HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 11 - 3-11-1976 - COMMISSIONERiu MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY' COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MALCOLM L. MORGAN. MICHAEL R. FLYNN, EDWARD M. PAL,USO, COMMISSIONER$ Minute No. 11 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., March 11, 1976 The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following members being present: Commissioners Paluso and Morgan (Mr. Flynn entered the meeting later). Also being present: Chief Clerk Brady; Charlotte Iams and June,Spangler of the League,of Women Voters Phil Angelo of the Daily Notes; Bob Robertson of the Observer -Reporter; John Cadez of Engelhardt & Power Associates; Earl Bugaile of WKEG; Diks,tteo .trothers. Chairman noted for the record that two Commissioners and the Chief Clerk were in attendance. (Mr. Flynn entered the meeting) Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions or omissions to Minute #10, each member having received a copy. as read. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that Minute #10 be approved Roll call vote taken: Mr. Flynn - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Special Order of Business: Chairman informed the Board that we have been petitioned in our capacity as a Registration`Commission to set a hearing on a matter concerning Miss registration and the Chair is setting it at 2:00 P.M. on March 19, 1976. Chairman informed the Board of a request for grant-in-aid from Adult Probation in the amount of $24,613.00 to assist in paying their personnel. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr- Flynn, to approve their request to make the grant-in-aid application. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Flynn - Yes;_ Mr. Paluso - Yes;. Mr.. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk informed the Board that a motion is in order that the Chair- man, Malcolm L. Morgan, be designated as Attorney -in -fact in order that he may execute deeds in behalf of the county. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the Chairman be desig- nated as Attorney -in -fact as per above . Roll call vote taken: Mr. Flynn - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Old Business: Chief Clerk informed the Board that bids for flags and markers for Veteran's graves will be received until 11:00 A.M. Thursday,,March 18, 1976, at I �J [J which time they shall be awarded and this is in accordance with Purdon's Pa. Statutes 16-1802-E MINUTE BOOK �1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MALCOLM L. MORGAN, MICHAEL R. FLYNN, EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS C J Correspondenceli Chief Clerk informed the Board of the receipt of the following checks: (1) Commonwealth of Pa. - for services per Contract #452677 - ck. #450739 dated 2/25/76 - Dept. -of Community Affairs Training Conference . (11/l/75) (2) Commonwealth of Pa, - Partial payment for Mingo Park Expansion ck. #450042 dated 2/24/76..- $11,991.00 (3) Mon Valley Health and Welfare..Council for Advances for four programs - ck. #1544_dated.3/2/76 6-B-10 Adult.Protecti.ve-services $3,666.92 6-B-21 Companion Chore Service $5,795.66 6-B-22 Meals on Wheels $1,845.42 6-B-23 Adult Foster Care $1.760.33 TOTAL $13,0 8.33 (4) Pittsburgh National Bank - ck. #775012 dated 3/8/76 Weekend Investment Principle $450,000.00 Interest 150.00 TOTAL $450,150. 0 5 (5) Commonwealth of Pa. - I. D. #744 - Child Welfare Services ck. #453365 dated 3/3/76 - $5,538.44 (6) Commonwealth of Pa. - Contract #2915 ck. #453255 dated 3/3/76 Day Care for Nov. and Dec. 1975 - $49r014.99 (7) Commonwealth-of,Pa. - Contract #2915- ck. #454414 dated 3/5/76 Day Care for San. 1976-- $18,938.32 Chief Clerk presented the following bills to the Board for their consideration and approval: (1) M & M Equipment Sales.Company.- $714,31.98 - Est. #1, Burgett Slovan Project (2) J. Buberniak Company_- $1,385.39 - Work at Planning Commission Office Building. (3) Cole-Layer-Trumble Company-r! $9-,766.66--.Data Processing Service; for March 1 to March 31, 1976. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the foregoing bills be approved for payment. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Flynn - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk read a letter dated March 4, 1976, from Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania, Inc. regarding Chartiers Creek Flood Protection Project, Canons- burg -Houston Reach unit 2-B, Washington County. Said letter stated that they will proceed with this project if Washington County authorities will assure Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania, Inc. reimbursement of costs incurred for preliminai engineering and right of way acquisition costs and after an estimate has been submitted for approval they expect an agreement to be entered into by Washington County authorities and Columbia Gas of Pennsylvania, Inc. for reimbursement of these costs. Chairman asked Clay Graham who had entered the meeting if he had any comments to make on this. 72 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MALCOLM L. MORGAN, MICHAEL R. FLYNN. EDWARDr M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS ClayG. raham - This is just a start-up of the removal of Columbia Gas faciliti in 2-B of Chartiers Creek. This is very similar to the agreement we entered into with them on 2-A which is still underway. We have paid them $50,000 for part of 2-A. There will be additional pipes removed on 2-A and additional payment made on that. We are authorizing them to begin the engineering of 2-B and once they have completed that they will .come back with a contract. Moved by Mr. Paluso,, seconded by,Mr. Flynn, that the Chairman be authorized to acknowledge receipt of the letter and approve as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Flynn - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Flynn - I would like to make a report on these other Flood Control Projects. At a meeting on Tuesday, March 9, 1976, the Washington County Soil Conservation District met in regular session it was bro.ught.to my attention by a representa- tive of the U. S. Department:of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service that in this year and no later then October 1, 1976 there will be in this small water- shed pact twenty-five new additional dams built in -the entire United States. Included in them iskthe one made,in Washing pan County which would be Cross Creek In Dam Site 483 which would be in Harmon Creek they need three easements. They had hoped that we would have all of the easements and right-of-ways on the Cross Creek dam site 661 by July because they anticipate construction of twenty new dams but by all necessity they have to have it by. October 1, 1976. Mr. Morgan - Is the only land problem we have in Cross Creek is the easement for Bell Telephone to relocate lines? Have all the other land acquisitions been taken care of? Clay Graham - We have rented the property for the Bell Telephone for site 661 and all of the utilities have been taken care of. The main work that has to be done is primarily on the highways, some coal, -There is no land acquisition to be made on the primary project of site 661, we own the ground. On project site 659 which is the Cindrich propperty we do not have the right-of-way for Bell Telephone, but we have granted Bell Telephone the right-of-way on our property to lay their new line. Mr. Flynn - The point that I would like to stress is that if we do not get this under way this year it will be the year 1980 before we would ever see anything in sight. So we have to move fast and that is why they are giving us these different deadlines. I understand that Mr. Graham has been given the go ahead sign. Mr.Morgan'- Yes. We are transferring the Bond Fund money next week. If you recall, last week we authorized'a payment to West Penn Power on the Cross Creek Project. We are opening that account next week and putting the bond funds that are allocated to that in that account and it will become a working account. We will move as fast as possible. MINUTE BOOK 73 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MALCOLM L. MORGAN, MICHAEL R. FLYNN, EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS C 0 Chief Clerk read a letter dated March 5, 1976 from Clark A. Mitchejl, Esquire regarding his resignation as Assistant Public Defender effective March 12, 1976, as his private local practice has.increased and no longer has the time to be employed by the Public. Defender's Department for Washington County. Chief Clerk read a letter dated March 3, 1976, from Lycoming Data Services asking for.the opportunity,to.prepare-a_competitive proposal or bid for processing tax and/or.voter registration files for the County of Washington. Chairman recommends that the. above letter be filed with the presen- contract that me have and when it comes up this.can be taken into consideration at that time. Chief Clerk read a letter from Jane Fulcher, Librarian, dated February 27, 1976, regarding the photocopying of old Tax Assessment Records (1781-1800). Said letter stated the original committee had decided that their first concern was to preserve and -duplicate -the old Tax Assessment Records and since they have time in the library right now to proceed with the photocopying would like a specialwdispensation.to.use the Xerox machine in the purchasing office. Said letter stated that the total non -labor outlay should be less than $-640.00. be granted. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded.by Mr.Flynn, that the above request Roll call -vote taken: Mr. Flynn - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk informed the Board.of a letter from Representative A. J. DeMedio acknowledging receipt of our letter from the Board of Washington County Commissioners in regards to our opposition to SenIxte Bill #852 in its present form and he has forwarded this to the appropriate people in Harrisburg. Chief Clerk read a letter dated February 23, 1976, from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Office -of the -Auditor General directed to Mr. Morgan regarding Mr. Morgan's letter requesting an audit of the Washington County Mental Health/Mental Retardation Program. Said letter stated that due to the limited staff resources and a large number of audits which it is their responsibility to perform, the Department.is unable to accommodate the audit request at this time and referred the request to the Department of Public Wel- fare, which has primary audit responsibility in the MH/MR Program. Chairman stated that since they have rejected our request he will go to the Department of Public Welfare plus our own County Controller, Mr. Mascara, about the audit. Chief Clerk read a memorandum dated March 10, 1976, from William P. Sember, Executive Director-b tho�,Washington County Planning Commission, regarding an enclosed completed copy of PennDOT Form 340 which is a request from 14 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MALCOLM L. MORGAN, MICHAEL R. FLYNN, EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Washington County to PennDOT to utilize Liquid,Fuels funds for engineering services related to a deteriorated bridge in Allenport.Borough. Chief Clerk stated that this is an application for expenditures of Liquid Fuels Tax Alloca tions for engineering services to be rendered for. waterway approval design construction plans and specifications for major rehabilitation or reconstruc- tion at Allenport Bridge #2 in the Borough of Allenport, and the amount is $5000.00. Chairman stated that we have been informed by local authorities in Allenport that they have a dangerous situation in that bridge and that Mr. Sember has gone out and reviewed the problem and has come to the conclus that we need additional technical advise to design a new facility for that Bridge in Allenport. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded.by Mr., -Flynn that the above request from the.Bridge Department be approved. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Flynn - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes,; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk read a memorandum dated March 9, 1976, from William P. Sember, Executive Director of the .Washington,County Planning Commission requesting permission to attend the annual conference of the American Tnstitu of',Planners and the American Society of Planning Officials in Washington, D.C. Said letter stated that Mr. Hunter is requesting the County to finance the Registration Fee ($90.00) and mileage. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the above_ request be approved. Roll call vote taken: Mr, Flynn - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented various..tax deeds to the Board for their consideration and approval. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the deeds eiecuted for the following described properties to the following persons listed below for the sum or price set opposite the same under and by virtue of the action of this Board taken Tan_, 22-, 1976, as recorded in Minute No. 4 and the Il�cree of the Court of Common Pleas dated Ma:rCh l , , 1976, the said deeds to be delivered to the purchasers named herein upon payment of the considerati, recorded therein together with the costs of proceedings, and that the Board of Commissioners be and are hereby authorized to execute the said deeds as and for the County of Washington and Malcolm L. Morgan, Chairman is hereby c(nstituted and appointed attorney in fact to acknowledge the said deeds before any.,person authorized to take acknowledgements: MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA r� MALCOLM L. MORGAN, MICHAEL R. FLYNN, EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 5 fl 1 209,Jan T, 1976 A.D. 207,Jan. T,1976 A.D. BIDDER Sawyer, Ronnie & Donna, his wife 219 Second St. California, Pa.15419 Lomax, Fannie M.,& James V. Lomax, Jr. P. O. Box 177 Donora, Pa. 15033 DISTRICT &' DE SC . CALIFORNIA (P©) Washington County (FO) Darulla, Wilma One Acre of Surf Adj. Wilson DB 864, Pg. 123 CARROLL . (POI Washington County (FO) Benson, Sophie Lots 200-201 Eldora Add. 3 DB 937-38 212, Jan T,1976 A.D. Carden, Billy & Paula (PO) Washington County 3041 Amy Drive (FO) Cowen, James C. Library, Pa. 15129 Est. & Heirs Lots 1,2, 3, and 4 Vineyard Plan DB 1260, Page 239 (13-7-222 to 225) 214, Jan T,1976 A.D. 215,Jan T,1976 A. D. 216,Jan T, 1976 A.D. 200,Jan T,1976 A.D. 199, Jan T,1976 A.D. 198,Jan T, 1976 A.D. Mills, William C. & Lillie M. Box 402, R. D. #1 Monongahela, Pa. 15063 Sluciak, Dennis C. R. D.#2 Box 239 Canonsburg, Pa. 15317 Grimes, H. Terry R. D. #2 Washington, Pa. 15301 Miller, Alan James Main Street New Eagle, Pa. 15067 Masters, Earl and Rose Ann, his wife Box 306 Chess St. New Eagle, Pa. 15067 Masters, Earl and Rose Ann, his wife Box 306 Chess St. New Eagle, Pa. 15067 (PO) Washington County (FO) Johnson, Clark B. & Florence S. Lots 107 and 108 Eldora Plan, No. 1 DB 1274, Page 95 (13-12-248) CE'CIL PO Washington County (FO) Lewis, Joseph & Jennie 2 Sty Shngl Ilse Lot 76-&,12 3 acre of surf DB 1246, Page 98 COAL CENTER PRICE $150.001, $125.00 $165.00 $125.00 $75.00 PO Wa, h�.nsgton County $ 2 0 0.0 0 (FO) Ailes, Nellie Est. 5.51 Acre of Surf Belle Vernon Road DB 1245, Page 365 (1 r-4-25) (Subject to easement by Columbia Gas of Penna.). FALLOWFIELD (PO) Wash ngton County $100.00 (FO) Dolinsky, Nick Lots 18, 19, 20, 21 Blk 11, Lockview Terr. Plan DB 1146, Page 182 (PO) Washington County $50.00 (FO) Knoch, Byron E. Lots 26, 27 Wilson Heights DB 12451 Pg. 637 (32-7-610) (PO) Washington County $50.00 (FO) Sklenar, Paul Lot 25, Block 2 Wilson Heights Plan DB 1245, Page 613 (32-7-717) HANOVER 197,Jan T,1976 A.D. Long, John S. (PO) Wa_szington County R.D. #3, Box 100B (FO) Gilbert, John Robert Burgettstown, Pa. 15021 & Jeanette Pt Lot 11 DB 1406, Page 228 (34-1-64) - $50.00 76 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MALCOLM L. MORGAN, MICHAEL R. FLYNN, EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS TERM 205,Jan T, 1976 A.D. 204,Jan T,1976 A.D. BIDDER Masters, Earl & Rose Ann, his wife Box 306 Chess St. New Eagle, Pa. 15067 Masters, Earl & Rose Ann, his wife Box 306 Chess Street New Eagle, Pa. 15067 DISTRICT & DESC. MONONG&HRIA '2ND WARD (PO) Washington County (FO) Billen, J. M. One vacant lot Rear Vine Street DB 1006, Pg. 700 (43-1 5-26) (PO) Washington County (FO) McGrew, Kenneth & Carole Pt Lot 1 2 Shy Fr Hse DB 1292, Page 631 (42-12-47) PRICE $75.00 $50.00 213,Jan T,1976 A.D. Miller,Alan James (PO) Washington County $50.00 Main Street (FO) Scrave, Joseph New Eagle, Pa. 15067 One Lot, Leyda Plan DB 1292, Page 635 (43-16-28) 206,Jan T, 1976 A.D. Masters, Earl and Rose Ann, his wife Box 306 Chess Street New Eagle, Pa. 15067 (PO) Washington County $60.00 (FO) White, Frank S. & Alberta M. Lots 2 and 3 DB;1332, Page 246 City Desc: Lots 6 & 7 Garden Street NEW EAGLE 208,Jan T, 1976 A.D. Masters, Earl and � PO Washington County $100.00 Rose Ann, his wife (FO) Loutit, Albert & Box 306 Chess Street Della M. New Eagle, Pa. 15067 A plot -1 ground on Dry Run Road Frame Bldg. DB 1246, Page 219 210,Jan T,1976 A.D. Miller, Alan James (PO) Washington County $50.00 Main Street (FO) Stunert, Edward G. New Eagle, Pa. 15067 Lot 261 West Monongahela Plan DB 1246, Page 223 (48-23-4) 220,Jan T,1976 A.D. 219,Jan T,1976 A.D. 'Miller, Alan James Main Street New Eagle, Pa. 15067 Johns, Merl C. & Aldine B., his wife 1400 Overlook Drive Washington,Pa.15301 (PO) Washington County $75.00 (FO) Weiss, Charles B. & Caroline Lots 8 & 9, Elk 9 Riverview Plan DB 1146, Page 158 NORTH FRANKLIN (POWashington County (FO) Bruce, Vincent a/k/a Calvin V. Bruce Est. Lot 4 One Sty Fr Hse DB 1585, Page 266 (51-2-182) SMITH 218,Jan T,1976 A.D. Bashioum, Boobette PO) Washington County Box 295 (FO) Campbell, A. V. Slovan, Pa. 15078 Lot 288 DB 1353, Page 586 (57-8-613) $100.00 $50.00 203,Jan T, 1976 A.D. Gavozzi, Pearl I. (PO) Washington County $225.00 104 Hudson Street (FO) Gromacki, Telesfor T. Slovan, Pa. 15078 Est. & Heirs Lot 105 Sheds DB 1406, Page 284 (-5,7- 8 -4 2 8 ) 1 F 1 MINUTE BOOK 77 BOARD OF COUNTY -COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MALCOLM L. MORGAN. MICHAEL R. FLYNN, EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 1 1 TERM BIDDER DISTRrCT & DESC. PRICE SMITH CON'"T- 202,Jan T, 1976 A.D. Long, J.M. (PO) WassTiington County $145.00 R.D. #3 Box 100B (FO) Ripko, Joseph & Burgettstown,Pa.15021- Elizabeth Lot 294 Dunbar or Plotts Plan DB 1260, Page 467 (57-8-661) SOUTH-"ST'RABA'N'E 201, Jan T,1976 A.D. Nutbrown, Edward (PO) Washington County $500.00 Box 28 B (FO) Burton, William D. Oakdale, Pa. 15071 & Martha Lots 124, 125 DB 1585, Page 258 WEST B3ROWNSVILLE 217,Jan T,1976 A.D. Grago, John Jr. &. PO Washington County $100.00 Cheryl L., his wife (FO) Foley, George D. & 11360 Cherry Hill Rd. Martha M. Lots 154, 155 Beltsville, Md. 20705 Railroad Street DB 1260, Page 539 (67-6-80-81-) 211, Jan T,1976 A.D. Johnson, Paul Box 224 Daisytown, Pa. 15427 WEST -PIKE RUN '(PO) Was ni gton County (FO) Woods, Bessie c/o Emma W. Caldwell 2 Sty Dbl Fr Hse Lot-0.133 acre of surf DB 1585, Page 250 (70-12-270) $400.00 Roll call vote taken: Mr. Flynn - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr.Morgan - Yes. Motion Carried unanimously. Chairman asked if any of the members of the Board had anything to present to the Board; `and Mr. Flynn stated that he did. — The following discussion was held: Mr. Flynn - On behalf of the DiMatteo Brothers I received a request to present their case to this .`Board this morning. Last Monday, one of the DiMatteo Brothers was in to see our,Chief Clerk-and_I was leaving for an appointment and I saw the gentleman in the hallway and he related to me that he saw in the news media whereby, I had voted against the leasing of the property in Canons- burg from Mr. & Mrs. Mario DeAngelo and I told the gentleman that was correct. He asked me, well,. what happened to my.proposal and I told him I didn't know what he was talking about. I didn't know of any proposal from him. I told him what took place here in.our meeting. So, he asked me how he could be heard and I told him the best way to do it would be for him to get in touch with the Chief Clerk and try to get on the agenda for our next meeting. The night before last he called my home. He told me that he went to the Chief Clerk as I had suggested and the Chief Clerk said that he would get back to him which he did. The request was denied. He further related to me that he called the local news media to no avail. He asked me if I would bring to the attention of this Board that they did submit to this Board on January 13th, a proposal for a magistrates office on West Pike Street in Canonsburg and they wanted me to bring out the fact that they had proposed the following: l,.,They would pay for all utilities and heat. 2. They would have the office air conditioned. 3. 2hey would furnish all of the janitorial services. 4. They would be responsable for all janitorial supplies. 5. The total space would amount to 1370 sq. ft and would have two toilet facilities. The space would be divided as follows: one waiting room, two offices and a hearing room. The office would have- a ---completely new interior including wall to wall carpeting, tltrough€u�t -the offices and waiting room. MINUTE ■ ■ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MALCOLM L. MORGAN, MICHAEL R. FLYNN. EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS All of the above mentioned services and utilities to be furnished for a six year lease, the rental would be $399.00 per;`month and this gentleman made this available to me because I did not have this information. He raised the question whereby, we entered into a lease for six years for the sum of $30,600 payable in monthly installments of $425.00 per month and he asked me that in 'view of the fact that he couldn't get on the agenda and he couldn't get to the news media, he asked me if I would bring it to the attention of this Board. Mr. DiMatteo - As Mr. Flynn says on.January 13th we proposed to the Commission- ers what we had submitted. Before that we approached the present Magistrate and asked him questions as to what they wanted. He politely told me that this is what we need; supplies all utilities, all the janitorial services, every- thing that Mr. Flynn just described. He says that we are concerned with no steps and I notice that you have steps there now. I said, yes, but we can eliminate them. So he says that it is not up to him he goes where the Commissio - ers tell him to go. Then on January 28th or 29th I came up and I wanted to discuss with one or three of the Commissioners our proposal. As time was of the essence and we were at a stand still we couldn't do much more and we only had a few more weeks to complete. Mr. Brady, said that he didn't know because the Commissioners were tied up and that he would.1t back to me. A few days later Mr. Brady got back to us and he says that as of now there is no decision on it. Then this past Friday I sdw in the Daily Notes that they had made the award. I went up to see Mr. Brady to ask him about this and he said that it was for $425.00and I said that we were $399.00, and he said, "Well, I don't know, this i what was approved." I asked him how much sq. footage was in this place and he came to 1332 sq. ft. I said that we have a little more space in there and we feelthat our location is just as good. We have as much off street parking, public parking, we have parking on Jeffdrson and on Pike Street. I told him that I would like to have a meeting with `=the Commissioners to discuss this and he said that he would try. I was going out and I met Mr. Flynn and he told me that he was unaware that we even had a proposal and I pulled it out and said you mean that you didn't vote on this and he said that he never saw this before and asked me to see it. Tuesday morning Mr. Brady called my home and left word -that we would not be on the agenda. I called Mr. Brady again and I told him that we wanted to get on the agenda and he said that he would try but he didn't think that it was possible. When he said that he didn't think that it was possible we got a little upset and we did call Mr. Flynn and I mentioned it to him and he said that he would see if he could have our say. We have two buildings that we think are just as good if not better then the other. We've got the parking, we have no steps which they required, now whether the future Magistrates office will have steps or not, I don't know, but the fact is that the buildings are there. Nobody approached us and said we want to examine your building to see how it compares. Now, I see a difference of a total of $1872 fora period of six years to the taxpayers. Now, we the taxpayers have a question here. Were we tr,e4ted fair? Mr. Morgan - Mr, DiMatteo, I will do my very best to explain it to you. Number one as far as we were concerned, we would have preferred that Mr. Lesniakowski stay where he was, but, we were approached by the Court Administrator represen- ting the President Judge, and Mr. Lesniakowski both insisting, almost demanded that he be moved someplace. In return for that I asked Mr. Lesniakowski to give me a few recommendations as to where he would like to move and what is available He sent us a letter and you were on this letter but you will note that the place that was chosen was number one on the list but yours was number three thatle lined up here. We got into this and we discovered that there was another site that was even better that Mr. Lesniakowski would have preferred and that was down in the building that the liquor store'was in. There was a vacancy coming up there and we negotiated on that but we found the price was prohibitive as to what we felt a magistratial office should rent for and we were in no position to pay the kind of money the landlord was requesting and even though Mr. Lesniakowski would have preferred that building because of the parking. When that fell through, we said which one do.you pr;efer and that is when he referred us back to his letter. Now, we reOiewed the floor plan and the arrange- ment that you had sent in. Your building at the back is 1719" wide, and you have the location of the restrooms in the back room. In discussing with Mr. Lesniakowski, the floor plan that you proposed, he would be having hearings and there would be other people waiting and in order for someone to go to the rest- r®ms they would have to go back through the courtroom while court procedures were going on and he didn't like that idea. We discussed the ease of getting in with someone in a wheelchair, he did not like the step arrangement or the ramp whatever it is in your building. You have to understand, sir, that this is athree headed monster that we have here. We have to please, the President Judge because he prescribes the perimeter of which we can put this office in, we try our best to please the Magistrate who is involved because in the end analysis he is the man who` has to function in that property and with those things in mind we again went back to Mr. Lesniakowski and he said that he would prefer one where someone in a wheelchair could get in very easily and that is the one that he listed number one on his list. We analyized the situation and weighed the pros and cons that were involved and we decided that we would go with Mr. Lesniakowski's first recommendation, even though, it was another $20.00 or ,,a month. We did our best to solve the situation. On your floor plan with E 11 your building as long and narrow as it is, we didn't really see how you could MINUTE B❑❑K BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MALCOLM L. MORGAN, MICHAEL R. FLYNN. EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS IT 1 n 1 rework the floor plan to meet -the requirements that Mr. Lesniakowski felt that he had to have for privacy in -the Court Room and that's the whole story from the beginning to the end. Mr. DiMatteo - Mr. Lesniakowski, told me that it was very essential that they have a FM—p-Ehat somebody in a wheelchair can go up. We have it, we spent "X" number of dollars putting it in, because it would be a benefit whether it would be a Magistrates office or something else. The,xeason that I came late in January was to talk to somebody. Those bathrooms could be put anyplace else. Usually when you.have something like that you have a set of specifica- tions, you advertise it, it comes -up somebody approaches you and you say this is what we want. I don't think that we-got.the cooperation from anybody here that we should have had. That is why I brought it up, so I as a taxpayer am looking at that $1872.00, in a period of -six years, we think that we did not get anybody's cooperation .and we as taxpayers -are entitled to it. No steps were stressed and we have no steps. Mr. Morgan - Mr. DiMatteo, understand th.at..you were one of five people who made proposals within the Canonsburg area._ As i say,, our first choice as Commissioners, would have been to, keep.Mr..Lesniakovzki where he was because the rental could have been negotiated,even a.lot lower then what you are talking about. Mr Lesniakowski-insisted that he be moved ,and Mr. Posner representing the President Judge insisted that he be moved and we tried to come up with the best.. -conclusion that we could. If -.we erred in some manner, the only thing that I can say is that we are sorry but we did our very best. Mr. Flynn - To keep the records straight,. Mr. Chairman, you keep referring to "we". 'die ,did not include me. I. had no -knowledge of any plans submitted except for the one that was brought up at the meeting.- I want the records to show that I had.no knowledge of -any proposals other than the one that was presented at the -last meeting. Mr. DiMatteo - Why not make it a four -headed monster. Why not worry about taxpayer. This -is one Magistrates office involving $1900.00. Meeting Adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTES READ AND APPROVED: ATTEST: March 11 ,1976