HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 64 - 4-12-1973 - COMMISSIONERMINUTE BOOK 551' BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASH NGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS C reliable engineering firm. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Jones, that the meeting adjourn. Meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: ATTEST: Minute No. 64 , 1973 CHIEF CLERK J.4, O'JiJiJ.J.J..I.J.J..I�J.J.J.J.J.J.JiJ.J.J.Ji Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., April 12, 1973 The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following members being present: Commissioners Paluso and Jones. Absent being: Commissioner Flynn. Also present being: Chief Clerk Murphy; Administrative Assistant Whalen; Solicitor Hormell; Assistant Solicitor Gilmore; Reporter Robertson of The Observer -Reporter; Mrs. Helen Miller of The League of Women Voters; and Reporter Liesch of The Brownsville Tele- graph. Meeting called to order by Acting Chairman and roll call taken: Mr, Jones - Present; Mr. Paluso - Present; Mr. Flynn - Absent. Acting Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions, or omissions to Minute No, 63, each Commissioner having received a copy, as read. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Jones, that Minute No. 63 be approved, Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Jones - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Old Business: Mr. Whalen Mr. Whalen stated that at the last regular meeting the question of a flood project at Houston was referred to the County by the Chartiers Township Commissioners. Mr, Whaler_ further stated that he followed up on the matter by acknowledging receipt of the letter, writing to Colonel Delbridge of the Corps of Engineers and asking them to again review the project, and by instructing John Yuhas to take the matter up with the Department of Environmental Resources. Mr. Whalen stated that when he receives further correspondence back on the subject, he will make another treport. Mr. Paluso read correspondence under date of April 4, 1973, from Representative A. J. DeMedio regarding the possibility of state and federal reimbursement to Washington 552 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS County for the costs incurred in the Yablonski murder trials. Mr. DeMedio stated that he has discussed this matter wk h his colleagues, Jack Brunner and Barry Stout, and a letter will be sent regarding their plan of action. Mr. DeMedio further stated that he had requested the preparation of special legislation several years ago, but they were unable to get an estimate of the amount of money that the Yablonski trials would cost Washington County for insertion in the proposed bill. Mr. Paluso stated that the above correspondence is in line with a letter he directed to the Representatives and Senator Murphy approximately two weeks ago and he feels that the Con- troller's Office should itemize the bills that we have received from Erie County and forward it to the representatives so that the figure can be inserted into the bill. (Mr. Anthony Colaizzo of the Canonsburg Chamber of Commerce, Mrs. June Lilley of the Canonsburg Daily Notes, and Mr. Eric Bugaile of WESA entered the meeting) Chief Clerk informed the Board of the receipt of the following check: 1. Commonwealth of Pennsylvania - public assistance payment for the month of November, 1972 - Child Welfare Services Account #6-B-4 - $3, 013. 30. Chief Clerk presented to the Board an invoice from Gene P. Amanati in the amount of $400.00 in reference to the Washington Mall Case. This bill was tabled due to the fact that Mr. Paluso is a litigant in the case. bills: Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Jones, approving payment of the following 1. Donald E. York - RE: Curry Field Project - Testifying Pre -Trial conferences and counseling - $600. 00 2. Carl G. Baker & Associates - Re: Engineering services rendered for design of new boiler for Home for Aged Women and Architectural and Engineering Services in preparing studies and recommendations for renovations to the Courthouse and renovations to Heating Plant for Courthouse and Jail - $4, 350. 63. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Jones - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Authorization to Advertise: Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Jones, that the Washington County Commis- sioners be authorized to advertise for bids for one (1) Low Profile Industrial Type Tractor for the Department of Parks & Recreation. Said bids to be received in the Office of the County Controller until 11:00 a.m. , Prevailing Time, Thursday, May 3, 1973, and opened immediat6ry thereafter in the Office of the County Commissioners. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Jones - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. MINUTE :■■ 553 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASH NGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 1 1 Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Jones, approving a list of surplus items as submitted by Michael George, Director of the Department of Parks and Recreation, to be posted on the bulletin board in order that quotes may be received for the items. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Jones - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief'Clerk read correspondence under date of April 1, 1973, from Mrs. Louise Pettit, Secretary, Marianna Civic Action Association, stating that the Marianna Civic Action Association voted in favor of Revenue Sharing monies to be used for Rural Outreach of the Community Action Programs.' Letter requested that the Commissioners take this into consider - ation when budgeting the county Revenue Sharing money. Mr. Whalen read the following quote from a nation-wide speech by President Nixon which was contained in a bulletin received from the Revenue Sharing Advisory Service, Wash- ington, D. C.: "Let me emphasize one point which is often misunderstood. General revenue sharing money is new money. It was never intended to replace programs we are now cutting back. To replace these programs, I am asking the Congress to create four new Special Revenue programs. " Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of April 11, 1973, from Merico S. Lignelli, Chief Assessor, requesting permission for eight (8) fieldmen to attend a training course for assessors which is being held at Seven Springs on April 24th and 25th by the Training Committee of the Assessors' Association of Pennsylvania. The cost involved for each man will be $15.00 which includes $10.00 registration and $5.00 Membership fee for each to the Assessors' Association. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Jones, that the above request as submitted by Mr. Lignelli be approved. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Jones - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. (Mr. Earl Bugaile of WKEG entered the meeting) Mr. Whalen: Mr. Whalen and Mr. Gilmore reported on the Nutrition Program which was the subject of a meeting held on April 3, 1973, attended by Metro Petrosky, Director of Adult Wel- fare Services and Assistant Solicitor Gilmore. The program, which supplements exdsting programs and provides centralized feeding to senior citizens throughout the County, will be federally funded with Washington County receiving $72, 07`2. 00 and being responsible for 10% of the costs involved. The program will have to retain a dietician, administrator, and an advisory 554 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Board that must be 511/o participants in the program and contains a long list of complex require- n.ents if Washington County is going to run it or contract it out. It has been decided by the Department of Public Welfare that there will be a Nutrition Program one way or the other and ideally, they would prefer that the County Commissioners either: (1) Support the program as a part of County government (2) Contract the service to a private agency that can provide this kind of service (3) If the Board of County Commissioners refuses to do either one, the State will come in and develop a program completely separate from County government using their own staff as an administrative arm kfter a brief discussion it was felt that the third alternative seemed to be the best proposal, iowever, the matter was tabled until a further study could be made. :Tax Anticipation Loan) .VIr. Whalen: On the 21st of April we have a payment due on our Municipal Loan in the amount ,)f $340, 000 which is next week. Currently we have a bank balance in our General Fund Account ,)f $444, 000, 00 and we have a payroll coming up this week of $115, 000.00. So in order to con- -.inue the orderly flow -of business, it is going to be necessary for the County to borrow another $250, 000, 00 on a Tax Anticipation Note to keep things operating properly; and I so recommend. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Jones, that the borrowing of $250, 000.00 )y the original loan contract be authorized as per the recommendation of Administrative Assis- -,ant Whalen. Roll call vote taken: Mr, Paluso - Yes; Mr. Jones - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. i Federal Revenue Sharing) VIr. Whalen: We are in receipt of the first quarterly allotment of the federal revenue sharing .n the amount of $338, 418, 00. In line with the policies so far established, I would recommend to the Board of Commissioners that $325, 000.00 be invested in a Certificate of Deposit with the 71 irst National Bank and Trust Company of Washington. Mr. Paluso requested Mr. Whalen to look into interest rates. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Jones, that the sum of $325, 000. 00 be invested in a Certificate of Deposit with the First National Bank and Trust Company of Washing - ion at the best possible interest rates as per the recommendation of Administrative Assistant Whalen. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Jones - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. 1 1 MINUTE ■■ 555 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASH NGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS J Mr, Whalen read correspondence under date of April 10, 1973, from William P. Sember, Acting Director, Washington County Planning Commission, informing the Commis- sioners of a meeting that he attended on March 15, 1973, with Penn -DOT representatives in Pittsburgh. Mr. Sember stated that to update traffic counts on State Highways' in Western Pennsylvania, Penn -DOT is soliciting the aid of County governments if possible. In Washington County this would entail the hiring of five (5) persons, which would include a working super- visor, said persons would be employed for approximately 12 weeks at $2, 00-$2. 80 per hour-, the salary being determined by the Board of Commissioners if they desire to participate. In addition, three or four van -type vehicles would have to be rented for the personnel to transport the traffic counters to and from the various locations. Vehicle rentals, salaries, and all other expenses are 100% reimbursable from Penn -DOT. Washington County would incur these costs initially and later be reimbursed. Invoices could be submitted to Penn -DOT monthly or at the termination of the Project. The County may participate .in a summer program or from Septem•• ber to December. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Jones, that Mr. Sember be instructed to proceed and notify Penn -DOT that the Commissioners are interested in participating in the abovementioned program with the stipulation that the persons. hired exclusive of the supervisor be students and that it be a summer program. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Jones - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. New Business: Mr. Jones Mr. Jones stated that the Courthouse will be closed on Friday, April 20, 1973, in observance of Good Friday. Mr. Anthony Colaizzo of Canonsburg requested the Commissioners' assistance in getting his dwelling assessed for real estate tax purposes. In his correspondence, which he presented to the Commissioners, he stated that his property has had two (2) building permits issued, three (3) letters have been written to the Assessment Offs ce and in the summer of 1970 an assessor visited his home. To date, the only semblance of getting his home on the tax rolls is that the 1972 School Tax notice reflected his new address but the 1972: Borough and County Tax had the address of his former residence. Mr. Colaizzo attached copies of the letters that have been written to the Assessment Office to his correspondence. Mr. Jones instructed Mr. Murphy to bring this matter to Mr. Lignelli's: immediate attention. (Mr. Roney and Mr. Nasin entered the meeting) Solicitor: Mr. Gilmore Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Jones, that the contract for the furnishing 556 MINUTE :■■ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS and delivering of fourteen (14) vehicles to be delivered to the Washington County Garage be awarded to DAVIES & TREGEMBO FORD, INC., 728 McKean Avenue, Charleroi, Pa. 15022, for the amount set forth in their bid, this being the lowest responsible bid received and in accordance with specifications. Also included in this motion is that the contract for the furnish- ing and delivering of one (1) Patrol Vehicle - 4 Wheel Dirive - American Made - 1973 Model or Newer to be delivered to the Washington County Garage be awarded to DON SEGUI MOTORS, INC., 161 S. McDonald Street, McDonald, Pa. 15057, for the amount set forth in their bid, this being the lowest responsible bid received and in accordance with specifications. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Jones ,- Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Jones, that the Commissioners be authori- zed to re -advertise for bids for Bid No. 2 as four (4) individual bids on four (4) separate vehicles with the stipulation that Pankopf Ford submits to the Commissioners a writtenstatement that they are in accord with the above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr, Jones - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Hormell stated that he does not think that it is a legal necessity for the foregoing stipulation in reference to Pankopf Ford submitting a written statement to the Commissioners to be tied into the motion. ;Tax Refunds) Assistant Solicitor Gilmore presented various Tax Refunds to the Board for their consideration and approval. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Jones, that the Tax Assessment Office be authorized to prepare the following Tax Refunds due to either duplication or over -payment of real estate tax: 1. Bier, Stanley D. & Susan V. R. D. # 1, Venetia, Pa. 15367 District: Peters Township ---Deed Book Reference: --- District Number: 54 --- Section Number: 5---Parcel Number: 63-2 Amount: $20.69 2. Frye Construction Company Sixth & Railroad St., Monongahela, Pa. 15063 District: New, Eagle ---Deed Book Reference: 1330-0005 District Number: 48 --- Section Number: 19 --- Parcel Number: 6-2-1 Amount: $ 3. 96 3, Beck, Ruth V. , Beck Realty 3031 Pennsylvania Avenue, Weirton, W. Va. 26062 District: Hanover ---Deed Book Reference: none District Number: 34--- Section Number: 3---Parcel Number: 2 Amount: $42.08 C L MINUTE BOOK 557 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASH NGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS - f17Cir 4. Beckman, C. W. New Owner: Sabo, Joseph & Donna Charleroi Federal Savings & Loan Assn., 1st & McKean Ave., Charleroi, Pa. District: North Charleroi ---Deed Book Reference: 1335-610 District Number: 50---Section Number: 8---Parcel Number: 14 Amount: $47.82 5. Yenko, Donald F. & Hope West Pike Street Ext. , Canonsburg, Pa. 15317 District: Peters Township ---Deed Book Reference: none District Number: 54---Section Number: 11---Parcel Number: 393 Amount: $118. 25 6. Perko, Charles L. & Mary A. Mellon National Bank, Burgettstown, Pa. 15021 District: Smith ---Deed Book Reference: --- District Number: 7---Section Number: 03--- Parcel Number: 5 Amount: $40.29 7. Haley, William Jr. & -Betty Box 18, Bulger, Pa. 15019 District: Smith Township ---Deed Book Reference: --- District Number: 57 --- Section Number: 22---Parcel Number: 60 Amount: $26.73 Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Jones - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. (Agreements - Cross Creek Park) Assistant Solicitor Gilmore presented to the Board four (4) agreements between Washington County and: (1) William S. Stacko; (2) Curtis McGaughey; (3) Lee Romanetti; (4) John Hunter, the main purpose of these agreements being to control the growth of vegetation until park development takes place. The termination of said agreements will be on October 29, 1973. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Jones, that the foregoing agreements in reference to Cross Creek Park be approved. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Jones - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Ferry Commission Ordinance: Assistant Solicitor Gilmore presented and read to the Board Ordinance No. 73-1 creating the Joint Monongahela Ferry Commission, repealing ordinances inconsistent herewith; setting terms and,naming the members thereof; prescribing the duties of said commission and providing for the financing thereof. Mr. Paluso questioned Section 11 of the Ordinance and stated that he feels the Section should read: In the event of the dissolution of the commission because of a determination by the Wash- ington County Board of Commissioners and/or Fayette County Board of Commissioners that the same would be in the best interest of the Washington County Taxpayers, all assets and all liabili - ties of the commission shall be divided equally between Washington County and Fayette. County.