HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 187 - 10-14-1971 - COMMISSIONERMINUTE BOOK 657
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the Resolution
adopted by the Board of County Commissioners of the County of Washington at its regular meet-
ing held on the 7th day of October, 1971.
WHEREAS, in the interest of the welfare of the citizens of Washington County and
recognizing the need for continuing improvements to the highway system in Washington County;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Washington County Board of Com-
ssioners requests that: McMurray Road in Peters Township,. from Evergreen Drive to the
gheny County Line, as recommended by the Washington County Planning Commission, be
added to the Federal Urban Aids System.
Adopted this 7th day of October 1971.
Michael R. Flynn, Chairman
A. V. ' Capano
John Mazza
J. V. Murphy - Chief Clerk
Minute No. 187
, 1971
Office of the County Commissioners
Washington, Pa., October 14, 1971
The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following
members being present: Commissioners Capano and Flynn. Absent being: Commissioner
Mazza. Also present being: Chief Clerk Murphy, County Solicitor Porter, Mr. ' Jack Merdian-
WJPA; Mr. Michael George - Director of the Department of Parks and Recreation; Deputy Con-
troller Whalen; Mr. Thomas Bontempo - Assistant to the Principal - Carl G. Baker & Associ-
ates; Reporter Roule of the Monongahela Publishing Company; Reporter Budinger of the Obser-
ver- Reporter; and Public Information Officer Huber.
Meeting called to order by Chairman and roll call taken:
Mr. Mazza - Absent; Mr. Capano - Present; Mr. Flynn - Present.
Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions, or omissions to Minute
No. 186, each Commissioner having received a copy.
as read. ,
Moved by Mr. Capano, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that Minute No. 186 be approved,
Roll call vote taken:
Mr. Capano - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes.
Motion carried unanimously.
Chairman and all those present observed a moment of silence in respect for the
late Commissioner John Mazza. Chairman made note of an editorial in the Tuesday, October
12, 1971, issue of The Valley Independent, which was in honor of the late Commissioner John
Mazza, Chairman declared a 30-day mourning period in honor of the late John Mazza.
Mr. Capano: The last time I spoke with Mr. Mazza was Thursday afternoon and I asked him
how he was feeling. He replied that he was feeling fine. Mr. Mazza was a man that kept on
working all of the time. He was a good man, a dedicated public servant, and a sincere friend.
I noticed many people coming to his office every day - people coming with their problems or
just coming for his advice. He never said that he couldn't help them, but instead said that he
would see what he could do,
Mr. Porter: I shall always remember the last official utterance of John Mazza as shown in
the minutes of the last meeting in which he commended me in the settlement of NCR.
Mr. Murphy: My association with Mr. Mazza has always been very great, and it is going to
be a hard thing to replace him. He was a very dedicated family man and his death is going to
be felt by all of us.
Mr. Whalen: I can only add that I really lost a good friend.
Mr. Flynn: I have been fortunate to be associated with a lot of good men and I was extremely
happy to have been able to work with the late Mr. Bevec and Mr. Mazza, We had our differ-
ences, but they were always political. I can honestly say that at no time did politics interfere
with the well being of this county. I am not capable of finding words to express my sorrow.
Reports - None.
Old Business
Mr. Thomas Bontempo - Assistant to the Principal - Carl G. Baker and Associates-
read a proposal submitted by the Joseph J. Graciand Company, 7925 Hill Avenue, Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania 15221 - Re: Washington County Jail Building - Boiler Hount-stone Stack. Said
correspondence stated that the said Carl G. Baker and Associates agrees to furnish all labor,
supervision, materials and scaffold equipment; to carry Workmen's Compensation,' Public Lia-
bility 500 /1, 000, 000 and Property Damage 50 /100, 000; and to use -every precaution to protect
the public and any adjacent property during the performance of the extent of the work. Said cor-
respondence cited the extent of the work. Cost of work described - $3, 200.00. Terms - Pay-
ment in full within ten (10) days after the completion of all work.
Moved by Mr. Capano, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the Washington County Jail
Building - Boiler House Sbne Stack be declared an emergency situation and that theWashington
County Commissioners award the contract to the Joseph J. Graciano Company for the repair of
the .said Boiler House Stone Stack in accordance with their specifications,
Roll call vote taken:
Mr. Capano - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes.
Motion carried unanimously.
Mr. Michael George - Director of the Department of Parks and Recreation - mad
a recommendation to the Washington County Commissioners that under the existing conditions
hunting should not be permitted this year in Mingo Creek Park. Mr. George went on to say that
last year certain areas were posted as hunting grounds at Mingo Creek Park, but some hunters
ignored these limitations and there were a number of violations. Thus, many complaints were
received from various organizations participating in field trips and other recreational programs.
Moved by Mr. Capano, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the Washington County Com-
missioners follow the above recommendation of Mr. George and prohibit hunting this year at
Mingo Creek Park. Said recommendation made with the safety of the general public in mind.
Said motion does not include Cross Creek County Park, which will remain open to hunters.
Roll call vote taken:
Mr. Capano - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes.
Motion carried unanimously.
Correspondence - Mr. Murphy.
Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of October 7, 1971, from Clyde G.
Tempest - Magistrate - In Re: John Luongo - Magistrate. Said correspondence was accom-
panied by a statement concerning Magistrate John Luongo's claim for rent from January to
April 15, 1970, inclusive, which amounted to $437. 50. Said correspondence advised that during
this time it was necessary for Magistrate John Luongo to use his residence located at 180 Brown
son Avenue, Washington, in order to properly fulfill his duties as Magistrate. Said correspon-
dence further stated that it was Magistrate Tempest and Magistrate Luongo's understanding that
each of the Magistrates would be reimbursed for office space used by them prior to the time that
a proper- plate had been, acquired and furnished by the Washington County Commissioners. Said
correspondence requested the Washington County Commissioners' consideration on this matter.
Mr. Capano: We have followed through with this understanding, and I will resolve it with Mr.
Tempest. It is a closed case.
Chief Clerk read a memorandum from F. D. Whalen - Deputy County Controller,
Re: 1971 Controller',s Office Budget. Said memorandum noted that in reviewing the Controller':
September budget report that their sub -account 110-4 is overdrawn in the amount of $778.79.
Said memorandum stated that in order to correct his overdraft, the Controller's office has tr
ferred $500.00 from their sub -account 110-2-11 to sub -account 110-4 and the sum of $500.00
from their sub -account 110-2-3 to sub -account 110-4. Said memorandum further advised that
since there is no change in the total budget figure, it will not be necessary for Board action.
Said memorandum stated that the Controller's office is making this correction at this time
they have requisitioned a new stenographic chair, and Mr. Pagac correctly reminded them that
their Capital account was overdrawn. This expenditure is only in the amount of $60.00.
Mr. Anthony Bevec entered the meeting.
Chairman read a memorandum under date of October 12, 1971, from F. D. Whalen,
Deputy County Controller -.Re: Temporary Investments. Said memorandum stated that in the
General Fund Account a Certificate of Deposit in the Pittsburgh National Bank in the amount of
$300, 000.00 matured on October 7, 1971, and was deposited into the said General Fund Account.
Said memorandum advised that another $300, 000. 00 item on this said account matured on Octo-
ber 13, 1971. Said memorandum stated t1.at a Certificate of Deposit, in the amount of $200, 000.0
was re -invested for a period of thirty (30) days. Said memorandum further stated that in the
Liquid Fuels Account a Certificate of Deposit in the Pittsburgh National Bank. in the amount of
$100, 000. 00 matured on September 30, 1971, and Mr. Whalen re -invested this amount for 60
days, maturing on December 7, 1971. Said memorandum advised the Board of another $100, 000.
maturing on November 1, 1971, and another $100, 000, 00 maturing on November 15, 1971, in the
said Liquid Fuels Account. Said memorandum requested the Board's confirmation of this re-
investment at the next regular Board meeting.
Moved by Mr. Capano, seconded by Mr. Flynn, confirming the action taken by Depu
ty Controller Whalen of re -investing (a) a Certificate of Deposit in the amount of $200, 000.00
for a period of thirty (30) days in the General Fund Account; and (b) a Certificate of Deposit in
$100, 000. 00 for sixty (60) days, maturing on December 7, 1971, in the Pittsburgh National Bank
in the Liquid Fuels Account.
Roll call vote taken:
Mr. Capano - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes.
Motion carried unanimously.
Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of October 11, 1971, from the Fraternal
Order of Eagles which expressed their appreciation for the time given in compiling information
pertaining to the availability of room accommodations and banquet facilities in and around the
City of Washington during the period of June 9 through June 11, 1972. Said correspondence ad-
vised that this information was submitted to the Pennsylvania State Aerie, Fraternal Order of
Eagles for their consideration in the selection of the City in which the 1972 Eagles State Conven-
tion would be held. Said correspondence reported that even though the City of Washington has
hosted various activities in the past and has the necessary rooms, halls and banquet facilities,
the 1972 Eagle State Convention has been awarded to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Said correspon-
dence expressed the hope that within the near future, Keystone Aerie No. 687 and the City of
Washington will be the host of an Eagle State Convention.
Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of October 6, 1971, from John R. Fan-
tini - Director - Washington County Public Employment Program. Said correspondence advised
the Board that the Washington County Public Employment Program is now established and oper-
ating in the MIDA Office Building, Donora Industrial Park, Donora, Pennsylvania 15033, and is
currently working in conjunction with the Charleroi and Washington Bureau of Employment Se-
curity to screen, interview, and recommend to the Employment Committee eligible and qualified
applicants to meet their October requests. Said correspondence cordially invited the Board to
it the Washington County Public Employment Program office.
Chief Clerk read copy of correspondence under date of October 6, 1971, from Jerry
R. Wettstone - Chief - Recreation & Conservation Division - Department of Parks & Recre
Re: Mingo Creek Park - Phase IT - Washington County - $500 M. Project, #3-4-62-00-2.1.
aid correspondence stated that Part I Application for assistance in developing Phase II of
Creek Park was forwarded by Regional Recreation Specialist - Edward Smith - for action. Said
correspondence advised that said Department of Community Affairs has reviewed said applic
and is pleased to give it Departmental approval; said application has also been reviewed by the
State Planning Board and has received final approval by the Governor. Said correspondence fur
stated that said Project has been allocated funds amounting to $190, 800 - 30% of the estimated
otal cost of $636, 000 from the Pennsylvania $500 Million Conservation Bond Issue. Said cor-
respondence had attached to it a summary of said project which itemized the construction pr
has been approved. Said correspondence advised that said project has been forwarded to
e B. O. R. Northeast Regional Office for review and approval. Said correspondence stated that
e Part II Application, including detailed construction drawings, specifications, and current
detailed estimated costs, should now be prepared. Said correspondence further advis ed that
pon the Department of Community Affairs fnal approval of said Part II Application, the County
ay proceed with the securing of bid proposals and development.
Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of October 7, 1971, from Emanuel A.
Paris - Secretary - Alex E. Paris Contracting Company, Inc., which advised the Board that
Mr. Yuhas and Mr. Emanuel A. Paris have reviewed the Pike Run Job and found a pile of dirt
which must be removed to give them access to stream in one particular area. Said correspon-
dence advised that the said contracting Company's estimate for removal and disposal of this
said pile of dirt is $3, 500. 00.
Mr. Flynn: The contract for the stream clearance at Pike Run was awarded to Alex E. Paris
Contracting Company, Inc., in the spring; and it was then agreed upon that this pile of dirt woul
have to be removed.
Moved by Mr. C4pano, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the Alex E. Paris Contracting
Company, Inc., be authorized, to remove said pile of dirt as set forth in said contract.
Roll call vote taken.:
Mr. Capano - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes.
Motion carried unanimously.
Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of October 6, 1971, from C. Victor
Funk - Program Specialist on Watersheds - State Soil and Water Conservation Commission,
Department of Forests and Waters. Said correspondence stated that because of reduced appro-
priations from the requested amount of $175, 000 to $75, 000 in funds to support the small water-
shed program, it has been necessary to closely evaluate all cost -share applications. Said cor-
respondence further stated that the agreement has been completed in the amount not to exceed
$6, 000 for the Commission's share, and it has been forwarded for approval and- signatures in
the Comptroller's and the Secretary's office. Said correspondence advised that a fully execute
copy will be forwarded to the Board in the near future.
Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of October 5, 1971, from H. E. Myers,
Director - Bureau of Municipal Services - Department of Transportation - Re: Washington
County Centerville Borough C. A. A. 56310. Said correspondence advised the Board that all wort
involved in the above referenced County Aid Application has been completed in a manner satis-
factory to the Department of Transportation. Said correspondence stated that the Bureau of
Municipal Services has received the affidavit of costs in the amount of $2, 204.71 from the offi-
cials of the municipality, and that it will now be satis factory for the County Commissioners to
pay to the above referenced municipality county aid not to exceed $1,185.00 in accordance with
the terms of the approved County Aid Application on file in the Commissioners office.
Mr. Capano : This matter is in order and Mrs. Stevens is taking care of it.
Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of October 13, 1971, from Reverend
Edward A. Sadvary - Director - Protective Care Unit. Said correspondence stated that as a
continuing program relevant to Reverend Sadvary's appointment to the Executive Committee` on
the Rural Development Council for the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, the next s
lis scheduled for October 25-26 and 27 at Indiana, Pennsylvania. Said correspondence requests
Ithe Board's permission for Reverend Sadvary to attend this Seminar as he feels that great bene-
fits could be gained for the County through his participation. Said correspondence advised the
Board that the Department of Agriculture will pay all1expenses for this seminar.
Moved by Mr. Capano, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that Reverend Sadvary be author-
ized to attend said seminar scheduled for October 25-26 and 27 at Indiana, Pennsylvania.
Roll call vote taken:
Mr. Capano - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes.
Motion carried unanimously.
I New Business
Mr. Capano: I would like to recommend that Michael R. Flynn be appointed Acting Director of
Civil Defense, replacing the late John P. Bevec.
Moved by Mr. Capano, seconded by Mr. Flynn that due to the death of John P.
Bevec, Commissioner and Washington County Civil Defense Director, that Michael R. Flynn
be appointed Acting Director of Civil Defense for Washington County until the first week in
January, 1972, when a permanent Civil Defense Director will be recommended.
Roll call vote taken:
Mr. Capano - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes.
Motion carried unanimously.
Commissioner Capano presented to the Board a proposal for excavation work to be
done at Arden Downs Race Track submitted by Gregg Excavating Service, Box 154, R. D. No, 1,
Canonsburg, Pennsylvania 15317 - Price of said excavation work - $1, 350.00.
Moved by Mr. Capano, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the Gregg Excavating Service
be awarded the contract for the excavation work to be done at Arden Downs Race Track at the
I amount set forth in their proposal and according to their plans and specifications.
Roll call vote taken:
Mr. Capano - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes.
Motion carried unanimously.
Solicitor - Mr. Porter
(Tax Refunds)
County Solicitor Porter presented six (6) Tax Refunds to the Board for their con-
sideration and approval.
Moved by Mr. Capano, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the Tax Assessment Office be
authorized to prepare the following tax refunds due to either duplication or overpayment of real
estate tax; said refunds having been approved by the County Solicitor.
1. IN RE: Zotis, Wm & John E. Xerzotis
North Strabane Township
Request for refund has been made in re the above -captioned tax account. Tax
in the amount of $558.49 net was paid on as-sessed valuation of $32, 660, on
June 9, 1971. Court Order No. 139 July Term 1971 A. D. reduced assessed
valuation to $27.000. and tax to $461.70 net, making a refund due of $96.79.
Kindly forward refund check in the amount of $96.79 to WM. ZOTIS and JOHN
E. XERZOTIS, R. D. 2, Washington, Pa. 15301.
2. IN RE: Marshall, John T. & Patricia P.
Chartiers Township
Request for refund has been made in re above -named tax account by McCreight,
Marriner & McCreight. Tax in the amount of $7 5. 84 net was paid by First
Federal of Waynesburg on July 1; 1971 and paymert in the amount of $79. 83
Face was made by Marshall, John T. & Patricia P. on August 31, 1971,
Kindly forward refund check in the amount of $79. 83 to JOIN T. & PATRICIA
P. MARSHALL, c/o McCreight, Marriner & McCreight, 520 Washington Trust
Building, Washington, Pa. 15301.
3. IN RE: Rowe, Paul W. & Emily D.
Peters Township
Request for refund has been made in re the above -captioned account. Tax on
Lot 118 was paid on July 1, 1971 along with tax on Br-Stn-Fr Hse in the amount
of $183. 82. Payment on Lot 118 was duplicated on same date by First Federal
Savings & Loan Association.
Enclosed find Xerox copy of tax receipts and duplicate tax receipt.
Kindly forware refund check in the amount of $12. 82 to FIRST FEDERAL SA
AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, West Main at Linn, Monongahela, Pa. 15063.
4. IN RE: Hagan, Phillip S. & Mary C.
Hagan -Oldsmobile Cadillac
South Strabane Township
Request for refund has been made in re the above -captioned account. Tax in
the amount of $646. 55 net was paid on July 1, 1971 by Phillip S. & Mary C. Hagan
and First Federal Savings & Loan Association, the latter being the correct pay-
Attached find original and Xerox copies of tax receipts.
Kindly forward refund check in the amount of $646. 55 to PHILLIP S. & MARY C.
HAGAN, c/o James C. Bane, Attorney, Washington Trust Building, Washington,
Pa. 15301.
5. IN RE: Ward, Thomas E. Jr. & Nancy C.
Washington 7th Ward
Request for refund has been made in re the above -captioned account. Tax in
the amount of $33.26 net was paid on June 21, 1971 and paid again on June 25, 1971.
Enclosed find duplicate and Xerox copies of tax receipts and cancelled check.
Kindly forward refund check in the amount of $33. 26 to FRANK C. CARROLL,
33 West Beau Street, Washington, Pa. 15301.
6, IN RE: Prise, Joseph & Adolph Bergstein
Speers Borough
Request for refund has been made in re the above -captioned account. Tax was
paid in duplicate on July 1, 1971 in the amount of $103.03 net.
Enclosed find one original receipt and Xerox copy of receipt showing both pay-
Kindly forward refund check in the amount of $1-03.03 to ADOLPH BERGSTEIN,
c/o Jack Bergstein, 409 Schoonmaker Avenue, Monessen, Pa. 15062.