HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 97 - 12-17-1981 - COMMISSIONERI MINUT E eD D K �f BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, DAVID L. GILMORE. EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS 1`'inute No. 97 '7ashington County Commissioners 1 %7 .'ashinqton, PA, December 17, 1991 The BoarJ of County Commissioners met in regular session with the Eollowing members being present: Co-riTAssioners Paluso, '7ilmore and 7!ascara. ­lso ',)E;ing present: Cliief ClerK Dallatore, Adr-Anistrative Assistant Davis, Solicitor Bassi, Budget Director Gillespie, Poland Bourke of the Redevelopment ,Wrliority, J. bracken Burns, E.'IS Director, Earl Bugaile of the Planning Commission Un,a Jllanls, Secretary, Donna 7,41o3Ae, representative of Senator Ross' Office, [An(Ia Tliller, 17-l"SA; Jim Jefferson, T 7,TPT,.; Jo -a Stevens, Observer -Reporter an-11 T glen :filler, League of �Iomen Voters. Chairman calle(I the meeting to or,9er and asko-cl. if there uere any ::orreCt4ons, aclalitions-or omission-, to _'!inu'1 te 77o. 67, each mem?)er having re- L ::eive_,_ a copy. I I FIoved 71r. rilp)ore, secon(lle(l `)v TIr. Paluso, that Tlinute No. 9r, be a�pprove,.11 as reac11. Roll call vote ta7--en: 11r. Paluso -- Yes; 'Tr. Gilmore- -Yes- _71r. r1ascara -- Yes. Ir T ilotion carried unaniriously. 3T)ecial Or(ler of Rusinegs: Donna 174oble, on behalf of Ja-,,ies E. Ross, presentee' to the Board a Certificate of Estalolisament in recognition of 77ashington County's ric'i ;qnr' �n,,',wring -Iieritage as a county governrrLmnt in ti-e Commonw ealth of Pennsylvania, ,7"_rich is ctale'-)rating i-I--s tree Iiundre(lth anniversary. J. !'rac]-.en !'*urns, 7'0) Director, -resented to each Commissioner the new ;71,1M - I -,atcnes wl-iich have ',)een recently designe(l. 1-1r. Burns ',-)riefly informek! all t,.ose Present Wlfiat was involved in receiving an 1711T patch. RolanC, Bourl-.e, --.-,-e.cutivE,. Director of the Redevelopment Ant'-I-ority, pre- 3elntec' to tie 7oarc-1 for their consicleration an,approval a Resolution autheri2ing c'_ie execution of a Cooperation �CTreer-,ent with various County agencies as require-3 Lo secure a Planning Grant frori the Pa. ?department of Col-zlmunity Affairs to con- - ,iuct t'"ie Fort PittD) d Ige Feasibility Study. "Ir. -ourke 7oriefly outlined the ri ? r o j e c -It . .Iovpd by 11r. Gilmore, seconclecI '.--,y 'Tr. Paluso, approving the foregoing :Zesolut_-ion. Roll call vote taken: ,1r. Paluso - Yes; 1,1r. r3ili:iore - Yes; ','-r. Tlascara - Yes. ff � -lotion carried unanimously. I -%f -A& MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA. DAVID L. GILMORE, EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS Corre s �oijklen cc : C'-Aief Cler'li informf21(' the Boar(l of the receipt of the folloNvinq checks: 1. U. S. r-7'reasury Emiployment anJ Training Program corimonWe,-91th of PA Foster ITopl.e and Institutional Care Payment for perio,11 of A-1-rl to r-3n-ql Chief Clem-_ maOe availa')le to the news merlia copies of 17 ews Releases in reference to the following projects: 1. A new T)u:)lication entitle(I "TT ashin.-Tton County --A Two !--'un('ire(I Year �4 -- Reflection" wAich will 'oe availalAcat the Planning Cori..-ii-s Sion at a - cost of $2."11 2. Donlora Sbutagate Ur!)an Renewal Project e, 1?usiness: Regar�lting ti-ic Juvenile Probation Office, Chief Clerk presente(l, to the Boar(a Purchase of Service Agreement with Anchor House rroup TTome, Irc. , of Connellsville at a ner diem rate of ``49.11. This agreement has Teen reviewer? I �:)y IT-nry Fiiiinelli. , I - 'loved ')y "Ir. (73ilmore, seconded by 71r. Paluso, approving the Agreement with Anchor Louse (7roup 11ome, Inc. as per a,)ove. I Roll call vote tal-.en: 1-r. Paluso - Yes; Mr. (Almore - Yes; 11r. �Iascara - Yes. LLaotion carried unanic.o-Lisly. Chief Clerk presented to the Board an amenc!Tn.ent to the agreement .vita 'he r1asnington County Authority. The purpose of this amendment is to revise the responsih)ility of insurance coverage for the new office buil� ing and make it a part of the Authority's function. 1"ais amendment woul(3 he retroactive to October 1, lq9l. rover,! bver:! by '.tr. 13ilmore, seconded by 11r. Paluso, approving the foregoing to Cie agreei-lent- -,7it:i L',,e 17ashington County Authority. `lashing ton call vote tal;:en: "r. Paluso -- Yes; 11r. (',ili-tiore - Yes: 'Tr. Mascara, - Yes. '-'otion carries! unanimously. C.'iief Clerl-I 7resented to the -oard for their consiJeration an(! approval an AcTreej�ient with -IL---ne State Civil Service Commission. The nurnose- of this Agree- -C'k,�-nt. is to continue t2lrz? ';as'iington CountEy T:iiployment an(� Training Agency smployeeT, un,-7er the State Civil Service System. The cost of - this Agreement is to be S37.3r Per employee for a six month period S)eginnin-j January 1, 111"?. T-greement. .,ove,l ',-)v ?'.r. Gilmore, seconded by Mr. Paluso, approving t'-ie Foregoing Roll call vote tal:en: ,,'r. Paluso - Yes; ':r. Gilmore - Yes; 11r. 'cascara - Yes. :'otion carrie,", unanimously. I E MINUTE e 11 0 K °J-7-3 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, DAVID L. GILMORE. EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Chief Clerlz presentec". to t,)-#- Poarcl a Police jlmendm®nt �,7_ith Sun Life that reflects the recent change to increase all employees from $7,111 to r9,010 in benefits, effective January 1, 11),02. Roved by 11r. Gilmore, seconded key rTr. Paluso, approving the Policy Twiendrient With Sun Life as per above. Roll call vote tak-en: "r. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Gilmore - Yes; lqr. 'lascara-- Yes. liotion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presentee? to -,[--he Tloard for their consideration and 1 r2ransfer Agreements between the a-pprova T,,7ashington County Health Center and Monongahela Valley Kospital, 11ashington Hospital, Canonsburg Hospital and t1ie T7ashington Presbyterian Home. These are one year agreements effective Decem"o'-r 1, 19RI. Moved by '11r. Gilmore, seconded by Mr. Paluso, approving the Transfer 1 Agreements as per als,)ove. Roll call vote taken: 11r. Paluso - Yes; :1r. Gilmore - Yes, !�Ir. 1,11ascara - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk informed the Board that Park Rankin of Canonsburg has been recommended for reappointment to the Housing Authority for a 5-year term effective January 1, 1902 through December 31, lqRr). ?Moved by .111r. Gilmore, seconded by Mr. Paluso, approving the fore- going reappointment. Poll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; 11r. Gilmore - Yes; Mx. Mascara - Yes. notion carried unaniitously. Chief Cler],- pr,7isented to the hoard a request to approve the settle- ment of condemnation of lands and property of Consolidation Coal ComT)any for coal acquisition for Cross Creek Sites I)-r)l & rF? at a settlerent price of $751.nl per acre. Tioved ',-,)y 1/1r. Gilmore, seconded by r1r. Paluso, approving the settle- ment as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. L Paluso - Yras; "r. Gilmore - Yes! "r. !"ascara - Yes. notion carried unanimously. J-74 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, DAVID L. GILMORE. EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS Chief Clerk presented to the Doard the following Supplemental Ruciget A A ppropriation for their consideration and approval: 1. Request from the Liquid Fuels Department for the transfer I of 'Y300.00 from Account No. 23-10-A53 (Clothing) into Account- 1-1o. 103-10-454 (Other Sun-olies) j - 'Iovec, ')y T,r. (3ilr..,.ore, seconded by 71r. Paluso, approving the foregoing Supplemental ",utltget :ippropriation request. roll call vote tal�en: Ir. Paluso - Yes,! _'Tr. Gilmore - Yes! Mr. 11ascara - Yes,i, Motion carries] unanirtiously. Chief Clerk noted a proposed letter to Governor Thornhurgh to jl-)e signed Ir _:� CoTuAssioners urging Ili support for the development of two higlh_�7ay projects �)y t7n, projects in -,jTas'.iing1L-.oli and Westmorelancl Counties. These projects are anaCqP-35 roacl to the Leonora Industrial Par!:, L.R. '-IA7, Spur F in T,7ashington County an(? the south anproach to t:ie Donora-:7onessen '111ridge, L.R. 1191) in T7estrorelan,l County. f Cler" 4 ''ie �oarcl. twat PoT)ert Artlaurs ',as heen t j� - L_ - to -nner - For a 5-%rear term tl_lp T n,'ustrial Develo, t Aut'icritu retroactive to 1-1-q) c1irough 12-31-0-4 and Aichael Chrortulak for a 9-year tern. effective 1-1-17 t71rou,.T­ -L.1- --)? --ients.) 12 -31-rr,. ('27—se are. rea, , oint, love­-_l )v ",r. Gilmore, se-condeOL 7-)v 'Ir. Paluso, approving the foregoing rcaVpointr.r,n11_­;. toll call vote ta7-.en. '7- - Yes. -3 o ­ Yes; 'Xilmore - Yrs; Ir. T r. Palu. Mascara 4 �L -iel unani-mously. 'o on cara. .1 � Ciief Clerl. rcqueqte,? authorization to advertise for '-)irlq for the 10q')/'1 au-7i t of VP1 Cof-ii-tission. I . cw--f1 -1)y r. Giii-iors, secon-Ile-1 by "'r. Paluso, aut.-iori_7,inrthe Chief to a,'wrtise for as per above. .,oll call vote ta7:en: !-7r. Pe-luso - Y.iF�s; 'Ir. (;4 li-tore 'Ir. TTascara - Yes. ::ction carrie,11 unan 4 Tjously. Chi,'f CJer'-- announce(to all those present that there gill 1-je a Regular- estin- n,=�,,t 'i-"iu'rqAay, -.)eceT,-ber ?A, 10,91. Solicitor. Solicitor 3assi presente(l to the Boarr! for their cons i,7.eration an(? approval f01107,7ing tax refunds.L bve_, 1-)y 7r. C;ilriore, seconder" ',-),7 7 'r. Paluso, autnorizinq the Tax Assessment Office to pre -pare the -following tax refunds clue to eitlier r-uplication or overipayi,,,Lrznt of real estate or personal propepty tax: E I 7­7 L J BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA FRANK R. MASCARA, DAVID L. GILMORE, EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS 1 Ron 'IC71i chael Gallatin 7�anl: *Please issue chec': to the 7 T� ,4ashington County lax Claim Bureau L District. Test Zilexander (lqql County Tax) District No: r)51) - Section No: 2 - Parcel 1-40: A-10 To tal amount: 2. John & 11arjorie Cui),I)age (19nl County Tax) R.D. #1, Bo:t 33-A Marianna, PA 15345 District: T117est Bethlehem District "No: 6r,,') - Section 'To: ll-0q-1nq0 - Parcel TTo, nj Total amount: $4.82 3. York Realty for Dorothy (,. Pohl Et Al 51 E. TTheeling Street T%7ashington, PA 15301 District istrict 11ashington 2nd !,Tarr! District No: 720 - Section No: Total amount: $123.r)3 4. Elizabeth T7right R.D. 'l, Box 115 Amity, PA 15311 District: !.orris Di sr-rict 1;0: 451) -- Section 'To: Total amount: ',199.A-) (19R1 County Tax) Parcel No: 32-10 (lqql County Tax) Parcel Ijo: l') -') r) 7. Brennan 1%'. & Diane C. T,71ishner (19R1 County Tax) R.D. #3 213 Valley Roal Canonsburg, PA 15317 District: Chartiers District No: 171 - Section No: 5-3 Parcel T71o: 1-0n Tota l amount: $17.43 ri. First Fed. S. & L. Assn of Pqh. for (19P1 County Tax) Mar!: J. S11-wey 511 Liberty Avenue Pittsburgh, P.-,,- District: Sout1i 23)traoane, District No: r,)) - Section "'To: 7-�-()ri - Parcel 'No: Irl-1r1 Total amount: S 1,1 . penalty and discount 7. Diary Dal0o Et Al (1981 County Tax) Fern Tonti R.D. "1, 113ox 2911D Canonsburg, PA 15317 District: Cecil District No: 140 - Section "17o: 9 - Parcel No: 6) - () 0 otal amount: $7.62 (liscount and nenalty Roll call vote taken: 11r. Paluso - Yes; 'Ir. Gilmore - Yes; T'r. Jlascara -' Yes. motion carried �1 _L unanimously. r"117" FOREGOING 'UNUTES READ AND APPROVIID: � 1� ATTEST: 'je��Ata;� CITIEF