HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 177 - 7-31-1975 - COMMISSIONER324 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R FLYNN. FRANK JONES. JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Minute No. No. 177 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., July 31, 1975 The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following members being present: Commissioners Jones, Paluso and Flynn. Also being present: Chief Clerk and County Administrator Whalen; Administrative Assistant Crouse; Solicitor Gilmore; John Drake of the Washington Area Senior Citizen Center; John Cadez of Engelhardt -Power; Jay Mitchell of WJPA; Bob Robertson of the Observer -Reporter; Earl Bugaile of WKEG and Jerry Kolanic of WWVA. Meeting called to order and roll call taken: Mr. Jones - Present; Mr. Paluso - Present; Mr. Flynn - Present Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions or omissions to Minute No. 176, each member having received a copy. as read. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that Minute No. 176 be approved Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Old Business: (a) McDonald Borough Mr. Whalen referred to the Board's last meeting in which we received an inquiry from McDonald Borough concerning the Urban County Program. Mr. Whalen stated that this was referred to the Washington County Community Development Agency, and that they have replied to this inquiry and outlined all of the assistance they could give McDonald Borough in planning for their particular program. (b) H. U. D. #107 Mr. Whalen referred to a letter at last week's meeting from the Department of Housing and Urban Development in which they had rejected our Innovative Projects Program. Mr. Whalen stated that Mr. Spear from Redevelopment had explained the reasoning behind this rejection, and since that time, some alternative proposals have been discussed, which hopeful we will be able to get some favorable consideration on for this project. (c) West Middletown Fire Department Mr. Whalen referred to an inquiry at last week's meeting from West Middletown Fire Department concerning possible funding of a meeting hall. Mr. Whalen stated that this had been referred to the County Redevelopment Authority because the HUD Office in Pittsburgh had replied to Mr. Sawyer concerning their inquiry, and this is now in the process of being C 1 handled by Mr. Bourkes office. MINUTE BOOK 325 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS J (d) Airport Mr. Flynn referred to recent discussions concerning the condition of the taxiway and runway at the Washington County Airport. Mr. Flynn stated that there was no question that an emergency does exist and that he intended to make recommendations to the Board to correct this situation. Mr. Flynn also stated that in view of the fact that Michael Baker did the original work on the airport, it was his opinion that we should consult them to see if they can correct this situation. Mr. Flynn further stated that after last week's meeting, Mr. Whalen had received a complaint by telephone concerning the condition at the airport, and the gentlem stated he intended to file a complaint with the FAA. Mr. Flynn stated that we should declare this an emergency situation and take the necessary action to correct these problems before someone is injured or killed. Mr. Jones stated that we have made numerous inspections of the airport and several recommendations have been made for repairs. Mr. Jones referred to the time when temporary work was to be done on the taxiway, and Michael Baker had been called in to make an inspection for us and found that the drainage system had collasped. Mr. Jones added that we should have done something before, and with the conditions as they are now, we should get to the problem immediately. Mr. Flynn agreed with Mr. Jones and stated that from his own inspection, he had noticed that the drain had collasped and was not functioning. Mr. Flynn recommended that the Board retain the services of Michael Baker because they were knowledgeable about the airport. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board immediately retain the services of Michael Baker, Jr. , to investigate the situation concerning the taxiway and runway at the Washington County Airport, and advise the Board of their recommendations to correct the situation. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Correspondence: Chief Clerk informed the Board of the receipt of the following checks: (1) Treasurer of the U. S. - for Manpower Planning Program ck. #82, 045, 298 - $27, 813. 39 (2) Pittsburgh National Bank - Weekend Repurchase Agreement ck. #658299 - General Fund Principle $ 750, 000. 00 Interest $ 343.75 TOTAL $ 750, 343. 75 326 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Chief Clerk then presented the following bills to the Board for their considerat and approval: (1) (2) Remarks: William C. Porter - Mingo Creek Park - $87. 00 Job Fab, Inc. - Van Eman Bridge #26 - $1,496.48 Mr. Flynn stated that the bill from Job Fab, Inc. was not the complete bill, and that an engineering bill will be forthcoming. for payment. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the above bills be approved Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk stated that an item of business had just been received for the Board'; attention, and referred to the agreement the County has entered into with the Department of Transportation through the Highway Safety Act regarding Emergency Medical Training Equipment. Mr. Whalen stated that this was advertised, the contract let and Mr. Burns has inspected the materials and now ready to make payment. Mr. Whalen stated that the total amount of this was $9, 540. 00 payable from the Capital Reserve Fund, and once payment had been made and the payments documented by Mr. Burns, we will then be entitled to 70% reimbursement under the Highway Safety Act. Mr. Whalen then recommended that the Board take action and approve the payment for this equipment. Moved by Mr. Janes, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board approve the payment of $9, 540. 00 for emergency medical equipment as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk read a letter dated July 28, 1975 from Henry Teichmann regarding the sewer situation in Peters Township. Said letter stated that the EPA and other government regulatory agencies have insisted on certain standards and have established regulations which are causing them numerous problems as well as financial loss. Skid letter enclosed a copy of a petition signed by business owners, employees and residents of Peters Township urging everyone concerned to do whatever is necessary to conclude an agreement with the Clairton Sanitary Authority so that the Peters Creek Sanitary Authority can proceed with the enlarged sewage desposal system under available financing by the U. S. Government. Nor. Teichman asked for the Commissioners assistance to see that the proper authorities use common sense and understanding in solving the impasse between the Clairton authorities and the Peters L 1 Township authorities. MINUTE BOOK 32"1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR.. EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Remarks: Mr. Flynn stated that he and Mr. Paluso had contacted the Planning Commission and Mr. Sember is looking into the matter now. Mr. Flynn referred to a news article which appeared in the Pittsburgh Press and local newspapers regarding this situation, and stated that they tend to lose. all of the federal grant which involves quite a sum of money. Mr. Flynn added that we would acknowledge Mr. Teichmann's letter and hopefully we can help them to resolve their problems. Chief Clerk read a memorandum dated July 28, 1975 which he had directed to Treasurer Malcolm Morgan regarding the Sinking Fund Commission. Said memo stated that under date of May 30, 1975 the sum of $109, 786. 82 was loaned to the Sinking Fund Commission account from the General Fund Account, and it was now understood that there were adequate funds in the Sinking Fund to repay this loan at this time. Mr. Whalen then read the reply from Treasurer Morgan and Controller Mascara dated July 29, 1975 and directed to the members of the Sinking Fund Commission. Said memo informed the members that they had renewed an investment of $50, 000. 00 for thirty (30) days, and also invested another $50, 000. 00 for thirty (30) days with Mellon Bank. Mr, Whalen then stated that the $100, 000. 00 invest- ments they are referring to are over and above the funds in that account necessary to repay the General Fund Account. Remarks: Mr. Flynn stated that if this is the case, it is encumbent upon him to call a special meeting to reimburse the , General Fund account, which is where the money belongs. Chief Clerk read a letter dated July 25, 1975 from Douglas S. Nettle of the Bureau of Health in Washington, Pa. regarding the dilapidated condition of abandoned properties at 427-4272 East Hallam Avenue, Sixth Ward. Said letter enclosed a copy of condemnation notice sent to the Washington County Tax Claim Bureau February 3, 1973 regarding the status of the cited properties. Mr. Nettle stated in his letter that he had discussed the status with Amor Flenniken, and it appears that the Tax Claim Bureau feels the County does not have full ownership or responsiblity for the care and maintenance of these properties, but= in checking with the City Treasurers Office, they have been liened. Said letter also stated that these structures constitute a fire hazard and were declared a "Public Nuisance" , and since the property is a charge of the County, the Bureau of Health felt the County should comply with the request from the Health Department to either raze the structures, or at lease board them up for security and safety purposes. Remarks: Mr. Flynn stated that the County is not the owner and therefore, is powerless to act. He stated that the Tax Claim Bureau is an agent of school boards and political sub -divisions. Mr. Flynn also stated that if City Council and Washington School Board would be willing to pay their pro rated share of the cost of razing the buildings, the Commissioners would be happy to solicit bids. Mr. Flynn added that we have no right to act on these properties unless we are granted the _permission to do so, (Discussion was held.) Chief Clerk informed the Board of the forthcoming Annual Conference of County Home Administrators which will be held in Philadelphia on September 7 - 10, 1975, and 328 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR , EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS recommended that Mr. John Showalter, Administrator of the Women's Home be granted permission to attend this conference. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board authorize Mr. John Showalter to attend the Annual Conference of County Home Administrators as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk read a letter dated July 28, 1975 from the Washington County Historical Society thanking the Commissioners for their gift of $1, 000. 00. Said letter stated that this money will be used as usual to defray the operating -expenses of the Society. Chief Clerk read a letter dated July 28, 1975 from Charles A. Gifford, Protestant Chaplain of Western State School and Hospital, in which he thanked the Commissione for appointing him to the Advisory Board of the Washington -Greene County Mental Health/ Mental Retardation Program. Chaplain Gifford stated that his attention had been called to Bullentin #1231 Supplement #2 from the Executive Deputy Secretary for Operations, Gregory L. Coleman, referring to Advisory Opinion Number Two of July 17, 1974, which raises the issue of the propriety of an employee of the Department of Public Welfare serving on such a board as mentioned above. Chaplain Gifford then stated that in light of this, it was his position, that he should resign from the Board with regret, effective September 1, 1975. Chaplain Gifford added that the Washington County Chapter of the Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Citizens could recommend an appropriate person to fill this position, and assured us of his interest for the welfare of disadvantaged people and offered his help in suitable. ways. Remarks: Mr. Flynn suggested that we acknowledge the Chaplain's letter and that we would be open to any recommendations to replace someone in this position. Chief Clerk stated that the local Election Board had made a request to Washington Channels, Inc. for use of their facility for a polling place. Mr. Whalen then stated that we had received a letter dated July 23, 1975 from Washington Channels, Inc. informing the Commissioners that their decision had been negative regarding this request. Chief Clerk read a letter dated July 23, 1975 from Grace P. Kirkpatrick expressing concern over the low number of people registered to vote in Washington County. Ms. Kirkpatrick requested that a registration table be set up during the County Fair on the fairgrounds on August 11 - 16. fj Remarks: �s Mr. Flynn suggested that we get in touch with Harry Hanle to make the necessary arrangement , if possible. C J - v-- MR--. MINUTE BOOK 329 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Chief Clerk informed the Board of a letter dated July 28, 1975 from the Tax Assessment Office requesting a six week leave of -absence for Mrs. Louise Bartkus due to illness. Mr. Whalen stated that he had discussed this with the Tax Assessment Office and recommended that the Board give their approval. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board approve the request for a six week leave absence for Mrs. Louise Bartkus as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk read a letter dated July 25, 1975 from Dorothy Squibb, Public School Psychologist, regarding her appointment to the Washington -Greene County Mental Health/ Mental Retardation Board. Miss Squibb expressed her interest in taking an active role in the development of quality programs in Washington County, and requested any information that will be useful to her as a Board Member. Chief Clerk presented a letter for the Board's consideration which was drawn up by John Piganell, Director of Manpower Planning in order to develop a procedure to properly validate the requests for personnel at the various municipal levels. Mr. Whalen then read the following letter for consideration: SUBJECT: Revalidation of Requested CETA Manpower Positions TO: 1. At the request of the Washington County Commissioners, the Office of Manpower Planning has been instructed to validate all unfilled Manpower requests under CETA. 2. Your agency, borough, township, school district, etc, may or may not have requested the Office of Manpower Planning to fill a Public Service Employment position during the past year. In some cases the requests have been filled, but because of federal funding limitation under CETA some positions have not been filled. 3. You are requested to fill out the attached form in order that our records be brought up to date in the event additional CETA monies are received from the federal government to hire for Public Service Employment jobs. 4. It is imperative that the following procedures be followed in returning the attached forms. a. The form must be signed by the chief official of the governing body of the agency, borough, township, or school district, as the case may be. b. An extract of the meeting minutes of the governing body, i. e. board of directors, board of supervisors, council, etc. , which reflects that the CETA Position is being requested by the governing body, must accompany the attached.form. No positions will be honored unless the meeting minutes are received by the Office of Manpower Planning. C. It is also imperative that should the governing body not desire any positions to be filled through the Manpower Office that this information be noted on the form, with an extract of the meeting minutes and returned to the Office of Manpower Planning. MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R FLYNN. FRANK JONES, JR , EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS 5. This letter is in no way meant to indicate that positions requested on the attached form will be filled. The filling of additional positions will depend upon federal funding. You will be contacted by the Office of Manpower Planning if and when additional funds are received, and whether additional PSE jobs will be filled. 6. Please return the attached form and minutes as soon as possible. Remarks: Mr. Jones stated that he thought this was a very good letter, which is long overdue. Mr. Jones added that this letter should solve some of the problems in the past concerning the many reques for Manpower positions. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board approve and authorize the adoption of the form letter drafted by John Piganell regarding Manpower requests as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk read a letter dated July.,22, 1975 from D. Dean Rogers, President of the Liggett Spring & Axle Company of Monongahela, Pennsylvania. Mr. Rogers requested that his resignation from the Washington County Manpower Advisory Council be accepted, as he felt that he could not contribute to the degree he felt necessary. Remarks: Mr. Flynn stated that Mr. Rogers letter of resignation would be accepted with regrets. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their approval, applications for Royal Electric Typewriter Maintenance Service Agreements for fifteen (15) typewriters located in eleven (11) County offices, at a cost of_ $49. 50 per year. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board approve the Maintenance Service Agreements with Paul B. Hickson, Distributor for fifteen (15) typewriters as per above, and authorize the Chairman of the Board to sign said Agreements. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. New Business: Mr. Whalen referred to previous discussions concerning equipment needed for the Parks operation. Mr. Whalen informed the Board that the specifications have been drawn up for the equipment that requires bidding and recommended that the Board give authorization to advertise for this particular equipment. Mr. Whalen added that the payment for this equi is to be authorized from the Commonwealth Conservation Account. Mr. Whalen stated that he would review the specifications with Mr. Gilmore to make certain they are in full compliance. Remarks: :s 1 F, 1 Mr. Jones suggested that they search for someone to take care of this new equipment and is knowledgeable in keeping it in good working order. MINUTE BOOM 3d BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN. FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS C Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board authorize the Chief Clerk to advertise for bids on the Park equipment as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk read the following letter dated July 29, 1975 directed to Commiss Flynn from the Department of Housing and Urban Development regarding approval of Communi Development Block Grant, Application No. B-75-UC-42-0101. Dear Mr. Flynn: I am pleased to confirm approval of your Community Development Block Grant in an amount of $615, 000. Attached are three copies of HUD Form 7082 with standard contract provisions. These will serve as the grant agreement for your program. Please execute all three copies where indicated and return two copies to this office, attention: CPD Processing Branch. Please also submit the revised Form of Assurances (dated 12 / 74) if you have not already done so. A certain element of your program may have been given a conditional approval, pending environmental clearance. This is listed along with other matters for your consideration as an attachment to this letter. Please refer to the regulations on Environmental Review Procedures for further information on the proper steps you should take to obtain release of these funds. Upon receipt of the executed documents, we will process your Letter of Credit. Soon thereafter you will receive, from the Regional Office, a completed Letter of Credit. Details concerning the Letter of- Credit can be found in HUD Hand- book 1900. 23, previously furnished to you. No Letter of Credit can be issued until the executed SR-1194 (Signature Care), HUD -274 (Designation of Depositary), and Certification of Specimen Signature have been returned to us. You are further advised that a last minute adjustment to the Urban County allocations has resulted in an increase in Washington County's Entitlement of $2, 000 to a total of $617, 000. At your convenience, please submit an Amendment to your program and budget reflecting this change. I am pleased to cooperate with you in this worthwhile endeavor: / s / Charles J. Lieberth Area Director (Discussion was held.) It was agreed by the Board that the Signature Cards should be referred to the Redevelopment Authority for their authorization. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board approve the Community Development Block Grant Agreement as per above, and authorize the Chairman of the Board to sign said agreement. Solicitor: Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor Gilmore presented the following tax refund to the Board for their consideration and approval: 332 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Tax Assessment Office be authorized to prepare the following tax refunds due to duplication of payment of real estate or personal property taxes: (1) Lena Sestili - (1975 County Tax) c/o Stephen I. Richman Washington, PA 15301 District: Somerset - Deed Book Reference: 1526-0087 District Number: 580 - Section Number: 13 - Parcel Number: 28 Amount: $35.20 (2) William H. & Mildred Beazell (1975 County Tax) R. D. 2, Box 538 A Monongahela, PA 15063 District: Fallowfield - Deed Book Reference: ? District Number: 320 - Section Number: 005 - Parcel Number: 0014-01 Amount: $1.72 (3) Joseph R. & Yolanda Glad (1975 County Tax) Marianna, PA. 15345 District: West Bethlehem - Deed Book Reference: ? District Number: 660 - Section Number: 0008 - Parcel Number: 01 Amount: $1. 80 (4) Martin Fabry, Jr. (1975 County Tax) c/o Mrs. Marie D. Good Magoo's Dusty Ranch 310 Dutch Lane Pittsburgh, PA 15236 District: Peters - Deed Book Reference: ? District Number: 540 - Section Number: 5 - Parcel Number: 32 Amount: $ 9. 75 (5) Leon Yablonski (1975 County Tax) Fifth & Wood Street California, PA 15419 District: California - Deed Book Reference: ? District Number: 080 - Section Number: 004 - Parcel Number: 04-0007 Amount: $2.34 (6) Arthur & Mildred Swanson (1975 County Tax) Box 13 Addison, PA 15411 District: Monongahela 2nd Ward - Deed Book Reference: 1027 0093 District Number: 430 - Section Number 26 25 - Parcel Number: 5 28 Amount: $65.26 (7) Helen M. Gray (1975 County Tax) 926 Addison Street Washington, PA 15301 District: Washington 8 th Ward - Deed Book Reference: ? District Number: 780 - Section Number: 2 - Parcel Number: 9 Amount: $9.66 (8) Mozart Savings Association (1975 County Tax) (for William L. & Shirley Freiberger 2300 Noblestown Rd. Pittsburgh, PA 15205 District: South Strabane - Deed Book Reference: ? District Number: 600 - Section Number: 7 - Parcel Number: 8-4 Amount: $21.66 (9) Mozart Savings Association for Gerald D. & Phyllis B. Jeanette 2300 Noblestown Road Pittsburgh, PA 15205 District: Cecil - Deed Book Reference: District Number: 140 - Section Number: Amount: $.46 (1975 County Tax) 002-03 - Parcel Number: 0014-01 1 1 u MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES. JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS J 11 (10) Irene Stock (1975 County Tax) R. D. 4 Burgettstown, PA 15021 District: Hanover - Deed Book Reference: ? District Number: 340 - Section Number: 011-04 - Parcel Number: 0024 Amount: $ 3. 61 (11) George & Myrtle Bedillion (1975 County Tax) 31 Violet Street Washington, PA 15301 District: Washington 6th Ward - Deed Book Reference: ? District Number: 760 - Section Number: 017 - Parcel Number: 02-0004 Amount: $24.10 (12) Richard W. & Brenda Hopkins (1975 Cbunty Tax) 59-230 Alapia Rd. Haleiwa, Hawaii 96712 District: West Pike Run - Deed Book Reference: ? .District Number: 700 - Section Number: 004 - Parcel Number: 0025-07 Amount: $4.51 (13) Fred R. & Ruth V. Riskey (1975 County Tax) R. D. 2, Box 241 Charleroi, PA 15022 District: Twilight - Deed Book Reference: 1276-0892 District Number: 630 - Section Number: 015 - Parcel Number: 0002-03 A mount: $15.16 (14) Stella Karaula (1975 County Tax) R. D. 1 A vella, PA 15 312 District: Hopewell - Deed Book Reference: ? District Number: 350 - Section Number: 021 - Parcel Number: 0008 Amount: $ 83. 3 9 (15) First Federal Savings & Loan A ss'n. (1975 County Tax) for Richard G. & Maryann Kelley 7 7 S. Main St Washington, PA 15301 District: Peters - Deed Book Reference: ? District Number: 540 - Section Number: 007-10 - Parcel Number: 01-000: Amount: $11.91 (16 ) Ronald & Sheila J. Stumpf (1975 County Tax) c/o First Federal S. & L. Ass n. 77 S. Main Street Washington, PA 15301 District: Canton - Deed Book Reference: ? District Number: 120 - Section Number: 002-02 - Parcel Number: 0009 Amount: $5.95 (17) First Federal S. & L. Assn. (1975 County Tax) for James V. & Mary Ann Testa 77 S. Main St. Washington, PA 15301 District: Canonsburg 1st Wd. Annex - Deed Book Reference: ? Dist rict-Number: 095 - Section Number: 001-05 - Parcel Number: 04-000 Amount: $22.83 (18) First Federal S. & L. Assn. (1975 County Tax) for Raymond J. & Margaret R. Pizzi 77 S. Main St. Washington, PA 15301 District: South Franklin - Deed Book Reference: ? District Number: 590 - Section Number: 005-02 - Parcel Number: 03-0011 Amount: $13. 54 (19) First Federal S. & L. Assn. (1975 County Tax) for Timothy A. & Jacqueline Ferchak 77 S. Main St. Washington, PA 15301 District: South Franklin - Deed Book Reference: ? District Number: 590 - Section Number: 005-02 - Parcel Number: 02-0010 Amount: $ 9. 03 ME 334 MINUTE ■ ■ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS (20) First Fed. S. & L. Assn. (1975 County Tax) for Thomas & Dianne Reggetz 77 S. Main St Washington, PA 15301 District: Somerset - Deed Book Reference: ? District Number: 580 - Section Number: 0026 - Parcel Number: Ol Amount: $13.72 (21) First Fed. S. & L. Assn. (1975 County Tax) for Donald & Judy McCormick 77 S. Main Street Washington, PA 15301 District: South Strabane - Deed Book Reference: ? District Number: 600 - Section Number: 006-07 - Parcel Number: 04-000', Amount: $35.84 (22) Malcolm L. Morgan (1974 County Tax) c/o First Fed. S. & L. Assn. 77 S. Main St. Washington, PA 15301 District: Washington 8th Ward - Deed Book Reference: 1352-0090 District Number: 780 - Section Number: 14 - Parcel Number: 4 Amount: $ 6.41 (23) Ernest Alexas �(1974 County Tax) 237 Locust Avenue Washington, PA 15301 District: Washington 3rd Ward - Deed Book Reference: 1012-0568 District Number: 730 - Section Number: 6 - Parcel Number: 31 Amount: $108.30 (24) First Fed. S. & L. Assn. (1973 County Tax) for Ronald D. & Pennie Foil 77 S. Main St. Washington, PA 15301 District: North Franklin - Deed Book Reference: ? District Number: 510 - Section Number: 2 - Parcel Number: 355 Amount: $61.56 (25) Robert E. & Linda C. Burgh (1974 County Tax) R. D. 7, Box 216 Washington, PA 15301 District: South Franklin - Deed Book Reference: ? District Number: 590 - Section Number: 011 - Parcel Number: 0007 Amount: $3.61 Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor Gilmore presented to the Board for their consideration, an agreement between the Department of Environmental Resources and the County of Washington encumb Commonwealth funds in the maximum amount of $350, 000. 00 toward the construction cost of the dam and reservior project at Site PA-661, Cross Creek Watershed Protection Project. Mr. Gilmore stated that basically what this agreement provides is what we have already agree( to do with the federal and state government, and upon execution of this agreement the state will encumbent the funds for this account. Mr. Gilmore added that when we complete the work then they will pay over the money. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board approve and L authorize the agreement between the Department of Environmental Resources and the County of Washington as per above. MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS E E Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. 11:00 a. m. - Opening of Bids for the furnishing and delivering,, of Rough Oak Bridge Timbers for the Washington County Bridge Department. Nancy Criguellion of the Controller�B Office opened and read the following bid: 1. Donora Lumber Company 232 Meldon Avenue P.O. Box 542 Donora, PA 15033 Amount of Bid: $12, 370. 00 A certified check in the amount of $1, 250. 00 accompanied the bid. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Jones, -.warding the contract for the furnishing and delivering of Rough Oak Bridge Ti.mbersto DONORA LUMBER COMPANY for the amount set forth in their bid; this being the lowest and only responsible bid and in accordance with specifications. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Commissioner Flynn asked Mr. Gilmore what the status was on the legal procedures regarding the Chartiers Flood Control Project and the transfer of properties to the Canon -McMillian School District. Mr. Gilmore: Since we 'net last week, Mr. Zeman had the petitions prepared for court approv'- If we buy or sell land, we must have court approval. We have our petitions prepared and I presume that the School Districts petitions are prepared also, but we have not seen a copy of them as yet. Mr. Costello wanted to draw up the description of what land was involved, but Mr. Zeman had already drawn up a set of. descriptions. As to whether Mr. Costello disagrees with them, I do not know. There was an engineering description some time ago, but whether Mr. Costello disagrees with what is to be exchanged on that description, L do not know. Mr. Zeman said that Mr. Costello wanted to draw up the description from the engineering descrip- tion, and we are waiting for that. The School District Solicitor requested that they be allowed to draw up the description and this is what is holding things up. Mr. Flynn: Once it is presented in court, how long does it take then? Mr. Gilmore: We have to advertise it three times for three consecutive weeks, so it will be three weeks before there is a final court order. Mr. Flynn: I am going to request that Mr. Zeman get in touch with Mr. Costello and try to get the necessary papers. Meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: IT1 July 31 , 1975 bg .1.