HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 188 - 10-23-1975 - COMMISSIONERMINUTE BOOK 473 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN. FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 1 1 Minute No. 188 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa.. October 23, 1975 The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following members being present: Commissioners Jones, Paluso and Flynn. Also being present: Chief Clerk and County Administrator Whalen; County Solicitor Gilmore, Administrative Assistant Fetcko, Coroner Jackson, John Cadez of Engelhardt -Power and Associates, Inc.; Mrs. Helen Miller of The League of Women Voters; John Stevens of The Observer -Reporter; Earl Bugaile of WKEG; Phillip J. Angelo of The Daily Notes; Jack Merdian of WJPA. Meeting called to order and roll call taken: Mr. Jones - Present; Mr. Paluso - Present; Mr. Flynn - Present. Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions or omissions to Minute No. 187, each member having received a copy. as read. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that Minute No. 187 be approved Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Correspondence: Chief Clerk informedthe Board of the receipt of the following checks: (1) U.S. Fidelity and Guaranty Co. - Manpower Program ck. #1537718-5 - Manpower Account - $1,150. 00 (2) Commonwealth of Pa. - Protective Day Care - ck. #65-0949312 Account 6-13-10 - $3. 874. 00 (3) Commonwealth of Pa. - Reimbursement for E. M. S. Training Equipment - Capital Reserve - ck. #31-608217 - $6. 678. 00 (4) Pittsburgh National Bank - Weekend Repurchase Agreement ck. #684317 - General Fund Principle $400, 000. 00 Interest $ 244.44 TOTAL $400, 244. 44 (5) Federal Kemper Insurance Co. - ck. #D 402 088 - for damage to equipment - Capital Reserve - $2, 055.40 (6) Pittsburgh National Bank - Redemption of C. D. #1295 ck. #684357 - General Fund Principle $250, 000. 00 Interest $ 1,302.08 TOTAL $251 , 302. 08 (7) Pittsburgh National Bank - Redemption of C. D. #1297 ck. #684358 - General Fund Principle $500, 000. 00 Interest $ 2,604.17 TOTAL $502, 604.17 4-A MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS approval: (8) Pittsburgh National Bank - Redemption of Principle on C. D. #1297 ck. #684369 - 1974 Bond Issue Account - $2, 500; 000. 00 (9) Pittsburgh National Bank - Redemption of Interest on C. D. #1297 ck. #684370 - 1974 Bond Issue Account - $13.454. 86 (10) Commonwealth of Pa. - Day Care - Contract #2313 - Month of July 1975 - ck. #44-1051568 - Grants & Gifts Account - $12, 476. 77 (11) Pittsburgh National Bank - Return of Weekend Investment ck. #684384 - General Fund Principle $150, 000. 00 Interest 68.75 TOTAL $150, 068. 75 Chief Clerk presented the following bills to the Board for their consideration and (1) Industrial Appraisal Company - $150. 00 (2) Michael Baker, Jr., Inc. - Airport Runway - $2, 742. 00 (3) Cooperative Extension Service - final 1975 budget allotment - $2, 921.45 Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the above bills be approved for payment. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk informed the Board of a request dated October 15, 1975 from the Southwestern Pennsylvania Economic Development District for 1976 budgetary consideration in the amount of $1, 906. 00. Chief Clerk read a notification dated October 15, 1975 from the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission regarding Application of Airsignal International of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvan Inc. , for approval of the right to begin to offer, render, furnish or supply one-way radio- telephone common carrier service to the public in additional portions of Butler, Beaver and Washington counties. Said notification advised the Commissioners that the Commission may consider the application without hearing, provided no protests are filed with the Commission on or before November 7, 1975. Chief Clerk read the following letter dated October 10, 1975 from Jacob G. Kassab, Secretary of Transportation: Dear Mr. Whalen: I have received your letter dated September 10, 1975, concerning a Resolution adopted by the Washington County Board of Commissioners pertaining to the abandonment by the State of Legislative Routes 62035, 62133 and 62022, as described in the Resolution. Please be advised that the subject highways cannot be abandoned since we are only authorized to abandon when we construct a relocation of the existing highway or in certain other instances, none of which is present here. Ll MINUTE BOOK 475 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN. FRANK .TONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS IN J In order to remove the subject highway from the State Highway System, we will need an Act passed by the General Assembly deleting same from the system. I have enclosed a rough draft of the type of legislation required which should be introduced by one of your local senators or representatives. The right of way, if transferred, will not be in fee simple title because we do not own fee simple rights; rather, we own an ease- ment for highway purposes, and that is all that we can transfer to the County. Finally, it is my understanding that your future plans may involve the vacating of portions of these roads. You should have your legal staff review pertinent laws with care, because I think you will have to get all adjacent property owners written consent before you can proceed. I hope that the above procedure can be followed without any major delays. You can be sure that I will expedite PennDOT review when it is sent over from the Legislature. / s / Jacob G. Kassab Secretary of Transportation Remarks: Mr. Flynn: Is this in the Cross Creek area? Mr. Whalen: Yes, this is in the Cross Creek area. Mr. Gilmore: This is the same procedure we went through on Mingo. Mr. Flynn: I would suggest that a copy of this be given to Mr. Clay Graham and Mr. Gilmore. Chief Clerk read a letter dated October 17, 1975 from the Child Welfare Advisory Board. Said letter stated that the Advisory Board met on October 9th and Mr. Donald Celaschi from Charleroi was proposed for membership to the Board subject to the Commissioners approval. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board approve the membership of Donald Celaschi to the Child Welfare Advisory Board. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Remarks: Mr. Paluso stated that they have several other vacancies and are looking for other people who are willing to help on the Board. Mr. Paluso also added that Mr. Celaschi was the Superinten- dent of Schools for the Charleroi Area School District. Chief Clerk informed the Board of a bulletin dated September 24, 1975 from the Department of Public Welfare regarding Eligibility of Vietnamese and Cambodian Refugees for Social Services. Mr. Whalen stated that we have been furnished with a numerical list of refugees in Washington County and they are eligible for all types of social services. Chief Clerk informed the Board of a letter dated October 15, 1975 from Timothy Harrison, Director of Juvenile Probation and directed to John Piganell, Director of Manpower.1 Said letter advised that Miss Linda McClain had resigned from her position at the Detention , __.,,ar Home effective October 15, 1975 because of her difficulty in adjusting to the night shift. 476 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R FLYNN, FRANK .TONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Mr. Whalen stated that it has been requested that the Board approve a replacement of this slot at the Detention Home. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board approve a replace- ment for the slot at the Juvenile Detention Home as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; . Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes: Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented one (1) On.the Job Training Contract between the Office of Manpower Planning and Automotive Service Council of Pittsburgh, Pa. , for Mark D. Pasquale as a mechanic. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board approve and execute the On the Job Training Contract as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk read a letter dated October 21, 1975 from Reliance Electric Company requesting permission to perform certain work on a natural gas line serving the heating equipment at the County Men's Home. Said letter stated that this work would consist of cutting, resetting at a lower grade below ground, and reconnecting that portion of the gas line now crossing land held by Reliance Electric Company, in order to provide additional automobile parking. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board approve the request made by Reliance Electric Company as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk read a letter dated October 17, 1975 from Peters Township Supervisor: advising the Commissioners that on June 16, 1975, Mr. Stanley H. Duckworth resigned from the Peters Township Board of Supervisors, and that Mr. Arthur J. Gaio was appointed on July 7,"1975 to replace Mr. Duckworth on the Board. Remarks: Mr. Flynn stated that all we could do is to send this to the Election Bureau and have it recorde< New Business: a. Airport Correction Mr. Whalen reported on the necessary corrections at the airport on the runway and - taxiway, and stated that following last week's meeting he had contacted Mr. Wiley from. - Michael'Baker and also Blacktop Paving here in Washington. Mr. Whalen also stated that on Tuesday, Mr. Wiley met with Mr. Johnson of Blacktop Paving at the airport and they went MINUTE BOOK 477 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS i into a full scale inspection of the corrections necessary. Mr. Whalen further stated that to correct the problem so that it will not recur, in the near future, the estimated cost of correcti is $30, 000. 00. Mr. Whalen added that Mr. Wiley recommends that it be corrected in that manner and if approved, the contractor can begin work on Monday. The approximate work time is six days to make all the corrections. Remarks: Mr. Jones: What are they going to do out there? Are they going to correct the drains? Mr. Whalen: No, they are not going to correct the drains. They are going to take out the fill that is causing the problem and refill it and recompact it to make it as permanent as possible under the conditions to make it last for a matter of at least two or three years until the final- ization of the other plans for the airport can be arranged. So this is not a make -shift repair. This is something on a basically permanent basis. I think it is part of the long range plan'to get into the drainage system, but this would not include any correction of the drains. Mr. Paluso: Does this have to be bid or what? Mr. Gilmore: Is there some intent to declare this an emergency? Mr. Flynn: Let me tell you what has taken place since yesterday. By coincidence, Nk. Dan Cassidy, who is the Assistant Chief to Mr. Walsh who is the head of FAA in Harrisburg, visitec the airport yesterday, and they did not like what they saw. He called here yesterday afternoon, and Mr. Fetcko informed him that I was in conference. He asked that I call him the first thing in the morning, which I did at 9:05, and he was in conference. I left a message for him to call me before the 10:00 meeting, and he returned my call at 9:55. The first thing he told me was about the runway and taxiway, and I told him that this was on our Agenda, and about Mr. Wiley and Blacktop Paving Company and the estimated cost, etc. Mr. Cassidy informed me that there was no money available from the Federal Government, and there will be no money available to us until we have a master plan, and so on and so forth. I further related to him that we have communications from the Pa. Army National Guard, and they are requesting that they lease property from the County, and want to install storage tanks there for gasoline. They have quite a payroll and employ quite a number of people. They are as familiar with this as we are. Mr. Cassidy stated that they could very well shut down the airport, and he would like to meet,after we get the corrections completed, with the representatives of FAA and dicuss the entire operation of the airport. I don't think there is any question, we must declare an emergen Mr. Gilmore: Is it the intent not to bid this as an emergency exception to the requirement it bid being in excess of $1, 500. 00 Mr. Flynn: We know that the conditions exist, and we know we have had complaints. This is no easy matter and time is of the essence. The condition is getting worse. The questions is do we have time to wait taking into consideration the runway and the weather. In my humble} opinion, an emergency exists. Mr. Whalen: It should also be noted that the paving plants will be closed down before too long for the rest of the year. Mr. Gilmore: You can declare this an emergency. All you have to do is put the reasons for the emergency in the motion. Mr. Flynn: I recommend that we follow through on an emergency basis. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board authorize the repairs at the Washington County Airport on an emergency basis as per above. Said repairs to begin- immediately. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Further remarks: Mr. Paluso: Make sure the proper notices be sent out to the airlines and to the FAA inform everyone of the work being done on that runway. - . __ 8...... ---- - - - - .____ - -- - - - 48 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Mr. Whalen: Mr. Wiley assured me that they would handle any and all notifications immediate upon authorization. I will call Mr. Wiley as soon as the meeting is over. Mr. Flynn: I think it is imperative that we meet with the corporation that is leasing the airport and the Pa. Army National Guard. Mr. Cassidy indicated to me that they also wanted to discus this about the Army National Guard. I will quote from a letter dated October 8, 1975 from the Pa. Army National Guard "Washington County is helping the Pennsylvania Guard with parking space for some of the supportive aircraft. This is a temporary solution to the parking problem In order that this Army Aviation Support facility can remain in Washington County, the parking and fuel storage problem must be solved. " They are looking into this too, so I think it is imperative that we meet with these people, to see if we can resolve this. Chief Clerk presented to the Board for their approval the necessary items to be advertised for the November 4th election which included the pollings places as well as the various offices that will appear on the respective ballots. Remarks: Mr. Flynn: There is a change in Donegal Township. The voting place will be located in the Township Building as per our previous action at the request of quite a number of petitioners. Also in Canonsburg - 3rd & 4th, we were located in the School Building, now we are located across the street in the St. Michael's Church Hall. . The Church is in a different precinct, but the law provides that we can locate in a different precinct providing there is no place available in the existing precinct. It is no inconvenience to the public. Mr. Paluso: It is more convenient really because there is a parking place available near by, and the elderly people do not have to contend with all the steps. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the Board authorize the advertisement of the necessary items for the November 4th election which will include the polling place and various offices as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried. (Mr. Jones abstained from voting on the above motion. ) Mr. Whalen informed the Board that there have been a few questions concerning the' closing of the Courthouse for Veterans Day. Mr. Whalen stated that to clarify this the federal designated holiday will be on Monday, October 27th. However, for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Veterans Day was returned to November llth, which is the designated_ day- as far as the County is concerned. Therefore, Mr. Whalen added that the Courthouse will be open on October 27th and closed on November llth. Solicitor: Solicitor Gilmore presented the following eleven (11) tax refunds to the Board for their consideration and approval. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Jones, that the Tax Assessment Office be authorized to prepare the following tax refunds due to either duplication or overpayment of real estate or personal property tax: 1. Harry Hall 1975 County Tax 743 McKean Avenue Donora, Pa. 15033 District: Donora Borough - Deed Book Reference: 1495-0090 District Number: 240 - Section Number: 015 - Parcel Number: 01-0027 Amount: $1 9. 94 1 1 49 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 2. George R. & Betty J.Polachek 1975 County Tax 116 Kenric Avenue Donora, PA 15033 District: Donora - Deed Book Reference: 1056-0506 District Number: 240 - Section Number: 030 - Parcel Number: 04-03-01 Amount: $20.71 3. Bryan II and Sue Pizzi 1975 County Tax 156 LeMoyne Ave. Washington, PA 15301 District: East Washington - Deed Book Reference: 1522-0122 District Number: 290 - Section Number: 007 - Parcel Number: 03-0007 Amount: $100.27 4. Thompson III & Joanne Douglass 1975 County Tax c/o First Fed. Savings & Loan 77 S. Main St. Washington, PA 15301 District: Mount Pleasant - Deed Book Reference: 1527-0127 District Number: 460 - Section Number: 008 - Parcel Number: 01-0026 A mount: $ 81. 51 5. John R. & Carolyn Delsandro 1975 County Tax c/o Advance Mortgage Corp. P.O. Box 146 Detroit, Michigan 48232 District: North Franklin - Deed Book Reference: 1355-0580 District Number: 510 - Section Number: 3 - Parcel Number: 11 Amount: $200.35 6. R. Douglas West 1975 County Tax c/o West Tire Center 425 E. Maiden St. Washington, PA 15301 District: South Franklin - Deed Book Reference: 1442-0228 District Number: 590 - Section Number: 2 - Parcel Number: 5-6 Amount: $19. 5 9 7. Robert & Elaine M. Stetor 1975 County Tax c/o First Fed. Savings & Loan 77 S. Main St. Washington, PA 15301 District: South Franklin - Deed Book Reference: 1455-0151 District Number: 590 - Section Number: 5 - Parcel Number: 20-1-11 Amount: $ 9. 02 8. Billy J. & Frances J. Higgins 1975 County Tax c/o First Fed. Savings & Loan 77 S. Main St. Washington, PA 15301 District: South Strabane - Deed Book Reference: 1357-0261 District Number: 600 - Section Number: 5 - Parcel Number: 27 Amount: $16.79 9. Paul & Lesley Andy Brock (new owners) 1975 County Tax Anthony & Margaret Andy c/o Equibank East Pike Street Houston, PA 15342 District: Washington 760 - Deed Book Reference: 1355-0679 District Number: 760 - Section Number: 022 - Parcel Number: 01-0019 Amount: $87.18 10. L. Samuel Siegel et al 1974 County Tax c/o Sherman Siegel 215 Trust Building Washington, PA 15301 District: Washington 2nd Ward - Deed Book Reference: District Number: 720 - Section Number: 72-1 - Parcel Number: 9 & 19 Amount: $ 412. 89 480 MINUTE B❑❑K BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES. JR , EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 11. George & Rose Zamiska 1975 County Tax Box 24 Beallsville, PA 15313 District: Centerville 4th Ward - Deed Book Reference: 1474-0142 District Number: 15-4 - Section Number: 3 - Parcel Number: 69 Amount: $13. 3 0 Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Ides; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Concerning the awarding of the bid for the central air conditioning for the Washington County Planning Commission, Mr. Gilmore stated that the lowest bidder was Hafer Plumbing & Equipment Company and that it has taken some time on this so that we could check the company out and find out exactly what they plan to do. Mr. Gilmore also stated that everything is satisfactory to Mr. Bevec and Mr. Caleffie. Mr. Gilmore mentioned one additional item which he thought the Board should take care of now, and stated that it is necesse to put in a three phase, 230 volt power system to the building. In addition to awarding the bid, Mr. Gilmore asked that the Board direct Mr. Caleffie to make arrangements to have this power system installed. Mr. Gilmore added that Mr. Caleffie has a quote of less than $1, 400 for the person who installed the original system down there to do the work. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, awarding the contract for central air conditioning at the Washington County Planning Commission, to HAFER PLUMBING & EQUIPMENT COMPANY, 1414 Potomac Ave., Pittsburgh, PA 15216, for the amount set f in their bid; this being the lowest responsible bid received in accordance with specifications. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board direct Mr. Ermil Caleffie to make the necessary arrangements for a three phase, 230 volt power system to be installed in the Planning Commission building at a cost not to exceed $1, 400. 00. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Gilmore presented the annual Day Care Contracts to the Board for their approval and execution between the Department of Public Welfare and the Board of Commissioners. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board execute the annual Day Care Contracts as per above. Roll call vote taken: Ll 1 Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. �.L..-.& Lam. s . MINUTE BOOK 451 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA _ MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES. JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 1 Mr. Gilmore presented several Volunteer In Probation Agreements to the Board for their acceptance. Mr. Gilmore stated that these are the standard agreements which state the legal and contractual relationship between the volunteer and the County. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board approve and execute the VIP Agreements as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Gilmore presented to the Board a Resolution to condemn the property of the Estate of John R. McBurney for the Chartiers Creek Flood Control Project in Canonsburg - Houston Reach Unit 2. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board approve the Resolution to condemn said property as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTES READ AND APPROVED: ATTEST October 23 . 1975 CHIEF CLERK bg r Ak Ak A. _- L .. - _ �_....