HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 71 - 5-31-1973 - COMMISSIONER632 MINUTE ■■ BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASH NGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS 126 S. Washington Road, McMurray, Pa. 15317 District: Buffalo ---Deed Book Reference: --- District Number: 060---Section Number: 009 --- Parcel Number: 0050-04 Amount: $ . 85 10. LeClerg, Frank J. & Dorothy V. 515 Rear Liberty Avenue, North Charleroi, Pa. 15022 District: North Charleroi ---Deed Book Reference: --- District Number: 50 --- Section Number: 9---Parcel Number: 21 Amount: $20.52 11. McGary, John & Annie 1286 Spencer Avenue, Washington, Pa. 15301 District: Canton Township District Number: 120 --- Section Number: 13---Parcel Number: 153 Amount: $13. 25 Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the meeting adjourn. Meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: ATTEST: CHIEF CLERK Minute No, 71 , 1973 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., May 31, 1973 The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following members being present: Commissioners Jones, Paluso and Flynn. Also present being: Chief Clerk Murphy; Administrative Assistant Whalen; Assistant Solicitor Gilmore; Mrs. Helen Miller of The League of Women Voters; Mrs. June Lilley of The Canonsburg Daily Notes; and Reporter Robertson of The Observer -Reporter. Meeting called to order by Chairman and roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Present; Mr. Paluso - Present; Mr. Flynn - Present. Correspondence: Mr. Murphy Chief Clerk informed the Board of the receipt of the following check: (1) Commonwealth of Pennsylvania - 1973 Adult Probation Program - $13, 551.00. Bills: Mr. Jones stated that in the future all bills that have not been submitted by the time the meeting agenda is made up should be held over until the next regular board meeting. C Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso approving payment of the following MINUTE B❑❑K 633 1 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASH NGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS bills: bill: (1) Donald E. York - $150. 00 - Appraisal Fees - Testimony in Court on Richard Lightholder property. (2) Frank Gavlik and Sons - $10, 297. 99 - Washington County Airport Slide. (3) Alfieri Realty - $50. 00 - Fee for reappraisal of parcel ME 29 and ME 30 - Mingo Park Expansion Project. (4) Griswold, Winters & Swain - $1, 124. 53 - for professional services from April 1 through April 30, 1973. (5) The Research Group, Inc. - $173. 34 - for Pennsylvania Condemnation of Roads, Parks and Highways. - (6) U.S. Department of Agruculture - $116.07 - Salaries and Expenses of personnel - Harmon Creek Site PA-481 (April 29, 1973 - May 12, 1973) Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Flynn approving payment of the following Richard S. Cowan, Jr. - $1, 900. 00 - for professional fees Re: Washington Mall Case. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Abstain; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried. (Mr. Jack Merdian entered the meeting) Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of May 24, 1973 from C. Robert Budd, Executive Director, Pennsylvania State Association of County Commissioners enclosing four copies of the revised contract covering the personnel in the Child Care and Mental Health and Mental Retardation Programs. Mr. Budd stated that the State Association is trying to beai a deadline so that the counties will not be obligated to provide the covered employees with an additional 5% increase that would be due on July lst under the old agreement. He requested that three copies of the said contract be executed and returned to the Association as soon as possible. Those counties that do not sign the contracts will be bound by the terms of the pre- sent agreement and will be obligated to provide an increase on July 1st. Chief Clerk read correspondence under dateof May 24, 1973 from H.E. Meyers, Director, Bureau of Municipal Services which attached a copy of a letter designating the dead- line date for receiving County Aid Applications, Form MS 339 and Form 340. Mr. Meyers requested that the Commissioners make this information known to all persons involved in the preparation and submission of County Aid Applications. Said attached letter stated that all 339's and 340's must be in their District Office by December 1st of the calendar year for County and District; and all 339's and 340's that are received in their Harrisburg Office on or before the last working day of the calendar year will be approved as an encumbrance for MINUTE BoOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASH NGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS that year, this pertains to District and Central Office. (Solicitor Gilmore re-entered the meeting) Liquid Fuels: Chief Clerk stated that in regards to 1973 funding to municipalities the County is going to go on the same 50-50 basis as in 1972 and the amount to be distributed is approxima- tely $100, 431. 79. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso that the amount of $100, 000. 00 be appropriated from Liquid Fuels monies to be distributed to the municipalities on the 50-50 formula as recommended by the State. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of May 23, 1973 from Jerry R. Wettstone, Director, Recreation and Conservation Bureau, Department of Community Affairs which attached three copies of the Amendment extending the termination date of the Grant Con- tract for funds from the $500 Million Conservation and Recreation Bond Issue Program. Said Amendment is to be signed by the Chief Executive and Secretary, and is in reference to Mingo Creek Park Expansion. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso that the abovementioned Amend- ment as submitted by the Department of Community Affairs relating to Mingo Creek Park Expansion be executed by the Chief Executive and Secretary. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of May 29, 1973 from William P. Somber, Acting Director, Washington County Planning Commission stating that on May 29, 1970 a contract was awarded to A. C. Ackenheil and Associates of Pgh. by the Commonwealth to formulate an engineering study of acid mine drainage in Hillman State Park. Said study is complete and on file in the Planning Commission offices and was a follow up to the Planning Commission and Federal Water Pollution Control Agency study of mine drainage in the Raccoon Creek Watershed. Mr. Somber further stated that the Pa. Department of Environmental Resources has or is in the process of receiving bids for the construction of abatement facilities in the proposed Hillman State Park and although these facilities will not have a great impact on the overall elimination of pollution in the Raccoon Creek Watershed, they will insure the availability of clean streams in the park. C L Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of May 11, 1973 from Lieutenant Governor Ernest P. Kline stating that to assist all counties in the discharge of their MINUTE B❑❑K 635 U BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASH NGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES. JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS emergency responsibilities, the State Council of Civil Defense has scheduled a special three- day training program for County Civil Defense Directors on June 6, 7 and 8, 1973. Mr. Kline stated that the Council has arranged to reimburse the Directors for expenses incurred in attend- ing this training program and has furnished the Directors with preliminary information con- cerning this session. In view of the importance of the scheduled meeting, Lieutenant Governox Kline requested that the Commissioners take steps to see that Washington County is appropria- tely represented at the program. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso that Mrs. Vlasta Draper, Administrative Assistant of the Civil Defense Office be authorized to attend the abovementionec meeting to be held on June 6, 7 and 8. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of May 23, 1973 from J. B. Wilson P. E. , District 12-0, Department of Transportation in reference to a recent letter from Mr. Jones concerning the drainage problem located on Traffic Route 88, Dunlevy, Pa. near the White Barn Supper Club. Said letter stated that a meeting was held at the site on April 11, 1973, and as a result of the meeting, it was found that the complaint concerning the drainage ir. the vicinity of the Supper Club is legim ate. Attached to correspondence was a copy of a letter to Mr. Howard Felton, Superintendent of the Washington County Maintenance Office indicating the steps the Department of Transportation has taken to alleviate the problem. Chief Clerk presented various petitions which stated the following: "Whereas, President Nixon has called for the curtailment of funds allocated by Congress for social services to the poor, aged, and sick, we the undersigned citizens of Washington County do hereby petition the Washington County Board of Commissioners to assistthe Washington - Greene Community Action Corporation and the Rural Outreach Program in restoring these vital needs. " Chairman suggested that we acknowledge receipt of said petitions. Mr. Whalen: (Harmon Creek Flood Control Sites:) Mr. Whalen: In connection with the Harmon Creek Flood Control sites, Mr. Judy has infor- med the County that the annual inspection on sites 499, 482 and 484 will be on Friday, June 1 and they ask that we have a County representative present at this inspection so probably it will have to be Mr. Graham or Mr. Yuhas or both of them. Mr. Flynn: Well I would suggest that we notify Mr. Graham and Mr. Yuhas to be there, Mr. Whalen read correspondence under date of May 24, 1973 from Miss Louise 636 MINUTE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASH NGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Abel stating that the Pennsylvania Council of Child Welfare Administrators is having its summer meeting on June 21 and 22, 1973 at the Tamiment in the Poconos. The rate, which includes room and three meals is $41. 14 and in addition to this there would be one nights - lodging on June 20 plus traveling expenses. Proposed change for reimbursement to Counties and other items of interest will be discussed at the meeting. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso authorizing Miss Louise Abel to t attend the abovementioned meeting to be held on June 21, and 22, 1973. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. (Erie County) Mr. Whalen: As a result of last Thursday's meeting, Commissioner Jones, Solicitor Hormell, and myself went to Erie County and met with the Board of County Commissioners, the Administrative Assistant to the Board, the County Controller and the Deputy Sheriff in charge. Mr. Jones delivered to Chairman Hill the check in the amount of $57, 994.81 which represent- ed payment in full as billed to date for the costs of the Prater trial. Mr. Jones also con- firmed to Erie County the establishment of the special account for Richard Sprague which was authorized by the request jointly signed by Jess D. Costa, District Attorney and Charles G. Sweet, President Judge and the subject is The Contemplated Cost for the Case of the Commonwealth vs. Albert Pass. It was also agreed that the County of Erie would continue to supervise and pay the costs there since it would be impractical for Washington County to handle it by remote control. To avoid Erie County having to use their own funds in this Pass Trial Commissioner Jones agreed to recommend to the Washington County Board of Commissioners today that the sum of $50, 000 be advanced to Erie County for this purpose. This action will be recommended at the regular board meeting on Thursday, May 31. County Controller Gehrlein of Erie County indicated that these funds would be dispersed from a special account to be established in Erie. We made some specific, requests to Erie County in the way of accounting. First we asked that all witnesses be certified by the District Attorney, processed through the Clerk of Courts Office for payment and the actual payment of witness fees be affected by the Controller. We asked them to segregate the various items, budgetary items for example we asked them to segregate the Jury charges, the witness charges, any and all security charges and the prosecution charges. It was agreed that as far as the Board of County Commissioners of Washington County was concerned, that they would recommend that I be delegated to meet with Erie County once a week preferably on Mondays since their board meetings are on Tuesdays and that we can clear any pertinent matters at that time and fl it could be expedited and that would give the Washington County Board the----------------- (a brief discussion was held) MINUTE BOOK 637 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASH NGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Mr. Whalen then read the authorization received from District Attorney Costa and President Judge Charles G. Sweet requesting the Commissioners to advance the amount of $7, 500 to be deposited in a special account in Erie for Richard Sprague. Chairman stated that it was on this basis that the Commissioners advanced said money. Controller Elish made reference to Minute No. 69, dated May 17, 1973 in which it was unanimously approved that the following recommendations submitted by Controller Elish for the Pass Trial would be put into effect: 1. That we are billed directly for all necessary expenses of this case, and that Erie County will not act as an intermediary for us, except in an extreme emergency for some vital expenditure or expenditures. 2. I, or some member of my staff (meaning Mr. Elish and the Controller's Office staff) will be in Erie daily if necessary to supervise and audit each expenditure as it occurs. Mr. Elish stated that it will be necessary to rescind this motion if the Commissioners plan to take the course of action agreed upon between Commissioner Jones and the Erie County Commissioners. Commissioner Paluso stated that he doesn't think there is any authorization anywhere in the County Code for an advance of money from one county to another and that all bills, after their perusal in Erie County should be sent to the Commissioners for approval at their Thursday meeting and paid. (a lengthy discussion was held) Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso that the motion made at the regular board meeting of May 17, 1973 unanimously approving Controller Elish's recommenda- tions regarding bill procedures for the Pass Trial be rescinded. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Flynn that as per an agreement with the Erie County Commissioners, Washington County advance to Erie County the sum of $50, 000. 00) to set up a separate account for the upcoming Pass Trial, with the stipulation that said action is legal and abides strictly by the County Code. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - No; _ Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso authorizing Administrative Assistant Whalen, or in his absence a representative of the Commissioners to be in Erie County beginning June 4, 1973 every Monday prior to and during the term of the Pass Trial to review with the Erie County Controller all expenditures and see that the money is being ex- pended in the proper accounts. Payment of the bills will be subject to the normal procedure. 638 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASH NGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. (Chartiers Creek Flood Control) Mr. Whalen presented to the Board a status report on the Chartiers Creek Flood Protection Project submitted to the Department of Environmental Resources by Robert L. Zeman which stated in part that the Corps of Engineers of the U.S. Army District, Pgh. submitted a design for a wider and deeper channel with sloping banks. The design nessitates a new bridge to carry Jefferson Avenue in Canonsburg over the new channel. The new bridge is no longer than the present one and is a single span without the present central pier. (A brief discussion was held) (Mr. Elish left the meeting) Mr. Whalen presented to the Board a bill in the amount of $3, 090. 00 from Robert L. Zeman, Special Counsel for the Chartiers Creek Flood Control Project for work performed from February 24, 1972 through December 4, 1972. Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso approving the aforementioned bill in the amount of $3, 090. 00 for Robert L. Zeman, Special Counsel for the Chartiers Creek Flood Control Project. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Whalen stated that the Washington County Humane Society is making an application to the Commonwealth for funding, and read a letter of endorsement on behalf of the Society by the Washington County Commissioners to help them attain these funds. New Business: Mr. Murphy Chief Clerk read a memorandum under date of May 31, 1973 from Joseph Muscaro, Director of Elections requesting that the County Board of Elections be present Friday afternoon, June 1, 1973 for the signing of the Election Record Books for the first certification. Said memo also stated that the Recount Board will complete all books and all computation of votes by early afternoon, Friday, June 1, 1973. Solicitor: Mr. Gilmore Mr. Gilmore stated that in reference to the Juvenile Court Grant, there has been some problem in the mathematics and the Juvenile Court has asked that this be post- poned for a week until they are straight on their finances. (MH/MR Assignment of Lease and Lease of Equipment) I I 1 Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso authorizing Assistant Solicitor Gilmore to prepare the necessary papers for approval at the next regular board meeting MINUTE BOOK 639 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASH NGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN. FRANK JONES, JR., EDWARD M. PALUSO, COMMISSIONERS -------------- regarding an assignment of existing lease between the County and the Siegel Building, assign- ing said building to the MH /MR Clinic, and also the entering into a lease by the County of the County equipment that is presently in the Clinic and being used there. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Gilmore presented a request for an Addictive Disease Center Lease in Bur-gettstown but stated that it will have to be acted upon at the next meeting, due to a delay in that Mr. Hanna, who is working with him on this, became ill. Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Jones approving payment of the following bills in reference to the abandoning of Township Road 605 in Mingo Creek County Park. (1) Nottingham Township Supervisors - $42.00 - advertising expenses. (2) Peter J. Mansmann, Esquire - $125.00 - preparation of the Ordinance and legal advice. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn -Yes. Motion carried unanimously. It (Tax Refunds) Assistant County Solicitor Gilmore presented various Tax Refunds to the Board for their consideration and approval: Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Jones that the Tax Assessment Office be authorized to prepare the following Tax Refunds due to either duplication or overpayment of real estate tax: 1. Kaskie, John & Helen Box 13, Houston, Pa. 15342 District: North Strabane ---Deed Book Reference: --- District Number: 52--- Section Number: 15--- Parcel Number: 219 Amount: $29.58 2. Steiger, William, Mrs. Lillian Steiger 10 East Crafton Avenue, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15205 District: Robinson ---Deed Book Reference: --- District Number: 55 --- Section Number: ---Parcel Number: --- Amount: $15. 05 3. Rosana L. Campbell 507 W. Lincoln Avenue, McDonald, Pa. 15057 District: ---Deed Book Reference: --- District Number: ---Section Number: ---Parcel Number: --- Amount: $49.87 Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Gilmore informed the Board that he has received correspondence from Don