HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 88 - 10-11-1973 - COMMISSIONERG MINUTE B O,O K 115- BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN. FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS Minute No. #88 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., October 11, 1973 The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following members being present: Commissioners Jones, Paluso and Flynn. Also present being: Chief Clerk and County Administrator Whalen; Administrative Assistant Crouse; County Solicitor Hormell; Mrs. June Lilley of The Daily Notes; Mr. Bob Robertson of The Observer -Reporter; Mr. Grant Liesch of The Brownsville Telegraph; Mr. John Merdian - WJPA; Mr. Earl Bugaile - WKEG; Mr. Eric Bugaile - WESA; Mr. Bob Wayne - Channel 3; Mr. Jerry Kelanic - WWVA; and Ms. Helen Miller of The League of Women Voters. Meeeting,nalled to order by Chairman and roll call taken: Mr. Jones - Present; Mr. Paluso - Present; Mr. Flynn - Present. Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions or omissions to Minute No. #87, each member having received a copy. read. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that Minute No. #87 be approved, as Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Repo its - None Old Business: Mr. Hormell: In reference to the proposal of the construction of a new health care facility, you had requested an opinion asking the procedure that should be followed and it is my opinion that any and all expenditures of revenue sharing funds must be made in accordance with the state and local laws and procedures that are applicable to the expenditure of each recipient home revenues. That means that there is no short-cut method and that means that you follow the conventional means and conventional way of getting a architect, getting the thing designed, and then letting it out for bids and awarding to the lowest responsible bidder. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of October 9, 1973, from Metro Petrosky, Jr. - Director of the Adult Welfare Services, which stated Mr. Petrosky is in receipt of the projected budgets for the Washington Senior Citizens Center to carry said Center until the end of the year and that the amount needed to complete the year is $5, 254. 99. Correspondence stated that said amount entails both the Washington Senior Citizen Center as well as the Meals. - on -Wheels Program,in addition the salaries of the paid staff are also included. Correspondence recommended that the County Commissioners allocate the sum of $5254. 99 to said Center to underwrite the cost of both operations subject to the amount of money available. 116 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Air Moved by Mr. Jo nes, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Washington County Board of Commissioners allocate the sum of $5, 254. 99 to the Washington Senior Citizen Center to help subsidize said Center until December 31, 1973. Remarks: Mr. Paluso: I will second the motion with the stipulation that this is just an interim grant and the Center is still in the same financial dilemma and unless they can come up with other means after the first of the year I do not think the County can subsidize that Center and not do the same for the rest of the municipalities in this County. I notice by the amount expended in various other senior citizen centers operated by this County that some of them only receive less than $500. 00 in aid from this County and the average: is $3200 or $3300 per center but it ranges from $400 to $500 up through $4000 or $5000. I think that the senior citizens need financial help and there is no question of this particular center but the senior citizens in the other centers and the other communities are entitled to equal treatment and quite frankly I do not think this County can afford to subsidize all of these to the tune of five or six or eight or ten thousand dollars. Particularly, this center here the budget is $48, 000 including paid employees and none of the other centers have any paid employee. Mr. Jo nes: I think this is our responsibility to all of our senior citizens. We have been runnin;; our own program which amounts to X number of dollars for each one of them and this has been a standard procedure which we have had over the years and I think that these people are in trouble and where else would they go. I think that we should sit down before we set up our next budget and again look at our other senior citizen centers and if we can help them I think that we should make allocations for that in our budget for next year. Mr. Paluso: The point that I am trying to make is that this is strictly a one-shot deal and they should not depend on the County to keep a privately incorporated operated center with the costs that they have. They still have to seek other funds. With that reservation that this is strictly a one-shot deal I will second the motion. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chairman appointed Chief Clerk Whalen and Director of Adult Welfare Services Petrosky as a representative committee of the Board of County Commissioners to meet with the Board of Directors of the Washington Senior Citizens Center in order to iron out all details and to in- vite said Center to come under the County's program. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Washington County Board of Commissioners appoint Mr. Allan Katz to the position of Program Director and Chief Social Worker of the Central Washington County Mental Health/Mental Retardation Clinic replacing I F� 11 1 u �I 1 MINUTE BOOK 117 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN. FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Mr. Ed Waybright, who resigned due to family reasons; effective date of Mr. Katz's appoint- ment to be effective as per Mr. Waybrights' resignation. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn --Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chairman made reference to a recent editorial entitled "Sweet and Flynn Both Behind the Eight Ball" which appeared in the Brownsville Telegraph on Monday, October 1, 1973, and made remarks as per said editorial. Chairman also made reference to a political publication entitled "Sweet Talk" which orinated from the officers of citizens committee for the retention of Sweet. Nancy Criquellion entered the meeting. Chief Clerk informed the Board that the request from the Juvenile Court to enable two Probation Officers, Ann Kruczek and Pamela Siegel, to attend a correctional seminar at the University of Delaware on October 16-17, 1973, subject to the condition that said matter be approved by the Juvenile Court Judges Commission (said request having been approved by the Commissioners as per Minute No. #86 dated September 28, 1973, subject Program to said condition) - that he had received a telephone call from Mr. Rolf W. Lotz, /Planning Coordinator - Juvenile Court Judges' Commission, which informed that said seminar would be a part of the Grant and that a letter to said effect will be forthcoming. Chief Clerk stated that said request from the Juvenile Court will be processed as a result of Mr. Lotz's telephone call. Correspondence: Chief Clerk informed the Board of the receipt of the following checks: (a) Commonwealth of Pennsylvania - $1602. 89 - Public Assistance Payment for Foster Home and Institutional; Care Costs - Child Welfare Services - month of July, 1973. (b) Treasury of the United States - $334, 801. 00 - payment for the first quarter of the entitlement period - Revenue Sharing. Mr. Flynn: Gentlemen, we are permitted under this revenue sharing funds to deposit in more than one bank only it has to come under this trust fund provision. I would therefore recommend that we open an account in compliance with the statutory requirements referred to as Washington County Fiscal Assistance Trust Fund in, what is known now as the Equi Bank. I would recommend that we open an account at said Bank. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the Washington County Board of Commissioners open an account known as "The Washington County Fiscal Assistance Trust Fund" at the Equi Bank, Remarks:_ Mr. Paluso: I believe that in January, 1972, there were two banks notified that they were the only two that were going to be depositories for this County. I think that I have an excerpt 118 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS from the minutes somewhere at which time I objected and said that I thought that all of the banks should be included in that designation so that they could be used if necessary. However, it was voted that only two could be considered and only two would be used and as my memory serves me they were the Pittsburgh National Bank of Washington at the main office designated by location and the First National Bank of Washington designated by location and I questioned whether since those were the only two designated at the time and I myself my preference was to designate all of the banks operating in this County so this could be done and at the time it was voted down. I think we would have to hear from the Solicitor myself if these are the only two designated depositories - how can we do this. I question the reasoning for establishing an another account for the same money that we already have/account established for. I do not know the reasoning. That minute is not included in our minute books, it is January of 1972. Mr. Flynn: You said that you had suggested that we name all of the banks as depositaries and from the information I have received there is no requirement in the federal regulations where- by you have to name a depository in this case. It is the prerogative of the Board of County Commissioners to deposit funds. Mr. Paluso: I just asked for an opinion by the Solicitor. I think you ought to look at, those minutes. From the opinion he gave approximately thirty minutes ago this money has to be handled the same as any other county money in any way. Maybe I do not understand the law. We have a special fund already established at one of the banks and I was curious since this is one of the designated depositories what goes on? Mr. Hormell: I see nothing wrong with the motion. I am not certain about those minutes that you are rteferring to but even if those minutes did designate one or more banks as the depositories for county funds , you are complying with the federal regulations by putting it in the bank in the first place and in the second place, even if it were limited by that the action of the Board in doing this would defacto have the effect of adding an additional depository. Mr. Flynn: I think what Mr. Paluso is referring to is on reorganization back in January, 1972, we named depositories. This is required by statute and fromthe information we have from Washington, D. C. office, we have the right to deposit in one or more banks. It is the pre - of rogative/the Washington County Commissioners. Mr. Hormell: I would say that even though that is in the minutes that way I think that this is a legal move. Mr. Paluso: Also included in that motion was the requirement to meet certain $420, 000. 00 collateral or something. I can get it for you in a moment. Mr. Flynn: This is "standard procedure whereby they put up collateral. Mr. Hormell: They will have to put up 120% collateral in government securities or other designated legal investments to cover this regardless where it is deposited. Mr. Paluso: That is stipulated in the designation of the two depositories. I 1 u MINUTE BOOK 119 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Mr. Paluso: (Then read Excerpt from Minute No. #1 dated January 3, 1072. ) Mr. Hormell: Well,that naming of a depository is a requirement of the County Code and re- quires the conjunctive votes of all of those people including the Treasurer. But on these federal funds it is proper and appropriate that they be invested in a bank by the County Commissioners and the Board has a right to make that selection. Mr. Paluso: In other words the designation doesn't really mean anything? Mr. Hormell: I did not say that. Mr. Paluso: Because what I am concerned with is what do we do next month - what is this bank's name - Commercial Bank - I think then if we are depositing money in all of the other banks there should be something deposited there. They do business here the same as the other banks. Mr. Hormell: Maybe that is a good point but that is a policy matter. That is not something that I should render a legal opinion. Mr. Paluso: I think that if we are going to change that then we should say to designate all of the banks in the County can be depositories for county funds. Mr. Flynn: The motion is, Mr. Paluso, is that we apen._an account under the provisions of the statutory requirements of the revenue sharing funds with the Western Pennsylvania National Bank. Mr. Paluso: Well, what is to be done - are we going to deposit this money, or purchase a certificate of deposit? Mr. Flynn: We will invest the money. We will have the necessary collateral from the Bank to invest the money. Mr. Paluso: Then we are now declaring that all banks may be used as depositories? Mr. Flynn: I didn't say all banks we said Western Pennsylvania National Bank (Equi Bank). Mr. Paluso: I cannot vote for the motion unless we make it known that anyone can beconsiderecd and that we are just -not picking out certain banks that we already have and that I had objected to at that time and I still ojct. I think that all banks should have the equal opportunity if it is the desire of this Board to invest anything. Mr. Flynn: Well, we probably have 24 banks in this County. Mr. Paluso: I do not believe that. I do not think there are 24 bopkrate banking institutions in this County. Mr. Flynn:, Mr. Whalen, you will see that we have the necessary collateral as required by statute and I would suggest sir that once you open the account that we authorize you to invest the $334, 801. 00 as you see fit once you have made the necessary inquiry and report to us, whether it be a certificate of.°deposit, treasury notes, etc. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - No; Mr. Flynn = Yes. 120 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Motion carried. (bills), Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the following bills be approved for payment: (a) John M. Felice Associates, Inc. - $1104. 00 - professional services rendered - Labo r Consultant. , (b) Gene P. Amanati - $100. 00 - appraisal report on property. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of October 9, 1973, from John M. Felice, Labor Consultant for Washington County, directed to Mr. Abe Belsky, Executive Director of Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board, which submitted an exception to the Nisi Orders of Cer- tification issued by the Board in reference to Cases No. #PERA-R-3607-W and #PERA-A-3608- ff. Chief Clerk also read correspondence under date of October 3, 1973, from Earl G. Light, Secretary of the Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board, directed to the Washington County Com- missioners which enclosed a Nisi Order of Certfication issued in the case of the C4ild Welfare Service and Central Washington County Mental. Health and Mental Retardation 'Clinic, and re- quested that said Order be posted pursuant to Rules 6. 2 and 6. 3 of the Board's rules and reg- ulations. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of October 4, 1973, from Allen J: Kline, President - United Way of Mon Valley, directed to the County Commissioners, which stated that during the past several months the Mon Valley United Health Services, Inc., a member agency of the United Way of Mon Valley, has been keeping said agency advised of their effort to continue to obtain fundind for their present drug and alcohol program. Correspondence stated that The United -Way is concerned about -the possibility of -this J�xa_gram not being funded after October 31, 1973, for the -following reasons: (1) We have recognized the need for such a program in the Mon Valley area; and (2) we have a considerable financial investment in that program. Correspondence stated that it appears that an impasse has been reached in negotia- tions with the Washington -Greene County Addictive Disease Council. Correspondence further stated that at a recent board meeting of the United Way of Mon Valley the Board went on record unanaimously as supporting the position of Mon Valley United Health Services, Inc. and the proposal that was submitted to the Washington -Greene County Council on Addictive Disease. Mr. Jones: My understanding is that we purchase the service fromthis health center located in Monessen under the MH%MR, Program. It seems to me that everytime - fine, I am from the Mon Valley area but I would like to think that I am Commissioner for all of Washington County. I 1 n We are purchasing services from these people and I believe we have our own agency set up under this alcoholic program and I believe a office in the borough of California which is staffed MINUTE BOOK n 1 1 'BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS with our people we have working for us under this specific program. We are buying from , these people services already and I think that they are asking fair something - I do not know whether, they have, an existing program going or notwithin the Mon Valley Health Center. Mr. Paluso: My own personal observation on what they do there is more of a "come in and ask for help or what should I do or can you do anything for me". The facilities that I toured at the Mon Valley Health Center - they have the rehabilitation end of it the way it seems to me. They actually have the people in there and quite frankly it is worm going to see. They have what looks like you are walking into a night club with stools and a bar but they serve coffee for the alcoholics. It is more there that they spend the evening there. That place is open at night. The last time I was over they had approximately 70 people coming in there every night to talk which must be one of the rehabilitation aspects for their addiction. I think that they both should be continued. One is more of a referral and the other is on' the order of rehabilitating or treating these people. At least this is my observation. I think it bears our closest attention in maintaining both because I do not think it is an overlapping or competitive thing. I think they are both serving a different need and the same need and they also go in there and ask for help. I was amazed at the people there until twelve or one o'clock in the morning discussing mutual problems. They have these trained caseworkers there to discuss things with them to try to get them on the right track. I noticed they also candy bars there which is my experience is one of the substitutes for alcohol. I think we should ask Mr. Kline to come over and tell us exactly what their understanding is and what they are trying to say in that letter. Mr. Flynn: I do not think it is necessary to have Mr. Kline come over here. All he is telling us in effect is that the Mon Valley United Health Services is one of the recipients of that association. that the United Way support this would Mr. Paluso: Well, maybe his reasons/would bear out whywe--would or/not consider trying to E3 support them too. Their thoughts and their aims and goals in any welfare program I think are the same as the County of Washington should be - to try to help and alleviate the problems we have in our society. If there are sufficient reasons for the United Way to continue on, this and to think that it should be continued I would be interested in hearing why they support it. I think that maybe it would apply to us, too. Mr. Flynn: When the Mon Valley United Health Services obtained a grant they are funded to the City of Monessen until October 31, 1973. Now in all due respect -to the IMon Valley United Health Services and those associated therewith, they did not consult the Washington County Commissioners then. The only thing we are saying is that there is no sense in having a duplication of programs in this County.. If we can provide the service iri this County then there is no need for us to go outside of the confines of this County to get additional or duplication of effort. 122 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN. FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS P Mr. Flynn: I would suggest that we acknowledge receipt of the letter to the gentleman and advise that this is the prerogative of the Alcohol and Addictive Disease Advisory Committee which is again a citizens committee and statutory requirement and state that they are the ones that adopt policy. Mr. Jones: , Well, I think in that letter it said that they had met with the Washington -Greene County Board but it always refers back to "why don't you purchase more services from us" but how can we and I am not saying this against our own program because the program is good but I think that it, is a duplication of services. Mr. Paluso: But I think that even with all of our programs and theirs, we are just barely just scratching the surface of the drug problem and I think that we are all aware of that. It just so happens that there is a college down there in that vicinity which adds to the problems in the drug field. We all know that. I think we should take a better look at it. Mr. Flynn: I suggest that we get in touch with the director of the program there and ask them - they must have reasons why and perhaps we can answer the gentleman's letter. Chief Clerk read a copy of a letter under date of October 4, 1973, from Keery McAmbley directed to Mr. James D. Whittle - CAMPS - Pennsylvania Department of Labor and' Industry, concerning the structural steel layout course which is now open in the County. Chief Clerk stated that there was a question as to the number of students that could be enrolled and that it was then necessary to decrease said enrollment. Chief Clerk stated that Mr. McAmbley's question with the Manpower office was whether or not the fund& could be saved for another part of this project and the answer was affirmative. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of September 24, 1973, from Chief Assessor Lignelli directed to County Controller Elish which certified the'adjusted charge showing adjust- ments made in valuations of real estate assessments and the taxes thereon for the year 1973. Chief Clerk read correspondence from O. Bard Judy, District Conservationist, directed to Michael R. Flynn, which enclosed a, Conservation Plan for Harmon Creek Site PA-484. Correspondence stated that from the plan it, can be seen that the area of greatest concern is the structure and that said area will be inspected once a year for any repairs needed under the operation and maintenance contract. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the following Change of Polling Places be approved by the Washington County Board of Commissioners: Donora - 2nd Precinct: From: Donora Realty Company $20. 00 No Longer Available Chestnut & Allen St, Donora, Pa. To: Galiffo Home $20.00 122 Mellon Avenue Do no ra, Pa. C MINUTE BOOK 123 E30ARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES. JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Midway: From: Midway Grade School $ .00 To: Bo ro ugh Building $5. 00 No longer available Cokeburg: From: Borough Building $5. 00 No longer available To: Cokeburg Fire Dept. $25. 00 Poll cal'te-ens71F*L, Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk read a memorandum under date of October 10, 1973, from Jess D. Costa, District Attorney, directed to Chief Clerk Whalen, which requested that Mr. Costa, Mr. John death Bell and Mr. Paul Petro be given permission to attend a National Seminar dealing with/in- vestigations and handling homicide cases with various renoun speakers on October 12th and 13th, 1973. Memorandum stated that the costs of the seminar per person is $75. 00.' Mr. Flynn: Mr. Whalen - you have been doing some work on the current 1973 budget. What is the status of the District Attorney's account? Mr. Whalen: As of the end of September, 1973, the total of the District Attorney's account shows an overdraft in the amount of $3, 595. 46. That is with three months to go. Mr. Flynn: On that basis - my thinking is that we do not have the money to pay it and the Chairman would recommend that the request be denied. Mr. Paluso: Mr. Hormell - don't you think that that seminar would be worthwhile for them to attend ? Mr. Hormell: Well, I think probably the seminar would be worthwhile but that is not the objection that the Chairman is raising. I think the objection he is raising that the budget for the District Attorney's Office has already been exceeded and having no supplemental approp- riation having been made the Code does not permit the purchase of any materials or any work to be done and that includes the seminars in that category as well. Mr. Paluso: Well, what is going to happen - are we going to close the District Attorney's Office with three months to go. It seems to me that it is incumbent upon this Board to make a supplementary appropriation of some sort because I think we need a District Attorney's Office. Mr. Hormell: Well, that is true and there is provisions in the Code that you can by resolution make supplementary appropriations because you can't very well know what appropriations to make unless you know what the status of the various accounts are and that is what Mr. Whalen is poia ting out. You, of course, at any time have the prerogative to make supplemental 124 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS appropriations providing there is money there. VIr. Paluso: Isn't there something there about a ten percent overrun? VIr. Hormell: No, that is on the original adoption of the budget, but that has no application to i,his. Mr. Paluso: In other words, we have to give them some money today or close them up tomorrow. Mr. Hormell: Yes, that is right. If they have overspent their money then there is going to have to be supplemental resolutions or as far as I am concerned, you cannot legally spend any money and that applies to anyone who is overdrawn. Mr. Paluso: Mr. Chairman, what are we going to do? Mr. Flynn: On the basis that there is no money inthe account I would recommend that the re- quest be denied. Mr. Paluso: I mean are we going to close the District Attorney's Office? Mr. Flynn: Oh, we are going to get into that on the next item of business. We are prepared to answer that question. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the above request by District Attorney Costa be denied by the Washington County Commissioners. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - No; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried. New Business: Chief Clerk Whalen then made the following statement for the record: -STATEMENT - Up to this time, I have remained strictly silent and non -committal as far as the various charges made by the County Controller against the County Commissioners in their administration of the fiscal affairs of the County, due mainly to the fact of my long association with the Con- troller as his Deputy. However, in the latest published "Gillespie Report" concerning the tax assessments of the Magistrate rental properties, among other statements, was one in particular which I took as a direct attack upon me, quote: "There is an inadequacy of administration by the County Commissioners. " I joined the Commissioners' staff on December 27, 1971, as Administrative Assistant; and therefore became an integral part of the Administration on that date. During the eight years that I served as Deputy Controller for Mr. Elish, he did not evidence any interest or guidance to_:me in the administration of the Controller's Office. In February of 1971, Mr. Gillespie literally walked away from his position as Executive Director of the O. E.O. office and left it in a bankrupt condition. Programs had not been sub- s.- mitted for approval by H. E. W. and O. E.O. could not even meet their payrolls. Does this type r 1 E F� MINUTE BOOK SOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS of action -by Mr. Gillespie qualify him as an expert in administration? According -to the news media, Mr. Gillespie has authored several reports which have been endorsed fully by Mr. Elish; but to this date, this office has not received even one of thesoe repo rts. These so-called reports were critical of such worthy projects as Chartiers Flood Control, Phase II; Airport development; Tax Assessment and Law Library relocation. This type of activity has kept the Controller and his staff so busy that they apparently do not have time, to do the basic work mandated to that office by the County Code. First, we have not received -a copy of the monthly audit report covering the fourteen (14) Magistrate offices since March 31, 1973. This report reflects the income as well'as the work load for each office. On Friday, October 5, 1973, we received the monthly Controller's report covering expenditures through September 30, 1973. It is obvious that the C©ntroller did not review his own report since nine (9) budgetary accounts are overdrawn in amounts ranging from $3, 200, 00 to $77, 000. 00 yet, as -of today, not a single notice or recommendation has been made by Mr.- Elish or his staff relative to possible supplemental appropriations. Mr. Elish will probably say the Commissioners are equally responsible; however, if the Commissioners are to do the accounting and auditing, then the County does not need the Controller's Office. With respect to overdrafts on budget accounts, we are advised by the Solicitor that the applicable sections of the County Code ,are as follows:, Section 1751 - County Code: "The Controller shall draw and certify vouchers for all bills, claims and demands presented to him, which he approves and only for such as he approves and shall forward the vouchers together with checks ih, erefore with the bills, claims, or demands to the County Commissioners for their approval. " Section 1784 - County Code: "No work shall be hired to be done, no materials purchased, no contracts made, no order issued for the payment of any moneys by the County Commissioners which will cause the sums appropriated to be exceeded. " With ample time for all other activities entered into by Mr. Aishand his staff, he has also failed to come up with a final accounting for the Prater and Pass trials held in Erie County. Mr. Elish made much of the fact he was arranging to recover a sizeable amount of money from the State Police in the Prater trial. This has failed to materialize up to this po int. , I , Mr. Elish's office is taking as long as thirty days to process routine payments from the Grants and Gifts Escrow Account to the County's Health agencies. This appro aches • a ridiculous stage, -and-these delays are not limited to this particular account. Before Mr. Elish and his staff charge us or others' with "inadequate administration, " I suggest and recommend that he clear up his own office to an acceptable standard of operation. 126 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Mr. Flynn: I think that answers your, question Mr. Paluso in part. However, it is the re- sponsibility of the Controller to, notify this Board that the Accounts are overdrawn_, in order that we may make supplemental'appropriations. We do this in two methods. One by transferring to one account which is in excess to another account or we can make supplemental appropriations. If there is no money,in the accounts or -unexpended anticipated balances then there will be no money to operate, county government. Mr. Whalen on his own after receiving the September report made a survey and as he point out to you some of the accounts are way over and above up to as high as .$77, 000 overexpended. Tomorrow is payday and quite frankly; - some of those accounts are overdrawn and under the Code there is way we can,pay if there is no money there. This is not the responsibility of the Commissioners' Office -but that of the County Controller's Office. Chief Clerk,informed the Board that the following accounts are overdrawn: Recorder of Deeds; District Attorney; Courts (all); Constables; Juvenile - Private Training School; Juvenile - Penal Institution; Adults - Penal Institution; Surplus Food; Insurance; O. E. D. P.� & P. E. PI., Mr. Paluso: Well we (are aware of this. I see this on the monthly report that I get with a minus on it. I read the reports every month. We have been aware of it all along. These supplementary appropriations should have been made when they did reach the end of the string as far as the budget amount. Mr. Flynn: Yes, but on the basis of the County Controller' s recommdndat ion. Mr. Paluso: I would assume that that report from the Controller would be sufficient. The fiscal officers reside here in the Commissioner's Office. So lic ito r: (tax refunds) Coun ty Solicitor Hormell presented three (3) tax refunds to the Board for their consideration and approval. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Tax Assessment Office be authorized to prepare the following tax refunds due to either duplication or overpayment of real estate taxes: 1. Mrs. Marion Leabhart 114 Murdock Street Canonsburg, Pennsylvania 15317 District: Personal Property --Deed Book Reference: -- District Number: --Section Number: --Parcel Number: -- Amount: $31.68 2. Vincent and Vivian Yukevich t William Sausser - Paid by Dollar Savings Bank 4th and Smithfield Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15230 District: Burgettstown, Pennsylvania 15021--Deed Book Reference: 1023-0190 District Number: G70--Section Number: 007--Parcel Number: 0016 Amount: $ 5 7.4 2 3. Wade Stanley R. D. 4 Box 352 Washington, Pennsylvania 15301 i I MINUTE BOOK 127 $OARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN. FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS - -- - ---- ---- ,rwii� .....- District: Personal Property tax #2727--Deed Book Reference: --- District Number: ---Section Number: ---Parcel Number: --- Amount: $87.17 Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes;Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the meeting adjourn. Meeting adjourn. THE FOREGOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: n - , 1973 ATTRST: / v A CHIEF CLERK