HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 149 - 1-9-1975 - COMMISSIONERVIVIUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK .TONES. JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 11 C Ll Minute No. 149 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa. January 9, 1975 The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following members being present: Commissioners Jones, Paluso and Flynn. Also being present: Chief Clerk and County Administrator Whalen; Administrative Assistant Fetcko; Controller Mascara; Solicitor Bigi; Assistant Solicitor Gilmore; Chuck Snitger and Tom Bontempo of Wallover & Mitchell; John Lastooka of Ram Construction; Bob Robertson of the Observer - Reporter; Mrs. NHller of the League of Women Voters; Jerry Kolanic of WWVA; and Dave Baker of the Daily Notes. Meeting called to order by Chairman and roll call taken: Mr. Jones - Present; Mr. Paluso - Present; Mr. Flynn - Present Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions or omissions to Minute 147 and 148 No. 146,/each member having received a copy. 147 and 148 Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that Minute No. 146/be approved as read. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Special Order of Business: Site Preparation Contract - Extended Care Facility Mr. Bontempo of Wallover & Mitchell stated that they had previously submitted to the Board their recommendation for the award of the site preparation contract with a certified copy of the bid tabulation for the bids that were received for the site preparation contract on November 14, 1974. Mr. Bontempo stated that there were six bidders and that the low base bid was submitted by Ram Construction Company of Canonsburg, Pa. , in the amount of $444, 000. Mr. Bontempo then read the letter transmitting the bid tabulation which stated that Wallover & Mitchell had previous experience with Ram Construction Company and found them to be an experienced, reputable firm. Mr. Bontempo stated that it was their recommendation that the construction contract for the Site Preparation Work be awarded to Ram Construction Company in the amount of their l-ow Base Bid of $444, 000. Mr. Bontempo then stated that the contract documents for this bid are to be held for a period of 60 days after the bid opening; the expiration date being January 13, 1975. Mr. Bontempo then stated that the firm of Wallover & Mitchell has instructed Ram Construction Company that it is the intention of Washington County to award the contract and asked them to obtain and submit to them for contract preparation the necessary bonds and insuranbe for 'the project. Said letter also stated that they would recommend that the contracts be executed at the Washington County Board of Commissioners regular meeting on January 9, 1975, or any convenient date prior to January 13, 1975. 2 MINUTE B❑❑K BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN. FRANK JONES, JR.. EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS , Mr. Bontempo then stated that they have prepared the contract documents, and Ram Construction has submitted their performance bond, maintenance bond, and labor materials bond, and the necessary insurance certificates, and the total contracts are ready for signature. Mr. Bontempo then recommended that the Board of Commissioners award the contract for the Site Preparation Work to Ram Construction in the amount of their low Base, Bid of $444, 000. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Site Preparation Contract be awarded to Ram Construction Company in the amount of $444, 000 as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Bontempo stated that the contracts were left undated; therefore, he will take them with him and will transmit one copy to Ram Construction, two copies to the County and will have one copy for their file. Mr. Bontempo also stated that they will set up a pre -construction conference with the contractor and will keep the County informed. (Earl Bugaile of WKEG Radio entered the meeting.) Old Business: None Reports; None Correspondence: Chief Clerk informed the Board of the receipt of the following checks: 1. Commonwealth of Pa. - Washington -Greene Community Action Corp. Contract #2313 - October (Actual) & December (Estimated) ck. #49-418820 $11,152. 93 2. Commonwealth of Pa. - Child Welfare Services for month of Sept. 1974 ck. #51-421411 - $5,177.96 3. Commonwealth of Pa. - Child Welfare Services - fourth quarter of 1974 $6, 772. 22 4. Commonwealth of Pa. - for Juvenile Act expenditures - ck. #43-769365 $ 2 9, 2 82. 74 5. Pittsburgh National Bank - Redemption of C. D. #1096 - ck. #560684 Principle $2, 500, 000. 00 Interest $ 17, 968. 75 1974 Bond Issue Acct. TOTAL $2, 517, 968. 75 6. First National Bank & Trust Co. - Redemption of C. D. #5688 ck. #55854 & 26640 Principle $ 500, 000. 00 Interest $ 3,609.59 Fiscal Assistance Trust Fund TOTAL $503,609. 59 7. Pittsburgh National Bank - Redemption of C. D. #1097 - c, . #560702 Principle $250, 000. 00 Interest $ 1,856.77 1974 Bond Issue Acct. TOTAL $251, 856. 77 MINUTE BOOK 3 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 1 F-1 8. Commonwealth of Pa. - Child Welfare Foster Home & Institutional Car Payment month of October 1974 ck. #93-425262 2,777. 80 9. Treasurer of the U. S. - General Revenue Sharing Payment - second quarter of Entitlement Period 5 - ck. #13, 356, 571 - $321, 096. 00 ;Bills: The following bills were presented to the Board for their consideration and approval: 1. Washington -Greene County Tourist Promotion Agency - quarterly allocation for 1975 - $6.175. 00 2. Clay Graham - travel expense to Harrisburg - $125. 00 3. Donald York - appraisal of Mingo Creek Project - $50. 00 4. Observer -Reporter - Notice to Bidders - $58.20 - Capital Reserve Acct. 5. Cole -Layer -Trumble - for data processing services as per contracts $9, 722. 33 6. American Right Of Way Association - membership dues - $25. 00 7. A. L. Stormwind, CPA - Checking securities of the Retirement Fund at December 13, 1973 Consultation - $800. 00 8. Cooperative Extension Service - first allotment for 1975 $5, 000. 00 9. Daily Herald - Notice to Bidders - $35. 00 - Capital Reserve Acct. 10. Observer -Reporter - Notice to Bidders - $56.10 - Capital Reserve Acct. 11. William Porter - work done on Mingo Creek, Cross Creek and Harmon Creek - $3, 008. 50 - per invoices 12. Black Top Paving Co., Inc. - Mingo Park - $1, 400. 00 13. Gene P. Amanati, Realtor - appraisals - Chartiers Flood Protection Project - $600. 00 Remarks: Mr. Jones questioned if Bill No. 7 for A. L. Stormwind in the amount of $800. 00 should be paid out of the -General Fund or the Retirement Fund. Chairman then stated that this should come out of the Retirement Fund and Mr. Big! stated that this was correct. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Jones, that the above bills be paid with the exception of bill No. 7 for A. L. Stormwind, which is to be brought before the Retirement Board. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carrieid unanimously. Chief Clerk read a letter dated January 3, 1975 from William P. Sember, Executive Director of the Planning Commission, regarding the improvements to the Avella Bridge. Said letter stated that there was a meeting held at Representative Brunner's tiffice concerning the various alternatives designed by Penn DOT as possible solutions to improving the present conditions of the bridge. Another purpose of the meeting was to determine if there is any amicable means of funding the project. Said letter stated that the case is now H MIN UTE ■ Y6 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS before the Public Utility Commission and if satisfactory solutions cannot be formulated among the parties involved, the PUC will issue orders on what improvements should be made and how the costs should be distributed. Mr. Sember stated that Washington County is one of the ' defendants in the hearing and could, by order of the PUC, be held responsible for a portion of the cost. Said letter also stated that the scheme seemed to be favored at this point will cost approximately $370, 000. It was agreed that another meeting will be held on January 31, 1975 at Mr. Brunner' s office. At this meeting, each party is expected to have some information on the financial commitment of its Agency. Mr. Sember stated that he was requested to meet and obtain some information from the Board of Commissioners of their willingness to contribute funds possibly out of Liquid Fuels money. Mr. Sember suggested that the Railroad Company pay their fair share and place the project on the_ Commonwealth Capital Budget, but the PUC based on previous experience, does not feel that Penn DOT will accept this proposal. Remarks: Chairman stated that there would have to be rather- lengthy discussion prior to receiving notic of the PUC hearing on this. Assistant Solicitor Gilmore stated that there already has been one hearing, but was adjourned for the purpose of trying to reach on amicable settlement. Mr. Jones asked Mr. Gilmore if it has been ascertained who owns the bridge. Mr. Gilmore stated that the railroad owns the bridge and Penn DOT owns the road that goes across the bridge. Mr. Gilmore also stated that there will be additional hearings. Chief Clerk then informed the Board of a letter addressed to Mr. Flynn from the Charleroi Area Golden Age Club expressing their appreciation and thanks to the Commissioner for their efforts in working to secure the Ninth Street school property for construction of housing for the -elderly. The letter was signed by approximately 100 persons. Chief Clerk then read a letter dated January 2, 1975, regarding the Washington County Long -term Care Facility. Said letter was received from the Department of Health, Education & Welfare and stated that they have reviewed the findings and recommendations of the appropriate State and areawide health planning agencies with respect to the proposed capital expenditure for new nursing home facility by or on behalf of Washington County Long-term Care Facility submitted to them by the Designated Planning Agency of Pennsylvania on September 30, 1974, and have determined that reimbursement will be permitted based on the following finds. They have determined that the proponent did give timely notice and the State found that the proposed capital expenditure would be consistent with the standards, criteria or plans developed under the Public Health Service Act or the Mental Retardation Facilities and Community Mental Health Centers Construction Act of 1963 for meeting the needs for adequate health care facilities in the area covered by the plan or plans so developed. Remarks: Chief Clerk then stated that what this means is that the facility, as planned, is consistent V16JUTE BOOK, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 5 with the guidelines for the payment by the federal agency for care and the proposed facility, and the reference to the Designated Planning of Pennsylvania refers to the Comprehensive Health Planning Agency in Pittsburgh who endorsed the project. Chief Clerk then read a memorandum dated January 7, 1975, from Clay Graham, Land Acquisition Agent, requesting that the Chief Clerk arrange a meeting with the County Commissioners, Max Hindman of the Department of Environmental Resources, and himself, to be held on January 16, 1975, at 1:30 p. m. , to execute the 1975 Watershed Contract on Harmon Creek. Chief Clerk then informed the Board of the resignation of Jesse J. Verner, Assessor of South Franklin Township effective January 9, 1975. (Ermil Caleffie entered the meeting. ) Chief Clerk then informed the Board of notification dated December 26, 1974, frorr the Department of Transportation, Urban Mass Transportation Administration, to the effect the one month ago, President Ford signed into law the National Mass Transportation Assistance Act of 1974, which amends the Urban Mass Transportation Act of 1964 to establish an $11. 8 billion, six -year mass transportation program for both capital and operating assistance. Enclosed with the letter was a summary of the Act and the complete Act. Remarks: Chief Clerk recommended that this be forwarded to Mr. Sember of the Planning Commission. Chief Clerk then informed the Board of a letter dated December 30, 1974, from the Department of Public Welfare, stating that the third quarter payment for fiscal year 1974-75 for county mental health and mental retardation programs has been released. Chief Clerk stated that one remittance was in the amount of $24, 845. 00 and the third quarter interir payment, base program was for $303,657. 00. Chief Clerk stated that there will be a public hearing in conjunction with the Borough Council and the Commissioners, on Tuesday, January 14, 1975 at 7:30 p. m. , in the Canonsburg Borough Building regarding housing for the elderly in Canonsburg. Chief Clerk stated that this is in compliance with the act. Chief Clerk read a memorandum dated December 31, 1974, from the Commissione: of Elections, Department of State, which stated that there will be an Annual Election Officials Seminar held at the Sheraton Harrisburg Inn, on March 13, 14 and 15. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Jones, that the Board go on record authorizing Mrs. Mickie Farrah, Miss Judy Capitani, and Mr. Whalen to attend the seminar as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. (Treasurer Morgan entered the meeting.) T MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR.. EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Chief Clerk read a copy of a letter dated December 30, 1974 to Mr. Paul Onopiuk of the Washington County Conservation District, which was signed by approximately 25 people regarding a local contractor, Mr. Russell Joki, and his strip mining activities. Said letter stated that there have been serious flooding problems resulting in extensive damage of roads, fields and homes. Said letter also stated that they have complained to various departments concerning this problem, but as yet, have received no help. Said letter stated that , they did not wish to put Mr. Joki out of business, but only requested that he comply with the Soil and Erosion plans that should have been enforced some time ago. Remarks: Chairman suggested that the Chief Clerk get in touch with Mr. Judy of the Department of Environment Resources and try to expedite this matter. Chief Clerk then read a letter addressed to the County Commissioners from Ronald Boone, who was the Inspector in Charge of the recent resurfacing of the State Roads through Mingo Creek Park. Said letter thanked the Park Director and his staff for their outstanding cooperation with the Department of Transportation and the contractor, Black Top Paving Co., Inc. (Tony Bevec entered the meeting.) Chief Clerk then read a telegram received January 8, 1975, from Congressman Thomas E. Morgan which stated that the Harrison House in Centreville, Washington County, has been entered in the National Register of Historic Places. The Register is the schedule of the nation's cultural property. (Various Bidders entered the meeting. ) Chief Clerk then read a letter dated December 30, 1974, from Margaret J. Matthews, Chairman of the Washington County Emergency Board, which enclosed a copy of a letter from Mr. Kenneth Boyer, Chairman of the State Emergency Board. Said letter stated that the damage assessment reports resulted from the heavy, wet snow, freezing rain and high winds of December 1 and 2, 1974, were received from the various County Emergency Boards. Said letter stated that the only need listed was emergency credit, which is available through the Farmers Home Administration. Requests for emergency credit should be made by the County Commissioners to the State- Director of FHA or Governor Shapp, depending on the number of farmers affected. Remarks: Chairman stated that he will follow through with this. ( Recess until 11:00 a. m. ) Opening of Bids - 11:00 a. m. The following bids were opened and read by Controller Mascara: E A. HVAC Maintenance MINUTE BOOK 7 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES. JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 1 E 1. Name of Bidder: 'B. J. Tamasy & Sons, Inc. Address: West Newton, PA Total Amount of Bid: $18, 500. 00 Bid bond in the amount of $1, 850. 00 with the Insurance Company of North America accompanied the bid. 2. Name of Bidder: West Penn Service Company Address: Washington, PA Total amount of bid: $13, 425. 00 Bid bond in the amount of 10% with the Aetna Casualty and Surety Co. accompanied the bid. 3. Name. of Bidder: Powers Regulator Company Address: Pittsburgh, PA Total Amount of Bid: $ 9, 46 8. 00 Bid bond in the amount of 10%, with the Seaboard Surety Company accompanied the bid. 4. Name of Bidder: Honeywell, Inc. Address: Pittsburgh, PA Total Amount of Bid: $ 2 9, 040. 00 Bid bond in the amount of $3, 000. 00 with the Federal Insurance Co. accompanied the bid. B. Demolition of Buildings - Donaldson Supply 1. Name of Bidder: M & M Equipment Sales Co. Address: Burgettstown, PA Total Amount of Bid: $11, 750. 00 A certified check in the amount of $1, 425. 00 accompanied the bid. 2. Name of Bidder:, William H. Miller Address: Washington, PA Total Amount of Bid: A. $2, 775. 00 B. $6, 500. 00 A certified check in the amount of $300. 00 accompanied bid A. and $650. 00 accompanied bid B. 3. Name of Bidder: Ram Construction Address: Canonsburg, PA Total amount of Bid: A. $14, 000. 00 B. $24, 000. 00 Bid bond th-the amount of 10% with the American States Insurance Co. accompanied both bids. 4. Name of Bidder: Able -Bodied, Inc. Address: Pittsburgh, PA Total amount of bid: A. $7, 615. 00 A check in the amount of $761. 52 accompanied the bid. S MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 5. Name of Bidder: Consolidated Paving, Inc. Address: Elm Grove, West Virginia Total Amount of Bid: A. $8, 884. 00 B. $12, 000. 00 Bid Bond in the amount of $1, 200 with the Seaboard Surety Company accompanied the bid. 6. Name of Bidder: Pittsburgh Scrap Corporation Address: Pittsburgh, PA Total Amount of Bid: A. $3, 300. 00 A certified check in the amount of $330 accompanied the bid. 7. Name of Bidder: St _nger._Ex- vesting Address: Canonsburg, PA Total Amount of Bid: A. $2, 950. 00 A certified check in the amount of $295 accompanied the bid. 8. Name of Bidder: ---,-Dennis Sluciak Address: Canonsburg, PA Total Amount of Bid: A. $4, 375. 00 A Bid Bond in the amount of $500 with the Transamerica Insurance Company accompanied the bid. 9. Name of Bidder: Raymond Maggi Address: Eighty Four, PA Total Amount of Bid: A. $5, 900. 00 A cashier's check in the amount of $590 accompanied the bid. 10. Name of Bidder: B & L Demolition Co. Address: Canonsburg, PA Total Amount of Bid: A. $5, 346. 00 B. $5, 446. 00 Bid Bond in the amount of $600 with the Public Service Mutual Insurance Company accompanied the bid. (John Fantini entered the meeting.) Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the above bids be tabled for perusal by the legal department to make recommendations. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. ( Various bidders left the meeting.) Chief Clerk then recommended that the Solicitors and the Chief Clerk be duly authorized to secure quotes from interested banks and prepare the necessary documents for execution for a required Temporary Tax Anticipation loan for fiscal 1975 in the amount of $500, 000. 00. MINUTE B❑❑K 9 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK .ZONES. JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS L Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Chief Clerk and the Solicitors be authorized to secure quotes and prepare the necessary documents for execu- tion as per above upon the recommendation of the Chief Clerk. Roll Call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. New Business: Chief Clerk stated that in order to bring the Liquid Fuels Escrow Account up to the requirements of $365, 000, we have to transfer the sum of $195, 000. 00 from the Liquid Fuels Regular Account to the Escrow Account. Chief Clerk stated that steps will be taken in order to invest the money once it is transfered to the Escrow Account. Chief Clerk stated that this will leave adequate funds in the Liquid Fuels Regular Account for normal operations through the first six months, and recommended that the transfer be authorized. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the sum of $195, 000 be transfered from the Liquid Fuels Regular Account to the Liquid Fuels Escrow Account as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk then read a letter dated January 1, 1975, from Robert W. Sperring, Secretary of the Washington County Industrial Development Authority which recommended that Board member Robert C. Arthurs be re -appointed for a five-year term. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that Robert C. Arthurs be re- appointed for a five-year term to the Washington County Industrial Development Authority Board. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk then informed the Board of a resignation dated December 16, 1974, of Salvatore F. Panepitito, Esq. , Assistant Public Defender, effective December 27, 1974. hief Clerk then stated that John P. Liekar, Public Defender, recommended that Thomas stolansky, Sr., Esq. , be appointed as a regular assistant and that Clark A. Mitchell e assigned to replace Mr. Panepinto as first assistant. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Jones, that 'ftmas B. Kostolansky, Sr., e appointed as a regular assistant with the appropriate salary, effective January 13, 1975. Roll call vote taken: 10 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, PRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried 'unanimously. Chief Clerk then stated that , at, a previous meeting, the Board tabled a request from the Comprehensive Health Planning Association of Western Pennsylvania, for the County to appoint a member to the Emergency Medical Services Institute's Board of Directors. Chairman stated that he discussed this with Mr. Whalen and recommended that Mr. Whale be appointed to this position. (Remarks:) Mr. Paluso asked if a member of the Emergency Medical Services Board of Directors should appoint -someone instead. Mr. Whalen then stated that the member has to be a County representative because Dr. Paluso is a member of the Board of Directors and is already representing the EMS. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that Mr. Whalen be appointed as a member of the Emergency Medical Services Institute. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chairman then referred to the meeting of October 17, 1974, Minute No, 138, in which there was a letter dated September 30, 1974, from the League of Women Voters in regard to the League participating as field registrars. Chairman also stated that on January 8, 1975, Mrs. Gross of the League of Women Voters called the Registration Office and stated that she would like to come in with some of the volunteers to be indoc- trinated as field registrars. Chairman then instructed the Chief Clerk to notify Mickie Farrah of the Election Office to have Mrs. Gross and the volunteers come in and take the oath of office. Chairman then, referred to a resolution of 1972 received from the Borough of Centerville regarding the re -apportionment of wards. Chairman stated that the Solicitor at that time did send a letter to the Borough informing them that the 'County cannot interfere with'.the changing of the boundary lines of the wards. Chairman then stated that he asked Assistant Solicitor Gilmore to do some research on this and report on his findings. Assistant Solicitor Gilmore stated that he thinks our opinion is going to stay the same, in that the section code provides that the County Board of Elections on petition by interested persons can investigate into alterations or establishing of election districts. Mr. Gilmore stated that this has nothing to do with the set-up of representative govern- ment in the local municipality, which is what this is concerning. Mr. Gilmore stated that the County has nothing to do with this; that it has to be done in accordance with the Borough Code and then get court approval. Mr. Paluso stated that he thinks that the Borough wants their Council elected at large instead of by wards. rj MINUTE BOOK 11 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES. JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 1 Mr. Gilmore stated that they have representation by wards and that the County has nothing to do with this. Chairman then referred to a resolution adopted by the Borough of Centerville under date of 1972, and attested to by the Borough secretary regarding re -apportionment of the wards in the Borough of Centerville. Said resolution stated that the Secretary of the Borough was instructed to notify and request that the Washington County Board of Elections and the Washington County Commissioners analyze the ward system in the Borough of Centerville and re -district the same. Chairman then stated that the Commissioners have no authority' to change the boundary lines of wards. Assistant Solicitor Gilmore stated that it is entirely the prerogative of the Borough to change the boundary lines of wards. Mr. Jones suggested that a letter be written to the Borough of Centerville clarifying the situation of the Commissioners. qn1 i citnr.q (Ferry Commission) Solicitor Bigi then stated that Robert Simpson has met with Congressman to get the necessary permits. Mr. Bigi and Mr. Simpson are getting the necessary deeds for properties because title searches will have to be done. Solicitor Bigi stated that after this has been completed, it is his suggestion that we make up our minds which way we ar( going to proceed by way of the Commission or some other method. If we proceed by route of the Joint Ferry Commission as it is presently set up, the ordinance will have to be amended because the Commission was just organized to make a study. Solicitor Bigi stated that if we are just going to proceed with the actual services, we have to authorize by ordinance and have a joint agreement between Fayette and Washington Counties on the services. Mr. Bigi stated that right now Mr. Simpson is consulting with the property owners. Mr. Jones then stated that there was a question before if it was legal for us to remain as a commission. 4 Mr. Bigi then stated that he and Mr. Cohen, Solicitor of Fayette County, have studied this and found the following provision to be made part of record: Purdon's Statute - Section 1997, Section 16 Improvement of operation and facilities The Board of Commissioners may enter into contracts and long range cooperative programs with Federal, State and local governmental agencies or public utilities for the improvement of transportation operations and facilities within and across county lines. The board of commissioners may independently or in cooperation with any other county --or municipality appropriate moneys annually in furtherance of such transportation im- provements and, in connection therewith, may also accept on behalf ,of the county gifts, grants, and federal loans. Solicitor Bigi stated that this authorizes that we can proceed by way of a commission. Mr. Jones questioned the payment of bills accrued. (Solicitor Bigi stated that it was his suggestion that we go through the normal voucher/checl method. �2 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Tax Refunds) Solicitor Bigi then presented the following two (2) tax refunds to the Board for their consideration and approval: Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Tax Assessment Office be authorized to prepare the following tax refunds due to either duplication or over- payment of real estate or personal property taxes: 1. Leonard A. and Mary Ann Briselli R. D. # 2, Box 293B (1974 County tax - penalty) Canonsburg, PA 15317 District: Cecil ---Deed Book Reference: None District Number: 140--Section Number: 012-05--Parcel Number: 0011 Amount: $9.34 2. John M. Campbell 610 East Beau Street Washington, PA 15301 Amount: $28.64 Roll call vote taken: (1974 personal property tax) Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Assistant Solicitor Gilmore then presented to the Board two (2) maintenance contracts for office machines and recommended that Mr. Flynn be authorized to sign the contracts. Remarks: Chairman questioned what machines they were. Mr. Gilmore stated that they were for the Kard-veyer machines located in the Registration Office and a typewriter in Judge Sweet's office. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Chairman be authorized to sign the maintenance contracts as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Assistant Solicitor Gilmore then presented to the Board a lease for the Washi County O.E.D. P, at the Trades and Labor Building and recommended that the lease be executed. Remarks: Mr. Paluso questioned if this was a renewal. Mr. Gilmore stated that it was. Mr. Palu asked if it was in the same amount. Mr. Gilmore stated that he assumed it was not the same price. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the renewal lease for the O.E.D. P. office at the Trades and Labor Building be approved subject to verification of the same price. 1 11 Remarks: Mr. Paluso stated that if they don't renew the lease at the same price, they will have to MINUTE BOOK 13 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R FLYNN, FRANK JONES. JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS F 1 1 state why they want more money. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Gilmore then presented to the Board a request from the Hayden Funeral Home $300 burial lot for Mrs. Lousie Austin. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the $300 be paid to Hayden Funeral Home upon receipt of the death certificate. Roil call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING READ AND APPROVED: January 9 1975 ATT CHIEF CLERK