HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 168 - 5-25-1971 - COMMISSIONER516 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Bituminous Paving, Sealing, and related work for the Recreation Area of the County Jail: Solicitor Capano stated that a bid was received on the paving work from Black Top Paving, but they delivered it to the Engineer's Office, instead of the Controller's Office. This bid was returned to Block Top Paving, advising that they did not follow instructions. adjourn. Moved by Mr. Flynn, seconded by Mr. Bevec, that the meeting Meeting adjourned, THE FOREGOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: ATTEST: CHIEF CLERK Minute No. 168 , 1971 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., May 25, 1971 The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the follow- ing members being present: Commissioners Mazza and Flynn. Absent being: Commissio ner Bevec,. Also present being: County Solicitor Capano; Chief Clerk Murphy; Assistant County Solicitor Porter; Mr. Jack Merdian - WJPA; Mr. Michael George - Director of the Department of Parks and Recreation; Mr. Martin Machak; Reporter Roule of the Mononga- hela Publishing Company; Reporter Budinger of the Observer -Reporter; and Public Informl- tion Officer Huber. Note: The regular board meeting was held on Tuesday, May 25, 1971, due to the County Commissioners, Solicitor, and Chief Clerk being out of town on Thursday, May 27. Meeting called to order by Chairman and roll call taken: Mr. Bevec - Absent; Mr. Mazza - Present; Mr. Flynn - Present. Chairman stated that the regular order of business would be suspended. Th records will, show that on Tuesday, May 25, 1971, in regular session the Washington Commissioners conducted a memorial service to pay tribute to the memory of our devoted colleague and former member of the Board - John P. Bevec. Chairman stated that letters and telephone calls were received expressing sincere sympathy and regret; to name a few, letters were received and read from E. L. Sitler, Jr. - Minority Commissioner of Fayette County; Girl Scouts of Southwestern Pennsylvania; and I. Willits McCaskey, Esq. Chairman stated that insofar as the Board is concerned, we have lost an outstanding memo r of the Board and a truly dedicated public servant, and he _personally has lost a treasured friend. MINUTE BOOK 517 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Mr. Mazza: Mr. Chairman, it is with a very heavy heart this morning that I express my sentiments in memory of my colleague, John P. Bevec. I served with John for a great many years and he had been a personal friend of mine for 3-7 years. Mr. Bevec was one of the most dedicated public servants that I have ever known. He worked very hard as a member of this Board. He worked very hard as Chairman of the State Tax Equalization Board. There was not a program that ever came up under our jurisdiction that Mr. Bevec was not willing to accept. I cannot forget the time that I was very ill.- he put full effort on this Board in my behalf. The passing of Mr. Bevec will be a great loss to this County. It is a sad thing that all the good things a person accomplished are publicized after death. All I can say this mor- ning is that as far as Mr. Flynn and I are concerned, we have lost a very dear friend and Washington County has lost a true and dedicated worker. Mr. Capano: John Bevec was a very close and dear friend of mine. He was a devoted, hard-working and dedicated public official. John Bevec was a very sympathetic man. He found time to listen to the problems of his constituents and fellow men. He tried his best to satisfy their wishes. He was always conscientious of his dutbas and responsibilities as a public official. John was a deeply religious man. In all, he was a very outstanding man and public administrator. - Mr. Flynn: An appropriate resolution will be adopted and presented to the widow of John P. Bevec. I would like to say that Mr. Mazza and myself express the deepest sympathy of the Commissioners Office and staff to the family of John Bevec and the people who loved him very much, and the Chairman will now declare a period of mourning for our departed friend until such time that a successor is appointed by the Court. Regular Order business: of Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions, or omissions to Minute No. #167, each Commissioner having received a copy. Moved by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Flynn., that -Minute No. #167 be approv ed, as read. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Reports • None Old Business: None Correspondence! Mr. Murphy Chief- Clerk informed the Board of Court Order No. 141, May Term, 1971, A. D. , In re: Impounding Ballot Boxes, Second Ward 1st, 2nd and 3rd Precincts, Borough of Canonsburg, Washington County, Pennsylvania. Stith Court Order stated said ballot boxes MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. SEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS which were impounded by the Order handed down by the Court on May 19, 1971, and which were placed under the custody of the Sheriff of Washington County, that it is hereby directed that the Sheriff of Washington County delivers the said boxes to the Treasurer's Office and that said boxes shall be stored in the safe in the Treasurer's Office until the time expires for the filing of petitions to reopen ballot boxes; and it is hereby further ordered and that the Sheriff is relieved of the duty of furnishing proper guard and protection of said ball boxes forthwith. Said ballot boxes shall not be removed from the safe in the Treasurer's Office until further order of this Court. Chief Clerk informed the Board of a check received from the Board of Proba- tion and Parole in the amount of $109D4. 16 for the Adult Probation Services. Chief Clerk informed the Board of a check received from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in the amount of $7204. 25 which represents the third payment of the 1071 Grant for Protective Services. Chief Clerk informed the Board of a check received from the Department of Public Welfare in the amount of $3589. 63 for the LeMoyne Day Care Center. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of May 19, 1971; from Rodney Torbic, Regional Coordinator, Southwest Region - Governor's Justice Commission, which stated that due to a change in personnel in the Comptroller's Office, action subgrant checks were mailed directly to subgrantees. Correspondence stated that this letter will serve as a follow up to the receipt of our check in the amount of $4848. 00, which represented the first and second quarterly payments of the subgrant awarded to the County of Washington in the total amount of $9696.00 for the,Public Defender's Office. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of May 14, 1971, from Anthony Edward Marra, Foreman - Grand Jury, which stated that the May Term of the Grand Jury for the year 1971 made a tour and examination of the County Home for Aged Women and the Washington County Jail. Said correspondence commented on said tour. Chief Clerk informed the Board of a copy of a letter under date -of May 12, 197 from Guy S. Mamolito, Assistant Attorney General, directed to Frank J. Zappala, Jr., Esquire - MARET Corporation, InM reement -Washington, Pennsylvania, L. R. 62214 & T. R. 19, which stated to Mr. Zappala that a reply to a letter under date of April 20, 1971, would be appreciated in reference to the above captioned matter. Correspondence stated that Mr. Mamolitb was under the impression that all problems had been resolved and that the agreement would be executed. Correspondence further stated that Mr, Mamolito would like to be advised if any new problems are holding up the execution of the contract. Mr. Mazza: I would like to recommend that the Commissioners make it known that if the 1 u necessary parties do not take action on the agreement, the Commissioners should. cancel MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS 519 1 u out the $20, 000. 00 that we encumbered not too long ago. Moved by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Flynn, authorizing Warden Joseph Feconda to attend the Annual State meeting of Jail Wardens to be held in Philadelphia from June 6, 1971, through June 9, , 1971. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of May 13, 1971, received from Mrs. Nancy M. Smith, Secretary - West Middletown Borough Coundil, which requested an allocation of $1000.00 of County Liquid Fuel Tax Funds by the Commissioners to help financ desired improvements to be made by the West Middletown Borough in connection with the 150th anniversary of the town's incorporation in 1973. Said improvements include the r and improvement of the roads, berms, and drainage ditches whose maintenance is the res- ponsibility of the borough. Mr. Flynn: I would like to recommend that the .Chief Clerk write to the West Middletown Borough and advise them to submit to us the necessary forms for application. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of May 10, 1971, from Joseph W. Mulroy, President - Pennsylvania Association County Hospital Administrators, which stated that a Special Meeting of the Pennsylvania Association of County Hospital Administ- rators has been arranged for Thursday, June 10, 1971, from 9:00 a. m. to 4:00 p.m.. at the Sheraton Harrisburg Inn. Correspondence enclosed advance. registration forms which are to be sent before June 7, 1971. Moved by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Flynn, authorizing Mr. John Showalter - Administrator of the Washington County Home for Aged Women; Mr. Anthony Mastrangelo - Administrator of the Washington County Home and Hospital for Men; Mr. Metro Petrosky - Director of Human Services; and a representative of the Commissioner's Office to attend the above meeting in Harrisburg for the Pennsylvania Association County Hospital Administrators. - Roll call vote taken: Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of May 7, 1971, from E. C: We - Colonel, Corps of Engineers - District Engineer (Pittsburgh), which stated that the Corps of Engineers are currently nearing completion of plans and specifications for Chartiers Creek Flood Protection Project, Canonsburg -Houston Reach, Unit 2. Unit 2 will begin at Station123+50 in Canonsburg and extend upstream to Station 248+50 at Houston. 520 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Correspondence stated that the beginning of Unit 2 will tie into the upstream end of the Curry Field Cutoff channel which.is to be constructed by the Commonwealth of Pennsylv General State Authority. Said cutoff channel will begin at the upstream end of Unit 1 of the project which was constructed by the Corps of Engineers. Correspondence enclosed two (2 copies of preliminary drawings Nos. 036-P3-82/15 through 82/23 inclusive for Unit 2 and also two (2) copies of tabulation of "Utility Lines, .Railroad Facilities and Miscellaneous Structures Requiring Adjustment" for Unit 2. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of April 29, 1971, from Milton I. Sharon, Regional Director - United States Civil Service Commission, . Philadelphia which stated that on January 5, 1971, of this year, the President signed the Intergovernmen- tal Personnel Act of 1970 (IPA). While the grant provisions will not become operational until after July 1, 1971, other important features of the lair are now becoming operational. Correspondence listed what the law does provide for and also listed two major provisions IPA that are now effective. Chief Clerk informed the Board and read the Resume of Senate Bill No. 441 Printer's No. 448, known as the "State Revenue Sharing Act of 1971" which, if enacted, would provide for an annual state appropriation from the General Fund to the Department of Community Affairs for payments to Pennsylvania municipalities to be used by municipalities for any and all legally authorized functions. Mr. Flynn: - The Chairman recommends that the County Solicitor be directed to notify the sponsors of Senate Bill No. 441 that the County Commissioners are in accordance and support the provisions of said Bill. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date. of April 29, 1971, from Richard A. Geiselman, Director of Public Information - Department of Revenue, which enclosed in-1 formation on the Senior Citizens Property Tax Assistance Act for distribution by the Comm issioners among key officials in Washington County. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of May 13, 1971, from Paul T. Sucevic, P. E. - Fayette Engineering Company, which was directed to Mr. B. F. Kotalik, Chief Bridge Engineer, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Transportation, which stated that Fayette Engineering Company has been retained by the Borough of Center ville, Washington County, to prepare contract plans and specifications for the replacement of a hazardous structure within the Borough. Correspondence enclosed various prints and copies for Bridge Plan Approval for the Borough Road, Sta 14+70. 00, Borough of Center- ville, Washington County, Pennsylvania. Moved by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the two (2) Applications E 1 for County Aid from Liquid Fuels funds as submitted by the Boroughs of Donora and C ville, Washington County, Pennsylvania, be approved in the amount of $50, 000. 00 and MINUTE BOOK .'521 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS L 1 1 $10, 000.00 respectively; contingent on approval by the Department of Highways. These amounts to be used for reconstruction of existing bridges in said boroughs as outlined in their applications; said applications are on file in the County Engineers Office. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of May 25, 1971, from Clay Graham, Land Acquisition Agent, which requested approval for a check to be drawn to the order of Robert Slack in the amount of $5000.00 for the necessary easement on Harmon Creek Site 485; said easement consisting of 41 acres. Moved by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Flynn, approving the sum of $5000, 00 to be made payable to Robert Slack for the necessary easement on Harmon Creek Site 485; said sum subject to the approval of Robert Ceisler, Esq. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn- Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk presented Project Agreement between the County of Washington and the Soil Conservation Service, United States Department of Agriculture. The following work is to be done - one floodwater retarding structure, including vegetation at Site # PA- 483, Harmon Creek with an estimated cost of $353, 412.40 Moved by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the United States Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service Project Agreement (Contract 12-10- 360, Harmon Creek) be entered into and that the Chairman of the Board, Michael R. Flynn, be authorized to said Agreement. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of May 20, 1971, from Mrs. McMurtry, Sixth Grade Teacher - East Washington, which thanked the County Commissione for permitting the Sixth Grade Class to use Mingo Creek State Park. Correspondence stated that the trip was very much enjoyed by all concerned. `1292 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS New Business: Chairman informed the Board that under the present set-up concerning Bank Deposits and Withdrawal at the Pittsburgh National Bank for the General Fund, Capital Reserve Fund, Retirement Fund, Sinking Fund Commission, and the Commonwealth Conservation Assistance Fund, the Corporate Resolution reads that the Pittsburgh National Bank is authorized to make payments from the funds of this Corporation on deposit with it, upon and according to the check, draft, note bill of exchange or acceptance of this Cor- poration, signed or countersigned by any 5 of the following officers or designated agents; Controller - Treasurer - Commissioners. Chairman stated that said Resolution should be amended to read: signed or countersigned by any 4 of the following officers or designated agents: Controller - Treasurer - Commissioners. Moved by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the Corporate Resolutions for the Pittsburgh National Bank for the General Fund, Retirement Fund, Sinking Fund Commission, and the Commonwealth Conservation Assistance Fund for Bank Deposits and Withdrawals be amended to read: signed or countersigned by any 4 of the following officers or designated agents: Controller, Treasurer, and Commissioners. Holiday: Roll call vote taken: Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes; Motion carried unanimously. Chairman made note that the Courthouse will be closed on Friday, May 28, 1971, at 4:30 p. m. , until Tuesday, June 1, 1971 at 9:00 a. m. in observance of Memorial Day. Appointment - Acting Chief Clerk: Moved by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that Mrs. Mildred Ivery be appointed Acting Chief Clerk during the absence of Chief Clerk Murphy, County Solicitor and Commissioners, in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. C J .4 1 MINUTE BOOK 3 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEYEC. JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS -WW Mr. Martin Machak, successful bidder for the delivery of the ballot boxes containing election supplies for the Municipal Primary Election, requested that the Court Order handed down by the Courts in reference to the remaining ballot boxes which were not delivered by the successful bidder, be either dropped or retracted. After a discussion was held on said matter, County Solicitor Capano informed Mr. Machak that the matter would have to be taken up with President Judge Charles_ Sweet because the Court voided the contract and apportioned a part of that contract to whoever would deliver the ballot boxes. Mr. Machak left the meeting. Chairman read correspondence under date of May 24, 1971, from John Yuhas, County Surveyor, in re: P. U. C. - A 96577, Crossing Number 4, All in the Borough of Burgettstown. Correspondence stated that on Thursday, May 13, 1971 at 9:30 a. m. Mr. Yuhas attended a conference which was held at the site of crossing number (4) as per above to discuss the matters involved in subject application. Correspondence listed those present for said meeting and also stated that when Mr. Yuhas inquired as to whether the County would be involved in any cost, Mr. Peteritas, P. E. , P. U. C. Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, replied that there will be "no cost" to the County. Mr. Mazza: Due to the untimely death of our colleague, John P. Bevec, I want to assure the people of Washington County and also the majority Commissioner that I intend to extend my full cooperation of the continuance of all the programs that the Commissioners have moving until such time that the Court appoints a new Commissioner, Solicitor: Solicitor Capano presented a Airport Lease between the County of Washington, Lessor, and Ohio Valley Piper Sales, A D` ion of Atlantic Central Corpor- ation, Washington County Airport, Washington, Pennsylvania, Lessee, for the sum of $300. 00 a month for the first five (5) years beginning May 1, 1971, and a monthly rental of $500. 00 beginning the second five (5) year term, beginning May 1, 1976, whereby the Lessor owns and operates a public general aviation facility known as the Washington County Airport, hereinafter called Airport, situated in -the Township of South Franklin, County of Washington, and State of Pennsylvania. Moved by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the Washington County Commissioners be authorized to execute the Airport Lease between the County of Washingt Washington, Pennsylvania (lessor) and Ohio Valley Piper Sales, a Dvision of Atlantic Central Corporation, Washington County Airport, Washington, Pennsylvania (lessee) as per above. _X MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN. JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Tax Refund: Roll call vote taken: Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. County Solicitor Capano presented a Tax Refund to the Board for their consideration and approval. Moved by Mr. Mazza, seconded, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the Tax Assessment Office be authorized to prepare the following tax refund due to either duplication or overpayment of real estate tax; said refund having been approved by the County Solicitor. 1. In re: Bryant, Willard H. & Lucille V. East Washington County tax in the amount of $54. 38 net was paid in error due to incorrect tax figures on tax notice. Correct amount of tax due was $32. 58, less $1. 63 or net amount of $30. 95, making a refund of $23. due to FIRST FEDERAL SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION OF WASHINGTON, 77 S. Main Street, Washington, Pennsylvania 15301 - Attention: Mrs. Anne Lombard. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Mazza - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously, County Solicitor Capano read correspondence under date of May 17, 1971, from Will Ketner, Secretary - Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, which advised that the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission may consider the Application of Jetcraft, Inc. , for approval of the acquisition of the rights presently held by Tri-State Aviation, Inc. at A. 91874, and the exercise of the right and privilege of operating aircraft', as a common carrier in charter service, based at the Washington County Airport, Washington County, for the transportation of persons and property between airports or landing areas in Pennsylvania, without hearing, provided no protests are filed in said Commission on or before June 2, 1971, Mr. Capano: Jetcraft, Inc. , has made application to the Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission, The Washington County Commissioners have no objections. adjourn. Moved by Mr. Mazza, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the meeting Meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: 1971 ATTEST: CHIEF CLERK .3 1