HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 61 - 3-17-1977 - COMMISSIONERMINUTE BOOK 425 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA David L Gilmore MALCOLM L. MORGAN,jty,14t%j1. DV1fARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Minute No. 61 Office of County Commissioners Washington, Pa., March 17, 1977 The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following members being present: Commissioners Gilmore, Paluso and Morgan. Also being present: Chief Clerk Brady; Solicitor Diamond; Budget Director Gillespie; Joesph Giecek, Administrative Assistant; Judge Sweet; Walter Gregory, Court Administrator; Don Ligman, Administrative Assistant; Jane Fulcher, Law Librarian; Mrs. Miller, League of Women Voters; John Cadez, Engelhardt & Mower; John Drake, Senior Citizens; Bob Robertson, Observer -Reporter; Daniel Giosta, Daily Notes and Earl Bugaile, WKEG. Chairman noted for the record that the three Commissioners, the Chief Clerk, County Solicitor and Budget Director were in attendance. Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions or omissions to Minute No. 60, each member having received a copy. Moved by Mr. Gilmore, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that Minute No. 60, be approved as read. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Special OrdetgofCBusiness : Judge Charles G. Sweet, Court Administrator Walter Gregory, and Jane Fulcher, Law Librarian, were on hand at today's meeting to present a proposal concerning the archives stored in the Courthouse attic. Ms. Fulcher requested permission to do some shifting and organizing of the records with a view toward making them safer and more useable. She also requested that the south and hest sections of the attic be locked and require users to get the key from the library. During this summer, she stated that they could use two students to help with sorting and arranging. Judge Sweet baplaised that they were asking for an extension of the authority and control by the County law library to take over the responsibility for the records in the attic. 7 Remarks: Mr. Paluso: I am delighted that someone is going to be in charge of this, and I think that you need more than two people for the summer to get that straightened out up there. We will be sure to provide you with the help you need. Mr. Morgan: In the battle for space around here, we have comp up with a vast amount of additional storage space in the new County Health Center. We have a basement area down there, and we could store practically everytking in this county in the way of records. It is totally enclosed with no windows and certainly would suffice as a storage area with a cpuple of dehumidifiers. Mr. Gillespie: It is half of the south wing. (Further discussion was held.) Mr. Paluso asked Ms. Fulcher if she had the new listing of how long we are 426 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA David L. Gilmore MALCOLM L. MORGAN,�� DWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS required to keep records, and suggested that during this summer with the extra help, Ms. Fulcher could discard the old records no longer needed. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Gilmore, designating the Law Librarian as the person in charge of the reogganization of records stored in the Courthouse attic as per above. (Further rdm&kks:) Mr. Morgan: One of the things that our architects is doing is an energyystudy around here and thinking in terms of clearing out the attic, it would be very nice to put some modern insulation in the attic which would save a tremendous amount of heat in the winter. Roll cill vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Regarding an additional employee for Magistrate Luongo's office, Judge Sweet stated that the city has put one person on and seems to think that the County should make the next move to employ someone Mr. Walter Gregory stated that the County receives $5.00 in costs on the overtime parking violationE and the County could realize about $5,000 monthly if they are processed speedily, Mr. Gregory also stated that the Magistrate's office is now behind,and have a number of outdated tickets which probably could not be collected. Judge Sweet stated that he did not want this job charged against the legals*y9tem, but by some kind of treaty with the City of Washington. He suggested that the Commissioners should offer the City a Manpower employee for the foreseeable future, but not as a permanent County employee, if they would agree to put the next per#ennon if this wasn't enough. The Board stated that they wood take this matter under advisement and see what action could be taken. Correspondence: Chief Clerk informed the Board of the receipt of the following checks: 1. Wash. -Greene Co. MH1MR Program - ck. #5223 dated 3/10/77 Reimbursement for review officer Bryan Pizzi for the months of Sept. thru Dec. 1976 & Jan. 1977 - $2,166.68 2. Pittsburgh National Bank - 30-day investment @ 4 5/8% C.D. #1591 dated 3/11/77 - 1974 Bond Issue Acct. Principle $600,000.00 Interest $ 2,312.50 TOTAL $602,312.50 3. Pittsburgh National Bank - 30-day investment @ 4 5/8% C.D. #1592 dated 3/11/77 - Grants & Gifts Escrow Actt. Principle $25,000.00 Interest $ 96.35 TOTAL $25,096.35 4. Pittsburgh National Bank - 30-day investment @ 4 $/8% C.D. #1593 dated 3/11/77 - Commonwealth Conservation Program Principle $60,000.00 Interest $ 231.25 TOTAL $60,231.25 C 1 0 MINUTE BOOK 427 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA David L. Gilmore MALCOLM L. MORGAN,JMCXLTjLXX . EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONeRS 5. Mellon Bank - 30-day investment @ 4.50% - ck. 2569291 dated 3/11/77 - General Fund Capital Acct. 1974 Principle $150,000.00 Interest $ 562.50 TOTAL $150,562.50 6. Mellon Bank - 30-day investment @ 4.50% - ck. #25692909 dated 3/11/77 - Harmon Creek Flood Control 1974 Principle $35,000.00 Interest $ 129.45 TOTAL $35,129.45 7. Commonwealth of Pa. - ck. #61-020567 dated 3/9/77 Indochinese Refugees Month of Oct. 1976 - $623.70 8. Commonwealth of Pa. - ck. #61-020522 dated 3/9/77 Indochinese Refugees - Month of Nov. 1976 $1,521.45 9. Commonwealth of Pa. - ck. #43-0049832 dated 3/9/97 Day Care I.D. #3540 - Jan Actual - Feb. Estimate $14,398.54 10. Commonwealth of Pa. - ck. #53-037352 dated 3/8/77 Monthly Expenditures for Child Support & Establishment of Paternity under Title IV-D - $4,181.00 12. First National Bank - 30-day investment @ 4h% int. C.D. #12211 dated 3/14/77 - Liquid Fuels Tax Fund Principle $475,000.00 Interest $ 1,815.41 TOTAL $476,815.41 12. First National Bank - 30-day investment @ 4h$ int. C.D. #12210 dated 3/14/77 - Parks & Recreation Fund Principle $365,000.00 Interest $ 1,440.00 TOTAL $366,440.00 13. First National Bank - 30-day investment @ 4h% int. C.D. #12209 dated 3/14/77 - Industrial Development Revolving Fund Principle $210,000.00 Interest $ 828.49 TOTAL $210,828.49 14. Commonwealth of Pa. - ck. #47-035128 dated 3/10/77 ID #50526 for Foster Home & Institutional Care Payments Dec. 1976 - $5,327.37 Chief Clerk presented the following billsto the Board for their consideration and approval: 1. Coventry Care, Inc. - $336:.O--= Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Morgan, that the foregoing bill be approved for payment. Roll call vote taken; Mr. Gilmore - No; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried. - -1- (Concerning Check #10, Mr. Paluso requested a detailed listing of what these ppynumtt were for and to whom.) Chilf T.Clerk informed the Board of a ke4ter from Washington -Greene Community Action Corporation requesting that we forward to them a check in the amount of $14,398.54 for day care services provided under-tbe,Departlaent of Welfare Contract #3540. Chief Clerk informed the Board of a letter from the Cooperative 428 MINUTE 8 0 0 K BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIOVEEff L. GiiyllymyoreWASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MALCOLM L. MORGAN��F II f4Xi?LEDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Extension Service requesting an allotment of $7,000 from the 1977 budget. Chief Clerk informed the Board of a letter from the Bicentennial Commission of Washington County thanking the Commissioners and all members of the Courthouse staff for the assistance rendered to their Geneological Committee headed by Mr. George Sawyer. Said letter stated that as a result of the efforts, locator cards are now on file in the Citizens Library, along with other valuable information, for the use of geneologists and others. Chief Clerk informed the Board that as of March 14, 1977, a total of $3,365.88 has been received in payment for fuel delivered during the energy crisis. Mr. Brady stated that there are a few pepple who have not paid their bill for this fuel. Remarks: Mr. Morgan suggested that the County should re -bill those who have not paid and wait to see what results this brings. Mr. Gilmore stated that if these bills are not paid by June or July, then they, County should pursue this matter more vehemently. Chief Clerk informed theBBoard that Bonnie Pilkington Downing has resigned from the Sheriff's office staff, effective March 4, 1977. Chief Clerk informed the Board of a letter of resignation from Robert Sanko, Tax Assessment Office, effective March 25, 1977. Chairman stated that there was a vacancy on the Washington County Planning Commission, and that the Commission has recommended that this vacancy be filled by Jacob Kassab, former Secretary for the Department of Transportation. Mr. Morgan stated that Mr. Kaehab has indicated he is willing to serve, and Mr. Morgan then also gave his recommendation for this appointment. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Gilmore, approving the appoint- ment of Jacob Kassab to the Planning Commission as per above.for a three year term. Roll ball vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk informed the Board of a letter from William P. Sember, Director, Planning Commission, requesting that the County become a member of the Pennsylvania Planning Association.for an annual membership fee of $50.00. Said letter stated that the PPA has wide support throughout the Commonwealth and has moved on a number of legislative fronts to assist municipalities throughout the state in solving communitypproblems. Movdd by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Gilmore, approving the County's membership in the Pennsylvania Punning Association for an annual membership fee of $50.40. Roll call vote taken: C Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE BOOK 429 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA David L. Gilmore MALCOLM L. MORGAN, BQ,AXXj1=, EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS n J Chief Clerk informed the Board of a letter from the Veterans Administration announcing that the Veterans Service Division is planning to conduct its semi-annual Refresher Training Courtein Room 2214, 1000 Liberty Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa., on April 21 and 22, and will be repeated on April 28 and 29. Said letter invited the Commissioners and their staff. Remarks: Mr. Paluso suggested that Mr. Obitko be authorized to attend the lst course on April 21 and 22 and Ms. Ann Roncadori be authorized to attend the 2nd course on April 28 and 29. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Gilmore, approving the attendance of Mr. Obitko and Ms. Roncadori as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk informed the Beard of a letter from Charles W. Fairchild, Administrator of the Washington County Health Center, announcing an Open House at the Center on Saturday, April 2nd from7.2:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m.. Chief Clerk requested authorization to enter into a Insect Control Service Agreement with James E. Selway for insect control at the Washington County Health Center for a total cost of $1,860.00 per year payable at $155.00 per month. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Gilmore, approving the contract for insect control with James E. Selway as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk informed the Board of a travel request from Anthony Luppino, Director, Adult Welfare Services, for permission of his attendance and two supervisors at the Annual Conference on Aging to behheld April 17 thru 20, 1977 in Washington, D.C. Mr. Brady added that there are federal monies available for this expense, and no County reimbursement is necessary. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Gilmore, approving the attendance of Mr. Luppino and two supervisors as per above. Solicitor: Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor Diamond presented the following two (2) tax refunds to the Board for their consideration and approval. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Gilmore, that the Tax Assessment Office be authorized to prepare the following tax refunds due to either duplica- tion of overpayment of real estate or per#anal property tax: 40 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISS119 EFd2SL. Gilmore WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MALCOLM L. MORGAN.�XAA9X&T1k EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS v 1. Charles Jr. & Michele Pappas 41976 County Tax) 34 Main Street Burgettstown, Pa. 15021 District: Burgettstown - Deed Book: District No: 070 - Section No: 017-01 - Parcel No: 0006-00 Amount: $48.84 2. James & Juanita J. Starinsky (1977 County Tax) R. D. 1 Avella, Pa. 15312 District: Independence - Deed Book: 1715-0105 District No: 370 - Section No: 003-02 - Parcel No: 0001-00 Amount: $10.57 Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor Diamond presented a LeaseoAgreement between the County and Anthony P. McGrew and Diane S. McGrew, his wife, for the leasing of a Magistrate's office to be located at 937 Fallowfield Avenue, Charleroi, Pa. Mr. Diamond stated that the lease will comme:naeeon March 6, 1977, but no payments are due until remodeling has been completed. Rental payment will be in the amount of $415.00 per month.for a term of four (4) years and ten (10) months. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Gilmore, approving the lease agreement as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor Diamond presented a modification which had been drawn up on an existing Lease Agreement between Wall -Firma, Inc., and the County of Washington, for the leasing of Magistrate Tempest's office. Mr. Diamond stated that the existing lease provided for certain specific rental payments by Lessee to Lessor and for annual rental adjustments based on increases in utilities and so forth. Mr. Diamond stated that this lease has been renegotiated in order to increase the amount of rent to $395.00 and to eliminate the annual adjustment.atp- addict that this modification will cover all rental installments which become diaeon or after April 1, 1977. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Gilmore, approving the modification on the existing Lease Agreement for Magistrate Tempest's office as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting recessed. 11:00 A.M. - OPENING OF BIDS FOR SP-2 FINESSA SYSTEM STAINLESS STEEL VERSA PLATE AND STAINLESS STEEL LID, KITCHEN UTENSILS AND CHINA ITEMS FOR WASHINGTON COUNTY HEALTH CENTER, FOR RENOVATION OF ALLENPORT BRIDGE; AND FOR PRIMARY ELECTION SUPPLIES. Controller Mascara opened and read the following bid for Stainless E 11 Steel Versa Plate and Stainless Steel Lid for Washington County Health Center. MINUTE BOOK 431 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA David L. Gilmore MALCOLM L. MORGAN, A EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 1. Curran -Taylor, Inc. 351 S. Washington Road, (Route 19) McMurray, PA 15317 Total amount of bid: $3,366.00 A bid bond in the amount of $350.00 accompanied the bid. Controller Mascara opened and read the following bids for Kitchen Utensils at the Washington County Health Center. 1. Edward Don & Company 2500 S, Haxjlbm Ave. North Riverside, Illinois 60546 Total amount of bid: $7,029.14 No check or bid bond attached to bid. 2. Curran -Taylor, Inc. 351 S. Washington Road McMurray, PA 15317 Total amount of bid: 7,653.86 A bid bond in the amount of $770.00 accompanied the bid. Controller Mascara opened and read the following bidsfor China Ittms for the Washington County Health Center. 1. Curran -Taylor, Inc. 3f1 S. Washington Road McMurray, PA 15317 Total amount of bid: $5,657.70 A bid bond in the amount of $660.00 accompanied the bid. Controller Mascara opened and redd the following bids for Renovation of the Allenport Bridge. 1. Frank Gavlik & Sons, Inc. 721-C Main Street Bentleyville, PA 15314 Total amount of bid: $64,133.00 A bid bond for 10% of the total bid accompanied the bid. 2, Sherwood Builders, Inc. 121 Wilhaven Road McMurray, PA 15317 Total amount of bid: $64,265.75 A bid bond for 10% of the total bid accompanied the bid. 3. Anjo Construction Company 6251 Saltsburg Road Pittsburgh, PA 15235 Total amount of bid: $64,740.95 A bid bond accompanied the bid. Chairman informed everyone present that the bids would be tabled until they have been reviewed, and that they would be awarded at next week's meeting. Controller Mascara opened and read the following bid for Delivery of Ballot Boxes: 1. Earl Riggle R.D. 4, Box 230 Washington, PA 15301 432 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIC�NERR WASHINGTON COUNTY. PENNSYLVANIA avi L. Gilmore MALCOLM L. MORGAN1'q9X8WMjqXRXJW EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS Total amount of bid: $1,548.00 A certified check in the amount of $150.00 accompanied the bid. Controller Mascara opened and read the following bid for furnishing and Delivery of Election Supplies for the Primary Election: 1. William G. Johnston Company P.O. Box 6759 Pittsburgh, PA 15212 Total amount of bid: $3,490.00 A bid bond in the amount of $350.00 accompanied the bid. Controller Mascara opendd and read the following bid for Printing and Delivering of the Ballots: 1. Badzik Printing Service, Inc. 401 Thompson Avenue Donora, PA 15033 In accordance with the advertisement of the County Commissioners inviting proposald for printing and delivering to the office of the Courty Commissioners the necessary ballots for the conduct of the Municipal Primary to be held on Tuesday, Mayvl7; 1977. Having examined the attached specifications and understanding same, I (or We)pXoppse to furnigh said ballots in accordance therewith, at the price set forth: Approximately 125,000 white official ballots price per thousand for ballots furnished ..............$105.90 Approximately 23,000 pink official specimen ballots, for election districts price per thousand for ballots furnished ...............$,t80.00 Approxgtdty 50,000 pink official specimen ballots for candidates (as set forth in specifications) price per thousand for ballots furnished ...............$�366�00 Seven single sets of specimen ballots (as set forth in specifications) Three sets in book form (One set each party) price per seven sets...................................$500.00 For printing, binding, and delivering any re -run of a ballot of any Election District because of an error on the part of any County Employee minimum charge per district for re -run of 100 ballots or less .......................................$ 35.90 Charges Per 100 re -run ballots for the same district in addition to minimumccharge .................$ 12.00 A bid bond in the amount of $1,950.00 accompanied the bid. Remarks: Mr. Paluso suggested that the bids for the election supplies be awarded at today's meeting, since the Board has dealt with the three companies involved before and are known as responsible bidders. Mr. Diamond stated that he had reviewed the bids and recommended that theyabe awarded. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Gilmore, that the Washington County Commissioners award the contracts to the following bidders for the amount set forth in their bid; these being the lowest and only responsible bids received in accordance with each specification. 1. For the Delivery of Ballot Boxes toawarded to: MINUTE BOOK 43`3 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIOE NRS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA David L. Gilmore MALCOLM L. MORGAN; PAMMM ULTAN. EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 1 1 1 Earl Riggle R.D. 4, Box 230 Washington, PA 15301 2. For the Furnishing and Delivery of Election Supplies - awarded to: William G. Johnston Company P.O. Box 6759 Pittsburgh, PA 15212 3. For the Printing and Delivery of Ballots -,- awarded to: Badzik Printing Service, Inc. 401 Thompson Avenue Donora, PA 15033 Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yds. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTES READ AND APPROVED: Marck� ,.% ,19777 01 ATTEST: x _70C IEF CLERK ' L_