HomeMy WebLinkAboutCOMM - Meeting Minutes - 44-S - 9-13-1973 - SALARY1 SALARY MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEYEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Minute No. 44-S Office of the County Commissioners Washington, Pa., September 13, 1973 The Salary Board of the County of Washington met in the Office of the County Commis - sinners with the following members being present: Commissioners Jones, Paluso, Flynn and Controller Elish. Also present being: Chief Clerk and County Administrator Whalen; Solicitor Hormell; Assistant Solicitor Gilmore; Judge Charles G. Sweet; Sheriff Debreczeni; Administra- tive Assistant Crouse; Reporter Robertson of The Observer -Reporter; Reporter Liesch of The Brownsville Telegraph; Frank C. Roney, Solicitor for the Controller's Office; Jack Merdian of WJPA; Helen Miller of The League of Women Voters; June Lilley of The Daily Notes; Earl Bugaile of WKEG; Eric Bugaile of WE'SA; and Mr. Kelanic from WWVA Radio. Meeting called to order by Chairman and roll call taken: Mr. Jones - Present; Mr. Paluso - Present; Mr. Elish - Present; Mr. Flynn - Present. Chairman asked if there were any corrections, additions, or omissions to Minute No. 43-S, each Commissioner and County Controller having received' copies. as read. COURTS: Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that Minute No. 43-S be approved, Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Elish - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. Under date of September 10, 1973, Chairman Michael R. Flynn directed the following memorandum to President Judge Charles G. Sweet: "May I remind you that due to the unfortunate death of the late Judge Curran and based upon- experience relating to the last vacancy that occurred on the bench (retirement of Judge Marino), it could be a matter of months before the Governor acts upon an appointment to fill this vacant position. Therefore, there is no need for the existing staff and a temporary reduction would be in order. I feel that it is incumb6nt upon -the Court to institute a reduction in personnel according to the provisions of the existing Union Contract with the Service Employees International Union Local 585. I would appreciate a reply no later than Thursday, September 13, 1973, in order that the Salary Board in regular session may act accordingly. Please advise us of your intention in this matter. " Very truly yours, / s / Michael R. Flynn Michael R. Flynn - Chairman Board of County Commissioners SALARY MINUTE BQOK BOARD' OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS cc: Judge DiSalle Judge Gladden Judge Simmons Commissioners Jones and Paluso Judge Sweet then informed the Board of the following letter under date of September 5, 1973, directed to Honorable P. Vincent Marino: Dear Judge Marino: Yesterday afternoon we had a conference on our criminal backlog situation. As you probably remember, we are some hundreds of cases behind, and we have the 270-day rule staring us in the face. The 180-day rule is coming up fast. If we don't get rid of these cases, we will face the terrible situation of offenders turned loose on the street without trial because of the fault of the system in not getting to the cases. Our proposal is as follows: You accept an assignment to work in this county from September 10th or 17th, as you choose, until shortly before Christmas. Under this proposal, your entire work would consist of trying misdemeanors nonjury on a schedule of your making. We would announce to the Bar that you will be avail- able at that time and that anyone with driving while intoxicated, driving during sus- pension, driving without a license, assault & battery, worthless checks, fraudulent conversion, firing personal property, or other such items, could make a date with you for a nonjury trial. It is quite possible that in 50-60 days of not too long a duration, you could get rid of about 150-180 small matters for us: I will call you about this in a couple of days. I am setting this up in writing in advance so that you will have an oppor- tunity to consider the proposal in its entirety. All of us really hope you will entertain this and help us this fall. Sincerely, / s / Charles G. Sweet Judge Sweet also informed the Board of the following Order dated June 20, 1973, IN RE: Employees of Judge Curran. "In view of the fact that we now do not anticipate the return of Judge Curran within any proximate time, the following instructions are issued to the members of his staff. 1) Sharon Harmon will finish any records which she has in process at her own passing and will replace Mary Jane Dreyer as "swinging" reporter; checking daily with the Chief Court Crier of the President Judge for her assign- ments. 2) Twila Williams will continue to maintain Judge Curran's office work for Judge Marino when he is here and report intermittently to Judge Gladden to assist in the burden of dictation in his office. 3) Sara Yohe will report to the Adult Probation Office replacing Sara Becker while the latter is ill; and indefinitely. 4) Andrew Dezack will report to Judge Simmons to act as tipstaff until we are able to persuade the Salary Board to furnish Judge Simmons a tipstaff. / s / Charles G. Sweet P. J. The above was agreed to on an informal basis at a meeting attended by Sweet, P. J. , DiSalle, J. , Gladden, J. , Marino, Jr., Simmons, J. , with the understanding that this is without prejudice and will not be used as evidence for or against anyone in any controversy. It is further agreed that Judge Simmons talk to Andrew Dezack, Judge Gladden to Twila Williams and Judge Sweet to Sara Yohe and Sharon Harmon. " 1 �7 SALARY MINUTE BOOK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS C Judge Sweet reported to the Board that Judge Marino told him that he will work inter- mittently during the fall subject to -a couple of trips he has scheduled and his health. Judge Sweet advised the Board that all of the said employees will be kept fully working during the fall. When it is settled on who pis going to ;do what on a semi -permanent basis, somebody, probably Judge Gladden because these people are charged to him, will come down to make motions. Judge Sweet stated that he felt that there was no particular need for any action to be taken by the Salary Board at this time. (Judge Sweet left the meeting) (Mr. Elish left the meeting) MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT #8: Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, approving the request of _Eleanore Lutes for a leave of absence for three to four weeks commencing on September 17, 1973; Albina Belsenti will replace Eleanore Lutes during her absence. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. MAGISTERIAL DISTRICT,49: The Board held for further clarification a letter, from Magistrate Henry- Maysrich stating that they are in need of extra help for the increasing work load 1n, their office. - They have been using their vacation and sick leave time for this extra help. -They-asked for�permis- sion to continuer having this extra help on a regular, schedule. F JUVENILE DETENTION HOME: Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that a voucher be prepared in the .mount of $141. 1 Q for Daniel Luppino, Detention Home Counselor, who worked a total of 412 hours @ $3.40 per hour for the dates from August 39, 1973 thru September, 11, 1973. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. - (Mr. Elish re-entered the meeting. ) 21ORONER'S OFFICE: Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that Virginia L. Mulloy be employed temporarily from September 11, 1973 through Friday, September 14, 1973, replacing Chief Deputy Jean E. Hamel while she is attending the Coroner's Convention in Bethlehem. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Elish - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. SALARY MINUTE B❑ o K BOARD OF.COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P $EVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS Alp -CHILD WELFARE SERVICES:, Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr: Paluso, that the classification of James Henry, Social Worker II and Supervisor, be changed to Casework, Supervisor II -and that his salary be adjusted from $10, 954. 00 to $11, 501. 00-annually, effective September 2`9, 1973. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Elish - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. MEWS HOME: For the record only: Please Delete: Dorothy Jane Pritts, effective August 8, 1973, due to resignation. Anthony Johnson, effective August 20, 1973, due to dismissal. WOMEN'S HOME: For the record only: Please Delete: Sandy Jones, Nurse's Aide, •effective September 1-0, 1973-, due to }resignation. WASHINGTON COUNTY PRISON: Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Jones, that the following per diem and part- time payroll be approved for payment: Alverta Denson , Matron 12 days @ $16: 80 $201. 60 - Corrine Yaros, Matron 3 days @ $16. 80 $ 50.40 Mildred Pacilla, Matron 3 clays @ $16. 80 $ 50.40 Roy Zimmerman, Guard 10 days @ $24. 15 $241.50 Kenneth McMullen, Guard 11 days @ $24. 15 $265.65 James Dalessandro, Guard 11 days @ $24. 15 $265.65 Ronald Herrnberger, Guard 5 days @ $24. 15 $120. 75 Richard Brezenski, Guard 10 days @ $24. 15 $241. 50 Roll call vote taken: - Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Elish - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. SHERIFF'S OFFICE: Moved by Mr. Debreczeni, seconded by Mr. Jones, that the salaries of the following employees be approved for payment: Paula Teagarden 7 days $210. 00 Mildred Pacilla, Matron 10 days $300. 00 -57 SALARY MINUTE BOOK r42 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN. JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS L Mart Egan, Special Deputy 7 days @ $20. 00 $140. 00 re; services rendered due to regular deputy sheriff being in the hospital V is Delso 2 days @ $20. 00 $40. 00 re: services rendered in transportation of prisoners John M. Jochynak 1 day @ W. 00 $20'. 00 re: served as special deputy in criminal court Elijah Gauden 2 days @ $20. 00 $40. 00 re: special deputy in criminal court Paula Teagarden - services $20. 00 rendered'in an emergency by serving as a matron in transferring mental patient'to Mayview Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. 'Debreczeni - Yes; Mr. Elish - Yes; 'Mr. Flynn - Yes: Motion carried unanimously. PUBLIC DEFENDER'S OFFICE: Moved by Mr. Jones, se'6ondec3 by Mr.- Paluso,' that Dolores Megysey be assigned the position of Head Secretary, replacing Mary Kunselman, at the salary of $188. 00 bi-weekly, effective September 17, 1973. T Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Elfish - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. PARKS AND RECREATION: Moved by Mr. Jones, seconded by Mr. Paluso, that Robert Salko, Gary Corfont and Sam Marcolini be employed temporarily for three weeks at Ten Mile Creek Park at'$2. 00 per hour, effective September 17, 1973. Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Elish - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. Motion carried unanimously. UNION CONTRACTS AS RELATED TO NON -UNION PERSONNEL? Moved by Mr. Paluso, seconded by Mr. Jones, that the following be adopted and made a matter of record: 258 SALARY MINUTE B❑QK BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS, WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS The agreed earnings increases with S. E. I. U. for 1973-1974 and 1975 are as follow.5: Jail Contract Effec. 1 / 1 / 73 1973 $400. 00 1974 $400. 00 1975 $450. 00 The percentages factors related to non -union personnel is as follows: Jail Contract Major Contract Effec. 8/ 13 / 73 $250. 00 $550. 00 $450. 00, _Major Contract 1973 5. 5% 3. 5% 1974 5. 5% 7. 5% 1975 5. 5% 5. 5% The above percentage factors would apply to all Department Heads, and Supervisory, personnel (excluding elected officials and salaried personnel not working on a specific schedule). All fringe benefits shall apply to elected officials as applicable. Part-time employees whose duties do not require their attendnace on a regular basis shall not be entitled to any fringe benefits. Salaried non-professional employees, will not exceed $15, 500. in gross annual salary. As noted in the foregoing, the Jail Contract effective date was January 1, 1973, and it has been agreed that the retroactive payments on this contract will be made on August 31, 1973. The Major Contract, which is scheduled for consideration on this date, retroactive date for payment would be September 14, 1973. (NOTE: This is for all non -eligible personnel - no exceptions) Roll call vote taken: Mr. Jones - Yes; Mr. Paluso - Yes; Mr. Elish - Yes; Mr. Flynn - Yes. , Motion carried unanimously. _ Controller Elish stated to the Board that he would like to bring, up a letter from Special Auditor Charles A. Gillespie addressed to him pertaining to Mr. Michael -A. Hanna, Solicitor - Deputy Sheriff. Mr. Elish stated that he would like to recommend that Mr. Hanna's salary as Deputy Sheriff be removed from the payroll, because he was not performing his duties. Chairman Flynn then read said letter under date of September 7, 1973. Dear Mr. Elish: On January 7, 1970, at a Salary Board Meeting Mr. Michael A. Hanna was employed by Washington County as a Solicitor -Clerk at a salary of $257. 50 bi-weekly effective January 5, 197Q, _ At a special meeting of the Salary Board on April 12, 1971, Mr. Hanna was reaffirmed as Solicitor -Clerk at a bi-weekly salary of $257. 50. At the Salary Board of January 20, 1972, Mr. Hanna was retained on the payroll with a new title, Solicitor -Deputy Sheriff, at a salary of $257. 50 bi-weekly. At the present time, Mr. Hanna is still on the payroll having uninterrupted salary status from January 5, 1970 to the present time., We have been unable to verify that Mr. Hanna has ever performed the duties of Clerk or Deputy Sheriff. 11 C 1 SALARY MINUTE BOOK .:M BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS WASHINGTON COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA MICHAEL R. FLYNN, JOHN P. BEVEC, JOHN MAZZA, COMMISSIONERS I His name has never appeared on expense vouchers as performing any services such as transporting prisoners or mentally ill to and from institutions. He has never brought prisoners from the jail to court and returned them to the jail. He has never been seen in the prescribed uniform for Deputy Sheriffs. There is no record of a uniform being purchased for him. He was conspicious by his absence during the Yablonski trials when special deputy sheriffs had to be hired. He has never participated in any of the searches that resulted from several break-outs of the county jail by prisoners. There is no other form of evidence available at this time to verify his performance of the duties of a Deputy Sheriff. Therefore, the only course of action available to you is as follows: 1. Effective September 14, 1973, Mr. Hanna's salary should be discontinued. 2. Mr. Hanna's uninterrupted pay from January 5, 1970 through August 31, 1973, amounted to $24, 720. 00. The normal pay for a solicitor during the same period would be $6, 320. 00; the difference is $18, 400. 00. 3. That you recommend immediate action to remove Mr. Hanna as a Deputy Sheriff. 4. That measures to recover the monies paid to him illegally be instituted immediately. 5. In the event that remedial action is not started immediately by proper administrative authorities, surcharge proceedings should be instituted. While Chairman Flynn was reading said letter, Sheriff (Debreczeni interrupted by stating that he did not even receive a copy of this letter. After Mr. Flynn finished reading the Letter, Mr. Debreczeni gave his comments. A heated discussion between Controller Elish and Sheriff Debreczeni then followed. At one point, Mr. Flynn stated: "As far as I am concerned, this is nothing but politics. " Mr. Flynn asked Mr. Debreczeni if Mr. Hanna in his capacity was performing his duties. Mr. Debreczeni stated: "Absolutely, and I am satisfied. it Mr. Elish: I make amotion that we put Michael Hanna as solicitor under the Sheriff at the regulam salary of $1, 6 80. 00. Mr. Flynn: The Chair rules the. motion out of order. Meeting adjourned. THE FOREGOING MINUTE READ AND APPROVED: ATTEST: CHIEF CLERK , 1973