HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 88 - 9-29-1977 - COMMISSIONERMINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 7+�'��,y(�`+��,�{,;,y„}Q�+ WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MALCOLM L. MORGAN,R"RJ MUAW DWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Minute No. 88 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., September 29, 1977 The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following members being present: Commissioners Gilmore and Paluso. Absent being: Commissioner Morgan. Also being present: Acting Chief Clerk Dallatore, Joe Giecek and Don Ligman, Administrative Assistants; Budget Director Gillespie; Coroner Jackson; John Cadez from Engelhardt -Power; Roland Bourke from the Redevelopment Authority; John Drake from the Washington Area Senior Citizens; Mrs. Miller from the League of Women Voters; Jay Mitchell from WJPA Radio, and Bob Robertson from the Observer -Reporter. Vice -Chairman Paluso noted for the record that two Commissioners, the Acting Chief Clerk and County Solicitor were in attendance. He advised that Chief Clerk Brady and Commissioner Morgan were in Harrisburg at a seminar. Vice -Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions or omissions-. to Minute No. 87, each member having received a copy. Moved by Mr. Gilmore, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that Minute No. 87 be approved as read. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Special Order of Business: Mr. Paluso stated that Mr. Bourke from the Redevelopment Authority was present with a resolution. Mr. Bourke stated that under the Community Development Program of the City of Washington, they have designated an area on College Street where Third Ward School is between Chestnut and Walnut Streets. Washington Arbors were the successful bidders for this project and they have submitted their construction plans to the Redevelopment Authority. They are in the final stages and should begin construction by spring. Mr. Bourke stated that it is a nine - story building which will be a highrise for the elderly. It will be located on approximately 12 acres of ground and will house about 135-140 people. The estimated total cost for the project is $2,700,000.00. (Discussion was held on the location of the building.) Mr. Bourke then presented a resolution approving the proposal for redevelopment of disposition of Parcel No. 1, in the North College Street Project, Washington Community Development Program by Washington Arbors Associates, a limited partnership, and the form of the redevelopment contract with said developer. Moved by Mr. Gilmore, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the foregoing resolution be adopted. Roll call vote taken: 1 1 Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes. ' Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE BOOK 17a BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA David L. Gilmore MALCOLM L. MORGAN, KXgMXAX=Wx EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS Correspondence: Acting Chief Clerk Dallatore informed the Board of the receipt of the following checks: 1. Commonwealth of PA. State Council of Civil Defense Ck. #127948 dated 9-16-77 - for Washington County Civil Defense - $1,203.16 2. Commonwealth of PA. - Ck. #44-232162 - dated 9-20-77 Day Care Contract No. 3967 (July & August Estimated) Acct. 6-b-18 - $43,333.36 3. Commonwealth of PA. - ck. #32-237906 dated 9-20-77 Summary Invoice for Foster Home and Institutional Care Payments - I.D. #3779N - Quarter ending March 31 1977 - $45,484.16 4. Gallatin National Bank - cks. #2504 and 2505 dated 9-28-77 - 120 day investment @ 5.6% interest - Washington County Appraisal Fund Principle $1,061,689.00 Interest $ 19,546.71 TOTAL $1,081,235.71 5. Atlantic Aviation Corporation - ck. 093113 dated 9-26-77 - Ohio Valley Piper Sales - Rent - Acct. 5-C $500.00 Acting Chief Clerk presented the following bills to the Board for their consideration and approval: 1. McMahon and Kenneth, Inc. - adjusted premium on one of the buildings at the Fairgrounds - $58.10 2. John M. Jochynak - Special Deputy - $180.00 3. August Luzzi - Special Deputy - $120.00 4. Elijah Gauden - Special Deputy - $150.00 5. Charles Jackson - Special Deputy - $300.00 Moved by Mr. Gilmore, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the foregoing bills be approved for payment. Remarks: Mr. Paluso asked Mr. Gillespie to give the Board a rundown on the cost of the special deputies for the past nine months. Mr. Paluso stated that these deputies are being used as guards in the Courts, and that we have gotten to the point where we should investigate the possibility of hiring a permanent security J guard for the Courts because it may be cheaper. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Acting Chief Clerk informed the Board of a resignation from Janice Garber of the Washington County Health Center, effective October 7, 1977. Acting Chief Clerk informed the Board of a second resignation from Damon Faldowski, Assistant District Attorney, Juvenile Division, effective September 30, 1977. Acting Chief Clerk informed the Board of a request from Dale Watson, Caseworker at the Child Welfare Department, for military leave for the period of October 17 to 28, 1977. Moved by Mr. Gilmore, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the request for military leave be granted. 57%�F MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIObWl!� L. GilmoreWASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MALCOLM L. MORGANIIYCCX=9&TV, EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes. Motion carried -,unanimously. Acting Chief Clerk advised the Board of a notice from the Veterans Administration that they are holding a second Refresher Training Course. There will be two sessions - October 13 and 14 and also on October 20 and 21. Acting Chief Clerk recommended that the Board authorize Mr. Obitko and Ann Roncadori from the Veterans Office to attend at separate times. Moved by Mr. Gilmore, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that Elmer Obitko and Ann Roncadori be authorized to attend said seminar as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Acting Chief Clerk informed the Board of a request from the League of Women Voters of Peters Township - Washington Area, that the Board declare the week of October 10 - 17, 1977 as League of Women Voters Week in Washington County. Moved by Mr. Gilmore, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the week of October 10 - 17 be declared "League of Women Voters Week" in Washington County. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Acting Chief Clerk informed the Board of a letter from Wheeling- Pittsburgh Steel Corporation thanking the Commissioners for a copy of the resolution that was adopted regarding clean air and water. Acting Chief Clerk advised the Board of a certification from the Soil Conservation Service relating to land rights in regards to Harmon Creek Site 480. Remarks: Mr. Gilmore stated that this is certification that we have all the land rights necessary for them to do the final designs on the dam. Moved by Mr. Gilmore, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board execute the certification relating to Harmon Creek Site 480. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Acting Chief Clerk presented amendments to Contract No. 3779 for the Washington County Child Welfare Services to be executed. Moved by Mr. Gilmore, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board execute the amendments to Contract No. 3779 for the Washington County Child Welfare Services. 1 E 1 Roll call vote taken: MINUTE BOOK 57 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSI9av1Gilmore NFI�SL WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYL.VANIA MALCOLM L. M0RGAN,ZMWJK=.TZV'6M, EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS n 1 1 Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Acting Chief Clerk then requested authorization to advertise for bids to move the kitchen equipment from; the old county homes and install it into the j ail. Moved by Mr, Gilmore, seconded by Mr, Paluso, that the Acting Chief Clevk be authorized to advertise for bids as per above. Remarks: Mr. Paluso recommended that the lady who did the lay -out to supervise the move because she is familiar with the equipment. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. New Business: Mr. Paluso informed the Board of a program under the Manpower Office for adult education classes. The Manpower Office in cooperation with Trinity High School is now sponsoring adult education classes each day from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., at the Washington County Office of Employment and Training. Mr. Paluso stated that on October 11 there will be adult education classes in the Charleroi area for the eastern part of the county and in the McDonald area for the western part of the county. Mr. Paluso stated that these classes are free of charge and include instruction in reading, writing, math English and social studies. Mr. Paluso stated that this is an opportunity to take the G.E.D. test at Trinity High School the third Saturday of each month as part of this program. Mr. Paluso stated that this is an opportunity for people who do not have a high school diploma to get one. Solicitor: Solicitor Diamond stated that last week bids were opened for wheel- chairs at the Washington County Health Center. Mr. Diamond stated that the low bidder was Medline Industries, Inc., of Northbrook, Illinois, in the amount of $3,782.40. Mr. Diamond stated that the bid is in proper form and recommended that it be awarded. Moved by Mr. Gilmore, seconded by Mr. Paluso, awarding the contract for furnishing and delivering of wheelchairs to the Washington County Health Center to Medline Industries, Northbrook, Illinois, for $3,782.40; this being the lowest and only responsible bid received in accordance with specifications. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr.' Diamond then presented to the Board a one-year lease with Frank Carroll and John Moschetta for three rooms at the Court Square Arcade Building MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIO�IE13S WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA avid L. Gilmore MALCOLM L. MORGAN, Xdtfi MXKXX 1, EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS for the monthly rental fee of $400; the total for the one-year lease is $4800.00. Mr. Diamond stated that he has reviewed the bid and recommnended it be executed. Remarks: Mr. Paluso stated that we must move the offices located in the old county garage and the juvenile court in the very near future so that we can proceed with the first phase of the office building which will be the parking facility. Mr. Paluso stated that this is a one-year lease with a month to month renewal in order to move these offices and still keep them as close to the courthouse as possible until we get the new facility built. Moved by Mr. Gilmore, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the one-year lease at the Court Square Arcade Building be executed as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. (Meeting recessed until 10:30 a.m. for the opening of bids.) (Controller Mascara entered the meeting.) 10:30 a.m. - OPENING OF BIDS FOR OVERBED TABLES FOR THE WASHINGTON COUNTY HEALTH CENTER Controller Mascara opened and read the following bid: 1. Standard Physicians Supply Co. 621 Broad Avenue Belle Vernon, PA 15012 Total amount of bid: $3,224.00 A certified check in the amount of $322.40 accompanied the bid. Remarks: Mr. Paluso stated that we have done business with this firm in the past and since this was the only bid received, he recommends that it be awarded. Mr. Diamond stated that the bid was in proper form and recommended that it be awarded. Moved by Mr. Gilmore, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the bid for overbed tables for the Washington County Health Center be awarded to Standard Physicians Supply Co., for the amount set forth in their bid; this being the lowest and only responsible bid received in accordance with specifications. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Gilmore - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTES READ AND APPROVED: September 29 1977 ATTEST: � ACTING CHIEF CLERK sh