HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 2 - 1-8-1976 - COMMISSIONER096 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSICVF�R WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA a co m L. Morgan MICHAEL R. FLY N NX1�X1ZXAWXX., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Minute No. 2 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., January 8, 1976 The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following members being present: Commissioners Flynn, Paluso and Morgan. Also being present: Chief Clerk Brady; Controller Mascara; Earl Bugaile, WKEG; John Cadez of Englehardt & Power Assoc.; Bob Robertson of Observer -Reporter; Mrs. Helen Miller, League of Women Voters; John Drake, Washington Area Senior Citizens. Chairman stated for the record that all three Commissioners and the Chief Clerk were in attendance. Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions or omissions to Minute No. 196 and Minute No. 1, each member having received a copy. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that Minute hb.196 and Minute No. 1 be approved as read. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Flynn - Yes; Mr. P41uso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Special Order of Business: Chairman recommended to the Board that we reopen the Budget to give further consideration to the financial position of the County. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the above recommendation by the Chairman be approved, with adoption being by Feb. 15th & posted 10 days prior. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Flynn - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously . Correspondence: Chief Clerk informed the Board of the receipt of the following checks: 1. Ck. #82, 450, 666 - $107, 553. 12 - Department of Labor Contract #16-01-3118 - Manpower Program 2. Ck. #51, 654, 027 - $6, 300. 00 - Community Action Corporation - Contract 8-A -63 -a 3. Ck. #44, 144, 636 - $6, 314. 00 - Companion Chore Service 4. Ck. #44,114, 735 - $13, 437. 85 - Day Care 5. Ck. #13, 504, 639 - $328, 409. 00 Revenue Sharing Certificates of Deposit Expiring 1/8/76 Fiscal Assistance Trust Fund Equibank Principle, $400, 000. 00 Interest $ 4,165. 00 First National Bank rincip e $920, 000. 00 Interest $ 4,395.21 MINUTE BOOK �9'7 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Malcolm L. Morgan MICHAEL R. FLY N,X'xiX X EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 1 G Purchase of Certificate of Deposit 30 days - $1,150, 000. 00 First National Bank x x x Chief Clerk presented the following bills to the Board for their consideration and approval: x 1. McAnallen Brothers - $230, 545. 93 - Extended Care Facility 2. Limbach Company - $58, 306. 50 - Extended Care Facility 3. Sherry & O'Leary - $38, 346. 75 - Extended Care Facility 4. Baldwin Electric Company - $56, 536. 81 - Extended Care Facility 5. Gateway Kitchen Equipment & Supplies - $44, 526. 60, - Extended Care Facility 6. Benson Equipment Corporation - $18, 308. 63 - Extended Care Facility Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by -Mr: Flynn, that the foregoing _hills be approved for payment. 7. Cole -Layer -Trumble Company - $9, 766. 66 - data processing services for period January 1 - January 31, 1976 Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the foregoing bills be approved for payment. Roll call vote taken: e Mr. Flynn - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk read a memorandum dated January 7, 1976 from Timdhy R. Harrison, Director, JuvenileP robation Department, requesting a check in the amount of $475. 00 to be issued to Garry Palumbo to cover expenses for the following three Probation Officers: Stephen Mizwa, Rachel McCarrel and Garry Palumbo, to attend a training conference in e Hershey, Pa, on January 12th thru January 16th, 1976. Said letter stated that these training sessions are mandated by the Juvenile Court Judge's Commission as part of the requirementE for the Juvenile Court Judge' s Commission Grant In Aid, and costs are to be paid out of funds for the Grant for 1975. Mr. Paluso suggested that Mr. Harrison be notified that in the future he should make a request for each individual involved. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the above request be approved. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Flynn - Yes; Mr, Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk read a letter from Miss Louise Abel, Public Welfare Administrator III, dated December 31, 1975, advising the Board that Mary M. Merritt, Homemaker for Child Welfare Services is to be granted an increment from an annual salary of $6, 650. 00 to an annual salary of $6, 963. 00, which is based on her Performance Evaluation Report signed by the County Commissioners. Said letter stated that this increase becomes effective on January 1, 1976. 598 M11NUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIO"Wa- &m L. MorgWASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN.I�LAXFX�XnEi=3�X,} EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Chief Clerk read a letter from Miss Louise Abel, Public Welfare Administrator e dated December 31, 1975, advising the Board that Mildred Spalla, Caseworker for Child Welfare Services, will be receiving an increment from an annual salary of $12,108. 00 to an annual salary of $12, 713. 40, which is based on her Performance Evaluation Report signed by the County Commissioners. Said letter stated that this increase becomes effective January 1 1976. Chief Clerk read a letter from Miss Louise Abel, Public Welfare AdministratorI 1, e dated December 31, 1975, advising the Board that Louise Abel, Public Welfare Administrator III, of Child Welfare Services, will be receiving an increment from an annual salary of $16, 020. 00 to an annual salary of $16, 822. 00, which is based on her Performance Evaluation Report signed by the County Commissioners. Said letter stated that this increase becomes effective January 1, 1976. Chief Clerk read a notice from the Trustees of Penn Central Transportation Company, pursuant to Section 304(a) of the Regional Rail Reorganization Act of 1973, that rail service will be discontinued, effective February 27, 1976, on the Tylerdale C onnecting Railroad Company between Tylerdale (Milepost 0. 0), and Tylerdale Jct. , Pa. (Milepost 1. 3), in the State of Pennsylvania. Said notice stated that in the Final System Plan adopted under the terms of the 1973 statute the line to which this notice relates is not designated for continu d operation by Consolidated Rail Corporation or any other carrier. Chairman recommended that this notice be referred to Keery McAmbley & the Redevelopment Authority, since he had done a study on this matter. Chief Clerk read the following memorandum from William P. Sember, Executive Directer WCPC, dated January 6, 1976, concerning the Public Hearing, Regional Transit Authority: I have been unofficially informed that the Public Hearing scheduled for tomorrow on the above subject matter, will be postponed. I attempted, without success, last week to contact Representative Joseph Bonetto, who will be chairing the hearing. Finally, I con- tacted Representative Barry Stout and informed him that the County will not be offering testimony on the legislation for various reasons, at this time. Mr. Stout contacted Mr. Bonetto and they concurred that the meeting should be postponed until a later date, since it was County Government testimony that was of major interest to the Legis- lative Committee. I agreed to inform the County Commissioners of this action and Mr. Stout agreed to notify o$uer persons that had been originally contacted. The County will probably be invited to present its testimony at the Public Hearing to be held in Alleghany County on January 23, 1976. If the abov e information holds true, I will be contacting Mr. Brady to sc hedule a meeting with the Board to discuss Washington County's position at a future public hearing. /s/Bill Sember J MINUTE BoOK J9 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA Malcolm L. Morgan MICHAEL R. FLYNN, EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS C Chief Clerk read the following letter dated January 5, 1976 from the Washington - Greene County Tourist Promotion Agency directed to the Washington County Commissioners: Gentlemen; , The Washington -Greene County Tourist Promotion Agency requests the first quarterly allocation for the fiscal year 1976 which is one-fourth of the annual appropriation approved by the Washington County Board of ,'Commissioners / s / Charlotte K. Lane Executive Director Chief Clerk read a letter from Margaret Zacour directed to Anthony Luppino, Director of Adult Welfare Services resigning from her position of Aid at the McDonald Senior Citizens Center as of December 17th, because of health problems. Chief Clerk read the following letter from the Governor's Justice Commission which was directed to Mr. Whalen: As stated in our letter which accompanied our progress and fiscal reports, further fiscal action will not be taken until both reports are received. It is to your benefit that the delinquent fiscal and progress reports for the quarter ending June 30, 1975, and Sept. 30, 1975, are submitted within the next ten days. If there are any questions in,regards to the above contact Rodney Graff of my staff at 717-787-5116. / s / Thomas C. Berard Director of Finance Chief Clerk stated that the Project Director for this is Mr. Costa. Chairman stated that in other words, it is not Mr. Whalen, ,our prior Chief Clerk, who is delinquent with this report, it is Mr, Costa. Mr. Paluso suggested we send a letter to Mr. Costa with a copy of this letter from the Governor's Justice Commission reminding him of the deadline in this letter. Chief Clerk read the following letter from Zeman & Zeman, dated January 6, 1976, directed to the Board of County Commissioners regarding Chartiers Creek Flood Protection Project - McBurney Estate: . I , Gentlemen, The Corps of Army Engineers phoned me on January 5, 1976, regarding status of the McBurney Estate property since its non -acquisition by grant might result in the necessity of re -bidding and a prospective substantial increase over the existing bids. I contacted M. Lawrence Shields, Esq. , Attorney for the McBurney Estate, He assured me by phone that we had a firm sale for $1, 000. 00 and that he was awaiting the receipt of the executed grant of easements from his clients. I so reported back to Mr. Fadool at the Office of the Corps and he indicated that the arrangements would be satisfactory if the transaction could be consummated as soon as possible. In order that delay in closing may be avoided, I have prepared, and enclose, for your consideration on your Agenda for the January 8, 1976, meeting, a Resolution for Requisition ,and Payment. /s/ Robert L. Zeman aaa MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA l a co m L. Morgan ��, MICHAEL R. FLY N,)RMK XEDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Chairman asked for a motion to adopt the Resolution pending the County Solicitor reviewing what Mr. Zeman has prepared. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Flynn, ,that this Resolution be approved pursuant to the recommendation of the County Solicitor. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Flynn - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk read a letter dated January 5, 1976 from RAM Construction Com directed to the Washington County Commissioners, regarding Washington County Extended Care Facility Site Preparation Contract. Said letter was concerning a meeting which Mr. John M. Lastooka, of Ram Construction, attended on December 4, 1975, in which Mr. Graham —was instructed that after the completion of the plans by Wallover and Mitchell that a meeting should be scheduled and the problems discussed and resolved. Said letter stated that as of this date no meeting has been set and is asking that we get this job finalized. Chairman asked Clay Graham, who entered the meeting at this time, for a progress report on this. Clay Graham: I have contacted Wallover & Mitchell, the Architect in charge of this project and told them that you gentlemen have appraised the situation and that he had better get his information prepared for a forthcoming,meeting.with you or whomever you designate to solve the problem. Mr. Wildman said he would be prepared for a meeting at your discreti with whomever you please to discuss all ramifications of it. . Chairman stated that since we are getting involved that we should first set up a meeting with the Architect then with the entire group of people involved. Chairman asked the Board's pleasure as to a date when they could meet with the Architect. Mr. Paluso suggested a meeting on Wednesday, January 14, 1976, at 11:00 A. M., following the agenda meeting, and this was agreed upon. Chief Clerk read a letter dated December 30,=.975, directed to Washington C Industrial Development Agency from Westmoreland Engineering Co., Inc. regarding Eighty Four Industrial Park. Said letter stated PennDOT is seeking permission to enter upon the Eighty Four site.to perform a limited amount of work at the inlet end of the drainage structure at the intersection of T. R. 136 and Lynwood Road for the purpose of cleaning the existing watercourse for approximately 25 feet. Said letter stated that West- moreland Engineering Co, Inc., has reviewed the PennpOT proppsal and recommends that the County of Washington grant permission to PennDOT to enter their property for the purpose of performing the work described. MINUTE BOOK 601 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA -- MICHAEL R FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 1 Chairman called for a motion to approve the request by PennDOT. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the request be approved as per above. Mr. Paluso suggested that prior to sending to PennDOT, the County Solicitor should look into it. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Flynn - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Flynn stated that -he wants the _f D lowing letter -dated January 7, 1976, from Charles A. Crouse, ,directed ;to Mr. Flynn, made a matter of record: Dear Mr. Flynn: This correspondence is directed to you in order to insure a more orderly closeout and transition of 1975 Business. Due to the abruptness of the Board's actions on Jan. 5, 1976, I am requesting a few items be made a matter of official record in this regard. 1. My keys, etc. were turned over to Mr. Richard Brady on the morning of Jan, 6, 1976. 2. Transmitted to Mr. Brady on the morning of Jan. 5, 197.6, were the following items of pending County matters. a. Letter dated Jan. 2, 1976 to Charles Gillespie in regards to Group Home for Boys. b, Proposed Charter of the Government Study Commission. c. . Invoice transmittal summary for meeting on Dec. 31, 1975. d. All invoices for the New Facility for service month of Dec., 1975, which included Architect, contractors and Site Inspector. e. DCA Seminar Bulletin f. NACO Dues Invoice $2, 556. 00. g. SPRPC Dues Invoice $19, 980.. 00. h. Letter regarding Manpower Lease and Gallatin Bank. i.. Three letters regarding .incremental increases. at Child Welfare. J. Correspondence in reference to Loreto Ranaldi. k. Audit confirmation for C. L. T. I., Letter from R. Goodall in reference to HUD Funding. m. Announcement from Penn Central Railroad concerning Branch Line Abandonment. n. Check from Amanti-Tucci for $710.00 with accompanying statement of reconciliation. o. Check in the amount of $13, 437. 85 for Title XX reimbursement. p. Veterans Bureau Applications. q. Pending matter in reference to P. V. & K. Coal Co. r. Courtesy memo in reference to M. Soverio. s. Two notifications of appointment by County Sheriff, MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS t. _Check made payable to Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington Railroad Co, in,the amount of $26, 856. 00. (Must.be held as per res olution) u. Governor's Justice Commission Communications Systems Grant Application. v. Check to Community Action Corp. in the amount of $6y 30.0. 00 w. Hearing notice for Jan. 5, 1976 on former County Employee. x. PennDOT notice .to Municipalities. y. t Expense voucher for R. Cancilla. z. Interest statements from First National Bank. aa. Veterans correspondence from County Veteran!s� Department. bb. Four expense statements from Juvenile Court. cc. Adult Probation Grant Proposal for 1976. dd. IBM Rental Agreement. ee. Pertinent documents for ordering Magistrates robes. ff. a C • Bank resolution for facsimile signatures, I gg. Multigraph Agreements Feb. 1, 1976 - Jan. 31, 1977. hh. Request for use of Mingo Creek Park. ii. Adult Welfare personnel requests. jj. Notification of invoice from Cumberland County. kk. Letter regarding Penn Southwest Association. . 11. Order form - W. G. Johnson Co. mm. Electric Bill nn. Adult Probation Report of Collections. oo. ALL CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT SAFEKEEPING RECEIPTS AS OF JAN. 5, 1976. pp. Correspondence concerning Magistrates Citation Forms. qq. Magistrate's request to fill personnel position.. rr. Invoice for $100.00 - Prothonotaries Association. ss. Dental Equipment Bid Documentation for New Facility. tt. Letter from Peter Mansman regarding Mingo Park. uu. Workshop Announcement. vv. Correspondence and Documentation regarding O. A.R. Program. ww. Change Order regarding Extended Care Facility. xx. 1976 Original, Budget with attachments including Assessed Valuation Certification. yy. Addictive Disease Agreements. zz. Copy of Jetcraft Lease at Airport. aaa. Copy of Airport Service Maintenance Agreement executed on Dec. 31, 1975. MINUTE BOOK 603 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN. FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 1 1 1 0 bbb. State Conservation Agreement. ccc. Oath of Office Certifications. 3, I have removed my items of personal belongings from my former desk and office, but would be most appreciative if I could be notified should I have over- looked anything - 222-6729. 4. Transmitted herewith are a few items previously under my direction which are pertinent to County Business, a few of which, must be acted upon promptly. Complete records of the Washington County Volunteers -In -Probation Program are enclosed: a. Prior rec ords for two years which have been audited and approved by the Governor's Justice Commission. b. Program ,Account Workbook - Setup on a double -entry accrual basis. c. Voucher notebook containing all original bills, etc. d. Checkbook - Net balance thru check #247 is $577. 85. A few notes about the VIP Program: 1. Signatories are presently the Chairman of the VIP Board, Mrs. Kay Olson and Michael R. Flynn, original project financial officer. 2. Coordinator Salary and Federal Tax.are paid thru Dec. 31, 1975. All other taxes are now due and payable. 3. Project financial report is due no later than Jan. 15, 1976. 4. Tax Forms, etc., with all paid bills are enclosed herewith. 5. The Accounts Ledger and books should be posted up-to-date. 6. Should any one care to promptly review the program records, please do so! These records have undergone audit by G. J. C. and have stood fully approved. 7. The following bills are now due and payable upon your audit for conformity with the grant. TO: Valda B. Perkins Expense Reimbursement 3.90 Supplies 61.12 Postage Expense 8.00 Educational Supplies 8.00 Conference Expense 3 5. 00 Conference Expense 101.58 Telephone Expense 1 1. 95 Parking Fees 14.31 Printing Expense 16.50 Printing Expense 30.00 Printing Expense 2 6. 90 Conference Expense 63.60 Conference Expense 4.40 Telephone Expense 35.21 Office Supplies 11.04 Training Expense 17.35 Printing Expense 16.00 Activities 46.10 Xeroxing TO: Bell Telephone - $77. 94 TO: Paul B. Hickson - $2. 92 - Office Supplies TO: Modern Business Machines - $51. 75 All of the above are herewith transmitted with this correspondence. J 604 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 8. Please note - Lump sum quarterly salary payments and long term accrued bills are caused by tardy receipt from G. J. C. of Federal and State Funds. This is a consistent cash -flow problem not only with this program, .but many others. Also, please note - CountyZhare must be paid prior to June 30, 1976. Also, transmitted herewith are the following: 1. First Drawdown Letter SW-75-C-6A-8-495. 2. Two checks in the amount of $25. 00 each due and payable to Viehmanns' Pharmacy and Annex Pharmacy upon the County Homes' receipt of respective imprinting machines. 3. One check in the amount of $10. 00 payable to the County of Washington received from the Planning Commission. 4. Inventory reports, records, etc. from the Industrial Appraisal Co. 5. Stromberg Maintenance Agreement. A few other notes for the record: 1. Considerable delay was encountered during 1975 in the preparation of the 1974 AG-9. This was due to a number of reasons beyond our control. Nevertheless, this should now be completed and forwarded with all due haste. Likewise, the 1975 AG-9 should be submitted before March 31, 1976. The vouchers are located in the Commissioners Office along with other pertinent data for 1974. 2. I discussed the following matter with Mr. Brady and present the same formally at this time: a. During 1975, two weeks of vacation entitlement were officially deferred to 1976 by the Board . of Commissioners. b. My last .payday for 1975 was on Dec. 26, 1975 for the pay period ending Dec. 12, 1975. c. Based upon the above, I calculate that the following ter- mination pay is due - five and one -fifth weeks pay. I would appreciate prompt and expeditious settlement of this matter. d. As you remember, as a matter of public record, Mr. Christian Zander, Executive Director of the Juvenile Court Judges Commission, was to rewrite our 1975 grant appli- cation. In that we have already complied with the salary requirements of the grant as originally submitted, the Juvenile Court Judges Commission owes us approximately $22, 000. 00 which is included in the budget. Follow up should definitely be made. In closing, I wish to emphasize what a distinct honor it has been to serve the County of Washin gton and you as Chairman of the Board. The hours have been long, the work ardous, but under your leadership, a distinct pleasure. It is my sincere hope that this County keeps progressing forward on a fiscally stable base as it has in the past four years. And to the new staff in the Commissioners Office - the challenge is there and the problems of County Government are many. Please accept my most sincere wish for your future success in your new jobs, / s / Charles A. Crouse cc: Malcolm L. Morgan, Chairman Edward M. Paluso Richard P. Brady Charles Gillespie Helen Falcon VINUTE BOOK 605 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Mr. Flynn stated that he would like the following letter dated January 7, 1976, from Joseph F. Fetcko, directed to Mr. Flynn made a matter of record: Dear Mr. Flynn: In the interest of assisting in the orderly transition of the administrative process of the Washington County Commissioners office, I am transmitting several items which pertain to pending matters which I was involved in handling. I would request that this transmittal be acknowledged and the enclosed items presented to Mr. Richard 'P, Brady, Chief Clerk, Hereby transmitted are the following: 1. Letter of notification from C. J. McElwee, Secretary of Pa. Public Utilities Commission, relative to an application by the Peoples Natural Gas Company. This letter was made a matter of public record at the regular meeting on Dec. 11, 1975. Please note that Mr. McElwee requests that receipt of this letter be acknowledged. 2. A second letter of notification from Mr. McElwee relative to the application of Mr. George F. Fleeher, of Cecil Township. This letter was also made a matter of public record at the regular meeting on Dec. 11, 1975. Please note that acknowledgement of receipt of this letter is requested. Also attached is a letter from Mr. Roger J. Gaydos, dated Dec. 2, 1975, relative to Mr. Fleeher's application. 3. A copy of the 1976 Court calendar, which was received from the Court. Attached to this calendar are several blank forms which were prepared in order to integrate the Court calendar and the various meetings of the Commissioners, Retirement Board, Sinking Fund Commission, etc, for submission to a printer. 4. Copies of several Statements from National Cash Register Co. relative to certain rental fees for .N.C.R. equipment, ,and pertinent correspondence and memoranda. There seems to exist some con- fusion relative to the discontinuation of the utilization of the N.C.R. machines involved and the subsequent final billing dates. 5. Mr. F. D. Whalen's memoranda dated July 23, 1975, Aug. 11, 1975, and Sept. 11, 1975 relative to the renovation of the third floor of the office building located on the grounds of the County Men's Home. Also attached are letters dated.Aug. 7, 1975 and Sept. 30, 1975 from Mr. Michael F. Kistler, Supervisor in the Western Regional office of the .Department of Labor and Industry concerning various citations and corrections necessary at the current Child Welfare Services offices located at 67 West Cherry St. , and citations for the office building at 2198 North Main St. respectively. Also attached is an initial proposal in blueprint form for the reno- vations at 2198 North Main St, submitted by Mr. Gary Habedank, of Wallover and Mitchell, Inc., the firm approved by the Board of Commissioners to undertake the, architectural work for this project. 6. Copy of "Engineering Report for County Men's Home Pump Station" which was submitted by Aspect -Four, Inc. Also, six pieces of pertinent correspondence. This matter was being pursued through Aspect -Four and Wallover and Mitchell, Inc., and some decision must soon be made relative to the course of action to be pursued. 7. A legal size filing envelope containing all pertinent materials relative to the rental lease for the offices of District Magistrate Albert Ferrali, Magistrate District #13. Finally, I would request that the following three matters be duly noted: 1. On Jan. 7, 1976 I personally returned two Courthouse keys to Mr. Richard P. Brady, Chief Clerk, these being one key marked "70" which is for the Beau St, entrance, and one key marked "GH" which is for the Main Door to the County Commissioner's Office. Also, with the approval of Mr. Brady, I turned over to Mrs. Helen Falcon one key for the four -drawer filing cabinet located in my office. 606 MINUTE B❑❑K BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R FLYNN• FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS These three keys constitute all County keys which were in- my possession. 2. Relative to termination pay, my calculation indicate that payment for three and one -fifth weeks are due me. Prompt and expeditious settlement will be appreciated. 3. My last expense voucher will be submitted, promptly. If there are any questions concerning this letter, I may be contacted. < /s/ Joseph •F. Fetcko cc: Commissioner Morgan, Chairman Commissioner Paluso Chief Clerk Brady Mr. Flynn turned over the packet z>f material from Mr. Joseph Fetcko conta the articles described in his letter, to Mr. Richard P. Brady. Chief Clerk read Memorandum of Understanding from Local 585, S. E. I. U. , AFL-CIO which extends the labor contract on a day by day basis until such time as the present negotiations result•in an amicable resolution and "a contract agreement or until such time as one of the undersigned parties notifies the other party of a declaration of an impas such notification to be made one (1) week prior to the said declaration; and, further, it is agreed that any benefits pertaining to wages or other economic matters shall be retroactive < to January 1st, 1976. Chairman stated that Mr. Felisse suggested that we agree with the Union in this matter. - Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded Mr. Flynn, that the above Memorandum of < Understanding be approved. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Flynn - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan -Yes. Motion carried unanimously. New Business : The Chairman recommends that in order to keep the County running solvent and to have enough money to operate entertains a motion to borrow some money. Chief Clerk stated a request for authorization for Chief Clerk to borrow e $1, 500, 000. 00 on a take -down basis- tax anticipation loan. , Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the Chief Clerk take appro- priate steps in conjunction with the Solicitor to ask for and receive proposals for $1, 500, 000. 00 on a take -down basis. Remarks: Mr. Flynn stated that in other words, we are discussing quotations on this loan. Mr. Morgan stated that is right. MINUTE BOOK 607 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 1 Roll call vote taken: Mr. Flynn - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chairman stated that we should go on record authorizing the Controller in conjunct with the Chief Clerk to continue their Week -End Investment program. Mr. Paluso read the Resolution prepared by the Controller's Office in which the Board of County Commissioners, pursuant to P. S. Section 511 - County Code, authorize the County Controller in conjunction with the Chief Clerk to invest county monies from time to time on a continuing basis in the form of Repurchase Agreements and Certificate of Depos at the most favorable rate. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the above Resolution be adopted. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Flynn - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented the following four (4) tax refunds from the Solicitor to the Board for their consideration and approval. Moved by Mr. Flynn, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Tax Assessment Office be authorized to prepare the following tax refunds due to either duplication or overpayment of real estate or personal property tax: (1)Donald J. & Helen G. Bruce 98 Acheson St. Washington, Pa. 15301 District: Washington 5th Ward District No.: 750 Amount: $74.73 (2) Michael & Agnes Hatala 162 Walnut St. Houston, Pa. 15342 District: Chartiers District No: 170 Amount: $20.40 (3) Douglas & Mar; K. Garrone 1263 Overlook Drive. Washington, Pa. 15301 District: North Franklin District No.: 510 Amount: $11.46 (4) Jagdish C. & Pushpa Agrawal 694 Green Street California, Pa. 15419 District: California District No.: 080 Amount:$ 14.43 Roll call vote taken: (1975 County Tax) Deed Book Reference: Section No.: 010 Parcel Number: 0002 (1975 County Tax) Deed Book Reference: 1372-0094 Section No.: 16 Parcel No.: 901-902-903 (1975 County Tax) Deed Book Reference: Section No.: 2 Parcel No.: 610 (1975 County Tax) Deed Book Reference: 1340-1117 Section No.: 18 Parcel No.: 5-8 Mr. Flynn - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Morgan - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. ____ II E08 MINUTE U E BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS RIM - Meeting adjourned, THE FOREGOING MINUTES READ AND APPROVED:. January 8, 1976 r' " ATTEST: CHIEF CLERK nl []I