HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 85 - 9-8-1977 - COMMISSIONERMINUTE BOOK`�� BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIC�ERd5 L. GilmoreWASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MALCOLM L. MORGAN. A W EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS 11 Minute No. 85 Office of County Commissioners Washington, Pa., September 8, 1977 The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following members being present: Commissioners Gilmore, Paluso and Morgan. Also being present: Chief Clerk Brady; Solicitor Diamond; Budget Director Gillespie; Don Ligman and Joe Giecek, Administrative Assistants; Keery McAmbley, Industrial Development; Roland Bourke, Redevelopment; John Drake, Senior Citizens; Mrs. Miller, League of Women Voters; Bob Robertson, Observer - Reporter; Jay Mitchell, WJPA; and Earl Bugaile, WKEG. Chairman noted for the record that the three Commissioners, the Chief Clerk and County Solicitor were in attendance. Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions or omissions to Minute No. 84, each member having received a copy. Mov&d by Mr. Gilmore, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that Minute No. 84, be approved as read. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Special Order of Business: Keery McAmbley, Executive Director, Washington County Industrial Development Agency, presented an Agreement between Bortz Corporation, Bortz Coal Company, George H. Bortz,and Pamilla Bortz, his wife, and Charles E. Bortz and Anna M. Bortz, his wife, and the County of Washington for the purchase of 15 acres of land at Arden Downs to be used for the creation of a 15-acre industrial development tract. Mr. McAmbley stated that the 15 acres would be a combination of three separate parcels. He also stated that Bortz Coal Company has offered to sell the coal rights, a nearby mine and 8 acres of surface land it owns for $39,500. He added that the 15 acres would be possible through the Bortz purchase and relocation of a stream which crosses two parcels that are flood prone. Moved by Mr. Gilmore, seconded by Mr. Paluso, approving the purchase of property as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Roland Bourke, Executive Director, Redevelopment Authority, presented a Resolution approving the proposal for redevelopment of Disposition Sarcels 7 and 9 in the Canonsburg Pike Kftreet- Redevelopment Project Area II by Canonsburg Parking Authority, Canonsburg, Pa., and the form of the Redevelopment Contract with said Developer. 5"S_(- MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSK VaE ?� L. GilmoreWASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MALCOLM L. MORGAN,EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS Mr. Bourke stated that this would provide land for two parking lots in downtown Canonsburg. One, to accommodate 33 vehicles, will be constructed on the south side of West Pike Street near Central Avenue, and the other with a 33 car capacity will be located along East Pike Street adjacent to the borough building, Mr. Bourke added that the local Borough Council has approved this plan. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Gilmore, approving the foregoing Resolution. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Henry Fisher of Henry Fisher Municipals of Pittsburgh, presented a proposal to the Board to refinance Washington County's 1974 Bond Issue with a new bond issue which will save the County $379,389.66 in proceeds and interest over the next 20 years. Mr. Fisher then read the proposal dated September 8, 1977, which was directed to the Board of Commissioners. A key portion of the proposal stated their offer to purchase from the County $4,910,000 par value of General Obligation Bonds, Refunding Series of 1977, of the County of Washington at a price of $4,787,250 and accrued interest on the pr!Acipal amount thereof to date of delivery or to October 18, 1977, whichever occurs first. Proposal stated that these bonds are to be issued in accordance with the provisions of the Local Government Debt Act (Act 185 of 1972). Mr. Fisher also read the conditions upon which this offer is made, if it is accepted by the Board. An ordinance was also prepared authoki.zing the issuance of the refunding bonds and the refunding of the 1974 Issue. Said ordinance was drafted to comply with Act 185 and was also drafted to direct the refunding of the 1974 bonds in accordance with the terms under which those bonds are refunded. They also drafted a proposed Escrow Deposit Agreement which will enable Pittsburgh National Bank to act as an escrow agent to hold these government obligations and to apply the joint principle and interest tafd e payment of the 1974 bonds. (Discussion was held.) Remarks: Mr. Morgan referred to one condition of the proposal which stated that the County shall purchase three Certificates of Deposit with cash from the General Fund of the County in the amount of $111,000, and he expressed the Board's concern that these be purchased from local County savings and loans. Mr. Fisher stated that this could probably be changed without negatively effect- ing the results. Moved by Mr. Bilueo, seconded by Mr. Gilmore, that the foregoing ordinance be adopted with the proviso that the change be made concerning the Certificates of Deposit as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE BOOK 55r BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERidSL. Gilmore WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA av MALCOLM L. MORGAWKC;$1j�MFjXXK EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMMSIDN°ERS 1 C Correppondence: Chief Clerk informed the Board of the receipt of the following checks: 1. Commonwealth of Pa. - ck. #21-110938 dated 8-19-77 Domestic Relations Special Account - $41,624.00 2. Commonwealth of Pa. - ck. #95-112411 dated 8-25-77 Incentives for May 1977 - Child Support Program Fund - $8,219.13 3. U.S. Treasury— ck. #83,524,364 dated 8-30-77 Contract No. PA-481-1 - Estimate No. 11 - Harmon Creek Flood Control 1974 - $107,428.30 4. Commonwealth of Pa. - ck. #51-119497 dated 8-31-77 Partial payment - Contract No. SW-76-C-9C-0093 Specialized Intensive Juvenile Probation Program Account 6-b-2 - $5,000.00 Chief Cikrk presented the following bills to the Board for their consideration and approval; 1. David S. Posner - $371.00 2. Industrial Appraisal Company - $6,200.00 3. McMahon & Kenneth - $1,383.00 4. McMahon & Kenneth - $3,963.00 5. F. Gavlik & Sons - $22,235.40 6. V.F.W;.Post 191 - $108.00 7. Cole Layer Trumble - $4,833.33 Moved by Mr. Gilmore, seconded by Mr. Paluso, approving payment of the foregoing bills: Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk informed the Board of a letter dated -August 31, 1977, from the Washington County Firemen's Association, Inc., requesting their allocation from the 1977 budget in the amount of $6,350.00. Chief Clerk noted that the Board had previously approved the building of a Regional Fire Service and Public Safety Academy on the property purchased by the firemen in Chartiers Township, and he informed the Board of a request that this be formalized in writing. Mr. Morgan instructed the Chief Clerk to direbt a letter to them with the Board's signatures. Chief Clerk presented an Agreement between Washington County and Dr. Ralph Blasiole for his services as Assistant Medical Director at the Washington County Health Center for $1,000.0A per month. Moved by Mr. Gilmore, seconded by Mr. Paluso, approving the foregoing Agreement. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yves. Motion carried unanimously. a;Y5 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSION1FRSd L. Gilmore ASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MALCOLM L. MORGAN. b MMOAMI I'l4MM EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Chairman noted that the Board had previously approved the appointment of Attorney Bryan Pizzi as Mental Health Review Officer and also bhbt he has been receiving $6,500 a year on a fee basis for his services. Mr. Morgan stated that a request has been received from Judge DiSalle that Mr. Pizzi's salary be increased to $7,500. Judge DiSalle noted in a letter dated September ;', 1977, that Mr. Pizzi has handled 173 cases during the last fiscal year and he felt that a raise would be justified. Moved by Mr. Gilmore, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Agreement with Attorney Bryan Pizzi be amended to show an increase in salary of $7,500.00 for the next fiscal year,for his services as Mental Health Review Officer. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Raluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented the Grant Agreement for 1977f78 between the Governor's Council on Drug and Alcohol Abuse and the Washington/Greene County Commissioners for continuation funding of the D/A Program. The amount of said Agreement is for $391,108 which is a 1.8% peduction in funds. Moved by Mr. Gilmore, seconded by Mr. Paluso, approving the foregoing Grant Agreement. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk requested authorization to advertise for 30 additional wheelchair for the Washington County Health Center. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Gilmore, authorizingrIthe Chief Clerk to advertise for 30 wheelchairs as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chairman stated that Warden Taylor has suggested that additional fencing be installed around the Prison exercise yard to prevent prisoners from further escapes over the walls. Mr. Morgan stated that a proposal has been received from the Washington Fence Company in the amount of $1,800 for this installation. Moved by Mr. Gilmooe, seconded by Mr. Paluso, approving the proposal from the Washington Fence Company as peraabove. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chairman recommended that -action -be taken regarding the placement of 1 P� the Ebenezer Bridge in Mingo Creek Park. MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIC6aERaS L. GilmoreWASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYL.VANIA MALCOLM L. MORGAN, EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS E Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Gilmore, authorizing the Chief Clerk to advertise for bids for the placement of Ebenezer Bridge in Mingo Creek "Park. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. 11:00 - OPENING OF BIDS FOR ELECTION SUPPLIES FOR THE MUNICIRAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1977. August Stiaehe opened and read the following bids: Printing and Delivering of the Ballots 1. Badzik Printing Service, Inc. 401 Thompson Avenue Donora, Pa. 15033 In accordance with the advertisement of the County Commissioners, inviting proposals for the printing and delivering to the office of the County Board of Elebtions the necessary ballots for the conduct of the Municipal Election to be held on Thesday, November 8, 1977, having examined the attached specifications and understanding same, I (or we) propose to furnish said ballots in accordance therewith at the prices set forth: Approximately 125,000 white official ballots _price pie-r-:thodsand for ballots furnished ............. $ 99.80 Approximately 23, 000 piny official ballots for Election Districts. Price per thousand for ballots furnished ................................$ 64.80 Ten single sets for specimen ballots as set forth in attached specifications, price per ten sets ............... ................ 9..... ........ $555.85 Approximately 2,000 pink official specimen ballots for political parties, etc.,(as set forth in attached specifications) price per thousand for ballots furnished ....................................$ 70.05 For printing, binding and delivering any re -run of a ballot of any Election District beeaaee of ana atkot on the Pa.rt of any County Employee, minimum charge per district for re -run of 100 ballots or less ......................................$ 35.90 A bid bond in the amount of 10% of the to#t&l amount of the bid accompanied the bid. Solicitor Diamond reviewed the bid and recommended that it be awarded. Moved by Mr. Gilmore, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Washington County Commissioners award the contract for Printing and Delivering of Ballots to BADZIK PRINTING SERVICE, INC., 401 Thompson Avenue, Donora, Pa. 15033, for the amount set forth in their bid; this being the lowest and only responsible bid received in accordance with specifications. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Delivering of Ballot Boxes with Election Supplies 1. Earl Riggle R..-D.r�4;fix 230 Washington, Pa. 15301 J()® MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSI'Ma vi E 7L. Gilmore WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA a MALCOLM L. MORGAN. I�IA�l�&iF EDWARD M. PALIISO. COMMISSIONERS ---.—__1en.E.eefineealoanfe.�— -- _ Total amount of bid: $1,598.00 A certified check in the amount of $160.00 accompanied the bid. Solicitor Diamond reviewed the bid and recommended that it be awarded. Moved by Mr. Gilmore, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Washington County Commissioners award the contract for the Delivering of Ballot Boxes with Election Supplies to EARL RIGGLE, R.D. #4, Box 230, Washington, Pa. 15301, for the amount set forth in his bid; this being the lowest and only responsible bid received in accordance with specifications. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously.' Printing and Delivering of Election Sup lP ies 1. William G. Johnston Company P.O. Box 6759 Pittsburgh, Pa. 15212 Total amount of bid: $3,496.00 A bid.bond in the amount 66 $350.00 accompanied the bid. Solicitor Diamond reviewed the bid and recommended that it be awarded. Moved by Mr. Gilmore, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Washington County Commissioners award the contract for the Printing and Delivering of Election Supplies to WILILIAM G. JOHNSTON COMPANY, P.O. Box 6750, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15212, for the amount set forth in their bid;_this being the lowest and only responsible bid received in accordance with spedifications. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTES READ AND APPROVED: ;Sep er 8 1977 ATTEST:��iC/�=X / "CHIEF CLERK 1