of April 1 to June 31), 4. Coriiioin,,7palth of Pa. - $5,190.6n - and -',,2/13,937.r-,2 - Ile0lical Assistance payi-Jents U . S r 2reasury - rr)r) ennI.n') - Tmnloyrient and Training Program Commonwealth of Pa. - $4,3A1.75 - Inrlociinese Refugees 1;ew Duginess : Chief Cler'i presented to the Board for their consideration and approval an application to the Juvenile Court JuJges' Commission for a grant for Juvenile Proba-�ion services in the amount of $31,11A For the perio-3. of January 1, lnF,? t--hrou(71i Decem�)er 31, 19q?. This application has heenreviewk-Ctry I-1enry Fiumelli, Human Services Director. 11oved by ­x. Gilmore, seconded by T"r. Paluso, approving the foregoing Application. MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA. DAVID L. GILMORE. EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS Roll call vote taken: lr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Gilmore - Yes; iir. Mascara - Yes. r"otion carrier? unanimously. C'r.ief Clerk presented to the Hoard for their consideration ana approval t_.-ie following Supplemental Bu(lget Appropriation requests: 1. Request from the xlagistrates for the transfer of front Account '7io. 07--A5r (other supplies) into Account "To. 77- A51 (office supplies) for T'agistrates Teagarden a.no Tempest. 2. Request from Judge Terputac°s Office for the transfer_ of $5� 1 from Account iio. Of'-r14-431 (Xerox) into Account 'No. 19- nA-4 51 (office supplies) . 3. Request frum Judge Rodgers Office for the transfer of $501 from Account `Io. !14-05-431 (l"erox) into Account T_io. A51 (office supplies). a4ove<1 by T?r. Gill_-,iore, seconded by Mr. Paluso, approving the foregoing Sup}elemental :budget Appropriation requests. Solicitor: Roll call vote taken: ;1r. Paluso - Yes; ilr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Mascara - Yes. i"otion carrier; unanimously. Solicitor :bassi presented to the Doard for their consideration and approval tlae following tax refunds. °loved by 'Ir. Gilmore, seconder by 14r. Paluso, that the Tax Assessment Office be authorize,? to prepare the following tax refunds (lue to either dupli.ca.- t.ion or overpayment of real estatue or personal property tax, 1. Acalin D. & T?argaret Strimel 15 ''. Pike Street Houston, PA 153A2 District: 11ouston District TIo: 3rn - Section To-. Total amount: r`.r)7 TDenalty 2. Herschel L. & Virginia S. Rehout :=unity, Psi 15311 District- Ill -:well District TIo: 1211 -- .`Section Tio: j:'otal f;r,.17 3. 'ielen 11. ",,Iiller 55 l,indman Avenue T3urgettstown, PA 15021 District: Eurgettstown District blo: ()7'1 - Section No: Total amount; $ r; n . 0 `' 4. Virginia Solties Lawrence, PA 15055 District: Cecil District No: 1,40 - Section ITo : Total amount: $20.11 W1 71 County Tax) rS-3 - Parcel TIo: 5-'111 (10^1 County Tax) ?5 -- Parcel ';o: (ingl County max) 024 - Parcel No: 1" (lgRl County Tax) 12-1-3 - Parcel 'To: 12 1 1 1 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, DAVID L. GILMORE, EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS 5. John 11. & ".arilyn 11. Lindley (1931 County Tax) R.D. j` 1 Prosperity, PA 1532q District: 1-Torris District 1410: A7)1) - Section No: 2 - Parcel No- 1-On Total amount: $66.90 r-. Dill 1% & Shirley Ann Elliott (1991 County Tax) 40P, N'hite Pine Ridge Court Chesterfield, 1110 '13917 District: !11rorz._',i_ Strabane District 11o: 521 - Section 11-To: I)-5n - Parcel 'To: of Total amount: $23.5� (liscouht and penalty 7. Joseph C. & °1_argaret 2. Patrina (1931 County Tax) 315 Patrina Lane T7ashington, PA 15301 District: South Strabane District T`o: �T) - Section No: 1-1-3 - Parcel No: Total amount: ',330.53 2. Pauline Ruth Friend (1()Q1 County Tax) R.D. 41 :Iarianna, PA 153A5 Distr_ict: TYeSt Pethleher-, District 'To: 6C-01 - Section "To: 1r, - Parcel Tqo: 2-1`111 Total amount: $101.40 9. Daniel & Lois Uranowski (1991 County Tax) 112 Longvue Drive �1-1. "c"lurray, PA 15317 District: Peters District 1To: 540 - Section :To: ll-f'-1 - Parcel T'To: 7 - ) 0 Total amount: $29.P9 10. Patricia L. Ferguson (lnQl County Tax) R.D. -`�3, no.,-, Claysville, Pi'l 153?3 District: Donegal District No: 231 - Section ',To: 2 - Parcel 'To: To tal amount: $ 12 9 Q 9 11. Victor Dose (lnPl County Tax) T .3ox 97 Venetia, PA 15357 District: Peters District No: 541 - Section '-To: q - Parcel '10: Al-- 10 Total �otal ariount: '?35.2,q 12. 11argaret & David Arcure (1981 County Tax) pox 17 Tlestlan(!, PA 1537q District: 'It. Pleasant -two parcels District "To: 460 - Section TTo: 9-1-1 - Parcel I'los: I Total arlount: $45.10 13. David 'L'T.iccolai (19PI County Tax) Dox 3`3, R.D. -`P') 'lonongallnela, PA 150r3 District: Carroll District No: 130 - Section T7o: Parcel No: 3r,-9'1 Total amount: V3.37 14. Frank & Theiria Caruso (1921 County Tax) 32A Shady Avenue Charleroi , PA 15022 District:- Charleroi District No. 16) 1 - Section '.To ')?3-1? - Parcel No: 9111 - 11 Total amount: $r3.9A additional refund 15. Isabel Casciola (1991 County Tax) R.D. �3, Box 13r, 11cDonald, PA 15057 District: Cecil -three parcels District No: 140 - Section :os: r) & r­4 - Parcel 770S- 1135-111 & 1001 & Total amount: ;179.30 1 OK MINUTE BO BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, DAVID L. GILMORE, EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS -will --ennet'-i '� Tar, 7 Lou Chainl)ers (11)Q1 County 7ax) Alexander, FZ. 153711-, D-k-st-rict. Tlest Finley District No: r,91) - Section '11n: q - Parcel 'To: 1-1-Sr) r-i lotal aIAOUnt: $1£7.01 17. Martin Polen (10P1 County Tax) R.D. $3, -)ox 2941) 7 ,7as:,1inq-1[--on, P7', 15301 District: North Franklin District 'lo: 510 - Section No: 4 Parcel T-110- 1-01 Total amount: $95.�4 1" . Lloyd & 'tart' -7\r.ios (10ql County 'Lax) (I -d,iunity 'los')ile Coi. TTome Park, Lot T c7infield, W 25213 District : 'Jest Alexander District :To. r5l - Section 77o: 170 Total a, iounz: 5.A9 Sa 1 4ra ". (--rantz & Joseph L. -'runo (10nl County Tax) for.,mer owner: 'Tillie T]. "aJor �5 Caninhell Avenue W -iinr �,asi jton, PA 15301 District: "ashin-ton c tl T 7ar-j District -1 'TO : 7AI) Section 1-70:. c)-1 - Parcel TTo: 3 - Total amount: yl.lh penalty First Fed S & L Assn for (1091 County Tax) Dennis 'i. Chal)assol 77 S. "'Lain Street '7ashington, P.7, District: Ca1iL'-.o-,n Di5criCt 770: 120 - Section No: 11-13-2 - Parcel 7-l'o: 42 6 43 Total amount: $P,.14 I 21. Ernest & Prenla McCullough (InPl County Tax) 125 Deerfield Road T,Iasliington, PA 15301 -)istrict: South Franklin District No: 59-1 - Section '.-jo: 4 - Parcel 1'o: Total amount: $10.93 penalty Roll call vote taken: �1r. Paluso - Yes, 11r. Gilmore - Yes; 'Ir. mascara - Yes. 'lotion carrie(�n, unanimously. Solicitor 7,-,assi reporteJ to the Board that a Petition lias been filer! by Fred. Broglie recTuesting that a new election be helrl for the Office of Supervisor in Union Townsliip. A 1-ie-aring will be '.,-iel(q on December In concerning this matter. T. brief discussion followprl. It was suqrgost&rl that --r. Dassi petition the Court L -lection firjures quI)ject to the for anproval of the Election 'loarl to certi-E-,,- the IT Union ToG,rns.aip election. 'oved. ':)y 'Ir. (7,ilmore, seconded by �Ir. Paluso, authori2inq the Solicitor to petition It-1--ie Court as per alove . Poll call vote talelen- ° q (Ir. Paluso - Yes; 11r. -,4-lr,,.ore - Yes; '"r. Tlascara - Yes. T70tion carried unanimously. 'leeting aajourned a-.,-- approximately In:Iq a.m. TT-E FOP,7,rOI:7('. :jIj1U"ES IU]AD A:JD APPROVT]D: 1981 ATT'-ST C7 TIEF CLERR'