HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 117 - 5-2-1974 - COMMISSIONERMINUTE BOOK 333 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 1 E Minute No. #117 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., May 2, 1974 The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following memberti being present: Commissioners Jones, Paluso, and Flynn. Also present being: Chief Clerk and County Administrator Whalen, Administrative Assistant Crouse Solicitor Bigi, Controller Frank Mascara, Court Administrator Dave Posner; Mrs. June Lilley - The Daily Notes; Mr. Earl Bugaile - WKEG; Ms. Miller - The League of Women Voters- Jack Merdian WJPA. Mr. Bob Robertson - The Observer Reporter. Meeting called to order by Chairman and roll call taken: Mr. Jones - Present- Mr. Paluso - Present', Mr. Flynn - Present. Chki.rman asked if there were any corrections, additions, or omissions to Minute No. 116, each member having received a copy. Chairman stated that there should be a correction concerning the action taimn on the Controller's Report. Mr. Flynn requested that "of the Controller s Report for 1973" which wa stated as part of the motion, should be deleted from the record. Mr. Flynn stated -that the Washington Branch of the Pennsylvania Economy League /was requested to do an in-depth study of the accounting record keeping system, not of the Controller's Report for 1973. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that Minute No. 116 be approved as corrected. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes- Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Old Busifiess : Commissioner Jones brought up the subject of the Monongahela Joint Ferry Commissic and stated that enough studies had been made and enough facts gathered concerning this matter that definite action should nowrbe taken. He had asked Mr. Whalen to set up a meeting with the Fayette County Commissioners and the Washington County Commissioners. Mr. Whalen stated that the meeting would be held on Tuesday, May 7, 1974, at 12:00 noon at Hugo's Restaurant on Route 40. Chief Clerk read a letter dated April 25, 1974 addressed to Controller Mascara from Mr. C. R. Clark, Vice President of the Pittsburgh National Bank regarding the investing of Washington County funds with the Pittsburgh National Bank on a Repurchase Agreement. Mr. Flynn stated that the letter was self-explanatory and that the bank gives two choices for investment of funds - Voucher Check System and a Debit and Credit System. Mr. Whalen 334 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS stated that the bank preferred the Debit and Credit entry- method and that this system should b given full consideration in the discussions that will be held between the Commissioners and the Controller as a procedure. Mr. Paluso stated that it should be a system that would be automatic Tin order to take advantage of interests being made. Mr. Flynn stated that a meeting would be arranged before next Thursday with the representatives of the bank to further discuss this matter. (Bills) Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the following bill be authorized for payment: The Washington County Conservation District - for 1974 budget $12, 000. 00 Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk read a News Release from Congressman Thomas E. Morgan announcing that the Environmental Protection Agency has approved a $408, 000 reimbursement grant to the Authority of the Borough of Charleroi for waste -water treatment facilities constructed in Charleroi since 1968. Chief Clerk read a memo from Mr. Bill Sember of the Washington County Planning Commission dated April 26, 1974, concerning the NACO Action Coalitions. Mr. Sember stated that on his trip to Washington, D. C. he had met with Congressman Morgan's legislative aide, who stated that a letter from the Washington County Board of Commissioners in support of the House Bill on Community Development, would be most influential. Said letter also enclosed a sample correspondence from the Board to Congressman Morgan requested support for the "Better Communities Act" legislation now before the House of Representatives. Mr. Whalen stated as a matter of information Washington County, under the current definition, is one of only 87 counties which qualifies for this program. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board approve,:and execute said proposed letter requesting support from Congressman Morgan on the House Bill on Community Development. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes Mr. Paluso -Yes-. Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk read letter dated April 26, 1974 from Senator Austin T. Murphy regarding House Bill 536, which provides for electronic voting system. Said letter stated that House Bill 536 was presently in the House State Government Committee under the Chairmanship of Representative Guy Kistler. Senator Murphy assured the Commissioners that he would contac MINUTE BOOK D.ik is BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA _ MICHAEL R. FLYNN. FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS C F Mr. Kistler and relay their support of the bill for the consideration by the House of Representatives. Mr. Whalen informed the Board of a letter dated April 26, 1974 from the Washington County Planning Commission stated that through their Personnel Committee they had accepted an application of Henry B. Hunter to fill the opening of Community Planner. Said letter stated that Mr. Hunter would begin his employment on May 28, 1974 at the budgeted salary of $10, 800 per year. Mr. Whalen stated that no action was necessary on this matter. Mr. Whalen read a letter dated April 4, 1974 addressed to Mr. Kenneth Lusk from Land Acquisition Agent, Clay Graham. Said letter was in explanation of M. Lusk's Relocation and Replacement benefits, and stated that the possibility exists that some additional solution may be worked out between Mr. Lusk and the County, such as: owner/lease arrangement, direct lease arrangement; or actually being employed by Washington to run some future operation. Mr. Graham further explained that he and Mike George were attempting to arr a meeting with the Board of County Commissioners to resolve Mr. Lusk's situation. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board send a letter to Mr. Kenne#hLusk concerning this matter. Roll call vote taken: Mr, Jones - Yes Mr. Paluso - Yes• Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk read a letter dated April 27, 1974 from the Mental Health Association announcing May as Mental Health Month. Said letter also stated their appreciation of the Commissioners in the help they had given the Association to the cause of mental health in this county. Chief Clerk read, correspondence dated April 25, 1974 from the Department of Public Welfare. Said letter informed the Board that their allocation for Mental Health and Mental Retardation services for Fiscal Year 1973-74 had been increased by $00,187 for a total allocation of $1, 311. 346, 00. Chief Clerk read a memorandum from the State Manpower Planning Council dated April 29, 1974 in regard to the meeting of the State Manpower Services Council which will be held on May 15, 1974 at 10:50 a. m. , in the Penn -Harris Motor Inn, Susquehanna Roo -Camp Hill By -Pass, Harrisburg: Pa. Mr, Flynn stated that they would be represented at this first meeting, Solicitor: County Solicitor Bigi informed the Board that he had received a letter and agreement from the Department of Environmental Resources. Said letter also enclosed six copies of an amended agreement between the Department and the County of Washington which is required to indicate the Commonwealth's total allocation to the Chartiers Creek Local Flood Protection MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Project has been reached through the fiscal year of 1974. Mr. Bigi stated that previously the legislature of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania appropriated the sum of $50, 000 to the Department, which the Department wishes to commit to the County. However) the former agreement is going to be amended., specifically Article 8., which will read that the maximum payable to the Department under this agreement shall not exceed the sum of $195, 000. Mr. B stated that the Treasurer of Washington County would have to execute a fidelity bond in this amount and he recommended that the Board execute this agreement with the Department of Envtronmental Resources. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board approve and execute said agreement with the Department of Environmental Resources as per above. Roll call vote taken:-, Mr. Jones - Yes- Mr. Paluso - Yes- Mr.. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously, Mr. Bigi presented to the Board a redemption deed to be executed for West Pike Township to Mildred Mekina for the amount of $782. 84. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the redemption deed be approved and executed as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Bigi presented to the Board a Supreme Court Decision, concerning County employe Nick Nardine, whereby the Supreme Court granted the appeal and supersedeas . Solicitor Bigi recommended that, in view of the supersedeas, Nick Nardine be put back on the payroll and his wages be paid back to the time he was taken off. Chairman Flynn stated that the Contract as it exists does not effect a court -related employee, and that the Commissioners were entitled to their day in court. Mr. Bigi stated that a hearing of the case would be argued before the Supreme Court Justices in Harrisburg and they will render an opinion. Further discussion was held. Moved by Mr. Tones, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the Board authorize whatever steps are necessary for replacement of Nick Nardine on the payroll and his back wages paid to the ti he was removed from his position. (Remarks) Mr. Jones stated that he had signed the Contract and thought he was adhering to the law when he did this. He then asked Mr. Biki if this was what the Court and the County had to do. Mr. Bigi replied "yes" to his question. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes-, Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS C C F� Solicitor Bigi brought up the matter of Judge Hanna's appointees. He stated that •Judge Hanna had the right to appoint his Court Crier and Tip Staff, but suggested that since Mr. Flyi was Chairman of the Salary Board, he convene a meeting whereby the appointments could then be brought up again and decided. Mr. Flynn stated that the order which was directly handed down by the Supreme Court would be effective upon the date of receipt of the supersedeas whic was April 22, 1974. Mr. Flynn also stated that it was not his perogative to call a meeting and it was up to the Judge to inform him to call a Salary Board meeting and then Mr. Flynn would proceed to do so. Further discussion was held, and no action was taken on this matter at this time. Mr. Flynn stated that on April 26, 1974 the majority Commissioners instructed Michael Baker, consulting engineer to notify Gal Construction Company to immediately proceec with the demolition and reconstruction of the new bridge in Canonsburg, effective May 6, 1974. Mr. Flynn also stated that he had received a call from Columbia Gas Company stating they would begin immediately to relocate the gas line and would try to arrange their schedule to begin their project simultaneously with the reconstruction and demolition. Controller's Report 1973 Mr. Flynn: As a result of the report filed by the Controller and the addendum added thereto, we, the Commissioners, were directed by the Court, by Court order, to appear last Monday morning at 9:30 a. m. and to present and answer the itemized 7 different categories that the Controller filed. As a result of the order received from the Court and as a result of the last meeting, Mr. Bigi stated that the Commissioners are in receipt of a Rule to Show Cause from President Judge Charles G. Sweet inquiring why an audit shouldn't be held in regards to the Controller's Report for 1973 and why the deficiencies Mr. Mascara has stated in the Report do not have to be answered. (Mr. Flynn read from the previous minutes of the meeting held on April 29, 1974) Mr. Bigi stated that he has prepared an Exception to Opinion and Order of Court Dated 4-17-74 In The Nature of Preliminary Objections and he would like the Board of Commissioners to give him approval to file said preliminary objections. Moved by Mr. •Jones, seconded by Mr. Flynn, recommending and approving Mr. Herman J. Bigi, County Solicitor to file Preliminary Objections to President Judge Charles G. Sweet's opinion and order. Roll call vote taken: The majority voted and the vote was two to one - the motion carried. The minority Commissioner stated that in absence of his counsel, he can not vote on the above recommendation of Solicitor Bigi. Mr. Paluso further stated that he did not know where he stood in this matter. Mr. Flynn Mated that for the record he would like it to be noted that the motion carried as a result of a majority vote. Now as a result of that action, we did authorize you to file a petition. Is that correct, Mr. B Which you did. However. on Friday we were discussing, Mr. Tones and I, at length and we` i? called your assistant Mr. Gilmore to come in and we went down the items and we took the MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS position that perhaps we should be prepared on Monday to answer these questions in the event that the Court would not accept your petition as we instructed you to file, with the provision that Mr. Gilmore get in touch with you, sir, and inform you of what we had done. I understand that this is what he did. Am I correct? Mr. Bigi; I had called him because the effect of my exceptions were that the Court's position was contrary to law which I believe must be followed by Judge, lawyer and all law abiding citizens. f will not tolerate Court orders that are contrary to law notwithstanding politiidal implication., and that is why I recommended the exceptions be filed because the Court was actually illegal. However, I think you did the right thing. I called Mr. Gilmore Sunday night and mentioned to him that I was concerned about the hearing and about what I had heard concerning a political football was being made up and suggested that the Commissioners appear although you did not have to, and that is when we discussed the answers and I think that my exceptions could have been twisted around at the -convenience of those who wanted to, to make it look like evasive tactics, which I resent but they weren't. The law is sometimes, twisted because of political whims, political ambitions or political perpetuations, so I think the Commissioners did the right thing in answering these questions, although legally they did not have to, and legally they shouldn't have to S however, at times we don't deal legally because politics rears its ugly head. What I mean by that is legally, we are conforming with what the County Code provides, not something illegally whereby someone is guilty of a crime, but politics could have overshadowed this whole thing very quickly; and I think that you did the right thing. However, we have protected the Countf7 Code by my exceptions. Mr. Flynn: The point I want for the record, Mr. Rigi, is that we were in accord i and we were knowledgeable and when I say "we" 1 mean those in our legal department, were knowledge able of what was to take place, and you and Mr. Gilmore were in accord, and in -agreement with you accordance, drafted the necessary reply to each item prepared in the event that we were turned down. Well, the fact remains that we did go into Court and the two majority Commissioners were represented by our appointed counsel, the Assistant County Solicitor Mr. Gilmore and the minority Commissioner was represented by his appointed counsel. However, each representative or each member of the council (and the Treasurer was there' filed an appeal with the Court, so we filed too. One taking exception and one taking our positi on the itemized accounts, which was filed. Is that correct, sir? Also the representative of the minority Commissioner filed a brief. Right, sir? Now, this is the point that I want to bring out. In the brief filed on the behalf of the minority Commissioner, in =my opinion, there were some very serious statements made. I would like to think that they were irresponsible, statements; and in this brief filed, to me it was a d0amati.on of character. Wherein this brief filed by the solicitor for the minority Commissioner, they alleged many things; and one of therq is filed very specifically on one of our most trusted, most capable, most dedicated employees MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 1 fl u under the jurisdiction of the County Commissioners, and that gentlemen is Mr. Crouse. Now this man, in my opinion, was persecuted and prosecuted by way of the news media with no chance of defense. Had he had a hearing in open court, he would have had a chance to defend his self, or the people making the accusations could have been cross-examined. Is that right, sir? He did not have his day in court or a chance to be heard. So Mr. Flynn and Mr. Jones, acting as majority Commissioners, and Mr. Crouse being an employee of the Commissioners office, we have decided that he will have his day here in this meeting. Mr. Jones and I have discussed this in length, so Mr. Crouse it is your day, sir. Mr. Crouse read the following Public Statement: On April 29, 1974, a document was filed before the Court of Common Pleas, County of Washington, which ,stated, in part: "... but at that time, he became aware of the existence of a checking account established in the name of Charles Crouse, Administrative Assistant to the Washington County Board of Commissioners from which said account county bills were paid . . . " Subsequently; on April 30, 1974, an article appeared in the Washington Observer -Reporter which stated, in part: ". . . he subsequently became aware of a county bank account in the name of the Commissioners' Administrative Assistant. C. A. Crouse. . . " It is indeed regrettable and indeed unfortunate that a Court hearing was not conducted on April 29, 1974, to determine the veracity of this statement. Nevertheless, a statement such as this can not be left unanswered, can not be disregarded, and cannot be ignoe4d.Further, in that this statement involves my name, both personally and officially, i feel it. my duty to reply to the assertion made in this document. 1. THERE IS NOT, NOR HAS THERE EVER BEEN, NOR WILL THERE EVER BY ANY BANK ACCOUNT WHATSOEVER ESTABLISHED IN MY NAME WHICH BEARS ANY FIDUCIARY RELATIONSHIP TO THE OFFICIAL BUSINESS OF THE COUNTY OF WASHINGTON. 2, IN MY OFFICIAL CAPACITY AS THE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT TO THE BOARD OF WASHINGTON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, I HAVE NO EXPLICIT AUTHORITY, NOR IMPLIED AUTHORITY, NOR APPARENT AUTHORITY TO MAKE ANY DISBURSEMENTS OF COUNTY FUNDS WHATSO- EVER FOR THE PAYMENT OF COUNTY BILLS. I HEREBY STATE THAT IN THE DISCHARGE OF MY OFFICIAL DUTIES, I HAVE NEVER MADE ANY ATTEMPT WHATSOEVER TO EMPLOY SUCH AUTHORITY. The original basis for the statement in the aforementioned document appears to be the notes of a meeting held on March 4, 1974, at the Washington County, Home for Aged Men. Paragraph 8 of these meeting notes states: "Mr. Crouse advised Mr. Bova that all bills should be directed to his attention as a checking account has been established in his name with funds from the General Revenue Sharing monies. " THIS STATEMENT IS iN ERROR. I received a copy of these meeting notes as prepared by Mr. Thomas J. Bova, Carl G. Baker/Architects, on March 8, 1974. I made a cursory perusal of these notes but did not detect the error at that time. Now that this error has become the original basis for an answer filed in the Court of Common Pleas, County of Washington, the record must be made accurate in relation to the events of this meeting. 1. Mr. Bova was informed to direct all bills to my attention. I explained the necessity of directing the bills to my office so that before they were processed through normal channels, they could first be recorded and compiled on a sq�pardte listing which would be used to report all costs incurred on this project on the 1974 AG-9 Fiscal Report, which will be filed in 1975. By implementing this procedure, I explained that the County would, in turn, receive 55.141r, of the monies expended in this project through the Medical Assistance Program. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 2. Mr. Bova was advised that the Board of Washington County Commissioners' i designated funds received through General Revenue Sharing to be used in the con- struction of a new long-term facility and necessary interim corrective measures in our existing facilities. 3. Mr. Bova was NOT advised in any manner whatsoever that a "checking" account was established in my name. I find it indeed regrettable and most unfortunate that this error irrthe meeting notes could have precipitated into an answer filed before the Court of Common Pleas, This is expecially so when one considers that at NO time between March 8, 1974, and April 29, 1974, was any inquiry directed to me concerning the accuracy of these meeting notes. Had such inquiry been made, this'error could have been resolved in a most prompt and efficient manner without resulting in any subsequent adverse effects. I humbly request that my statement of this date be made a matter of official record. Additionally, if there should be any further inquiries or questions regarding the authenticity or accuracy of this statement by anycitizen of the County,,df Washington, I would not only encourage, but indeed welcome, such questions or inquiries so that I may again answer them fully. Mr. Paluso: I am glad that Mr. Crouse could present his case on this matter, but I think there is need for further explanation; and I refer to a letter of March 11, 1974, from Mr. Frank Mascara, County Controller, and in which he requests amongrrother things, that it is my under standing that often times County monies are by-passing the Treasurer's office and directly going to County depositories. Furthermore, from experience in the Controller's office, I am certain that bank accounts exist which authorize the dispersal of county funds, their source notwithstanding without the signature of either the Treasurer or the Controller. These actions are certainly not in keeping with County principals. Mr. Flynn: We are not hereto debate the issue, and we are all aware of what Mr. Mascara is stating. The allegations were made against one Mr. Charles A. Crouse, and the letter you refer to we have copies of it. We resolved this with Mr. Mascara, and the gentlemen can acknowledge it or deny it. We did follow through on this, and we met continuously for several days with him; and there is no need for debate. Mr. Paluso: There is no debate, I am explaining and answering the allegations in it. Mr. Flynn: The Chair rules you are out of order. Mr. Paluso: I don't care what you rule, Mr. Flynn. You can not do that. This is not a dictatorship, and the people are entitled to hear the whole story. Mr. Flynn: The people know the whole story. You did not give this man a chance in court, Mr. Paluso. Mr. Paluso: No sir, because 1 don't run the Courts. There wasn't any hearing. He had ever chance. It is not up to me to answer his questions. I quoted from a set of minutes received from Mr. Crouse. Mr. Flynn: You made the allegation. Mr. Paluso: There is no allegation. It is stated right here in the minutes. Paragraph 8 - Mr. Crouse advised Mr. Bova that all bills should be directed to his attention as a checking account has been established in his name with the funds from the General Revenue Sharing 34 MINUTE BOOK 1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES. JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS I 1 monies. Now I go to the last paragraph - anyone taking exception to the statements or admis in these minutes shall notify the architect in writing within 3 days from receipt of minutes. Otherwise, the minutes will stand as written. I have heard or seen no correction to these minutes. I have to go by what materal is given me. As a matter of fact, I assume that it cam from the Administrative Assistant. I am going to continue on, Mr. Flynn, because I think you made some statements that did not make any sense. Mr. Jones: Let me interrupt for a moment. I ran into Mr. Mascara in the hall after he had sent the letter and he brought this to my attention. I took a different course than you did. Since Mr. Crouse is a employee of the County Commissioners and Mr. Whalen is his immedial supervisor, I came right in from Mr. Mascara, into Mr. Whalen and got a hold of Mr. Flynn. I asked him if there was something I had missed here and was there a special checking account) set up for Mr, Crouse. Frank did not say this, but he ask me to check for him. Mr. Paluso: When was this? Mr. Jones: Right after we got these minutes. After talking with Mr. Whalen and Mr. Flynn, I immediately got right back to Mr. Mascara and I explained it to him. Mr. Mascara: He said that no such account exists. Mr. Paluso: I would Like to point out that I received another copy of another letter from the Controller's office, and'I go to the second paragraph - "I am pleaseito report that most of the offices that replied to my correspondence requesting a list of bank accounts under their super- vision. I would appreciate a similar response from the Board of County Commissioners by Monday, March 25, 1974. " At that time, after previously talking with Mr. Mascara on March 11, when I showed him the minutes where it refers to an account being established for Mr. Crouse, I talked with Mr. Mascara on March 11, the day I received that set of minutes asked him if he knew anything about this. When I got the second letter on March 21, 1 took it upon myself to reply since I had heard nothing from anyone concerning this whole matter; and Mr. Mascara replbed by March 25. (Mr. Paluso then read Mr. Mascara's replq of March 25. Mr. Flynn: What minutes are you referring to? Mr. Paluso: These are the minutes from the meetirgat the County Home on March 11, 1974. Mr. Flynn: Is this an official document or is this for information purposes only? Mr. Paluso: I don't know, but I do know that the last paragraph says that anyone taking exception to the statements or admissions in these minutes shall notify the architect in writing within 3 days from receipt of minutes; otherwide minutes will stand as written. I had not exceptions to anything. I asked the Controller if he knew anything about it the same day I received it. I have no corrections to a meeting I did not attend. Mr. Flynn: For the benefit of the news media, the minutes he is referring to are minutes of meetings held periodically at the County Home for Men and Women. And this is with the ns architect, our superindentent of the grounds & buildings, Mr. Crouse of the County MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Commissioners and representatives of the stateiinsofar as meeting with the requirements. Now, what they do is take minutes of the proceedings, and Mr. Crouse is charged with the responsibility of keeping accurate record of any expenditures, and this gentlemen through his research and in-depth studies of the work done at, the home, has gained for the County of Washington in the neighborhood of a half a million dollars over a three-year period. He is keeping an accurate account of this because we get reimbursed. The minutes the minority Commissioner refers to are the minutes of the meeting hbld on March 4, 1974 and yet he does not bring it to light until April 28, 1974, Mr. Paluso: On March 8, the day I received them, I asked the Controller if he knew anything about this, and he will verify this. Mr. Flynn: The fact remains that we are a Board of County Commissioners. It would be my opinion that if one of my employees would be involved, then I think it would be my responsib"it regardless of what my position is, to bring it to the attention of the Board of Commissioners. And if we should find fault, then anybody involved should be called in and given a chance. This way, this gentlemen did not have an opportunity; and that is why I afford him the opportunity to have the floor today. Mr. Paluso: Mr. Flynn, I did not say that he established the account. The minutes say that Mr. Crouse advised Mr. Bova that a checking acount has been established In his name. I did not make any of these statements, I quoted the written statements of the people involved, answering the questions of the Controller's office and answering the Court order that was sent down to be answered by the County Controller with the best of my ability with documented statements and quotes. None of which are my original statements or quotes. Mr. Flynn: Mr. Paluso, is this an official document or is this just an informative basis to inform the Commissioners of what took place. When he attends a meeting, then we know (each Commissioner) of what goes on in that meeting, what progress is being made so far as the h is concerned and how we are complying with the state, etc. Is that right, Mr. Crouse? Mr. Crouse: Yes. There are a couple of things here I would like to point out, and breakdown the communication process here. As I said in my statement, when I got these minutes, they prepared by our consulting architect, Mr. Tom Bova; there have been on occasion, a few other errors to which I had changed. Unfortunately, at that time, I made a cursory examination of the meeting minutes; and I did not detect the error. In the interests of accuracy, this was the purpose of my statement to have the error corrected, -as to actually what happened at that meeting. Mr. Jones: Let me pick up something from here, if I remember correctly. Didn't we, at of the regular meetings or at one of these meetings, Mr. Crouse, with the architects, didn't we set this up as maybe a separate bank account paid out of the general fund - Attention--Chiick Crouse. I know we talked about this and I remember that we told Chuck Crouse we Vuuld set MINUTE BOOK 343 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA _ MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 1 1 this account up in his name. I remember very distinctly that it was Attention: Chuck Crouse, because we were trying to get back money for us to the state. Mr. Flynn: To keep accounting of the money, that's right. According to item 2 in this brief filed with -the court "there was no information or knowledge in the possession of the minority Commissioner that the statutory methods of disposing county monies, etc. was being duly complied with, but at that time he became aware of the existence of a checking account exist in the name of Charles Crouse, Administrative Assistant for the Washington County Board of Commissioners, from which said account County bills were paid. This information is the alleged verdict of Frank Mascara, County Controller on March 8 and again in writing on March 22 with the consequence set forth in Paragraph 1 herein. " Your legal council alleges that there is a checking account in existence, that is what he says in this brief. Mr. Paluso: Based on written information to that effect. Mr. Flynn: You also say from which county bills were paid. Are you satisfied, Mr. Crouse? Mr. Crouse: Yes. Mr. Flynn: Now Mr. Crouse has had his say. Is there any further business that should come before this Board? Meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: ATTES May 2 , 1974 CHIEF CLERK