HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 180 - 8-28-1975 - COMMISSIONERMINUTE -■■ 3�►1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN. FRANK JONES. JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS �l 1 Minute No. 180 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., August 28, 1975 The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following mem- bers being present: Commissioners Jones, Paluso and Flynn. Also present being: Adminis tive Assistant and Acting Chief Clerk Crouse; Administrative Assistant Fetcko; Mr. Umstead the Redevelopment Authority; Mr. Keery McAmbley of the Industrial Development Agency; Mrs. Perkins of the VIP Program; Mr. Cadez of Engelhardt -Power and Associates; Jay Mitchell of WJPA; Mrs. Austing of the League of Women Voters; and John Stevens of the Observer- Reporter. Meeting called to order by Chairman and roll call taken: Mr. Jones - Present; Mr. Paluso - Present; Mr. Flynn - Present. Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions or omissions to Minute No. 179, each member having received a copy. read. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that Minute No. 179 be approved, as Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Special Order of Business: Mr. Robert Umstead - Redevelopment Authority Mr. Umstead presented to the Board for their consideration the following Resolution and made a short presentation. RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF WASHINGTON WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the Township of Independence has certified the area known as P & W Patch Redevelopment Project, a descrip- tion of which is attached hereto, and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Authority of the County of Washington desires to undertake the development of said area, and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Authority of the County of Washington wishes to obtain financial assistance from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in the amount of Three Hundred Thousand ($300, 000) Dollars, and WHEREAS, the Redevelopment Authority of the County of Washington has prepared the attached Application for Redevelopment Assistance Grant, Form DCA-20; NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved that the Redevelopment Authority of the County of Washington be and is authorized to file the attached Application for Redevelopment Assistance Grant, Form DCA-20; for a grant in the amount of Three Hundred Thousand ($300, 000) Dollars, in order to further the redevelop- ment program. And it is further resolved that the redevelopment area as certified by the Planning Commission is hereby approved for redevelopment. And it is further resolved that the housing needs of the Township of Independence can best be met by the expenditure of State funds allocated under the Housing and Redevelopment Law of 1949, as amended, in the clearance of slums and the re- development of blighted areas. 362 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the foregoing Resolution, as pro- posed, be adopted. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. (Mr. Umstead left the meeting. ) Old Business: a. Juvenile Court Judges Commission - Status Report Mr. Crouse advised the Board that two days ago, he contacted Mr. Meshaw of the Governor's Office who advised Mr. Crouse that there has been a moratorium placed on the August 22nd deadline. Also, the Governor's Office is meeting with the Juvenile Court Judges Commission to try to resolve the "a" and "b" classification dispute between Washington County and the Juvenile Court Judges Commission. Mr. Crouse also stated that they have accepted o original audit report submitted in February of this year. b. Labor and Industry Hearing - RE: Women's Home Mr. Fetcko reported that he attended a hearing before the Labor and Industry Board on Tuesday, August 26, 1975, concerning twelve deficiency citations reported at the Women's Ho as a result of a survey made on January 20, 1975. He stated that he thought the Labor and In- dustry Board realizes that Washington County has been acting in good faith in the improvements and corrections that have been made. He said that he read a prepared statement into the reco at said hearing which made mention of the fact that the County has spent approximately $90, 000 at the Men's Home and that the new facility is under construction and will be completed on time. Also, he noted that site preparation is 99. 5% complete; and the actual construction of the facilit-1 is 20% complete as of August 25, 1975. Mr. Fetcko then noted the following for the record: WORK WHICH MUST BE PERFORMED AT THE WASHINGTON COUNTY HOME FOR AGED WOMEN TO COMPLY WITH DECISIONS MADE BY THE INDUSTRIAL BOARD 1. With regard to the first floor corridor partition leading to the entrance, the Industrial Board approved the replacement of the plain glass in this area with 1 /4 inch wire glass in metal frame to be completed in thirty (30) days. 2. The doors in the left and right wing building stairways must be equipped with self -closing devices and panic hardware. 3. The two dumbwaiter shafts are not one hour construction and have openings within. The Industrial Board approved the statement that the County will alter the dumbwaiters to comply with Section 10-2322 in four months. 4. The hazardous storage must be removed from the following areas to eli- minate a dangerous fire load: exposed wood ceiling joists throughout the basement, laundry room and storage areas, kitchen area, clothes dryer in laundry room and other applicable areas. 5. Appropriate signs must be installed on doors that are designated to be kept normally closed in a means of egress. These signs must indicate that the doors involved are fire exits and must be kept closed. This will be com- pleted in thirty (30) days. 1 3M MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS L� G 6. Directional signs must be posted in all required means of egress, that is exit signs and all paths of travel to exits. This will be com- pleted in thirty (30) days. 7. Undertake a review of the fire extinguishing system throughout the building and standardize it with the A-B-C type fire extinguisher. Mr. Fetcko then recommended that the Board of Commissioners authorize the immediate under- taking of the aforementioned activities by the County's own staff on an emergency basis. (Earl Bugaile and Jerry Kolanic entered the meeting. ) Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board accept the re tion of Mr. Fetcko to proceed on an emergency basis to have the above minor renovations done immediately. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. c. Chartiers Creek Flood Control Project Mr. Crouse advised the Board that the petitions for Canon -McMillan and Forbes Steel have been filed before the Court of Common Pleas. d. Washington County Airport Mr. Crouse read the following letter dated August 12, 1975, from C. Y. Chen, P. E. Chief Soils Engineer, Michael Baker, Jr., Inc. : Subject: Pavement Deficiencies along Runway and Taxiway from Station -2+00 to Station -3+00 at Washington County Airport Based upon the information obtained and observations made by Mr. Bill Wylie and me on our field trip of August 8, 1975, we have reached the following conclusions regarding the subject pavement failure: 1. There was no evidence of deep seated embankment shear failure or slide. 2.-,t.Doth surface and subsurface drainage systems for the area in question must have failed to function properly; all the catch basins near the problem area are dry. 3. A depression across the embankment in the problem area was noticed. This indicated that settlement of the embank- ment and/or subgrade deformation caused by saturated soil might have occurred. 4. The pavement failure could be attributed to one or a com- bination of the following causes: a. Inferior quality of the bituminous and aggregate material. b. Malfunction of both surface and subsurface drainage system. C. Embankment settlement caused by the consoli- dation of embankment and/or embankment founda- tion. MIN OOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS d. Subgrade deformation under the surface loading because of the saturated soil which in turn was the direct result of the lack of an adequate drainage system. Items 4-b, c and d could all be inter -related and are more likely to be the causes of pavement failure. Accordingly, we propose to conduct the investigation in accordance with the following phases: Phase I 1. A field survey to determine the extent of embankment settlement and/or subgrade deformation. 2. A subsurface investigation and analysis which includes borings, soil testing and analysis to determine the sub - grade and embankment condition. Phase II A laboratory analysis to determine the quality of bituminous concrete, base and subbase materials. The Phase II investigation will be conducted only if the Phase I investigation fails to reveal the cause of pavement deficiencies. We will start working, unless otherwise instructed, on Phase I beginning Friday, August 15, 1975, using Tinney Drilling Company, Inc., of Bridgeville, Pennsylvania, a wholly owned subsidiary of Michael Baker Corporation. By using Tinney Drilling Company, coordination and supervision can be handled more efficiently and many administrative procedures (or red tape) can also be eliminated. The initial inquiry on August 8, 1975, regarding Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory's availability for service indicated that Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory may not be ready to render their services until after August 22, 1,975. However, we are still in the process of investigating the possibility of using Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory in Phase II. The estimated cost for the Phase I investigation is approximately $5, 750. A cost breakdown for each scope of the investigation in Phase I is attached and you will be invoiced on the basis of actual units of work and tests performed in accordance with the per diem and unit prices indicated. We are still in the process of soliciting a quotation on the cost for the Phase II investigation. We expect to complete the Phase I investi- gation within approximately four (4) weeks after the beginning of field drilling and will report to you the findings and recommendations as soon as they become available. We appreciate the opportunity of being able to serve the County of Washington again and should you have any questions regarding this letter, please don't hesitate to contact us. e. Reliance Electric Company In regard to a bill which had been submitted to the Board for damage of a gas line to the Men's Home due to the expansion of a parking lot for Reliance Electric Company, Acting Chief Clerk Crouse advised the Board that Reliance Electric Company has assumed the respon- sibility of the bill; and it has been confirmed in writing that the bill will be paid by them. (Mr. Paluso raised a question as to the status of the bids for the stream maintenance as per the meeting of August 14, 1975. Mr. Flynn answered that it has been suggested that this be held ir. abeyance in order to meet with Mr. Tenaglia, Engineer. ) Correspondence: Acting Chief Clerk Crouse informed the Board of the receipt of the following checks: 1. Commonwealth of Pa. - Foster Home & Institutional Care Payment - Child Welfare Services - month of May 1975 - ck. #50-570410 - $4, 870. 44 �1 1 MINUTE - BOOK 3u5 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES. JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Ll- 1 2. Treasurer of the U. S. - Manpower Program - ck. #82, 097, 226 $74, 000. 00 3. Treasurer of the U. S. - Manpower Program - ck. #82, 090, 828 <tRR RRR 9Q 4. Pittsburgh National Bank - ]Redemption of C. D. #1250 - ck. #683958 Principle $250, 000. 00 Interest $ 1,291.66 Gen. Fund TOTAL $251, 291. 66 5. Pittsburgh National Bank - Redemption of C. D. #1251 - ck. #683957 Principle $500, 000. 00 Interest $ 2,583.33 Gen. Fund TOTAL $502, 583. 33 6. Pittsburgh National Bank - Weekend Repurchase Agreement - ck. #683963 Principle $300, 000. 00 Interest $ 137.50 Gen. Fund TOTAL $300, 137. 50 7. Pittsburgh National Bank - Redemption of C. D. #1252 - ck. #683979 Principle $2, 500, 000. 00 Interest $ 12, 760. 42 1974 Bond TOTAL $2, 512, 760. 42 Issue Acct. 8. First National Bank & Trust Company - Redemption of C. D. #8461 cks #68552 and 38991 - Liquid Fuels Escrow Account Principle $100, 000. 00 Interest $ 509.59 TOTAL $100, 509. 59 9. Treasurer of the U.S. - Manpower Program - ck. #82, 120, 097 �Rs nnn nn 10. Pittsburgh National Bank - Weekend Repurchase Agreement - ck. #683544 Principle $225, 000. 00 Interest $ 103.13 Gen. Fund TOTAL $225, 103. 13 Mr. McAmbley presented to the Board a map and indenture concerning Reliance Electric Company. He stated that Reliance Electric Company has built a new addition to their building and the state has required them to connect onto a sewer line. They have permission from RCA to connect to the force line if they build their own pump station. However, this line is located in the leased right-of-way of the Trolley Museum; and the County leases this right-of- way to the Trolley Museum. The Trolley Museum has given Reliance Electric Company permis sion to cross their right-of-way in order to connect to the force line with R. C. A. Since the County owns the land, the County has to be a party of the indenture agreement. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Jones, that the Board approve the above by Mr. indenture as presented/ McAmbley, subject to the approval of the County Engineer and the Count, Solicitor; also, with the proviso that it be included in the indenture agreement that Reliance Electric Company will be responsible for any damages that might be incurred during the ins tion of this line; also, that any time in the future, this line has to be removed, Reliance Electri Company will have to bear the cost. ITHNUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. (Mr. McAmbley turned over to the Acting Chief Clerk the indenture signed by the Trolley Museum and also the engineering map. ) Mr. McAmbley reported to the Board that when Reliance Electric Company purchased land from IDC, it wasn't noted that the County had leased a 50 ft. right-of-way to the Trolley Museum; instead, it was noted that the County had leased a 30 ft. right-of-way to the Trolley Museum. Mr. McAmbley stated that our maps indicated that there was an error; the engineering maps should have shown a 50 ft. right-of-way. He stated that this means that Reliance Electr Company lacks 20 feet of land that they can build upon for parking purposes, and they are pro- posing that the County lease them land that lies to the east of their property. Mr. McAmbley stated for the record that he would like to have a meeting with the Commissioners and engineer down on the site to show what Reliance Electric Company proposes to lease from the County and to determine whether or not the County should lease additional land for parking purposes. Further discussion was held. Mr. Flynn suggested that the Board comply with the request of Mr. McAmbley to have an on -site inspection. Mr. Paluso suggested that prior to this on -site inspection, we should find out if the Trolley Museum would consider an amendment to their lease that this be a 30 ft. right-of-way rather than a 50 ft. right-of-way. Mr. McAmbl said that he would make the necessary arrangments to have this meeting after he clears up the matter with the Trolley Museum. Mr. McAmbley then gave a verbal report on the railroad crossings hearings he attend as requested by the Commissioners. He stated that the federal government is in the process upgrading railroad crossings and the latest ones in Washington County are located on Wade Ave nue in the City of Washington (gates and lights), in Independence Township (lights), and in the Borough of Burgettstown (lights and gates). Mr. McAmbley then reviewed the reasons given at the hearing for the upgrading of these particular railroad crossings. Mr. McAmbley stated that he thinks the County should undertake a study of the railroad crossings in the County to determine what ought to be upgraded and what shouldn't. Mr. McAmbley stated that he will submit a written report to the Board at a later date. (Mr. McAmbley left the meeting.) (Earl Bugaile and Jerry Kolanic left the meeting. ) Acting Chief Clerk Crouse presented to the Board the following bills for their considera tion and approval- : (1) Western Pennsylvania Firemen's Training Institute - $250. 00 budget allocation (2) West Alexander Agricultural Association - $1, 000. 00 - budget allocation 1 E MINUTE :.. 367 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK .ZONES, JR.. EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS n u E (3) Redevelopment Authority - $13, 000. 00 - budget allocation (4) John M. Felice Associates, Inc. - $396. 00 - for professional services rendered - RE: Meeting with SEIU representatives and judges relevant to negotiations and other labor relations matters (5) Washington County Volunteers -in -Probation, Inc. - $2, 000. 00 budget allocation (6) Engineered Communications, Inc. - $360. 00 - emergency work on county fire antenna system (7) McDonald Associates Engineering - $1, 614. 90 - Chartiers Creek (8) Carl G. Baker/Architects - $700. 14 - interim corrections Fiscal Assistance Trust Fund (9) Wallover & Mitchell, Inc. - $4, 892. 79 - month of July 1975 (Mr. Merdian entered the meeting. ) Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the foregoing bills be approved for payment. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Acting Chief Clerk Crouse informed the Board of a letter dated August 19, 1975, fro Kathy Miller, Director, Protective Services, requesting authorization to attend a seminar in Erie, Pa., on September 25, 1975, sponsored by Penn State University and also a meeting in Ridgeway, Pa. , on September 24, 1975. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, approving the above request of Kathy Miller to attend said seminar and meeting. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Crouse then informed the Board of a letter dated August 25, 1975, from William A. Cox, Secretary, Arden Athletic Club, requesting permission of the county for the use of the center area of the track at the Washington County Fairgrounds to be used for a soccer field. Mr. Cox stated in his letter that if approved, there will be no cars allowed in the track area. The league season opens September 14th, and all games will be played on Sundays. Mr. Flynn suggested that receipt of said letter be acknowledged and that the matter will be (brought up with the Fair Board members at a meeting scheduled for next week. Mr. Crouse informed the Board of an Order from the Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board in regard to Child Welfare Services and Central Washington County Mental Health and Mental Retardation Clinic which substantiated the fact that the Washington County Commissione Iare the employer of said employees. Mr. Flynn made a few comments. (Controller Mascara entered the meeting. ) MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Mr. Crouse read letter dated August 25, 1975, from Charles R.. Snitger, Jr. , Project rchitect , Wallover & Mitchell, Inc., regarding Extended Care Facility of the County of Wash - Contract SP-1. Enclosed with this letter were three copies of Change Order Number (1) for the above -referenced Contract, increasing the original Contract Sum of $444, 000 by 1, 348. 00 to $445, 348. 00. Also enclosed was a copy of a letter dated August 11, 1975, from Mr. Jack G. Murray, P. E. , of Geo-Mechanics, Inc., directed to Wallover & Mitchell, Inc. This letter was a summary of Geo-Mechanics, Inc., "Fill Inspection" for the referenced project and stated that they feel adequate compaction has been achieved at the site. Page two, paragrar of Mr. Murray's letter covered the first item of the attached Change Order Number One, the ition of a drain and sidehill fill in the south wing area. The additional quantities and costs r six inch perforated pipe and aggregate are documented in Invoice Number 314, which was so attached. The second item of the attached Change Order, raising the back wall and wing is on endwall at station 10 + 00+ , was required to stabilize the slope and roadway shoulder the endwall. This additional work was authorized by the Architect's Representative during pre -final field inspection on July 23, 1975. The additional cost for this work ($500. 00) is covered by the attached letter dated August 12, 1975, from Mr. Richard W. Castagna of RAM Construction Company to Wallover & Mitchell, Inc. Mr. Snitger stated in his letter that he does t anticipate any additional work or costs for Contract SP-1 and recommended that the Change rder Number One (1) be approved and processed as submitted. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, approving Change Order Number One (1 per above and upon the recommendation of Wallover & Mitchell, Inc. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. 11:00 A. M. - OPENING OF BIDS - FOUR (4) DOOR SEDAN Controller Mascara reported to the Board that there were no bids received. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, authorizing the Chief Clerk to re -adver- se for bids for the delivery of a four(4) door sedan after making a survey as to why the lack of rest. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Crouse informed the Board of an invitation from the Citizens Advisory Council to Department of Environmental Resources to attend its regularly scheduled monthly meeting in Holiday Inn in Uniontown on Sunday, September 14, and Monday, September 15, 1975. MINUTE BOOK69 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN. FRANK JONES. JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 1 1 G Mr. Crouse informed the Board of a request from Schuylkill County for Washington County to join in with fifteen other counties who have already decided to endorse Schuylkill County as the site for a national cemetery and shrine. Mr. Crouse then read from a letter fro the Veterans Administration in Washington, D. C. , which listed the other five sites which were referred to said Administration for consideration; they are: Gouldsboro and Valley Forge State Parks, Fort Necessity, Allenwood and Indiantown Gap. Mr. Crouse then quoted the following from said letter: "The firm's preliminary report graded each site, and found such severe de- ficiencies at Gouldsboro, Fort Necessity, Allenwood, and Indiantown Gap that they recommende against creating a national cemetery at any of these four locations. While the land at Valley Forge was found to be suitable for cemetery use, our consultants felt that cemetery operations would interfere with the functioning of the park and should not be developed on the historic site proper. Valley Forge is no longer being considered as a potential site. " Mr. Flynn suggested that this matter be tabled for the time being, and Mr. Crouse stated that he would direct an in- quiry to find out what they consider "deficiencies. " Mr. Crouse read letter dated August 22, 1975, from George Messerotes, Director and Chief, Department of Weights and Measures, requesting permission for William Kovach and himself to attend the 60th Annual Conference of the Pennsylvania Association of Weights and Measures to be held during the week of September 29 - October 3, 1975, at the William Penn Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, approving the request for Messrs. Kovach and Messerotes to attend their Annual Conference as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Crouse advised the Board that we do have proof of publication and confirmation that our Actual Use Report on federal revenue Maring in compliance with federal regulations was advertised in the Observer -Reporter on August 20, 1975. Mr. Crouse advised the Board of correspondence received from the Food and Drug Administration requesting local boards of government agencies to endorse and support the va work of the FDA in their consumer publications and consumer activities. Attached to this cor- respondence was a list of publications and consumer guides available to any interested citizen through the regional office in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Mr. Crouse informed the Board of a notification from the Pennsylvania Department of State which was received by our Election Office concerning the sample retention ballot for the four state-wide races, which must appear on a separate paper ballot. Mr. Crouse informed the Board of correspondence received from Wallover & Mitchel Inc., regarding Contract No. 10 - Dental Equipment, which enclosed four (4) copies of the 010 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN. FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Invitation to Bid for the Board's review and approval. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, authorizing the Chief Clerk to readver- tise for bids for Contract No. 10 - Dental Equipment for the Washington County Extended Care Facility. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Crouse read the following letter dated July 25, 1975, from L. Benjamin Wilt, Pennsylvania Business Development Manager, Cole- Layer- Trumble Company: Gentlemen: The Cole - Layer- Trumble Company has been continuously providing service to Pennsylvania Counties since 1955 in the field of reassessments, mapping and related services. Our goal has always been to provide the best possible service at the most economical cost. Over the years we have led the industry in advancing techniques; especially in the area of computer -assisted valuations. Recent developments have pointed more and more to the computer -assisted approach to mass appraisals. I am pleased to inform you that CLT has developed a total capability to perform a computer -assisted appraisal program. The attached description briefly summarizes our program. We sincerely hope that this information will give some guidance to you in planning your next county -wide reassess- ment program. I shall be in contact with your office in the near future, and furnish you with further details if desired. Mr. Crouse informed the Board of the final Order by the Department of Public Welfare on the appeal of the Washington County Home for Women which stated: "The Recommendations of the Hearing Examiner in his Adjudication of May 23, 1975 are incorporated into this Order and are hereby adopted. The appeal of the Washington County Home for Women is sustained without prejudice to the Department of Public Welfare. Medical Assistance payments shall continue to be made to this facility until such time that the decision of the Department of Labor and Industry is received by the Department of Public Welfare and further action taken. " Mr. Crouse advised the Board of correspondence sent out to each of our sixty-six (66) municipalities by the Washington County Community Development Agency reminding them of the federal regulations concerning the actual use report for federal revenue sharing. Mr. Crouse informed the Board that the United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company has offered the County the sum of $1, 150. 00 for the theft of two typewriters and a Victor Calcu• labr which were taken from the Office of Manpower Planning over the 4th of July weekend. Discussion was held on the matter. Mr. Jones recommended that the matter be tabled until Solicitor Gilmore has a chance to peruse it. Mr. Crouse presented to the Board for their consideration and approval two OJT con- tracts; one with Bricklayers Joint Apprenticeship Committee Local #11 for on-the-job training 11 C 1 --.•- # _ .-- MINUTE BOOK till BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA _ MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 1 n i for Lawrence Garner; and the other with Sanitary Land Fill Company for on-the-job training for Sam Rice. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, approving the above two OJT contract. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Crouse informed the Board of a request from the Manpower Office for the Coun to enter into an agreement with the Automotive Services Council of Pennsylvania, Inc., for an automative training service course for a minimum of twenty-five (25) enrollees who will have on-the-job training in the vocational area(s) of (1) automative mechanic, (2) body and fender mechanic, (3) automative painter, (4) automobile glazier, and (5) automobile repair parts clerk. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board enter into an agree- ment with the Automotive Services Council of Pennsylvania, Inc., as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Crouse informed the Board of a letter received from the League of Women Voters of Peters Township -Washington Area which stated that they have scheduled the following dates for registration: Tuesday, Sept. 23rd Washington High School 10:45 - 12:50 Peters Township High School 10:45 - 1:15 Wednesday, Sept. 24th Canon -McMillan High School 10:30 - 1:00 Chartiers-Houston High fthool 11:00 - 1:20 Thursday, Sept. 25th Immaculate Conception High School 11:30 - 12:50 Trinity High School 11:30 - 1:00 Friday, Sept. 26th and Saturday, Sept. 27th Donaldson's Crossroads Shopping Center 10:00 - 9:30 Friday, Sept. 19th and Washington Mall 10:00 - 9:30 Saturday, Sept. 20th Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Jones, authorizing the Director of Election., Bureau to comply with the request and set up the necessary registration. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, approving the request from the West Alexander Fair Board to set up field registrations. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. 372 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS (NOTE: The foregoing motions also apply to requests coming in and also the following field registrations set up by the Election Office. ) Mon. Sept. 8, 1975 Monongahela City Bldg. 1 - 5 & 6 - 9 Tues. Sept. 9, 1975 Peters Twp. Municipal Bldg. 1 - 5 & 6 - 9 Wed. Sept. 10, 1975 California Borough Bldg. 1 - 5 & 6 - 9 Thurs. Sept. 11, 1975 McDonald Borough Bldg. 1 - 5 & 6 - 9 Fri. Sept. 12, 1975 Donora Borough Bldg. 1 - 5 & 6 - 9 Fri. Sept. 26, 1975 Finleyville Community Bldg. 1 - 5 & 6 - 9 Wed. Sept. 17, 1975 Canonsburg Borough Bldg. 1 - 5 & 6 - 9 Thurs. Sept. 18, 1975 Fredericktown Township Bldg. 1 - 5 & 6 - 9 Sat. Sept. 20, 1975 Nottingham Fairview Presby. 9 - 1 & 2 - 6 Church Mon. Sept. 22, 1975 W. Brownsville Borough Bldg. 1 - 5 & 6 - 9 Tues. Sept. 23, 1975 Monongahela City Bldg. 1 - 5 & 6 - 9 Wed. Sept. 24, 1975 Charleroi Borough Bldg. 1 - 5 & 6 - 9 Fri. Sept. 26, 1975 Burgettstown Borough Bldg. 1 - 5 & 6 - 9 Sat. Oct. 4, 1975 Bentleyville Borough Bldg. 9 - 1 & 2 - 6 Thurs. Sept. 25, 1975 Mt. Pleasant Hickory Fire Hall 1 - 5 & 6 - 9 Mr. Crouse informed the Board of correspondence from Fillis S. Gross, President, League of Women Voters of Peters Township - , Washington Area, stating that the League sees no legal need to re -administer the oath for League registrars. Mrs. Gross went on to state that they do plan to have new League members become registrars sometime in the winter, and they will be in touch with the Election Office to arrange such a training session after the Fall Election. Mr. Crouse read correspondence dated August 15, 1975, from Mrs. Eleanor V. Semeni Chief Clerk, Fayette County Commissioners, which transmitted pages 2 and 3 of the Assign- ment and Agreement between the County of Fayette and the Pennsylvania Transportation Assis- tance Authority, which are to be substituted in the copy forwarded to Washington County on July 30, 1975. The amount of the grant has been corrected to read $75, 000. 00 vice $76, 750. OC as requested by the Pennsylvania Transportation Assistance Authority. Mr. Crouse read letter dated August 22, 1975, from Prothonotary Bob A. Franks which advised the Board that in accordance with the Controller's Monthly Report for his office for July 1975, they have $586. 86 left in their 1975 budget for materials and supplies. Letter also stated that Mr. Franks has requested additional funds for materials and supplies each year in his 1971, 1972, 1973 and 1974 budgets but was only granted $5, 200. 00 each year. Under the 1975 budget, he requested $7, 150. 00 due to inflation, increased costs and additional duties and services required by the Legislature and the Courts. They were only granted $5, 700. 00. L 1 'W MINUTE BOOK 3'01 73 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Mr. Franks went on to state that his office has been operated in a frugal and economical manner ordering only the necessary materials and supplies; accordingly, they will need additional funds for the remainder of 1975. Mr. Flynn stated that the Board will check into the matter. Mr. Paluso suggested that the Chief Clerk get an estimate as to what would be needed to carry through to the end of the year. Mr. Crouse informed the Board of the resignation of Jean Rice as part-time employ- ment for Magistrate Rebarick effective September 5, 1975. Mr. Crouse informed the Board of a notice of a meeting of the Ferry Commission to be held on Thursday, August 28, 1975, at 7:30 p. m. Mr. Crouse read letter dated August 19, 1975, from C. Victor Funk, Chief, Water- shed Branch, Department of Environmental Resources, State Conservation Commission, which stated that said Department has received and processed for payment Washington County's claim for reimbursement under the agreement between the State Conservation Commission, DER., and Washington County Commissioners for land acquisition on the Cross Creek Project. Letter further stated that said Department's new budget includes a new appropriation for fiscal 75-76 to cost -share once again land acquisition costs on P. L. 566 projects and that additional cost - share applications have been sent to Clay Graham for participation in the new fiscal year for the Cross Creek Project. Said letter requested the return of these applications by September 1, 1975. Mr. Crosse read a letter from Philip T. Starr, Executive Director, Beaver County Office of Civil Defense, which stated that an important part of the Planning process for respons, to a radiological emergency is a detailed understanding of the components and interfaces needed for efficient response. The difficulties in this planning is compounded when several states and their respective local subdivisions may be involved. The Beaver Valley Power Station is a good example of the need for a three state cooperative emergency plan and is the impetus for sending said letter. Mr. Starr further stated in his letter that it would be valuable to examine our interfaces and communication links and devise a plan regarding this potential emergency. Mr. Starr requested that the Board fill out and return an attached information request concern- ing participation in a planning meeting. (This letter was turned over to Mr. Jones. ) Mr. Crouse then read the following letter dated August 20, 1975, from B. Kirk Hol- man, Ways and Means Chairman, California Public Library, addressed to Mr. Flynn: Dear Mr. Flynn: I write to bring the "Theoretical Demonstration of the Regional Library Organization Concept" to your attention. This is a pro- gram designed to test the "Master Plan. " The "Master Plan" would, if passed by the legislature, mandate that the County support all public libraries --at a rate far greater 374 ITHNUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS than the present level, about one-half mill --and then double this rate of support in five years! It is my belief that this is simply impractical at present. Further, this plan would restructure the entire library system; the new structure would establish a new level of bureaucracy and a new center of control, the State Library. The Advisory Council on Library Development has requested that interested parties submit opinions on this subject. If you consider this matter worthy, your opinion should be directed to Mr. Richard Thomson, Chairman, 415 Wister Rd., Wynnewood, Pa. 19096. Mr. Flynn suggested that we contact Mr. Thomson and request him to submit to us a copy of the proposed legislation in order for the Board to study it. Mr. Crouse informed the Board of a request from Engineered Communications, Inc., for the Board's approval to purchase two (2) automotive type batteries for the Mt. Wheeler radio transmitter site. These batteries are not covered by the normal service contract. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, approving the purchase of the two (2) automotive type batteries as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Crouse read the following paragraph from a letter dated August 22, 1975, from Robert S. Stewart, Director, Bureau of Claim Settlement, Department of Public Welfare: "We present for your urgent consideration a Cooperative Agreement involving child support between the Department of Public Welfare and your County. Our state plan approval is contingent upon these written Coopera- tive Agreements being in force. With a signed agreement, the kDepartment will be able to refund to your Domestic Relations Division as incentives approximately 25% of all AFDC Child Support collections paid to the Depart- ment, and also pay 75% of the Child Support Program costs of the Domestic Relations Office. The agreement is dated August 1, 1975, so as to be retro- active for collections and costs from that date. We are prepared to begin payments as soon �s agreements between the counties and state are received and the Plan is approved. " Mr. Flynn noted for the record that before the Board can approve this, it must be approved by President Judge. Mr. Crouse informed the Board of correspondence from Michael George, Director, of Parks and Recreation, in which he submitted a proposed resolution which he pre - pertaining to Legislative Routes 62035, 62133 and 62022 which are involved in the Cross Park Project. Mr. George recommended that the Board of Commissioners adopt this olution and submit it to the Secretary of Pennsylvania Department of Transportation with a ansmittal letter requesting a reply as soon as possible concerning action or intended action by State. Mr. Crouse then read said resolution: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, it is necessary for the proper, orderly and useful development of the Cross Creek County Park and Flood Control Project that the highways leading into the proposed development area be improved, changed, and in some instances inundated or relocated, therefore be it 1 1 MINUTE ■■ 375 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 11 RESOLVED, that the County of Washington petitions and requests that the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation formally relinquish and abandon as state highways the three highways below identified, which lie within Hopewell and Cross Creek townships, said county, and formally, by deed, grant, or other- wise turn over or transfer to the county on March 15, 1976, the land whereon said highways are situate, in fee simple: (1) L. R. 62035, beginning with its junction at L. R. 62022 to its junction with State Route 50, a distance of 1. 7 miles, more or less. (2) L. R. 62133, beginning with its junction at L. R. 62022 to its junction with State Route 50, a distance of 1. 6 miles, more or less. (3) L. R. 62022, beginning with its junction at State Route 844 to its junction with L. R. 62039, a distance of 3. 1 miles, more or less. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, adopting the above Resolution as recom- mended by Mr. George. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. (Mrs. Austing left the meeting. ) Mr. Crouse presented to the Board a Lease between Evelyn M. and William B. Spriggs and the County of Washington for a house for Group Home, Inc. Mr. Flynn suggested that the matter be held in abeyance until Mr. Gilmore can peruse it and make his recommendation. Mr. Crouse presented to the Board six petitions for appointment of viewers for properties at Mingo Park prepared by Attorney William C. Porter. No action was taken on these petitions. Mr. Crouse informed the Board of correspondence dated August 27, 1975, from Clay Graham which enclosed a status report for monies expended and reimbursements' received on { Mingo Park, Cross Creek Park, Ten Mile Creek Park and Chartiers Creek Flood Control. Mr. Crouse read correspondence dated August 26, 1975, from John L. Brunner in which he stated that he has been reading about the new EDA Program which is a Federal Program that would provide funds for Public Works and for economic development. Mr. Brunner stated that he had been advised that Washington County will probably be eligible. Mr. Brunner also stated that when President Nixon cut off the funding for Urban Redevelopment Programs, Burgettsto Redevelopment Plan was put on the shelf; and this is the first real opportunity for funding that has come along since. Mr. Brunner stated that he hopes the Board of Commissioners will m with the Redevelopment Authority to insure that if and when eligibility is determined, Burgetts- town's Project would be given first priority. Mr. Flynn stated that this matter would be brought up at a meeting this afternoon with Mr. Sem ber and Mr. McAmbley. Mr. Crouse then read the following Mailgram from J. Robert Hunter, Acting Federal Insur ance Administrator: I's M I N U T E BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS There are approximately 30 days remaining before your community will become subject to the sanctions of Section 202 of the Flood Disaster Pro- tection Act of 1973. These sanctions include the denial, on and after July 1, 1975, or one year after a community has been notified of its flood -prone designation, whichever is later, of any federal or federally -related financial assistance for construction or acquisition purposes for use in an identified special flood hazard area of a community which is not participating in the national flood insurance program. Until January 1, 1976, this prohibition does not include conventional mortgage loans for the acquisition of previously occupied residences. If there is any difficulty in submitting the community's application before the deadline, please notify us immediately and we will do everything possible to facilitate the community's eligibility. In the limited time available to you, we urge you to take the steps necessary to both prevent the citizens of your community from suffering the adverse effects of nonparticipation in the program and to protect the residents as much as possible from any future flood damage. If there are still questions or problems, please call us at (202) 426-0015 or contact one of the HUD regional flood insurance specialists or the state coordinating agency in your area. Mr. Paluso suggested that this correspondence be turned over to Mr. Sember, who was to give the Board an update of what communities are not qualified or have not applied for flood insuran, Mr. Fetcko stated that Mr. Sember is in the process of preparing this report. Mr. Paluso requested having this report by next Thursday's meeting. Holiday: Mr. Crouse informed all those present that the Courthouse will be closed on Monday, September 1, 1975, in observance of Labor Day. Meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: August 28 1975 ATTEST.OL %. 0. --4() ACTING CHIEF CLERK tb 1