HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 142 - 11-14-1974 - COMMISSIONERMINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK .ZONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Minute No. 142 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., November 14, 1974 The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following members being present: Commissioners Jones, Paluso and Flynn. Also being present: Chief Clerk and County Administrator Whalen; Administrative Assistant Fetcko; Solicitor Bigi; Assistant Solicitor Gilmore; Mr. John Piganell, Manpower Planning; Deputy Controller Daniels; Earl Bugaile of WKEG; Jack Merdian of WJPA; Jerry Kolanic of WWVA; Dave Baker of the Daily Notes; and Mrs. Miller of The League of Women Voters. Meeting called to order by Chairman and roll call taken: Mr. Jones - Present; Mr. Paluso - Present; Mr. Flynn - Present. Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions, or omissions to Minute No. 141, each member having received a copy. read. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that Minute No. 141 be approved as Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Special Order of Business: Mr. John Piganell - Manpower Program Close out Title III Programs Mr. Piganell stated that this Program was run by the Diocese of Pittsburgh for the employment of disadvantaged. Mr. Piganell further stated that the Program ended in September and the close out -package is completed. Of the $196, 000 which was in Title III, Mr. Piganell stated that they owe us $11, 808 which they did not use, and that they will reimbur e this amount into their account. Mr. Piganell informed the Board that these unexpended funds will be held in escrow to start off the summer disadvantaged youth program next year. Along with the $196, 000 was a contract in which we contracted with the Washington County Parks and Recreation Commission to run a Youth Recreation Transportation Support Program, and Mr. Piganell reported that the close out package is complete for this program also. Moved by Mr. Paluso,- seconded by -Mr. Jones, that the Board authorize the Chairman of the County Commissioners to sign the necessary documents to close out Title III with the Pittsburgh Diocese as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Nbtion carried unanimously. O. J. T. Contracts MINUTE B❑oK 579 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 1 n Mr. Piganell presented to the Board four individual contracts for on the job training under the Manpower Program. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board authorize and execute the four O. J. T. Contracts as presented by Mr. Piganell. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Title II Program Mr. Piganell stated that of the increase in the allotment of Title II of $308, 300, we received an additional $298, 800 plus $2, 800 in discretionary accounts. Mr. Piganell stated there will be a minimum of 110 people working under Title II, but it could go as high as 135 depending if people quit or do not work the full 40 hour week, etc. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board approve the Title II Program as presented by Mr. Piganell, which is to be signed by the Chairman of the County Commissioners. Roll call vote taken: 1VIr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes Motion carried unanimously. P. E. P. Program: Mr. Piganell stated that this was a request for technical assistance from the Manpower Administration to resolve the bookkeeping records to close out the Section 6 of the Public Employment Program, which has been in existence since 1970. Mr. Piganell then read a letter directed to the Manpower Administration: The Office of Manpower Planning is currently attempting to close out Section 6 of the Public Employment Program. To do so all bookkeeping matters must be resolved, and at present the Manpower staff does not have the accounting expertise to resolve the bookkeeping records for audit purposes. Therefore, request that the Office of Manpower Planning be authorized to contact the Manpower Administration for technical assistance to reconcile the records. The records must be reconciled before Section 6 PEP can be closed out, and equally important, is the forthcoming federal audit is scheduled for January, to audit the PEP Program in its entirety. Therefore, all bookkeep- ing matters must be resolved by that time. / s / John A. Piganell Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board authorize Mr. Piganell to make the necessary requests to the Manpower Administration for technical assistance as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes Motion carried unanimously. q! a BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Mr. Piganell stated that he would like to write a letter for the Board of Commissioners _to be directed to the Manpower Administration as per the above authorization for the necessary expertise on November 14, 1974. Old Business: Concerning Mrs. Julia Lobozzo's request asking the County for assistance in her welfare work, Mr. Whalen reported that we have sent out inquiries to various state offices relative to any existing grant applications. Mr. Whalen then read a letter dated November 7, 1974 from Senator Austin J. Murphy. Said letter stated that according to both the Department of Public Welfare and the Department of Labor and Industry, no grant application exists on behalf of Mrs. Lobozzo, and further stated if she still wishes to apply for a state grant she must first contact Mr. David Williams in Harrisburg. Remarks: Chairman suggested that Mrs. Lobozzo should be contacted and informed of this letter. Concerning the abandonment of the Hawkins Bridge, Solicitor Bigi presented a petition to the Board for execution. Mr. Bigi stated that a copy of this petition was sent to the Solicitor of Greene County with a letter suggesting that they draw up a like petition to present to their court for an order. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board authorize and execute the petition presented by Mr. Bigi as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes Motion carried unanimously. Concerning the No. 22 Covered Bridge in Somerset Township, Mr. Bigi presented a petition to abandon the bridge. Mr. Bigi stated that the Supervisors of Somerset Township wish to take the Bridge over because of its historical significance. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board authorize and execute the petition to abandon the said bridge as presented by Mr. Bigi. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes Motion carried unanimously. Concerning the Catsburg- Project, Solicitor Gilmore reported that as soon as Mr. Tempest gets the deed sent to Monongahela and a closing date is set up, all we need to do is come up with the funds. Concerning the Ferry Commission, Mr. Bigi reported that a resolution and articles of incorporation were being typed; and after being completed, they will be sent to Fayette County for their perusal. MINUTE BOOK 581 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO. COMMISSIONERS L 1 1 Concerning the demolition of a house in Smith Township, Mr. Gilmore reported that we are waiting for the return of a resolution from the school district and town- ship; and we can then give approval. Correspondence: (Bills) Chief Clerk informed the Board of the receipt of the following checks: 1. Equibank - Redemption of C. D. #C18964 - ck. #865077 Principle $720, 900. 00 Interest $ 14,475. 30 Fiscal Assistance Trust Fund Acct. TOTAL $735,375.30 2. Equibank - Rdemption of C.D. Is #C21052 and C18802 - ck. #865085 #C21052 Principle $341, 000. 00 Interest $ 6,644.76 #C18802 Principle $345, 000. 00 Interest $ 10, 220.40 TOTAL $702, 865.16 Fiscal Assistance Trust Fund 3. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania - ck. $44-718261 - First and final payment on Agreement No. 24-A-72-4 between County of Washington and Commonwealth of Pennsylvania - $13, 000. 00 4. Pittsburgh National Bank - ck. #524116 - Weekend Repurchase Agreement Principle $750, 000. 00 Interest $ 600.78 General Fund TOTAL $ 750, 666. 78 Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the following bills be authorized for payment: 1. Engelhardt -Power and Associates, Inc. - $225. 00 - County Home Site 2. Chase Enterprises - $535. 00 - for electrical relocation at Donaldson Supply, Chartiers Creek Unit 2A 3. GAL Construction - $1, 394.40 - RE: Jefferson Avenue Bridge - Extra Work 4. GAL Construction - $760. 20 - RE: Jefferson Avenue Bridge - Extra Work Concerning the two bills from GAL Construction, Mr. Whalen stated that the amount of $1, 394. 40 is payable from the Liquid Fuels Escrow Account and the amount of $760. 20 is payable from the Capital Reserve Account, which was authorized by Clay Graham. Remarks: Mr. Paluso stated that the change work order should be authorized by the Board prior to the contractor being told to do tie work. It was suggested that these two bills be held in abeyance until a change order is made up. Roll call vote taken: Nlr. Jones - Yes; ?&. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk informed the Board of a budgetary transfer -to , Account 117-2-11 Account 1499 in the amount of $20, 250. 00. MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board approve the budget transfer as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk informed the Board of a notification dated November 7, 1974 received from Pittsburgh National Bank concerning the Washington County 1974 Bond Issue Account. Said notification stated that the semi-annual interest payment in the amount of $153,122. 50 will be due on or before December 1, 1974. Remarks: Mr. Flynn stated that his secretary will be instructed to send a notice to the members of the Sinking Fund Commission scheduling a meeting next Thursday, November 21, 1974. Chief Clerk read a letter dated November 6, 1974 from the Comprehensive Health Planning Association of Western Pennsylvania, Inc. Said letter referred to the financial support provided to the Association by County governments for the fiscal year April 1, 1974 to March 31, 1975, and stated that this support has been a valuable assest in continuing effective regional health planning. Said letter also requested that the Commissioners include an amount equal to three cents per capita in the county budget as an investment in local health planning and asked that the Commissioners provide $6, 500 in the budget to assure that Washington County will be a contributing partner. Also included in the letter were two copies of their Annual Report. Chief Clerk informed the Board of an invitation from the Washington County Emergency Medical Services Council to attend the First Continuing Education Seminar for Emergency Department Nurses, Industrial and School Nurses and Public Health Nurses, on November 19th and 20th, 1974 at the Washington Hilton Inn. Chief Clerk read a letter dated November 6, 1974 from Frank Gavlik & Sons, Inc. General Contractors regarding slide repair - V estaburg - Mexico Road, V estaburgh, Pa. directed to the Borough of Centerville. Said letter stated that in accordance with Section 109. 0 (b) of Penn Dott Specifications Form 408, the Contractors were requesting that the engineer of the Borough of Centerville authorize Frank Gavlik to proceed with the work at the prevailing contract unit costs. Said letter also stated that the contract approximate quantities for excavation, backfill and cribbing were underestimated. Remarks: Mr. Jones stated that this is the slide which we provided the Liquid Fuels money for, and that they had gone down to look at the slide. Mr. Flynn stated that we had made an appropriation and a supplemental appropriation to them, and that we could anticipate what is ahead of us concerning this matter. P 583 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS C 1 E Chief Clerk read a letter dated November 6, 1974 from toe Borough of New Eagle concerning the Byers Memorial Library of Monongahela. Said letter stated that the library would like to expand their facilities, and requested that the Commissioners consider in next year's budget a grant of 25� per each resident in the communities which the library serves. Chief Clerk read a letter dated November 7, 1974 from the Department of Housing and Urban Development regarding Title i of the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 which makes special provision for funding Urban Counties. Said letter stated that Washington County may be able to qualify for a basic grant and' stated that the potential basic grant amount for the first year is $691, 000. They also stated if the Commissioners decide to pursue this matter, that the deadline for submission of an application to HUD is April 15, 1974. Also with the letter was a copy of the Act and draft regulations as published in the Federal Register. Remarks: Mr. Flynn stated that he had received a communication from Mr. Charles Clark, Chairman of the Board of the Washington County Redevelopment Authority relating to this same subject, but he had not had a chance to peruse it. Mr. Whalen stated that Mr. Bill Sember was also looking into this matter. Chief Clerk read a bulletin from Southwestern Pennsylvania Regional Planning Commission dated November 5, 1974 announcing a public meeting to be held on November 14, 1974 to discuss the recreation policy questions which were enclosed with the letter. Bulletin also stated that the attached policy questions were formulated by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Office of State Planning and Development, and the responses will be utilized in updating the State Comprehensive Outdoor Recreation. Plan. Remarks: Mr. Jones suggested that Mike George of Parks and Recreation and Mr. Bill Sember be notified to attend this meeting. 11:00 a. m. - Opening of Bids for Site Preparation of Extended Care Facility The following bids were opened and read by Deputy Controller Daniels: 1. Louis J. V iglinoe Pittsburgh, Pa. A bid bond from Continental Insurance Co. in the amount of $50, 000 accompanied the bid. Total amount of bid: $484, 000 2. McAnallen Brothers= Route 18 Washington, Pa. A bid bond from Aetna Casualty Company for 10% of base bid accompanied the bid. Total amount of bid: $586, 0 00 3. Louis McMaster, Inc. 460 Valley Brook Road McMurray, Pa. MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS A bid bond from the Pennsylvania National Mutual Casualty Insurance Company in the amount of $99, 000 accompanied the bid. Total amount of bid: $990, 000 4. Sherwood Builders, Inc, 121 Wilhaven Road McMurray, Pa. (Mr. Bigi stated that Peerless Insurance Co. had failed to attach a bid bond to the bid. ) Total amount of bid: $965, 000 5. Dick Corporation Route 51 Pittsburgh, Pa. A bid bond from the American Casualty Co. in the amount of $55, 000 accompanied the bid. Total amount of bid: $526, 000 6. Ram Construction Co. Routes 19 & 519 Canonsburg, Pa. A bid bond from the American States Insurance Company in the amount of $45, 000 accompanied the bid. Total amount of bid: $444, 000 Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the bids be tabled subject to perusal by the Solicitor and County Engineer and then take the necessary action based upon their recommendations. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes Motion carried unanimously. Concerning the bulletin which was read earlier in the meeting regarding a public meeting to be held by the Southwestern Pennsylvania Regional Planning Commission, Mr. Whalen reported that Mr. Sember had been contacted, and he had stated that both he and Mr. George had participated in all of the planning processes; and also stated that it would be no avail for them to attend this meeting. (Mr. Mascara entered the meeting.) Chief Clerk read a letter dated November 7, 1974 from James B. Allen, Chemical Engineer regarding air pollution in Washington County. Mr. Allen stated that he had noticed a considerable amount of smog in Washington and suggested that the Commissioners give consideration to establishing an Air Pollution Control Board on a County wide basis to monitor the air and to have authority to close down industry and other pollution sources in the event that the quality of the air endangers human health. Remarks: Mr. Flynn stated that the Department of Environmental Resources has a air monitering system in the Jail facilities, which is read periodically. He also questioned if Washington County, as MINUTE 1300K r E30ARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK .ZONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS C I a fourth class county, had the same authority regarding air pollution as Allegheny County. Mr. Jones stated that we had tried to set up controls of our own, and was informed by Mr. Sember and the Department of Environmental Resources that we could, but the cost would be too monumental. Chief Clerk reported that a request had been received from the Washington County Advisory Committee for Child Welfare Services to review a proposed change in their by-laws and attached a copy for each Commissioner. Remarks: Mr. Flynn stated that he had reviewed the revised by-laws throughly, but had one question concerning Article IV - B which stated the Chairman of the Advisory Board in consultations with the Executive Director shall plan the agenda. Mr. Flynn stated that the revised by-law stated that the Executive Director shall plan the agenda in consultation with the Chairman. Mr. Flynn further stated he had discussed this with Miss Abel, and she had stated that this wa; immaterial as long as the Board functions. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Jones, that the Board approve the revised by-laws as presented by the Washington County Advisory Committee for Child Welfare Service: and also noting the Board was aware of the conflict in Article IV-B. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk informed the Board of a letter from the Washington County Industrial Development Agency requesting to increase allocation for the development of the Speers Industrial site, from $100, 000 to $125, 000. Mr. Whalen stated that this increase is necessary due to a revised plan for the installation of the water line. The Agency originally thought they could come underneath Route 70, but this was not permissable, so an alternate plan had to be put in use. Mr. Whalen further stated that this program is funded to the point that this can be accomplished without any problem. j Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board approve the request to increase allocation from $100, 000 to $125, 000 made by the industrial Development Agency as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk read a letter dated November 4, 1974 from the Department of Environmental Resources regarding Flood Control District No. 40. Letter enclosed six of an Amended Agreement between the Department and the County of Washington encumbering an additional $200, 000 to District No. 40 for the Chartiers Creek Local Flood Protection Project, Canonsburg -Houston Reach, Washington County. Letter also stated that since the maximum encumbrance under Article XIII is now more than double the amount of the present County Treasurer's Surety Bond, a new Surety Bond covering the amount of $200, 000 will now be required. 1 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES. JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Jones, that the Board execute the six copies of the Amended Agreement and authorize the Chief Clerk to take the necessary steps to increase the required bond to the required limits as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes Motion carried unanimously. (Disposition of Records) Regarding the attempt being made to develop as much space as possible in the Courthouse, Mr. Whalen reported that the Commissioners office has prepared a memorandum to all offices concerned, giving them the up,to-date schedules as approved by the Common- wealth. He further stated that hopefully by complying with this, we can gain some storage space. (Authorization to Advertise) Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Washington County Commissioners be authorized to advertise for bids for shelving for the Law Library. Said bids to be received in the office of the County Controller until 11:00 a. m. Prevailing Time, Thursday, , 1974, and opened immediately thereafter in the office of the County Commissioners. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk read a letter dated November 8, 1974 from Mss Abel of Child Welfare Services advising the Board that Herbert J. Caponi, Caseworker, will be receiving a salary increase on November 11, 1974 from an annual salary of $ 9; 011. 00 to $ 9, 454. 00. Said letter stated that this increment is based on Mr. Caponi's Performance Evaluation Report signed by the Commissioners. (It was suggested that this letter be forwarded to the Personnel Office. ) Chief Clerk informed the Board of a letter dated November 12, 1974 received from Metro Petrosky of Adult Welfare Services. Mr. Petrosky requested that Miss Debbie DeSt Senior Citizen Center Coordinator, and Kathy Miller be authorized to attend a conference in Harrisburg on November 18th and 19th regarding senior citizen centers and new housing programs for the elderly. Mr. Petrosky had informed Mr. Whalen that he did have the necessary budgetary funds to cover this matter. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board authorize the attendance of Miss Debbie DeStefano and Kathy Miller at the two day conference in Harrisburg as per above. Roll call vote taken: , 1 Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes Motion carried unanimously.l - MINUTE BOOK 96M E30ARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Mr. Whalen informed the Board of another item regarding the Adult Senior Citizens Center at Monongahela, and stated that due to redevelopment they are forced to make a move. Mr. Whalen further stated that at the present time the County is paying $125. 00 a month rent and that the Center has located a spot to move at a rental of $175. 00 per month. He reported that half of this rent would be paid by the Mon Valley United Health Services and half by the County, so this move will actually reduce the County rent from $125. 00 to $87. 50. Mr. Whalen stated that this move will be made'on January 1, 1975 and the necessary papers will have to be drawn up by that time. Chairman recommended that this be referred to Mr. Bigi for his perusal. Chief Clerk informed the Board of an invitation received to the Annual Banquet) and Stockholders Meeting of the West Alexander Agricultural Association on November 21, 1974 7:00 p. m. at the Claysville Grange Hall. Chief Clerk informed the Board that he had received a request for approval from the Purchasing Office for an IBM Maintenance Agreement for the Adult Welfare office. Mr. Whalen stated that the annual maintenance charge is $42. 00. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board approve the IBM Maintenance Agreement for the Adult Welfare office as per above. New Business: Solicitor: Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes Motion carried unanimously. Chairman informed the news media of a News Release which read as follows: The Washington County Board of Commissioners announced today that contracts have been signed with the Washington Institute of Technology to train 42 Structural Steel Layout students. The, first class of 14 students will begin on Monday, November 18, 1974. Mr. Michael Flynn, Chairman of the Board of County Commissioners stated that this was the first of several contracts to be awarded to train people to fill the job skill shortages that. exist within the county. These training schools as well as other Manpower programs currently in progress, are all possible from funds received from the Comprehensive Employment and Training Act of 1973. To date, over 200 people have been employed in Public Service positions by the county and municipalities throughout the county as well as people obtaining work -experience in non profit organizations. The Office of Manpower Planning, who is responsible for administrating the CETA Program, is developing other programs to help alleviate the unemployment condition that exist within the county. These programs will be announced as additional funds are received from the U. S. Department of Labor. t Mr. Bigi informed the Board that he had received notices of several propertie from Louis Furman of the Real Estate Department. Mr. Bigi stated that a sale of these properties will be held in court on November 25, 1974 at 3:00 p. m. He further stated that the MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN. FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Board could look over these, but that no action was necessary. Tax Refunds• Solicitor Bigi presented to the Board 25 tax refunds to the Board for their consideration and approval. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Tax Assessment office be authorized to prepare the following tax refunds due to either duplication or overpayment of real estate or personal property taxes, with the stipulation that Mr. Paluso be relieved of giving approval for his relatives tax refund: 1. Austin C. & Margaret Shipe 421 Washington Ave. 1974 County Tax Charleroi, Pa. 15022 District: Charleroi - Deed Book Reference: 1319-0546 District Number: 160 - Section Number: 19 - Parcel Number: 26 Amount: $188.10 2. Austin & Margaret Shipe 421 Washington Ave. 1972, 73, 74 County Tax Charleroi, Pa. 15022 District: Charleroi - Deed Book Reference: 1319-0549 District Number: 160 - Section Number: 19 - Parcel Number: 26 Amount: $236.96 3. First Federal Savings,& Loan Assn. (for Allen J. & Anna Mae Cushey) 77 S. Main St. 1974 County Tax Washington, Pa. District: Peters - Deed Book Reference: 1443-0067 District Number: 54 - Section Number: 5 - Parcel Number: 68-1 Amount: $59.38 4. Madelyn L. Subrick R. D. 3, Box 38 Eighty Four , Pa. 15330 District: Nottingham - District Number: 530 - Amount: $25.81 1974 County Tax Deed Book Reference: 1363-0038 Section Number: 11-3 - Parcel Number: 12-2 5. Second Fed. Savings & Loan Ass'n. (for Fred A. Nichols) 335 Fifth Avenue 1974 County Tax Pittsburgh, Pa. 15222 District: Peters - Deed Book Reference: 1287-1086 District Number: 540 - Section Number: 10 - Parcel Number: 258-1 Amount: $111.01 6. First Fed. Savings & Loan Ass'n. (for Richard Neil Johnson) 77 S. Main St. 1974 County Tax Washington, Pa. District: South Franklin - Deed Book Reference: 1215-05-6 District Number: 590 - Section Number: 12 - Parcel Number: 18 Amount: $ 74. 70 7. The Galbreath Mortgage Company_,of Pennsylvania 101 E. Town Street (for Boris J..& Arinett Gezzer) Columbus, Ohio 43215 1973 County Tax -District: Union - Deed Book Reference: 1123-0238 District Number: 640 - Section Number: 2 - Parcel Number: 149 Amount: $69.25 8. The Galbreath Mortgage Company of Pennsylvania 101 E. Town Street (for Gilbert E. & Marion Goldbach) Columbus, Ohio 43215 1973 County Tax District: Union - Deed Book Reference: 0917-0242 District Number: 640 - Section Number:- 10 - Parcel Number: 20 Amount: $71.82 11 L7 E MINUTE BOOK 589 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA _ MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK .ZONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS C 1 [i 9. The Galbreath Mortgage Company of Pennsylvania 101 E. Town Street (for George A. & Wanda Tracy) Columbus, Ohio 43215 1973 County Tax District: Peters - Deed Book Reference: 0928-0142 District Number: 540 - Section Number: 7 Parcer Number: 369 Amount: $71.82 10. The Galbreath Mortgage Co. of Pennsylvania 101 E. Town Street -(for Gilbert H. & Ruth E. Kamp) Columbus, Ohio 43215 1973 County Tax District: Peters - Deed Book Reference: ' 0931-0309 District Number: 540 - Section Number: 2 - Parcel Number: 30 Amount: $ 71. 82 11. I. Richman Co., Inc. 826 Washington Trust Bldg. 1972, 73, 74 County Tax Washington, Pa. 15301 District: Washington 7th Ward - Deed Book Reference: 1043-597 District Number: 770 - Section Number: 43 - Parcel Number: 16 Amount: $320.81 12. Beinhauer & Son. Co. 2630 W. Liberty Ave. 1973, 1974 County Tax Pittsburgh, Pa. 15200 District: Peters - Deed Book Reference: 1233-0348 District Number: 540 - Section Number: 3 - Parcel Number: 119 Amount: $195.44 1 13. Pioneer Trails, Inc. 180 Wilmont Ave. 1971, 72, 73, 74 County Tax Washington, Pa. 15301 District: North Franklin - Deed Book Reference: 1026-196 District Number: 510 - Section Number: 2 - Parcel Number: 25 Amount: $1, 804. 48 14.. Edward R. Paluso 601 McKean Avenue 1972, 73, 74 County Tax Charleroi, Pa. 15022 District: Charleroi - Deed Book Reference: 0878-0149 District Number: 160 - Section Number: 12 - Parcel Number: 123 Amount: $413.84 15. Jennie Meli 531 McKean Avenue 1972, 73, 74 County Tax Charleroi, Pa. 15022 District: Charleroi - Deed Book Reference: 0445-0440 & 1296-0813 District Number: 160 - Section Number: 19 - Parcel Number: 17 & 17- Amount: $ 2 06. 92 16. Margaret S. & Margaret L. Lee 519 McKean Avenue 1972, 73, 74 County Tax Charleroi, Pa. 15022 District: Charleroi - Deed Book Reference: 1274-0777 District Number: 160 - Section Number: 19 - Parcel Number: 22 Amount: $216.85 17. Herbert & Sylvia Krause 1513 Jones Avenue 1972, 73, 74 County Tax Monessen, Pa. 15062 District: Charleroi - Deed Book Reference: 1210-0374 District Number: 160 - Section Number: 19 - Parcel Number: 10 Amount: $520.42 18. Frank Kocevar 536 McKean Ave. Charleroi, Pa. 15022 District: Charleroi - District Number: 16 Amount: $728.36 1972, 73, 74 County Tax Deed Book Reference: 570-402 & 608-650 - Section Number: 19 - Parcel Number: 13 & 14 19. Robert J. Fannie G. Keaser 509 McKean Ave, 590 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES. JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Charleroi, Pa. 15022 1972; 73, 74 County Tax District: Charleroi - Deed Book Reference: 1233-0402 District Number: 160 - Section Number: 19 - Parcel Number: 6 Amount: $191.22 20. Mollie H. Hamerash 523 McKean Ave. 1972, 73, 74 County Tax Charleroi, Pa. 15022 District: Charleroi - Deed Book Reference: 1275-0348 District Number: 160 - Section Number: 19 - Parcel Number: 20 Amount: $286.33 21. Rego O. Giorgi et ux et al, c/o Melvin B. Bassi 701 McKean Ave. 1972, 73, 74 County Tax Charleroi, Pa. 15022 District: Charleroi - Deed Book Reference: 1326-1031 & 1326-1034 District Number: 160 - Section Number: 19 - Parcel Number: 15 Amount: $522.50 22. Robert C. & Madlyn M Arthurs 129 Maple Terrace, Mapleview 1972 and 1973 County Tax Charleroi, Pa. 15022 District: Charleroi - Deed Book Reference: 1115-0307 District Number: 160 - Section Number: 19 - Parcel Number: 8 Amount: $135.36 23. Norman & Dolores V . Alterici 522 McKean Ave. 1972, 73, 74 County Tax Charleroi, Pa. 15022 District: Charleroi - Deed Book Reference: 1236-0175 District Number: 160 - Section Number: 19 - Parcel Number: 9 Amount: $119.13 24. William B. Sharp et al' 360 Washington Road Washington, Pa. 15301 District: South Strabane District Number: 600 - Amount: $1, 943.18 1971, 72, 73, 74 County Tax Section Number: 5 - Parcel Number: 222-2 25. Former Owner: New Owner: Allison, Frank J. & Helen L. Sziminski, Sergie & Linda First Fed. Savings & Loan Ass'n. 1973 County Tax 77 S. Main Street Washington, Pa. 15301 District: Smith - Deed Book Reference: 1300-0804 District Number: 570 - Section Number: 21 - Parcel Number: 5-3 Amount: $60.53 Remarks: Mr. Flynn asked if the majority of the refunds for the years 1972, 1973 and 1974 were manda by court order. Mr. Gilmore replied that all of the ones that are more than one year are mandated by court order and the others are duplications. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes Motion carried unanimously. Concerning the resignation of Mr. Joseph Mascaro, Mr. Flynn recommended that the Board appoint Mrs. Mildred Farrah to the position previously held by Mr. Muscaro, and also appoint Miss Judy Capitani to the position previously held by Mrs. Farrah, effective as of October 28, 1974. Ll P Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr, Paluso, that the Board approve the appointments as per above. MINUTE BOOK 591 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes Motion carried unanimously. Meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: - November 14, 1974 ATTE CHIEF CLERK L V u n