HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 40 - 10-7-1976 - COMMISSIONERMINUTE BO OK 31 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA avid L. Gilmore MALCOLM L. MORGAN, XiMTMX1XXEDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS n J Minute No. 40 Office of County Commissioners Washington, PA. October 7, 1976 The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following members being present: Commissioners Gilmore, Paluso and Morgan. Also being present: Chief Clerk Brady; Budget Director Gillespie; Solicitor Diamond; Mrs. Miller, League of Women Voters; John Cadez, Engelhardt & Power; Mr. Nardine, Daily Notes; Earl Bugaile, WKEG; John Drake, Senior Citizens; Bob Robertson, Observer -Reporter; Mr. Lester, Brownsville -Telegraph. Chairman noted for the record that three Commissioners, Solicitor, and Chief Clerk are in attendance. .. Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions or omit6ions to Minute #39, each member having received a copy. Moved by Mr. Gilmore, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that Minute #39, be approved as read. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Correspondence: checks: Chief Clerk Brady informed the Board of the receipt of the following 1. Pittsburgh National Bank - 14 day investment @ 4 3/4% int. ck. #855118 dated 9-30-76 - General Fund Principle $1,350,000.00 Interest $ 2,453.75 TOTAL $1,352,493.75 2. Commonwealth of Pa. - Payment for the month of June 1976 ck. #520436 dated 8-26-76 - Child Support Program Fund- $10,080.83 3. Atlantic Aviation Corp. - ck. #078992 dated 9-24-76 - for Ohio Valley Piper Sales - $1,100.00 4. Commonwealth of Pa. - ck. #43-1371323 dated 10-1-76 93% of amount due Wash. County from Pa. Public Utility Realty Tax - $43,709.00 Chief Clerk Brady presented the following bills to the Board for their consideration and approval: 1. Coventry Care, Inc. - $800.00 2. Wallover & Mitchell, Inc. - $4,892.79 3. Observer -Reporter - $29.50 Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Gilmore, that the foregoing bills be approved for payment. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. 302 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Davi d L. Gi�lmQ�r�e MALCOLM L. MORGAN. WROMIK EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Chief Clerk informed the Board of a letter dated September 27, 1976, from William C. Dethlefs, Department of Health, Harrisburg, PA. advising the County that they have received notification from the Honorable William H. Sherlock, Governor's Representative and Highway Safety Coordinator, of the appro- val of our application for a Highway Safety Grant, Project Number EM 76-21-1. Chief Clerk stated that the amount of the grant is $3,141.00 which is for Emer- gency Medical Services. Chief Clerk informed the Board of a letter dated October 5, 1976, from Louise Abel, Public Welfare Administrator III requesting permission for Mrs. Mary Merritt, Homemaker to attend the Pennsylvania Council for Home -Maker Home -Health Aide Services, Inc., annual meeting at the Host Inn, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, on Tuesday,October 12, 1976. Moved by Mr.Gilmorq, seconded by Mr. Paluso to approve the above request. Discussion: Mr. Paluso: There seem to be a lot of requests from Child Welfare for these conferences. Have these all been budgeted? Mr. Gillespie: They budget to the best of their ability at the beginning of the year but during the course of the year the Department requires that they attend some of these seminars to update their program. Mt. Paluso: I would like a run down on their budget and their expenditures to find out how far out of line it is. Mr. Morgan: Based on your request, Mr. Paluso, the Chair requests Mr. Brady that you ask Mrs. Abel to give us a full report on the status of the conferences that they attend. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk informed the Board of a telegram dated October 11 1976, from Congressman Thomas E. Morgan which states that the Public Health Service has awarded a $110,000.00 grant to the Community Medical Center of northwest Washing- ton County for the development of out -patient facilities. Chief Clerk informed the Board of a telegram dated October 4, 1976, from Congressman Thomas E. Morgan which states that the Environmental Protection Agency has awarded a $82,350.00 grant to the Peters Township Sanitary Authority for preparation of a facilities plant required for the construction of waste water treatment works. Chief Clerk informed the Board of a letter dated October 4, 1976, from David D. Daniels, Chairman of the Savings Bond Drive stating that the Annual Savings Bond Drive has been completed and the results indicate an increase of 350% and that it has been the most successful in Washington County`s history. MINUTE BOOK 3M BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MALCOLM L. MORGAN� � OEDiIIfARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS r, 1 Chief Clerk informed the Board of a letter dated October 1, 1976, from Jack B. Wagner, Director of Elections -informing The Reverend Robert G. Moyer, that the Washington County.Board of Elections agrees to accept the Allison Avenue Baptist Church for a polling place for voters as per the agreement of September 30, 1976. Chief Clerk stated that this is Washington Seventh Ward, Third Precinct. Commissioner Paluso stated that we would appreciate as much coverage as the newspaper and media could give on the above change in polling places. Chief Clerk informed the Board of a letter of resignation dated October 1, 1976, from Linda A. Anthony of the Tax Claim Bureau. Said letter states that her resignation will be effective October 15, 1976. Chief Clerk informed the Board of a Resolution approving proposal for redevelopment of disposition Parcels No. 1-A and 1-B in the Canonsburg Central Business Target Area, by First National Bank and Trust Company, Washington, Pennsylvania. Moved by Mr. Gilmore, seconded by Mr. Paluso that the above resolution be approved as read. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk informed the Board of a cooperative non -financial agreement entered into by the Pennsylvania Job Service located at 227 West Otterman Street, Greensburg, PA. and the C. E. T. A. Prime Sponsor servicing Washington County. Chief Clerk stated that the objective of this agreement is to provide the C.E.T.A. Prime Sponsor with a placement service for job ready applicants who have completed a C.E.T.A. training program at no charge to the Prime Sponsor. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Gilmore that the above agreement be approved as read. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr.P.aluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk informed the Board of a letter dated October 1, 1976, from Ronald A. Monack, V. Pres. of Coventry -Care, Inc. stating that they have completed the items set forth in their agreement of June, 1976, and that all the items have been reviewed by Mr. Charles Fairchild, Administrator of the New County Nursing Facility. Said letter further stated that all of .the services rendered were completed at less that their estimated quotation anti they feel these servies have saved the County in excess of $100,000_with added savings,to/made with the utilization of their recommendations once the facility becomes operational. Chairman stated that Coventry Care, Inc. has done an excellent job in providing us'guide-lines' - to work with at the new facility and I would like to recommend to the -:,Board that we keep them available for some of their consulting 304 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA David L. Gilmore MALCOLM L. MORGAN, EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS abilities because they do have wide experience in this field. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Gilmore, that we keep the services of Coventry Care, Inc. on a per diem basis. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk informed the Board that the Court House will be closed Monday, October 11, 1976 in observance of Columbus Day, and November 11, 1976, in observance of Veteran's Day. Commissioner Paluso recommended to Mr. Brady to send a memo to all of the offices especially the Courts so that their schedule will coincide with the Holidays. Chairman stated that the Board should consider entering into a new contract proposal with Cole-LayerTrumble who had been providing our computer services but we had cancelled their contract in June which was for over $120,000, and their latest proposal is for $58,000, which is much more in line with the services that they are going to provide. Chairman further stated that we have been interviewing other companies for different proposals not only on the new re -assessment but also on the basis of doing our on going and continuing record keeping and tax chart creation but until we come up with a satisfactory alternative we should enter into a one year contract with Cole -Layer & Trumble. Commissioner Paluso stated for the public that this is an interim one year contract until an overall program concerning the whole tax assessment question and office is finally arrived at by the Board. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Gilmore, that we enter into a one year contract with Cole -Layer & Trumble. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore- Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Paluso stated that he would like the Board to consider the rescinding of the 50� additional licensing fee that has been charged in the past to people desiring t'o hunt in the Cross Creek area as it is a needless bureaucratic cost and harrassment that we really do not need to do, Mr. Paluso further stated that according to the State Game Warden, if the County does charge a fee to use any land for hunting recreation they will not stock birds or turkeys. Chairman stated that it may be a proper move -as -the Game Commission has agreed to stock a lot of birds in there but he believes that we need to continue with the registration because we have people out there doing work and recommends that our Park & Recreation still have control of who is in there even though it is not a park yet. fl 1 MINUTE BOOK Jua BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA David L. Gilmore MALCOLM L. MORGAN, C f c� WXEDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS F� Mr. Gilmore stated that the best thing to do would be to make certain areas for hunting and certain areas where they work where no hunting is allowed. Mr. Morgan then stated that the Gaze Commission has agreed to work with our park people and post the area with signs as to where the people are working and Mr. George informed him that they will provide the park office with a large map -as -to where they are doing their work. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Gilmore that the 50� registration fee be abolished in the Cross Creek area park but that all other regulations remain the same. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk informed the Board -that --the Board of Registrations- & Electior�s has presented a ballot for the approval of the Commissioners — Moved by Mr. Gilmore, seconded by Mr. Paluso, to approve the ballot presented by the Election Office. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk informed the Board of a letter dated September 28, 1976, from the Cooperative Extension Service requesting an allotment of $5000.00 from their 1976 budget. Solicitor: County Solicitor Diamond presented the following one (1) tax refund to the Board for their consideration and approval and recommended that it be approved. Mr. Diamond stated that this tax refund was approved by Mr. Yoney, County Treasurer, and (ertified by Mr. Gubanish, Chief Assessor. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Gilmore, that the Tax Assessment Office be authorized to prepare the following tax refund due to either duplica- tion or over -payment of real estate or personal property taxes: (1) Prebeg, Michael & Mary Evelyn C. (1975 County Tax) R. D. # 3, Gladden Heights McDonald, PA 15057 District: Cecil Township Deed Book: 1283-0373 District No.: 140 Section No.: 001-02 Parcel No.: 0021-00 Amount: $43.32 Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Diamond stated that he needed authorization to write letters exercising our two optionsvhich we entered into in August and September of this year one with Leases, Inc. and one with N. F. Johnson Real Estate. Moved by Mr. Gilmore, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that Mr. Diamond be given authorization on the above. 30b MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA David L. Gilmore MALCOLM L. MORGAN, btV0V==FJJgJM EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Gilmore had with him at the meeting the plaque which he,received on behalf of Mr. Flynn's family at the State Soil Conservation District Director.,. Conference in Carlisle where Mr. Flynn was chosen Watershed Man of the Year. Mr. Gilmore further stated that Washington County is the leading watershed district in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and third or fourth in the United States, for our size we are by far the leader in flood protection and watershed protection. Meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTES READ AND APPROVED: DATE: October 7 ATTEST: 'CHIEF CLERK ,1976 1 1