HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 120 - 5-23-1974 - COMMISSIONER376 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Minute No. 120 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., May 23, 1974 The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following me bers being present: Commissioners Paluso and Flynn. Absent being: Commissioner Jones. - Also present being: Chief Clerk and County Administrator Whalen; County Solicitor Bigi; Assis tant County Solicitor Gilmore; Deputy Controller Daniels; Mrs. June Lilley - The Daily Notes; Mr. Earl Bugaile - WKEG; Mr. Bob Robertson of The Observer -Reporter; Mr. Jack Merdian o WJPA; Mrs. Helen Miller and representatives of The League of Women Voters; and Mayor Vir gil F. Puskarich of Bentleyville. Meeting called to order by Chairman and roll call taken: Mr. Jones - Absent; Mr. Paluso - Present; Mr. Flynn - Present. Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions, or omissions to Minute No. i197-_ each member having received a copy. as read. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that Minute No. 119- be approved, Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Reports: None Old Business: None Correspondence: Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the following bills be authorize for payment: 1. Griswold, Winters, Swain & Mullin - Landscape Architects for Mingo Creek Park - $262.53 2. Mr. Raymond Hirschinger - for Feasibility Study - $126. 85 3. The Observer -Reporter - for Bond Ordinance advertising - $110. 00 4. California Public Library - Budgetary Item - $500. 00 Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk read correspondence dated May 14, 1974, from Byers Memorial Li- brary thanking the Commissioners for the allotment of $500 which would allow them to continue library service to the citizens of Monongahela and New Eagle. Chief Clerk read correspondence dated May 10, 1974, from Honorable Thomas E. Morgan. Said letter thanked the Commissioners for their recent letter expressing support for MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS LI I responsible and effective legislation. Letter also informed the Commissioners that the Senate recently passed S. 3066, and the House Committee on Banking and Currency was considering the merits of a similar bill. Chief Clerk read a portion of a letter from Attorney John F. Bell, Special Bond Counsel, dated May 15, 1974, regarding Proposed Ordinance In R,e Debt Authorization for $5, 000, 000 General Obligation Bonds - Washington County. Chairman recommended that this letter be recorded in the minutes in its entire form. Dear Chairman Flynn: With reference to the above bond issue of Washington County, you questioned Section 14 of the proposed ordinance which states as follows: "All moneys derived from the sale of said Bonds are hereby appropriated to the purposes herein stated and shall be deposited in a separate account of the County designated the "1974 Bond Fund Account" and expended therefrom for the purposes herein appro- priated, and shall not be used for any other purposes. " It is my understanding that you were concerned about whether or not under Section 14 the moneys derived from the sale of said bonds could be used for any purpose other than those stated in the ordinance. After conferring with Craig Kuhn, Bond Counsel, it is our con- sidered opinion that the moneys from said bond issue be used only for the projects as outlined in the ordinance. However, if other unforeseen project priorities should arise or the proposed project should fail by reason of lack of Federal Government approval, then the moneys allotted for these projects could be used for other projects after a resolution/ordinance by the Washington County Commissioners at a duly constituted meeting has been passed and advertised as required by law. I trust that this answers your questions. However, if I can be of any further assistance, please contact me. Very truly yours, /s/ John F. Bell Special Bond Counsel Washington County Commissioners Chief Clerk read letter dated May 15, 1974, from the Tri-Community Ambulance Service thanking the Washington County Commissioners for their check in the amount of $1, 700 for the radio installation. Chief Clerk read correspondence dated May 14, 1974, from Equitable Gas. Said letter requested permission from the County of Washington to install 95' of 3" steel case distri- bution main line by attachment on the bridge structure spanning Pigeon Creek in the City of Monongahela. Attached to the letter was a construction print #D73-80 giving detailed informa- tion on said bridge installation. Mr. Paluso suggested that the solicitors add one condition to this approval - that at any time in the future, if the gas line should have to be removed for any reason, such as construction of the bridge, remodeling or replacement, the expenses would fall upon the Equitable Gas Company. Mr. Bigi stated that they would put the additional clause 3'78 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS in the contract. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that after the additional clause is adde as per above, the Board approve the installation of 95' of 3" steel case distribution main line on the bridge spanning Pigeon Creek in the City of Monongahela. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk reviewed letter dated May 15, 1974, directed to Frank Mascara, Controller, from Merico S. Lignelli, Chief Assessor. Said letter certified that the total valuation of Real Estate for assessment purposes in the County of Washington for the year 1974 and the taxes thereon, with which collection the County Treasurer has been duly charged, are as follows: Assessed Valuation -Real Estate . . . . . . $250, 765, 495 Taxes -Real Estate (019 Mills) . . . . . . $ 4, 762, 644.40 Chief Clerk read correspondence from Senator Richard Schweiker dated May 14, 1974, regarding recent proposals for rail reorganization in Pennsylvania and the possible discontinu- ance of essential rail service. Senator Schweiker had expressed his concern in a testimony to the Interstate Commerce Commission over the Secretary of Transportation's Report on rail service in the Northeast. Senator Schweiker also stated that if a suitable railroad was taken away, the area would not be able to compete in economic development; and he would continue to follow this matter closely and work for a realistic reorganization plan for adequate rail service throughout Pennsylvania. Chief Clerk informed the Board of a communication from the American Glass and Mir ror Company. Said communication stated that they are celebrating twenty-five (25) years of business and wish to extend their sincere appreciation to the people who had made it possible. Chief Clerk read letter dated May 15, 1974, addressed to Mr. Flynn from the Twilight Borough Council regarding Revenue Sharing. Said letter stated that they were planning to use their Revenue Sharing money to construct a new municipal building and would like to meet with a member of the committee that was set up to assist local boroughs in this program. Mr. Fl, suggested that the Board acknowledge receipt of the letter and notify them that they Board has forwarded said request to Mr. Roland Bourke of the Redevelopment Authority, who has been the designated agency to handle these affairs. Chief Clerk informed the Board of a request from Bell Telephone Company for a right- of-way and easement to install an underground telephone cable to the Star Engineering Building. Mr. Whalen stated that this was originally suggested that their right-of-way would cross an o parcel of land, and Mr. McAmbley and his department had them adjust it to keep the right-of- way confined to the area that won't be affected by fur$ier development, which would cause them 379 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 1 1 move the cable. Mr. Paluso stated that they had experienced the very same problem in the Chartiers Creek Flood Control Project, and the County was required to pay the expense of moving a cable. He also stated that an addendum should be applied to any requested right-of- way or easement so that in the future, the County would not be obligated to pay the expense of moving a telephone cable. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the Board approve the reque right-of-way and easement by Bell Telephone Company as per above with said addendum as recommended by Mr. Paluso. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk informed the Board of an estimated receipt submitted by Cox's for drapes for two (2) sun porches at the Washington County Home for Men. Mr. Whalen stated that the previous drapes had to be taken down because they were not 10016 flameproof, and the total cost for new drapes was $1, 359. 00. Mr. Whalen also stated that these drapes were necessary for the comfort of the patients; and after reviewing the matter with Messrs. Mas- trangelo and Crouse, they had agreed that this recommendation be made for the drapes. Mr. Paluso stated that the flameproof drapes would last longer, and the same drapes could be used in the new facility. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the Board approve the making of said drapes by Cox's for the Washington County Home for Men at the estimated cost of $1, 359. 00 as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk read a memorandum dated May 20, 1974, from the Washington County Planning Commission regarding Washington Area Transit Study. Said memorandum stated that Mr. Bill Sember had been in contact with the Region H4,(Philadelphia) Office of the Urban Mass Transit Administration to determine what is delaying final approval of the application. Nor. Sember also stated that it, would be at least another two to four weeks before final review is undertaken and that the Board of Commissioners would be kept informed. Chief Clerk read correspondence from Michael Baker, Jr., Inc. dated May 16,1974 regarding the New Jefferson Avenue Bridge Completion Date. Said letter stated that the completion date agreed upon by Mr. Tenaglia and Mr. R. S. Capp of Michael Baker, Jr., Inc. was December 10, 1974; and that this allows for the 70 day delay which elapsed in beginning construction. Mr. Flynn requested that a copy of the contract and letter be sent to the Controller's Office. .1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES. JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS Chief Clerk reviewed a matter concerning the office facilities at Mirigo Park and stated that at the last meeting, it was recommended that an architect be employed to do some rough sketch and planning work there to comply with the Labor and Industrys�, requests. Mr. Whalen also stated that it appears there is no alternative but to comply and submit plans in triplicate. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded'by Mr, Flynn, that the Board approve the work concerning the office facilities at Mingo Park by a qualified architect. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk informed the Board of a matter concerning the Jefferson Avenue Bridge in Canonsburg in which concrete testing was necessary. Mr. Whalen stated that it was recommended by Michael Baker, Jr. , Inc. that a purchase order be made to Pittsburgh Testing Laboratory for the testing services on the new bridge. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the Pittsburgh Testing Laborat be authorized to do the concrete testing for the new Jefferson Avenue Bridge. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr, Flynn - Yes Motion carried unanimously. New Business: Chief Clerk read a News Release announcing that Planning and Design of the proposed 250 Bed Skilled Nursing Home for Washington County was progressing on schedule. Mr. Whalen also presented to the news media copies of the artists' drawing of the proposed facility. Chief Clerk read a News Release announcing that the County had received notificati that it will receive $1, 216, 895 for manpower employment and training programs in Washington County. Chief Clerk read a statement to the Governor s Justice Commission which was presented by Mr. Crouse on behalf of the Commissioners at a Public Hearing. Said statement was a request of the Commissioners to explore with the Governor's Justice Commission four (4) present areas of major concern, which were as follows: 1. The Washington County Commissioners, as a result of a prior meeting with officials of the Regional Office of the Governor's Justice Commission, hereby requests consideration for an indepth study to be performed by the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration of the existing emergency communication system within Washington County. 2. The County of Washington is presently considering application to the Governor's Justice Commission for a program designed to increase the effectiveness of Court Room Security. 1 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 1 1 Solicitor. 3. The Commissioners directed a question regarding the financial payment schedules of federal and state shares for programs approved by the Governor's Justice Commission. 4. The office of the Washington County Commissioners wish to inquire into matters of financial and administrative guidelines as set forth by the Governor's Tustice Commission in the operation of programs under their jurisdiction. County Solicitor Bigi presented the following fifteen (15) Tax Refunds to the Board for their consideration and approval. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the Tax Assessment Office be authorized to prepare the following tax refunds due to eider duplication or overpayment or real entate taxes: 1. Frank K. Noll et al c /o Norman P. Bedillion 301 Oak Spring Road, Wash, Mall Washington, Pa. 15301 District: South Strabane Township -- Deed Book Reference: 1265-0735 1271-OK District Number: 60 - - Section Number: '3 -- Parcel Number: 8-1 Amount: $5, 814. 00 Plus Interest (Remarks` Concerning the tax refund listed above, Mr. Bigi stated that there was a letter attached in which they were also requesting interest from the date of overpayment. Mr. Bigi stated that there was some question in his mind as to when the interest of tapes and the date this was computed from; and that he would like an opportunity to look into the interest, but requested that the refund of $5, 814. 00 be paid. 2. Sally Bona s si 116 Locust Strebt Harrisburg, Pa. 17101 1260-0853 District: Cross Creek Township -- Deed Book Reference: 1260-0857 District Number: 21 -- Section Number: 6 -- Parcel Number: 189 62 Amount: $2.89 3. Dorothy & Henry E. Dietz Box 317 Avella, Pa. 15312 District: Cross Creek Township --Deed Book Reference: 1289-0093 District Number: 21 -- Section Number:6 -- Parcel Number: 1?0 Amount: $2.17 4. James V . & Eileen G. Cline R. D. 2 Avella Pa., 15312 District: Cross Creek Township -- Deed Bood Reference: 1246-1128 District Number: 21 -- Section Number: 5 -- Parcel Number: 36-1 Amount: $ .90 5. M. Steve & Irene Brinsky Box 315 Avella, Pa. 15312 District: Cross Creek Township -- Deed Book Reference: 1295-0639 District Number: 21 -- Section Number: 6 -- Parcel Number: 165 Amount: $1, 81 6. Frank J. and Jennie Bozynski Y R. D. 3 Burgettstown. Road Avella, Pa. 15312 District: Cross Creek Township -- Deed Book-RefereAce: 1415-0251 District Number: 21 -- Section Number: 6 -- Parcel Number: 280 RT**1N MINUTE BOOK. BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES. JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 7. Jesse W. & Shirley Eakin Rea, Pa. 15356 District: Cross Creek Township -- Deed Book Reference: 1022-0143 District Number: 21 -- Section Number: 9 -- Parcel Number: 22 Amount: $2.17 8. MichaelIhnat R. D. 2, Box 27L Burgettstown, Pa. 15021 District Cross Creek Township -- Deed Book Reference: 1273-0679 District Number: 21 -- Section Number: 1 -- Parcel Number: 46 Amount: $1.63 9. Warren L. Malone & Edith T. Box 52 Cross Creek, Pa. 15021 District: Cross Creek Township -- Deed Book Reference: 1027-0693 District Number: 21 -- Section Number: 1 -- Parcel Number: 76 Amount: $3.25 10. A. W. Schafer R. D. 1 Hickory, Pa. 15340 District: Cross Creek -- Deed Book Reference: 0892-0040 District Number: 21 -- Section Number: 13 -- Parcel Number: 18 Amount: $3.79 11. Walter C. Lee R. D. 4 Burgettstown, Pa. 15021 District: Cross Creek Township -- Deed Book Reference: 0437-0323 District Number: 21 -- Section Number: 1 -- Parcel Number: 9 Amount: $23.47 12. Steven & Dorothy Soltesz (new Owners R. D. 3 Avella, Pa.. 15312 District: Cross Creek Township -- Deed Book Reference: 0957-0324 District Number: 21---Sectian Number;= 6 -- Parcel Number: 85 Amount: $2.70 13. Frances E. & Charles R. Schulte Box 27 C R. D. 2 Burgettstown, Pa.. 15021 District: Cross Creek Township -- Deed Book Reference: 0683-0569 District Number: 21 -- Section Number: l -- Parcel Number: 63 Amount: $1. 71 14. Betty Jeanne Pirillo Box 74 Avella, Pa. 15312 District: Cross Creek Township -- Deed Book Reference: 1115-0682 District Number: 21 -- Section Number: 6 -- Parcel Number: 216 296 Amount: $1.72 15. Elizabeth Ortitay Avella, Pa. 15312 District: Cross Creek Township -- Deed Book Reference: 0934-0349 District Number: 21 -- Section Number: 6 -- Parcel Number: 80 Amount: $1.72 Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor Bigi presented an O. E. D. P. Lease with the Trades and Labor Building for lease of office space for a period of 8 months from May 1. 1974 to December 31, 1974 for a total rental of $1, 200. 00. Mr. Bigi stated that there was one provision in the lease with R�� BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS FJ 1 respect to liability on the part of the County for injuries, property and person which he would like to adjust with the leasor, but recommended that the lease be approved after adjusting the liability clause. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the Board approve the above - mentioned lease with the condition that the liability clause will be adjusted. Roll call vote taken Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Assistant County Solicitor Gilmore brought up the matter of the Washington Trust Building and stated that they had the intention of taking up an appeal in this case. Mr. Gilmor( stated that it was a compromised verdict, the same as in the Washington Mall Case; and that the Judge had found the assessment to be $270, 000. Mr. Gilmore recommended that the not Board /make an appeal against the decision of the Court. Mr. Flynn: Since we are under court order, and we do not want to be held in contempt of cou at this time, therefore, we will abide by the decision of the court and not take an appeal. However, I am sure that the citizens of this county are aware of the fact that we are under court order to have a reassessment in this County. The only problem is that in order to under take a reassessment of a County such as the size of Washington, it is time consuming and take within the period of one year to 18 months W complete the program. By the time the project was completed, the market value of my property could change considerably. Therefor once we receive the money from the Bond Issue, then we will go into a overall reappraisal of the property in this county. Then it is up to the Commissioners to set the ratio of assessment to market value and adopt the necessary millage to meet the requirements of the people of this county. Assistant Solicitor Gilmore brought before the Board a previous matter which was taken up at last week's meeting concerning an application for surface mining drainage permit by KES Enterprises, Inc. to operate a mine in North Bethlehem Township, Washington County. Mr. Gilmore read a letter dated May 21, 1974 from Ellsworth Borough asking for support from the Commissioners of Washington County to join with them in opposing this mining, as it would cause contamination of their water- supply. Mr. Gilmore then suggested that the Board should at least convey that they wish to participate in the hearing. Moved by Mr. Flynn, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board approve joining with Ellsworth Borough in the objections they have filed with the Department of Environmental Resources as to the surface mining by KES Enterprises, Inc. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. • MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES. JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Mr. Flynn stated that he was very much concerned with the apathy of the people wh c-Ame -to voting, and is concerned about some of our election boards. Mr. Flynn was sure tha everyone was aware that the law requires that during the period of the day set aside for the election, the law requires that a Commissioner be on duty when the polls are open until the last ballot boxes are brought in. And the law requires that a Judge be available from the time the polls open until l hour after the polls close. The Board of Commissioners divide up the time, and the purpose of this is to receive complaints and to try to correct them. Nor. Flynn said that during his time of duty he received several calls and some of them were shocking. Somes places could not get clerks to serve on the Boards, and at some precincts they threatened to walk out. Mr. Flynn reminded those that called him; that they were under oath and that under no circumstances do they walk off the Board. Mr. Flynn stated that he had no control over the salary they receive and referred to Senate Bill No. 285 concerning the salary of election board members. Mr. Flynn also batd, that he was concerned over the attitude of people on the election board and could remember when it was considered a privilege to serve on the Board. Mr. Paluso was concerned with the count of votes in one certain precinct, which was not mentioned in the meeting, and suggested that the Solicitors draw up a petition ordering a count of votes for the offices of County Government Study Commissioner and Government Study Commission. Mr. Flynn stated that they should confer with Mr. Joseph Muscaro concerning -this petitioning for a count of votes. Meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED May 23, ,1974 ATT CHIEF CLERK