HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 46 - 11-30-1972 - COMMISSIONER386 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASH NGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Special Counsel Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that as per the recommendation of Assistant County Solicitor Hormell, Attorney Jay W. Troutman be appointed as, special counsel in reference to land acquisition for Harmon Creek Watershed Project - Dam Site 480 for the terms set forth in his correspondence of November- 15, 1972, and a fee of $35.,00 per hour. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Contract Agreement - Elevator Replacement and Related Work for Courthouse . Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the Contract Agreement and No Lien Agreement as submitted by Carl G. Baker and Associates for the above mentioned pro- ject be approved and executed subject to approval and perusal by Assistant Solicitor Hormell. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso -Yes; Mr. -Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Election Computations Chief Clerk Murphy presented to the Board for execution the 1972 General Election tabulations submitted by the Election Office. Moved by Mr. ,Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the meeting adjourn. Meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: ATTEST: Minute No. 46 1972 CHIEF CLERK Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., November 30, 1972 The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following members being present: Commissioners Jones, Paluso,' and Flynn. Also present being: Chief Clerk Murphy; Administrative Assistant Whalen; Assistant County Solicitor Hormell; Clay Graham - Land Acquisition Agent; Mrs. Helen Miller of The League of Women Voters; Reporter Budinger of The Observer -Reporter; Reporter Roule of The Monongahela Publishing Company; Reporter Liesch of The Brownsville Telegraph; and Mr. Earl Bugaile of WKEG. LI 1 MINUTE BOOK 387 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS C Meeting called to order by Chairman and roll call taken: Mr. Jones - Present; Mr. Paluso - Present; Mr. Flynn Present. Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions, or omissions to Minute No. 45, each Commissioner having received a copy. as read. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that Minute No. 45 be approved; Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Correspondence: Mr. Murphy Chief Clerk informed the Board of the receipt of the following checks from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania: 1. Ck. #44-1135190 - for Day Care Contract #851 - Mon Valley United Health Services - for the month of June, 1972, in the amount of $9, 360.09 2. Ck. #43-1133629 - for Day Care Services for the Physically Handicapped (United Cerebral Palsy - $1, 495. 50 and The Southwestern Pa. Easter Seal Society for Crippled Children and Adults - $3, 353. 50) - Total amount of check - $4, 849.00 - 3. Ck. #61-614219 - for Child Welfare Services Invoice for the month of July, 1972 - in the amount of $2, 775.71 4. Ck. #61-614220 - for Child Welfare Services Invoice for the month of August, 1972 - in the amount of $2, 764. 85 _ Chief Clerk read a telegram from Congressman Thomas E. Morgan which stated that the General Services Administration as an agent of the United States Postal Services -notified Congressman Morgan that the old post office building at Maiden Street,and Brownson Avenue has been declared surplus to the needs of the postal service. GSAA stated that the state and local governmental units will be notified of availability of the property by negotiated sale in accordance with the postal Reorganization Act of August 12, 1970. ( Bills ) Moved by Mr. Jones, - seconded by Mr. Paluso, authorizing the payment of the following bills: 1. Gene P. Amanati - $500 - for five commercial appraisals (Approved by G. H. Fetherlin) 2. Washington -Greene County MH/MR Program - $15, 268. 69 3. Department of Public Welfare - Food Stamp Program - $13, 293.36, for quarter ending June 30, 1972 4. William C. Porter - $25, 000 - RE: Lee and Louise Romanetti property, Cross Creek Park - Approved by Clay Graham Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. 388 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASH NGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Chief Clerk read copy of correspondence under date of November 20, 1972, from Carl G. Baker and Associates directed to General Elevator Company, -Inc. - RE: Contract No. 2 Elevator Construction for Elevator Replacement and Related Work - Washington County Courthouse. Correspondence enclosed a fully executed copy of the contract agreement between said Company and the Commissioners of Washington County. Said letter was a formal Notice to Proceed with the work as outlined on the plans and in the specifications. It noted that the contract provides for the work to be completed by August 1, 1973. Letter also requested the furnishing of three (3) copies of their breakdown of -construction costs in sufficient detail showing units, unit costs, quantities and extensions thereof, which will be used to determine the monthly requisitions for payment. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of November 20, 1972, from the Department of Transportation which reported that the liason program, which was established several years ago between the -Department and the County Commissioners for the purpose of improving the administration of County Liquid Fuels Tax Funds and resolving other matters of mutual concern, -has met with tremendous success. Letter also stated that since approximatel;.r one year has past since their last visit to our office, they have scheduled a meeting with Wash- ington County on Friday, December 1, 1972, at 9:15 a. m. l Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of November 15, 1972, from the Indus- trial Appraisal Company which stated that under the terms of -said company's contract and in accordance with the procedures of the Continuous Revaluation Program, they are at this time making the necessary final preparations in anticipation of updating our appraisal records. Letter also stated that they will be forwarding to us during the first part of next month corres- pondence, reporting forms, and instructions for reporting any necessary changes to the ap s- prais ed property. Letter then stated that as the Report is of value only when updated in a timely fashion, they ask that changes be reported, if possible, within thirty days of receipt of their reporting forms. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of November 14, 1972, from the Com- prehensive Health Planning Association which stated that the Nominating Committee for the Fayette -Greene -Washington Advisory Council is in the process of selecting members to serve on the three -county "Council for calendar year 1973. Letter requested the appointment of an individual to be the representative of the Washington County Board of Commissioners on said Council. Letter also advised that the said Council meets quarterly during the year and that the dates and location of the meetings will be announced. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, appointing Mr. Donald F. Whalen as the representative of the Washington County Board of Commissioners on the Fayette -Greene - Washington Advisory Council; said action based on the recommendation of County Commissioner i� Flynn. MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS lb •I G b 1 IMP Roll call vote taken: Mr: Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk read a copy of correspondence under date of November 13, 1972, from Mitchell E. Roth - Comprehensive Health Planning Association - directed -to Mr. John RowlancL Emergency Medical Services, Department of Health. Correspondence stated that Mr. Michael R. Flynn had authorized said Association to write said letter concerning Washington County's relationship to the Western Pennsylvania Emergency Medical Services planning grant applica- tion. Letter stated that Washington County has agreed, in the interest of harmony, to accept Allegheny County as the applicant and fiscal agent for the grant on behalf of the twelve counties of Western Pennsylvania. Correspondence also stated that Washington County recognizes the need for emergency -medical services planning in Western Pennsylvania and does not wish to take any action that would jeopardize the application. Also, it stated that said Association is indebted to Commissioner Flynn for his leadership in obtaining county government support for this applic ation. Chief Clerk read copy of correspondence under date of November 17, 1972, from Abe Belsky, Executive Director, Pennsylvania Labor Relations Board, 'directed to David S. Posner, Esquire, Court of Common Pleas of Washington County - RE: Washington County. -No. PERA - R - 2209 - W. Letter stated that pursuant to the "Petition to Intervene and for a Hearing" filed`with said Board on November 14, 1972,.-In the above matter, the Board has directed -the Executive Director to administratively dismiss same as untimely. However, the Board will docket said Petition to Intervene. After the Board has issued its Nisi Order on the outcome of the election, any of the parties may file Exceptions to the order. Mr. Hormell: That, I believe, refers to the matter that I had called to your attention about the Court intervening in the proceeding. But I would like to supplement this by saying to you that I have been informed informally that there is to be a Union election on December 14th, and I think that matter should be made a matter of record. I haven't 'received any notification of it; and I don't know if Mr. Felice has received any notification of it, but certainly if there is such a thing, it should ,be inquired into and we should find out what the story is. Mr. "Flynn stated that Mr. Felice called him and said that.the election has been set for the 14thi, and that a letter will be forthcoming. He made note that as of November 30, no notification has been received. Chief Clerk read correspondence under -date of November 16, 19,72, from John R. Fantz, MH/MR Administrator, in regards to the Washington -Greene County Council for Addic- tive Diseases Program in which Mr. Fantz.has been involved in from its inception.. Mr. Fantz stated that he wanted to take this means to totally support its efforts and its Director, Mr. I1 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASH NGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS James Knox. He also brought to the Commissioners' attention that other allied groups have recently show interest and had been invited to -,participate from the very beginning in the total community efforts, however elected not to do so. Letter stated that therefore said program wants to totally support said organization as the official and comprehensive agency working with the Washington -Greene County MH/MR Program in its efforts to meet the responsibilities for the alcohol and drug problems in this area. In conclusion, letter stated that there has been extremely good working relationships between the Advisory Board of said organization and its Director, Mr. James Knox, and the people in the MH/MR Program wholeheartedly endorse their efforts. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of November 20, 1972, from Wayne K. Edmonds, Director, MH/MR Services, which was Mr. Edmonds' resignation from the Wash- ington -Greene Advisory Council for Addictive Diseases. Mr. Edmonds stated that this will not come as a surprise to the'council members for from its inception, he publicly let it be known that he could only commit himself during the formative stage of the council Is work. Mr. Edmonds stated that it has been his pleasure to work with the council, and he wishes them individually and as a group continued success In their efforts to overcome the complex problems of addictive illness in this region. Mr. Flynn: I suggest we send him a letter conveying our thanks to him. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of November. 140- 1972,--from the Wash- ington Area Senior Citizens Center, Inc.. Letter stated that since 1969, local citizens by the hundreds have given of time, money, and energy to bring into existance a community -oriented service organization now called The Washington Area Senior Citizen. Center. Programs oriented during this developmental stage have blossomed into a continuous solid community service. These programs include a Center Which serves as a gathering place for area Senior Citizens allowing social, physical, and recreational activities. Letter then stated that since the Senior Citizens Center has received most of its funding through the Community Action Corporation and since this funding will be transferred to the Revenue Sharing accounts; said Center is now seeking funds from the County. They are proposing.to expand their services to include several walk-in feeding centers in the city and also to act as a coordinating center for - all subsequent centers in the County., This would include total county bus service' far Senior Citizens in the County and planning to avoid overlap in services. - Letter further stated that current budget for all services at the Center is approximately $45, 000 and with the proposal of extended services, they are asking the County Commissioners to fund their Center for $100, 000 --for the coming year. Mr. Flynn:, This will be taken under consideration. 1 MINUTE 1300K 391 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M, PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of November 11, 1972, from Robert M. Beall.. Mr. Beall stated that he is, concerned that _the Commissioners might not take advan- tage of the offer from the IRS to provide data which 'would assist in obtaining some degree of compliance with personal property tax, collection. He stated that he agrees with the reported comments attributed to Mr. Flynn and Mr. Paluso that there is now mo effective way to police the tax and that the present procedure is not fair to those who voluntarily submit to it. In fact, it would seem to be negligent, discriminatory, if not a dereliction of duty, -not to take these means of obtaining a more equitable collection. - A discussion was held, and it was decided that a check would be made into the other counties. Chief Clerk read a memorandum under date of November 16, 1972, frDm Malcolm Morgan, County Treasurer - RE:. Records located in basement of Citizens Library. Memo stated that per the request to review, the County 'records that are stored in the basement of the Citizens Library, said office reviewed them and found that there were none pertaining to their office. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of November `15, 1972, from `.Laura C. Lynch, Peters Township-1972 Juliette Low Chairman. Letter stated that the Peters Township Girl Scout Neighborhood Association would like'to extend their thanks -to the Board of County Com- missioners of Washington for the use of Mingo Park for the Juliette Low' celebration this year. Letter also stated th4.t the Park Police (were invaluable in keeping the traffic within the parking areas and facilitating the rapid and orderly dismissal of the cars. Chief Clerk read correspondence from the • Department of Transportation which stated that said Department will conduct a Public Meeting at 7:30 p.m. on December 14, 1972, in the District 12-0 Office located on Gallatin Avenue Extension; Uniontown, Pennsylvania. The purpose of this meeting is to present to the public PennDOT's Draft Environmental Action Plan and to solicit public opinion to provide- input for, the development .of the Einal Plan- for submissior. to the Federal Highway Administration pursuant to the requirements of the Federal•Aid Highway Act of 1970. In conclusion, correspondence stated that the Board: is cordially invited to attend the Public Meeting and to actively participate in the discussions.in order that, the Final Environ- mental Action Plan may be representative of all spheres of public interest, Mr. _Flynn: Mr. Jones, how about checking your agenda; and if you _are available, I would appreciate your attending this meeting. Mr. Whalen: (Sheriff's Radio System) Mr. Whalen: Presently, the authorized radio equipment is in the process of being finalized for the Sheriff and District Attorney offices. To make that equipment operable for a 24-hour period each day and on .the weekends, it was necessary to consider a remote control device to be in- stalled in the Deputy Warden's office in the jail. We have talked to the consultants; and they are 392 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASH NGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS aim in, ,a position to include the additional equipment, which is a remote control device and they have submitted a quotation on it in the amount of $417.00. This is agreeable with Mr.. Roupe, I would recommend that the Board approve this $4.17 addition to this contract. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, approving the $417 addition to said contract for extra remote control- device to be added to the equipment now being installed for the Sheriff's Radio System. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes; Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Whalen: Next, we have a letter from the Assistant Attorney General concerning the Washington County Courts Highway Safety project Application.: This is an application that was submitted to the Highway Department on a Safety Project Grant, and it was submitted in the name of Washington County Courts and the Washington CountyCouncil it on Alcoholism & Drug Abuse. This is a grant situation where the total amount is $274, 550 with an annual figure. of $88, 090; and the County's participation would be $44, 045 per year. This project is aimed at alcoholism and drug abuse program, and $ goes forth to setting up a school designated as -the -- "Stout School" to provide courses of instruction to individuals assigned by the Courts of Wash- ington County in disposition of cases where said individuals are charged with driving while" intoxicated and/or motor vehicle violations which are alcohol/drug related. This application was originally submitted by the Courts.; and of course, understandably it was returned back to the Board of County Commissioners because the Board of County Commissioners are the only contracting officers for a,County.: More discussion was held on this master, and Commissioner Flynn recommended 'that the Board decline this request. I Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Flynn,` that the Board of County Commis- sioners decline said request for an application for Highway Safety Project Grant. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso -' Abstaid; ,Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried. (Mr. Elish entered the meeting.) " 11:00 a. m. - Opening of Bids for (a) Furnishing of a Dishwashing Pantry for the Washington County Prison; (b) Renovations and Improvements for the Recreation Area of the Washington County Prison; and (c) Plumbing Work at the Washington County Prison, Washington, Pennsylvania The following bids were opened by County Controller Elish and read by Assistant County Solicitor Hormel: 1 1 MINUTE B❑®K 393' BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS (a) Furnishing of'a Dishwashing Pantry for the Washington County'Prison:. (One -bid received) - Bidder: Curran -Taylor, Inc. Address: 2040 W. Liberty Avenue Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15226 Amount of Bid: $6,,746,00 A Bid Bond in the amount of $700.00 with the Fidelity and Deposit Company of Maryland accom- panied bid. (b) Renovations and Improvements for the Recreation Area of the Washington County Prison: (One bid received) Bidder: Job -Fab, Inc. Address: 295 Meadow Avenue, P. O. Box 174 Washington; Pennsylvania. 15301 Amount of Bid: $22, 885.00 A Certified check in -the amount of $2, 288. 50 accompanied bid. . (c) Plumbing Work at the Washington County Prison: (Three bids received) Bidder: W. G. Tomko & Son, Inc. Address: 1190 Forest Avenue - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15236 Amount of Bid: $6, 095.00 Bid Bond in the amount of $700.00 with the Transamerica Insurance Company accompanied bid. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bidder: John B. Bruno Plumbing Co. Address: 6.5 Campbell Avenue Washington, Pennsylvania 15301 Amount of Bid: $60 651.00 Bid Bond in the amount of $700.00 with the Transamerica Insurance Company accompanied bid. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - Bidder: Chapman Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Address: 351 West Beau Street' Washington, Pennsylvania 15301 Amount of Bid: $7, 567.00 Bid Bond in the amount of $757.00 with The Aetna Casualty and Surety Company accompanied bid. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that all bids be tabled until further perusal, by the, Solicitor and, that'the contracts be awarded at a later date. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones -Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. _Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. 94 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASH NGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Mr. Whalen: Next, we have for consideration an Application for Subgrant for the District Attorney's Office in this county to provide for a full -dime assistant District Attorney. This grant calls for a total grant of federal funds in the amount of $24, 805. The County's participa- tion in this particular grant would be the equivalent of one of the existing Assistant District Attorneys. So in connection with this application, there will be no additional cost over what the County is involved in with the present time. The grant would provide for a full4ime Assistant District Attorney. The goals of this project include: improved case management and; coordination, more effective direction of investigations," continuity in the prosecution of cases, full-time advice available to police and other law enforcement agencies, and- additional help in meeting the increased burdens of the District Attorney's Office. This is subject to final approval by the Governor's Justice Commission, but it comes to the Board for approval because of their position as contracting officers for the County. Moved by Mr. Paluso, ,seconded by Mr. Flynn, approving the said Application for Subgrant for providing for a full-time Assistant District Attorney as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - No; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried. Mr. Whalen: In connection with our County Home problems, Chairman Flynn and I met with Secretary of Labor and Industry Smith on November 20th; and this session which we had with him was very informative and constructive, and useful to both our County and their own Depart- ment. I might say that the Department of Labor and Industry are not in any position to relax or waive any safety requirements as are imposed by the Life Safety Code of 1967. However, as a result of our meeting with the Department, we now have sufficient time to make a solid determination for a constructive course of action with regard to our Home facilities. Mr. Flynn: This means that we do not have to be concerned with the December 13th deadline. Mr. Whalen read correspondence under dateof November 20, 1972, from the Depart ment of Public Welfare which stated that in order to relieve the financial burden and to :assure the continued development of programs serving older people, funds have been set aside by said Department for one year to pick up the non-federal share of Title III community grants for services to the aging. Letter also stated that said Department has set aside $15, 000.00 to cover the non-federal share of the following project being conducted by Mr. Metro Petrosky: Washington County Senior Citizens Center, 154 North College Street, Washington, Pennsylvania 15301. These funds will be provided retroactively to any Title, III project with anew or continu- ation starting date on or following July 1, .1972 through June 30, 1973. - Funds will be forwarded on a quarterly basis and will not exceed twenty-five percent of the total projected expenditures for the project. The first payment will be received on or about January 15, 1973. MINUTE B❑❑K 395 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS C, F-j Mr. Whalen read correspondence under date of November 17, 1972, from Max E. Knickerbocker, Administrator, Canonsburg General Hospital, which enclosed an exchange of correspondence between the Department of Public Welfare and -said Hospital regarding disposition problems for D. P. A. patients. Letter stated that there have been problems with unjustified stays in acute care when facilities for appropriate lower levels of care are either non -available or not acceptable to patients. When such instances accure and reimbursement of costs for care are denied, a great impact on hospital economies prevails. Mr. Whalen: What brought about Mr. ,Knickerbocker's letter was that he wrote to the Depart- ment of Welfare on November 6 outlining these particular problems and their reply in part reads: "Legally in Pennsylvania the responsibility for the person, who is unable to care for himself and for whom no other plan of care is available, rests with the County Institution Dis- trict in the county of his residence. Realistically we know that County, Homes are crowded, have waiting lists, and the cost of caring -for persons needing convalescent care is ever an increasing burden on the county tax structure. Some County Commissioners, however, ; are- contracting with private nursing homes for care of patients waiting County Home admission. " The point hero, is that the problem is given to the Department of Welfare, and they very nicely shoveled the problem back to thelwel of the County. (Governor's Justice Commission) Mr. Whalen: Last we have a letter from Thomas C. Berard, Director of Administration, Governor's Justice Commission. This concerns our past grant at the County Prison which was in the amount of $33, 768. Finalizing this, we reported to them that due to circumstances beyonr our control that we were unable to finish the blacktopping of the Jail yard. We informed them that -we had the sum of $1, 884 unexpended in connection with this grant., We received the following letter from them. (Mr. Whalen then read said letter which stated that the audit reports indicate that while the, $1, 884 was not spent, there were overages in other items for construction. Mr, Berard calculated expenditures to give Washington County the benefit and found,all Federal funds expended, and the match was made.) - - New Business: Mr. Flynn - Chairman Flynn informed the Board and all those present that the Tax Duplicates are ready and. available. . 1973 Budget Moved by Mr._ Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the 1973 County Budget be posted for public inspection on December 6, 1972, and adopted on December 28, 1972. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. 396 MINUTE B❑❑K BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASH NGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS (Choral Group Singing) Chairman informed the Board and all those present that during the week of Decembex 18th through 22nd "various high school choral groups will be singing in front of the Courthouse ' from 12:00 Noon to 12:45 p. m. The Schedule is as follows: Trinity High School - December 18th'and 19th Washington High School - December 20th and 21st Immaculate Conception High School - December- 22nd (Appointment) Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, authorizing Mr. Keery McA.mbley to represent the Washington County Board of "Commissioners at a hearing held by the Congress - Tonal Delegation of Southwestern Pennsylvania on December 11; 1972, from 9:00 am. to :4:00 p. m. in the New Federal Building, Rooms 2214 and 2216, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. (Solid Waste Management System Plan) Mr. Flynn: Mr. John Anthony presented to the Board of Commissioners a preliminary draft of the Washington County's Solid Waste Management System -Plan which we are required by statute to do, and he gave us each a copy for our perusal. In instructed Mr. Murphy to make arrange- ments, to have representatives of the Green -Engineering Company and 'the Planning Commission to present an oral presentation of their findings at our regular meeting on December -7, 1972, so we can discuss this openly. (Appointment) Moved by Mr. �Paluso, seconded by Mr. Flynn, appointing Commissioner Frank Jones, Jr. ; to represent Washington County at an industrially oriented environmental quality symposium for the Greater Pittsburgh area to be held on the 30th and 31st of January, 1973. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn --Yes. Motion carried unanimously. (International` Elections'System) Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, authorizing the International Elections System Corporation to make the same type of study and survey of the needs of Washington County as was granted to the Automatic Voting Machine Corporation. - Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried uA nim-ously. 1 1 MINUTE BOOK 397 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 1 0 (Revenue Sharing) Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that Washington County's Entitle- ment funds under the Act be deposited with the First National Bank & Trust Company of Wash- ington, Pennsylvania, and the Account be titled "The Washington County Fiscal Assistance Trust Fund" and that the money deposited be invested whole or in part in United States Govern- ment Short -Term Notes and that the Washington County Commissioners adopt,a planned program for priority expenditures in compliance with the Act and with special emphasis of the expendi- ture of funds for non -recurring projects. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor: Mr. Hormell (Tax Refunds) Assistant County Solicitor Hormell presented various Tax Refunds to the Board for their consideration and approval. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Jones, that the Tax Assessment Office be authorized to prepare the following Tax Refunds due to either duplication or overpayment of real estate tax: 1. RE: Cattaneoi Robert Norma &--Jack, c/o Jack Cattaneo Peters Township (1/2 Interest) Request for refund has been made in re the above -captioned tax account. Attached find Xerox copy of tax receipts showing either duplication or over -payment of county tax. Kindly issue check in the amount of $344. 82 to JACK CATTANEO, 110 Prosser Drive, Monongahela, Pa. 15063. 2. RE: Cobb, Daniel & Rosanna Hanover Township Request for refund has been made in re the above -captioned -tax account. Attached find Xerox copy of tax receipts showing over -payment of county tax. Kindly issue check in the amount of $19. 15 to COBB, DANIEL & ROSANNA, R. D. 1, Box 103, Georgetown, Pa. 15043. 3. RE: Carr, James A. & Carolyn L. Monongahela. 2nd Ward - Request for refund has been made in re the above -captioned tax account. Attached find Xerox copy of tax receipts showing over -payment of county tax. Kindly issue check in the amount of $8. 55 to CARR, IJAMES A & CAR_OLYNE L. 1215 Corrin Ave., Monongahela, Pa. 15063. Tax on Lts 109-110 & 1 /2 Lt rIII paid on May 16, 1972. T. A. 291 added hse; corrected tax notice was mailed and tax in amount of $63.99 was. paid on August 22, 1972. As a result, tax was paid on lots twice. 1* MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASH NGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 4. RE: Sprowls, Clayton R. & Roncie Ann South Franklin Township Request for refund has been made in re the above -captioned tax account. Attached find Xerox copy of tax receipts showing duplication of county tax. Kindly issue check in the amount of $3.85 to CLAYTON R & RONCIE ANN SPROWLS, R. D. 6, Box 345, Washington, Penna. 15301. Tax was paid on April 21, 1972, and payment was duplicated on June 300- 1972. 6. RE: Meute, Richard J. & Sherlyn N. Robinson Township Request for refund has been made in re the above -captioned tax account. Attached find Xerox copy of tax receipts showing duplication of county tax. Kindly issue check in the amount of $72. 16 to THE UNION NATIONAL BANK OF PITTSBURGH, McDonald Office, McDonald, Pa. 15057, 1972 County tax was paid on April 3, 1972, and payment was duplicated on June 30, 1972. 6. RE: Giameos, Freda Canonsburg 1st Ward Request for refund has been made in re the above -captioned tax account. Attached find Xerox copy, of tax receipts showing over -payment of county tax. Kindly issue check in the amount of $6. 16 to FREDA GIAMEOS, 413 Chartiers St., Canonsburg, Pa. 15317. Tax on lot 113 was paid on March 28, 1972, in the amount of $6. 16. T. A. #895 added house; new tax notice was mailed out, and tax in amount of $69. 00 was paid on June 30, 1972. As a result tax on lot 113 was paid twice. 7. RE: McGill, Carolyn G. Claysville Borough Request for refund has been made in re the above -captioned tax acdount. Attached find Xerox copy of tax receipts showing either duplication or over -payment of county tax. Kindly issue check in the amount of $30. 78 to McGILL, CAROLYN G. ;' 2329 Wells Drive, Bethel Park, Pa. 15102. Tax was paid on May 26, 1972, by Mrs. McGill (former owner) and also by Donald Sprowls (new owner). Refund to go to Mrs. McGill. 8. RE: Marine Sales & Service Inc. Dunlevy Borough Request for refund has been made in re the above -captioned tax account. Attached find Xerox copy of tax receipts showing over -payment of county tax. Kindly issue check in -the amount of $13.09 to MARINE SALES & SERVICE, INC., Box 124, Charleroi, Pa. 15022. Tax in amount of $12.82 was paid on Trailer & Acreage on 3/8/72. T. Z. 125•removed trailer; new tax notice was mailed out and tax in amount of $. 25 was paid on 5/9/72; Tax in amount of $. 27 was paid -on July 25, 1972. Total amount of tax paid: $13.34. Correct amount of tax due: $. 25. 9. RE: Sabo, -Elizabeth L. & Mike Cokeburg Borough 1 L 91 MINUTE 1300K 7 1 1, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Request for refund has been made in re the., above -captioned tax. account. Attached find Xerox copy of tax receipts showing over -payment of county tax. Kindly issue check in the amount of $4.62 to FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSIN., 25 E. High St., Waynesburg, Pa. 15370. Tax on 0. 60 Acre Surf & con blk gar paid on April 25, 1972, in amount of $4. 62. T. A. #903 added house; new tax notice was mailed out, and tax in amount of $53.01 was paid on June 2, , 1972. As a result, tax on acreage and garage was paid twice. 10. RE: Milhalovich, George & Diane Canton Township Request for refund has been made in re the above -captioned tax account. Attached find Xerox copy of tax receipts showing over --payment of county tax. Kindly issue check in the amount,of $5,-56 to FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASS'N., 25 E. High St., Waynesburg, Pa. 15370., Tax on Lot 6 was paid on April 25, 1972, in amount of $5. 56. T. A. ,#794 added house; new tax notice was mailed out, and tax in amount of $63.70 was paid on May 22, 1972. As a result tax on lot 6 was paid twice. 11. RE: McGary, John & Annie Canton Township Request for refund has been made in re the above -captioned tax account. Attached find Xerox copy of tax receipts showing, duplication of county tax. Kindly issue check in the amount of $13.95 to McGARY, JOHN & ANNIE, 1286 Spencer Avenue, Washington, Pa. 15301. - .Tax was paid on February 10, 1972, and payment was duplicated on August 30, 1972. 12. RE: Lyons, Dennis S. & Janis New Eagle Borough Request for refund has been made in re the above -captioned tax account. Attached find Xerox copy of tax receipts, showing either duplicationA or, over -payment of county tax. Kindly issue check in the amount of $66.78 to THE LOMAS & NETTLETON COMPANY, 121 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19107. 13. RE: Damico, Robert A. & Christine New Eagle Borough Request for refund has been made in re the above -captioned tax account. Attached find Xerox copy of tax receipts showing either duplication or over -payment of county tax. Kindly issue check in the amount of $4.53 to THE LOMAS & NETTLETON COMPANY, 121 North Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19107. 14. RE: Caldwell, Ronald M. & Carolyn E. New Eagle; Pa. 19107 Request for refund has been made in re the above -captioned tax account. Attached find Xerox copy of tax receipts showing either duplication or over -payment of county tax. Kindly issue check in the amount of $4.27 to THE LOMAS & NETTLETON COMPANY, 121 North Broad Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 19107. 400 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASH NGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR , EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 3 15. RE: Clyde English (former owner: Hohmann, A.) Mt. Pleasant Township Request for refund has been made in re the above -captioned tax account. Attached find Xerox copy of tax receipts showing either duplication or over -payment of county tax. Kindly issue check in the amount of $13.,.50 to CLYDE ENGLISH, R. D: 1, Canonsburg, Pa. 15317. 16. RE: Mastrangelo, Angelo V. 128 Beaton Drive, Canonsburg, Pa. Request for refund has been made in re the above -captioned tax account. Attached find Xerox copy of tax receipts showing either duplication or over -payment of county tax. Kindly issue check in the amount :of $3. 51 to ANGELO VA. MASTRANGELO, 128 Benton Drive, Canonsburg, Pa. 15317. 17.. RE: Cargnoni, Eugene & Barbara J. Canonsburg 1st Ward Annex Request for refund has been made in re the above -captioned tax account. Attached find Xerox copy of tax receipts showing either duplication or over -payment of county tax. Kindly issue check in the amount of $2.70 to CARGNONI, EUGENE & BARBARA J. ,= 1121 McEwen Ave., Canonsburg; Pa,-' 15317. 18. RE: Ghrist, James Carroll Township Request for"refund has been made in re the above -captioned tax account. Attached find Xerox copy of tax receipts showing either duplication or over -payment of county tax. = Kindly issue check in the amount of $2.32 to JAMES GHRIST, R. D. 1, Box 480, Monongahela, 'Pa. 15063. T. A. 1013 reduced assessment on acreage to $200. 19. RE: Neal, Vernon C. & Alvina B. South Franklin Township Request for refund has been made in re the above -captioned tax account. Attached find Xerox copy of tax receipts showing either duplication or over -payment of county tax. Kindly issue check in the amount of $18.00 to NEAL, VERNON C:4 & ALVINA B. , 1150 Prospect Rd., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15227. Discount figure of $31. 05 was transposed to read $13.05. 20. RE: Egan, John F. Canonsburg 1st Ward Request for refund has been made in re the above -captioned tax account. Attached find Xerox copy of tax receipts showing either duplication or over -payment of county tax. Kindly issue check in the amount of $10. 95 to JOHN FP EGAN, 4110 Dalewood St., Pittsburgh, Pa. 15227. MINUTE BOOK 401 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 1 G (Lease) 21. RE: Pocsay, Mike Est. West Brownsville Annex Request for refund has been made in re the above -captioned tax account. Attached find Xerox copy of tax receipts showing either duplication or over -payment of county tax. Kindly issue t;heck in the amount of $21. 60 to MRS MARGARET PETERSON, 194 Dartmouth Dr., Hicksville, N. Y. 11801. 22. RE: Cedar Grove Comm. Civ. Impr. Assn. Cross Creek Township. Request for refund has been made in re the above -captioned tax account. Attached find Xerox copy of tac receipts showing either duplication or over -payment of county tax. Kindly issue check in the amount of $3.93 to CEDAR GROVE COMM. IMPR ASSIN. , R. D. 2, Avella, Pa. 15312. 23. RE: Fowkes„ Grace Beallsville Borough Request for refund has been made in re the above -captioned tax account. Attached find Xerox copy of tax receipts showing either duplication or over -payment -of county tax. Kindly issue check in the- amount of $12. 51 to FOWKES, GRACE, R. D. 1, Rices Landing, Pa. 15357. 24. RE: Leach, Russell F. & Dorothy L. New Eagle Borough Request for refund has been made in re the above -captioned tax account. Attached find Xerox copy of tax receipts showing either duplication or over -payment of county tax. Kindly issue check in the amount of $3. 59 to THE LOMAS & NETTLETON COMPANY, 121 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19107. e 25. RE: Mele, James-S. & Carol- K. New Eagle Borough Request for refund has been made in re the above -captioned tax account. Attached find Xerox copy of tax receipts showing either duplication or over -payment of county tax. Kindly issue check in the amount of $4.27 to THE LOMAS & NETTLETON COMPANY, 121 N. Broad St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19107. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the proposed lease between the County of Washington and Maurice A. Yorkin be held in abeyance so that the Legal Depart- ment may investigate other possibilities. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. 402 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASH NGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Hormell presented to the Board an Order signed by the Honorable Judge Richard. DiSalle - RE: Commonwealth bs. Aubran Wayne Martin. It ordered that the County of Wash- ington pay to Mark J. Goldberg, Esquire, the additional sum of $500.; 00 toward the expenses involved in the investigation and defenses of said case. Said payment being in full and final satisfaction of the County's obligation in this regard. I Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Muso, authorizing the payment of $500. 00 to Mark J. Goldberg,' Esquire,, as per above. Roll call vote taken Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Hormell: Yesterday, I spent the day in Pittsburgh with Dr.. Alvi and: Michael George. The purpose was a hearing held by the Department of Environmental Resources on the applica- tion of Gysegem Coal Company for strip mining in the Cross Creek area. We spent the full day in taking testimony, and we did at last obtain the right to cross-examine and we did so. We didn't finish the hearing, and I haven't dinished cross-examining the engineers for the other side. So the matter will be continued until December 13th except that this time it will be in Washington County in my office in the Global Building. ,Commissioner Jones reported on the meeting in Erie County in regards to the Yablonski trials. - Commissioner Jones gave the following report on Creeks on OEP Projects: I. T. Miller, Contractor: Presently working on Ten Mile Creek at Plumsock. He has one more week to complete this project. Upon completion of Ten Mile Creek, he will move to Chartiers Creek in Strabane Township. JOBS TO BE DONE: Chartiers Creek near R. C. A. - Chartiers Creek in Canton Township & City of Washington Chartiers Run in Houston Burgetts Fork in Burgettstown and Smith T-ownship Unnamed Tributary to Burgettstown Plum Run in Midland Raccoon Creek in Cherry Valley and Joffre Frank Irey, Contractor: Presently working on Pigeon Creek in Monongahela City. Will be completed on January 31, 1973. Upon completion of Pigeon Creek, he will move to the Marianna Project. JOBS TO BE DONE: Hooters Run in Allenport Ten Mile Creek in Marianna JOBS COMPLETED: H Ll Pike Run in Daisytown-and Woods Run in Elco.