HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 2-S - 1-6-1972 - SALARYSALARY MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BHVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Minute No. 2-S Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., January 64.r11972 The Salary Board of the County of Washington met in the Office of the County Com- missioners with the following members being present: Commissioners Paluso and Flynn, and Controller Elish. Absent being: Commissioner Jones - who was ill. Also present being: Chief Clerk Murphy; County Solicitor Capano; Assistant County Solicitor Hormell; Administra- tive Assistant Whalen; Reporter Robertson of the Observer -Reporter; Reporter Roule of the Monongahela Publishing Company; Reporter Desch of the Brownsville Telegraph; and Public Information Officer Huber. Meeting called to order by Chairman and roll call taken: Mr. Jones - Absent; Mr. Paluso - Present; Mr. Elish - Present; Mr. Flynn - Present. Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions, or omissions to Minute No. 111-S, and Minute No. 1-S, each Commissioner and County Controller having received copies. Moved by Mr. Elish, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that Minute No. 111-S and Minute No. 1-S be approved, as read. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Elish - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. For a Matter of Record: MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT #9: 22 1/2 Hours Work for Barbara DeLost, temporary secretary - $136. 50 bi-weekly 6 Days and 4 Hours Work for Carol Pankas, replacement for regular secretary during vacation period - $136. 50 bi-weekly Mr. Murphy: The requests for Building Maintenance and Sheriff's Office have been -withdrawn. WASHINGTON CO. PRISON:, Moved by Mr. Elish, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the following extra payroll for regular, salaried employees at the Washington Co: Prison be approved for payment: Name: Hourly Rate: Total Hours: Total Amount: Hanna Johns $3. 29 :8 $26. 3,0 Also included in this motion is that a voucher be prepared in the amount of $98. 60 for Daniel Luppino, Detention Home Counselor, who worked a total of 29 hours @ $3.40 per hour for the dates from December 22, 1971 - January 4, 1972. 0LAPR'ti'' MINU,T_E BE)QK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ` WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN. JOHN P. BEVEC,- JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Elish - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. WASHINGTON CO. HOME FOR AGED WOMEN & MEN: Moved by Mr. Elish, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the salaries of the following em- ployees be set as indicated: Name: Margie Kaspar, Dietician for both homes Carrine J. McKean, Part - Time L. P. N. Remarks: Salary: $9.00 per hour $250.00 bi-weekly Effective Date: January 3, 1972 January 5, 1972 Mr. Murphy: This is in conformance with the state requirements issued for both homes. Mr. Elish: My understanding is that you have to have these people in order to comply with the state. Mr. Paluso: These are mandated salaries, in other words, that we are talking about. Mr. Flynn: They are forced since we must have a dietician and licensed practical nurses. The rates are established by this board at $25.00 per day for graduate licensed practical nurses and $30. 00 per day for registered nurses. The dietician works on an hourly basis. Mr. Paluso: This is in conformance with the salary scale of private industry. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Elish - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. CONTROLLER'S OFFICE: Moved by Mr. Elish, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the salary of Susan Oberst, tempo- rary clerk in the Controller's Office be set at $136. 50 bi-weekly, effective December 30, 1971. Remarks: Mr. Paluso: Do you have some idea of the anticipated length of time for this girl? - Mr. Elish: This is only until tomorrow. We have been awful busy.' In fact, we have been working nights. We have the new bookkeeping system. We hope that in a week or so or the next few days you can visit the office and see how the new bookkeeping system functions. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Elish - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Mr. Paluso questioned the order of voting in the roll call vote. He asked whether it was done alphabetically, and said that it seemed different at every meeting. He said we should C F establish some set of parliamentary rules in the future for this. SALARY MINUTE BOOK Ai BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. 13EVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS j Mr. Flynn made note that the chairman always votes last. Moved by Mr. Elish, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that Frank Roney be appointed as Solicitor for the Controller's Office replacing Oliver N. Hormell, at the same salary of $3675.00 annually, effective January 10, 1972. Remarks: Mr. Flynn: Why should that position of your solicitor warrant more money than the other offices ? Mr. Elish: Because it is a very important solicitorship, next to the County Solicitor. Way back in the sixties and late fifties the Controller's Solicitor was receiving a salary of about $3000. The fact is that it is now increased. If you look at fourth class counties, we are less than,many of them. They feel -its been traditional that the Controller's Solicitor has to perform a great deal more service than,the other solicitors in the other offices. The nature of our. office is such that it requires a good deal of legal advise. I think I know the County Code rather well, but I'm still not certain at times, because I don't have an attorney. : Mr. Flynn: If I will remind you, Mr. Elish, I think the records will indicate that the reason why Mr. Hormell, when he was in that capacity, was given that extra stipend, was because you were then involved in quite a bit of litigation in the Courts and it required quite a bit of the gentleman's time, and that was exactly the reason it was raised up. He should certainly be compensated for this. The litigation no longer exists. Mr, Paluso: Mr. Capano, am I correct that this is -the only mandated solicitor this county needs or is specified? Mr. Capano: Its mandated to his office, there is no question. Mr. Flynn: The County Code says that you shall appoint a County Solicitor. Mr. Paluso: No, no, I'm talking about.the other row offices. Mr. Flynn: The question was asked if this was the only mandated one. I said it wasn't the only mandated one. Mr. Capano: We discussed this yesterday, when you weren't here. I'm taking it from yester- day's conversation. Excluding the County Solicitor, this is the only office the law actually mandates, the others are all made. The Commissioners could eliminate the others if they wanted to. Mr. Paluso: This is the only one by statute that is required, the rest are strictly favors of the Commissioners, so to speak. Mr. Capano: Its been enlarged, it was formerly only a few offices, now its enlarged where practically every office is included. Mr. Paluso: I think this is an area of economy that can be studied in the very near future, prior to the adoption of the budget. 42 SALARY' PM1.NUTE,BQOi< BOARD OIL COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYL,VANIA -9�- M1CHAIEL R. FLYNN, JOHN.'P'. BEVEL, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Mr. Capano: Its a matter we discussed. At the state association, we have been trying to get something for fourth class counties where we have a legal department. Then the legal depart- ment would render services, if necessary, to the various row offices. They don't have too many needs for it, with the exception of the Controller's Office, for legal services -- only occassionally. At least in my time here, I haven't seen any time where they have any special needs. Mr. Paluso:. My personal ideas on it are that we are over burdened, so to speak, with solicit- ors. I think the county staff itself - the Commissioners' Solicitors - could handle these non - mandated jobs without any problems. I think we are moving toward that. (a discussion of the salary for the Controller's Solicitor) Mr. Flynn: If I may, Mr. Elish, you are requesting a salary of $3675 for that gentleman. Mr. Elish: Well, I thought it was in the neighborhood of $3500. Mr, Flynn: I think the average in here for a solicitor is in the order of about $1680. Mr. Capano: For the other row offices it is about $1680. Mr. Elfish: If you compare with other fourth class counties, all the way around, $3:500 is not an excessive salary. In fact, it would be just about the middle. There are some others that receive over $4000. In some, of course, I think its $3000. $3500rt would be a nominal fee for a solicitor for my office, for the nature of our office. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Elish - Yes; Mr. Flynn - No. Motion carried. Mr. Flynn: I want the records to show that its the perogative of the Controller, or any elected official, once we make it permissive (of course, in this case its mandated that its his peroga- time) to select whomever he so desires as his solicitor. However, I think that the: salary of that solicitorship would be in line with the salaries of other offices. Mr. Paluso: I think, Mr. Flynn, with your concurrence, we should have a discussion and in - elude the courts in this. I think we should study this more thoroughly. I think it's a temp©rar;T thing. I think with their advise (the courts), we could include them in the discussion of the whole solicitor's setup. Mr. Flynn: The courts have no bearing on the operation of the Salary Board. Only when it's for their own office. I don't think this is necessary. I think, we, the Executive Brmch of Government, are capable of conducting the affairs of this county without having to invite the Judicial Branch of Government in. The Judicial Branch is not to be interjected into the pic- ture. COURTS: SALARY MINUTE B o U K 4 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA E 1 C MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS ago — Chairman read memorandum under date of January 3, 1972, from President Judge Charles G. Sweet, stating that they are having a little difficulty with the proposed reductions in force and budgetary levels, and asking that they be placed at the end of the Thursday schedule for Salary Board. c Judge Sweet referred to a memo received from the SUary Board. He said that he assumed that some time this week we are going to have a Salary Board for the various employees of the building to see who stays on. and who doesn't, and that it is his understanding that some program of scattered reduction in force has been worked out. Remarks: Mr. Flynn: The law requires that prior to appointing anybody on the payroll, whether he is temporary or permanent, we must have prior approval. That is what we are reminding the offices. Before they put anybody on their staff, they must get prior approval from the Salary Board. That's what the intent of that memo is. Grants -In -Aid: Judge Sweet made reference to correspondence under date of December 23, 1971, from Richard W. Lindsay, regarding the 1972 Grants -In -Aid. New program grants will be re- stricted to non grant-in-aid counties and limited to one full-time position per county. Now, we represented you at the time we put Geoffrey Smith on (that we get him on State aid at the first of the year). It will now, not be possible to get him on that program, and that means we have to negotiate something that we can follow through on because of the change in commonwealth policy. We have to shuffle if we are going to have to reduce by one in the Adult Probation Office. As a matter of keeping our commitment with Smith, we are going to have to make a change somewhere. We are going to have to come down by one somewhere in the probation setqa t- ,since we can't put him on the state program. Judge Sweet: We were asked toctit employees on line.126 by one and I indicated that if there was a general program of that sort (reduction elsewhere in the Court House) that we would go along with it. One of my purposes in coming here was to ask you to formally arrange for me if there are other selective reductions in force elsewhere in the. building. Mr. Flynn: There is. The budgets speak for themselves. At the time of the budget we were thankful for the cutting of appropriations for various department personnel - including our own, the Sheriff's and the District Attorney. Orphans Court: Judge Sweet spoke of the inadequate amount of money in the Orphans Court Budget. The present employment of the Orphans' Court consists of five employees. If all the people are retained at their current salary this year, they will be off by exactly the amount of Rose Kopko's salary. Judge Sweet stated that the wayme get a job approvad or disapproved is by a 1 44 SALARY,MFNUT'E B❑❑K BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN,, JOHN- P. BEVEC,.JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS vote in the Salary Board and not a vote on the budget. For one thing, only the Commissioners vote on the budget. He contended that both he and Mr. Elish vote on the Salary Board matters, which might make a difference. Moved by Judge Sweet, that on Line 125 - Orphans' Court - it is the .judgment of the Salary Board that the Orphans Court shall be served by five employees in their present (1971) positions. Judge Sweet: I don't want to take advantage of this situation. We can't gamble and keep Mrs. Kopko or any other employee up there and have Judge Marino pick up the tab for her, if the Salary Board doesn't vote to okay her. Mr. Flynn: That is your problem. When you come to the time of the fiscal year when your amount of funds have been depleted, then you may let go two or three because there is no mone,,r available. Now, you can go on record right now saying that there is established five people in that office, but when you run out of funds, there is no Salary Board, or no other branch of government that can tell this board of County Commissioners that we have to put additional money in there. Because, as you said, we are the only ones that adopt budgets., We, too, are the only ones that raise taxes and as a general responsibility that falls on the majority party. We are the Chief Fiscal Officers and govern ourselves accordingly. You -can keep nineteen employees on if you want to, but if we don't have the money, we aren't going to pay them. Judge Sweet: In the other accounts the problem doesn't arise, because most accounts are suf- ficiently lumped with salaries and other matters, but there is some area of manuver. But in the Orphans' Court situation there is nothing but salaries, postage and telephone. Mr. Flynn: If I might enlighten this gentleman, which I'm sure I can't but if I could, the law also specifically states the Salary Board not only determines the number and compensation thereof, but also determines the qualifications and their duties. Now, this is not just new hat. This has been pending for several years. The lady's name you mentioned, Mrs. Kopko, is classified as an investigator and our legal department informs us that she is not qualified and she is not allowed to, by law, investigate, because under new statute the Child Welfare Depart-- ment does all the investigation. There's the whole point in a nutshell. I'm not a bit reluctant about voting today, I just want somebody to tell me, and I don't care whether it's by Board . Action of the Salary Board or by orders from whomever may think it's wise to send orders to me, where I'm going to get the money. That's all I want to ask now. Judge Sweet: The proposition of whether Mrs. Kopko is essential or not and whether she is qualified or not, I think is up to Judge Marino. He assures me that she is essential. In a sense, today I'm speaking for Judge Marino on this position. If you are willing to go ahead and vote on this, lets settle the matter one way or another now, so we don't either wrongfully retain somebody or wrongfully fire somebody. SALARY MINUTE BOOK 45 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS 1 Moved by Judge Sweet, that the Orphans' Court be allowed, this year, to keep the same people they have, that is the same five jobs in the table of organization, at the same cur- rent salary as everybody else is getting. Mr. Paluso: Mr. Chairman, excuse me. I for one don't have the necessary badground to a make an intelligent decision at this time. I would, with your permission, Judge, like to defer this matter until we have Mr. Jones, who is in the same position as I, here to vote on it. I think I need a little time to research, myself. I would appreciate that the courtesy be granted that we may defer this until we nan make a study. I think the motion made it obligating to us to take care of this in some way. Judge Sweet: I'll hold the motion in abeyance, at least until, let's say Monde• to give Mr. Jones a chance to be present, too. Mr. Elish brought up the question of all the offices and their personnel being held on a temporary basis until a study is made by the Salary Board. Mr. Paluso referred to and read from Re -Organization Minute No. 1 the following: Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that all other employees under the jurisdiction of the Washington County Commissioners, as. of this date, January 3, 1972, be retained on a temporary basis (this action to be retroactive to January 1, 1972) Mr. Flynn: There is X number of dollars in that budget, and I'm sure nobody will be sur- charged, but when the time comes that you no longer have funds available, somebody:has to be let go on that payroll -- that's all. I want to advise your office and any other offices of this. Judge Sweet: In that case, I want to get a decision on the job as soon as possible, because if we keep her, let's say for two weeks while we',re spiring around on this thing and the Salary Board vote goes against me on this matter, the question is going to come of where do we get the money to pay her, because there isn`t any money for this job in the budget and if the Salary Board says no on her, then she has no right to, either in your view or in mine to, stay on, if the Salary Board votes four to one. Chairman stated that we will notify Judge Sweet of the next Salary Board, which is usually held the Thursday before pay day.. Judge Sweet Stated that he will be at ,State Bar at that time and suggested that this be done next week. Salaries of Elected Officials and Solicitors: Chairman informed the members of Senate Bill No. 603, which was signed into law November 1 and the Attorney General was requested from time to time to give down his legal opinions on different rulings, which he has failed to do. However, the act did become effective immediately, and for those who were elected. on November 2, it means in effect that the salary begins the first Monday in January 1972. (this also includes those officials elected in Novmbbe= of 1969), Ii 41 SALARY,MINU'TE-B0O'K BOARD'OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVA,.NIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. $EVEC, JOHN MAZZIA, COMMISSIONERS �r 1972. For the record, the following salaries are set as indicated, effective January 3, Michael R. Flynn, Chairman Co. Commissioners $18, 000 Frank Jones, Jr., Co. Commissioner $17, 000 Edward M. Paluso, Co. Commissioner $17, 000 . Jess D. Costa, District Attorney $16, 500 Russell Marino, Register of Wills $16, 500 Malcolm L. Morgan, Treasurer $15, 500 Olga O. Woodward, Recorder of Deeds $15, 500 Peter Elish, Controller $15, 500 Alex Debreczeni, Sheriff $15, 500 Joseph Mouyard, Clerk of Courts. $15, 500 Bob A. Franks, Prothonotary $15, 500 Farrell Jackson, Coroner $11, 000 Charles F. Connors, Jury Commissioner $ 1,800 Charles Koch, Jury Commissioner $ 1,800 (No action is necessary on the above, but the records will indicate this is a matter of law) Moved by Mr. Elish, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that the following salaries for solic- itors be approved on a temporary basis until a study is made by the Commissioners of the salaries for these positions in other fourth class counties: Remarks: A. V. Capano, County Solicitor . $11, 000 Oliver N. Hormell, Asst. County Solicitor $ 6,400 Patrick C. Derrico, Solicitor for Tax Claim Bureau $ 2, 83 5 Wm. C. Porter, Solicitor for Planning Commission $ 3,042 John Liekar, Public Defender $10, 608 Mr. Paluso asked why two of the solicitors - Patrick C. Derrico, and William C. Porter were paid more than the other solicitors for row offices. It was explained that they wer on a retainer basis plus their advisory capacity. In the Tax Claim Bureau there is much work involved with the tax sales and liens on properties. In the Planning Commission the work in- volves the properties purchased involving the various Parks & Recreation and Flood Control Projects. Additional compensation is received for all the property which is purchased for pre- senting petitions to the Court, and also on the basis of regular title search. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr.. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. It was to be made ,&apart of the records that the Sheriff's Office be excluded from the memorandum, stating that no County Officer, Representative of the Courts, or officer or representative of the County Commissioners may employ or retain the services of any person- nel without prior approval from the Salary Board, etc. Moved by Mr. Elish, seconded by Mr. Flynn, that the meeting adjourn. Meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: , 1972k, ATTEST: CHIEF CLERK �• JC JG :r :�:::: �C:�: ��: i:::�: ij::�: ij:.�: �::�: ij: ij: ij::�: ij: ij:.j: ij: �:::::�::�:.�::i::�: