HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 190 - 11-4-1971 - COMMISSIONER61)6 MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, A. V. CAPANO, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Moved by Mr. Capano, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the above Petition as per above be executed by the Board and acknowledged by Mr. Flynn; said motion based on the recommen- dation of Assistant County Solicitor Carson. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Capano - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Mr. Capano, seconded by Mr.. Flynn, that the meeting adjourn. Meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: ATTEST: CHIEF CLERK Minute, No. 19.0 1971 Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., November 4, 1971 The Board of County Commissioners met in regular session with the following meml' bers being present: Commissioners Capano and Flynn. Also Present- being: Chief Clerk Murp] County Solicitor Porter; Deputy Controller Whalen; Reporter Roule of The Monongahela Pub- lishing Company; Reporter Budinger of The Observer -Reporter; and Public Information Officer Huber. Meeting called to order by Chairman and roll call taken: Mr. Capano - Present; Mr. Flynn ,- Present. Chairman asked if there were any additions, corrections or omissions to Minute No. # 189, each Commissioner having received a copy. as read. Moved by Mr. Capano, seconde4 by Mr. Flynn, that Minute No. #189 be approved, Roll call vote taken: Mr. Capano - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Old Business - None Reports - None Correspondence - Mr. Murphy Chief Clerk informed the Board of the receipt and deposit of the following checks as received from the Department ,of Public Welfare: 1 MINUTE BOOK R7 / BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, A V. CAPANO, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS (a) $1799. 03 - Child Welfare Services Invoice (May) - Contract #744. (b) $2127. 61 - Child Welfare Services Invoice (June) - Contract #744. (c) $1701. 62 - Child Welfare Services Invoice (Dec.) - Contract #744. (d) $1785.74 - Child Welfare Services Invoice (Jan.) - Contract #744. (e) $ 869. 59 - Foster Care Payment - Contract #744. Chief Clerk informed the Board of the receipt of a check in the amount of $44. 862. as received from the Department of Revenue, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, which represente the County's proportionate share of the total realty tax equivalent determined by the Department of Revenue pursuant to the provisions of the Act of March 10, 1971, P. L. 168, Act No.' 66, "The Public Utility Realty Tax Act. " Bills: Moved by Mr. Capano,' seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the following bills be approvec for payment: (a) Joseph J. Graciano Company - $3675.00 - stack repair work performed per Contract dated October 14, 1971 - Washington County Jail Building - Boiler House Stack. Said bill approved by Anthony Bevec, Building Superintendent. (b) Gandy Interval - second 'payment - steel bunks installation at the Washington County Prison - bill approved by Anthony Bev ec, Building Superintendent, and Warden James O. Roupe. (c) Toner Institute - $410. 63 - board and tuition for the month of October for Frank Dessify - bill approved by Anthony Luppino, (d) Lutheran Children's Home - $310.00 - maintenance for October, 1971, for Edward Zediker - bill approved by Anthony Luppino. Remarks: Mr. Flynn: On the two preceding bills as submitted by Anthony Luppino, I would suggest that the Chief Clerk inquire into these bills as to how long these two boys will remain at said Homes, etc, This could get to be quite expensive for the County. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Capano - yes; Mr. Flynn - yes. Motion carried unanimously. Deputy Controller Whalen recommended to the Board that a new Account be estab- lished'- Washington County Grants and Gifts Escrow Account - in order that all gifts and grants' received from the Commonwealth related to specific projects can be segregated from all other monies received. Moved by Mr. Capano, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the Controller's Office be authorized to establish a new account entitled "Washington County Grants and Gifts Escrow Account. " Roll call vote taken: Mr. Capano - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously, Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of November 1, 1971, from Metro Petrosky, Jr. - Director of Office of Human Services, which requested consideration be given 678 i BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, A. V. CAPANO, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS to allocating the sum of $15, 000. 00 to Account #310 for the purpose of continuation and expan- sion of the Senior' Citizens Center Program in Washington County. Mr. Flynn: May I suggest that no Board action is necessary on the above' request. Previously, a meeting had been held with Mr. Petrosky, Mr. Whalen and the Commissioners. The neces- sary action will be taken by Deputy Controller Whalen. Chief Clerk informed the Board of Court Order No, 153 a, b, c, January Term, 1 1970 - No. 517 January Term, 1970 - signed by Honorable President Judge Charles G. Sweet - Commonwealth of Pennsylvania vs. Aubran Wayne Martin - which stated that this 13th day of September, 1971, it is hereby authorized and directed that investigative funds be made available to Mark J. Goldberg, Esq. , at this time not to exceed $500.00 without further order of the Court. Court Order further stated that when a bill is due, Mr. Goldberg will present it to the undersigned who will forward it to the Controller to put in line for payment. Mr. Capano: An emergency situation developed the other day when the voucher for payment on the preceding was sent to the Chief Clerk for approval. I questioned the legality of said bill and requested a copy of the Court Order which had been directed to the County Controller's Office. The sum of $500.00 has been paid to Mr. Goldberg. Moved by Mr. Capari.o, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that said bill be approved and con- firmed as per Court Order. Remarks: Mr. Capano: I think that this Board should notify the Judge that the Practice must submit an itemized statement of expenditures to the Board of Commissioners. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Capano - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk informed the Board of Court Order No. 490 September Term, 1971, A. D. signed by the Honorable Judges Charles G. Sweet, Richard DiSalle and Thomas Gladden - In re: Designation of Assistants, which stated that pursuant to the Election Code 25 P. S. 3153 (a) the following persons are named "to assist in the computation and canvassing of the votes" in this forthcoming general election. Court Order listed said persons and also designated an alternate board member. Chief Clerk also read Court Order signed by the Honorable Presi Judge Charles G. Sweet - In re: Designation of Assistants, which stated that on this 1st day of November, 1971, it appearing that Joseph Sobansky, R. D. #3, Claysville, Pennsylvania, is unable to serve on the recount board because of the hospitalization of his wife, it is directed that the alternate board member, Arletta Zelenko, R. D. 3, Burgettstown, Pennsylvania, re- place the said Joseph Sobansky. Moved by Mr. Capano, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the following persons be ap- 1 Ll proved for the Recount Return Board for the Municipal Election, November 2, 1971, as MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, A. V. CAPANO, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS L E 1 appointed and recommended by the Court: Budget Item• Sandra Walden Grace Rutz Margaret Wilson Grace DiDonato Bea Angerman Florence Andrick Betty Smutney Thomas Puglisi Leo Maloney Agnes Braunegg Lorraine Warfield Arletta Zelenko Roll call vote taken: Mr. Capano - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Moved by Mr. Capano, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the sum of $500.00 be ap- proved and allocated to the Greater Canonsburg Public Library for the year 1971. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Capano - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of October 26, 1971, from Norman P. Bedillion, Mall Manager, which stated that the Mall Owners are most anxious to improve the intersection of Route 19, Oak Spring Road and the Washington Mall and K-Mart entrances and have made every endeavor to work out the details with the Plaza. Correspondence stated that the Mall Owners feel that with the Holiday Selling Season about to be in full swing and bad weather pressing, the improvement should be postponed until Spring. Chief Clerk also read correspondence under Date of November 1, 1971, from same which stated that in the interest of improving the traffic at the intersection aFrementioned, the Washington Mall Owners would like the Commissioners to hold fast to their commitment of $20, 000 which will be used at such time the improvement is made. Mr. Flynn: May I suggest that the Chief Clerk acknowledge receipt of the two (2) preceding letters informing the Mall Owners that the Commissioners will take a second look at the situa- tion which exists but that a definite answer cannot be given at this time until final figures are submitted, etc. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of October 27, 1971, from James S. Lyon, Executive Vice -President and General Manager, Observer Publishing Company, which stated that the Observer -Reporter will publish its annual Progress Edition early in February, 1972. Correspondence requested that the Commissioners keep the 1972 Progress Edition in mind when planning the County's 1972 advertising budget. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of October 28, 1971, from Samuel J. Green, President - Green Engineering Company, which stated that said Company is submitting to Mr. John D. Anthony three copies of the proposed Agreement for Engineering Services in connection with the preparation of Washington County's Solid Waste Management Plan. g" o MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, A. V. CAPANO, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Correspondence stated that the Commissioners early review of the proposed Agreement and its further processing will be appreciated. Mr. Murphy: Mr. Anthony has informed me that he will submit said proposed Agreement to his Planning Commission Board for perusement and then the Board's recommendation will be submitted to the Washington County Commissioners for approval. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of October 26, 1971, from Harry M. Harvey, which requested to make application for renewal of the lease that said party has on Arden Fairgrounds. Correspondence stated that if satisfactory arrangements can be made, said Party would be interested in leasing the entire Fairgrounds except during Fair Week. Chief clerk read correspondence under date of November 1, 1971, from J. R. Somerville, Secretary - Washington County Agricultural Fair, Inc., which requested that a new lease be made between Washington County and the Fair Directors. Correspondence stated that in addition to the area already under lease to the Fair Association, that the half -mile race track, the grandstand and horse stable area that is presently being leased to Mr. Harry H also be included in a new lease to the Fair Association. Mr. Flynn: May I suggest that the two (2) preceding letters be acknowledged by the Chief Cleri and be held in abeyance until such time that a.full Board is present. Chief Clerk read correspondence under date of October 28, 1971, from Mrs. L. Marie Greco, Regional Supervisor - Department of Public Welfare, which confirmed the rec- ommendations and suggestions Mrs. Audrey Boyer and said party discussed with Commissi Flynn and Chief Clerk Murphy on October 5, 1971. Correspondence stated that said recommen dations were based on observations made during Mrs. Boyer's annual visits to the County Homes in September, 1971. Correspondence stated that it is unfortunate that plans for a new facility have had to be abandoned as there is a critical need for Public Nursing Care beds in Washing- ton County. Correspondence further stated that in Mrs. Greco's opinion this would be a solu- tion for Washington County providing the new facility would be utilized for skilled nursing care and the existing Mens and Womens Homes be converted to intermediate Care Facilities. Also, it would be less expensive to convert the present Homes to Intermediate Care than to make the renovation necessary to meet the requirements for skilled care. Correspondence attached a list of recommendations for each of the County Homes. Mr. Flynn: These two ladies met with Mr. Murphy and myself a month ago. Mrs. Greco has now submitted her report to the Commissioners. The Board will have to comply with said regulations. New Business - Mr. Flynn Chairman requested the records to show that in compliance with the Court Order handed down on June 30, 1971, signed by the Honorable Judge Alexander R. Curran in referenc n C 1 to the Hughes Covered Bridge, crossing Ten Mile Creek located in Amwell Township - that the MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, A. V. CAPANO, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS u Board of County Commissioners did comply with said Court Order, the Bridge has been re- stored, and as of last Thursday, October 28, 1971, the County Commissioners turned the over to the Amwell Township Board of Supervisors. Chairman stated that the total cost of restoration was $2986. 01. Solicitor - Mr. Porter Solicitor Porter reported on the Case of the Steiamboat Clairton, in which the County is being sued by Mr. William C. Engel for repairs and restoration on said Steamboat. Mr. Porter stated that no contract can be located between the County and Mr. Engel. Mr, Porter reviewed the case as per his pre-trial conference with Judge Knox - Federal Court in Pittsburgh. Mr. Porter stated that said case will be up for trial - non -jury - some time in January, 1972. A Deposition by Mr. Flynn will be taken on November 17, 1971. Deputy Controller Whalen informed the Board that in the Liquid Fuels Account, a Certificate of Deposit in the amount of $100, 000.00 matured on Monday, November 1, 1971. Mr. Whalen stated that he had the Certificate of Deposit converted into a check and deposited into the Liquid Fuels Account and requested that the Board approve his action. Moved by Mr. Capano, seconded by Mr. Flynn, confirming and approving the action taken by Deputy Controller Whalen as per above. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Capano - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Deputy Controller Whalen reported to the Board that the Controller's Office is making good progress in their programming and changeover process which is scheduled for January, 1972. Said process is from manual to magnetic operations. Mr. Whalen stated that said equipment should arrive on December 1 1971. Mr. Whalen stated that there is one small problem that he wanted to bring to the Commissioners' attention - all county checks as well as payroll checks bear the two late Commissioners' names. Mr. Whalen stated that it will be necessary - after the final results of the Recount Board - that the Controller's Office have the signatures of the three present Commissioners as soon as possible so that they can be turned over to the supplier. Moved by Mr. Capano, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the meeting adjourn. Meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: ATTEST: CHIEF CLERK 1971 41 :�: 41 JI JI `.��'. ijC J, J, 01 ij: ij: 0<.�: