HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 132 - 8-27-1970 - COMMISSIONERMINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS L 1 I- Minute No. 132 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., August 27, 1970 The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following members being present: Commissioners Bevec, Mazza, and Flynn. Also present being: Chief Clerk Murphy, County Solicitor Capano, Director of Parks and Recreation - Michael George, Reporter Robertson of the Observer -Reporter, Reporter Roule of the Monongahela Publishing Company, and Public Information Officer Huber. Meeting called to order by Chairman and roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Present; Mr. Mazza - Present; Mr. Flynn - Present. Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions, or omissions to Minute No. 131, each Commissioner having received a copy. Moved by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Bevec, that Minute No. 131 be approved, as read. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Correspondence: Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of August 26, 1970, from J. V. Murphy to Deputy Controller Whalen, requesting that the sum of $10, 000. 00 be transferred from Account #103-4 to Account #103-3, effective August 27.. 1970. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza that the sum of $10, 000. 00 be transferred from Account #103-4 to Account #103-3, effective August 27, 1970. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of August 25, 1970, addressed to Mr. Alan Speak, Southwestern Pa. Regional Planning Commission from Michael George - Director - Dept. of Parks and Recreation regarding the objections received from Nottingham Township concerning the proposed expansion of Mingo Creek County Park. The problem of determining a method to control physical access into the park could be solved by purchasing the necessary land along the various access roads and thereby the county would be in the position to eventually take-over and close necessary roads for adequate control day and `?t4 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS night. Without physical control the job of policing would be difficult and very expensive. Another consideration was to eliminate as much as possible and control visual intrusions upon the natural beauty of the park by purchasing and removing the old farm buildings, etc. Another problem visualized was that of traffic concentrated in the main valley of the park. Still another consideration was to give the park a more natural type boundary such as the public roads. Reporter Coleman entered the meeting. Chief Clerk read correspondence under Date of August 25, 1970 addressed to the Board of County Commissioners, Court House, Washington, Pa. from Michael George, Director, Department of Parks and Recreation which stated that about four years ago parking lots were constructed in Mingo Creek County Park by the contractor Frank Gavlik & Sons of Bentleyville. Prior to construction it was recommended by the consulting engineer that these parking lots not be sealed until after a year or two. Since the contract is still open it is recommended that these parking lots be tarred and chipped. The estimated cost for this additional work is 34�/sq. yd. for a total of approximately $2, 550. Approximately $2, 200 will be eligible for matching state assistance under the present project grant With the state. The $2, 200 is included in built-up contract contingencies. Mr. Porter entered the meeting. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza that the undertaking of this additional work at Mingo Creek County Park be approved in order to receive $1, 100 in state assistance and also that the total contract price with Frank Gavlik be increased by $350. Mr. Mazza: It is very important that the sealing job be done now because of the deadline. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of August 21, 1970 from the Election Department, addressed to J. V. Murphy, Chief Clerk, requesting permission to advertise for bids for the following: (1) Necessary Election Supplies (2) Printing of Ballots (3) Delivery of Ballot Boxes For conduct of General Election to be held on November 3rd, 1970; Moved by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the County Controller be authorized to advertise for bids for the delivering of ballot boxes with the MINUTE BOOK Awtj5 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PFNNSYLVANLA; MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Fj election supplies to the Judges of Election for approximately two hundred three (203) precincts, required for the conduct of the General Election to be held on Tuesday, November 3, 1970. Said bids to be received at the Office of the County Controller, Washington County Courthouse, Washington, Pennsylvania until 11:00 a. m. , Prevailing Time, Thursday, September 10, 1970 and opened immediately thereafter in the Office of the County Commissioners. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza that Estimate #3, Washington County Prison - Electrical & Security Systems, under date of August 10, 1970, from Baldwin Electric Company, Inc., 393 West Chestnut Street, Washington, Penns in the amount of $17, 290. 94 be approved for payment. Remarks: This bill has been approved by Anthony Bevec, Building Superintendent and is the final payment on this contract. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of August 12, 1970 addressed to Mr. J. V. Murphy from D. W. Martin conveyinghis thanks to the Commis- sioners for their approval of his appointment as the Washington County Representatati7ve to Port Authority Board. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of August 18, 1970 from Wm. H. Meighen, Chief Clerk, Greene County Board of Commissioners which stated that at their regular semiweekly meeting on August 14, 1970, the Greene County Commissioners appointed the following residents of Greene County to membership in the Washington -Greene County Tourist Promotion Agency for the three year term beginning July 1, 1970 and ending June 30, 1973. (1) Mickey Bruno, R. D. #4, Waynesburg, Pennsylvania 15370 (2) Ronald L. Burch, 538 Old Waynesburg Road Carmichaels, Pennsylvania 15320 Mr. Anthony entered the meeting. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of August 12, 1970 addressed to Mr. John P. Bevec, from Lincoln H. Steigerwalt, Special Assistant, 1970 Decennial Census which stated that the Census Bureau does not plan to retake the census of Washington County. They do not know what the official count is because the enumerator's transcription of the population from individual questionnaires to the address registers has MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS not been checked as yet. Neither has the arithmetic wherein the columns are totaled for each page. Letter stated that they will continue to check all alleged misses against their address registers to determine if anyone has truly been missed. Mr. Morgan entered the meeting. Mr. Flynn: This letter is self-explanatory. Mr. Bevec: For us to take any census would be useless because they.wouldn't use it. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of August 17, 1970 addressed to the Board of County Commissioners, Washington County from Richard G. Farrow, Deputy Commissioner, Office of Family Services, which stated that the application for funds for the purchase of day care services for the physically handicapped persons under Act 12 A of July 31, 1969 has been approved. These funds are being processed for payment and, within a few weeks, we should receive a check in the amount of $8, 499. A single, lump sum payment of the total amount allocated to the county is being made. Letter enclosed a copy of the application submitted earlier this year. Any changes made to the data recorded on that application are the result of information secured by the Office of Family Services field staff. The amount of our allocation was determined by relating the total days of day to be provided by the county to the total for the state and to the amount of money ($250, 000) available. Mr. Farrow requested a statement at the close of the current calendar year concerning the expenditure of these funds. If there are any funds unexpended, it will be necessary that they be returned. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of August 7, 1970 addressed to Mr. Michael R. Flynn, Chairman, Board of Commissioners from Congressma Thomas E. Morgan regarding the recent action taken by the Commissioners in approving a resolution in support of a federal revenue sharing plan, which enclosed a copy of allocations to Major Counties, Cities and Towns under a Federal Revenue Sharing Plan with State and Local Government. This information has been released by the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy. Mr. Jack Merdian entered the meeting. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of August 6, 1970 addressed to the Washington ,County Board of Commissioners from Jefferson Township Volunteer Fire Department, which requested a Radio Base Station for the Jefferson Township Volunteer Fire Department located at Eldersville, Washington County, Pennsylvania. This radio is to be used for both Civil Defense Work and Fire Fighting. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza that an appropriation be made for a Radio Base Station for Jefferson Township Volunteer Fire Department located at Eldersville, Washington County, Pennsylvania to be used for both Civil Defense Work MINUTE B00K BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA, MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS and Fire Fighting. Remarks: Mr. Bevec:- There is a monetary provision in the budget for this. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk read memorandum addressed to County Commissioners - Mr. Flynn, from Election Board regarding change of mobile registration days and • . 1 hours. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza that the change of Mobile Registration Days and Hours be set as follows: September 1, 1970 Maple Terrace 12:00 - 2:00 September 1, 1970 West Gate Apt. 2:00 - 3:30 September 1, 1970 Tylerdale 5:00 - 8:00 (corner of Wylie & Jefferson) September 9, 1970 Union Twp. 12 noon till 3:30 P. m. Roll call vote taken: (So. Park Est. Trailer 5 -till 8:00 p.m. Court, Rt. 88) Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Note: This was approved by Joseph Muscaro, Director of Elections. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of August 14, 1970 from James P. Huber addressed to Mr. Emil T. Beck, Executive Vice President, Fayette County Development Council, which enclosed two copies of excerpts from minutes dated July 30, 1970, a regular meeting of the Washington County Board of Commissioners to file jointly with the Fayette County Commissioners, an application for a grant in the amount of $75, 000. 00 to the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation for restoring ferry services at three locations along the Monongahela River. The wording of the resolution is the same as that adopted by the Fayette County Commissioners. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of August' 21, 1970 from Robert L. Ceisler of the law firm of Patrono, Ceisler & Edwards which thanked the County Commissioners for their assitance and the effort expanded in connection with the proposed rock festival. Mr. Ceisler stated that had the Commissioners not put together the meeting and made possible the research and the testimony which resulted, he was sure that Washington County would have ended up with the rock festival. Mr. Ceisler extended congratulations to the Commissioners and those of the staff and personnel who were involvec Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of August 15, 1970 addressed to Commissioner Michael R. Flynn, from Frank Blummer, President, North Franklin Township Board of Supervisors which confirmed a recent conversation, at which time he MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS requested that we have our County Engineer observe the condition of VanKirk Road at North Franklin Township. Since the construction of the runway of the airport, water is causing serious damage to this road. Mr. Blumrner asked that we look into this matter. Mr. Bevec: This is being talon care of. Solicitor: Moved by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Bevec, that the lease between the County of Washington and Mr. Oliver T. Bateman, 1691 North Main Street, Washington, Pennsylvania 15301, for the storage of one (1) aircraft, Tri-Pacer PA 23-150 N8423D; in Hangar No. C-6, for the sum of $30. 00 per month, beginning September 1, 1970, and thereafter from month to month be approved; and that the Chairman of the Board, Michael R. Flynn, be authorized to execute said Lease. Rental fee to the County of Washington, c/o John Yuhas, County Surveyor, 67 West Cherry Avenue, Washington, Pennsylvania 15301. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Ye s; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Solicitor Capano presented Amendment to Contract No. 22541, effective the first day of September, 1970 to Contract No. 22541 between the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare and Washington County which extended the term of this contract for four (4) months, amended Paragraph 14 of the contract to read: 14; The term of this agreement shall be for one (1) year and four (4) months, from Septembe 1, 1969 through December 31, 1970, and that all other terms and conditions of the contract are hereby ratified and confirmed. Moved by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. BeveQ, that the above amendment to Child Welfare Contract No. 22541 be approved and that the Board of County Commissioner be authorized to execute said extension. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Revec = Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yep; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Capano stated that he received a. check in the amount of $1500 for forfeiture of bond in the case of Paul W. Paig, #443, May Term, 1969. The bond was ordered forfieted by Judge McCune. Mr. Porter: I would like to ask the Board to adopt a motion of approving and confirming the filing of exceptions to the order rendered by the court in the case of the Washington Mall Tax Assessment Appeal. 1 f� MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS E 1 Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza that the motion proposed by Mr. Porter regarding the Washington Mall Tax Assessment Appeal be adopted by the Board of County Commissioners. Mr. Bevec: Every action taken here has been proper, so far, and is supported. Mr, Mazza: I have been contacted pertaining to this on whether or not I knew anything about the appeal. At the time I was asked, I had no knowledge of it. I can see no other course to- take but to second this motion. I can see a lot of serious confrontations we will be faced with. Personally, I think the appeal is proper. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Memorandum under date of August 27, 1970 from F. D. Whalen, Deputy Controller, addressed to Michael R. Flynn was presented which confirmed,' the meeting of August 26, 1970 with respect to current tax collections and the advisability of making short term investments from the General Fund at this time. Mr. Flynn: I have been advised by Mr. Whalen that the financial status of the General Fund is such that the sums of $500, 000 and $250, 000 could be invested in certificates of deposit. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza, authorizing the Controller's Office to make two investments in Certificates of Deposit at Pittsburgh National Bank - $250, 000. 00 for 60 days @ 7 1/4% and $500, 000. 00 for 30 days at 7%. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Meeting recessed until 11:00 Meeting reconvened at 11:00 with the following members being present: Commissioners Bevec, Mazza, and Flynn. Also present being: Chief Clerk Murphy, County Solicitor Capano, John D. Anthony - Executive Director of the Washington County Planning Commission, Treasurer Morgan, Deputy Controller Whalen, Metro Petrosky, Jr.. - Director of Human Services, Reporter Coleman of the Brownsville Telegraph, Reporter Robertson of the Observer -Reporter, Reporter Roule of the Monongahela Pi blishing Company, Jack Merdian of WJPA and Public Information Officer Huber. 11:00 a. m. - Opening of Bids for Tax Assessment Printing Supplies for the year 1971 The following bid was opened and read by Deputy Controller Whalen: 1. Name of Bidder: Monongahela Publishing Company, Inc. Mongahela, Pa. 15063 960 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Total Amount of Bid: $1, 137. 35 Certified check in the amount of $114. 00 accompanied bid. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza that the contract for the furnishing and delivering of Tax Assessment Paper Supplies for the year 1971 to the Tax Assessment Office of Washington County, Court House, Washington, Pennsylvania, be awarded to MONONGAHELA PUBLISHING CO., INC., Monongahela, Pennsylvania 15063 for the price as set forth in their bid $1, 137. 35; this being the lowest responsible and only bid received and being in accordance with specifications. Motion made upon the recom- mendation of County Solicitor Capano. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec = Yes; Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Correspondence under date of August 20, 1970 from Joseph W. Mulroy, President, Pennsylvania Association of County Hospital- Administrators was presented, which enclosed a summary of the program for the Annual Fall Conference of the Pennsylvania Association of County Hospital Administrators which will be held at the Hershey Motor Lodge, Hershey, Pennsylvania, September 24th and 25th. The Conference, both in general sessions and in practical workshops, sharply focuses on matters or crucial concern to the County Hospital - "The Public Employees's Collective Bargaining Act", "Licensure of Administrator etc. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza that Metro Petrosky, Jr. Director of Human Services, the two County Home Administrators - John Showalter and Tony Mastrangelo, and the Washington County Commissioners be authorized to attend the Annual Fall Conference of the Pennsylvania Association of County Home Administrators which will be held at the Hershey Motor Lodge, Hershey, Pennsylvania on September 24th and 25th, 1970, Roll call vote taken: Mr. Bevec - Yes;Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Mr. Bevec, seconded by Mr. Mazza that the meeting adjourn. Meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: , 1970 ATTEST: CHIEF CLERK