HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 122 - 6-11-1970 - COMMISSIONERMINUTE BOOK 1.185 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Certified check in the amount of $307. 50 accompanied bid. Mr. Flynn explained the policy adopted by the Board of Commissioners on the awarding of contracts. Bids are opened in accordance with advertisement - at the designated date and hour, contracts awarded one week later, giving the Solicitor and necessary persons involved, an opportunity to review all bids received. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that all bids be tabled. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the meeting adjourn. Meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: 1970 ATTEST: ACTING CHIEF CLERK Minute No. 122 1 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., June 11, 1970 The Board of Commissioners met in regular session with the following members being present: Commissioners Beved, Mazza, and Flynn. Also present being: Acting Chief Clerk Ivery; County Solicitor Capano; Assistant County Solicitor Porter; Mr. Roland Bourke - Executive Director of the Redevelopment Authority; Mr. Kyle Riggs - The Redevelopment Authority; Treasurer Morgan; Reporter Roule representing the Monongahela Publishing Company; Reporter Coleman of the Brownsville Telegraph; Reporter Robertson of the Observer - Reporter; and Public Information Officer Huber. Meeting called to order by Chairman and roll call taken: Mr. Bevec - Present; Mr. Mazza - Present; Mr. Flynn - Present. Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions, or omissions to Minute No. 121, each Commissioner naving received a copy. Moved by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Bevec, that Minute No. 121 be approved as read. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Special Order of Business: s MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Chairman jttted that the regular order of business would be dispensed with in order that Mr. Roland Bourke, Executive Director of the Washington County Redevelop- ment Authority, could make a presentation to the Board on the Donora Development Plan. Mr. Bourke reviewed said Plan for the Board as per Plan drawing. Mr. Flynn: Thank you for your presentation, Mr. Bourke. You and your staff ate to be commended for a job well done. Representative Roger Raymond Fischer entered the meeting. Mr. Bourke left the meeting. Mr. Riggs left the meeting. Acting Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of May 26, 1970, from Stanley A. Miller, Secretary - Department ot; Public Welfare, which stated that the hj w- rl Commonweaun buageL proviaes for a '10% reduction in General Assistance grants. Letter stated tnat as a result, there was no alternative than to reduce expenditures for a number of programs including General Assistance. Letter enclosed copies of a memoran- dum sent to County Commissioners, and also a directive sent to the County Boards of Assistance, as well as an Attorney General's opinion dealing with the subject of General Assistance. Mr. Flynn: The reason why the Commissioners requested that the gentlemen. from the General Assembly be present today is because we must prepare to work together on this problem. Tne 1970 budget has already been adopted and cannot be changed. There is no way that the Commissioners can raise this money. It is an impossibility that the Commissioners cannot fulfill. If the Commissioners would pick up the 75%, this would result in about $100, 000. 00 per month or a total of 1a/2 Million Dollars yearly. This 'V amount to a 7-8 mill increase in taxes. As per a telephone conversation with A. J. Murphy this morning before the meeting, he informs me that M was the intention of the Legislators of both parties and both houses W introduce Stop Gap legislation in hope that the Governor would not veto this. Mr. Fischer: Thank you for inviting -me here today. If you want my opinion, I believe that many of these things (such as General Assistance - Scholarship Funds - Eaucation Cuts) are being done to put pressure on for a broad base tax. I felt that the Governor's budget message was a vehicle to put pressure on the Legislature for a broad base tax. I believe that the Legislature is going to introduce the StopGap legislation. Mr. Flynn: Tnank you very much, Mr. Fischer. The Commissioners have maintained all along that we must have a broader base to raise taxes. Our intention of having you here today was to clear the air for the general public. Mr. John D. Anthony entered the meeting. Representative Fischer left the meeting. Mr. Porter left the meeting. 1� MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. Fi.YNN. JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MA27A, COMMISSIONERS ry 187 P 1 Correspondence: Acting Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of June 3, 1970, from Sophie Despot, Secretary - East Bethlehem Township Board -of Commissioners, which served as a protest on the proposed fees to be placed on automobile's entering the Ten Mile Creek County Park in East Bethlehem Township. Letter further stated that since the Park is being maintained with financial aid from the Federal Government that the taxpayers should not be charged for the use of said Park. Mr. Bevec: It has been pointed out that parking is not only for automobiles but also covers space for trailers. If the.boroughs, highways, and municipalities charge for parking on the streets, the County has a right to charge at the Park to cover expenses. The Federal Government is not maintaining that area. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the amount of $235. 0 be advanced to Elmer Obitko, Director of the Department of Veterans' Affairs, for ex- penses to be incurred at the Annual Convention to be held by the Pennsylvania State Association of County Directors, Split Rock Lodge, Lake Harmony, on June 22-24, 1970. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynh-.t Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Acting Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of June 9, 1970, from Metro Petrosky, Jr., Director of Human Services, which stated that as per a directive from the Washington County Commissioners, a meeting was held with Mr. John Fantz regarding 405 commitments (emergency) and the difficulty the Sheriff's Office has been having in getting the individuals admitted to the Washington Hospital. Letter recommen- ded to the Commissioners that Mr. Fantz be given suffieient time to solve this problem E using the recognized avenues at his disposal. Acting Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of June 4, 1970, from James E.. Ross, Chairman - Beaver County Commissioners, which stated that on behalf of the Commissioners and .the people of Beaver County, Mr. Ross would like to protest the proposed amendment to the Social Security Act which recently passed the U.S. House of Representatives (H. R. 17550). Letter further stated thatthe Beaver County Comm.iss:b ers urge the Washington County Commissioners to act on behalf of all aged and infirm people who will be the ones to suffer under this proposed change. Mr. Flynn: � We,will comply with- this request. Acting Chief Clerk :read correspondence under date of June 3, 1970, from Robert R. Shoemaker addressed to Mrs. Charlotte K. , Lane, Washington -Greene County Tourist Promotion Agency, which commented on the recent issue of the Tourist Guide. r• ITHNUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Letter further stated that Mrs. Lane can be very proud of this publication for it does present an excellent image of the area and all it has to offer. Mr. Metro Petrosky entered the meeting. Acting Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of June 3, 1970, from Sally Miller, Secretary - Western Area Vocational - Technical School, which stated that at the regular meeting, May 27, 1970, the School Committee of the W.A. V. T. S. discusse the landfill operation planned in the Export area of Chartiers Township. Letter stated that it. is reported that this operation is to be conducted on approximately ninety acres within an estimated distance of one mile of the W. A. V. T. S. site. Since the fill is to include garbage and other refuse, the School Committee feels it would be remiss in not expressing its objection to this planned operation. Letter further stated that the Commissioners help in this problem will be greatly appreciated by said School. Acting Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of June 1, 1970, from Alexander Piechnic, Secretary - Chartiers -Houston School District, which stated the Board of Education, at a special meeting held on May 28, 1970, unanimously adopted a statement of opposition to the use of Chartiers land for use as a sanitary landfill. Letter further stated thatt e Commissioners support in denying permission for the use of this land as a sanitary landfill is urgently solicited. Mr. Flynn: We will acknowledge the two preceding letters but the Commissioners are not in a position to take action until such time that a request is, received from the Department of Health. Moved by -Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the following bills be approved for payment: — (1) G. Herschel Fetherlin, Real Estate Appraisals, 662 Eimhurst Drive, Washington, Pennsylvania. Fee in the amount of $500. 00 for appraisal of Washington County Golf & Country C iub. Said bill approved by Charles Bush, Chief Assessor. $500. 00 is hereby approved. (2) George Washington Hotel - Bill in the amount of $2, 212.. 43 for Jury's stay during the Norvelle DeWitt Jennings trial. Bill approved in the amount of $2, 212. 43. (3) Michael Baker, Jr.,, Inc, - Recommendation for payment in the amount of $19, 697. 46. Contractor - Louis M. McMaster, Inc., P.O. Box 175, McMurray, Pennsylvania 15317 - Washington County Airport - Contract No. 5, Estimate No. 8 Final (Retention) - date of estimate - June 1, 1970. Bill in the amount of $19, 697. 46 is hereby approved. (4) Joseph F. Bontempo & Associates - Recommendation for payment - Contractor - Baldwin Electric Company, Inc., 393 West Chestnut Street, Washington, Pennsylvania 15301 - Washington County Juvenile Detention Home - Contract No, 4 - Electrical, Estimate No. 5, date of estimate - May 29, 1970. Bill in the amount of $2, 564. 39 is hereby approved. MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN. JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS 1 1 1 (6) Joseph, 'F. Bontempo & Associates - Recommendation for payment - Contractor Chapman Plumbing & Heating, Inc., 393 West Chestnut Sii-eet, Washington, Pennsylvania 15301. Washington County Juvenile Detention Home, Contract No. 2 -- Heating and Ventilating - Estimate No. 3. Bill in the amount of $2, 815. 20 is hereby approved. (.) Joseph F. Bontempo & Associates - Recommendation for payment - Contractor- McAnallen Brothers, Inc., P. O. Box 265, Washington, Pennsylvania 15301 - Washington County Juvenile Detention Home - Contract No. 1--General, Estimat( - Nb. 8' -,date of estimate - May 31, 1970. Bill in the amount of $9, 191.17 is hereby approved, (7) Joseph F. Bontempo & Associates - Invoice No. 54539 in the amount of $54.14 under date of June 3, 1970, for supervision of construction for Washington County Juvenile Detention Home, Washington, Pennsylvania, Estimate No. 5 of the Baldwin Electric Company, Inc., dated May, 29, 1970. Invoice approve d in the amount of $54. 14. (8) Joseph F. Bontempo & Associates - Invoice No. 54551 in the amount of $59. 43 under date of June' 4, 1970, for supervision of construction for Washington County Juvenile Detention Home, Washington, Pennsylvania 15301, Estimate No. 3 of Chapman Plumbing & 'Heating, Inc., dated May 28, 1970. Invoice in the amount of $59. 43 is hereby approved, (9) Joseph F. Bontempo & Associates - Invoice No. 54600 in the amount of $194. 04 under date of June 9, 1970, for supervision of construction for Washington County Juvenile Detention Home, Washington, Pennsylvania 15301, Estimate No. 8 of McAnallen Brothers, Inc, dated May 31, 1970. Invoice in the amount of $194. 04 is hereby approved. (10) Joseph F. Bontempo & Assoicates - Change Order No. G-2 in the amount of $145.00 for furnishing all labor and material to plaster the ceiling in Utility Room No. 122 for Contract No. 1--General for Washington County Juvenile Detention Home, Contractor - McAnallen Brothers, Inc., P. O. Box 265, Washington, Pennsylvania 15301. Change Order in the amount of 1115.00 is hereby approved. (11) Robert L. Ceisler, 80 E. Chestnut Street, Washington," Pennsylvania 15301 for title searches and certificates, In re: Cross Creek County Park. Bill in the amount of $1925: 00 is hereby approved. (Parks and Recreation Account). (12) Frank Gavlik & Sons, Inc. - Contract for Parking & Sanitary Facilities - Owner's Project No, WC 2/69-1 for Mingo Creek County Park - No. 5 and Partial. Period from May 20, 1970 to April 20, 1970. Bill in the amount of $9, 342. 64 is hereby approved. (Commonwealth Conservation Assistance Account) (13) George R. Kemp & Associates, Inc, , 500 Penn Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvai 15235 - April, 1970 - Job No. 69-201-Project WC 2/69-1- Mingo Creek County Park fcr services rendered for period ending April 30, 1970, as per contract dated May 2, 1968 for on -site engineering inspections; measuriagigind calculat- ing of quantities for preparation of final inspection & estimate; Dept, of Community Affairs progress reports; miseessaneous project review and coordinating; calls, correspondence, etc. Bill in the amount of $1184.03 is hereby approved. (Commonwealth Cons ervation,Assistance Account Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. New Business: Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, authorizing the posting of a 1962 Model Stenograph Machine for a period of ten (10) days for public notice; said quotes to be received through June 24, 1970. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. 190 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Motion carried unanimously. Advertise for Bids: Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the County Controller be authorized to advertise for bids for Vegetating Earthfill Embankment and other areas at Site PA - 482, Harmon Creek Watershed, Sbdd bids to be - received at the Office of the County Controller, Washington County Courthouse, Washington, Pennsylvania, until 11:00 a.m., EDST, July 9,, 1970, and opened immediately thereafter in the Office of the County Commissioners. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr, Flynn -'Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Temporary Loan: Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the following Resolu be adopted and that the County Solicitor be authorized to prepare the necessary papers to borrow from Pittsburgh National Bank the sum of Two Hundred Fifty Thousand ($250, 000.00) Dollars as part of the authorized aggregate amount adopted in the Resolution of June 11, 1970, at the rate specified: RES0LUT^I0N WHEREAS, the Washington County Board of Commissioners authorized by Resolution duly adopted January 22, 1970, the borrowing of an aggregate amount of One Million ($1, 000, 000. 00) Dollars in anticipation of taxes to be collected for the current fiscal year of 1970, to conduct the regular and current affairs of Washington and pay all lawful expenses; and WHEREAS, it has become necessary to borrow an additional sum of Two Hundred Fifty Thousand ($250, 000. 00) Dollars by Resolution adopted on April 23, 1970; and WHEREAS, it has how become necessary again to borrow an additional Twc Hundred,Fifty Thousand ($250, 000. 00) Dollars; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, That the Washington County Board of Commissioners be authorized to borrow from Pittsburgh National Bank, an amount not exceeding the aggregate amount of Two Hundred Fifty Thousand ($2bu, UUU. uo) Dollars in a.L.Lticipation of taxes to be collected for the current fiscal year, the loan (s) to be evidenced by the certificate (s)-of indebtedness of the County in form acceptable to the banks, payable on or before December 31, 1970, with interest from the date (s) thereof at a rate of 4. 064% per annum payable'at quarter -annuals, said loans and interest to be 1 1 repaid from the first monies available from taxes in anticipation of which such temporary MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYL-VANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEYEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS 191 M 1♦ y loans and interest were made, which taxes are hereby appropriated for that purpose, and that the Budget of the County for the current fiscal year and the taxes levied shall include and be sufficient to repay said loan (s), and that any two (2) of the Commissioners be and they hereby are authorized to execute and deliver in the name of the County Commissioners and the County the certificate (s) of indebtedness which shall constitute the general obligation (s) of the County, and that the Chief Clerk of the County Commission ers be, and hereby is authorized and directed to attest such certificate (s) of indebtedness and affix the County seal thereto, and further that the execution and delivery of a certificate of indebtedness so executed and -attested shall be sufficient evidence of the necessity for the borrowing thereby represented at the time thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned has hereunto set his hand and affixed the seal of the County this llth day of June, 1970. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Michael R. Flynn, John P. Bevec John Mazza Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. The following is a copy of the Certificate of Indebtedness, in accordance with the above action: June 11, 19 7 0 CERTIFICATE OF INDEBTEDNESS OF WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA $250, 000. 00 June 11, 1970 The County of Washington in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, promises to pgy to Pittsburgh National Bank, or order, at;.it-s'Gffi)e at 6 South Main Street, Washington, Pennsylvania, Two Hundred Fifty Thousand ($250, 000. 00) Dollars, on or before December 31, 1970, with interest from date on the unpaid principal balances hereof from time to time outstanding at the rate of 4. 064% per annum, interest payments to be made on the first day of each calendar quarter throughout the year. . Payment of the indebtedness evidenced hereby may be anticipated in whole or in part at any time and from time to time without penalty. This certificate of indebtedness evidences a temporary loan in anticipation of taxes to be collected for the fiscal year in which it is issued and is to be repaid from the first revenues received by the undersigned during the current fiscal year. This certificate of indebtedness is executed and delivered pursuant to the authorization contained in -a Resolution duly admpted by the County Commissioners of the County of Washington at a meeting held on June 11, 1970, which Resolution is in full force and effect 'I ncl — - — - - - - - 1 94 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEYEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Old Business: Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr.. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried' unanimously. Mr. John D. Anthony, Director of the Washington County Planning Commission, made a presentation to the Board in reference to the Courthouse Space Study. Mr. Anthony presented his report in the form of a Three(3) Phase Proposal to the Board. Mr. Flynn: I suggest that Mr. Anthony condense said Study into letter or report form submit this to the Commissioners. 'Ihe records will show that Mr. Anthony did make his presentation here today. Mr. John D Anthony, Director of the Washington County Planning Commission, informed the Board of a Contract for Coordinating Services to be executed by the Washington County Planning Commission and, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Community Affairs, which is to engage for planning assistance the services of Beckman, Swenson and Associates to be provided for the McGuffey Area Planning Commission. Said Contract is in the amount of $1, 080. 00. Acting Chief Clerk informed the Board of a Telegram under date of Junel3, 1970, from Congressman Thomas E. Morgan which stated that he is pleased to announce that the Federal Water Quality Control Administration has approved an increase in the Federal grant funds for the East Bethlehem Township Authority in the amount of $328, 780. 0 making a total of $459, 360. 00 approved by the Federal Water Quality Control Administra- tion for this project. Funds will help assist in the construction of sewage treatment facilities in East Bethlehem Township and the villages of Fredericktown and Williamstown Acting Chief Clerk informed the Board of a Telegram under date of June 17 1970, from Congressman Thomas E. Morgan which states that he is pleased to announce that the Department of Housing and Urban Development has approved a federal grant in the amount of $314, 250. 00 to the South Straband Township Sanitary Authority for the construct ion of water and sewage facilities. The project will provide a sanitary sewage collection system including three pumping stations with force mains, t Estimated total cost is $1, 153, 000. 00. Construction is scheduled to get underway in six months. Acting Chief Clerk informed the Board of a check received from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in the amount of $2, 777. 32 °for Day Care Services. Acting Chief Clerk°informed the Board of a check received from the Treasurer of the United States in the amount of $7, 172. 64 for Site 482, Harmon Creek Flood Control Project. g MINUTE BOOK Inn BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN. JOHN P. BEVEC. JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS n Acting Chief Clerk informed the Board of letters received from Senator Ernest P. Kline, Senator William J. Lane, Representative Roger Raymond Fischer, Representative A. J. DeMedio, and Representative Austin J. Murphy in reference to the proposed reduction of the General Assistance gratits by 75%. All letters expressed the desire to do everything possible to see that this reduction does not occur. Acting Chief Clerk read correspondence under. date of May 11, 1970, from J. H. Mifflin, District Engineer,- District 12-0, directed to Mr. Sanford W. Simmons, Secretary - Nottingham Township Supervisors, stating that Legislative Route 62032 has been posted for a 40 MPH Speed Limit. Letter further stated that radar surveys of the Park area have been made and these surveys reveal that this portion of roadway could qualify for only a 35 MPH limited zone. Letter requested that a letter be lsent= if the Township is willing to post a 35 MPH limited, zone restriction. Mr. Mazza: I believe that another attempt should be made to even further lower the speed, I will follow through on this. Mr. Flynn: May I suggest that a: letter be directed to the Supervisors advising. them to reject this 35 MPH limited zone. Acting Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of June 11, 1970, from Herman M. Melitzer, Director - Bureau of Community Consultation - Aging, which stated he is in receipt of our letter under date of June 8, 1970, stating the intention of applying for funds to be awarded to the, Program Developer project in Washington County. Letter stated that if funds are available out of the 1970-1971 fiscal year, a fourth year for this project will be approved. As soon as notification is received from the Washington Office of the Administration on Aging as to what the appropriation will be for the 1970-1971 fiscal year, Washington County will be advised of said Offices decision. Acting Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of June 12, 1970, from Alted C. Kraft, M.D. , Commissioner - Office of Medical Services and Facilities; which stated that the recent on -site survey relating to Title VI, of the Civil Rights Act indicated that the Washington County Home for Aged Women is in compliance. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr: Mazza, granting a two weeks mili- tary leave of absence to Robert Majcher, Social Worker I, Child -Welfare Services effective pending official notification from his Commander.' ._ Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza,- authorizing Geno Bianchi, Assistant Sealer of Weights and Measures, to be sent to -Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, on Monday and Tuesday - June 22 and 23, 1970 - in order that new equipment may be secured 196 [MINUTE B006 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, .JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS by the Weights and Measures Department to be officially certified by the Bureau of Standards. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; IMr,LsMazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn-- Yes. Motion carried .unanimously. Acting Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of June 8, 1970, from R. M. Davis, State Conservationist, which stated that ovem the past several months the Soil Conservation Service has made every effort to secure 1970 fiscal year funds in a sufficient amount to proceed with the construction of the floodwater retarding structure at Site PA0484, Harmon Creek Watershed. However, said Service has received authority to proceed with the issuance of the invitation for bids for this work. Plans are to release the invitation in the next few days, open the bids sometime after 4uly 1, and award the contract as soon thereafter as possible, using 1971 fiscal year funds. Acting Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of June 15, 1970, from W. E. Addison, State Administrative Officer, addressed to Mr.- John Yuhas, Contracting Officer, which stated that based on Mr. Yuhas' recommendation, said party proposes to schedule the final inspection of Site PA-482 in Harmon Creek Watershed for June 25, 1970. Acting Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of June 16, 19,70, from O. Bard Judy, District Conservationist, which enclosed executed agreements on (1) Vegetative Project Agreement - Site PA -482 Contract NoL 12-10-360-249 in -the amount of $6500. 00; (2) Construction Project Agreement Site- PA-484,Contract-No. 12-10-36-248 in the amount of $113, 700. 00; and (3) Operation and Maintenance Agreement - Site PA-484. Acting Chief Clerk read correspondence from Jack,Kinstlinger,: Chairman Statewide Advisory Committee, Subject - Local Review Meetings, which enclosed a list of scheduled local review meetings for the, functional classification phase of the National Highway Functional Classification and Needs Study (11970-1990). . . Mr. Flynn: May I suggest that a copy of the above correspondence be directed to the Planning Commission. ; Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the following bills be approved for payment: (1) Baldwin Electrdc Company, Inc.,(: 393 West Chestnut Street, Washington, Pennsylvania - Request for Payment - Estimate No. #2, Contract - Electrical Work at the Washington County Prison for the electrical and security systems. Bill in the amount of $31, 410. 00 is hereby approved. (Approved by Anthony Bevec and Joseph Feconda). (2) Gandy Interval, 495 Duncan Avenue, Washington, Pennsylvania, for work done at the Washington County. Jail (Contract). Completion of all work done on the Visitor's Cages. Bill in the amount of $2936. 14 is hereby approved. (Approved by Anthony Bevec and Joseph Feoonda). MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEvEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS iL r I� (3) Gandy Interval, 495 Duncan Avenue, Washington, Pennsylvania for extra work done on Ithe Visitor's Cages ordered by Warden Feconda at the Washington County Jail. Bill in the amount of $761. 36 is hereby approved. (Approved by Anthony Bevec and Joseph Feconda). (4) Gandy Interval, 495 Duncan Avenue, Washington, Pennsylvania for work consisting of moving out two old commercial stoves in the Washington County Jail Kitchen and installing twos new stoves. Bill in the amount of $75. 75 is hereby approved. (Approved by Anthony Bevec and Joseph Feconda). (5) Black Top Paving Company, 446 East Beau Street, Washington, Pennsylvania, Invoice No. 70-44 dated June 12, 1970, for building earth shoulders at the Washington County Airport. Bill in the amount of $1465. 00 is hereby approved. (Approved by John Yuhas). (6) Michael Baker, Jr. , Inc. - P. O. Box 111, Rochester, Penn- sylvania. Invoice No. 54628 under date of June 12, 1970, for final billing on Project No. 9-36-043-D904 for engineering services rendered in connection with the preparation of "As - Built Plans" for the Washington County Airport. Billed in accordance with Article I-E and Article III-E of the engineering agreement dated January 11, 1968. Invoice in the amount, of $328. 86 is hereby approved. (7) C. Herschel Fetherlin, 662 Elmhurst Drive, Washington, Pennsylvania. Statement for appraisals completed by G. H. Fetherlin and Gene P. Amanati. Separate checks in the amount of $750. 00 each are hereby approved. (Approved by Charles Bush). (8) Tri State Supply Company, 371 West Chestnut Street, Washington, Pennsylvania, for dryer, washer, refrigerator, freezer, range, dishwasher for Washington County Juvenile Detention Home, Washington, Pennsylvania. Bill in the amount of $1149. 00 is hereby approved. (Approved by John Yuhas). (9) Robert L. Ceisler, 80 East Chestnut Street, Washington, Pennsylvania. Professional services - In re: condemnation of lands of John A. Doerfler et ux 1252 - B - 22, Parcel No. M-1. Bill in the amount of $673. 97z is hereby approved. (Approved by Michael George) (Parks and Recreation Fund). (10) Robert L. Ceisler, 80 East Chestnut Street, Washington, Pennsylvania for professional services - In re: condemnation of lands of " Percy B. Williams 1252 - B - 7, Parcel No. M-28. Bill in the amount of $661. 60 is hereby approved. (Approved by Michael George) (Parks and Recreation Fund). (11) George R Kemp & Associates, Inc. , 500 Penn Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, for professional services for Job No. 69-201, May 1970, for Project WC 2 / 69 r'1- Mingo Creek County Park, for services rendered for period ending May 31, 1970, as per contract dated May 2, 1968, for on -site engineeri inspe -tions; Department of Community Affairs progress report; pay estimate review; miscellaneous project review and coordinating; telephone calls, correspondence; consulting, etc. Bill in the amount of $1010. 46 is hereby approved. (Approved by Michael George) (Commonwealth Conservation Assistance Account). . (12) George R. Kemp & Associates, Inc., 500 Penn Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Statement for professional services rendered for period ending May 31, 1970, as per contract dated August 28, 1969 - Cross Creek Master Development Plan - Stage D - Recreation Master Plan - Schematic Design. Bill in the amount of $3240. 00 is hereby approved. (Approved by Michael George) (Commonwealth Conservation Assistance Account). 198 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEYEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS (13) Frank Gavlik & Sons, Inc., 114 Piersol Avenue, Bentleyville, Pennsylvania, Parking and Sanitary Facilities, Mingo Creek County Park, No. 6 & Partial, Owner's- Project No. WC 2/69-1, Period from April 20, 1970 to May 20, 1970. Bill in the amount of $10, 480. 32 is hereby approved. (Approved by Michael George) (Commonwealth Conservation Assistance Account). (14) Squire William Mullins,, 2203 W Pike Street, Houston, Penn- sylvania. Magistrate rental for the month of May. Bill in the amount of $125. 00 is hereby approved. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Various bidders entered the meeting. 11:06 a. m. Opening of Bids for: (a) One Pickup Truck and- {b) One Farm Type Tractor to be delivered to Mingo Creek County Park, Nottingham Township, Washington County, Pennsylvania. The following bids were opened and read by Controller Elish: (One Pickup Truck) 1. Name of -Bidder: Washington International Truck Sales and Service, Inc. Address: 1105 Fayette Street Washington, Pennsylvania 15301 Total Amount of Bid less Trade Allowance: $4488. 00. Certified check in the amount of $448. 80 accompanied bid. 2. Name of Bidder: Pankopf Ford Sales Address: 470 Washington Road Washington, Pennsylvania 15301 Total Amount of Bid: $3244. 00 Certified check in the amount of $325. 00 accompanied bid. 3. Name of Bidder: Mon Valley Equipment, Inc. Address: R. D. #2 Charleroi, Pennsylvania 15022 Total Amount of Bid: $3797. 00 Certified check in the amount of $380. 00 accompanied bid. Chairman explained the policy adopted by the Board of Commissioners on the awarding of contracts. Bids are opened in accordance with advertisement at the designated date and hour, contracts awarded or rejected one week later, giving the Solicitor an opportunity to review all bids received. Moved by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Bevec, that all bids be tabled until a further tabulation can be made by the Solicitor. Contract to be awarded or re- jected on Thursday, June 25, 1970, at 10:00 a.m. or shortly thereafter. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. (Tractor) MINUTE BOOK 9.9 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS C 1. Name of Bidder: Sommerville Equipment Company Address: 88 Murtland Avenue Washington, Pennsylvania 15301 Total Amount of Bid: $5600. 00 Certified check in the amount of $560. 00 accompanied bid. 2. Name of Bidder: Mon Valley Equipment, Inc. Address: R. D: #2 Charleroi, Pennsylvania 15022 Total Amount of Bid: $6978. 12 Certified check in the amount of .$700. 00 accompanied bid. 3. Name of Bidder: Pascoe Equipment Company � T /A Pascoe Farm Supply Company Address: 2031 West Chestnut Street Washington, Pennsylvania 15301 Total Amount of Bid: $4200. 00 Certified check in the amount of $420. 00 accompanied bid. Chairman explained the policy adopted by the Board of Commissioners on the awarding of contracts. Bids are opened in accordance with advertisement at the designated date and hour, contracts awarded or rejected one week later, giving the Solicitor an opportunity to review all bids received. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that all bids be tabled until a further tabulation can be made by the Solicitor. Contract to be awarded or reject- ed on Thursday, June 25, 1970, at 10:00 a.m. or shortly thereafter. New Business: Roll call vote taken: Mr, Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Bevec, appointing William David Harmon to the Board for the Assessment of Appeals; said appointment to be effective as of July 1, 1970. 1 Roll call vote taken: Solicitor: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the following items be approved for sale by the Department of Parks and Recreation for the amount as indicated: 1. Eight (8) dairy barn stalls on -the former Vettorel•Farm in: Cross Creek County Park = $50. 00. 2. Seventeen (17Y dairy barn stalls on the former, Stacko farm in Cross Creek County Park - $30.00. 1i MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEvEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS 3. One (1) disc in Mingo Creek County Park (transferred from County Home 10-16-69, Poor Condition - $10. 00 4. One (1) bath tub and one (1) bathroom sink in Mingo. Creek County Park - $15. 00. 5. All available hay for cutting and removal in Mingo Creek County Park - $100.00. 6. All available hay for cutting and removal. in Cross Creek County Park - $1600. 00. (The sale of the hay in Mingo Creek and Cross Creek Park is subject to an executed agreement between the purchaser and the Department of Parks and Recrea before any action is taken to cut or remove hay. ) Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor presented a Preventive Maintenance Service -Agreement in conjunction with the Burster in the Data Processing Department for the Board's approval Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, that the Chairman of the Board, Michael R Flynn, be authorized to execute the Preventive Maintenance Service Agreement between Washington County and the Harco Equipment Service Corporation; said Service in the amount of $412. 50 for a period of three (3) years. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Controller Elish left the meeting. Correspondence received from Charles H. Bush, Chief Assessor, In re: Veterans' Exemptions in accordance with Amendment to Article IX, Section F of the Constitution of Pennsylvania, for the tax year 1970: Applicants: Matesic, John George Invalid 10 HK 100 110 R. D. 3 1 Sty Br Hse-Gar 432,0. )Burgettstown, Pa. Lot 175 Pt 174 150. Smith Township 57-3-82 DB 1070-139 4470. 100% Bedillion, Walter & Betty Invalid 10 HK 100 110 541 Franklin Farms Road 1 sty Dbl Br Hse-Gar 4350. Washington, Pa. Lot 6 600. North Franklin Township 51-2 r695 DB 758-190 4950. 100% Dzikowski, Edward Invalid 10 HK 100 110. 108 Fourth Street 1 Sty Br Hse-Gar 2100. Houston, Pa. Lot 13 300. Chartiers Township 17-16-396 DB 898-465 2400. 100% Vecho, Wm. P. & Josephine Invalid 10 HK 100 110. 726 East Main Street s Sty Blk Gar -Apt 900 Monongahela, Pa. Monongahela 1st Ward Pt Lot 42-34-2 DB 1075-408 40. 940. 100% MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. MICHAEL R. FLYNN. JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS l Chopp, Anthony A. Invalid 10 HK 100 110. R. D. #4 2 Sty Fr Hse-Bldgs 2420, Washington, Pa. 15 Acres surface 450. Amwell Township 2-9-15 DB 716-272 2870. 100% Knestrick, Robert & Mildred Retired 100 HK 100 200. 530 Regent Street 1 1/2 Sty Fr Ise=Int Gar 2400. Houston, Pa. Lot 171 300. Chartiers Township 17-16-225 DB 822-139 2700. 100% Zugaro, Americo Jr. & Angelina 1 Sty Br Hse-Gar 3390. 611 Mound Street Lot 75x 207 505. Monongahela, Pa. 43-18-5 DB 1279-753 3895. 100% Monongahela, 2nd Ward Doughty, Hays & Margaret 1969 Hampton Trailer 1445. 56 Hidden Valley Drive 64-2-282-6 100% Finleyville, Pa. Union Township Chief Assessor has on file applications for exemption from the payment of county taxes on certain real property in accordance with Amendment to Article IX, Section 1 of the Constitution, for the tax year 1970, on the described properties of the aforementioned veterans. Each of the veterans, having been duly sworn, doth repose and say that he is a citizen and a resident of Pennsylvania, that he resides in and occupies the residence for which he seeks exemption from real estate taxes, `ghat his physical condition has not changed but remains the same as stated on the application for exempt from pay!rnent of certain real property taxes in accordance with amendment to Article IX, Section 1 of the Constitution of Pennsylvania. They further doth despose and say that the statements on their application, voluntarily made by the applicant are true, in substance and fact. Chief Assessor has made investigation of the above applicants and have found that each is qualified for exemption according to law. Therefore, Chief Assessor suggests that the Board adopt the following: WHEREAS, the State Veterans' Commission, after investigation, has determined the preceding named persons, from the standpoint of need, to be entitled to exemption under the provisions of the 1961 amendment to Article IX, Section 1 of the Constitution of Pennsylvania, and WHEREAS, the Washington .County Chief Assessor has made investigation and determined that the above met the requirements set by this Board and are eligible for tax exemptions for the properties indicated as being assessed in their names, Now, therefore, upon motion made by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza and agteed to by Mr. Flynn, the preceding named applicants, in accordance with the provisions of the amendment to the Constitution recited aforesaid, are hereby exempt from the county taxes assessed against them for the ptoperty indicated opposite their names,