HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 31 - 7-27-1972 - COMMISSIONER254 MINUTE ROOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASH NGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso that the meeting adjourn. Meeting -adjourned, THE FOREGOING MINUTE.READ AND APPROVED: ATTEST: Minute No. 31 , 1972 CHIEF CLERK -J-.4J-J.J.J.J.J.J-.4J.J-.4 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., July 27, 1972 The Board of County Commissioners met• in regular session with the following members being present: Commissioners Jones, Paluso, and Flynn. Also present being: Chief Clerk Murphy; Administrative Assistant Whalen; County Solicitor Capano; Reporter Robertson of The Observer -Reporter; and Reporter Roule and Mr. Cooper from The Mononga- hela Publishing Company. Meeting called to order by Chairman and roll call taken: Mr. Jones - Present; Mr, Paluso - Present; Mr. Flynn - Present. Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions, or omissions to Minute No. 30, each Commissioner having received a copy. as read. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that Minute No. 30 be approved, Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Old Business - Mr. Jones - Report on flood conditions in the County Mr. Jones: In regards to the flooding conditions, on July 26 I met with Senator Murphy in Monessen. The people from the Employment Office were there from the different areas. They came up with a new program to help the flood victims in Washington County and surrounding areas. The money comes from the Federal government. The Employment Office distributes it. They put this money in a so-called, SPEED Program (Special Program Emergency Employ- ment Development) and the program is set up for 8 weeks at $2. 00 an hour, male or female, and may go up to 40 hours a week. It is $80 clear - no taxes taken out. The program provides manpower. It doesn't provide equipment or materials. It is for clean-up, restoration, and demolition. The man from the Greensburg Office is James C. Frye, He said that there are approximately 150 jobs available to us. Working in conjunction with this, I called John Yuhas MINUTE BOOK 255 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS and Eugene Tenaglia, and we made an inspection of the different areas. I have a list here of the areas that we are going to take to the meeting on July 27 - Chartiers Creek, Houston, Midland, Washington, and Ten Mile Creek. Correspondence - Mr. Murphy Chief Clerk informed the Board of the receipt of the following checks from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: 1. Ck. #43-1047778 - in the amount of $5, 219. 85 - for Third Ward Day Care Contract #1072 - for the month of March 1972. 2. Ck. #43-1047779 - in the amount of $1, 857. 31 - for Third Ward Day Care Contract #1072 - for the month of April 1972. 3. Ck. #81-1041730 - in the amount of $55, 609.00 - for payments to counties for Child Welfare services for the period ending June 30, 1972. 4. Ck. #43-1048357 - in the amount of $2, 324. 77 - for Contract #851 - Mon Valley United Health Services. (Bills) for payment: Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the following bills be approve I 1. Cha-pman Plumbing & Heating Co. - $80, 213. 49 - Estimate #2, for Heating Revisions & Air -Conditioning Addition & Related Work at Washington County Courthouse. 2. Carl G. Baker and Associates - $4, 012. 65 - for engineering services for design of new boiler for Home for Aged Women and architectural and en- gineering services for renovations to the Courthouse and Heating Plant for the Courthouse and Jail, 3. Michael Baker, Jr., Inc. - $962. 50 - Liquid Fuels Account - for construction contract plans and specifications for Jefferson Avenue Bridge; and (4) $1, 360 for field and office work in connection with the placement of Jefferson Avenue Bridge. 5. U. S. Department of Agriculture - Soil Conservation Service - $14.47 - for salaries and expenses of personnel under agreement for Engineering Services, Harmon Creek Site PA-481. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. (Budget Request) Chief Clerk informed the Board oftheRedevelopment Authority of the County of Washington's request for $20, 837. 50 of the 1972 County budget; said request being the third quarterly payment. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of July 20, 1972, from Walter M. Maravich, Michael Baker, Jr., In c. - SUBJECT: Washington County Airport Runway Extension and Lighting - Project No. 9-36-043-D904. Correspondence enclosed eight (8) copies of Form FAA 5100-6, Application for Grant Payment No. 7 - Semi Final in the amount of $8, 995.12 which require the Contracting Officer's signature. Correspondence also enclosed a copy of 2� MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASH NGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK .ZONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Forms FAA-1629, Periodic Cost Estimate and FAA-1630, Summary of Project Costs, and a Statement of Engineering Costs. Correspondence stated that processing of this payment appli- cation will depend on the Federal Aviation Agencies ruling on Land and Approach clearing which has yet to be settled on this project. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, authorizing the Chairman of the Board to sign said applications as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of July 20, 1972, from Ronald J. Murtha, Chief (Engineer, Transportation Divisions, Michael Baker, Jr., Inc., which stated that the plans for the Jefferson Avenue Bridge in Canonsburg have been approved by the State; and said Company is working on the technical specification and contract document in prepara- tion for bidding on this project. Correspondence stated that said Company should have written approval from Leonard Lucas of the Corps of Engineers, approving the bridge construction being done before the Chartiers Creek widening is done by the Corps. Correspondence then stated that it seems that the old bridge should not be taken down until the Canonsburg High School football schedule is completed in November, but that the advertising and bidding should be done in September and October in order to get a better price while the contractors are not busy. This way the contractor can remove the bridge after November and start working on the new abutments during the lower water in Chartiers Creek in the winter. He can also work on the structural steel members of the bridge in his shop and have them ready to erect when the new abutments are done. Correspondence further stated that based on the approval letter from Mr. Lucas, it is suggested that the contract should be advertised during the month of Septem- ber, 1972, and bid on near the end of October, 1972, and that the contract should be completed by August 1, 1972. Mr. Flynn: Until such time that we receive approval from the Corps of Engineers, it would be fruitless for us to say these dates would be agreeable. We will notify them that we have to wait for approval from the Corps of Engineers. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of July 21, 1972, from the Governor's Justice Commission which stated that the Southwest Regional Planning Council will be holding public hearings to assist said Commission in the development of their 1973 Comprehensive Plan. Correspondence also stated that on August 18, 1972,. a courtroom will be required for their hearing from 9:00 a.m. until 5:00 p.m. In conjunction with the above, Chief Clerk also read correspondence under date of July 21, 1972, from Martin J. O'Brien, Chairman, Governor's Justice Commission, which 1 1 MINUTE Boob 257 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS stated that the Governor's Justice Commission is an agency of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl- vania, established to administer the distribution of funds, allocated by Congress under the Safe Streets Act, for the improvement of criminal justice and the reduction of crime in the State. The funds are distributed to local units of government for these ,purposes. In order that the Commission properly administer such funding, the eight regions of the State must submit comprehensive plans earmarking the categories which the Regions feel are the most urgent and in which they feel the monies should be expended. Correspondence also stated that in order to gain greater perspective as to the placing of the proper priorities, the Southwest Regional Planning Council of the Governor's Justice Commission will hold public hearings in each of the eight counties that it serves. Correspondence then stated that the Commissioners and certain other citizens of the community are invited to appear at the hearing indicated to give their views; and if possible, to have some of the remarks prepared in advance. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of July 18, 1972, from Metro Pe- trosky, Jr., Director, Office of Human Services, which stated that to increase the service capacity of the Washington County Office of Aging, the institution of a new function will com- mence on July 17, 1972, Correspondence then stated the following: "In brief, we will endeavor to carry our services to more and more individuals throughout the County. Based on past experience, we find that a more effective way to do this is to go into the respective communi- ties and make the services more readily available to the people. With this in mind, we are placing our Information and Referral Caseworker, Mr. George Coleman, at the various senior citizen centers two afternoons a week. He will be prepared to answer any and all questions pertaining to problems relating to the elderly. " It is the hope that by initiating this situation that s aid Office will be able to come in contact with more and more senior citizens throughout Washington County. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of July 14, 1972, from Frank S. Beal, Department of Public Welfare, which informed the Board of two changes in the United States Department of Agriculture's requirements for the Food Stamp Program that will increase administration costs in the latter part of this year. These changes and the estimated cost increase are: 1. Public Assistance Withholding. The estimated statewide cost increase for this provision is $109, 000.00 annually, and should cause only a minor increase in cost for each county. 2. Variable Purchase, which enables Food Stamp households to choose to purchase 1 /4, 1 /2, 3 /4 or all their monthly coupon allotment, could result in a substantial increase in total cost. The increased cost can be estimated by multiplying Item "C" on the Quarterly Statement of Administrative Costs by 40%. Correspondence further stated that these provisions are tentatively planned to be effective October 1, 1972. 258 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASH NGTON COUNTY, PENNSYL.VANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of July 24, 1972, from O. Bard Judy, District Conservationist, Soil Conservation Service, which attached a mpp showing the area that has been soil surveyed in Washington County as of June 30, 1972. Approximately 84% of the County is -complete. For, .the remainder of this calendar year, Hanover, Smith, and Am - well Townships will have been completed. The Soil Conservation Service's plans call for the completion of the County by December 31, 1973. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of July 21, 1972, from C. Victor Funk, Program Specialist, Department of Environmental Resources, which stated that the County's claim for reimbursement under this year's Small Watershed Agreement contract has been sent to the Comptroller's Office for payment. Correspondence also stated this this process may take several weeks and the Commissioners can expect payment some time in the near future. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of July 19, 1972, from Oliver N. Hor- mell which stated that the General Assembly has passed the following legislation: "ACT NO. 90 - VOTERS' REGISTRATION OFFICE - OPEN - SATURDAYS. Amends "The County Code, " 16 P. S. 2301, 1, by providing that voters registration office shall be open during ordinary business hours on the two Saturdays prior to termination of registration prior to the primary and general and municipal, elections. EFFECTIVE JUNE 1, 1972. " Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of July 21, 1972, from Jack H. France of the Law Offices of Murphy and France, which thanked Mr. Flynn for allowing Mr. France to appear at the July 20, 1972,• meeting in regard to the mine refuse disposal area the United States Steel Corporation plans to locate -in Carroll Township. Mr. France enclosed a copy of the protest that they have filed on behalf of Carroll Township. Correspondence stated that it is urged that the County Commissioners also give consideration in providing financial and pro- fessional aid to Carroll Township in this matter. Professional aid will be necessary in the way of securing opinions of environmental experts from throughout the country as to the effect that this dump will have on the air and water in Carroll Township as well as the very land itself in that a large tract of primary agricultural land will be for all purposes forever removed from cultivation. In conclusion, correspondence stated that it is urged that the Commissioners consider giving their moral support by filing a protest and also come to their aid financially so that they may secure the necessary professional assistance in combating the encroachment of a large corporation onto land that is so vital. Mr. Flynn: I would suggest that we turn this- over to our Legal Department for their opinions. Mr. Paluso: I think that in the meantime, we should offer them the services of any of the County's agencies, such as the Planning Commission, Soil Conservation Service, and so on, so that they can Tet any information they need for their side of the case. So I think we should write them a letter and tell them that any County agencies are available for their use in this particular case. MINUTE BOOK 259 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Mr. Whalen - Harmon Creek Flood Control Sites Mr. Whalen: On Sites 482 and 479 there is some maintenance work to be done. We made a field inspection on that a week ago with Mr. David B. Miller, and I have discussed the matter with him at length on the phone. Then I talked to Mr. Judy from the Soil Conservation Service, and they both felt that in order that everyone be satisfied and that no work be done that wasn't really necessary that it would be very advisable for Mr. Judy and his engineer to meet with Mr. Miller. They will go over the project, hopefully, yesterday or today. The other item involves Harmon Creek. We reported last week on the slide down there adjacent to this other dam site. There isn't -any water in this dam, and the Soil Conserva- tion Service says that neither they nor the County have any responsibility whatsoever in connec- ion with that slide, That is strictly a Township problem, The condition existed long before the dam was put in, and they will absolutely not consider it either as their responsibility or the County's. The Township should be notified. Mr. Flynn: Whose responsibility is it to notify the Township? Mr. Whalen: As soon as Mr. Judy gets finished with this inspection, he is coming in to talk about this. I think this is a point that we should clear with him. Maybe it should be a joint statement - by them and by the County. Solicitor Capano then presented to the Board for their -consideration and approval a Resolution whereby the sum of $20, 000. 00 be appropriated to Account #102-2-11 for the ex- press purpose of funding the Labor Relations Consultant Contract; which consists of retainer, fees, and necessary expenses, which sum shall be transferred from Account #1499. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, adopting the above Resolution transferring the sum of $20, 000. 00 from Account 11499 to Account #102-2-11 as per above, Roll call vote taken: Mr, Jones - Yes; Mr, Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chairman Flynn stated that since the last meeting, he received a letter from Mr. Meneskie, International Representative, AFSCME. Mr. Meneskie desires to meet with the Commissioners relating to the contract with the Bridge Department, and he indicated that he would like to have contract negotiations for the remainder of this year only (for a five -month period). Mr. Flynn stated that he immediately replied to the gentleman, and told him that the Commissioners have retained the services of Mr. Felice as their Labor Consultant. (Medical Task Force) Mr. Whalen: The newly formed Washington County Medical Task Force for Infirm and Institu- tional Housing has now been firmed up, and Mr. Cook and Mr. Lombardi have been notified that the Board took action to confirm their appointments as co-chairmen; and the members of the 260 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASH NGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Task Force has been notified of their membership. They anticipate getting underway shortly. On the .Utilization Review Program at the two County Homes, there will be a meeting at 5:30 p, m, this afternoon with the Medical Staff of both Homes at the Holiday Inn. Administrative Assistant Whalen informed the Board and all those present that the Washington County Planning Commission is holding an Open House of their office and facilities on August 15, 1972, between the hours of 3:00 and 5:00 p.m. (Appointment of Civil Defense Director) Chairman read correspondence. under date of July 19, 1972, from Governor Milton J. Shapp in which he appointed Mr. Frank Jones; Jr., as Director of Civil Defense for the County of Washington. Chairman also read correspondence from Richard Gerstell, Director of Civil Defense, State Council of Civil Defense, Harrisburg, which informed Mr. Frank Jones Jr., that his Area Director will be Mr. Richard T. Davies, Western Area Director, State Council of Civil Defense, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Indiana, Pennsylvania. Corres- pondence stated that in all probability, Mr. Davies will soon contact Mr. Jones in order to acquaint him with added details of his work and to assist him in furthering the development of his county organization. (Field Registrations) Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the following Field Registrations for the General Election to be held on November 7, 1972, from the hours of 1:00 to 5:00 and 6:00 to 9:00 p.m. be approved: August 1, 19,72 East Bethlehem August 2, 1972 California August 3, 1972 Monongahela August 4, 1972 Bentleyville August 7, 1972 Peters Township August 8, 1972 McDonald August 8, 1972 Cecil Township August 9, 1972 Fallowfield Township August 10, 1972 Centerville August 11, 1972 Burgettstown August 14, 1972 Charleroi August 15, 1972 Donora August 15, 1972 Carroll Township August 16, 1972 Dunlevy August 17, 1972 Monongahela Township Building (Fredericktown) Borough Building City Building Borough Building Municipal Building Borough Building Muse Fire Hall Fire Hall Richeyville Fire Hall Borough Building Borough Building Borough Building Valley Inn Fire Hall Evangl. & Methodist (Church Basement) City Building F E MINUTE B❑❑K 261 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS August 18, 1972 August 24, 1972 August 25, 1972 Remarks: Canonsburg Union Township West Brownsville Borough Building Township Building (Gastonville ) Borough Building 1 to 5 Blainesburg School 6 to 9 Mr. Paluso: I think we should also write to the superintendents or principals of the various high schools and the two colleges in the County requesting a proposal from them as to date and time we can have the field registration people at that particular school. Mr. Murphy: I talked with Mr. Muscaro, and that is being done by Mrs. Farrah. They have requested the high schools and two colleges to make arrangements at their convenience. Mr. Paluso: I suggest that we send a letter saying that perhaps an assembly could be held to explain to these people who is eligible and what they have to do, and then immediately after the assembly have the field registrars there. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously, (Field Registrars) be approved: Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr.- Paluso, that the following Field Registrar" Thomas Poglisi - Donora, Pa. Till Mackey --Union Township Mrs. Osterand - Union Township Rose Churray - Canonsburg, Pa. Betty Smutney - Smith Township Suzanne Raggi - Slovan, Pa. Yolanda Sedan -_ Union Township Jo Anne Malena - Monongahela, Pa. Betty Rutan - North Charleroi, Pa. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. - Mr. Hormell entered the meeting. Solicitor - Mr. Capano Solicitor Capano presented to the Board for their consideration and approval an Agreement Revesting Title in Condemnee - IN RE: Condemnation of Lands and Property of Mabel Alberta Reid. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Agreement Revesting Title in Condemnee as per above be approved and executed by the Board of County Commissioners. Roll call vote,taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously.