HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 6 - 2-5-1976 - COMMISSIONERMINUTE BOOK 17 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MALCOLM L. MORGAN, MICHAEL R. FLYNN, EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS M inute No. 6 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., February 5, 1976 The Board of Washington County Commissioners met in regular session with the following members being present: Commissioners Paluso and Morgan, (Mr. Flynn entered the meeting later.) Also being present: Chief Clerk Brady; Solicitor Diamond; Clay Graham, Land Acquisition Agent; Coroner Farrell Jackson; John Cadez of Engel- hardt and Powers Associates, Inc. ; John Stevens of the Observer -Reporter; Mrs. Miller of the League of Women Voters; Phil Angelo of the Daily Notes; and Walter Paget, Charles Weaver, and Sylvester Frizzie of the Washington County Firemen's Association. Chairman stated for the record that he, Mr. Paluso, Chief Clerk Brady and Solicitor Diamond were in attendance. Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions or omissions to Minute No. 5, each member having received a copy. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Morgan, that Minute No. 5 be approved as read. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. (Commissioner Flynn entered the meeting.) Old Business: Chief Clerk stated that this matter concerns the appointment of the Civil Defense Director of Washington County. Chairman nominated Commissioner Paluso for the appointment of Civil Defense Director of Washington County. Moved by Mr. Morgan, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that Commissioner Paluso be appointed as Civil Defense Director of Washington County. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Flynn - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. (Mr. Gillespie entered the meeting.) Correspondence: Chief Clerk informed the Board of the receipt of the following checks: (1) Commonwealth of Pa. - Public Welfare - ck. #428910 - $6, 314. 05 (2) Commonwealth of Pa. - Dept. of Public Welfare Protective Care Contract #2377 - Month of Nov. 1975 - ck. #44-1184071 - $2, 841. 12 (3) Commonwealth of Pa. - Dept. of Public Welfare Protective Care Contract #2377 - Months of Sept. and Oct. 1975 - ck. #43-1183639 $7, 065. 58 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MALCOLM L. MORGAN, MICHAEL R. FLYNN, EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS (4) Commonwealth of Pa. - Dept. of Public Welfare Companion/ Chore Service - Contract #2776 - Month of Nov. 1975 ck. #43-1183638 - $3, 888.50 (5) Pittsburgh National Bank - Weekend Repurchase Agreement ck. # 774603 - General Fund Principle Interest TOTAL $250, 000.00 $ 83.33 $250, 083. 33 Chief Clerk then presented the following bills to the Board for their consideration and approval: (1) Cole -Layer -Trumble Co. - data processing services as per contract - $9, 766. 66 (2) P. J. Mansmann - re -location settlement for Mrs. Andrew Szedon, Mr. Andrew M. Morrison, Mrs. Arthur Moskowitz, and Mr. Kenneth Foster - $3, 000.00 (3) Wallover & Mitchell, Inc. - architectural services for the month of January - $4, 892. 93 (4) McAnallen Brothers, Inc. - Extended Care Facility, General Construction - $133, 104. 72 (5) Limbach Company -Heating, Ventilating and Air -Conditioning $27, 873. 00 (6) Sherry & O'Leary - Plumbing Construct -ion - $21, 574.48 (7) Baldwin Electric Company - Electrical Construction $77, 627. 10 (8) Gateway Kitchen Equipment & Supplies - food service $8, 793. 00 (9) Holiday Inn - for Indyk jury - $1, 934.22 (10) National Association of Counties - for pre -payment of publications ordered from NACo used at Planning Commission $13. 85 Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the above bills be approved for payment. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Flynn - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Relative to the termination of certain people's employment with -,the County, Chief Clerk stated that he has on record three (3) appeals from Joseph F. Fetcko, Charles A. Crouse and Mildred Farrah. Remarks: Chairman recommended that these letters be turned over to the Solicitor to schedule these hearings as requested. Chief Clerk informed the Board that there will be a joint meeting of the sponsors of the Harmon Creek, Cross Creek and Wheeling Creek Watershed Projects on Tuesday, February 17, 1976. Said meeting will be held at 1:00 p.m. at the Ramada Inn. 1 C Remarks: Chairman asked if Mr. Flynn will attend these meetings. Mr. Flynn stated that he will. MINUTE BOOK 19 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MALCOLM L. MORGAN, MICHAEL R. FLYNN, EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS E u 1 Chief Clerk read a letter dated January 27, 1976, from the Department of Parks and Recreation, addressed to Mr. Jan D. Applegarth, Research Assistant, from the University of Pittsburgh. Said letter acknowledged Mr. Applegarth's letter which requested that they be permitted to undertake archeological excavations. Said letter then granted permission for the necessary excavation and testing subject to the following con- ditions: 1. All field work is to be done from June 1, 1976 through September 1, 1976. 2. All sites excavated are to be properly filled and covered with topsoil. 3. Necessary steps are to be taken to identify and protect each excavation project. 4. The University of Pittsburgh will assume any liability resulting from the project. 5. Any unnecessary damage to County property is to be corrected by the University of Pittsburgh. (Earl Bugaile of WKEG Radio and Deputy Controller Daniels entered the meeting.) Chief Clerk read a letter dated January 28, 1976, from Louise Abel, Public Welfare Administrator III , which stated that Washington County Child Welfare Services has an account called the Child Welfare Services Educational and Benefit Account for Deserving Children, No. 166-9718, Mellon Bank, This account was established in 1956 from the estate of John Kusko, and is used for specific educational needs of foster children. Said letter further stated that a foster child is graduating from High School in 1976 and is interested in attending college. Said letter then requested $35.,00 from this account for application fees. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the Board authorize Miss Abel to utilize the funds from the estate as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Flynn - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk informed the Board of a letter dated January 27, 1976, addressed to the Washington County Commissioners, from Charles L. Weaver, Secretary, Wash- ington County Firemen's Association, Inc., which has been conducting an annual fire training school for local firemen. Said letter further stated that their association has wanted to purchase some land upon which to construct a permanent school facility, and they have been advised by the Real Estate Department of Pittsburgh Coal Company that they have an ideal site available along the Westland -Houston Road which can be purchased. Said letter also stated that they have discussed this matter with Mr. Keery McAmbley who has advised them that it might be possible for the county to buy this land as part of its land -bank program, and in turn, give their association the opportunity to buy the land from the county. Said letter then requested an opportunity ;40 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MALCOLM L. MORGAN, MICHAEL R. FLYNN, EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS to discuss this matter with the Board of Commissioners at the earliest convenience. Remarks: Chairman recommended that this be referred to Mr. McAmbley for further study and advice. Chairman stated that the Board will do everything possible to help the Firemen's Association incorporate their goals. Chairman also suggested that we receive some communication from the Chartiers Township Supervisors as to what their feelings are in regard to this matter. Mr. Paluso suggested that the Chief Clerk be instructed to write to Chartiers Township Supervisors and ask if they have any objections. Chief Clerk then requested permission to conduct a six-month trial using Pitney -Bowes Postage Meters in the fourteen district magistrates' offices. Chief Clerk stated that through this, he hopes to achieve better control and reduce the costs of postage in these offices. Remarks Mr. Paluso asked what the cost would be. Chief Clerk stated that it will cost $630.00 for the six-month trial period for all fourteen offices. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the Chief Clerk be authorized to try this for a six-month trial period, at which time he will report back to the Board and see if it is a savings in postage costs of said offices. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Flynn - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk referred to a communication received from the Courts in regard to re -districting Peters Township, and read the following amended order: IN RE: RE -DISTRICTING OF PETERS ) TOWNSHIP PURSUANT TO THE ) No. 278 May T, 1975 A.D. HOME RULE CHARTER ) AMENDED ORDER AND NOW, January 29, 1976, the Final Order of the Court dated January 23, 1976, in the above entitled matter, is hereby amended as follows: In both the Third Precinct of District C and the Third Precinct of District D, Anderson Circle shall be amended to read ANDIRON CIRCLE. /s/ Thomas A. Gladden J. Chief Clerk informed the Board of an announcement from Centerville Clinics, Inc., and the Centerville Medical Group in association with the Philadelphia Child Guidance Clinic, which stated that they are presentir# a Family Therapy Seminar on February 23, 1976. The Program will be held at the Meadows Hilton Inn from 9:00 a.m. , to 3:30 p.m. Chief Clerk stated that there is a registration fee of $30 per person. MINUTE BOOK 41 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MALCOLM L. MORGAN, MICHAEL R. FLYNN, EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS a 1 n 1 Chief Clerk then read a letter dated January 28, 1976, from Coroner Farrell Jackson, addressed to the County Commissioners. Said letter was in regard to the fee schedule requested by the County Commissioners for the Coroner's Office and recommended that the following be put into effect with the approval of the Commissioners: Autopsy Report $15.00 Toxicological Report 15.00 Proof of Identity (which identifies the decedent and circumstances) 3.00 Fatal Accident Report 3.00 Total $36.00 Said letter stated that the original cost, prior to this request of a fee schedule, would not have exceeded the total sum of $4.00 for all items. Mr. Jackson stated that he has checked with the Fayette County and ,Allegheny County Coroner Offices and found that the schedule of fees corresponds in most respects to theirs. Mr. Jackson therefore recom- mended that this fee schedule be established for the Coroner's Office of Washington County. Remarks: Mr. Jackson stated that he was complying with a meeting with Mr. Paluso in respect to bringing all offices up to the fee schedule. Mr. Jackson stated that he wasn't aware that he was making a request for the Commissioners to act only on the Coroner's Office. Mr. Paluso stated that the rest of the fees are set by the Legislature, but the Coroner's Office is not. Mr. Paluso stated that we have to have something to post for the public to see. Mr. Paluso stated that Mr. Jackson took the lower of the fees of the surrounding counties. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the recommended fees be adopted as proposed by Coroner Farrell Jackson. Remarks: Mr. Flynn stated that Mr. Jackson is correct in his presentation about the other offices. Mr. Flynn stated that this is mandated by law, and that he has tried to prevail upon the Courts and the former Register of Wills to increase the rates. Mr. Morgan stated that he has talked with the new Register of Wills and he is in the process of bringing the fee schedule up to date. Mr. Morgan also stated that the Prothon- otary has also increased their fees as of the beginning of the year. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Flynn - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk advised the Board of a letter dated January 29, 1976, addressed to Mr. Luppino, Director of Washington County Adult Welfare Services, from Sharon Russell, Soaial Service Supervisor. Said letter stated that on February 5 and 6, 1976, the Pennsylvania Medical Society is sponsoring a seminar on "Performing Concurrent Utilization Review, Medical Care Evaluation and Discharge Planning in the Long Term Care Facility" to be held at the Hershey Motor Lodge and Convention Center, Hershey, Pa. Said letter then requested permission to attend this seminar at a cost of $35.00 for the registration fee. The Office of Long Term Care, Region III, HEW, is subsidizing the fee and the total cost represents a deflated figure. 22 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MALCOLM L, MORGAN, MICHAEL R. FLYNN. EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Remarks. - Chief Clerk stated that Mr. Luppino recommended that Miss Russell be granted per- mission to attend. Chief Clerk stated that this is provided for in the budget. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that Sharon Russell be permitted to attend said seminar as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Flynn - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk informed the Board of a letter dated January 23, 1976, from Jack B. Wagner, Director of Registration, addressed to the County Commissioners, which requested the approval of the schedule of Field Registrations for the upcoming General Primary as follows: ` Mon. , Feb. 23 Canonsburg James Puchany Boro. Bldg. 745-8000 Mon. , Feb. 23 Centerville Francis Pagac Richeyville Firehall 757-6307 Tues. , Feb. 24 Donora Thomas Petrus Fire Hall 379-5111 Tues. , Feb. 24 S. Franklin LouElla Hart Comm. Bldg. 225-2126 Lago nda Fri., Feb. 27 Monongahela Carole Foglia City Bldg. 258-5500 Mon., Mar. 1 Cecil Joan Terrill Twp. Bldg. 745-2227 Tues. , Mar. 2 California Bernadine Mudry Boro. Bldg. 938-7202 Wed.,Mar. 3 Primrose Jack Caldwell Vincenti's Garage 391-3300 Wed., Mar. 3 Stockdale Ralph Rozzi Municipal Bldg. 938-9797 Thurs. , Mar. 4 Charleroi Katherine Petrilak Boro. Bldg. 483-6011 Thurs. , Mar. 4 Finleyville William Bores Comm. Center 348-5457 Fri. , Mar. 5 Peters James Ross St. Benedicts 941-9406 Church Mon. , Mar. 8 Cokeburg Helen Vilchek Boro. Bldg. 945-6356 Scenery Hill Mon. , Mar. 8 Canonsburg Jim Puchany Boro. Bldg. _ Tues. , Mar. 9 Burgettstown Mary Pappas Boro. Bldg. 947-2011 Tues.,Mar: 9 Fallowfield Herman Pennline Municipal Bldg. 483-3888 Wed. , Mar. 10 W. Brownsville Jack Sabo Boro. Bldg. 785-5533 Thurs.,Mar. 11 McDonald Murray McCartney Boro. Bldg. 926-8711 Thurs. , Mar. 11 N. Strabane Rhea Suplick Fire Hall 746-1264 Fri: , Mar. 12 Fredericktown Sophia Despot Twp. Bldg. 377-4712 Tues. , Mar. 15 West Pike Run Joe Tokar Daisytown 938-8863 Hungarian Club Wed. , Mar. 17 Monongahela Carole Foglia City Bldg. 258-5500 Thurs. , Mar. 18 N. Strabane Shirley Pierchalski Twp. Bldg. 745-1140 Fri. , Mar. 19 Union Mrs. Zimmerman Elrama Fire Hall 348-7188 1 (continued) MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MALCOLM L. MORGAN, MICHAEL R. FLYNN, EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS (Field Registration continued) Tues. , Mar. 23 Bentleyville Mary Shanahan Boro. Bldg. 239-2112 Tues.,Mar. 23 Canton Ann Abajace School Bldg. 222-1314 Wiley Ave. Wed. , Mar. 24 Hopewell Hazel Carroll Twp. Bldg. in 345-3658 Avella MON VALLEY DATE PLACE TIME March 8 Bentworth High School 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM March 9 Charleroi High School 10:35 AM to 12:15 PM March 9 Mon Valley Catholic High School 11:00 AM to 12:15 PM March 10 Ringgold High School 10:00 AM to 11:30 AM (Donora Division) March 11 California High School 10:30 AM to 12 Noon March 11 California State College 1:00 PM to 2:30 PM March 12 Ringgold High School 10:45 AM to 12:45 PM (Monongahela Division) March 13 Mont. Wards - Charleroi 1:00 PM to 4:00 PM 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM PETERS TOWNSHIP DATE PLACE TIME March 9 Peters Twp. High School 10:45 AM to 1:15 PM Washington High School 10:45 AM to 12:50 PM March 10 Trinity High School 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM Chartiers High School 11:00 AM to 1:20 PM March 12 Washington Mall 10:00 AM to 9:30 PM March 13 Washington Mall 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM March 19 Donaldson's Crossroads 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM March 20 Donaldson's Crossroads 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM March 16 Canon -McMillan 10:30 AM to 1:00 PM Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the foregoing schedules be adopted as requested by the Registration Office. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Flynn - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. (Controller Mascara entered the meeting.) Mr. Flynn: In view of the fact that at our last meeting, we had designated Friday, February 13, as our next regular meeting, among the items being discussed and adopted at that time - I would like the record to show that on January 8, I requested among other things, the net balances of different accounts, particularly our general fund accounts'. so on and so forth. I received a reply to that communication on January 22; however, in the meantime, I received a communication, xerox copy, from the Budget Director, Mr. Gillespie, and I want to quote this: "For the past several years, some extremely r MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MALCOLM L. MORGAN, MICHAEL R. FLYNN, EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS dangerous fiscal practices have been instituted in Washington County. At the present time, our fiscal system approaches a state of chaos, particularly at the County Homes anti in the areas of Grants & Gifts." And he goes on to say that you will find a xerox copy of a section of the Pennsylvania law, which is to be taken into consideration. However, as a result of that communication from Mr. Gillespie on the 15th, I immediately sent a letter to the gentleman, and also a copy to the other two Commissioners, and the subject matter was fiscal practices. I quote: "I read with great concern your letter of January 15, regarding fiscal practices in Washington County. Although I am not specifically ware of what you are referring to on your letter; however, if we do have as you state, 'extreme Ly dangerous fiscal practices', then I suggest to all parties concerned, that they must be resolved immediately. Therefore, rather than dealing with general statements regarding our fiscal system, I would be most appreciative if you would forward to me in writing as quickly as possible, a specific item -by -item listing of those accounts in our fiscal practices that you consider extremely dangerous. Upon having a chance to review your item -by - item listing, I would be most happy to meet with the other Commissioners and you as Budget Director, so we can resolve this matter. I will await your prompt reply." And that was dated January 16; as of today, February 5, I haven't as yet received an answer to that. However, it would seem to me, that if the financial condition was in such a chaotic state, that it would require immediate attention, and not wait. Now again, it would seem to me, that it wasn't as chaotic as he might have thought. When this budget was presented for consideration and when I see a three mill increase in taxes, knowing what we presented, the previous Board, with 19 mill tax rate, I don't think it was chaotic according to what I've seen. I think it was a catastrophe. And I might also state, that I did not have the courtesy, nor was I invited, or was I made knowledgeable, of attending any meetings, budget hearings, or asked to make any input into this new budget. Now I'd like to think that I too represent people here, and regardless of what position I've been relegated into as far as the political arena is concerned is immaterial. The fact remains that I too represent the majority of taxpayers in this County and I'm here for a purpose. Again, I repeat myself, I have not had the courtesy of being invited to any meetings and anybody who had made an appropriation, to the best of my determination, or made requests for appropriation in that budget, has not had the courtesy of being called in to discuss it. I read with alarm where there's any number of these different requests have been cut back, which they cannot function, they cannot operate on; and I think that we as responsible men, owe it to the public to have a hearing; a general hearing, a public hearing on that budget. A three mill increase is quite a considerable jump. And I like ::. to take into consideration that I have been here for 12 years and we have increased the millage in 12 years, 6 3/4 mills. And all of a sudden we need three mills. And I think that that's an imposition on the taxpayers of this County. I for one am stating right now that three mills is not necessary and in order to prove a point, I am making a motion, sir, that we have a... that you as Chairman of the Board, call a special meeting, either Wednesday or Thursday of next week for the specific purpose of having a hearing on this budget. Ani I so move. Mr. Morgan: Do I hear a second? Motion fails for lack of a second. Mr. Flynn: Alright, Mr. Chairman, if I may then, let me give to you in writing, sir, a request under Section 503 - I think I have the privilege of requesting a special meeting for the purpose of asking for a public hearing. Mr. Morgan: The Chair will undertake your request, Mr. Flynn. Mr. Paluso, do you have any comments? Mr. Paluso: No, I have no objections to any public hearing on the budget whatsoever. But it can't be Thursday, I know that. Mr. Flynn: Why can't it? Mr. Morgan: The Courthouse is closed on Thursday. Mr. Flynn: I'm a public servant; Saturday, Sunday, holidays, don't mean anything to me. When you raise millage three mills, when you're talking about 100,000 property owners in this County, and you're talking about industry, and you're talking about a three mill increase, believe me that's a big increase, brother. Mr. Morgan: Mr. Flynn, you know full well, that all we're doing is paying the bills that have been incurred by prior administrations, and you know very well what it takes to pay the bills. Mr. Flynn: Let's take exception here. I'm not here to debate issue. Mr. Morgan: That's right. This is not going to be turned into a debate. 1 1 D Mr. Flynn: ...you're raising three mills to pay bills. That is not true. You haven't MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MALCOLM L. MORGAN, MICHAEL R. FLYNN, EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 25 done your homework. Three mills on a taxpayer - talk about a rape and a rip-off, brother, you got it. Mr. Morgan: We are not going to turn Commissioners' .meetings into a forum for debate. If we're going to have that, and you want to make a public statement, the news media will be glad to listen to you or anyone else after the meeting is concluded. Do we have further business, Mr. Brady? Mr. Paluso; No, but I would... Mr. Flynn: You're shutting off debate - you're trying to tell me then, the taxpayers, that these three mills aren't worth anything. Mr. Morgan: Well, I want the records to show, I've made a written request for a public hearing. Mr. Paluso: I would be interested in the specific areas here that you say are unnecessary. I'd be interested in knowing those so we could look at them prior to the cut-off date to adopt it. Mr. Flynn: Mr. Paluso, I want to go over that item by item. I don't care if it will take me two days. The fact is that I was not invited to these meetings; that's what I want the record to show. And I represent people in this County; and these people depend upon me. And I don't expect to sit here and be shoved over to the side. That's the point I'm making. I'm requesting a public hearing on that budget. Item by item, Mr. Paluso. Mr. Paluso: That's fine with me. New Business: Chief Clerk suggested that the Board re -schedule the agenda meeting on February 18, 1976, from 10.00 a.m. , until 2.00 p.m., because the meeting room is needed for tax sale purposes which have already been advertised. Remarks: Mr. Paluso suggested that the agenda meeting be held at 10:00 a.m., in the Chief Clerk's Office and so advertise this. Chairman noted that the place for the agenda meeting on February 18, 1976, will be in the Chief Clerk's Office rather than in' -the public meeting room. Solicitor: County Solicitor Diamond stated that as a matter of information, the Pennsylvania Social Services Union had previously instituted suit against the County charging unfair labor practices with regard to the proposed contract between the County Commissioners and Canonsburg Hospital to transfer the services of the Central Washington County Mental Health and Mental Retardation Clinic to Canonsburg Hospital. Mr. Diamond stated that a hearing had been set for February 9, 1976. Mr. Diamond stated that when he was made aware of this, he did some investigation and found that this is really a dead issue; that this matter has been abandoned by both the Canonsburg Hospital and the Washington County Commissioners. Mr. Diamond stated that he so advised the PSSU and based on that, they have agreed to dismiss the action for the Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board. Mr. Diamond also stated that he has noted the instructions to schedule hearings for the three employees who have filed for an appeal for their dismissal and 26 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MALCOLM L. MORGAN, MICHAEL R. FLYNN, EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS that he will do this. Meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTES READ AND APPROVED: Fe ruary: 5 1976 ATTEST: CHIEF Cel(K sh LF I--