HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 35 - 8-24-1972 - COMMISSIONER284 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASH NGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK .TONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Mr, Jones - Yes; Mr, Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Safety sign - Ten Mile Creek Park Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso granting the request of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary and the United States Power Squadron to erect a boat safety and ski safety sign in Ten Mile Creek Park near the shoreline provided that the Auxiliary and Power Squadron assume all costs for the erection of said sign and that they keep the same in good maintenance and repair subject to the inspection by the Park Officials, Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr, Paluso - Yes; Mr, Flynn --Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chairman made note that there will be no regular board meeting on August 31, 1972 due to the fact that the Commissioners will be attending their annual convention. Minute No. 35 Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso that the meeting adjourn. Meeting adjourned. THE FOLLOWING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: ATTEST: CHIEF CLERK , 1972 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., August 24, 1972 The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following members being present: Commissioners Jones, Paluso and Flynn. Also present being: Chief Clerk Murphy; Administrative Assistant Whalen; County Solicitor Capano; Reporter Roule of the Monongahela Publishing Company; and Reporter Budinger of the Observe-r-Reporter. Meeting called to order by Chairman and roll call taken: Mr. Jones - Present; Mr. Paluso - Present; Mr. Flynn - Present. Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions or omissions to Minute No. 34, each member having received a copy. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that Minute No. 34 be approved, as read. E 1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS M 1 Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes, Motion carried unanimously. Reports - Mr. Whalen Mr. Whalen: I want to report to the Board on our venture in to Harrisburg yesterday on the Welfare hearing. It was a very sad state of affairs in that only four counties were represented at the hearing - those being Beaver, Chester, York and Washington counties. The hearing was conducted by Messrs. C. A. Cubbler and Glenn Johnson. The basic objections that were raised by all counties gets back to the utilization and review procedure. The, four counties were all in full agreement that this was not a practical situation for county nursing homes - it serves no purpose to review all the patients every thirty days when county anticipation,is long-range care and the average length of stay is pretty well established at 6-7 years. A new policy on admissions was attacked very strongly, too. Everyone has the same problem that we do on payment procedure. They are all 4 to 5 months late. Chester County charged the Welfare Department with very dictorial policies and they told the Welfare Department that they are forcing the counties back to the "poor- house concept. " They did say that they would have another public hearing in Harrisburg the latter part of September. Another serious complaint was raised over no official notice to the counties and they charged the Welfare Department for using the Pennsylvania Bulletin as a legal but devious means of notification. They told us that they would take our complaints under consideration and if there was anything that the state could do -on a• state level that would not be in conflict with the Federal Government that they would take all those things into consideration. The four counties did not like the idea of the local Board of Assistance offices being responsible for new admissions to the Homes - they felt that -should be a prerogative that should remain with the counties. In our final presentation, we quoted the 1971 and 1972 through July 31 figures and when we use our 1972 figures to substantiate our complaint of late payments, our home cost operation for 7 months was $653, 000. 00 and our medical assistance reimbursements to date were $21, 000. 00. That caused Mr. Cubbler to raise his eyebrows. I believe that,Mr., Cubbler will be present for the County Commis- sioners Convention next week and he is supposed to•be coming in prepared to answer all questions that are raised. Mr. Ron Godava entered the meeting. Mr. Murphy: On Mr. Muscaro and my trip to Harrisburg on August 17 & 18th in reference to voting - everything that was brought up at the meeting was proposed. Mr. Muscaro just informed me this morning that yesterday the Senate voted on the election material and the only thing that they .passed was the absentee voting. Mr. Muscaro is going { to have to take absentee ballots up until Friday and put them in a box and any ballots that 286 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASH NGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS come in after Friday and before Tuesday will have to be delivered to each precinct. Old Business - Mr, Capano (Earthslide Correction Bids) Mr. Capano: It came to my attention on Monday of this week that some confusion developed on the bidding for the earthslide correction at the County Airport. This was a matter which had been taken up and bids were received and the bid was accepted and awarded to the Gavlik Construction Company on October 7, 1971,. Notice went out to Gavlik on October 7, 1971, that the bid was awarded to said Company with a,certain provision which stated that the actual execution of the contract and performance of same and payment of same is contingent upon the County obtaining financial participation from sources other than County funds. Mr. Jones: I can give you an explanation of this. I went to New Cumberland to the FAA and I didn't know at that time that we were going to get the money. When I came back I didn't think that it was fair to the original contractor because I thought he would be under- bidding himself because of the 5% increases over the years. Mr. Gavlik called me the other day and I gave him the same explanation. But we did receive the money.. Mr. Capano: From the legal standpoint there was an acceptance which constitutes a valid contract. Therefore, the motion for re -bidding was not in order and should•be rescinded. The bid was awarded and will continue to be awarded to the Gavlik Construction Company. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the motion for the re- bidding for the Earth Slide Correction and Related Work at the Washington County Airport as Per Minute No. 33, dated August 10, 1972, be rescinded; and that said contract be continued to be awarded to GAVLIK CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, 114 Piersol Avenue, Bentleyville, Pennsylvania 15314, for the amount as set forth in their bid under date of October 7, 1971. Motion made upon the recommendation of the County Solicitor. Remarks: Mr. Capano: The newspapers have been notified to cancel the advertising and those per- spective bidders who had already picked up specifications have been notified by letter. We will officially notify Mr. Gavlik to proceed with the project. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Correspondence - Mr. Murphy (Checks) Chief Clerk informed the Board of the following checks which were received from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: i 1 1 (a) Ck. #56-1071293 in the amount of $89, 823. 07 for MAA Payment - 1970 - Men's Home MINUTE ■■ 28'7 BOARD OF_ COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS u (b) Ck. #56-1071294 in the amount of $15, 047.59 for MAA Payment - 1970 - Women's Home. (c) Ck. #55-1074137 in the amount of $3, 172. 30 for Child Welfare Services Invoice for the Month of March, 1972. (d) Ck. #55-1074188 in the amount of $1534. 05 for Child Welfare Services Invoice for the month of April, 1972. (e) Ck, #55-1074095 in the amount of $1968. 02 for. Child Welfare Services Invoice for the month of May, 1972. (f) Ck. #65-1077249 in the amount of $5371. 98 for 25% reimbursement from State Soil & Water Conservation Commission on Harmon Creek Watershed. Mr. Whalen: On items a & b - this is a very delayed situation. We have here an analysis prepared by the Department of Welfare. Basically what it calls for is that they are adjusting this from the previous rate to the current rate for the Homes. Even though the Homes were aware of the possibility that there was an adjustment for 1970 figures - no one really felt that it would be forthcoming. I talked to the other counties yesterday and they have received their adjustment checks also and none of them had any anticipation. Here we are in the latter days of August and the Commonwealth has not yet sent out their report forms for 1971. We have all of the figures ready. The forms are not ready yet as of yesterday. Normally, these cost analysis reports are submitted during the first quarter of the year for the previous year. On that basis we are going to run out of 1972 before we are furnished with the report forms for 1971. Mr. Paluso: I would like to suggest that for the record the Commissioners direct a written communication from the Office asking them whether it is their intention to pay the proper percentage in the proper fiscal year. Mr. Flynn: You raised a good point. (Bills) Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the following bills be approved for payment as indicated: (a) Carl G. Baker & Associates - $2, 814. 03 - Engineering Services rendered for design of new boiler for Home for Aged Women and Architectural and Engineering Services rendered in prQparing studies and recommendations for renovations to the Courthouse and renovations to the Heating Plant for the Courthouse and Jail. (2) Carl G. Baker & Associates - $1, 426. 32 - for progress in connection with implementation of Life Safety Code for Washington County Health Facilities. (3) Green Engineering Company - two bills in the amount of $3000. 00 each. Engineering Services in reference to preparation of a Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan for Washington County - Invoices dated June 15 and June 30, 1972. Total - $6000. 00 (4) . C, andy Interval - $5780. 44 - 50% of glasphalt roofing on Washington County Home for Aged Women. •• •• ormysmim BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASH NGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS (5) Southwestern Pennsylvania Regional Planning Commission - $4629. 20 - County's final installment on •its proportionate share of the Commission's Budget during the calendar year 1972. (6) Washington County Soil and Water Conservation District - $8000. 00 - Budget Request. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Sheriff Debreczeni entered the meeting. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of August 15, 1972, directed to Eugene Tenaglia, Bridge Engineer, from Michael Baker, Jr., Inc. - Ronald J. Murtha, P. E. , which endorsed prints of design drawings and contract documents for review and comment in reference to the Chartiers Creek Flood Protection Plan, Proposed Jefferson Avenue Bridge. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of August 18, 1972 from Mrs. Helene Wohlgemuth, Secretary - Department of Public Welfare, which clarified a check which was received for payments to counties for Child Welfare Services Programs. Said correspondence stated that said check was only a partial payment for the two quarters for the period January 1, 1972 through June 30, 1972. Correspondence stated that another check will be received in the amount of $44, 775.19 to complete the final payment for said period. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of August 16, 1972, from Mr. Charles Clark, Vice President of the Pittsburgh National Bank, which stated that on August 11, 1972, the Local Government Unit Debt Act went into effect. Correspondence stated that said Act replaces the Municipal Borrowing Act under which municipal entities formerly borrowed money on a Tax Anticipation basis or on that of a five year capital improvement plan. Correspondence informed the Commissioners of said Bank's intention of holding seminars to which municipal officers, school directors, business managers and solicitors are invited. Correspondence stated in conclusion that if anyone is interested, please advise said Bank and the necessary arrangements will be made. Mr. Paluso: I would suggest that the Solicitor and Mr. Whalen attend said seminars for a little background on this. Mr. Flynn: I would suggest that we notify Pittsburgh National Bank that we will have representatives available. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of August 16, 1972, from George H. Coneybeer, Chief Engineer - Westmoreland Engineering Company, Inc., which advised that a final inspection will be held to review work performed providing access to Washington Mall and Washington Plaza on August 25, 1972, at 1: 30 p. m. at the site. Correspondence requested representation from the Commissioner's Office at said inspection. E E MINUTE BOOK 289 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 1 J E Mr. Murphy: Mr. Tenaglia has received a copy of the above correspondence and will be present for said inspection. Mr. Paluso: Please inform Mr. Tenaglia that I will accompany him. (Budget Item) Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Jones, that the sum of $500. 00 be allocated to the Chartiers -Houston Community Library to aid in the supplementing of said Library's operating budget. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the sum of $300. 00 be allocated to the Charleroi Cemetery Company to aid in the rehabilitation and maintenance of War Veterans' graves. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. ;UDe,puty. C,gntroller Criquellion entered the meeting. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, authorizing the posting. of a sign in Mingo Creek Park area as per the request of Coach Poad of the Ringgold. High School; said facilities are used for the Ringgold Rams' practice and home cross country, meets. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of August 16, 1972, from Robert G. Wilson, Executive Director of the Wheeling Creek Watershed Commission, which submitted to the Commissioners the estimated budget for the period July 1, 1972 to June 30, 1973. Correspondence also enclosed a copy of the annual audit by H. S. Hutzell and Compan.v for the past fiscal year. (Field Registration) Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, apprving the Field Registration for County School Districts and Colleges for the General Election to be held November 7, 1972, at the indicated time, place and date as found on Page 8-A. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. FIELD REGISTRATIONS 290 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASH NGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICTS AND COLLEGE'S GENERAL ELECTION NOVEMBER 7, 1972 TIME: 9 A. M. TO 3 P. M. SEPT. 5, 1972 BENTWORTH SCH. DISTRICT SEPT. 6, 1972 WASHINGTON SCH. DISTRICT SEPT. 7, 1972 TRINITY SCH. DISTRICT SEPT. 8, 1972 CANON-MCMILLAN SCH. DIST. SEPT. 8, 1972 MON-VALLEY CATHOLIC SCH. SEPT. 11, 1972 PETERS TWP. SCH. DIST. SEPT. 12, 1972 CHARTIERS-HOUSTON SCH. SEPT. 12, 1972 WASHINGTON-JEFFERSON COLLEGE SEPT. 12, 1972 CALIFORNIA STATE COLLEGE SEPT. 13, 1972 AVELLA SCH. DISTRICT SEPT. •13, 1972 BETHLEHEM-=CENTER SEPT. 13, 1972 BURGETTSTOWN, SCH. DIST. SEPT. 13, 1972 RINGGOLD SCH. DISTRICT SEPT. 14, 1972 CALIFORNIA SCH. DISTRICT SEPT. 14, 1972 MCGUFFEY SCH. DISTRICT SEPT. 14, 1972 FORT CHERRY SCH. DISTRICT SEPT. 15, 1972 CHARLEROI SCH. DISTRICT SEPT. 15, 1972 IMMACULATE CONCEPTION 11:12 a. m. Opening of Bids: Washington County Sheriff's Radio System (One bid) ELLSWORTH, PA. JEFFERSON AVE. PARK AVENUE, WASH. PA. ELM ST. EXT. CANONSBURG COYLE-CURTAIN RD. MONONGAHELA E. MCMURRAY ED. MCMURRAY, 2050 W. PIKE ST. HOUSTON COLLEGE ST. WASHINGTON CALIFORNIA, PA. AVELLA, PA. R. D. 1, FREDERICKTOWN 99 MAIN ST. BURGETTSTOWN 1200 CHESS MONONGAHEL1. MALDEN RD. CALIFORNIA R. D. 1, CLAYSVILLE R. D. 4; MCDONALD FECSEN DR. CHARLEROI 135 W. CHESTNUT ST. WASHINGTON, PA, The following bid was opened by Deputy Controller Criquellion and read by County Solicitor Capano: 1. Name of Bidder: Engineered Communications, Inc. Address: 1610 Potomac Avenue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15216 Total Amount of Bid: $14, 494. 89 Certified check in the amount of $1400. 00 accompanied bid. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the preceeding bid be tabled for further study by the County Solicitor until the next regular board meeting to be held on September 7, 1972, Said action based upon the recommendation of the County 1 L [1 Solicitor. MINUTE BoOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 1 Roll call vote taken, Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. New Business - Mr. Flynn (a) Chairman made note that the next regular board meeting of the County Commissioners will be held on September 7, 1972 due to the County Commissioners'' Convention which is being held the week of August 27, 1972. (b) Chairman made note that the Courthouse will be closed from 4: 30 p.m. September 1, -1972 to 9: 00 a. m, on September 5, 1972, in observing Labor Day. (c) Chairman made note that the next Salary Board meeting will be held on Thursday, September 7, 1972, due to the Commissioners' Convention. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Jones, authorizing a representation of the County Commissioner's Office to be present for the next scheduled public hearing by the Department of Public Welfare scheduled for September 21, 1972, to present testimony. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chairman informed the Board that a order has been received from the Penn- sylvania Labor Relations Board directing and affixing a time for Arguments on the Exceptions filed to Nisi Order of Certification for September 13, 1972, at 2: 00 p. m. in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, relating to the Washington County Jail. Also, a hearing has been set for September 14, 1972 at 10: 00 a. m. in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, for all court - related employees. Mr. Whalen: I talked to Nancy Criquellion, Deputy Controller, this morning and she told me that as a order of business at the County Controller's Convention in Erie that they went on record opposing the Labor Board designating the County Commissioners as the exclusive bargaining agents for county employees in that such a designation was not consistant with the county code which establishes a county Salary Board. Chairman informed the Board of correspondence received under date of August 23, 1972, from Kenneth Yablonski, Solicitor for West Bethlehem Township, which requested assistance from the County Commissioners in reference to the West Bethlehem Flood Control Project. Correspondence reviewed the background on said project. Mr. Flynn: We met with the representatives of the Township and representatives of the Corps of Engineers last Friday and we discussed this at length and it was true that we did offer our assistance in 1967; however, the Corps of Engineers say that it was not our fault 292 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASH NGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS because they say the project should have been completed; We instructed Mr. Yuhas to do certain work which is necessary before they can get this project underway. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Washington County Board of Commissioners again join with the West Bethlehem Township in conjunction with the West Bethlehem Flood Control Project, Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. (Tax Claim Resolutions) Solicition Capano presented various Resolutions submitted by Washington County Tax Claim Bureau to the Board for their approval. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that RESOLUTION NO. 320 for property situate in Monongahela 2nd Ward, Washington County, Pennsylvania, sold on 1928 Jan. 23, 1940, Apr. 25, 1940, Treasurer's Sale, being described as 9 Vacant Lots 2nd St. situate in Monongahela 2nd Ward, Washington County, Pennsylvania, and formerly assessed in the name of James McVicker, be approved; and that the sum of $225. 00 be accepted from BETTY CARR.OL FREDERICK; Washington County Tax Claim Bureau receiving consent of taxing districts involved: Ringgold School District (Monongahela 2nd Ward) - July 19, 1972, and Monongahela City Council - July 12, 1972. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that RESOLUTION NO. 321 for property situate in Monongahela 2nd Ward, Washington County, Pennsylvania, sold on April 25, 1940, Treasurer's Sale, being described as Vacant Lot, Jackson St. situate in Monongahela 2nd Ward, Washington County, Pennsylvania and formerly assessed in the name of A. D. Scott Estate, be approved; and that the sum of $50. 00 be accepted from BETTY CARROL FDERICK; Washington County Tax Claim Burea receiving the consent of taxing districts involved: Ringgold School District (Monongahela 2nd Ward) - July 19, 1972,�any ononakhela City Council - July 26, 1972. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that RESOLUTION NO. 322 for property situate in -So. Strabane Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania, sold on September 11, 1967, Tax Claim Bureau Sale, being described as 2 sty 5 rm hse, Lot DB 497-165, (60-4-1113) situate in So. Strabane Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania and formerly assessed in the name of Benjamin Morris Estate, be approved; and that the sum of $150. 00 be accepted from DANIEL E. & MARGARET STIENSTRAW; Washington County Tax Claim Bureau receiving consent of taxing districts involved: Trinity Area School District (So. Strabane) - June 15, 1972 and South Strabane Township Supervisors - June 15, 1972. Ll MINUTE =■■ 293 BOARD OF�COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS AS Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that RESOLUTION NO. 323 for property situate• in Union Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania, sold on April 26, 1943 Treasurer's Sale, being described as 3 Lots, 145-146-147 Elrama Plan, situate in Union Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania and formerly assessed in the name of Jacob Waytas be approved; and that the sum of $150.00 be accepted. from HARRY E. & FRANCES ENGLAND; Washington County Tax Claim, Bureau receiving consent of the taxing, districts involved: Ringgold School District (Union) - July 19, 1972, and Union Township Supervisors - July 7, 1972. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that RESOLUTION NO. 324 for property situated in Borough of West Alexander, Washington County, Pennsylvania sold on January 30, 1940, Treasurer's Sale, being described as 2 Lots, situate in Borough of West Alexander, Washington County, Pennsylvania and formerly assessed in the name of James McMorris, be approved; and that the sum of $1, 500. 00 be accepted from LESLIE O. & ROBERTA SWIGER; Washington County Tax Claim Bureau receiving consent of taxing districts inolved: McGuffey School• District, (West Alexander) - June 16, 1972, and West Alexander Borough Council - June 21, 1972. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that RESOLUTION NO. 325 for property situate in Amwell Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania, sold on September 14, 1970, Tax Claim Bureau Sale, being described as 1 acre Surf., DB 1194-434, (2-4-24-2), situate in Amwell Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania, and formerly assessed in the name of Charles Phillips, be approved; and that the sum of $61. 25 be accepted from CHARLES PHILLIPS; Washington County Tax Claim Bureau receiving consent of taxing districts involved: Trinity Area School District (Amwell) - June 30, 1972, and Amwell Township Supervisors - March 5, 1972. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that RESOLUTION NO. 326 for property situate in Fallowfield Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania, sold on September 13, 1971, Tax Claim Bureau Sale, being described as 1 sty fr hse, Lot 0. 1803 Ac. Surf. DB 1122-660 (32-10-64) situate in Fallowfield Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania, - and formerly assessed in the name of Walter E. & Henrietta' Mikels, be approved; and that the sum of $145. 37 be accepted from WALTER E. & HENRIETTA MIKELS; Washington County Tax Claim Bureau receiving consent of taxing districts involved: Charleroi Area School District (Fallowfield) - July 10, 1972 and Fallowfield Township Supervisors - July 10, 1972. Moved by Mr. Jones•, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that RESOLUTION NO. 327 for property situate in Nottingham Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania, sold on September 13, 1971, Tax Claim Bureau,Sale, being described as Lot•8 DB 1155-602, (53-2-40-1) situate in Nottingham Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania, and TA MINUTE BoOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASH NGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS formerly assessed in the name of William J. & Paulette M. Smith, be approved; and that the sum of $30. 56 be accepted from WILLIAM J. & PAULETTE M. SMITH; Washington County Tax Claim Bureau receiving consent of taxing districts involved: Ringgold S-ehool District (Nottingham) - June 12, 1972, and Nottingham Township Supervisors - June 7, 1972. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that RESOLUTION NO. 328 for property situate in West Brownsville Borough, Washington County, Pennsylvania, sold on September 13, 1971, Tax Claim Bureau Sale, being described as 2 sty fr hse. Lot 82, DB 1218-183 (67-11-23) situate in West Brownsville Borough, Washington County, Pennsylvania, and formerly assessed in the name of Andrew & Eleanor King, be approved; and that the sum of $390. 29 be accepted from ANDREW_ & ELEANOR KING; Washington County Tax Claim Bureau receiving consent of taxing districts involved: Brownsville Area School District (West Brownsville) - June 27, 1972, and West Brownsville Borough Council - June 9, 1972. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that RESOLUTION NO. 329 for property situate in West Brownsville Borough, Washington County, Pennsylvania, sold on September 8, 1969, Tax Claim Bureau Sale, being described as 2 sty br. hse, Pt Lot 69, DB 1231-431 (67-3-30) situate in West Brownsville Borough, Washington County, Pennsylvania, and formerly assessed in the name of John Mikita Jr. & Mary Mikita (FO) Muharem Zekir, Eliz. Zeiker, Mike Shaban (PO) by Sheriff Sale, be approved; and that the sum of $437. 77 be accepted from. MUHAREM ZEIKER, ELIZABETH ZEKIR & MIKE SHABAN EST.; Washington County Tax Claim Bureau receiving consent of taxing districts involved: Brownsville Area School District (West Brownsville) - May 23, 1972, and West Brownsville Borough Council - December 3, 1970. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that RESOLUTION NO. 330 for property situate in Borough of West Brownsville, Washington County, Pennsylvania, sold on September 8, 1969, Tax Claim Bureau Sale, being described as 2 sty fr hse, Lot 522, DB 956-380 (67-4-5) situate in Borough of West Brownsville, Washington County, Pennsylvania, and formerly assessed in the name of Ruth N. Harris, be approved; and that the sum of $297. 22 be accepted from RU2H N. HARRIS; Washington County Tax Clam Bureau receivipg consent of taxing districts involved: Brownsville Area School District (West Brownsville) - May 23, 1972, and West Brownsville Borough Council - June 9, 1972. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso., that RESOLUTION NO. 331 for property situate in Amwell, now assessed in West Pike Run Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania, sold on September 13, 1971, Tax Claim Bureau Sale, being E L described as 1967 Marlette Trailer, Olson (2-7-11), situate in Amwell, now assessed in ' MINUTE BoOK BOARD OF_ COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 1 1 West Pike Run Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania and formerly assessed in the name of Harry V. & Ella Sipe, (po) James & Judith Franks, be approved; and that the sum of $285. 93 be accepted from JAMES & JUDITH FRANKS; Washington County Tax Claim Bureau receiving consent of taxing districts involved: California Area School District (West Pike Run) - June 8, 1972, and West Pike Run Township Supervisors - June 2-0, 1972. Roll call vote taken: Mr, Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynp - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. County Solicitor Capano read correspondence under date of August 21, 1972, from Clay Graham, Land Acquisition Agent, directed to Mn. William C. Porter, in reference to the property of C. T. Davidson - Cross Creek.County Park, which stated that Mr.. Graham believed that the best judgment in said case would be to settle at the Board of View Award of $18, 600-00. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Board .of County Commissioners approve the sum of $18, 600. 00 as set by the Board of -View Award with the provision that an appeal is not taken on said case. Said action based upon the recom- mendation of the County Solicitor. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Administrative Assistant Whalen read correspondence under date of June 9, 1972, from Mr. George K. Hanna, Solicitor - Hanover Township, directed to Mr. Clay Graham, in reference to Township Road 819 - Hanover Township. Correspondence stated that. the Hanover Township Supervisors are anxious to see that something is done concerning the condition on Twp. Road 819. Correspondence further stated that since the changes were made on said highway the hillside has been sliding and, of course, it is the opinion of the Supervisors that the responsibility for repairing same is that of the Washington County Planning Commission. Mr-. Whalen: This particular matter has been discussed before. I spoke with Mr. Bard Judy of the Soil Conservation Service who in turn spoke with his Engineer and Mr. Judy informed me that it is the thinking of the Engineer that they do not feel that the construction of the flood control dam adjacentt to that condition is a result of the condition of the road. I would like to recommend that either a member of this Board or myself meet with Mr. Judy and his Engineer and the Township Supervisors and try to resolve this matter. Mr. Paluso: I would like to recommend that we authorize Mr. Whalen to try to resolve this matter with all concerned. r-- Controller Elish entered the meeting, . I V. MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASH NGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Commissioner Jones took exception to County personnel exclusive of the executive capacity stating personal opinions and trying to set the policy and/or commitments for the County Commissioners. Commissioner Jones recommended that all involved Department Heads be so notified. Commissioner Paluso concurred with said recommendatior.s. Report - Commissioner Jones Mr. Jones: For a little follow-up on our trip down the Monongahela River with the Parklets on Tuesday, August 22, 1972. Paul Kolesar of the Corps of Army Engineers has suggested that the Commissioners direct a letter to Colonel N. L. Delbridge, District Engineer, requesting his guidance, instruction and help in order that the Commissioners may proceed on the Parklet project. I also talked to George, Ferguson, Southwestern Pennsylvania Regional Planning, Commission, who also stated that he would give us guidance and help on said project. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Jones,. that a letter be directed to Colonel N. L. Delbridge, District Engineer, requesting his guidance and counsel in reference to the Parklet project and expressing the Commissioners appreciation for the aid of- the representatives„of Colonel Delbridge Is staff for said inspection; said letter to be under the signature of the three Commissioners. Remarks: Mr. Paluso: Perhaps, we could send a thank -you letter to the two boat -owners for their hospitality. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. . Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Jones: On Wednesday, August 23, 1972, Commissioner Paluso and I met with Mr., Mifflin District Engineer - Pennsylvania Department of Highways, and we brought to his attention some of the needs and projects we have in Washington County. Following that we met with him yesterday in Charleroi and we looked at the Maple Creek Bridge coming into Charleroi coming in from the Allenport side of it and we also looked at the Charleroi - Monessen Bridge on the other side located in North Charleroi which is in need of repair. They are now in the process of repairing the Charleroi - Monessen Bridge. Both Mr. Mifflin and Mr. Howard Felton were at the meeting yesterday and I think that we accomplished quite a bit, The Highway Department is going to act immediately on some of these things such as the road coming out of Charleroi - Rt. 88. Reporter George Roule of the Monongahela Publishing Company informed the Board that on August 30, .1972, at 10: 00 a. m. the Highway Department made arrange- ments for Mr. James Wilson, Assistant Engineer, to meet with a group of people from 0 1 1 Monongahela for an inspection trip on Rt. 857. Mr. Poule requested the presence of the