HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 191 - 11-13-1975 - COMMISSIONERM I N UTE B O O K 5fl5 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES. JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 1 1 Minute No. 191 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., November 13, 1975 The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following members being present: Commissioners Jones, Paluso and Flynn. Also being present: Chief Clerk and County Administrator Whalen; Administrative Assistant Crouse; Solicitor Gilmore; Deputy Controller Daniels; Robert Umstead and Roland Bourke of Redevelopment Authority; Dean Gross of the Citizens Library; Mrs. Miller of The League of Women Voters; John Drake of the Washington Area Senior Citizens, John Cadez of Engelhardt -Power and Associates, Inc.; Earl Bugaile of WKEG; Phillip J. Angelo of The Daily Notes and Bob Robertson of The Observer -Reporter. Meeting called to order and roll call taken: Mr. Jones - Present; Mr. Paluso - Present; Mr. Flynn - Present. Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions or omissions to Minute No. 190, each member having received a copy. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Special Order of Business: Mr. Robert Umstead - Redevelopment Authority Re: Canonsburg Project Mr. Robert Umstead gave a summary of the background concerning the Canonsbur; Pike Street Redevelopment Project Proposal and stated that under the Coimmunity Development Act of 1974 they were allocated $678, 000 for a five year total of $2. 7 million dollars. Mr. Umstead displayed a drawing of the area which has been earmarked for this community project and explained what areas and activities were involved. Mr. Umstead also displayed a drawing of the proposed high rise building for the elderly to be built in Canonsburg on Central Avenue. Mr. Umstead also informed the Board of another activity regarding the Senior Citizens Center located now in an old church. Mr. Umstead stated that they have reviewed construction plans developed by the architects to reconstruct the old theater on Pike Street and that this project should be under construction the first part of the year. Mr. Umstead stated that the proposed resolution being presented today for the Commissioners consideration involves the above mentioned areas. Mr. Umstead further stated that the Redevelopment proposal is a document that sets the land uses for these particular areas and also sets the restrictions of redevelopm Mr. Flynn then asked Mr. Umstead to read the following resolution: RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF WASHINGTON APPROVING THE REDEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL FOR THE CANONSBURG PIKE STREET REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT WHEREAS, there has been prepared and referred to the Board of MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Commissioners of the County of Washington (herein called the'Ooverning Body") for review and approval, a Redevelopment Proposal for the Canonsburg Pike Street Redevelopment Project, dated September, 1975, and consisting of a Redevelopment Plan of 8 pages and 6 exhibits; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the Borough of Canonsburg which is the duly designated and acting official planning body for the Locality, has certified that said Redevelopment Plan conforms to the general plan for the Locality as a whole, and the Governing Body has duly considered said recommendations and certification of the planning body; and WHEREAS, said Redevelopment Plan for the Project Area prescribes certain land uses for the Project Area. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE COUNTY OF WASHINGTON AS FOLLOWS: 1. That it is hereby found and determined that the Project is a blighted area and qualifies as an eligible Project area under the Pennsylvania Urban Redevelopment Law of 1945, as amended. 2. That said Redevelopment Plan for the Project afore- mentioned, having been duly reviewed and considered, is hereby approved, and the Chief Clerk be and is hereby directed to file said copy of said Redevelopment Plan with the minutes of this meeting. 3. That is is hereby found and determined that the Redevelopment Plan for the Project Area conforms to said general plan of the Locality. 4. That it is hereby found and determined that the proposal for the proper relocation of the families displaced in carrying out the project in decent, safe and sanitary dwellings in conformity with acceptable standards is feasible and can be reasonably and timely effected to permit the proper prosecution and completion of the proj ect. 5. That in order to implement and facilitate the effectuation of the Redevelopment Plan, hereby approved, it is found and determined that certain official action must be taken by this Body, and accordingly, this Body hereby; (a) pledges its cooperation in helping to carry out such Redevelopment Plan, (b) requests the various officials, departments, boards, and agencies of the Locality having administrative responsibilities in the premises likewise to cooperate to such end and to exercise their respective functions and powers in a manner consistent with said Redevelopment Plan; and (c) stands ready to consider and take appropriate action upon proposals and measures designed to effectuate said Redevelopment Plan. 6. The Redevelopment Authority of the County of Washington is authorized to take such action as may be necessary to carry out said proposal. Remarks: Mr. Flynn: This was approved by the Planning Commission of Canonsburg and the necessary resolution was adopted by the Borough of Canonsburg, and now I understand it is up to us. Mr. Umstead: There was a joint public hearing held on October 23, 1975. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board adopt the resolution as presented by the Redevelopment Authority as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE BOOK ;r0"7 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN. FRANK .ZONES. JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS 1 E Correspondence: and approval: for payment. Chief Clerk informed the Board of the receipt of the following .check: 1. Equibank - Redemption of C. D. #23502, ck. #1018062 Fiscal Assistance Trust Fund Account - First Nat'l. Principle $1,100, 000. 00 Interest $ 12,271. 88 TOTAL $1,112, 271 . 88 Chief Clerk presented the following bill to the Board for their consideration 1. Gene P. Amanati, Realtor - Cross Creek Flood Control Project $1, 800. 00 Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the above bill be approved Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk informed the Board of an invitation to attend the Annual Stockholders Meeting and Banquet of the West Alexander Agricultural Association on November 20, 1975 at 7:00 p. m. at the West Alexander United Presbyterian Church. Chief Clerk read a letter dated November 5, 1975 from the Child Welfare Services informing the Board that Mrs. Thelma M. Gall has been notified of her probationary appointment as a Clerk -Typist I with Child Welfare Services beginning on November 17, 1975 and also advising that Herbert J. Caponi, Caseworker for Child Welfare Service will be receiving a salary increase on November 3, 1975 from an annual salary of $10, 054. 00 to $10, 523. 00. Chief Clerk read a letter dated November 6, 1975 from the Southwestern Pennsylvania Legal Aid Society. Said letter stated that the Society is currently seeking to fulfill its "local share" objective, and requested that the Commissioners allocate the sum of $10, 000 as our County share of operating costs for the 1976 calendar year. Said letter also stated that such a share represents 100/c of the total annual budget expended by the program for services to indigent individuals residing in our county. Mr. Flynn suggested that this be referred to Mr. Crouse as a budgetary request. Also in connection with the 1976 budget, Mr. Whalen stated that we had received a copy of a letter from Huggins and Company regarding the actuaries for the Retirement Fund for the County employees, which estimated the appropriation required for 1976 as $355, 000. 00. for the County's share of the retirement system. Chief Clerk read a letter dated November 7, 1975 from John H. Drake regarding the three exits from the Court House which open inward. Mr. Drake stated that these doors —- ......a . & . _..... could cause loss of life in case of fire, or other cause which would force a quick exit from the building. Mr. Drake requested that this matter be considered in the 1976 budget, making all �Q8 MINUTE :■■ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS exit doors open outward. Chief Clerk read a letter dated November 7, 1975 addressed to Mr. Fred L. Lebde�, Chairman of the Fayette County Commissioners from the Department of Transportation regarding PT-13, Restoration of Ferry Service Washington and Fayette Counties. Said letter announced the Governor's approval of the subject project legal documents executed between the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania and Fayette County authorizing State funds in the amount of $75, 000 plus contingencies for use in this project. Chief Clerk read the following letter dated November 6, 1975 from the Department of Military Affairs, Armory Board: Gentlemen: A recent reorganization of the Pennsylvania National Guard has made necessary the expansion of the Aviation Flight Facility located at Goodrich Armory, adjacent to Washington County Airport, in order to accommodate a greater number of aircraft. We are desirous of obtaining the use of two areas of land, part of the Washington County Airport. The areas are shown on the attached sketch. Area A, known as the unused grass runway, would be used for operation and storage of aircraft. A short-term lease, of five years duration, with a five year renewal clause, would be acceptable for this area. Area B would be used for the construction of a fuel storage area. A long-term lease, of fifty years duration, would be necessary for this area, in order to qualify for the necessary construction funding. We have been informed that you would give favorable considera- tion to this request by 1LT Hengeveld, the Flight Facility Supervisor. Please advise us, at your earliest convenience, of your decision and requirements in this matter. /s/ Paul A. Baltes Director of Facilities Remarks: Mr. Jones asked Mr. Whalen what progress was being made concerning the corrections at the Airport. Mr. Whalen stated that these repairs were finished. Mr. Flynn stated that he had informed Mr. Cassidy of the FAA that a meeting would be set up after the election. Mr. Flynn also stated that since then he had received a letter from Mr. Walsh who had found numerous complaints regarding the operations at the airport and also the conditions. Mr. Flynn further stated that it was encumbent upon him to make arrangements to invite the Air National Guard and the FAA and answer their inquiries. Mr. Paluso stated we should get a proposal from the Air National Guard on the lease arrange- ments. Mr. Flynn stated that there were quite a number of people involved with this matter and the only way to resolve this is to invite all the parties concerned. Concerning the Industrial Development and Redevelopment budget allocations, Charles A. Crouse, Administrative Assistant reported that there had been an inquiry forwarded by these two agencies regarding their budget allocations for 1975. Mr. Crouse stated that he MINUTE BOOK �09 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS h had been requested by Mr. Whalen to research this matter. Mr. Crouse then presented a letter to the Board which explained his findings and suggested the following steps to correct this situation. a. A check should be drawn payable to the Redevelopment Authority in the amount of $22, 250, 00 from the Industrial Development Revolving Account representing the major portion of their fourth quarter allocation.,, b. A check should be drawn to the Redevelopment Authority from the General Fund Account in the amount of $10, 750. 00 - $750. 00 representing the balance of their fourth quarter budget allocation and $10, 000. 00 repre- senting the balance of the third quarter reduction, (Discussion was held. ) Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board approve the steps suggested by Mr. Crouse to correct the budgetary allocations as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Concerning the Adult Probation Office, Mr. Crouse made the following report: Mr. Crouse: In accordance with their Grant -In -Aid Program, the Board of Commissioners executed an agreement for the proposed calendar year of 1975 for our probation officers which included a request for approximately a $25, 000 grant to assist us fiscally in meeting the man- dates of their program. Unfortunately, they could not approve that entire amount, but they wer able to approve $15,126, which they forwarded to us in April of this year. Now in accordance with that, it was put in the Grants and Gifts Escrow, and at this time, can be moved into the General Fund provided the following conditions are met. This would take a Salary Board meeting. The first thing I would like to point out is that each probation officer was granted an increase in accordance with the Union Contract, but these increases do not match the increases required in order for us to participate on the program and be eligible to move this money into the General Fund. Presently there are four persons in the Adult Probation Office whose salaries must be increased in the following amounts: Stanley Rockovich $424. 20 Nicholas Nardine $257. 80 Carl Sperl $ 10.18 Elizabeth K. Dermont $954. 08 This would bring us fully in compliance with the Grant program and its no change in what was spelled out in the beginning of the year. Remarks: Mr. Flynn: These increases would be in compliance with the Grant -In Aid for Adult Probation and it is a requirement. Is that correct? Mr. Crouse: Yes, that is correct. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board approve the increases as per above subject to the approval of the Salary Board. J1® MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK .TONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; ;Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. .Motion carried unanimously. Concerning the .Juvenile Probation Office, Mr. Crouse gave the following report: Mr. Crouse: A couple of weeks ago the Board, based upon the latest indications from the Juvenile Court Judges Commission, had decided to turn down the 1975 Grant In Aid Program, due to the fact that they seem to be rather adamant in their position that they would not accept Washington County as a fourth class county being a Class B County. I believe that it was on November 1st that the Juvenile Court Judges' Commission met and reviewed our case thoroughly. As a result of that meeting, we received correspondence dated November 5, 1975 from Mr. Christian Zander, Executive Director of the Juvenile Court Judges' Commission. Mr. Crouse then read the following letter to the Board: Dear Mr. Whalen: Mr. C. Robert Budd, the Executive Director of the Pennsylvania State Association of County Commissioners, talked with our Commission Members on November 1, 1975, about the desire of many County Commissioners to affect an equalization of juvenile probation officer and child welfare worker salaries. Our Commission decided that for the purpose of the 1976 Juvenile Probation Grant program, the Commission would continue to use the salary schedule approved by the Dept. of Public Welfare -County Commissioner Compensation Board; while all counties will be authorized to use Salary Schedule A, counties of the fourth class and below, upon request by the juvenile court judge, will be given approval to utilize the Class B salary schedule. I believe the foregoing decisions answer the main objections which the Washington County Commissioners had to our 1975 program. As you know, our Commission has administered the 1975 Grant program on the basis of a Class B salary option for counties of the sixth class and below. We are not able to change this salary condition without re -negotiat- ing our entire 1975 program, which is obviously something that we cannot do. I think you should know that we have extended the date for application for 1975 Grant funds. We would be pleased to hear from you in this regard. s/ Christian Zander Executive Director Mr. Crouse: What this means in essence is that they still must maintain the Class A salary schedules for 1975 Grant In Aid Program. However, for 1975, they will consider a petition on the part of our Juvenile Court Judge to revert the Class B. Salary Schedules. Now, what this means technically, as far as I can determine from our Civil Service Compensation Board; schedules and so forth, is that if the Board of Commissioners would decide to approve the 1975 program at this time and request financial participation, the salaries would be raised to a point where we would be in compliance in most cases, if not all, for the 1976 Grant In Aid Program without any increase in salaries on January 1. By accepting the 1975 program, we P 1 are already in compliance with the 1976 program. We are talking about approximately $24,114 53.1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK .ZONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS E for 1975 and an additional sum of however it divides up statewide for which we would already be in compliance. Upon receipt of this letter, I discussed this with Judge Simmons and he was in full concurrence and thought that this was a satisfactory solution to the problem. Mr. Crou then read the following letter dated November 13, 1975 which had been drawn up and presented today for the Board's consideration. Juvenile Court Judges' Commission Harrisburg, PA Gentlemen: Upon receipt of Mr. Zander's letter dated November 5, 1975, advising us that the option will be opened in 1976 for Fourth Class counties to utilize Class B. Salary Schedules, we now wish to officially notify you by this com- munication that we have approved submission of the 1975 Grant In Aid Program (copies attached hereto); and we wish to officially notify you that we intend on participating in the 1976 Grant Program under Class B Salary Schedules. We feel it important to note that based upon salary adjustments which must be made immediately in order to participate in the 1975 Grant In Aid Program, in most cases, these salaries will meet 1976 Class B requirements. With these things in mind, your prompt attention and con- sideration in this matter to process our Grant application will be appreciated. / s / Paul A. Simmons Juvenile Court Judge s/ Michael R. Flynn, Chairman Frank Jones, Jr. Edward M. Paluso Washington County Commissioners (Discussion was held) Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board resubmit the application in conjunction with the letter directed to the Juvenile Court Judges' Commission as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. (Mr. Flynn stated that this would necessitate Salary Board action once the money is received. ) Mr. Whalen stated the next item of business involves the Emergency Employment Act which was originally known as the PEP Program. Mr. Whalen stated that this came under two sections - Section 5, Program #0041 and Section 6, Program #0341. Mr. Whalen also stated that both he and Mr. Crouse had reviewed this with Mr. John Rumbaugh of the Manpow Planning Office to clear up the questions that they had on this matter. Mr. Whalen stated that in as much as the Board of Commissioners are the sponsors, it was recommended that Mr. Piganell be directed as follows in the letter below dated November 12, 1975. Dear Mr. Piganell: Following a review and discussion on the above -captioned matter with your Mr. Rumbaugh, you are herewith directed to file the program closeout reports and to return the unused funds to the U. S. Department of Labor. This will finalize this portion of the programs being admini- stered by your office. - /,'s/ Washington County Commissioners J�2 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS Mr. Whalen added that this would close out the original PEP Programs, and there is approximately $10, 000 of unused funds to be returned with the close out papers for this program. Mr. Whalen further stated that there appears to be no reason why the matter cannot be closed out at this time and then they will only be operating under the current programs. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board direct the Manpower Office to close out the original PEP Program as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Whalen stated that the next item of business involves the Weekend Repurchase greem(nt that we have under the General Fund Account with Pittsburgh National Bank. Mr. Whalen then stated that the records will show an overdraft on the next bank statement and to eliminate any questions he proceeded to read a letter he had written to Mr. Mascara of the Controller's Office. In his letter to Mr. Mascara, dated November 12, 1975, Mr. Whalen stated that on November 6, the Commissioners Office received a report from the Controller's Office reflecting a General Fund Net Balance in the amount of $784, 975.16 and on the basis of this report, it was determined that the repurchase for this weekend would be in the amount of $700, 000. 00. Mr. Whalen then called PNB and placed the order and extended the investment to November 12 since November 11 was a holiday. Mr. Whalen was advised on November 7 by Mr. Daniels of the Controller's Office that their office had made a $250, 000 error in the General Fund balance, and, therefore, we did not have adequate funds to cover this weekend repurchase. Mr. Daniels suggested that we transfer $100, 000 to the General Fund Account from the Capital Reserve Account, which he stated would be adequate to maintain the General Fund balance to the investment level. Mr. Whalen then called PNB and explained the matter; and with Mr. Flynn's approval, he authorized the transfer of $100, 000 from the Capital Reserve Account to the General Fund Account. Mr. Whalen was then later advised by Mr. Flynn and Mr. Crouse that a further deficit existed on the General Fund Account and that Mr. Daniels had suggested an additional transfer to the General Fund Account from the 1974 Bond Issue Account in the amount of $100, 000. Mr. Whalen stated in his letter that since the 1974 Bond Fund Account is specific by ordinance, it was his opinion and recommendation that we could not arbitrarily make inter -account loans from the account. Mr. Whalen then stated that since we were already several days into the investment period, and we are in a overdraft position, it was his recommendation that we withdraw and cancel this particular weekend investment; and this was done by PNB. Mr. Whalen stressed the importance of having the correct figures from the Controller's Office in order to maintain an orderly investment program and to forecast cash flow. MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R FLYNN, FRANK .TONES, JR.. EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 1 Remarks: Mr. Flynn: No. 1 - When it was suggested that Mr. Whalen transfer $100, 000 from the Capital Reserve Account into the General Fund Account for the purpose of investment, Mr. Whalen does not have that authority. No. 2 - When Mr. Whalen called me, I authorized it because the money was already invested. I too, do not have the legal authority to authorize the transfer without Board action, but out of necessity I had to instruct Mr. Whalen to contact the bank and make the necessary arrangements for the transfer, and hopefully the Board at this meeting would approve my action. It is very irregular for the Chairman of the Board or any member of the Board to take that position, but in this particular case I had no choice. When I was notified by Mr. Crouse that he had met with Mr. Daniels, and there was still an additional shortage, and he had made mention of transferring money from the Bond Fund Account, which is definitel-I highly irregular and definitely not permissable because that Bond Fund money is specifically earmarked for specific purposes. The fact remains is that there will be an overdraft shown on our General Fund Account for $124, 000, and to rectify this, I recommend that the Board uphold my action taken on the transfer of the money, and that the money be reverted back into the fund where it originated - the Capital Reserve Account. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board uphold the action taken by Chairman Flynn in transferring $100, 000 from the Capital Reserve Account to the General Fund Account, and approve the retransfer of $100, 000 back into the Capital Reserve Account as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Concerning the bids for various items for D-epartment of Parks and Recreation Equipment, Mr. Gilmore recommended that the following bids be awarded: Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, awarding the contract for one 'D Four (4) Wheel Drive Pickup Truck to DAVIES & TREGEMBO FORD, INC., 728 McKean Ave., Charleroi, PA. , 15022, for the amount set forth in their bid; this being the lowest responsible bid received in accordance with specifications. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, awarding the contract for Seal and Surfacing of Parking Lots and Roads in Mingo Park to BURRELL CONSTRUCTION & SUPPLY CO. , P.O. Box 291, Donora, PA 15033, for the amount set forth in their bid; this being the lowest responsible bid received in accordance with specifications. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, awarding the contract for Furni and Delivery to Mingo Creek Park the necessary materials for construction of 100 White Oak Picnic Tables to SCENIC LANDSCAPE SERVICE, R. D. 2, Washington, PA 15301, for the amount set forth in their bid; this being the lowest responsible bid received in accordance with specifications. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, awarding the contract for Construction of one 361 by 701 Metal Maintenace Building in Mingo Park to POMPEI & SONS, INC. , R. D. 2, Finleyville, PA 15332 for the amount set forth in their bid; this being the lowest responsible bid received in accordance with specifications. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. 5`14 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Mr. Gilmore stated that the first two items of business involve the Chartiers Cr Flood Control Project. Mr. Gilmore then presented two deeds for exectuion by the Board for conveying certain land to Forbes Steel Corporation and Canon -McMillan School District. Mr. Gimore recommended execution of these deeds and stated the reason for waiting until now was because the descriptions had to be to everyones satisfaction. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board approve and execute the deeds for conveying certain land to Forbes Steel Corporation and Canon -McMillan School District, as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes, Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Gilmore stated the next item of business is in regard to Penn Central Railroad for acceptance of certain grants of right of way, easements and out right conveyances of land along their rights of way in the Chartiers Creek Flood Control area. Mr. Gilmore recommend ed that the Board pass the resolution proposed, authorizing us to accept those conveyances and further authorize the payment to them of $26, 856. 00. Mr. Gilmore added that this calls for the initialing of the descriptions and plans submitted by Penn Central. Mr. Gilmore also stated that we had been awaiting approval from everyone involved on the descriptions. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board execute the proposed resolution to accept conveyances and authorize payment to Penn Central Railroad in the amount of $26, 856. 00 as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Gilmore referred to a resolution of support which was passed at last week's meeting for the Citizens Library in their pending application for federal and state funds. Mr. G ilmore stated that Mr. Dean Gross came in the office after the meeting and asked for an amendment of the resolution to indicate that the application for federal funds is a partial financing. Mr. Gilmore further stated that this is the only difference in the resolution, and the technical wording does nothing more to obligate us. Mr. Gil -more added that the intent would indicate that this is not going to come from federal funds only. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board execute the amendment to the resolution of support for the Citizens Library regarding application for federal furls as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. 1 E Nbtion carried unanimously. MINUTE BOOK 515 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES. JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 1 Mr. Gilmore presented several Volunteer In Probation Agreements to the Board for their acceptance. Mr. Gilmore stated that these are the standard agreements which state the legal and contractual relationship between the volunteer and the County. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board approve and execute the VIP Agreements as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor Gilmore presented various Tax Claim Resolutions for private sale to Board for their consideration and approval, and recommended that these resolution be execu Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that RESOLUTION NO. 414 for property situate in Chartiers Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania, sold on November 12, 1964, Tax Claim Bureau Sale, being described as Lot 47, DB 353-340, f17-6-158), situate in Chartiers Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania, and formerly assessed in the name of A. W. Cummins, be approved; and that the sum of $100, 00 be accepted from CLIFFORD & CLARA BUSH, Washington County Tax Claim Bureau receiving the consent of taxing district involved: Chartiers-Houston Jot School District - May 27, 1975 and Chartiers Township - July 10, 1975. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that RESOLUTION NO. 415 for property situate in Coal Center, Washington County, Pennsylvania, sold on September 13, 1965 Tax Claim Bureau Sale, being described as 2 sty fr. hse. 1 sty add. Pt. lot 16, DB 1109-292. (19-2-20), situate in Coal Center, Washington County, Pennsylvania, and formerly assessed in the name of William Glick, be approved; and that the sum of $100. 00 be accepted from SUSAN D. ZELNIS, Washington County Tax Claim Bureau receiving the consent of taxing district involved: California Area School District - July 21, 1975 and Coal Center Borough - May 15, 1975. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that RESOLUTION NO. 416 for property situate in Donora Borough, Washington County, Pennsylvania, sold on April 24, 1940 Treasurer's Sale, being described as Vacant Lot 31, Blk 67, Gilmor Ave. Union Imp. Company Plan. PB Vol 2, Page 124-125, situate in Donora Borough, Washington County, Pennsylvania, and formerly assessed in the name of Mary Owens, be approved; and that the sum of $100, 00 be accepted from CARL R. & EVELYN J. VEHOUC, Washington County Tax Claim Bureau receiving the consent of taxing district involved: Ringgold School District - December 20, 1974 and Donora Borough Council - August 12, 1975. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that RESOLUTION NO. 417 for property situate in Jefferson Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania, sold on January 23, 1940 and April 25, 1940, Treasurer's Sale, being described as 40 Ac Surf. Adj, W. S. Walker, 51 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R FLYNN. FRANK ,TONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Assessed in 1970 as 44 Ac. (38-5-5)W. B. 18-82, Td 4-116, situate in Jefferson Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania, and formerly assessed in the name of J. J. Walker Heirs, be approved; and that the sum of $100. 00 be accepted from ADELMO ROSSI & JOSEPH L. KORAIDO, Washington County Tax Claim Bureau receiving the consent of taxing district involved: Burgettstown Area School District - September 26, 1975 and Jefferson Township - June 2, 1975. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that RESOLUTION NO. 418 for property situate in East Washington, Washington County, Pennsylvania, sold on September 9, 1974, Tax Claim Bureau Sale, being described as 2 sty. fr hse. (Rear), Irreg Pt. Lot 8, DB 663-77, (29-5-63-1), situate in East Washington, Washington County, Pennsylvania, and formerly assessed in the name of Raymond & Margaret Nevin (PO) Charles James & Loretta Wilson, be approved; and that the sum of $100. 00 be accepted from CHARLES .TAMES & LORETTA WILSON, Washington County Tax Claim Bureau receiving the consent of taxing district involved: Washington School District - August 27, 1975 and East Washington - May 27, 1975. (Authorization to execute corrective deed for Washington County Real Estate Office - John R. Evans for property situate in East Bethlehem Township.) Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Flynn read to the Board a letter of resignation dated November 13, 1975 from F. D. Whalen, Chief Clerk and County Administrator. Mr. Whalen stated in his letter that he was looking forward to a gratifying retirement, and thanked the County Commissioners for all considerations afforded him during his tenure in his appointed positions. Mr. Flynn then stated that Mr. Whalen had been a valuable asset to the County and would create a void in the operations of the Commissioners Office. Mr. Flynn also stated that Mr. Whalen could be proud of his services as a public servant to the people of Washington County. Meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: November 13 , 1975 ATT9 CHIEF CLERK bg E I�