HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 43 - 11-2-1972 - COMMISSIONERMINUTE B❑❑IC 355 BOARD OF COUNTY: COMMISSIONERS WASH NGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS E L Mr, Jones: They had the maps drawn up for us. They had approved all the sites, and I think there were thirty-three sites involved on the rivers. We made the motion that Washington County, since they initiated the action, would get preference in their application. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Jones, that the meeting adjourn. Meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: , 1972 ATTEST: CHIEF CLERK i 41'0, ' ,C ': ' i', "_'_ll -: 0, "I'll ", Minute No. 43 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., November 2, 1972 The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following members being present: Commissioners Jones, Paluso, and Flynn. Also present being: Administrative Assistant Whalen; Mrs. Helen Miller of the League of Women Voters; Mr. John Merdian of WJPA; Mr. Earl Bugaile of WKEG; Reporter Budinger of The Observer -Reporter; Reporter Liesch of The Brownsville Telegraph; and Reporter Roule of The Monongahela Pub- lishing Company. Meeting called to order by Chairman and roll call taken: Mr. Jones - Present; Mr. Paluso - Present; Mr. Flynn - Present. Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions, or omissions to Minute No. 42, each Commissioner having received a copy. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that Minute No. 42 be approved, as read. (Assistant County Solicitor Hormell entered the meeting) Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Reports: Mr. Jones (County Airport) Mr. Jones reported that he met with Mr. Walsh of the Federal Aviation Adminis- tration in Harrisburg on Tuesday, October 31, 1972, for the purpose of discussing the Master Plan so badly needed for the Washington County Airport. Mr. Jones stated that the work is incomplete right now at the Airport but it is moving ahead. They are planning to start drawing up the Master Plan at this time, and Mr. Jones will give progress reports from time to time. 356 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASH NGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Mr. Jones further reported that he met with Secretary Kassab while in Harris burg to discuss the Charleroi -Monessen Bridge. Mr. Jones stated that they know what has to be done but it is just going to take some time. Mr. Jones stated that he will make progress reports from time to time. Mr. Jones reported on the Southwestern Pennsylvania Regional Planning Com- mission meeting held on Monday, October 30, 1972, at which meeting the new highway program. "Topics" was discussed with Mr. Gaido, District Engineer for District 12. Mr. Gaido dis- cussed the program and how boroughs and townships in the counties could apply for assistance in connection with safety factors such as red lights, stop signs, etc. . . within their areas. The program is based on population in the County which must be at least 50, 000. Mr. Jones stated that Mr. Hormell has gone over the program and in conclusion stated that he is waiting for information from the District Engineer regarding the procedure for filing applications. - In conclusion, Mr. Jones stated that he received a call from Mr. Bohner, Executive Director of the Washington County Civil Defense Office, stating that the Washington City Fire Department will no longer provide the service of monitoring the countywide radio and teletype network which links all fire stations in the county and is used for disasters such as floods, high winds, etc... Mr. Bohner is going to meet with Mr. William Moulton, City Fire Chief, to discuss the matter further and decide what can be done, Mr. Jones stated that he will keep the Commissioners posted as to what the outcome is. Old Business: Mr. Hormell Mr. Hormel informed the Board of correspondence received in connection with an Agreement executed on July 30, 1971, between the County of Washington, Washington Park, Inc., and Washington Mall Shopping Center for the purpose of construction of approaches to the Washington Mall and the Washington Park Shopping Center. Said correspondence stated that the approaches have been finally completed in terms with the agreement. Mr. Hormell stated that on completion of the approaches and as per the said agreement, the County is obligated to pay to Washington Park, Inc., and Washington Mall Shopping Center the sum of $20, 000.00 and recommended said payment. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, approving payment of the sum of $20, 000.00 to Washington Park, Inc., and Washington Mall Shopping Center in connection with the aforementioned agreement. Remarks: Mr. Flynn: All the Department of Transportation requires is that we send them a letter and excerpts of the minutes whereby we did authorize and have made payment to the parties invol- ved. Roll call vote taken: 35'7 BOARD OF COUNTY -COMMISSIONERS WASH NGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS E 1 1 Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. - - Certification of Emergency on Elevator - Mr. Whalen Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, in view of the certification by the consulting engineers, Carl G.. Baker & Associates, on October 3, 1972, that in his opinion an emergency existed in the Elevator Replacement and Related Work in that no bids were submitted to -the County for such work, and in consideration of the opinion of the Solicitor that this must be made a matter of official record, the secretary is directed to enter into the minutes a certifica- tion that with respect to Contract #1 of the Elevator Replacement and Related Work to be done in the Courthouse since no bids were received, an emergency situation exists and the consulting engineer has been directed to solicit proposals from competent contractors in said type of busi- ness. Mr. Whalen then explained that the work specified in Contract # 1 must be done before the elevator is installed and since no bids were received, an emergency exists. Roll call vote taken: - Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Correspondence: Mr. Whalen Mr. Whalen read correspondence under date of October 27, 1972, from W. James G. Mauro, Window Products Company, informing the Commissioners that installation of replace- ment windows on the Court House will not start before the second or third week of December, 1972. Mr. Mauro stated that the delay is due to the fact that PPG Industries, Inc., supplier of window glass as called for in the specifications can not make delivery before the first or second week of December, 1972. Mr. Mauro further stated that their firm will do everything possible to complete installation in 38 days from start of installation. A brief discussion was held by the Board and Mr. Flynn suggested that Mr. Whalen write a letter to Mr. Mitchell and that a meeting be held with all interested parties. Mr. Whalen informed the Board of the receipt of Voucher #214 from the Liquid Fuels Tax Fund for refund for Workmen's Compensation in the amount of $8, 053.00. Recount Board: Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, approving the following appoint- ments to the Recount Board for the 1972 General Election: (Registration Office Employees) Joseph Muscaro Mildred M. Farrah Mary Rastoka Linda Magera Marcia Shoup Kristine Kaz arick Philomena Chuey (Tax Assessment Office) (Commissioners' Appointments) Mrs. Bea Angerman Mrs. Emily Stotka Monongahela, Pa. Centerville, Pa. Mrs, Willie Mae Wright Mrs. Agnes Braunegg Washington, Pa. Charleroi, Pa. Ms. Lois Maxwell Monongahela, Pa. Mr. Leo Maloney Washington, Pa. 358 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASH NGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Whalen read correspondence under date of October 31, 1972, from Paul Onopiuk, Executive Assistant, Soil Conservation Service, stating that the design work on site PA-647 Robinson Run is over 60% complete and it is necessary that the balance of easements and rights -of -ways are acquired immediately. Mr. Onopiuk requested that since the Commis- sioners are co-sponsors of this watershed, they make every effort possible to get this work completed. Mr. Whalen read correspondence under date of October 27, 1972, from A. Evans Kephart, Court Administrator of Pennsylvania, enclosing a check in the amount of $187, 889.78 payable to the County Treasurer to reimburse Washington County for costs incurred by it in -the past for the administration and operation of the Courts. Correspondence stated that since the amount appropriated, namely $17, 000, 000, was insufficient to: reimburse the counties for all the costs incurred by them, it was apportioned among the counties in accordance with the stan- dards set up by Act 17 -A. Mr. Whalen read correspondence under date of November 1,- 197Z, from Char- lotte K. Lane, Executive Director, Washington -Greene Tourist Promotion Agency requesting an -advancement of $2, 000.00 of their appropriation for 1973. Said advancement is to meet the ex- penses of their operation for the remainder of 1972. Mr. Flynn suggested that Mrs. Lane be notified that her request will be taken under considera- tion. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, approving the following Change of Polling Place: Precinct Chartiers 6th FROM: Chartiers -Houston School FO: Chartiers -Houston Library Roll call vote taken: Bills: bills: Reason -for Change Rent No longer available $. 7. 50 $15.00 Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, approving payment of the following (a) $122. 14 - Griswold, Winters & Swain - Mingo Creek Park - Professional Services in accordance with- Agreement of August 19, 1971 E E MINUTE BOOK 359 BOARD OF COUNTY- COMMISSIONERS WASH NGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS (b) $1, 800 - M. &M. Equipment Sales Company - work performed on Soil Conservation Dams located in Hanover Township and Jefferson Township Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. (Harmon Creek Watershed) Mr. Whalen presented to the Board Certification relating to Land Rights, Water Rights and Construction Permits for the Harmon Creek Watershed, Sites PA-485 and PA-486 to be executed by the Chairman of the Board. Mr. Whalen stated that the land rights have been acquired and everything is ready for the Soil Conservation Service to begin their contracting work. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso,' approving the above Certification in relation to Sites PA-485 and PA-486 for the Harmon Creek Watershed. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Whalen read correspondence under date of October 30, 1972, from Mrs. Olga O: Woodward, Recorder of Deeds, acknowledging receipt of the Commissioners request to examine records presently stored in the basement of the Citizens Library, and informing the Commissioners that she has made an appointment -with Louise H. Stuart to meet on Wednes- day, Nov. 15, 1972, to examine any records stored there pertaining to the Recorder's Office. Mr. Whalen read correspondence under date of October 30, 1972, from Lois L. Diehl, Secretary, District Justice of the Peace Association of Pennsylvania, stating that last year Washington County was gracious enough to pay the membership dues to their association For the District Justices of the Peace in Washington County. Ms. Diehl stated that it is the time to pay dues again and requested a check in the amount of $350. 00 from the Commissioners. Mr. Whalen stated that after checking with the Controller's Office, he found that the Commis- sioners have never paid dues to the District Justice of the Peace Association and furthermore :he Justices of the Peace in Washington County are not on the County payroll, but the State. Mr. Flynn instructed Mr. Whalen to write Ms. Diehl a letter informing her of the above. Mr. Whalen read correspondence under date of October 24, 1972, from Will Ketner, Secretary, Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, enclosing a copy of order issued :)y the Commission in reference to an application of the Department of Highways. Mr. Ketner requested that the Commissioners acknowledge receipt and'service in behalf of Washington County. Mr. Hormell stated that he perused the order and Washington County is not obligated in any way. Closing of Court House - Election Day 7 1 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASH NGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR , EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Chairman of the Board noted that the Court House will be closed on Tuesday, November 7, 1972, due to the General Election with the execption of the Election Office. Mr. Flynn also stated that the Commissioners will be represented and also -the Courts. The County Solicitor will also be present. Bill: Mr. Flynn brought to the Board's attention a bill in the amount of $814. 80 whic'a was paid, but not contracted, by the Board of Commissioners in reference to Commonwealth of Pennsylvania vs. Annette Gilly. Mr. Flynn then read correspondence under date of October 31, 1972 from F.D. Whalen, Administrative Assistant directed to Mr. Thomas Henderson, Esq. , U.S. Department of Justice in relation to the said bill. In said correspondence to Mr. Henderson, Mr. Whalen stated that the U.S. Department of Justice, the Pennsylvania State Police and the Washington County District Attorney's Office contracted an obligation with -The Ramada Inn, Washington, Pa. in the amount of $814. 80. Mr. Whalen stated that upon our receipt of this invoice, the Commissioners were assured by District Attorney Jess D. Costa that an agreement existed to the effect the U.S. Department of Justice assumed liability for this bill and would make payment direct to The Ramada Inn. Mr. Whalen further stated that finally after being assured by Mr. Costa for over two (2) months that payment was forthcoming from the U.S. Department of Justice, Mr. Costa informed the Commissioners that the Department decided not to honor this obligation. In conclusion, Mr. Whalen stated that to avoid any unpleasantries be- tween the Commissioners Office and The Ramada Inn, we have paid this bill in the amount of �814. 80 but are respectfully requesting that the Department honor its commitment and reimburse the County in full. N lengthy discussion was held by the Board resulting in a suggestion by Assisstant County Solicitor Hormell for a three (3) part program to be followed by the Commissioners: , First there should be a financial analysis by Mr. Whalen to see which expense. - are _attributable to a specific person; Two, a meeting should be held with the Controller to see if ze is making arrangements with the Erie County Controller regarding the trial expenses and Three, the Solicitor's office should make a research study to see what the Commissioners' rights and obligation are in the Erie trials. Solicitor: Mr. Hormell Assistant County Solicitor Hormell presented various Tax Refunds to the Board for their consideration and approval. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Tax Assessment Office De authorized to prepare the following tax- refund due to either duplication or overpayment of real estate tax: I� 1. RE: Ingram, F. W. & Clara B. Donegal Township VI'LlUTE BOOK 361 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASH NGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 1 !i Request for refund has been made in re the above -captioned tax account. Att.ched find Xerox copy of tax receipts showing payment and duplicate payment of $30. 35. Kindly issue check in the amount of $30. 35 to FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, 77 South Main Street, Washington , Pa. 15301. 2. RE: Protin, Edward J. & Frances C. Fallowfield Township Request for refund has been made in re the above -captioned tax account. Attched find Xerox copy of tax receipts showing either duplication or over -payment of county tax. Kindly issue check in the amount of $6. 41 to FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, P.O. Box 369, Monessen, Pa. 15062 3. RE: Butts, Gerald C. & Helen L. Peters Township Request for refund has been made in re the above -captioned tax account. Attached find Xerox copy of tax receipts showing either duplication or over- payment of county tax. Kindly issue check in the amount of $10. 26 to BUTTS, GERALD C. AND HELEN L. , Box 237 H, Bebout Rd., R. D. 1, Venetia, Pa. 15367. 4. RE: Loutsion, George Jr. & Peter Nikas Canonsburg, 2nd Ward Request for refund has been made in re the above -captioned tax account. Attached find Xerox copy of tax receipts showing either duplication or over- payment of county tax. Kindly issue check in the amount of $31. 14 to THE KISSELL COMPANY, 30 Warder Street, Springfield, Ohio 45501, 5. RE: Taylor, David A. & Susan (O'Brien, T. ) Chartiers Township Request for refund has been made in re the above -captioned tax account. Attiched find Xerox copy of tax receipts showing either duplication or over -payment of county tax. Kindly issue check in the amount of $58. 99 to FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, 77 South Main Street, Washington, Pa. 15301. 6. RE: McConnell, Gaylord C. et al Canton Township Request for refund has been made in re the above -captioned tax account. Attached find Xerox copy of tax receipts showing either duplication or over- payment of county tax. Kindly issue check in the amount of $20. 52 to Gaylord C. McConnell, R.D. 3, Washington, Pa. 15301. 7. RE: Toth, Stephen C. (Mellen, Kirk A.) Peters Township Request for refund has been made in re the above -captioned tax account. Attached find Xerox copy of tax receipts showing either duplication or over- payment of county tax. 362 MINUTE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASH NGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Kindly issue check in the amount of $102. 60 to STEPHEN C. TOTH, 473 Pinewood Drive, McMurray, Pa. 15317. 8. RE: Burig, Earl & Ann L. West Finley Township Request for refund has been made in re the above -captioned tax account. Attached find Xerox copy of tax receipts showing either duplication or over -payment of county tax. Kindly issue check in the amount of $18. 21 to RICHARD BURIG, R.D. 1, Claysville, Pa. 9. RE: Stechley, Frank & Agnes Somerset Township Request for refund has been made in re the above -captioned tax account. Attached find Xerox copy of tax receipts showing either duplication or over- payment of county tax. Kindly issue check in the amount of $36. 08 to UNION NATIONAL BANK, Bentleyville Branch, Bentleyville, Pa. 15314. 10. RE: Woodson, William R. & Ola Canonsburg 3rd Ward Request for refund has been made in re the above -captioned tax account. Attached find Xerox copy of tax receipts showing either duplication or over- payment of county tax. Kindly issue check in the amount of $45. 23 to FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, 25 East High Street, Waynesburg, Pa. 15370. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr, Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso authorizing the Tax Claim Bureau to cancel a portion of the March 24th, 1942 Tax Sale for 1935 and 1936 on the following properta- Washington 7th Ward, Wallingford Jefferson, Vacant Lots No. 3 & 4. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Tax Claim Resolutions Assistant County Solicitor Hormell presented various Resolutions submitted by the Washington County Tax Claim Bureau to the Board for their approval: Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that RESOLUTION NO. 332 for property situate in West Alexander, Washington County, Pennsylvania, sold on April 27, 1940, Treasurer's Sale, being described as Lot S. Liberty Street, Adj. Mrs. Lillian Buchannan & Mrs, Lizzie Grimm, situate in West Alexander, Washington County, Pennsylvania, and formerly assessed in the name of Minnie Whitam, be approved; and that the sum of $50. 00 be accepted from LESLIE O. & ROBERTA E. SWIGER; Washington County Tax Claim Bureau C 1 1 receiving consent of taxing districts involved: McGuffey School District (West Alexander) MINUTE BOOK 363 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASH NGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK .ZONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS I n 1 May 19, 1972, and West Alexander Borough Council - August 23, 1972. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that RESOLUTION NO. 333 for property situate in 6th Ward, City of Washington, Washington County, Pennsylvania sold on September 13, 1971, Tax Claim Bureau Sale, being described as lots 171 and 172 upon which is erected a 2 story frame house DB Page (76-5-10-11); being described by the City assessment record as 268 Linn Avenue, Lots 171 and 172, 2 story frame house, located in the 6th Ward, City of Washington, Washington County, Pennsylvania, and formerly assessed in the name of John F. Chivers Estate, c/o James Knox, be approved; and that the sum of $5, 000. 00 bw accepted from MARGARET E. WISE; Washington County Tax Claim Bureau receiving consent of taxing districts involved; Washington School District - September 18, 1972, and Washington City Council - April 24, 1972. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that RESOLUTION NO. 334 for property situate in Washington 7th Ward, Washington County, Pennsylvania, sold on April 26, 1943, Treasurer's Sale, being described as Lot 97, Maple View Plan, situate in Washington 7th Ward, Washington County, Pennsylvania, and formerly assessed in the name of Tressa & Guiseppi Caruso, be approved; and that the sum of $300. 00 be accepted from MATHILDE DORNER; Washington County Tax Claim Bureau receiving consent of taxing districts involved: Washington School District (Washington 7th Ward) - September 18, 1972, and Washington City Council - May 22, 1972. Petition Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr, Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Hormell presented to the Board for their approval a Petition for sale of land in reference to the Fife Moving and Storage Company which he was directed by the Board to prepare in order that it may be presented to Court. Meeting recessed until 2:00 p.m. for the opening of quotes. 2:00 p, m. - Opening of Quotes for Contract No. 1--Elevator Replacement and Related Work for the Washington County Court House Meeting reconvened at approximately 2:00 p.m. for the purpose of opening of Quotes for Contract No. 1--Elevator Replacement and Related Work with the following members being present: Commissioners Jones, Paluso and Flynn. Also present being: Administrative Assistant Whalen; Assistant County Solicitor Hormell; Building Superintendent Bevec; Mr. Frank S..Mastalski of Carl G. Baker and Associates; and Mr. Joseph Lettrich of Charleroi, Pa. Whalen: The following quotes were opened and read by Administrative Assistant